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04x17 - Of Sound Mind and Body

Posted: 03/09/22 10:40
by bunniefuu
Hi, you. What's going on?

Oh, big news in the fashion world.

Apparently, uh, brown is this year's black.

You need more light. It's bad for your eyes.

Why didn't you finish that?

You're such a mom.

Oh, shut up.

You are.


I need to ask you something.

Ahem, 'cause, um, I've been talking

To emmett about my will.

Charlie, why would you--

I mean, I've--i've got to be responsible

About this.

I've got to make some plans.

I mean, bailey and julia, they'll be--

They're ok. They're-- they're fully cooked.

But claudia and owen--

I mean, god, for me to just--

I know this is huge.

And paul, man, I know this is a lot to ask of

Him and you, too, but--

I have to.

Would you two take them

If I can't?

Oh, I don't know what to say.

Say you'll talk to him.

Don't you--don't you think that bailey

And julia would--

I know. I know they would,

But they're-- they're too young.

It's too much.

And it's not like I'm saying

To bay and julia,

Go away or anything. It's not like you'd

Say that to them.

I'm just talking about who's ultimately

In charge.

'Cause it is so unfair to claudia and owen

To make them be the practice kids again,

You know.

You guys could be parents to them.

Real grownup parents.

They love you, kirsten.

I love them.

Will you think about it?

And talk to paul about it?

'Cause I just--i need--

I need to know there'd be somebody

Looking after them.

Julia on answering machine: hey, nobody's here now.

Please leave a message and we'll get back to you.

Woman on answering machine: mr. Salinger?

This is ms. Huffman from grant high school.

I've been trying to reach you.

Claudia's been missing a lot of school lately,

I'm hoping you and she can meet with me this afternoon

And we can deal with this.

If I don't hear otherwise, I'll expect you

At 5:00, room 314.

Please be there. This is important.

Woman on answering machine: mr. Salinger?

This is ms. Huffman from grant high school.

I've been trying to reach you.

Claudia's been missing a lot of school lately,

Why aren't you at work?

I came home for lunch to try and clean up

Some of this mess.

You're too late. I already heard it.

Bailey, get in here. She's home!

What's he doing here?

What's the matter with you, claudia?

Did you think no one would ever find out?

Pretty much. Yeah.

What's going on, claud?

What are you, like, a truant now?

They said you've been cutting classes for,

Like, weeks. What is that?

Oh, give me a break. I missed a couple of classes.

They don't freak out like this over

A couple of classes.


Hey! Hey! Wait!

Wait a minute! Don't you--

Look, we are k*lling ourselves

Trying to hold everything

Together here.

And especially with charlie in the hospital.

I mean, come on, claud, you don't pull stuff

Like this.

Fine. So what do you want me to do?

Lose the attitude and get your book bag

And go back to school right now. You got that?

And we're going to meet you there

This afternoon

And you're going to talk to your

Guidance counselor

And say that you're sorry and that

This is never going to happen again

And that's that.

Great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, great. So, uh,

So now everything's fixed.

I don't have time for this. Do you

Have time for this?

Are you kidding me?

Work is crazed. I haven't seen annie in over a week.

Are you going to see charlie later?

I don't know. If I get a break.

Let's not tell him about this.

About claudia. He doesn't need

To hear about it.

No. I'm with you on that.

So, 5:00 at the school?

5:00 At the school.

You didn't do these right.

Uh, hello to you, too.

Sorry. It's just that there's a system.

Yeah, I know. They come into town

And glom onto somebody else's business

Like vultures.

Kind of know their system.

So, lay it on me. What'd I mess up today?

Wait, did I say that? Did I say mess up?

Now, look, here, you just got to list

Your parts by codes.

So it's not filter, it's f-l-t, then dash,

Then the size.

Same with the oil. Just list the grade

In this column.

It's no biggie.

Yeah, all right. I can manage that.

Seeing as how oil and filters is all

They're letting me do.

And you didn't do this-- w-b-a, w-c-a.

That's 'cause I don't know what the hell they mean.

Work began at, work completed at.

Guess they want to keep track of

Your every moment, huh?

Yeah. All right, just leave them,

And I'll take care of it when I'm done.

Then they can get onto me about my handwriting

On top of everything else.

You know what? Let me do it.

I'll--i'll take care of them. I'll do 'em.

You don't have to do that.

No, it's no big deal.

Figure out what everything is.

Plus, my soap's pre-empted today.

It'll give me something to do during lunch.

I gotta tell you. I still don't think

You oughta be worrying about this now. It's morbid.

Bay, I should have done this

2 Or 3 years ago.

You know, I could go into remission

And still get run over crossing the street.

Man, you are a salinger.

Ok, so fine. Then leave me your skis.

Oh, very nice.

Hey! How do you feel?

Not too bad.

So, what's going on?

Mr. Optimism here is working on his will.

Just so you know, I was about to say

Dibs on owen.

You can have claudia.

Hey, you guys, uh, we kind of--

We kind of need to talk about that,

You know?

Um, about them in the future.

You mean, like, college and stuff?

No. Like...

Who they'd live with.

What do you mean? They'd live with us.

How is that even a question?

Where else would they be?

I don't know.

Maybe, uh, maybe kirsten's.


Wait. You're not...

You guys, I was older than both of you when

Mom and dad died.

And it was completely overwhelming for me.

Bailey: but you did it.

So, what are you saying, charlie,

That--that you could handle it

But that we're...

What? We're too irresponsible? We're too immature?

No. No, that isn't--

Then why did you come up with this?

I mean, we're doing it now, pretty much.

Now is different. It's--

God! Charlie, I don't know what more you want from me.

I mean, I'm busting my ass to keep everything--

Exactly. That's exactly it, jule.

'Cause if something happens to me,

Why should you be stuck being--

Being this parent?

It's too much. I want you guys

To be able to live your lives,

All right?

Well, they're in our lives, charlie.

They're part of our lives.

And they'd still be.

I mean, this is more like...

Where are they gonna sleep?

Who's going to go to open school night?

When's their-- their 6-month

Dental check-up?

That kind of thing. Just keeping things

In order.

That's crap.

Ok. Look, I know this is kind of

Out of the blue,

But if you think about it,

You'll see that it makes sense.

Yeah, I'll think about it.

I gotta go back to work.


You get it, right, jule?

Hey, I got all my dots and dashes

In order this time.

Do I get a prize?

Yeah, good.

What's wrong with you, they cancel your soap?

You know, just when everything's going ok,

And I feel like I have everything

Under control,

I find some new and improved way to blow it.

What'd you do?

Took this coupon. They had this

Stupid promotion

When the other shop opened--

Spend 150 bucks and you get a free tune-up.

It's only until january 20th

And I didn't look.

So now this guy's gonna come in here tomorrow,

He's gonna want his bike tuned up, and he's not

Gonna wanna pay.

Well, that's too bad. He gave you something

That's expired.

Just tell him.

I can't. See, company policy

Is you make the mistake, and it's on you.

Which means they're going to dock me,

Like, 80 bucks,

Which is food for the month.

Thank you very much.

Hey, hey, just, listen,

Let these other guys get out of here and

I'll do the tune-up for you.


Yeah, no paperwork or nothing.

Nobody's got to know. Customer will be happy.

I just need you to hang out and stand guard for me.

Is that cool?

Are you sure?

Yeah, you can just, uh, you know,

Tell me all about who's sleeping with who

On your soap.

Bailey, now, we have to go home this minute.

No, I can't. I gotta stay here

And set up everything.

And then i-- jeff, could you get

The specials board for me, please?

Listen to me. There is 6 inches of water

In the laundry room

And whatever was in the basement is ruined.

Can't you-- no, I can't.

Bailey, because it's wet and it's heavy

And you know what? The longer we wait--

Ok. Ok.

You know what? If we motor over there right now,

Then I could--

Damn it!


There's this thing at claud's school

That I have to--

You know what? Jule can cover. Come on.

Use a hanger. A wire coat hanger.

I don't know. Haven't you ever

Seen a movie?

Then break the window. Just get here, donna.

I need you to sit with him.

Ok, as soon as you can, but come on, I'm already late.

Owen, give it a rest.

He's going to be too busy teaching me

How to play chess, aren't you, dad?

Well, jeff, i...

Hi, zoe, is bailey there?

Oh. I wanted to catch him before he--

No, no message. Thanks. Bye.

Tv: me, too, so you'd better practice up

On your chess.

Bye, mom.

Not yet?


Are you sure they had the right time?

All right. Well, let me know when

Somebody gets here.



No, it's me.

Do we still have that wet-vac thing here?

No, I don't think so.

Hey, listen, I'm sorry I flaked. How'd it go?

How did what go?

Claud's meeting.

I tried, but phi beta donna locked her keys in the car.

Wait, wait, wait wait, wait.

You didn't go to the meeting?

No. I was stuck here.

You weren't-- no, I wasn't.

There was a flood at the apartment building

And I had to clean up a huge mess.

I figured you would cover.

I figured you would cover. Why didn't

You call me?

Why would I call you? I thought you were there.

God, what did we do?

We screwed up.

Damn it, how did this--

Ok, ok, wait a second.

Do you think anybody's there now at the school?

We can call someone. What's her face,

The counselor lady,? No, it's too late.

There's nothing we can do until tomorrow.

Do you think claudia went?

What's the difference if she did? We didn't.

You know, I can just hear it at the school.

How are they supposed to get this kid

To go to class

If they can't even come to a meeting?

And god, charlie, 3 hours ago,

We were telling him

How--how trustworthy and responsible we are.

Jule, enough. We made one mistake, ok?

It doesn't make us incompetent,

And it doesn't mean that charlie's right,

Because he isn't.

Claudia, is that you?

No, it's me.

Oh. You're just getting home?

Where'd you go after work?

Uh, no, I didn't. I, uh,

I kinda got stuck on this tune-up.

Sort of trickier than I thought it'd be.

What do you get for overtime there?

Is it time and a half?

Uh, I guess.

Well, good then.

See, at least there's one advantage

To working for someone else.

Uh, well, yeah, I never thought

About it that way.

How's it going?

It's going.


Man, there's, like, nothing in here.

Where were you, it's--

You know what? That's pretty ironic.

Where was i? Where were you?

I sat there like some loser.

Ok, look, I'm sorry. Really.

We both got hung up. Bailey thought I was

Going to go

And I thought he was. It was dumb.

Yeah, well, everybody has priorities.

No, no, that is not--

It's not like we blew it off.

It was a mix-up.

And I'm going reschedule.

First thing tomorrow morning,

I'm calling ms. Hoffman.

It's huffman.

Hi. Oh.

I have 2 words for every person

With a child--

Bicycle helmet.

Oh, no.

What happened?

You go out there and there are these parents

In the waiting room.

And I have to tell them.

The father, he bought her the bike for her birthday.

He's just--

And I kept trying to come up with something.

I kept thinking is there anything--

Is there anything I can do to make it

Even a little better.

I love you.

I love you for thinking like that.

And I know how you feel...

Sort of.

I saw charlie today.


And I think maybe there's something

That you and I can do

To make it a little less horrible for him.

Listen, I have to tell you we feel terrible

About yesterday.

That was--it was totally our fault.

We know this is a big deal, it's just that things--

Where is charlie?

He's the one I've been trying to call.

I know and he cares about this, too, a lot.

It's just that he's really swamped,

So he kind of--

He's her guardian. He should be here.

We know, but--

I've got to tell you guys, I am really

Starting to wonder

What's going on around here.

Your sister is an excellent student.

Honor roll her first semester.

And now, she's cutting classes left and right.

She's dropped out of orchestra.

We send letters home and get no answers.

What letters?

You didn't get them?

Well, maybe--maybe charlie got them.

Probably charlie got them. I'm sure

Charlie got them.

And now claudia's not here.

Oh, well, didn't someone

From the office

Call her out of class?

She isn't in class today.

Right. Right, I forgot to tell you.

She has a sore throat, so I told her she could, uh--

Ok, you know, that's enough.

This is just getting ridiculous.

You're saying she's in class. You're

Saying she's sick.

Ok, ok, you know what, ms. Huffman?

The truth is is that there's some stuff

Going on in our family right now

That's--that's been very difficult for claudia.

Charlie has pneumonia.

And that's why he's not here at this meeting,

But he's going to be out of the hospital soon

And then he can get back--

He's in the hospital?

Well, he's been kind of run down

From the radiation.

Wait, why radiation?

You said he has pneumonia.

Why is he--

That, but also, the big thing--

He has hodgkin's disease.

My god.

But--but they're treating it

And he's getting better.

And he'll be out of the hospital in, like, days.

All right, but in the meantime,

We still need to deal with your sister.

I know.

I know. We get it. We get it,

And we're going to take care of this.

I'll talk to claudia, ok? And, uh--

We'll get it straightened out.

Thank you. This was-- this was good.

So what's the deal? How long have you

Worked for these people?

Mmm, a year. Year-and-a-half.

Something like that.

Saw the sign over there for the management trainee

Thing they have.

You gonna do that? Is that the big plan?

You know what? I gotta tell you,

This whole long-term planning life-dream

Kind of thing--

Way overrated.

Yeah? Yeah, I mean,

It's, like,

Why give yourself an ulcer, right?

Because then if things

Don't work out,

You walk around, like, "oh, boohoo,

My life is ruined."

I say just live. See what comes up.

Oh, a big philosopher.

Don't make fun of me.

I'm not.

And also, uh, you know, I kind of like this.

I mean, I'm no hell's angel or anything,

But bikes?

Guys with bikes? Ooh, baby.

This whole thing, it's so--free.

You know, and sexy, don't you think?

You think that?

Are you kidding me?

Riding on the back of some beat up old hog,

With that death-grip thing girls do

To hold on around the guy's waist.

You're so close, you know?

You're squashed together, like spoons.

You're moving fast and you can't talk.

All you can do is feel each other.

Maybe you'll give me a ride sometime?




How you doing?

Mmm, man, I was having a weird dream.

I was skiing, but in my bare feet.

Do you want to know what I dreamt last night?

What's that?

We were on a lake. You and me.

I was in a boat. This little

Rickety thing,

And you were swimming circles around it.

But all of a sudden, you--you started

To go under

And, um, and you were yelling to me.

And i--i threw out this--inner tube,

And you grabbed it.

And I saved you.

What's--kirsten? What's--

You know paul's a good man, right?

I mean, all-- all he does is

Take care of people.

All day long, he takes care

Of these kids,

And he cares about them.

It's not like he's selfish.

But he just--

He just never wanted any of his own.

He never did.

I mean, I guess that's--

That's part of the reason why we

Ended up together.

I know it is.

Then, ok.

We can't take them, charlie.


I wanted to be able to do this for you.

I know you did.

James day, child protective services.

Can I come in for a minute?

What do you want?

Are you claudia salinger?

Yeah. So?

I need to talk to whoever's in charge of this household.

Could you please let me in?

There's really nothing for you to worry

About here, so--


Uh-huh. Yeah, that's owen

And I'm claudia.

And everyone's fine here, so--

Uh, where's julia?

She's the one who lives here, right?

Right. Uh, she's at work.


I don't know. She's-- well, she's temping.

So, if there was an emergency

And you needed to reach her,

You couldn't?

I guess, but she'll be home soon.


You know, I don't exactly

Know when, but, um, soon.

You know what? Bailey's probably

At the restaurant,

So I'll just go give him a call.

Does he live here?


You know what? You can call him

From my office.

I need you and your brother

To come with me.


We need to go down there and I need

To make some calls

And find out exactly what's going on

With this family.


Hey, owen.

I'm jimmy. We're going to take a ride, ok?

What do you think you're doing? Stop that!

You like my new truck?

Oh, that is one-- stop that!

Leave him alone! Put him down!

Get your hands off of him!

Get whatever you need. Your keys, whatever.

Please? Set him down!

Let's just take it easy, ok?

Let's make this easier for everybody.

We're not going anywhere with you.

Leave him alone! Just leave him alone!

Ok, this is ridiculous. I want to see them

Right now!

You go to a house and just take somebody?

What is that?

Look, I'm sorry, you're going

To have to wait.

Lady, where are they? Where are my

Brother and sister?

Owen: hi.

Oh, my god. Hey.

Are you all right?

You ok, buddy?

Kirsten, what are you doing here?

They called me.

Are you the person that took them?

You're the siblings?

Yeah, we are.

All right, we need--

Let me tell you something. You got a lot of nerve,

You know that?

Come on, let's go.

He must be sleepy.

I'm sorry. No!

No. Why the hell not?

Because certain things need to be investigated.

For example, why we're getting calls from her school

Asking us to intervene because nobody's aware

That she's absent all the time?

And who's taking care of him?

We are. We're taking care

Of both of them.

Well, there are standards for that care

And we need to be satisfied that they're being met.

Now, I'll need you both to be available

In the next few days.

The office will contact you tomorrow about

Setting up a meeting.

Fine. That's fine. Anytime.

In the meantime, we are placing

Claudia and owen

With ms. Bennett and her husband

Until we can come up with

A longer-term plan.

What? Kirsten?

Apparently, this is what they do.

This is great, claud. This is really great

'Cause, you know, we didn't have

Enough problems.

Julia: I don't want to tell him.

God, how are we going to tell him?

I keep trying to think of

A way to say it

And it keeps sounding more

And more hideous.

Well, listen, I could skip work today, jule.

Go with you to see charlie for moral support.

Or I could go with you to the social services

Meeting. What time's that?

1:30, But bailey and I are going

To do it.

Well, then, how about if I just

Stay here, you know.

Deal with stuff or whatever.

No. The best thing you can do for us

Right now is go to work.

Why? What's the big deal if I miss one day?

I mean, it's kind of dumb for me to be at

The shop if you need me.

Griffin, what's it going to look like if you're

Already taking time off?

You haven't even been there 2 weeks.

So what? Who cares?

That's sweet. Thank you.

Go to work.


I'm sorry.

We're really-- I want to know...

Exactly, word for word,

What these child welfare people said to you.

They said that they wanted to talk

To us formally.

Which is a technicality, I'm sure, you know.

It's like one of those things where once they

Start all the paperwork,

Then they have to go through these motions

Or something.

But everything is going to be fine, charlie.

We'll tell them that you're going to be

Out of here soon.

He's right. I think they were just

Trying to scare us,

Which they did so--

Look, we'll give them a whole schedule of

Who's watching who when

If that's what they're looking for.

I can't believe this. How does this thing--

Charlie, don't--

Just go find somebody.

A nurse or somebody, all right?

'Cause I got to get to that office.

Charlie, please, stop doing that.

You're going to hurt yourself, charlie.

Doctor: what's the matter?

Dr. Rabin, good, good, listen,

I need to be released today. Right now.

What are you talking about?

I've gotta get out of here.

There's something very important

That I have to do.

No. I have to!

Charlie, you're running a little bit of a fever.

We have to finish your course of antibiotics.

I'll take a pill.

Listen to me, all right?

You spent 2 weeks getting rid of this pneumonia

And we're almost there.

Now is not the time to fool around.

I'll check and see where we are with your blood work.

Damn it!

Charlie, I told you we'll handle it.

Oh, you'll handle it.

Yeah. You'll handle it?

Look how you've handled it already.

You want me to leave them to you forever.

You can't even deal with them for 2 weeks.

Wow, look at that basketball player.

You like basketball, right?

Yeah. It's your favorite?


I'm gonna go.

You need a ride to school?

No. Thanks.

But you are going to school, right?


Will you please tell me what's going on?


Look, I know everything is--

Weird and scary and confusing now.

And I'm sure you didn't mean to cause

All this stuff to happen.

Gonna start lecturing me now, too?

I just want to know what's up with you.

I'm trying to understand you, claud.

What do you do all day?

When you're not in school, where are you?



Golden gate park sometimes.


I don't know.

Sometimes I pretend like I'm this--

Tourist from back east.

You know, here with my big, happy family

On vacation.

La la la.

Oh, claud.

They must all hate me now.

No. No. Come on, nobody hates you.

Look, we get it.

We get it loud and clear.

And we messed up.

And you did what you had to do.

You were doing your job.

And the truth is, we appreciate you

Caring so much.

I'm just saying that given the circumstances,

Don't you think you could cut us a little slack?

Let me tell you something.

When you're talking about

The welfare of 2 young children,

There's no such thing as slack.

Ok, but--

Why weren't we informed about your brother's illness?

Social services has been involved

With all of you before,

Why weren't we told?

I don't know.

Is there a plan in place if charlie doesn't recover?

Hey, he's going to get better.

He really is. I'm sorry,

But you don't know that.

I know you don't want to hear this,

But I believe these kids are being neglected.

That's--come on. It's not like they're

Living on the street

Or they're not eating.

No, but frankly,

I think the two of you are in way over your heads.

And look at the cost.

You've got a 15-year-old who practically

Dropped out of school

And nobody noticed. That's neglect.

And as far as I can tell, she's the one who ends up

Looking after owen a lot of the time.

Now, this is a girl who has not demonstrated

That she can take care of herself,

Let alone a 4-year-old.

And does anybody make time for that little boy?

Or is it just about shuttling him

To and from daycare?

Because that's also neglect.

Look, we're really trying.

You know what I see?

I see a family that is one step away

From complete disaster.

And I will not let that happen.

Boy, you really don't like keeping track of time, do you?

What, I'm the last one here?


I'm sorry. Can you not leave

Till I leave?


So, show me how to do that.

What, an oil change?

Yeah. Teach me how.

I changed my mind about that whole life-dream

Kind of thing.

I want to be a mechanic when I grow up.

You making fun of me?

A little, yeah.


Uh, see, the guy whose bike this is,

He tried to take the filter off himself.

And he wound up stripping these 3 cross-head screws

Down here. See?

It's not a good thing.

Note to self-- no stripping.

Anyway, what you have to do--

No offense, but it wasn't that funny.

I know.

It's just something I do

When I'm nervous.

Why are you nervous?

I'm thinking about trying something a

Little risky maybe.

What, like bungee jumping?

No, like this.

Rosalie, I'm-- I'm married.

I know.

I'm not perfect, either.


How you feeling?

Oh, I'm terrific.

Yeah, everything's-- everything's terrific.

But hey, you-- you know that.

Look, um--

I'm sorry.

I didn't know that this was all--

You know, you--

You'd think that now, of all the times

In your life,

That you'd--that you'd think, for god's sake.

Were you trying to get back at me

For something?

We go--we go 4 years without any problems

From social services and then you--


Were you trying to spite me for being sick? What?


I just--

I couldn't sit there in algebra...

And english comp like--

Like everything was normal.

I can't explain it to you. It was just--

Just so--

What happened?

Why didn't you call? How did it go?

Not great.

What does that mean?

What do you mean not great?

What are they going to do?

I don't know.

We tried, but I'm not sure how

It's gonna go.

They're not--

They're not going to take them out of

The house, are they?

Are they--are they going to give them

To somebody else now?

Is that what you're trying to tell me?


You don't need any stuff from the house, do you?



I could use clothes.

That's an extra 20 minutes.

Doesn't kirsten have a washing machine?


I asked you something.

Oh, great...

That'll help, claudia.

Not talking to me is really gonna to help.

I don't have anybody.


You've got griffin.

Bailey...well, bailey has annie.

I don't have anybody.

I beg--excuse me, excuse me, ma'am,

Uh, you can't go there.

Ma'am, excuse me.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm used to--

My husband used to own--


Hey, uh, can you take lunch now?

I need you to help me with something.

Yeah. Yeah, you should

Put these on.

I managed to get another meeting

About claudia and owen,

And I want you to come with me.


Ok. I'm just going to go check

And make sure--

I've only got a few minutes, so...

I know and thank you seeing me again.

I know you're really busy trying to figure out

This stuff with my family.

And...but this isn't claudia's fault.

I mean, look at what the last few years have been

For her, you know?

I mean, anyone would react.

And I know there wasn't some grownup saying

Stop, don't cut school.

I know that. There should have been.

But please don't punish claudia and owen

Because we weren't paying attention.

This isn't about punishing anybody.

It's about trying to figure out what's best

For those 2 children.

We are. Griffin and me.

Based on what?

I know--i know I haven't been doing a very good job

'Cause all this taking care of kids stuff...

It just sort of happened.

You know, there was no plan.

There was no-- we just ended up

In the middle of it,

But now we know what to do.

And we know what not to do.

And look at us.

Take a look at us.

We're married, we're completely

Devoted to each other,

And we love each other.



And trust me, griffin and I have been through

Some pretty crappy stuff together.

But we've figured out how to get through it.

I think now we can pretty much survive anything.

I don't know, julia. I mean...

I know you're sincere about this,

But it's not enough.

What if I tell you I'll only take jobs

Where I can be home when they get home?

Yeah, and I'm doing ok money-wise now,

So that'll be all right.

And I'll make sure claudia goes to school

And that she studies

And that she does her homework.

And I promise

That there will always be someone there for owen.

I know how to do this.

I had a really good mother.

Are we talking long-term or short-term?

What kind of commitment are you making?

Whichever. Until charlie can take care of them again.

However long they need us.

You're how old, 18?

You're not thinking about college?

No. Not while this is going on. No.

What about-- the two of you

Don't want to move out on your own?

We're not going anywhere.

Your white cell counts are exactly where

They should be.

Your chest x-ray's clear.

Charlie, we're done with you here.

You're discharged.


I'm sure you'll be glad to get back home.

Get back to normal.

Yeah, sure.

I'll get your stuff.

This will be a little sore.

Jule, hey.



Good news.


Can you open this?

I hate these things. You know, child-proof.

What's the matter, you got a headache?


Yeah, me, too.


So you were gone a long time.

Where'd you go?

Does it matter?

She's pretty.

Your wife.

Yeah. Yeah, she is.

Hey, charlie, um,

I want you to put us in the will.

Griffin and me.

That we'd get them if--

I think it's too much. It's too much, jule.

Do you realize how big a sacrifice that would be

For you and griffin to--

You know, everybody keeps saying that.

About what I'd be giving up,

But that's not--

I mean, you get stuff back, too,

From taking care of everybody.

I mean, there's a lot to feel good

About, isn't there?

Having them need you.

Having us need you.

I mean, it's not all one way,

Right, charlie?

Of course not.

You know that.

So, it balances out.

Your limo, sir.



Let's go.

Bailey: I'm telling you, man,

That one nurse,

The cute, short one with the brown hair,

She had a thing for you.

Charlie: yeah, you really want to date somebody

Who's changed your bedpan.

Julia: at least there are fewer surprises.

(All laugh)


Hey, buddy.

You want me-- oh, no, no,

I got him.


You got out of bed?

Yeah, I got out of bed.

Want me to take that for you?

Thank you.

Bye, owen.

How you been, buddy? Good.

Have a good time at kirsten's?


She let you watch lots of rugrats?


Come on, buddy.

Come on.