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04x21 - Free and Clear

Posted: 03/09/22 10:49
by bunniefuu
I don't know about all this.

You said you wanted to try new things.

Experiment, change.

You've already got me receiving talk radio

Through my scalp here.

Hey, if the hair weirds out,

We can always dye it back.

And anyway, we need something to do

To pass the time

Till the chemicals set, right?

Oh, come on. Do it.


You really believe in this stuff, huh?

Tarot cards told me I was gonna meet you.

You're kidding.

Yep. They said a challenge was gonna come my way.

Anyway, it's just a way to interpret the cosmos.

I mean, stuff happens that is more than

Just a coincidence.

How else do you explain

Princess di and mother teresa

Dying in the same...


That's not the fool card speaking to us.




Um, I'm new at tarot,

And there are a lot of different ways

That this could be interpreted.

Interpret what?

Whew. Somethin's gonna change...


Like what?

I don't know that, but see this guy

With the hat?

Now, that's the page.

That means a messenger's coming.

Some kind of a big decision. It's like a fork in the road.

And depending which path you take...


See this card in the center?

That's your soul, charlie.

So whichever road you choose

Is just gonna kind of affect your soul forever.

That's all.


Or not. Come on, let's check your color.

Ok, so where am I goin' next?

Excuse me, joe.

Don't give me any more homerooms.

I need a--i need a bigger crowd now.

I need a school assembly.

Hey, get out of there.

Probation reports are confidential.

Miss drake, you ought to see me.

I got my rap down so cold, I scare those kids stupid.


I had to spice up my story a little bit,

So I threw a foot chase in around the arrest.

You're done, bailey. That's it.

What, I'm not allowed to embellish a little?

Your community service contract. See?

You completed your hours. You're done.


That was fast.

Plus, your application was approved

For early license renewal.

My driver's license?

I know you've been waiting to get it back

For a long time.

Yeah. Yeah, it's great.

It's just it would've been nice to have it

When I really needed it.

'Cause right now, I mean...

My brother's back up and around

On his own,

And I'm not runnin' the restaurant

Or community college anymore.

Hmm. Usually, this is where the person

Jumps up and down and hugs me.

Oh, I know. I know. It's just...

Look, are you sure

You don't want me to give any more talks?

Because I don't mind doin' em.

And now that I got my license back,

I can hit schools outside the city.

Bailey, you're done. Enjoy your freedom.

Go. Do whatever you want.

Got any good ideas?

What bet did you lose?

(Chuckles) it's the new me.

Catching the early-bird special.

Yeah, yeah. Very funny.

Hey, you don't think people are gonna think

This is too weird, do ya?

Customers and all? 'Cause I like it.

It's, um...

Charlie, your hair is fine. Listen, I gotta talk to you

About something.

To tell you the truth, it's been goin' on

For a couple of weeks,

But I didn't wanna say anything

Until I knew a little bit more.

Joe, you're making me nervous here.

I got an offer on the restaurant.

You're kidding.

I didn't know how serious it was,'s serious.

We could all make out pretty good.


Wow, this is, uh--

I wasn't even looking for the guy.

He called up out of the blue.

My first instinct was to tell him

To get lost,

But you know what?

I'm never here anymore.

And franny and i--we have a very nice life in l.a.

So you're--you're really doing this.


How soon would--how soon would all this happen?

No. I don't wanna pull the rug out from under you guys.

I know how important this place is to you.

God, I'm trying to tell myself

That letting go of this restaurant

Doesn't mean letting go of your dad.

But for you and for the other kids--

I think we gotta look at this

As an opportunity,

As a fork in the road.

Fork in the road.

So why don't you pour yourself a cup of decaf, and, um...

Let's sit here and try to figure out

What's what.


I don't know when things changed,

But I guess it changed whenever her brother

Got sick.

No, it didn't. That wasn't when--


The first thing that happened

Is the business started going bad.

Griffin's bike shop started losing money.

Up until then, we were fine.

We had an apartment, but we had to give it up.



Forget it.

I don't wanna fight about it.

No. Griffin, say what you wanna say.

It's why we're here, right?

It--it wasn't about the business, jule.

We could've afforded a cheaper place

Of our own.

We moved into the shed because of your brother.

The shed?

It's kind of a guesthouse behind the main house.

Come on, julia. It's a shed.

We live in a shed. And we would've

Moved in there

Even if the business would've been going


Her brother got cancer.

I can't believe you.

What did you want me to do?

Did you want me not to take care of him?

I never said that.

But obviously you blame me.

Is that right?

Do you blame her?

I don't know. I mean--

I guess. A little.


Ok? Why are you taking his side?

I'm not taking anyone's side, julia.

You know what? Forget it.

You are not putting this on me, griffin.

Well, it's not just me.

Why are you making us talk about this stuff?

Who cares if it was the business first

Or whether it was charlie's cancer first?

The only thing that matters, griffin,

Is that you slept with her,

And nothing I did to you makes that ok.

You agreed to come here.

You said that we were gonna try

To work things out.


There's nothing to work out.

There's no how much is your fault

And how much is my fault.

No, I'm not sitting here and dividing up blame,

Because the only thing to work out, griffin,

Is whether I can forgive you,

And right now, I really don't know.

I can't believe I let you talk me into this.

Look, my palms are sweating.

This is a vital favor, claud.

Time keeps expiring before we get

Our arguments in,

And no one talks faster than you.

St. Albans prep, huh? What's with the ties?

They look like a swarm of midget bankers.

(Chuckles) wait. Don't look. Don't look.

Preppy boy at 4:00 is, like, totally

Staring at you.

No way.

Not the cute one.


Not the--

The cute one.

Do you even know what percent of

French electricity

Is nuclear powered?

B-but we were talking about the u.s.


Ok. But solar power won't pollute the environment,

And that's what really this is about.

Are you sure?

'Cause the last I checked,

Polycrystalline silicon was not biodegradable.

Last I checked.

Poly what?

Do you even know what a solar panel

Is made out of?

Sure. I mean-- I mean, I did.

You know what? It's probably right--

No, you obviously don't, so I will tell you.


Yeah, I knew that. I knew that.

Do you even know how much a kilowatt

Of solar power costs?


Do you? Do you?

You know what? It's probably just...

Right here in my--

How about a kilowatt of nuclear power?

She has it in her notes, ladies and gentlemen.

We'll wait.


Ahh, I guess you got the jeep.

Minor dead battery hurdle,

But then I took it out on the 280

To charge it back up.

Boy, that is a freeway.

Just to get back out there again--

It was like easy rider or something.

And then I had to get some gas.

And of course I had to wash her.

Then I went to the store and got some paper towels.

And here I am.

I'm sorry. Paper towels?

Yeah. You can never have too many paper towels

For your home and your car.

Hey, where's nat?

Maybe I can take her down to the wharf

For a little while.

No. She's on a play date.

Oh. Well, how about you, then?

Hey. Bet you could use a break for a little while.

Why don't I take you to sausalito?

I'll buy you some pizza at no name.

Look, bailey, I'm really trying to work here, ok?


Oh, um, I forgot. Charlie called.

He said he wants you to stop by.

He does?

Yeah. Maybe he'd go to sausalito.

Well, even if he wouldn't, I bet he's scrapin' bottom

For paper towels.

(Push-button dials phone)

Claudia, wait.

Get away from me, or I'll scream.

But we weren't formally introduced.

Are you kidding? I don't introduce myself

To people who practically reduce me

To the size of an electron in public, thank you.

I know. I get aggressive when I get nervous.

I gotta work on that.

People like you are what's wrong

With this world.

I know. It's just that I freaked out because...

You just looked so cute.

And the way you held your ground--

Cute and smart?

I freaked. I'm sorry.

What did you say?

(Horn honks)

Look, my school's having a tea dance tomorrow night.

You have to come.

Did somebody put you up to this?

I'm taking that as a yes. I gotta go.

I'll pick ya up at 7:00.

You don't know where I live.

It was on the roster. 7:00.


Bailey: so he just waltzes into town

And dumps this on you?

No, it wasn't like that at all.

We talked about it for a long time.


What it comes down to

Is either we sell to these people

Or joe out.

Ok. Ok. So we have to buy him out.

Wow. How exactly do you do something like that?

We figure out a way. We have to do it.

This is our restaurant.

Hang on. We have to look at all sides of the situation.

I know. Why don't we just take a second mortgage

On the house?

That's doable, right?

Probably, but--

That would be kinda scary.

Yeah, it would, but it would be worth it.

No. She's right. It's risky.

It would put us pretty deep in debt.

On the other hand, if we sell, we get a piece of the profit

Right away,

And I gotta tell ya, this is a serious

Chunk of cash.

No. They can keep their money.

I don't wanna walk down that street

And see someone else's name on the sign there.

Just forget it.

I know, claud. There's-- there's definitely that,

But we also have to be practical.



Charlie, you just got back to the place,

Like, 2 seconds ago.

The whole time you were sick,

That was the goal, right?

That's all you talked about,

So how are we supposed to sit here right now

And tell you that you should

Walk away from that?

After everything you've put into

That place, charlie,

How is that fair to you?

Why should you have to deal with giving up your job

On top of everything else?

Unless you want to.

No. I--


I say we vote.

Who says we buy it?

It wasn't like he cried

Or anything over the top like that,

But I don't know.

Charlie was really moved.

That's nice.

Yeah, it was.

It was like he didn't know what to say, you know.

Like he really wanted the restaurant,

But he was too embarrassed to ask for it,

But when we insisted...

How could I say no? Those guys--

I hope they didn't just do it because

They feel sorry for me

'Cause I was sick or whatever.

They were so supportive.


Aah. Watch the frosting.

If it's splintered, people kind of know

There's a person inside.

Anyway, it's just all happening really fast.

We're starting the paperwork this afternoon.

Wow. Really?

That's great. To finally own the place?

That's great, isn't it?

To finally have it back in the family.

Your brother and sister must feel like...

That would be so great. Why can't I have that?

That feeling of having a job you're good at

Where you know you can keep doing it

For as long as you want.

(Spits) you know what? That--that would be great.

I know it would. Because right now,

All I have is a 3-hour round trip to petaluma

To pick up a part for 3-g's garbage disposal.

And I know it's just a day job.

I know it's not like I'm saying,

"Hey, let's make this permanent." Let's...

Buy the place, put me in charge,

And all of a sudden,

It's, like, practically my entire future.

Well, didn't you say after you got better--

Didn't you say that you wanted to keep it?

I don't know. Did i?

Did I say I wanted it back, or did it just end up

That way?

'Cause I don't remember ever wanting this.

Not really.

Wow. Well, before you sign any papers,

Don't you think you should, you know...

I've never been to a prep school,

Let alone a tea dance.

You think it'll be like waltzing and stuff?

I don't know, claud.

That might be kind of romantic.

You think?

Yeah, 'cause...

He'd have to touch my waist, right?

And hold my hand and-- oh, we'd be, like,

2 Inches apart from each other the whole time.

Oh, gosh.

Don't be nervous. You'll do great.

Don't be nervous? Julia, don't be nervous?

Every time I think about him, i, like, lose all sensation

And start to hyperventilate.


I know.

You wanna know what he did that was just so amazing?


He turned to go 'cause the bus was honking...


And right before he got on the bus,

He turned back to me and...

Well, he kissed the palm of his hand--

Like this. Then he made a fist,

Like the kiss was trapped inside.


And then he threw it to me.


I got him, lena. Can I help you?

Actually, wasn't there an appliance store

Around here somewhere?

A used-parts place?

Yeah. It's a tanning parlor now.



I'm already out here.

Ahem. Can I try some of the turkey loaf

And mashed potatoes, please?

Ran out halfway through lunch.

Barley soup's homemade.

All right. Try some of that, then.

So, you do a busy lunch, do ya?

More than I can feed.

It's those dinners midweek I can't fill tables.



You ever think of doing

One of those special promotions?

'Cause once I did a cajun night.

Sold over 2,000 crayfish.

And another night, I did a kansas city barbecue.

I had people lined up outside

Waiting in the rain.

I could cook 'em what I eat at the house--

Schnitzel, strudel, bratwurst.




Well, ok, then, schnitzel. Austrian.

But you gotta prepare yourself

Because you're only gonna break even

At first

'Cause promotion's expensive,

But once people know the calendar,

You make out on volume.

I'll tell you where you get your biggest bang


Maybe you wanna ask us something.

I could. Sometimes I find it helpful

When you choose the direction of the discussion.

I was out shopping with my little sister today.


And i, uh, started thinking about

This thing--

This thing that griffin did.


No. I mean, something you used to do

When we first started going out.

You used to put out your hand for me...

Like, whenever we were leaving somewhere,

You know--

A record store, a movie, or whatever.

You'd just...kind of reach out behind you

And hold your hand out there, waiting for me to take it.

One time, we were leaving the castro

And I was a few steps behind,

And he put his hand out like that--

An old lady took it.

(Chuckles) and you were about halfway down the block

Before you turned around and realized it wasn't me.

I loved that you'd do that--

Just sort of...

Reach out for my hand without even looking back.

That felt...

How did it feel?

It's hard to describe.

I just, um...

I knew that I was in love with him then.

That I didn't wanna walk even a block

Without holding his hand.

I want that back.

That feeling.

I'm gonna try and get past all this

So we can get back to the way things were.


I'm really...

Really gonna try and forgive you,


That's-- that's great.


Look at you. You look great, claud.

I feel like I'm going to throw up, but thanks.

Why isn't he here yet, charlie?

Well, listen, as long as you got a minute--

Is my hair flat?

No. It's...

Look at this. I have, like,

Pancake head.

Claud, listen. There's something

I have to tell ya.

It's my slip, right? It's showing.

See, I knew it.

I don't want us to buy the restaurant.


What, charlie? Why? I thought we decided.

Well...really you guys decided.

No. You can't go back on what you said.

Look, I have to do this. I need to do this,

So I'm gonna let joe sell to the guy

That made the offer.

I don't believe you.

Hey. Hey! Charlie...

Do you know if we still have that

Pipe wrench laying around?


Charlie changed his mind about the restaurant.

You did?

No, I didn't change my mind. I was never 100% sure

Of this whole buying it thing in the first place. I just...

You guys were being so good about it--

Wait a second. Charlie, this isn't

Just your decision.

Well, bay, yeah, it is, 'cause I'm the one--

No. I'm the one who spent the last couple months

Busting my ass in there

Getting the place in the best shape

It's been in in years.

Which is great.

Which is probably why joe got such a good offer.

And we're all gonna share in the profits of that.

Don't think I don't appreciate that.

Hey. What's goin' on?

You're not gonna believe this.

Charlie doesn't wanna keep the restaurant



Wait a second. What happened to our vote?

What do you think dad would say?

I don't even wanna think about that.

Hold it. Listen to me.

I know what the restaurant means to you.

You don't think I know that?

It's just, you guys, for me, this would be my life.

My whole life would be about keeping salinger's going

Because it reminds us of dad.

'Cause it was his place.

Right? I mean, it's not like I ever said,

"Guess what I wanna do when I grow up.

I wanna run a restaurant."

I mean, they died, and I got stuck there,

Which, you know, for a while, that was ok,

Except now i--

I know what it's like to look at my life and to think,

"This might be it.

This might be all I get."

I did that. I did that for 6 months

And you know what?

Spending every day keeping someone's memory alive--

Even dad's-- even if it is dad's,

That's not enough.

That's not a life.

I can't.

I can't do that.

I'm not gonna do that.

Is this, uh...

Is this about the restaurant, guys?

No, not exactly, joe.

He invited me, joe,

And here I am, sitting, waiting like--like a chump!

And he calls, an hour late already,

A-and it's just like-- he says, "I can't go anymore."

And I ask him why, but he gives me nothing.

Not even a "sorry."

I'm charging him for this stupid dress.

(As brando) i, uh... I got some friends...

Some real thug types.

They'll break his knees. You gimme a name.

Jamie burke.


Burke the jerk.

Burke the jerk.

Why, I oughta...

Yeah--(regular voice) jamie burke?

Jamie burke? Now, why do i--

Are his mom and dad down in the peninsula?

Yeah. How'd you know that?

He's about 15?

And if he's anything like his old man,

He's a loudmouth know-it-all?

Exactly! How did you know that?

Burke's bar and grill, claudia.

Jamie burke is jack burke's son!

Jack burke and your dad were not exactly pals.

What do you mean? They, like, hated

Each other or something?

Well, when dad opened salinger's,

We did so great,

That a lot of burke's business came to us,

So burke, in order to get back at us,

Reported us to county health.

No! No! He did that?

Oh, yeah! Are you kiddin' me?

And one year,

Rumor has it that he bribed

A food critic.

Oh! What a jerk.

And one year--one year-- the nerve of this guy--

He actually walked in and stole

Our best manager.

No! No.


No. That was us. That was us.

We did that to them, but this guy, claudia,

He deserved it.


So jamie couldn't even help it?

It's, like, in his blood?



What is it about reading microfiche that always

Makes me thirsty?

Can I get you something?

You look sort of hungry.


Or what?

Sarah, let me ask you something.

What's the happiest you've seen me

In the past year?

I mean, what thing that you've seen me do

Would you say

Has made me the happiest?


Well, the time that you made mr. Keflick's

Toilet intake

Sound like it was yodeling?



Outside of the building, sarah.


That's easy-- the restaurant.

Exactly. Exactly.

That's easy-- the restaurant.

So how come nobody in my own family

Knows that?

How come charlie decides

That he doesn't want to run the restaurant


So automatically we sell it?

Sell it? But I thought you were--

I know!

I know. Me, too, but now, suddenly,

Charlie's not interested in running it anymore,

So that's it.

We're done. We're just gonna

Get rid of the place.

And nobody even thinks of me for it.

Nobody even asks me what I might wanna

Do with it.

They just sit there watching charlie make

This huge decision.

It's like they--they look at me like...

I'm some kind of caretaker

Or something, you know?

But I did more than just baby-sit

That restaurant.

I built our business up a lot.

A lot. want them to buy it for you...

So you can run the place yourself?


Yeah, I do.

Do they know that?

So...tell 'em.

Anyway, I don't know how much

Our share is gonna be--

A few thousand or something-- charlie's gotta work it out

With joe--

But it's real money.

Well, that's great.

It's gonna be weird without the restaurant,


Well, it's great for you.

You'll have something in the bank

For a change, huh?

No. I think I already know what I'm gonna

Do with the money.

I'm gonna go back to school.


Full time?


You're gonna go back to school full time?


Well, when did you decide that?

I don't know. I've been thinking about it

For a while. You knew that.

Yeah, but that's not the same as deciding.

What, do you have a problem with me

Wanting to go back to school

All of a sudden?

No, but it's a big deal, jule, ok?

I mean, that's--

I mean, that's 4 years, at least.

4 Years of you not working

And me having all the responsibility

Of supporting us.

I mean, that's really gonna affect the way

That we live.

We could have talked about it.

Ok. We're talking about it.

Are we?


I want to go back to school, griffin.

Do you want to tell me I can't?

Man! I'm really glad that you're

Trying to go back

To the way things used to be with us.


Claudia! Wait! Come on!

I don't want to talk to you.

Well, just let me explain!

No, no. You're too late. You should have explained

Over the phone.

I couldn't. My parents were

Standing right there.


So they found out you were a salinger,

And they made me cancel!

Yeah, well, obviously,

Apples don't fall far from the tree.

Or...acorns or...whatever.

No. Don't say that, all right?

We're not them.

We can't let this stupid ancient rivalry

Dictate our lives.

I like you, claudia.

I swear it on all 5 of my all-state

Southwest division

Debate team trophies.

I bought this--this really pretty dress and...

These very, very expensive gloves.

You did?

So you were looking forward to it?

Yeah...i was.

I am so sorry, claudia.

I never meant to hurt you.

My father is completely such a jerk.

To hold you responsible for what your father

Did years ago,

It's so...petty.

What my father did?

Well, yeah, that unfair business stuff?

I--i--i mean, who cares?

Look, my father was completely fair,

And your father, apparently,

Was like--like--like some crook!

Are you kidding? Your father stole

My father's business!

Why, because people liked our food better?!

What, like salinger's famous cockroach salad?!

How dare you?!

You know, maybe my dad was right!

Maybe my dad was right!

Oh, great rebuttal!

This is not a debate!

It's a good-bye!

He's angry at me. Isn't that great?

Really? I thought we were--

Why don't you tell him why, julia?

He's angry 'cause I wanna go to college.

No! That's not--

She just comes in and--and says,

"This is what I'm gonna do."

No discussion. Like--like what I want

Doesn't matter.

I didn't say that.

You don't have to say it.

I'm sick of being punished, jule.

"You slept with rosalie, griffin, so you have

No vote on our future.

"You slept with her, so everything

That's happened

With us up to now is your fault."

It doesn't sound like that's what julia was

Saying to you yesterday.

It doesn't matter what she says in here.

I'm talking about when we go home.

I'm just begging for forgiveness

All the time. just move on.

What do you want me to do?

Put my future in your hands just like that?

Just trust you?!

How else is it gonna work?

I don't know.


What was this... Whole year?

Was this--was this an experiment for you?

'Cause that's what it feels like!

Like--like you've been just slumming around

For a whole year.

You got a couple of jobs, a marriage.

But if that doesn't work out, you can always

Go back to school,

Because that's what everybody thought you

Were gonna do anyway.

I never thought like that.

I never did.

I--i don't have anything to move on to.

I don't have any options.

I don't even have my business.

We stuck with charlie no matter what.

But my shop?

No, no. We dumped that as soon

As things got too tough.

Griffin, that's not--

I'm not lucky like you, julia.

This is it for me.

Why?! Huh?! Tell me why it's such a bad idea!

Hey, just take it easy, all right?

I'm not saying you can't do it.

I'm just telling you, you don't want to.

What is-- what do you mean,

I don't want to?!

How the hell can you tell me what I want?!

'Cause I've been there, ok? I know how tempting it is.

I know how right it feels to do what dad did.

'Cause I wanted that, too.

Charlie, that is not--

Just listen to me for a second, ok?

I understand. None of us wants to see the place

Go to strangers,

But the answer is not one of us taking it over,

Because, let me tell you from experience--

Charlie, that is you, man!

That's you! You hate it there!

I don't!

Bay, I was 25 when I took over, ok?

You're--you're 19. You're a teenager.

I mean, how many teenagers do you know

Can say exactly what they want to do

For the rest of their lives?

Because that's what we're talkin' about here.

A second mortgage, that is a 30-year deal.

And we'd all be on the hook for that,

So if you suddenly lose interest

In a couple of years

And things go downhill, we all get hurt.

So I guess you've got it all thought out

Then, huh?

There's no way that I could possibly

Succeed, right?

Look...i'm just trying to protect you.

No. No, you're not, charlie.

You're trying to protect yourself.


You don't wanna deal with the fact

That I ran the place better than you did!

And there is a reason for that, charlie!

I love the job!

I loved it from the first day

That I was there,

And--and-- I don't know, man--

Maybe that--maybe that makes you feel guilty

Or something,

Because you know that dad loved it, too.

Or--or maybe you can't even imagine

What it's like

To love a job that much.

But the simple fact're wrong.

I deserve a chance to run the restaurant.

I deserve it.

This is private property.

Get off it.

No. No, I won't.

See, I went back and I asked my dad about it

And he said that burke's had been opened 3 years

Before salinger's even--

Jamie-- so there was no way

That my dad could've copied the pastry--


You have a problem.

Ok! Ok, ok, wait.

Wait, wait, wait.

I don't care who's right, all right?

I am very good at being right, claud,

But I am very bad at this other stuff.

What...other stuff?

These feelings...

That I have for you, claudia.

What feelings?

Ever since the first time I saw you,

I think about you all the time.

I can't sleep... I can't get

My homework done...


I know what you mean.

You...are, like,

The coolest person I have ever met.

I want to spend time with you.

I want to get to know you.

I don't care about our parents.

It ends with us.

It ends with us.

What's so important I needed 3 messages?

I have stuff I have to do.

Got a couple of forms we need you to sign.

Oh, that's...

That's beautiful. That's...

That's really great.

You couldn't get julia to come by

Here and...

Wait... What is this?

It's what you think it is, bay.

Are you kidding me?

We're going to keep the restaurant?

You're keeping it.

You run it for us.

Well, why did you change your mind?

I didn't.

Not totally. You're going to have to

Prove me wrong here.

The thing is, i, uh...

I don't think I have the right

To say no to you.

You are not making a mistake.

I promise you. You are not

Making a mistake.

You know, it's funny.

It never even occurred to me

That you'd be interested, bailey.

To tell you the truth,

I don't remember you coming around here

That much as a kid.

That's because dad always brought him.

Yeah, I know.

I remember always thinking,

"Oh, don't force this on me,"

And here you are now saying,

"I want this."

It's weird, huh?

So, you going to sign these papers or what?

I can't believe you're making me

Do this.

You should've kept those streaks.

They worked for you.


Figure I made enough weird life changes

For one week. This one

Was one step past my limit.

Yeah, yeah.

Chicken. Bawk bawk!

Are you kidding me? I jumped off a cliff

With that restaurant thing.

I mean, hello. I am...

Officially, as of right now,

Totally, completely unemployed.

Oh, and listen,

You were great about all that,

Doing those card readings

And everything.

Yeah, that's me.

Professional gal pal and confidante.


What are you going to do next?

I don't know.

I have no idea.

None. Not a clue.

And I love that.

So...nothing in the, uh...

Foreseeable future, no...

Moves planned?




Maybe one.

Good answer.

My watch says it's 6 after.

He better not charge for the whole hour.

Your watch is fast.

Maybe your watch is slow. That ever occur to you?

You going to be like this in there?

Uh, depends on what you're going to say.

I was going to say you're right.


Not about all of it.

But...some of it.

The college part.

I think maybe I was trying to

Punish you by...

Making that decision by myself.

Yeah, well, you do that all the time, julia.

Decide stuff.

Time to... Move back home...

Time to...sell the business--hell,

Even time to forgive griffin.

I'm irrelevant to all of it.

No, griffin. That's not...


All I'm saying is

I'm part of the problem with us.

It's not just you, griffin.

There are...things that I've done

That I wish I could take back, too.

Things that have gotten us

To where we are right now.


I guess that makes us even.


Like all the things we've done

To each other,

They kind of...

Cancel each other out.

Meaning what,

You forgive me and I forgive you

And just wipe the slate clean

And start over?


Why not?

Man, you're doing it again!

Don't you see that?

You're making the rules, deciding how things are

Going to work with us,

Telling me that whatever I feel,

Whatever you've done,

I should just get over it

Because, hell, you did.

God! This is...

So condescending!


Look, maybe the ways that you've let me down

Are bigger than the ways I've let you down,

Huh? Maybe we're not even.

Maybe I'm the one that needs to figure out

How to forgive you.

Bailey: ahh...


First thing is, right here...

I was thinking of some old church pews or...

Maybe antique benches or something like that

So people could take a load off

While they're waiting, you know?

And the next thing...

And this is a bit more radical,

But...i figured out we'd turn tables

Over a lot faster

Without reservations,

And...i know that's big, but...

I really think people would be

Happier knowing

That they had a place where they could

Just show up

Whenever they wanted to, you know.


Great. I mean, that sounds...

Whatever. But did you

Really bring me

All the way down here just

To tell me that?


No, I didn't.

I brought you here...

Because you have to help me celebrate.

It's '98. Excellent year.

Thanks, bailey, but...

Shouldn't you be celebrating

With your family?

I already did.

And besides,

You, sarah, you're the one who

Made this happen.

Because... Think about it:

I was going to let this go.

I was just going to let it go, but

You wouldn't let me.

You made me go ask for it.

What this is for me,

This is more than just a great job.

It's like...

All of a sudden, there's this...

Thing, this business...


God, I'm in charge of it.

Amazing, but true.

And, see, you have no idea

How great that is...


(Sighs) it makes...

It makes so many other things easier.


Or whatever...

Having a future...

You know, suddenly...

Annie and me--

I mean, if we can get through some

Of this other stuff

We're dealing with-- suddenly...

We make a lot more sense.

It doesn't seem so crazy, the 2 of us

Being together,

You know?

So, anyway...

The point is...

Thank you,



Thank you.


That didn't suck. know, that was...

That was my first time in a long time.

Since I was sick.


Well, was it like riding a bicycle?

You know what? That was definitely

Not at all like riding a bicycle.

Are you hungry? You want me to make us

Some spaghetti or pancakes

Or something?

No, no, no, no. Don't go anywhere.


What do you think, um...

It will be like

The...second time

Since you were sick?

There's only one way to find out.