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04x12 - Empty Shoes

Posted: 03/09/22 10:29
by bunniefuu
Uh-huh. Now, this--

This I can stomach.

That's your entree then, sir--

Charlie, table 3 wants to substitute cous cous

With their rib eye--

Not now, jule. Ask in the kitchen.

Hey, you're the anniversary guy.


Oh, well, congratulations.

40 Years I hear. Not bad.

And the shrimp bisque to start, mr. Bancroft?

Where's the stuffed salmon?

Shouldn't he try our award-winning fish?

Yes. Shouldn't i?

It's not in his price range,


But if mr. Bancroft--

Forget the price range. I want the best

You have.

Want me to see if there's any

In the kitchen he can taste?


Let's look together.

What are you trying to do to me?

It's his 40th anniversary,


He said he wants the best. Why not give it to him?

Because there are 60 people

In his party,

And the salmon takes us...

It takes us...


It takes us 6 minutes a plate.

Oh. I never thought of that.

That's why I'm the manager, jule.

I've been here for 3 years. You've

Been here for...

3 Days.



Are you ok?

Claud, it's nothing to panic about, ok?

It just means my treatments

Are working.

What it means is you're getting

Radiation poisoning.

Well, technically, yeah,

But I'm just saying that...

It's normal.

Great. Yeah, that's great.

You're, like, blowing chunks

At work,

But don't worry about it?

Claudia, come on.

It was the smell, wasn't it?

It was the smell of all that cooking.

Pretty much.

God, what does that mean for

The restaurant?

Can you go back there?

I don't think I can go anywhere

Near that place

As long as I'm feeling like this.

Well, what are we gonna do?

Is there somebody that can do it

For you?

Can somebody sub for you?

Well, I can-- I can do it,

I guess.

I haven't been there long, I know,

But I pretty much know what's going on.

No. That's not gonna work, jule.

Why not? Why can't she?

'Cause I can't take care

Of stuff here.

I mean, guys, take a look at me.

When I'm feeling like this, which

Is more every day,

I can't cook, I can't eat,

I can barely move.

How am I supposed to take care of

Claud and owen?

I can take care of myself.

So, what can we do?

The only way it's gonna work--

Julia, you're gonna have to stay home.

You're the only one with

A driver's license,

And you live here anyway, so...

But, charlie, I'll do whatever you need.

It's just that... With the motorcycle shop,

We still have a lot of bills to pay and--

Fine. Keep waiting tables.

I just--i really need you here...

Which leaves you to manage the

Restaurant, bay.

I know you've filled in for me

Before, but...

Can you do that?

'Cause I know you got a million things

Going on right now,

So if you can't swing it-- I can do it. No problem.

Well, what about me? I mean, what can I do?

Just...hang in there, claud, ok?

Mm-mm-mmm! Yummy-yummy-yum!

Come on, owen. I know you like


Red and juicy and sweet--


Ok. Uh, how about scrambled eggs then?

Runny and salty and soft...

Oh, oh...pancakes?

Fine. Corn flakes?

Bacon? Melon balls?

Beef jerky? Pork rinds?



Maybe. Maybe what? Maybe...oatmeal?


Ok, oatmeal.

Oatmeal, oatmeal,


Owen, we don't have any oatmeal.

Why does it have to be oatmeal, huh?

What's so special about oatmeal?

Is it 'cause it's sweet?

'Cause it's mushy?

'Cause it's white?


What? That's it, 'cause it's white?


Excuse me.

Now he calls us? Now he tells us this,

When we're already totally booked,


And it's your first day?

He said it hit him really fast.

He woke up from a nap, and bang,

He had these chills and this fever.

See, that's another thing.

He can't come to work with a fever?

My brother came to work

With cancer.

Bailey, did you hear?

We checked in back-- no john dory.

Another one? You gotta be

Kidding me.

How am I supposed to run this place

Without waiters?

John dory is a fish.

Oh. It is?

Well, how am I supposed to run this

Place without fish?

Look, you told me 10 minutes.

It's been over 30.

I know, sir, and I'm sorry.

It's just that there are other parties ahead

Of you on the list.

We're not just here for the ambiance,

You know.

My family is hungry.

We are 4 hungry people

You lied to.

Karl? Um, karl...

What do we do when the list says..?

Uh, table 11. Right this way.

Thank you. Nice...

Very nice.

So that's how this works?

That guy yells, so I wait longer?

Some kid with your ick assignment?

Ec. Economics. I need that.

Excuse me, please.

Ok, man, hey. sh**t. What chapters?

12 Through 15? Plus problem sets?

Ok, so now, I'm yelling!

Huh? Where's my table?

Yelling worked for him!


Do you know how much money

I've spent in this restaurant?

No, I got it. Where's my table!

Do you have a second?

If we're lucky.

Which do you wanna hear about first--

The branch from our tree that broke the

Swensens' window,

The squirrel that found some new way

Into the attic,

Or owen's eating disorder?

How about none of the above?

Charlie, come on. I need your help here.

Look, it's not that complicated, jule.

Call the insurance company,

Find out who has to pay for the window.

For the attic thing, try to get a free inspection

From an exterminator,

And if they find the hole,

We'll block it up ourselves and try

To save some money.

And what about owen? Should I call a doctor

Or something?

Which color food is it now?

What, he's done this before?

Yeah. When bailey went to college last year,

He wouldn't eat anything that wasn't green.

It means he's a little freaked

By what's going on.

Well, this year, it's white.

Then my advice: cook white food.

On this poultry thing, do I have to throw out

Every piece,

Including the ones that weren't recalled?

All of it, and steam the containers

It was kept in.

Ok. Oh, and another thing.

I get a call from this bancroft guy.

He wants us to throw in

Parking for free

For all of his guests.

Fine. Do it.

Yeah, but, charlie,

This guy is a major hemorrhoid.

Explain to me why we have to put up with

All of his abuse.

Forget the anniversary gig.

If we add up all the meals we

Feed to him--

And his family and friends--

It's like a fifth of our business.


Is there anything else? I gotta get some rest here.


Just this menu thing,

Real quick.

It's no big deal, but with all the new

Specials every day,

A lot of our waiters get

Mixed up sometimes.

So, I was thinking...

What if we came up with some

Kind of system--

You know what, bailey? Whatever. However you

Wanna handle it.

Yeah, but don't you..?

Have you ever thought about--

I don't wanna think about it right now, ok?

Just--whatever it is, you know what you're

Doing. Just do it.


Don't write that. It's total bull.

But it says so in the book.

The books lie. Don't you know?

No, really. I saw this thing on pbs,

And it said how the army

Gave out blankets with diseases on them

And k*lled thousands and thousands of sioux.

The u.s. Army.


What's that, your dinner?


Well, here, at least put some marmalade on there.

Thanks for taking care of me, reed.

What choice do I have?

Without you, I'd be another dupe,

Spreading lies with my 12th-grade papers.

Ha ha ha!

This is fun...

You know, studying and whatever.

As much fun as studying can be.

It's fun for me.

I mean, with everything that's

Going on right now,

You're really my friend.

Well, yeah. Of course.

And I really like you.

I mean...

I do.

To tell you the truth...

I think it's more than that.

I think I love you.


Did you hear what I said?

Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm.

So, is it fair to say that sitting bull

Trusted grant?

Or is that a big lie, too?

No. You can say that.

I mean, for a while there, it was true.





Julia! Bailey!

What are you doing here? What are you doing here?

I needed the name for the chimney guy.

It's 7:00 in the morning.

There's a problem with the flue at

The restaurant.

I gotta get somebody there before the

Lunch shift.

Have you seen a prescription


What for?

We used all of charlie's

Anti-nausea stuff.

I said I'd pick some up for him.

Geez, when's the last time somebody did laundry

Around this place?

I asked claudia to do a load

Last night,

But she said she had a study date

Or something.

Do you think if it's a refill,

They'll have it in the computer?

Think he'd have it under "f" for fireplace

Or "c" for chimney?

(Coins clattering) for crying out loud.

Sorry, sorry.

Sorry. We didn't mean

To wake you up.

Go back to sleep.

Yeah. We'll get outta your hair.

The prescription's under the lunch box magnet

On the refrigerator,

And the chimney guy's name's under "o"--

Orson chimney repair.

Orson...ok. I'm right on top

Of it, man.

And you'll have your prescription right

After I drop owen off.

Hey, you want me to stop at the video store,

Pick you something up?

No, thanks, julia.

I picked up a copy of the new green day

Cd for you,

If you wanna take a listen to it.

That's ok, bay.

If you're up for a ride,

Griffin's going out to piedmont

To pick up a part this afternoon.

I've got my treatment.

Well, maybe after that.

After that, I plan on getting the sleep that

I'm not getting right now,

Thank you very much.

God, what is that smell?

The bathroom's grotie. I haven't had a chance

To clean it yet,

But right after I come back from

The drug store.

Claudia: popcorn's ready!

He's eating popcorn? For breakfast?

Hey, it's white.

Anytime you wanna leave, man.


Listen, uh... Do you think...

Could we talk?

Sure. Sure. I've been--

I've been wanting to talk to somebody

All day.

It's like-- it's my family,

You know?

It's really bad over there

Right now.


It's like--

It's like you can't get away from the

Cancer, you know?

The kitchen's full of food

He can't eat.

The living room's where he sits down

And watches tv all day.

The bathroom's where he...well, you know.


That's why, I mean--

Homework, dental work--

I'd rather be doing anything with you

Than be at home right now.

You're like the one thing I have

That feels good right now.

I'm sorry. What were you

Saying before?

What? Oh...nothing.

Hey, charlie.


Hey, listen, I don't mean to bother you--

If you're looking for julia,

She's out running errands.

No. Um, see, I have to do this project

For my theater production class.

I have to build a scale model

Of a proscenium.

Bailey said you have this

Drafting table,

And I just thought if I could find it--

You know, i-- I don't need this.

I really don't need this.

I mean, between bailey and julia

Bugging me with every tiny

Little problem, and claudia

Stinking up the place

With her microwave popcorn...

And now, he's sending

You over here

To entertain me or something?

Because I can actually drag myself

Over to the bookshelf

If I'm bored.

I don't need anyone sending

You over here

With some lame story about a design

Project! Ok?

Uh, I was just wondering

Where your drafting table was.

That's all.

Excuse me, sir... Yes?

I'm sure there's a very good reason

For this,

But aren't those tables

Empty over there?

Yes, they are,

But that's because we're short-staffed

At the moment...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

What is the matter with you? You are

40 Minutes late.

I had to wait half an hour for

Charlie's prescription--

Yeah? You missed the meeting

I called,

So now you won't know any of

The new codes.

Look, I'm really sorry, ok?

I'll stay late, and I'll do settings--

Why is mercy on my station?

Call me crazy, but I thought table one

Ought to have a little service.

Well, you can take her off now.

She's been on that table almost an hour.

It's hers now

What was I supposed to do, leave owen at

Daycare all night

And not buy toilet paper when we're out?

No, but you could've planned

A little better

So you could've been here on time.

I'm trying to make money to get griffin and I

Out of hawk.

And in case you forgot, the only reason you get

To run this place

Is because I'm taking care of everything

At that house.


Mercy, I gotta cut her some slack

On this,

So if you wouldn't mind--

Fine. Great. Thanks a lot.

Wait, mercy, please.

No fair. You can't hide behind those

Robotron thingies.

Go ahead. Take your best

Shot, salinger.

Ha ha! Take that.

Ugh. I cut you in half.

Wow, are those your intestines?

I am very, very dead.

Oh, that was great. Let's play again.

Maybe later. My thumbs are toast.

(Sighs) so, what's up at home?

Are things any better?

You know what? Could we not?

I mean, it's really nice of you to ask

And everything,

But let's not talk about that tonight.

Sure. No problem.

I got an idea. Screw my thumbs.

Let's play another game.

Yes. This is salinger's,

Calling to confirm your 8:00 reservation

For tonight.

You're not? Well, I'm glad

I called, too.

Jeff, those go in the fridge.

Well, we hope to see you soon.

Ok, thanks.

Ok, shrimp salad for the lady--

I didn't order shrimp.

Oh, you didn't? Are you sure?

I think I'd remember if I ordered something

I'm allergic to.

You're allergic to shrimp?

God, me, too.

I puff up like a beach ball.

Uh, that's my shrimp.

I've been waiting a half an hour

For it.

Oh...i'm sorry.

I'll get this straightened out

Right away.

Julia, why aren't you using the new system?

You're getting half your orders wrong.

I didn't get a chance to

Learn it, ok?

I made it very simple for you.

I wrote all the codes out on the back

Of your pad.

Look, all the other waiters say

That it helps them.

People are still getting

Their food, ok?

Yeah, at all different times and prices.

I've been reading your checks.

So, if you would just use the codes--

What is with you and these stupid

Damn codes?

God, you know, this is still

Charlie's place.

You're just filling in.

And you don't have to change

Stuff around

Just to prove you know what

You're doing,

And if you can't run it like he can,

Nobody cares,

So just leave it alone!

Tv: I don't know what I'd do

If anything ever happened to you.


Are you passed out? totally gone?

You sure you don't wanna go home?

Oh...hey... You're home.

Hallelujah. My day is over.

Hey, why don't you take this side?

It's already warm.

I'm too warm already.

I just did a day's worth of dishes.

Oh, well, want me to open a window?

Or maybe you should take some of these

Clothes off.

Or how about I take them off for you?

What for, so we can have sex?

Griffin, god...

Ok, never mind.

Look, I'm sorry. I just don't feel

Very sexy right now.

All right. It's ok. No problem.

I know it has to be done,

But all day long, I'm taking care of charlie

And claudia and owen,

And all night long, I'm slaving for

Some lousy tippers.

You know, no one ever asks me

What I want.

You know, everything I do has nothing

To do with me.


I don't know, maybe that crap works

For cinderella,

But for me, I just want to crawl into bed

And never wake up.



Oh, hello.

Good morning.


How'd you sleep last night?

A little.


I slept great, if you wanna know.

Weren't you wearing that yesterday?



Where have you been?

Why were you out at 7:00 in the--

Where did you sleep last night? Did you--

I slept over at reed's.

You what? Claudia--

Ok, fine. If you want to yell at me, just...

Just--just go ahead.

I've got to get to my treatment.

That's all you have to say about this?

Look, it was a stupid move,

Ok, claud,

And you shouldn't have done that.

D-don't you even want to know if we slept

In separate beds?

Ok, I broke it down into categories--

Electrical and plumbing, emergencies and

Not-so emergencies.

I don't even have time to look at this

Right now, sarah.

Look, I understand that, bailey.

I know that you're buried right now, but--

(Telephone rings)

Don't get that.

It's just gonna be another crisis.

Ok. Yesterday when the cable went out,

They were chanting your name...

In a not-good way.

Answering machine: bailey, it's julia.

Pick up.

Pick it up.


I just called the restaurant

For my schedule.

Look, I was gonna call you.

You took me off the bancroft tables.

I mean, you actually did that?

Those tables are worth more to us than

Any other tables all year.

Do you really think that I'm gonna put

My newest waitress on them

Just because she's my sister?

Bailey, all you have been doing

Is jerking me around from table to table.

I'm trying to run the restaurant, julia.

Really? Oh, really?

Well, we'll see what charlie says about that.

Julia-- hello?

Are you still going by the house

Before school?

Yeah. Why?

I'm coming with you.

How'd it go? How do you feel?

Not great.

Look, charlie, I hate to bug you about this

After your treatment, but--

Can we please do this later?

Bailey took me off the bancroft tables.

He just--he rearranged the entire shift

At the very last second,

Like, totally arbitrarily

And just to spite me.

Bailey: charlie! Where are you?!

In here, bailey.

Come on back. I'll throw up

On both of you.

Ok, whatever she told you, you gotta hear

My side of it first.

Good, I'd like to hear it, too.

You know what? I'm gonna...



Look, you know how a**l this bancroft guy is,


It's just serving plates,

And the menu is preset.

Guys, please.

Yeah, well, you found plenty of ways

To screw up last night.

That is so unfair. I made like 2 mistakes.

Will you just--

You know what? You still have

A 4-table station,

So I don't know what your problem is.

That makes only half the amount,


Shut up!

Will you both just shut up?!

Why are you dragging me into this now?

I don't want to have to deal

With this stuff.

I feel like crap, and I'm exhausted.

I know. I know that, charlie,

And if you would just back me up

On this one thing--

No. No. Work it out yourselves, both of you.

Just grow up and do your jobs.

I'm trying to do my job, but

She won't listen.

You're the manager, bailey. You want

To do something, do it.

And you, you should stop worrying about

What tables you're getting

And start worrying about why your sister

Didn't stay here last night.

What? She didn't--

She spent the night at reed's.

Did you even know that?

Oh, god, charlie. I did--i didn't--

Just save it, ok?

I don't wanna hear it.

I don't wanna hear another thing.

Oh, you already--

You changed it all around.

Yeah, I know.

I know. I'm sorry. I just, um...

I came down here, and I saw what you

Were doing, and...

I kind of had a few ideas.

Charlie, you changed the whole design.

I know.

But see...

It kind of wasn't working, sarah.

It what?

I mean, as a model, yeah,

But if you actually tried to build the thing

With all those--those unbraced load-bearing walls,

You'd--you'd bury your audience

Under rubble.


Well, thanks.

But I can change it back if you want.

No. No, don't do that.

Wouldn't want to k*ll anyone.

So is that why you moved the stage back here,

I mean, to make it safer?

No. Actually...

I did that for sightlines.

See, if you look at it from here...

Oh. So if you widen the wings...

Exactly. It makes the stage feel

Deeper than it is.

(Knock on door)

Claud, could you-- can we talk

For a second?

Look, I'm supposed to be keeping things

Under control around here right now,

You know, and, uh...

With all the different stuff going on,

I sort of can't.

I'm sort of desperate.


I need your help, claud.

Like, for starters,

I need you not to sleep over

At a boy's house

Without telling someone first.

Who am I supposed to tell?

You're never around, and charlie doesn't

Want to be bothered.

Well, I'm here now.

Well, for starters, I'm having coffee

With reed tonight.


Tonight? Well, then who's gonna

Look after owen?

How am I supposed

To know?

Claudia, would you cut it out?

I just finished telling you--

I'm not trying to make trouble

Here, julia.

I'm not, but...

But I happen to have a boyfriend,

And--and we have a date.

If you wanted someone to watch owen,

Y-you should have said something sooner.

I just--i can't help you right now.


Yes, sir?

I hope this fish knife doesn't mean

That you've forgotten our second course.

No, sir. That silver will come with the meal.

You haven't tried the veal?

You're serving food you never tried?

It's a daily special, ok,

And I'm new here.

So does anyone know what they want?

And the pinot you're serving,

It's cuvee isabelle, not the sanford?

Yes, sir. Charlie made that very clear.

Sir, I'm just...

This is a very busy night tonight,

And I have other tables.


Well, don't let us get in your way.

No, I didn't mean that.

Because we don't have to stay.

The chicken will be sauteed in olive oil,

Not butter?


I'll be right back.

Ok, would you like to know how the veal is?

Would you like me to go back there and

Taste it for you now?

Yes, I think I would.

Have you checked in the fridge?


Have you checked in the office?


Have you checked in the truck?

In the basement? In the laundry?

Have you checked in the trash?

We only have enough for 5 more desserts.

That can't be. It can't be.

And then no more bananas, no more foster.

But we were doing so well.

We were almost home free.

Just tell him the truth.

Just--just tell him to pick whatever else

He wants.

Have you even met this guy?

Nothing is what he wants.

Nothing makes him happy.

Nothing is what he--

Hey! You, with the bananas, freeze!

Mr. Bancroft, can I speak to you

For just a moment?

Sorry to bother you during dinner, sir,

But I wanted to talk to you for a moment

About dessert.


You ordered the bananas foster,

And you know what? That's a great dessert.

It's one of our best.


However, that's what everyone orders.

Ah, just a second.

What are those?


Oh, those.

Those are cherimoyas

Flown in fresh from guadalajara.

I've never heard of them before.

Well, they're pretty rare.

If you'd like to try them, i--i...

I might have enough for you and your party.

Unless you want to take the safe route

Back to the bananas.

We'll have the foreign fruit.

Yes, sir.

Julia: what is this, a joke?

Diner: nope, not at all.

This is supposed to be my tip?

It's what you deserve.

For serving jerks like you, I deserve

A trip to fiji.

I deserve a nobel peace prize.

I deserve--

Hey, hey, hey. What's going on here?

They gave me 5 bucks in change

On a $100 check.

Ok. Do you think maybe we could settle this

Without yelling?

You want it settled? Here.

Great work tonight.

Good work. Thanks.

Great night. Thank you.


Napping on the job, are we?

Mr. Bancroft, I didn't see you come in.

Uh, what can I do for you?

Anything you want.

Let me give you a tip, salinger.

Lose the bowing and scraping, all right?

Look, uh, I'll admit it.

I was a little nervous when I heard that there was

A change of management,

But you did all right.

Anyway, before those leeches raise my bar tab any higher,

For you and the staff.


Thank you, sir.

Brace yourselves for next year.

Wow. Is that 500 bucks?

You gonna put it in the pool?

Yeah, course I am.

So, you must be happy, huh?

You actually pulled it off.



You're fired, jule.


You're kidding, right?

No, I'm not.

Look, I hate to say this, but you're

Not very good at this.

You're forgetful.

You're rude. You're impatient.

What, those guys with the tip?

They were jerks.

You don't want people like that around here.

I did us a favor.

It's not just them, julia.

Ok, so I make a few mistakes.

Give me a chance to learn.

You don't want to learn.

Face it, julia. You--you hate this job.

People know that.

Customers know that.

You know what? Don't look so smug, ok?

I mean, just because you're good at this job,

That doesn't mean...

Bailey, this is different for me, ok?

'Cause if i-- I hate it here or not,

If I'm good at it or not,

It doesn't matter.

I have to be here. I have to do this,


Well, please don't take too long

Putting that giant tip in the pool,

Because whatever small fraction

Of it is mine,

I need it.

Did you tell him everything

That you been going through

With owen, huh,

And all this charlie stuff

And the nightmare tree-branch insurance thing?

He knows all of that, griffin.

And he fired you anyway?


How can he do that?

I mean, you're cooking and cleaning

For the whole damn house,

And you're-- you're cleaning up

Your brother's vomit.

Griffin, stop it, ok?

You're depressing me here.

It's, uh, I can't believe it.

Yeah. Well, what difference

Does it make?

It's done.

No, no, no. No, it's not.

No, he can give you your job back.

What for? I don't want it.

You don't?

What? But i--i thought--

What is the point?

Bailey was right. I hated that job.

And, I mean, yeah, the rest of what I do

Every day

Is just as bad,

But at least it's one less thing to hate.

No. Tell them sorry's not good enough.

Every day we're missing linens,

And it's not like we don't have

Cheaper options.


Yeah. I'll get into it later.


Here we are.

This looks great.

Ok, I'm sorry. Where were we?

Uh, you were telling me what happened

When the sous-chef tried to quit.

I was?

Enough about that stupid restaurant.

Tell me about you and nat.

I feel like I haven't seen you guys for days.

Nat's great.

I had some interviews.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I mean, now finish your story.

Ok. Ok.

It wasn't any big deal, really,

But he threatened to walk out,

So I picked up the phone and I dialed 911.

You called the cops?

Ambulance. I told them

They were either going to be picking up

Philip or me,

So he decided to stay and finish the chicken.

Man, bailey, you have the moves.

I mean, you are a total operator.

No, I'm not.

I almost got k*lled.

You should see that guy with a fillet knife.

Well, you said that it was the highest

Grossing night ever.


That's true.

Charlie must be so relieved.

I don't know.

I haven't really talked to him.

Well, it's just, I mean, he can

Finally relax now.

You can swing it without him, you know?


I guess so.

Charlie, what are you doing?

I thought we were done.

We are.

We are.

I just, uh...

Take a look.

I know we didn't talk about this,

And there's no structural need

For it whatsoever,

But, uh, all my life

I've always wanted to build a flying balcony, so...

Heh heh.

You must get pretty bored around here

Sometimes, huh?


I remember this one project in, uh,

In design school,

And my class divvied up this--

This office complex,

And I pulled the-- the parking structure.

But it was great,

I mean, visualizing all those levels and ramps.

I swear I was gonna revolutionize the art

Of parking-space distribution. Heh heh.

Then, uh...

Joe called with some personal crisis

At the restaurant...

And that was it for me and that class.

Wow. I'm sorry.


Me, too.



Where were you last night?

I mean, I went to the coffee house,

But you never came.

Oh. I was out with some friends.

But I thought we had plans.

You did?

'Cause I thought we said maybe we would

Or maybe we wouldn't.

Well, then why didn't you call me?

I don't know.

Well, it's--it's not like I think i--

Think you owed it to me or anything.

But it would have been nice,

You know, to get a call from your boyfriend.

I'm not your boyfriend here, ok?

I'm sorry?

Look, I feel really bad about your brother

And everything,

And I want to help you out with, like,

Whatever you need,

But we're not together.

Look, I gotta get to gym class, ok?

I'll see you later.

Here you go.

I was reading this article

In this magazine

About this lake in winnipeg.

It's awesome camping

And some of the best bass fishing

In all of canada.

For springtime, when you're feeling better.


And you gotta check out the piece

On the new pheromone lures

In that one.

That's it? No restaurant stuff?

I thought you didn't want to talk

About that junk.

Are you kidding me?

How'd the, uh, bancroft thing go?


Don't ask.

It was a total bloodbath.

Heh. Come on, bailey.

No, I'm serious.

That restaurant needs you, charlie.

Everyone there is like...

"How can we radiate him faster?

Can we, like, pop him in the microwave

Or something?"

Bailey, uh...

I got a call from bancroft

This morning.

He wanted to book us for next year.

Well, of course he did.

That's because I promised the guy

Up and down

That you'd be back by then.

Bay, it's ok.

I'm glad it's going well.

All I'm saying is

We'll be a lot better off when

You're back.

But that may not be for a while.

And until I am,

That place is yours if you want it.

And if you want it,

That's great.

That'd be really great.

Claudia: reed.


Hey, can we talk for a second?

Reed, can--can we just talk for a minute?

Reed, what's the matter?

Why are you running away from me?

Reed, please don't walk away from me!

Look, I gotta be someplace, ok?

You can't just do all that,

Like, be my friend

And then just walk away. You can't!

Would you just stop, claudia, please?

I don't understand,

I mean, what's the problem? What did I do?

Look, it--it's just too intense, ok?

But, reed, I need you.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Ok, the party's not here yet,

But get a bruschetta ready.

Karl says they always order at least one, ok?

Uh, table 6 is ready to clear, and 8 needs

Some more water.

How is everything here, folks?

Did you get that teriyaki

Dressing? Great.

Let me know if you need anything else, ok?

So was I right about the meat-loaf special,

Or was I right?

Amazing. Oh, yeah.

(Utensil clatters)


Have a new one on me.

Owen, it's white.

I swear it's white.

It even says on the package here.

"The other white meat." See?

It is brown.

No, that's only where I burnt it.

Claud, do you want something to eat?

I made this for you guys.

I'm not hungry.


Are you sure?


Claud, are you--

Look, at least eat the beans.

I turned that store upside down