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04x20 - Square One

Posted: 03/09/22 10:47
by bunniefuu
Julia: oh, yes!

Jule, jule, you're cutting off

My blood supply.

I'm so excited!

Hey, I'm sorry. I missed my transfer,

And I had to run--

Ok, jule, I'm happy, but I'm not losing it

Like the rest of you losers, ok?

Thank god.

I am just so happy for you, man.

I'm just so happy for you.

I'm such a loser.

Oh, man, I am so-- I am so...

I know. I know.

I just wanna scream, you know?

I'm healthy. I am healthy, baby!

I am certified, grade "a", freakin' in the pink! Yeah!


You guys--you guys saved my life.

No, charlie, you did it.

No way. 'Cause if you guys didn't just

Drop everything for me,

I don't know if I could have done it.

I don't.

It was nothing, charlie. We'd do it again

In a heartbeat.

No, you won't. Are you kidding me?

There isn't going to be any again.

Oh, man, that nightmare--

Feeling so sick, I couldn't even move.

Having to watch you guys clean up after me.

I mean, that's why I just wanna

Take the whole thing and, like, cut it out clean.

I mean, I just want to start my life over

Exactly the way it was before anyone ever said

The word cancer to me.

Julia: so then you should.

You should do that. I mean everything--

Your whole life.

'Cause it's there for you, charlie.

It's waiting for you.

Everything that you love--

Eating junk food,

And staying up late, and the restaurant.

You should take that back, right, bay?

Yeah, yeah, whenever you're ready, man.

And everything here, too. I mean, owen--

He's ready for you

When you're ready for him.

Plus, there's cooking and cleaning and laundry.

Ok, good, I mean, I want all that back.

I mean, I don't know about the laundry.

But also, I think we should celebrate.

Yes! No doubt

About it, man.

So what's it gonna be? Do you wanna blast

The music and dance?

Or should we have just like

A huge barbecue?

Or light fireworks?

Or we could just throw something together

For tomorrow night.

Yeah, that. All of that. I want it all.

All: ahh!

So it's all good news?

I mean, 6 more weeks of that just-to-be-safe

Radiation and that's it?

Yeah, yeah, it's over.

It's great. I mean, I've never seen him so happy.

I've never seen all of us so happy.

That's great.


Look, griffin--

Hey, don't even worry about us, all right?

Just...just be happy for charlie.

All right? 'Cause I mean that's so great that--

No, wait. This is our good news, too.

This is good for us, griffin.

For us together.

'Cause I've been thinking...

Well, I think a lot of our problems started

When we moved in here.

'Cause all of a sudden it was--

Well, it wasn't us being a couple.

It was you and me fighting over who took

Owen to teeth cleaning,

Or who was going to be here when the roach guy

Came, you know?

And now...

Now charlie is saying he wants to start over.

Which means-- well, it means we

Can start over, too.

I mean, we could even--

It'd be ok for us to get our own place.

We could go back to how things were.

Well, it's not that simple, jule.

Why not?

Well, you know, for one thing,

There's the whole money thing to think about.

I mean, you're only working part-time.

So you're making enough so we can get

A studio somewhere.

You want me to stay at my job?

Why not?

Because of rosalie?

I mean--

Griffin, you said that

That whole thing

Was, like, nothing.

That it was, like, a flirtation

Or whatever.

And that it's way over.

You said to forget about it

Because we're working stuff out.

Definitely. Oh, definitely.

Well, then I trust you, griffin.

I believe you.

Why wouldn't i?

Hey, how's she doing?

Oh, uh, fine. Fine. She's just getting dressed.

Just putting on her best party dress.

Which is, uh,

But, you know...forget it.

Forget it. That is so great about charlie.

I mean, so great.

Yeah, I know. It is. What's going on with

You and natalie?

Forget it. Really. Really.

It's not a big deal.

And you know what? You weren't there

When I told annie that I'd take care of her, so--

Look, natalie knows me a lot better

Than she knows you.

So don't worry. We're gonna do

This together.


That is--

That is so great

Because you guys have, like, a relationship

And everything.

You know, so if anything weird happened,

Well, then you'd be better than me at,

Like, saying--

Sarah, what's the problem?

The problem is is that she's in there

Putting on her best party dress to welcome

Home her mother.

But annie isn't coming home for,

Like, 10 more days.

Doesn't she know that?

I reminded her, but she thinks that

Annie's just gonna

Change her mind and come back early.

And I don't know exactly

How to explain

The whole rehab concept.

You know, I don't know how to tell her

That she's stuck with us

For 10 more days

Because her mother's blood is still,

Like, flammable.

Ok, look, relax.

Annie's gonna call here soon, ok?

So all we have to do is keep her entertained

Until then.

How? By doing what?

Anything humanly possible.

Bailey, I don't know if i--

Hello, sweetheart, wow, you look very pretty.

Taking lunch.

Have a good one.

I thought he'd never leave.


Are you avoiding me? You haven't said

Anything all day.

Yeah, I'm just-- sorry, I just--

I'm sorry.

What's going on?

She comes in here, and she takes you


And now you're acting all weird and strange.

She asked me to stay.

So I guess we're getting back together,

So that's--


I'm sorry, rosalie.

So, um, let me get this straight.

Um, you come over to my house,

And you tell me that it's over between

The two of you,

And you sleep with me, and now--

Maybe you don't believe this, but I

Never would have done that

If I thought you were just gonna go back.

I don't know what to say.

Oh, god, I feel so stupid, you know.

This whole thing, this wasn't about me.

It wasn't about you wanting me.

None of this would have ever happened

Between us

If I wasn't into you.

It's not like she's my girlfriend

Or something.

We're married.

I'm kinda stuck here, you know?

Julia and me, we--

We're starting to talk about stuff.

You know, we're working things out.

That's great. So you're talking.

So you told her we had sex?

What? No! No.


Well, good luck.


Hey, nattie.

How you doing, sweetie?

Bailey: sarah?

Oh, man.

We've been playing hairdo parlor.

Wanna take a turn?

No, I like games with more...rules.

I'm gonna go get some scissors.

Bailey, don't let her cut my hair, please.

Don't worry, I won't.

You know, I just thought, ok,

It's putting a little girl to bed, you know.

How hard can that be? So we had playtime,

And I gave her warm milk,

And she took a bath.

And now here she is, wide awake,

And I look like a practice dummy at

The hair care academy.

Ok, ok, look, I'm here now, ok?

Hey, let me see these, ok?

Nattie, don't you feel like bedtime,

Even just a little?

I can't get sleepy here, bailey.

Everything's all different.

I don't have my posters, my dresser, my bed.

Ok, sweetie, now you can sleep right here

In your own bed.

We'll be right outside.

Mommy always sits on the bed and

Watches me get in.

Ok, I can do that. Here.

There we go.

I miss my mommy.

We should go back downstairs.

Well, that was brilliant.

I'm so glad you're here.

The tiramisu is amazing tonight,

But I don't know if we have enough for...

How many people?

I don't know if anybody's been counting.

What, the party? I have no idea.

Hey, let me ask you something.

If natalie's been asking

For screwy noodles with red stuff,

Do you think she means the farfalle


Or the fusilli matriciana?

Better get both.

(Telephone rings)

Mercy: salinger's.

It's joe. He sounds like he's in a vacuum cleaner.


Where are you? I can barely--

He's at l.a.x. On his cell phone.

You're kind of breaking up.

You said...

No, that's...

His flight got canceled,

And everything else is booked up for hours.

Ok. Yeah. Find out.

Do that.


What's up? Is he coming?

Not tonight, it looks like.

He's gonna check some other airlines, but...

He's--he's probably not gonna make it to the party.

Ah. That's a bummer.


Do you maybe wanna move the thing

To another night

So joe could be there? Because to be honest,

Tonight's not the best night

For me either.

Nat's in a mood,

And sarah is completely stressed.

Man, you know what? Let's just--

Let's just skip it.

No, I don't mean-- no, forget it.

I mean, I want to wait for joe to get here anyway,

So we'll just pick another night. No sweat.

Well, wait. Are you sure?

Because I know, you know, that this

Is supposed to be--

No, it's cool. It is.

'Cause the truth is, I haven't been here in months,

And I got a ton of stuff to catch up on.

It's the perfect time to do it, so that's

What I'm gonna do.

Really, it's ok.

It's fine.


You're cool with a tinyish studio, right?

I mean, it'd be like a closet with plumbing,

But at least we wouldn't be finding

Owen's toys in our bed.

Is that champagne for us?

Well, for us and charlie.


Oh, the party.

Uh, bailey got busy,

So it's gonna be another night.




It could still be for us, couldn't it?

I mean, I guess I was thinking

If we were in the mood.

I mean, if you wanted to...

You know, uh...

It's something we haven't done in a while,

And we used to do it all the time, and...

I don't know. I kind of miss it.

God. This is so weird.

I feel all self-conscious with you,

Like this is a first date or something.

Remember that pseudodate date

We went on at the presidio?

You were showing me all the world w*r I

Bayonets or whatever,

And all of a sudden we realized we were

All alone in the museum.

We were both really into each other,

And we wanted to fool around,

But we were both too afraid to...

Make the first move.


Well, you know what?

I always hated that it had to be the guy

Who made the pass.

Hey, you know what?

Julia, wait. Um...



Kind of burnt.



So, um...

You wanna just get in bed and be together?


Ok, owen, listen.

You're done with half the


Now, it's 4 hours past your bedtime,

And we're not even having the party


But we're not done.

(Doorbell rings)

One more letter, and that's it, ok?

Hi. I'm sorry I'm late,

But my watch got stuck in the birthday cake,

And then apparently 7 veils wasn't enough

For the birthday boy,

So I had to improv this whole big napkin thing.

Sorry, but, um, who are you?

Candy. I'm your candygram.

Um, where is everybody?

Because I'm not doing this for you

And your kid.

Doing what?

Strip. I'm a stripper.

I strip. I'm supposed to strip--

Could you please stop saying that?

My brother is 4.

Oh. Heh.

Wait a minute. The guys at the restaurant

Sent you, didn't they?

No. This guy named kevin.

You guys were, uh, radiation buddies

Or something.

But there was supposed to be

This party.

No, no. It got canceled. It's not tonight.

Somebody should have given you a call.


Well, look, I don't normally do this,

But I could do the act for you

In the other room.

No. Really, thanks, but you don't have to do that.

In fact, you can go home if you want.

Really? 'Cause I do lots of other things

Besides stripping.

Uh, I really don't--

Tarot card readings, shiatsu, manicure,


I'm pretty much set for those, too.

No, but there's got to be something,

Because, see, your friend paid

For my time,

And I can't take his money if I

Don't do something.

Three 6s.


Three 6s.

Did she just put 3 cards down?

Hold still, bailey.

So are you doubting me or not?



No, I'm not.

See, that's the problem with this game, is it's

A game of chance.

If it were a game of skill, you couldn't cheat.

Oh. Cheating's the whole point.

And who says that lying is not a skill?

Well, it's not one of mine.

Heh heh. Please.

Hey, nat, you know what I have in my bedroom?

Fake eyelashes.

Eyelashes! Fun!

What? You'd look cute in lashes.

I like makeup on a guy.

Yeah. I'm familiar with your dating history.

Ho ho. You are breathing your last.

You know what? Try some burnt sienna,

Pretty boy.

(Laughing) no, I don't

Think so.


I'm gonna let go of you, but you better be done.

I'm done.

Where's nat?

We gotta get her to sleep.

No, wait. You know what?

She's quiet and--and happy,

So we should just leave her alone

For a little while.

You know, come back and finish the game with me.


But we're playing a real game next.

Whatever you got, I'm ready.

That is nice drawing, owen.

I like the way that you work

Outside those lines.

So, cancer, huh?

Now, that is a trip.

Like you wouldn't believe.

Hey, hey. Try purple.


Maybe stripes.

You should listen to candy.

She's an artist.

Heh. Well, it's, um, daphne, actually.

Candy's just my strippergram name.

So you beat the big "c."

I mean, now what, you know?

Join the peace corps?

Shave your head?

I thought I'd do another load of whites.


Actually, I'm--i'm kind of serious, 'cause...

You know, when you've been that sick,

Everything you did is, like,

"This could be the last time

I use bleach."

You're just so happy to have something

Brainless to do

That you know you're gonna get to do

A million times more.



What, you don't think that's enough?

You think I ought to be out climbing the himalayas

Or something?

Oh, no, no. I think it's bold.

Have a near-death experience

And then, uh...

Decide to live life exactly the same way.

Hey, you know what this needs?

Owen: what?

Some glitter.

Want me to get some glue?

No, no, no. It comes with stickum.

That's how it stays on my glutes.


She's finally in bed,

And it's only 10 hours past her bedtime.

Hey, at least she's asleep.

At least we finally proved that she's not better off

Living on the street.

I never said she was asleep.

She's reading.


Fine. Fine. You know what?

I'll just go to the supermarket and

Get her a shopping cart.

Man, that is one serious rat's nest

You got going up there.

Thank you.

Thank you. I've only spent the last 2 hours

Brushing out knots.

You want me to help?

No. It's ok.

You don't have to.

Well, I will.


Is that too hard?



(Telephone rings)

God. Who would call this early?

I don't know.




Yeah, she's fine.

She's--she misses you a lot, but she's fine.


I don't know.

I don't know.

Look, we--we shouldn't talk about this right now, ok?

There's other stuff that you should be focusing on,

So we'll just figure it out when you get back.

You should talk to nat, 'cause she's been dying

To talk to you, ok?

So I'm gonna go get her.

Ok. Hang on.


I'm gonna go get her, but I'll be right back.


You gave me a job here and everything, but you

Took away my--

I came down here, and I bought the shop.

I don't need it.

I had a business here. I had my business.

Did you fight me?

No. Fine.

Don't forget to collect his uniform.

Ok, what about thursday?

Joe, you said you had business to do.

Is that gonna be a conflict?

Are you kidding me?

You think I came all the way up here

To miss this?

Oh, god, I'm sorry.

Professor sinclair's doing this on-line conference.

He needs me to pull references for it.

Otherwise, I'd--

Jule, it's ok.

We'll just, um, how's friday

For everybody?

I have nothing.

If I switch a dinner...

God, I can't believe-- it's so great you came.

I wish we saw you more. Thank you.

Yeah, no kidding.

I know.

Hey, what about friday?

Sorry. Friday. Yeah, that's fine.



Actually, I have a tenants' meeting

So they can decide whether they're

Gonna fire me

For not being around the past few months,


Ok. Then saturday.

Yeah, saturday. I'll be there.

Yes, depressingly, I again have no plans.

Saturday's bad. It's franny's birthday.

I gotta get back to l.a., But

Do it without me.

Forget it. It's not even worth it

If everybody's not here.

I want all of you to...

Wait. You know what? You're all here now.

Why don't we just sit down right now,

Open up a bottle of champagne, and

Get this over with?

Now? Yes.

Ok. Ok. Right now.

If I can call sarah,

'Cause I told her I'd relieve her.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

I have plans.

I actually have plans.

I'm sorry, char, but orchestra in 20 minutes.

Great. Ok. This is, uh...

This is really bad.

This is really, really bad.

Guys, look. It's ok. Don't worry.

We'll find a time.

You know what? I can just, uh,

I can just blow off orchestra. Really.

Claud, go. You should go.


Actually, if you don't need me,

I ought to get back to sarah.

Ok. All right.

I'll see you.

I'll be next-door if you want to make plans.

It's not their fault.

I know.

I know.

It's just...

This whole thing.

I kind of thought getting over cancer,

You know,

That's gotta be...

I don't know,


Ah, it's just a party, joe.

There's 3 hours, and it's over.

I know.

I know.



What's so funny?

It reminds me of that old joke,

The one where the woman sees her baby

Washed out to sea...

And she begs and begs god,

"Please, give me my baby back.

I'll do anything."

And finally, the baby washes back,

And she looks up at god and says,

"Uh, she had a hat."

I'm like her.

Every day when I was sick,

I thought, "god, just give me a clean

Bill of health.

That's all I want."

But now I've got that, and...

You want the hat.



I'm sorry. You quit?

You--you just quit?

Don't get upset. I...

Look, I'll find something else, all right?

We can still pay for a place.

I'm not upset about the place.

I mean, I just...

Why did you need to quit?

I told you I didn't care if you

Stayed there.

You didn't. I did.

But why?

I don't understand.

Is it that you didn't want to be

Around rosalie?

Is that what it is? You still have feelings

For her or something?

No! I...

I don't feel like being there.

But that doesn't make sense!

I mean, if it's not about rosalie

And we said we needed the money,

Then what aren't you telling me, griffin?

Is there something you're not telling me?

No! I...

I just...

I'm--i'm just trying to do the right thing here.

I know I screwed up. I know that, all right,

But going back to the shop,

All I get out of that is feeling lousy,

Like I'm rubbing my nose in it or something.

All right? I just don't feel like

Being there, jule, ok?

I'm sorry.

I don't know what my problem is.

You not wanting to be around her--

I'd have to be crazy to have

A problem with that.

Don't worry.

You quit. You'll get another job.

That--that's ok.

That's ok.

Griffin: forgive me, father, for I have sinned...

Really bad.

The reason I'm here is, uh, to talk to somebody, I guess,

To figure out what I'm supposed to do.

I'm sorry.

Can you...

Oh. Uh, yeah. Well, here it is.

I've never been able to figure out why,

For some reason...

This amazing person...

She made up her mind that she loves me.

And maybe 'cause I didn't trust it,

Or maybe 'cause I did,

We got married.

You wouldn't believe how great she is.

She's so smart and funny and...

Unbelievably together.

Which is pretty unreal when you...

Think about all the bad stuff that's

Happened to her.

Which is maybe...

Maybe why I'm so afraid of hurting her.

'Cause it's like how can anybody do that...

You know, hurt someone that's...

That's already been hurt so bad?

This thing that I did...

I wanna make it go away so much.

But I can't,

Because even though she doesn't know it happened,

I do.

I know.

Every time she...

Kisses me or...

Smiles at me or whatever,

I just think, "no.

"Don't do that. Don't...

"I don't deserve it.

Don't you know I'm lying to you?!"

I've done some really stupid things

In my life, father,

But this one...

This is the worst...

Because I can't make it go away.

No matter what I do...

It won't go away.

Hey. Shh!

She's sleeping?

You got her to sleep? How?

Well, I kind of hypnotized her when we

Were reading, you know?

I sort of gently swayed the book back and forth,

Stretched out the words long and slow.

And you thought you couldn't do this.

You see how wrong you were?

You see how amazing you are?


Bailey, what do you think's gonna happen

With you guys,

You and annie?

I don't know.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, if you don't want to talk

About this...

No. No, it's not that.

It's just...

I don't know what she wants, really.

Come on, bailey. You know exactly

What she wants.

She wants things the way they were before.

She wants to be with you.

What do you want?

I mean, there's coastline to the north

And the deserts to the south

And the rockies to the east,

But what I really wanna do is I just wanna

Stick out my thumb

And go whichever way the ride goes.

And wherever I end up,

I wanna pitch a tent right on that spot.

And if I'm next to a rodeo, I want

To ride a wild bull.

And if I'm next to an airstrip,

I want to jump out of an airplane.

Charlie, wow.

What? Am I nuts?

No. No way.

If you gotta do it, you gotta do it.

So you understand?

Are you kidding. I had the same thing

After my depression.

It's like, you go through something like that,

You want to get something out of it.


You just want to do something over the top,

You know, like something you would have never done

Before you were sick.

You get it.

Oh, I get it.

Well, so, go with me.

I'm sorry, me?

Yeah! Kirsten, think about it.

Think about the last time, when we

Went to get the armoire.

I mean, that was awesome--

All those closed roads and detours,

That--that lonely guy in that great big old inn.

I mean, think about it.

That--that's the kind of trip I want to take.

Charlie, that's--i mean, yeah, that was great.

It was.

But it was different then. You were sick.

I would have done anything to help you get better.

Dumping everything, leaving paul on his own--

I--i could justify it then.

I couldn't not.

But now...

I understand.

It's ok.

I mean, really, it's kind of

A one-man job, anyway.

(Words long and slow) but the cobbler never knew

That the heels of his shoes

Were fastened with magic glue.

(Whispers) hi.

Huh? Sarah?

Oh, hi, honey.

I'm sorry.

Sorry. I'm gonna go study

Very quietly.

Can't you read with us, sarah?


Come on.

Sarah, if that's what she wants.

Arm under.


(Long and slow) when his little girl

Put on the shoes,

Then she was magic, too,

And every bundle of kindling she sold

Would burn with magic smoke.

(Telephone rings)

(Whispering) get it. Get it.

No. Talking wakes her up.

You can whisper. The answering machine can't.

Go ahead.


Oh. Annie. Hi.

Well, she just fell asleep.

I--i should probably give you to bailey.


I'm fine, yeah. How are you?

Well, it's not the best time to--


Of course I do. I think about you

All the time.

Yes, I do.

Me, too. I miss you, too.

I know.

I love you.

Yeah, I do.




Come sit down. Check this out.

I am looking through the paper

For apartments,

And I come across this ad,

And I'm like, "idiot, why didn't I think

Of this before?"


It's an ad for apartment managers,

What bailey and sarah do.

I mean, duh, it's perfect for us.

It's part-time work. It's cheap rent.

You're great at fixing stuff.


And no offense to them,

But we're not getting some dump like theirs.

We're gonna find some beautiful old victorian

In the mission--

Could you stop, please?


I'm really sorry.

Griffin, what are you...

I slept with her, julia.

I slept with rosalie.

You told me to leave.

I thought...

I thought-- thought we were done.

I guess I was...

M-mad or whatever, but...

You slept with her?

I'm not...

I'm not saying that it's your fault.

It's my fault. It's--whatever, but...

If I knew that you wanted us to...


I'm so...

I'm so sorry, julia.

I'm so sorry.


Ok. One more.


Sarah: what is...

Bailey, I thought we were done with all

The big, messy projects.

I know, but we're practicing for

The arcade, right?

First I'm gonna pick the game

With the best prizes.

Then I'm gonna play and play

And win bigger prizes.

Then I'm gonna trade 'em all in for a giant

Stuffed dinosaur.

You hope, right?

Bailey, she hopes?

I don't know.

Sarah, this kid's got a touch

With the hoops.

Here. Show her.

You know what, natalie?

I think I left my makeup kit

In my bedroom.

Could you check for me?

Ok. So maybe the dinosaur's kind of a long shot,

But I'm just trying to make it fun for her.

You think that's fun?

Making her think that she's gonna win

All those things

When you know that isn't gonna happen?

Getting her hopes up for, like, nothing?

What are you talking about, sarah?

She's gonna be...

Stuffing her face with hot dogs and

Cotton candy.

She won't even know the difference.

And what's the matter with you, anyway?

It's just I have a lot of studying to do,

And, anyway, you guys'll probably have plenty of fun

Without me, so...

What?! No, we're not--

We can't go without you.

We need you there.

We're-- we're a team.

We're a unit.

You promised, sarah.

You were gonna let me braid your hair again.

That's really not your best angle, sweetheart.


Hey, what's wrong?

I just--i just have a lot of work.

I don't wanna go if she's not going.

You said we were gonna do stuff together.

You said we'd make mommy come home

Sooner that way,

'Cause time flies when you're having fun.

There you are.

Hi. Try some new gerkenthaler.

It's new from the people at cheese-alicious.

Hi. Tangy new gerkenthaler.

Tastes like swiss with a blue-cheese twist.

Thank you.

Hi, try some new gerkenthaler.

It's new from the people at cheese-alicious.



Oh, I know you.

Don't i?

Charlie. I beat the big "c." You came over to...

Oh, right, right, right.

Well, I see you stuck to your plan:

Living life to its mediumest.

You don't peel that cheese off, do you?

I mean, it's not the dance of the 7 slices?

I do other things besides stripping,

You know.

Not that stripping's any worse than

Any other job.

I can see that.

So, try some new gerkenthaler.

It tastes like swiss

But with a blue-cheese twist.

I'm cutting down on dairy,

Especially the kind I can smell

From across the mall.

Oh, a health kick, huh?

Hence the bran, which I see from the many bags

You are clearly serving at your party.

Oh, that's not...

I don't know what's happening with that.

Wait a minute. You didn't have it?

You didn't do anything to celebrate?

That's right, nothing.

Didn't have a party, and I didn't hit the road.

I didn't jump out of an airplane.

I didn't ride a wild bull. I didn't do a damn thing.


You know what, charlie?

I was supposed to do this chart

For my sister's bird groomer,

But he, like, totally flaked,

So if you're not busy tonight,

I think I know exactly what you need.

Guys, please, please.

I really don't want to.

Sarah, you love the roller coaster.

You always fight it, and you always love it.

No, I always get really scared,

And you always say that's

The whole point.

And then you beg to go on it

Again and again.

But you know what? Not this time.

This time...

I'm gonna go get in line.

Hurry up.

Come on. Do it with us.



You will be ok. I promise.

Ok? We'll do it together.

Come on.

Uh, listen.

I--i know you hate me right now.

I mean, I know that.

But see...

I love you, julia.

If you can ever find a way to forgive me,

I mean...

Are you ever gonna forgive me?


I'm--if that's possible...

Then I think...

I think that you were right before,

You know, when you--when you said we should start over,

You know, go back to how stuff was.

You know, 'cause so much...

Bad has happened that--

That I think it's like you said, you know,

A lot of it had to do with charlie being sick,

And a lot of it started happening when

We moved back in here.

I think if we...

If we just stick to that plan, all right,

If--if we find our own place together, I think--

Please. Just...

I don't know how I feel yet, ok?

I mean, there's a part of me that wants

To forgive you,

So I think...

Maybe someday I will.

But all that other stuff,

An apartment with you?

Why would I do that?

I'm scared of you, griffin.

I'm--i'm scared of what's gonna

Happen with you.

And I think about that, and, I mean...

The only place I feel safe anymore is here...

With my family.

I'm not leaving my family now, griffin.

Not now.

Not for you.

Daphne: ok, what's next?

This is my pill wheel,

You know, for antinausea dr*gs

And stuff,

But it's plastic, and it's really gonna smell.

Throw it in.

Go on.

Do I have to?

Look at it.

What does it make you think of?

I just realized I'm gonna have to buy

Another one of those

Because I'm not even done

With my radiation yet.

Then you'll buy another one.

This is stupid, daphne. I feel stupid.

Do you wanna put this cancer behind you?

You wanna feel like you're moving on?

You know what I just remembered?

I was wearing these sneakers when

I got my diagnosis.

I think you know what to do.

And this undershirt--

I mean, I wore this thing constantly

Because of the way the radiation made me

Cold all the time.

The cleansing flames await.

Um, you mind if i...

Skin is not an issue for me.

And really, it's the same

With these jeans.

Well, you know what I'd do.

Yeah, but you're a professional.

Oh! Oh, you want some pointers.


You've gotta put a little movement

In those hips.


Right. Ok.

Now, slide 'em down.


Now spin 'em on your finger like this.


Ok, now what do you need those jeans for?

Set yourself free! Whoo!

