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04x24 - Fools Rush Out

Posted: 03/09/22 10:52
by bunniefuu
What do you mean you're pregnant?

You're pregnant?

Pregnant with me? I mean, you and me?


Yes, with you.

Man, I can't...

I can't believe this. How the hell

Did this happen?

I mean, we were... We were careful.

Not the first time.

You were just like, now, I want you now!

No protection, let's just--just...

Let's make love, it's the first time

After cancer,

No plans,

Just no strings...

Man, I can't...

What are we going to do?

I mean...

Are you ok?



Of course you're not ok.

Look, I got to get back.

No, wait--

No, charlie, I'm not doing this, ok?

We cannot figure this out

In the middle

Of some 6-year-old's birthday party.


I've been pacing and trying to think.

I know. I've heard you.

And I's so hard not having you

Around to talk to.

I know, I know--

Because a decision like this is--



I think I have the answer.

I think I know what we should do.

Do you want to be married to jay...

Or do you want to be married to me?


Marry me, annie.

Marry me!


Look...i know...

I know that I'm young,

But I'm not any younger than you were

When you married him,

And--and I've got a job

That I love

With a definite future,

And I'm crazy about your little girl--

Bailey, that's great. I mean, it--it's amazing,

But just 5 minutes ago, you were telling me

That you weren't ready to move in.


Obviously I would've waited if

Jay weren't here,

But you know what? Really, so what?

So what if I'm just...

Reacting or whatever

Because isn't that the way it works?

You--you have a crisis,

And it makes you see stuff more clearly.

Well, I don't want to lose you, annie.

Oh, my god...

No, don't. I'll, uh,

I'll open it when I get home.

No, open it.

Claudia: actually, I already did.

Whoo! You got in!

Oh, my god! Really?

It really says that? You sure I'm in?

I got in for fall?

Yup, yup, but it says that there's this thing

Tomorrow at 4:00

To, like, look at student housing and stuff.

Tomorrow. Ok, that's, uh...


Well, we'll... I'll call them.

I hope you're not mad that I opened it, jule.

Oh, by the way,

Ok, if I wear a black dress

And someone, like,

Barfs on it, is it going to be

Totally ruined?

Claudia, why would someone barf on you?

Can we talk about this when I get home?


Ok, great.


I got into stanford for fall.

Man, that's...

That's great. Wow.

Well, you've got to go.

What's tomorrow?

Oh, um...

Well, there's this housing thing at 4:00.

But you know what? I--i can put it off.

What, are you nuts?

You've got to go. Come on.

I'll call the airlines,

All right?

We can be back by tonight.

Has daphne called yet?

Claud, I have to call her, and I asked,

Like, an hour ago.

What about the big one?

Ok, what chance do we have of it not occurring

Next friday night? "Possible problems

On prom night:

Earthquake, tornado, rain, floods..."

Claud, if there's an earthquake,

You're not going to want to go anyway.

Ok, are you, like, an assistant

To an assistant,

Or do you actually know what you're

Talking about here?

He hung up on me.


This is crazy. What are you doing?

You said it yourself, charlie.

If something can go wrong,

It will go wrong.

I don't want any surprises.


That's true. You don't.

Surprises can be...

Can be very, very bad.

It's, uh...better to be prepared,

Claud, 'cause--

Anything can happen.

Yeah. Late night in a limo

Alone with this guy, I mean...

Claud, what if this guy

Jumps you?

Are you--are you prepared for that?

Jumps me?

I mean...

Rain and flood, sure, but more likely...

I mean...

You guys...

You guys aren't going to--



No one's going to do any...jumping.

Hey, look at this. This one's got everything.

Look at this: tissues, condoms...

Mouthwash, aspirin...

Check this out. A wedding.


Who buys a wedding ring from a vending machine?

I don't know...

Say you got to say good-bye to somebody.

You got to get on a plane without them

And just can't do it.

You have the tissues because you can't

Stop crying,

You have the condoms for that farewell quickie

In the bathroom stall,

And aspirin for the pain, of course,

But in the end, you realize,

I just can't live without this person.

What the hell.

I'm going to blow my last 75 cents

On that ring.

Yeah, but think about all the money

You wasted on tissues.

Yeah, well... You use those

When you're married anyway, huh?


Oh, hey! JalapeƱo chips.

Dig it!

I don't know what to do.

And I know it's not mainly my choice,


I know what I would have said

A couple of years ago,

But now...

I don't know.

On the other hand, I mean...

Not having the baby, I'm not sure...

I mean, it's definitely the easy way to go.

Charlie, could you stop?


I can't talk to you about this.

I just...

I can't listen to you talk

About how you...

You casually got pregnant...

And how you don't really

Know each other, and--and you

Don't really love each other.

And the baby... You can take it

Or leave it?

I mean, some of us would give everything

They have in the world

For a baby.

Kirsten, i...

You really need to find someone else

To lean on.


Tell me you're not on coffee detail.

I haven't stopped vibrating

Since last week's mocha krakatoa.

What's wrong?

You're not getting the answers you want

From annie?

You proposed to her.

You asked her to marry you.

Yeah, I did. So did you.

You think that helps her? You think that

Makes this any easier?

Know what? I don't owe you any

Explanations, man.

I don't owe you a damn thing!

Is this just some kind of contest to you? Did you

Do this just to beat me?

To beat you? I don't even know you!

Then why do you want to marry her

All of a sudden?

You tell me that!

It's none of your business.

Well, is it 'cause you knew

All of a sudden

You couldn't live without her?

Is that it?

Did you wake up one day and realize

The biggest mistake of your life

Was letting her go?

You just realized that you would give up

Everything you have--


Just for a shot at getting her back?

Because if that's what it is,

Then I apologize. If you love her

That much,

Then I'm way off base.

I just hope that you really want this.

'Cause if you don't, if you don't love her

That much,

Then what you're doing here...

You're trying to take away a wife and a daughter

From someone who does.

Thinking about stanford, huh?

No. I was...

Thinking about the roller coaster

On the pier.

The way it felt like we were just sailing

Out over the ocean.


Oh. Hi.


Is he here?

No. No.

Can I come in?

Yeah, sure.

I was going to call you.

Listen, bailey--

Before you say anything, can i?



About us getting married...

Maybe we should talk about that more.


Mommy, can you help me pick which

Animals to pack?

I want to keep some with me,

'Cause the movers lose stuff.

I'll be right there, hon, ok?



I was going to tell you.

You're moving?

To be with jay?

You were never going to say

Yes, were you?



This has been the longest 4 days

Of my life.

I don't think I've slept

Since he got here,

And all I do is run it over and over.

Natalie and jay and you

And the drinking and oakland and you...

And there's all these reasons

On one side...

And on the other side...

There's just you.


Hey. So...

Here's the problem I'm having:

I can't find a way to make this work.

I mean...

I mean, look at me.

What am I going to do in 5 months when

I'm out to here, ok?

Nobody hires a pregnant stripper.

That's ridiculous.

And there are no... Fat disney heroines, know, let's face it:

In one trimester,

I'm going to be pregnant

And out of work.

Daphne-- and even if I can

Figure out a way

To make it through 9 months,

What am I supposed to do after

The baby's born?

I can't afford a nanny...

You know, my parents live in dallas...

Not that they would step foot

In the house

Of their unwed- stripper-daughter-

Mom anyway.

What about me?

No. Don't say that, ok? Don't say that.

You don't know where you're going to be

Or what you're going to be doing in 9 months

Or a year or 3 years.

And I'm a flake.

I mean, that's how I live my life.

Sometimes I work...

Sometimes I skip dinner 2 nights in a row,

And who cares? I'm only taking care of myself.

I am not a mom, charlie.

This is not a picture

Of a good mom. Daphne--

And I have thought about not having

This baby,

And...i think that...

I'm going to be ok with it. I'm not happy...

But ok...

And I'd really like...

I would really appreciate it

If you could help me out with that,

Because I don't have a lot of money in the bank.

Julia: wow, look at this, griffin.

Married student housing.

It's right on campus,

But it's set up like these little apartments.

And you know what I was thinking?

I was thinking I'll set up my schedule

So I take all my classes in the morning,

In the afternoons, I do my homework,

So that when you come home, we can really be together.

Uh, don't do that, julia.

You shouldn't have to worry about which

Classes to take

To fit my schedule.

It's ok. I don't mind.


Well, you should.

You should be living in a dorm,

Having a normal college life.

That way you don't have to make excuses

For why you didn't get to do the things

You wanted to do,

You know.

This--it's supposed to be a great year

For you,

Not a year where you have to make

A million compromises.

So what are you saying?

I think that we should

Separate, julia.

I, uh...

I wish I could think of another way

To make this all work...

But I can't.

Griffin, what are you talking about?

It does work.

We--we work.

I mean, this-- this weekend...

This weekend was great.

It was like we remembered how to be happy again.

Doesn't that mean something?

Staying in some fancy hotel...

Strolling along the beach...

Pretending to be people

That we're not...

That's not real life.

It felt real to me. Not that.

This is real life.

Having to make... Hard decisions


Compromising what each other wants.

Trying not to hurt each other.

That's what our whole life together

Has been about.

It doesn't mean that we don't

Love each other.

It just means

That maybe we shouldn't live

With each other.


God, it's just this weekend, i...

I just saw you were just so happy,

So I started thinking, I said...

What is it that I can give you

That would make you that happy

In real life?

The only thing that I could

Think of was...

Was to let you go off and be

On your own.

I can give you that.

Come on, julia, I got to get

Some sleep.

You're going to be beat

For that thing tomorrow.

I'm memorizing your ear.

Oh. What?

The way it kind of curves around here...

And how it's soft right here...

And you've got a...

Scar...right here.

I guess I'm just, uh...

Well, you know, this is, uh...


I'm just kind of used to you always being here.

So, I'm memorizing your face.

Would it make it any easier

If I drove you to this thing in

Stanford tomorrow?


A little.

No way.


No way! Yeah. Yup.

Man, no--

Look, just knock it off, all right?

It's not helping.

Claudia: I'm coming, char,

I'm just having trouble with my zipper.

Could you make sure there's film in the camera?

There's film, claud.

Could you double-check?

I want all those hours back you made

Me sit and listen

To those stupid condom lectures.

Man, what were you thinking?

I wasn't.


Ok. So what are you going to do?

She doesn't want it.

She's made that pretty clear.

She's not ready for that change

In her life.


Yeah. That would take care of it, you know.

Problem solved. Just go on like

Nothing happened,

Like it was a, like it was a mistake,

Like it was an accident.

Well, I mean, wasn't it?

I just keep thinking, you know...

Maybe stuff happens for a reason.

You go through a year like I've had where

You don't even know

If you're going to make it out alive

And then you do...

And you make a baby...

A baby!

I mean, maybe that's what it was

All about, you know.

Almost dying, and then...

Becoming a father.

So what are you saying then?

It just...

Bay, it feels like a sign.

A sign?

A bad sign?

Must be the group up there, huh?


So I'll pick you up at 6:00?


Hey, go.


Hi. Janna harris.

Julia salinger.

So, what high school are you from?

Actually, I'm not coming straight

From high school.

I took a year off.

Really? Wow, that must've been great.


Yeah, it was.

You all done?

Well, I'm sure I have entire drawers

Full of stuff

Left upstairs, but--

I'm going to box up your mail for you,

And, uh...

And send it off until the post office

Forwards it.

Ok, thanks. But are you--

And you've got about...

10 Days worth of rent coming to you, so...

If hank doesn't send it, let me know.

Bailey, don't you want

To say good-bye?

It's not...

You never gave me a chance, annie.

Bailey, it's not about you.

It's about nat and being married--

No. A chance... To get used to it.

I can't...

You didn't give me any time.

He showed up here, and...

And you thought about it

And you packed up your stuff and

That's--that's it.


You didn't...

Bailey, I'm sorry,

I didn't know what else to do.

No, i--i get it, ok?

I'm not saying please stay.

I'm not saying that you're making

A mistake.

I'm just saying...

I don't want you to go, and you're going, annie.

And it sucks.

I love you.

Claudia: I think I just found

What this key opens.

(Lock turns)

Wow, check it out! Junk food!

Airplane snacks. We are living large.


Did you kids say the st. Albans

Prep school?

Yeah. Why?

What's wrong?

I don't know. You tell me.

I knew it.

I just knew, knew, knew

This would happen!

What? Knew what? What?

This... This would happen!

This...this b*mb scare,

Or this...this alien abduction

Or whatever this is.

No. No. No way.

Here, here, let me check the invite.

I have it right here. All right.

"St. Albans, friday night,

8:00, May..."


This is next friday night.

I know.


I am so sorry.

This is all my fault.

You're damn straight it is!


Maybe I'll, uh...

You know, every so often, I'll...

Call you or something and tell you stuff.

I mean, we can still do that, right?

Why, yeah. Sure.

Like if i...

Fail my art history midterm, or...

Or if I write an epic poem,

And I need a word that rhymes with "orange."

No, we can call each other.

Tell you the truth: I can't really think

Of a word

That rhymes with "orange."


There isn't anything.

So it will kind of be a long call.

We might have to be on the phone all night

Or something.

Tell him I can't forgive him yet...

(Emotionally) and I don't know

When I'll be able to.

She says she'll forgive you soon.

Tell her I don't know how I could've

Been so stupid.

He's wondering how he got so stupid.

I mean, I blew it.

I am pond scum. I am worse

Than pond scum.

I'm like the little stuff that floats

Around pond scum--

All right!

This--this pity party

Is getting on my nerves already!

Just ask her to dance, man!



Would you please dance with me?

Yeah, well, duh!

Obviously that's what we came here to do.

That's what this is all about!

But there's no music.



(Music begins)

May I have this dance,



Every time anybody goes to get a mug

They slam their head on this thing.

I'm sick of people hurting themselves.

Is this the wrong time?

Am I the wrong person?

It's just...

When you didn't come home...

It's not--

Whatever. I'm just...

Obviously doing whatever I can

To stay the hell away from that place.


'Cause when I let myself think about it,

It just makes me mad.

Like, bitter.

Because I'll tell you, it is starting to seem like

All this time has gone by

And I haven't gotten anywhere.

I'm right back where I started.

That is not true at all, bailey.

I mean, a year ago, you were

On probation.

You couldn't get a job. You didn't know

Where in the hell

You were supposed to fit in.

But now--

God. Look at you.

You have found this thing that

You're really good at.

I mean, this job let's you do everything

That you've always done.

You know? Take care of people.

You got a lot from this year, bailey.

And I'm telling you that 'cause when I look at you...

You got a lot.

Ok, let me get this straight.

Now, you want to have a child

With a woman whose middle name you don't even know.

I thought-- elaine, right?

Who doesn't even know your shoe size.

12 And 1/2.

Look, I thought we decided this.

I mean, I made an appointment, ok?

And that was--was hard. But I did it.

And I'm trying to be ok with it.

Look, and I told you why I can't--

I know. You told me

All the things about yourself

That said that you can't fit

A kid into your life.

And--and you know what?

I said those same things about myself

A couple of years ago.

And I guess...

The question isn't who you are

Right this second.

It's who you're willing to become.

See, if you're willing to change,

To be changed by this child,

Then I know that we can find a way

To make all the other stuff work.

We'll do this together.

We'll raise him together.

I don't know if I'm ready to say that, charlie.

And I know that that sounds--

God, so selfish,

But I don't want to take on more than I can handle.

That's not fair.

To anyone.

Ok, then...


What if you wait?

Wait? I can't wait.

Till after he's born.

What if you figure out

What you want your role to be

Once he's in the world.

And not some hypothetical.

And either we do this together,

We'll raise him together.


I'll take him.

I'll take responsibility

For him.

I'll raise him myself.


See, that way you don't have to know

How it's all gonna work out

To--to say yes.

Say yes, daphne.

This place looks so different

Already, huh?

It's like they were never here.

Oh, bailey, you know what?

Um, if you don't want to be here,

Just let me do it.


Do you mind if I watch for a minute?

The fumes will help clear my head.

Yeah, sure.


It's so weird.

I keep thinking of the last couple of days, you know?

At how crazed I was.

How much I wanted to fight.

I was so terrified of losing her.

Only now...

It doesn't feel like I thought it would feel.



Ha ha. Ha ha.

Oh, my god. I'm such a moron.

Yes, you are.

Oh, thank you.

Sarah, why are you doing this for me?

What are you-- why are you being

So good to me?


After everything that's happened.

After all this time.

Why are you still here with me?

It's no big deal.

I mean, it's what it was always, pretty much.

I love you.

That's all.

Charlie: so we're just going

To take it

One step at a time, you know?

Daphne may stay,

And she may not.

All I know for sure

Is that I'm in it for the long haul.

What do you want me to say, charlie?

That you're happy for me.

Are you ready for this?

I mean, really ready?

I know it's going to change everything.

I'm ready for that.

And, hell, I've got 8 months

To read all the books

And to have all the anxiety att*cks

And to get the latest research

On the strollers and the car seats.

And where the ama stands on infant sleeping positions

Because they're always doing new studies.

Right, that.

See, I wouldn't have thought of that.

You know this stuff.


Kirsten, be happy for me.

I'm trying.

It's hard.

I know it is.

And I know what having a child

Means to you.

And how unfair it is that you can't.

But, I mean,

Kirsten, this kid is--is on his way.

I mean, this is really

Going to happen.

And you're my best friend.

I don't want to go through this

Without being able to call you

On the phone

And hyperventilate.

Or give him to you to hold.


And I know this is

Totally selfish.

I know that.

But i--

I want you to love him.

I want him to be loved by you.

Because I know how incredible

That feels

To have you in my life.

I want him to have that, too.

You know, charlie,

He could be a--a girl.

You could have a little girl.

I'll buy her first pair of mary janes.

I returned the favor and opened it for you.

Phillips academy, andover?

"Dear claudia,

"The admissions committee wishes to

Congratulate you on your acceptance."


You never told me, claud.

I didn't tell anyone.

I forgot--i forgot I even applied.

It's a good school, claudia.

It's a really good school.

What do you think jamie would say...

If I told him about this?

I mean, things wouldn't necessarily

Have to change that much, right? If I did go?

I don't know, claud.

Things change.

People change when they're apart.

And sometimes

When they get back together,

They find out that they want

Different things.

(Doorbell rings)

Hi. Hi.

He's not here yet?


I--i actually think you're

A little early.

Oh, yeah, the traffic was horrible

And I was afraid that I was going to be late.

Daphne, what's going on here?

Charlie said that you both had to talk to us.

Uh, I can't believe he's not here yet.

Wait a second. Are you guys getting

Married or something?

Married? No.

We are definitely not getting married.

What? Are you-- are you--

I'm sorry, do you have a bathroom?

Yeah, right over--


No. Uh-uh.

I bet.


I feel much better. Thanks.

So, how many weeks?

I--i don't know, about 7?

Look, i--i know that this was really sudden.

But this definitely wasn't planned.


But your brother,

He wants it so badly.

And--and I don't really know what I want.

But I'm going to, sort of, you know, be--

Oh. You're here already.


Did you--

Congratulations, charlie.



What? Nothing.

Did I miss a spot?

Nope. No, I was just--


I should probably let this soak.

Yeah. Yeah.



So...are we done?

Uh-huh. I'm gonna...

So, what'll we tell people?

When they ask why we're not

Together anymore?

I guess I'll tell them that we're...


That it's a trial separation.



Oh, wait.

I got this for you at the airport.

Show your eternal love?

You don't have to, like, wear it

Or anything.

I'm not asking you to marry me,


I don't know...

It's just, I know that maybe

We're not right for each other right now,

But maybe--

Maybe someday.


I love you, julia.

I know.

I love you, too.

You ok?



Yeah, it's just--



Is that it?

I mean, that's what I waited for

All those years?

What do you mean?

Didn't you think that was--

You--you are such a liar.

That's what you are.

I was just teasing you.

No. I mean,

You have definitely done

That before.

No, I haven't.

Yes, you have.

No, I have not.



No, it's--it's, um,

It's really not that complicated.

I don't know. I've seen it in movies.

You know, I guess I've kind of practiced

In my mind.



With who?

Come on, bailey.

Can't you tell?

I mean, couldn't you always?

It may be a little too soon

To see anything yet.

In which case, we'll just have you folks

Come back in a couple of--


One second.

One sec.

Here we go.

Well, hello there, kiddo.

There it is.

That's it?

That's the heartbeat.

Do you see it, charlie?