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04x15 - Here and Now

Posted: 03/09/22 10:36
by bunniefuu
I'm just saying

Vivace, prestissimo-- who cares?

Your music appreciation professor.

Ok. Besides her.

Ha ha!

Look, it's about tempo, right?

Right? So why don't you just take the words

And apply them to a physical activity?

Like, say...


Kissing, for example.

You know, andante.

It's a normal pace.

Go with the flow.

And adagio, well, that's, you know,

Slow with feeling.

What about andantino?

That really confuses me, 'cause--

Well, see, that one's up to the conductor,

Because andante is a little faster,

Like--like this.

(Quick kisses)

And adagio is a little slower

Like this.

(Slow kisses)

So it totally depends on your mood.

Sarah, uh, moderato?


It's ok.

It's ok. We said that we

Were going to wait

Until the time was right.

You know? Until it just

Kind of happened

In the moment, like now.

And I know that it's scary,

But if we do it together...

Well, duh.

What I mean is--



I just have to grab my workout gloves,

So I'll just--

Do it in a hurry?

Excellent suggestion.

So, uh, hey, where do you work out?

'Cause I never have time to get to the gym.

I threw a bench down in the laundry room.

Oh, cool. Free weights?

Yeah. I got this new book,

The 30-minute workout. It's awesome.

Bailey, you were in a hurry.


Wow. 30 Minutes, huh? Is that full body?

Yeah, full body. It's pretty intense.

Well, maybe you could show me.

Sure, man. Anytime. Just let me know.

How about right now? Right now?

Right now?

Well, if it's ok with you?


I mean, you need a spotter, right?

Well, yeah, but--

Great. Great. So I'll just be

A half-hour.

Wait. A half-hour?


Hey, don't worry. I'll be prestissimo.

Very fast.


Elliot: maybe you can show me

Something for my delts.

Bailey: yeah. Sure, man.

(Door closes)

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪



I was thinking about making us

Dinner tonight.

You know, just the 2 of us,

And we have a tv at home, so--

No, no. It's not that. It's--look at this.

They're running a commercial now,

That place up the street.

Like it's not enough they're k*lling me


Wow. That's bad.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to have one of those grand

Re-opening things.

You know, like charlie did with salingers'.

That's a good idea.

You could do fliers and an ad

In the weekly.

No, uh-uh. You're thinking

Too small, jule.

If I'm going to compete,

I've got to get a commercial, too.

Do you have any idea what something

Like that costs?

It's got to be, like--

Really expensive.

I've got no choice, all right?

Not if I'm going to stay in business.

I made some phone calls, and I found this guy

That can do the whole thing for, like a couple of grand.

And the air time's not that much on some

Of the channels.

We don't have money like that.

They take credit cards.

All right. All right. I know that you think

That sounds stupid.

It's just another stupid idea

That griffin came up with.

No. Griffin--

But it's not, ok?

I've got to do this.

I can't let them just run me out of business

Without at least trying.

I've got to try.



Lower so the bar almost touches your chest.

Feel the burn. Back up.

So, you and sarah, you guys dated for,

Like, a long time, huh?

Yeah, I guess so.

And still, you guys never, uh--

We never what?

Well, you guys were, like, this

Really big deal,

But sarah's still you know, a virgin,


Oh, yeah. Yeah, we never, uh--

We didn't--

Why not?

If you don't mind me asking.

It was-- it was complicated.

The first time we tried,

Man, she put so much pressure on me.

You, too?

Yeah. I got you.

Whew! Nice.


I'm sorry.

I mean, she's your ex.

I probably shouldn't have--

No. Hey, no, man.

Anything I can do

To help you survive sarah.

Us guys got to stick together,


Sarah: ahem! Elliot?

Oh, hey.

I though you said it was going to be a half an hour.

Yeah. We just kind of lost track of time.

Right, el?

Right, bay.

Well, it's been over an hour, and, el--

We're almost done. Bailey's got 2 more sets,

And then he's going to show me some

Lower-body stuff.

So another half?

Bailey? Is he still down here?

Oh, yeah.

Right here.

I thought you were going to play

The madeline game with me.

Oh, no, they can't, sweetheart.

2 More sets, lower body, another half an hour

At least.

Bailey: yeah.

So what do you do for cardio?

I run 3 miles a day.


Kevin. Hey.

How'd it go?

What--what'd the doctor say?

I don't know yet.

What do you mean you don't know?

They did the tests, didn't they?

Yeah, sure. They just, uh--

I told the doc, whatever the results,

I wanted them in writing,

'Cause there was no way that I was going to sit

Across a desk

And get more bad news. You know.

And you haven't opened it yet.

This is the rest of my life here, charlie.

In an envelope.

Either the radiation worked, or I've still got cancer.

I was thinking I should go someplace beautiful,

You know, like drake's beach

Or someplace and open it

And, um, jump for joy or walk into the waves,

Whichever seems more appropriate.


You want some support?

Why do you think I came here first?

Just promise you'll do the same for me.

It's got to be something simple,

Like come on down to holbrook's

And then throw in some oil change

Specials and stuff.

Damn it.

Yeah, but you got to have a hook,

And you don't want to advertise prices.

I don't?

No. No, because then the place up the street

Will undercut you.

You want to sell something they can't:

That you're the mechanic people can trust,

That you're the little guy, not some huge company.

Wow. You're good at this.

I'm sorry. Do we have any magazines

From this decade?

What? Who cares anyway?

Well, excuse me for living,

But it's my homework assignment.

Since when are magazines homework?

Since we have to do this stupid time capsule

For the class of 2001.

We're supposed to bring in something that represents

This year.

Yeah. Well, can you do it without talking?

What was I saying?

Oh, yeah.

You've got to be friendly and honest,

You know, sell yourself.

Oh, yeah, but if I say all that stuff,

Nobody's going to believe me,

But if you say that stuff,

Say, wearing some really sexy outfit--


You wear a sexy outfit.

Oh, come on.

Motorheads dig 2 things:

Chicks and bikes.

Excuse me. Chicks.

Come on. You said you'd help.

Oh. Oh!

Oh, you want help.


I'll help you.

Oh! Ah, you're good.

Ha ha ha!

Good help.

"Canned spaghetti, save $.59?"

Nat's favorite.

Your arm still sore?

No, I'm fine.

Elliot's the one who can barely move.

How much can you bench press?

I don't know. How much can you?

So is it weird for you,

Like, hanging out with sarah's boyfriend?

No, he's cool,

And I'm glad she's got somebody.

At least she seems like she's in a better mood

Now that they're dating.


Maybe that's 'cause-- you know.

You know.

Natalie: what do you do for cardio, man?

I don't think that's the case actually.

They're both still...

The big "v."


Yeah. They've never actually--


Hey, what are you guys doing?

Pumping iron, man.

I know she definitely wants to lose her--

(Whispers) virginity.

And he's obviously thinking about it, too.

What possible reason could they have

For wanting to wait?

♪ Bailey and elliot sittin' in a tree ♪

♪ K-i-s-s-i-n-g ♪

♪ First comes love ♪

♪ Then comes marriage ♪

No way.

Then comes bailey pushing a baby carriage.

No way!

No way.

I feel like a groundhog.

Like--like if I open this and see my shadow,

I'm going to have 6 more weeks of radiation.

Well, even if I'm cured,

I'm still going to have 6 weeks

Of follow-up radiation

Just to make sure they got it all,

So it doesn't--

Maybe hemingway had the right idea.

What was that?

Soon as he found out he was sick,

He blew his brains out.

Kevin, god, come on.

You--you haven't even opened it yet.

You open it. I'm a coward.


I--i don't want to be the one

That tells you.

What if it's good news?

Then you should read it yourself.

I'm just--i'm here for moral support,

Either way, no matter what happens.

If it's bad news, there goes my hairline.

Chemo--that's brutal.

If it's good, it means radiation works.

You know, I got a lot riding on this, too.


Here goes.

"Results of cbc, negative.

"Esr, normal.

Neck and chest cat scans, negative."

Negative. That's positive, right?

God. I'm--i'm, uh-- look at this.

Remission. It says, uh--

"You are--" that's--

I'm ok.

You're ok.

I'm ok!

You're ok.

Radiation works! Radiation works!



Hi. Do you, uh--

Want, like, special attention

When you bring your bike in to be

You know, uh, serviced and repaired?

'Cause if you do, then--then, like,

You should bring your bike on down


To holbrook's.


No, no, no, no.

I'll let you cut it.

What's with the ums and likes?

It's just how we talk. It's real.

It's unintelligible.

Whew. Let's go again.

Give me a slate.

So if you want friendly service

When you get your, um, bike repaired,

Bring it to holbrook's...

At filth and fifthmore.

Ha ha ha!


At film and fifthmore.


Filmore and fifthmore.

So hurry on over to holbrook's!

We're at...

Fifth and filmore.




About time.

Photographer: ok, we'll, uh,

Edit this down,

Slap some titles on. You'll be in business.

Thanks. That's great, man.

Hey, I'm just glad to be doing a sh**t

Where the actors keep their clothes on.

Charlie, you've got to see this.


That's my chair.


You bet. Sit down.

What's all this?

Our future, charles, that's what.

I mean, hell, we're both going

To be fine,

So now's the time to start thinking ahead

And making some serious plans.

Well, that's, uh-- what kind of plans?

You and me in business together.

Now, this is primitive compared to what

It will be

Once I customize the software,

But look at this.

Say you want to change something.

Just click and drag. No more erasing.

Wait, wait. Software?

A program for furniture design.

I did my homework.

Do you know how much manufacturers

Could save

If they had virtual prototypes?


Yeah, I guess.

Who is better qualified than you and me

To create the program?

I mean, we've got our own think t*nk

Right here.

Do you really think we could do that?

For real?

I am telling you, chuck,

We are retired, sitting on a beach,

Sipping mai-tais, checking our stocks

Within 5 years.

Look at this.

Say you want to change woodgrain.

We can make a template.

Sort of like mixing paints.

How far did you say we were going?

3 Miles. You're doing great.

So, elliot...

I was thinking of maybe, uh--

Redoing my bedroom.

You mean like paint and stuff?

Yeah. You know, maybe carpet

And--what do you call it

For the windows?

There's a word for it. Window...



Treatments. You knew that.

You wouldn't, uh--

You wouldn't have any ideas about that,

Would you?

Yeah. Throw a sheet over them.

Ah. Hey, I hadn't thought of that.

Hey, you catch any of that sharks game

Last night?

No, I was listening to turandot.

Who's that?

It's an opera.


I didn't know that you were into...


Are you kidding?

I had to listen for this stupid music class

That I have to take.

I couldn't believe I had to miss the game

To listen to a bunch of people scream

At each other.

Have you ever seen cats?

Excuse me?

Cats. You know, the musical.

Sarah dragged me to see it last year.

Have you?

Ever seen it?

I hate musicals. Really?

Yeah, and, uh, what's up?

You're acting kind of wacko.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm just--

I was just making conversation.

This is a picture of me as mother death

From the vampire festival,

And it should definitely go into the time capsule,

'Cause, well, I really like the idea

Of burying myself and then rising

From the dead

In 25 years.

End of the world, the game.

Maybe by 2026, when we open up

The time capsule,

It won't just be a game anymore.

I made this videotape of life at grant high.

We can watch it at our 25th class reunion,

Assuming vhs is still a viable format

And the tape hasn't oxidized, that is.

Not a clue.

Claudia, everyone has to contribute.

Yeah, but this whole thing is just...


There's nothing you can put in that capsule

That says what life is like.

I mean, who cares about comic books

Or cds or whatever.

Those things don't even matter now.



Then what does matter to you?

Like I know.

How's this for an idea?

Why don't you figure it out?

On paper.

Excuse me?

I want you to write a letter to yourself,

And I want you to tell that 40-year-old you

What life was like at grant in 1998.

I'm sorry. A letter?

To myself?

5 Pages, typed,


Ha ha ha!

No! No. I'm just saying

That you looked great. You sounded great.

I was very proud of you. That's all.

Oh, yeah. Well, you weren't

So bad yourself.

Yeah, well, you're the one

That's going to have them lined up

Around the block, not me.

I wouldn't be so sure.

Hello. We're in san francisco.

You think I should pursue a career at it,

Become like a spokesperson or something?

Well, you can do whatever you want.

Whatever, huh?

You mean like anything?

Well, within reason.





What are you doing?

Whatever I want.



Our first job, comfortable hospital chairs.

We'd make a k*lling.

Mr. Quass?

Right here.

I need your signature on some insurance papers.

Whatever it takes to move this along.

Oh, I see you're starting your final 6 weeks.

You got it.

Doc says I'm out of the woods,

But, of course, they got to milk 6 more weeks

Of medical bills out of me.

Ha ha ha! Well, congratulations.

Yeah, I beat the odds.

I'm thinking maybe I should go to vegas.

Well, make a bet for me.

'Cause I tell you, cancer--you think

You're a goner,

But modern medicine, it's amazing.

75% Right?

That's 3 out of 4.

I'm one of them.

I mean, how lucky can you get?

Hey, 10 minutes to the first reservation.

Put the romance mix on,

And somebody hit the lights!

Hey, bailey? Hey, man.

What's going on?

You meeting sarah here or something?

What? Oh, no. I just, uh--

Listen, I hope you don't mind

Me dropping in on you at work like this,

But can we talk?

Um, yeah. Yeah. Sure.

Here. Come on over here.

What's going on?

Well, it's about this morning.

You know, jogging?

What? Did I run you too hard?


No. Just, uh...

You were, like, weird with all those questions.

Yeah. I know. I'm sorry.

I was just--

It's stupid.

No. No. Don't apologize,

'Cause I just, uh...

I know what you were hinting around at.


And I want you to know

That I am, like, so relieved.


Yeah, 'cause...

I think, uh...

I think maybe I am, too.

You think maybe you are, too, what?

Well, you know.

Gay, like you. Man!

Ok. I said it.

It's like you've been great.

Bay, this has been--

You've made this so much easier for me,

And, I mean, I thought sarah was going to be it.

You know, prove to me that I wasn't.

And then-- then you came along,

And it just felt--

It was different. You know?

Like, I got that vibe,

And it just seemed right or something.

And now, it's like I am sure.

In fact, I've never been more sure about anything

In my life.

The whole annie thing kind of threw me at first,

But, duh, you must feel the same way about her

That I do about sarah, so I get that.

Look, elliot...

It's totally cool if you're--

(Whispers) if you're gay.

I--i have no opinion about that.

Um, but...

I think that maybe you got the wrong--

I--i know that you definitely got

The wrong idea

This morning,


I'm not.

I was just--

I'm--i'm sorry, but I was just trying

To find out if you were.


Oh, man.


Then maybe we should, uh...

Maybe I should...

I'm going to go.

Oh, my god.

No. I mean it, bailey.

I mean, elliot's coming over tonight.

I'm making dinner,

And tonight he is mine. You know?

Tonight is the night.

No more waiting, and I don't want

You 2 running off

So that you can pump iron or jog or

Whatever the hell it is

That you do when you get together.

Don't worry. Annie and I are going

To the movies, so--

Well, good, 'cause tonight you can't steal

My boyfriend.

You can count on that.

You have to tell her.

No. It's not my job.

Bailey, her boyfriend is--she should know.

Yeah, you're right, she should,

And he should tell her.

I'm not going to be the one to hurt her

Like that.

And if this is on the doorknob,

Do not enter. Ok?

'Cause, bailey, I made up my mind.

Tonight is the night.


You keep saying that, sarah, but are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

God, bailey, elliot called me, ok?

He said that he had to see me,

That it was, like, really important.

Why am I even telling you this?

I mean, it's so none of your business.

Bailey, do you have to keep everything that

You own on this couch?


What? What? Maybe he's

Gonna tell her.

Which is not exactly what she thinks she's

In for this evening.

Yeah, well--well--

How can you do this?

What's with all the whispering?


Nothing. Nothing. We were just...

Look... You should be careful,


I mean, how well do you really know this guy?

No, no, bailey.

I am not gonna stand here

And listen to some safe sex lecture, ok?

Nobody is gonna spoil this for me.



Then don't forget. I mean it.

Ok, we are looking at 3 months

To design a prototype.

That's without all the plug-ins,

But enough flash to get some serious

Seed money.

Hey, you dozing off on me?

No, I'm just listening.

And while we're inputting

All the manufacturing specifications,

We start contacting some of the bigger

Software companies,

Because I don't think we're gonna go

Indi-prod, you know?

Yeah, probably not.

We want this in every major

Software catalog

By next spring.

Then we can kick back and watch the tidal wave

Of money

Just come rushing in.

Brrrraaaaaa! Ha ha.

What's the matter? You tired?

Because we can park this till tomorrow.

No, I'm not tired.

Ok, I'm just, um...

I'm just thinking about this whole thing,

And I'm listening to you, and...

I don't think this is gonna work...

This whole software idea.

What, are you crazy? Of course it'll work.

No. I mean, it's too expensive,

And who's gonna use it anyway?

It's not like people sit around

And design furniture.

Charlie, what are you talking about?

I pulled the figures off the internet.

It's not gonna work, ok?

It's a really bad idea.

'Cause you know what?

You design furniture with a pencil

And a piece of paper,

And you build it with your hands,

Not with some virtual cyber whatever it is.

Just forget it, kevin, all right?

It's a waste of time.

Charlie, whoa--

I mean it. It's a really bad idea,

And I'm not doing it.

Well, I took a look at your little "commercial."

Great. So what do you think's

More important,

The rating or the share?

Because we didn't know

Whether to run it

During the kung fu


Or cartoon carnivals.

That's cute. Just tell him he wins.

Excuse me?

'Cause this is the funniest damn thing

I've seen in a long time.


Come on.

Manny arbowitz put you up to this,



I mean, this is a joke, right?


You seriously want me to air this?

Of course we do.

I'm sorry, but...

This tape....

The picture's full of snow.

It sounds like you're at the bottom of a well.

I mean, we're not public access here.

It's funny as hell with the stammering, but--

Wait a minute. I paid 2 grand

For this thing.

You have to run it.

2 Grand?

You can't do a decent commercial

For 2 grand.

I'm sorry, but...

Can I still keep a copy, please?

It's just, we get a kick out of it

Around here.



You ok?


It's ok if I turn on a light?

Oh, man. Ok...

What happened?

He just--(sob)-- he broke up with me.

He came over, and--

And he was acting all weird,

And then he started crying

And apologizing,

And he wasn't making any sense, bailey,

So just I asked him to just sit down

And talk, and...

He couldn't stop crying,

So he ran out.

God, bailey, what is wrong with me,


Nothing. That's not...

I mean, he told you why, right?

No. No, he didn't.

He just said that this wasn't right

And that it was his problem,

And that's it.

So he never told you?

Told me what?

Wait a minute.

Bailey--bailey, you guys didn't--


Oh, well, that's humiliating

That you guys--

Bailey, did he tell you why he was

Gonna dump me?

Because if he did, bailey, you owe me

That, ok?

You owe me the truth.

I mean, it's something that I did, right?

Or the fact that he finds me repulsive?


What is it, bailey? Tell me.

Claudia: hey.


Believe it or not,

There's actually some sort of cool news

Around here for a change.

What is it?

Well, you remember that essay I had

To write?

You know, it's a letter to class

For when we're all like 40 years old,

But mrs. Ryerson liked it so much

That it's going in the time capsule.

Really? That's-- that's great, claud.

But, charlie, that's nothing.

She said I did such a great job on it.

It''s called here and now.

She wants me to read it during the assembly

While we bury the time capsule,

And then she wants me to read it again--

And get this--in 2026

At my class of 25th reunion.

It's pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, I was, um...

I was just wondering if you'd come

To the assembly.

It'd be really great if you were there

When I read it.


Think about it. Really, charlie.

Think about that.

This is so weird. I'll be...

I'll be 42 at the reunion.

I might even be married,

Might even have some kids.

I mean, who knows?

It's--man, isn't that--

Isn't that weird to think about?

God, claudia...

What's the matter with you?


What? Charlie, I was just saying that--

I know what you were saying, all right?

And how the hell could you be so insensitive?

Well, what did I say, charlie?

I can't believe that you're just yammering on

About being 40 and about how all this stuff

That you have to look forward to

And all these plans that you're making.

No, no, no, charlie. That's not what I meant.

I can't think about the future, ok?

How'd it go?

Same thing at every station.

Basically, they all think it sucks.


Yeah, well, why should that come

As any big shock, huh?

Nothing I do is good enough.

I'm never going to be able to compete.

I'm just, what, small potatoes

Or something.

I'm sorry. I know it's hard.

Yeah, well, I've gotta come up with an idea.

Just one good idea.

If I'm still having this reopening thing,

I don't know how to get people in there

If I have to go up the street and steal

The customers from them.

I'm not giving up. I can do this.

I know I can make this work!

Griffin, we just lost $2,000 on that commercial.

That's $2,000 that we're gonna have to pay back,

Plus interest,

And that's just more money that we owe.

I'll make it back, all right? I'll figure

Something out.

God, griffin, don't you...

Every time we get a bank statement,

Every 4 stupid weeks,

It's like, "what happened to it?

Where did it all go?"

And it's k*lling us.

It's k*lling us, and...

You got to get rid of it, griffin.

You've got to get rid of the shop.

What? No, no. I can save it, julia.

You just gotta believe in me.

That is not-- stop doing that, griffin.

Stop making this about whether or not

I believe in you,

Because it's not fair. Because it's about...

Look at what it's doing to us.

We're broke, we're living hand-to-mouth,

We're arguing all the time, and look at our life.

Griffin, you got to let it go.

No, I won't.

Well, then, uh...

You should know that, um...

I'm not doing this anymore.

I'm not gonna keep working crummy jobs

So that you can...

I'm done.

How could you?! Sarah!

What was all that, huh?

With the making out and the "I'm a virgin, too,"

The chocolate shavings in my coffee

And the "you smell like my childhood" crap?!

I mean, what was that, huh? Just some kind of big act?

Did bailey--

Yeah, he did, but you know what?

He shouldn't have

Because you, you should have told me, elliot.

I mean, god, that's basic.

Sarah, wait, please.

I was just trying to figure everything

Out at once.

No, you know what?

You made me feel like there was something

Wrong with me.

You made me feel horrible,

And the whole time, you were just lying to me.


Ok, yes, but it's not that simple,

Because I just...

I wasn't sure.

I didn't want it to be true,

And when I met you,

And when I realized how I felt about you,

I thought you were like my salvation

Or something.

I thought...

I thought, if I can love this woman,

Then it'll make it all go away.

You made a pass at my ex-boyfriend.

God. God, could somebody just please tell me why

Things works out this way?

I finally meet this guy.

God, elliot, I finally meet you,

And you're smart and sensitive.

You have great taste.

You actually know who dinah washington is,



Well, ok, maybe I should have seen it coming,

But you know what? It's not fair, elliot.

Believe me, I know.

It's not fair.


Wait, no. No, you know what? Hang on. Are you sure?


No. I mean, how do you know that you're actually gay?

That doesn't just happen to a person overnight.

I just know, ok?

I mean, god, it doesn't exactly take

A genius to figure it out.

Yes, but, bailey, I mean, you're attracted to--

Could we not talk about that?


Whew. Ha.

I just don't get men, like, at all.



Welcome to the club.


It's the business, griffin. It's not you.

You have to know that.

I mean, what else could you have done?

It's so not your fault.

I had $100,000,

And now I don't.

How's that not my fault.



Hey. Weekly got wet.


Did you ever read the personals?

Excuse me?

You know, right after the phone sex ads.

Some really nice people.

I think if maybe I ran an ad,

Then that would mean that there were other

Nice people

Out there, too, right?

I'm gonna die a virgin.


No, I mean it.

It's just never gonna happen for me.

Sure it is.

Ok, ok, look...

I know that this has to be...

Well, weird, frankly, but...

Don't you think it's a little early in the game

To be giving up?


How about a movie?

Let's just go see some stupid movie

And laugh our asses off.

Look at all these movies.

When was the last time we saw a movie together?

The night before you told me you

Slept with callie.

That long?



Look, bailey, it's really sweet.

It's very sweet that you want

To spend time with me,

But I kind of already have plans.

Elliot and I are going to see oliver!

Well, you know,

Just because he's gay doesn't mean we don't

Have things in common.

Elliot said he hates musicals.

Guess what.

He lied.



Sorry. Um...

Claudia said it was ok.

Yeah, sure. I didn't...

Uh, you gotta tell me why, charlie.

Why are you doing this?

Because this could be great.

It could give you something

To look forward to,

To hold onto.


You see, it's not...

You don't get it, kevin. I...

It's just...

You're making these plans,

Are you're laying out the future,

And you can afford to do that now,

And that's great for you. It is.

But I can't.

So what are you saying, that you're giving up?

No. I'm just saying that...

That--that thing that we had in common,

The sickness and the treatments,


That's all gone now, and...

And what, charlie? What?

You're cured.

You're cured, and that's amazing,

And the truth is,

It makes it easier for you now,

But for me, it just...

I know this is crazy.

I know this is crazy and unfair, but...

You're one of the 3 out of 4.

You got well.

And I can't help it. I just...

All of a sudden, I feel like my chances got worse.

And I want to be bigger than this. I swear I do.

But it just...

I can't be around you anymore, man.

'Cause when I look at you, all I keep thinking is...

You took my place, man.

You took my place.

All right. Now I'd like claudia salinger to come up

And read her essay.



I thought she was--

Well, I'll read it for her.

"To the class of 2001 in the year 2026

"From the class of 2001 in the year 1998,

"Hi. How's it going?

"I thought this whole time capsule assignment

Was kind of lame

Until I actually started thinking about it..."

Claudia: "and that's when I realized something.

"It really doesn't matter what we put in here

"Because I can't remember stuff that was important

6 Months ago,

"Let alone 25 years.

"I mean, man, I can't wrap my brain around 25 years

"'Cause I haven't even been around that long yet, so...

"It seems to me the only thing that matters,

"The only thing that's even--

That's even real,

"Is the here and now.

"And some stuff is important,

And some stuff isn't..."

Oh, god.

"And I guess time is the only thing

That can sort out which is which."


"And that just means the more we live

In the present,

"The more we store up all the memories,

"Good and bad.

"The more we have to hold onto

Once people, places, and things are gone."

"'Cause, believe me, I speak from experience

"When I say things can change forever

With, like, no warning."

"So no matter how much you love something

"Or no matter how much you take it for granted,

Nothing lasts forever."

"So for now...

"All we can do is hang on

"And wait and see and hope...