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02x13 - Fashion Week

Posted: 03/09/22 09:16
by bunniefuu
Alex, can you give me a hand?
I got one more piece left.


Ooh. You better fix that.

Alex! I just went through a
whole horn of unicorn glue.

Do you know how many hornless unicorns
are running around because of this lamp?

Yes, and now they're called ponies.

You remember what those were,

you were scared of
them until last year.

I don't care what anyone says,
those things are dangerous.

I'll just fix it the way
it should've been fixed

in the first place.

Red Skies at night Fix it right!


Alex, your wand just
shorted the system out.

Dad, did you forget to pay
the wizard power bill?

Not this time. I haven't missed
once since we can pay by wand.

The wizard world is
experiencing rolling blackouts.

- We don't have our powers?!
- Just temporarily.

Someone left the door open
at the wizard power plant.

All the dragons got out.

It's gonna be a while
till they get back.

More importantly,
why did you break the lamp?

Look, we could talk about
who broke the lamp,

and spend all our time
on whose fault it was,

or we could just live in the moment,
where Justin fixes it.

Now, I don't know about you,

but I choose to live in
the moment and move on.

- Who's with me?
- Yeah, nobody.

Justin, just fix the
lamp before Mom gets back

- from her spa weekend.
- Da...

Sleep with one eye open tonight.

Ooh, what's that, Daddy?

Spare parts for
Justin's robot wife?

It's a Wizinko machine.
I was going to demonstrate it,

but since powers are down
it's gonna have to wait.

What's it supposed to do?

It turns two-dimensis

into three-dimensional copies.

Maybe it can take Justin's
two-dimensional personality

- and turn that into something.
- That didn't make any sense.

But were you hurt a little bit?

- A little.
- Yeah, then it made sense.

♪ Well, you kw everything's
gonna be a breeze ♪

♪ That the end will no
doubt justify the means ♪

♪ You can fix any problem
with the slightest of ease ♪

♪ Yes please ♪

♪ But you might find out
it'll go to your head ♪

♪ When you write a report
on a book you never read ♪

♪ With the snap of your fingers
you can make your bed ♪

♪ That's what I said ♪

♪ Everything is not what it seems ♪

♪ You can get all you wanted
in your wildest dreams ♪

♪ You might run into trouble
if you go to extremes ♪

♪ Because everything
is not what it seems ♪

♪ Evething is not what it seems ♪

♪ When you can have what you
want by the simplest of means ♪

♪ Be careful t to mess with
the balance of things ♪

♪ Because everything is not ♪

♪ What it seems ♪

Dude, what is going on?!

Did the pretty bus
break down outside,

or do I have another
stye in my eye?

No, it's Fashion Week.

There's models all
over New York City.

Hey, maybe we can get a couple
of these girls to play some

Dungeons & Gargoyles with us.

All right, but we're
gonna need a plan.

Something better than following
the girls around for an hour,

and just when we're ready to
speak to them, we wimp out,

make up some lame excuse
like we're tying our shoes,

and th go see a movie we've
already seen four times.

I don't know, bro,
Robert Downey, Jr.

is so good in that mov.

He is so good. - You know
what I'm talking about?

- No, Zeke. We gotta do this.
- All right.

I don't want to end up

the male equivalent
of chicks with cats.

Hey, I have a cat.

We gotta do this now.


I just scored the
gig of a lifetime,

working for world-famous designer,
Mr. Frenchy.

Wow. I just ate a bunch of sugar.

I guess we're both
having good days.

Come on, this is a big deal.

I was picked out of
five thousand applicants

to work with him.

If I do a good job,

it could jump-start
my career in design.

Imagine... the whole
world dressed like me.

Yeah, I don't have an
imagination that big.

Mr. Frenchy is known for
his one-of-a-kind designs,

and he's trusted me with
this year's newest creation.

Wait, is he that dude that made

that credit card dress
you showed me st year?

Yeah, and the playing card
dress and the balloon dress...

Actually, the balloon
dress didn't work out,

'cause there was also a dress
made out of porcupine needles.

I remember that dress.

It is so funny when people
you don't know explode.

Mr. Frenchy doesn't want anyone

taking pictures of it be the show,

so he trusted me with it,
because no one would guess

his high school intern had it.

- Wow. Let me see.
- No, no, no, no, no.

No one sees.

I need you to use magic to lock
this up in a magic lock box,

or a magic treasure chest or...

Oh, how about a gic dress vault?

That would be perfect!

Yeah, too bad that doesn't exist.

- Plus, my powers are down.
- That stinks. Well, bye.


I can still help you.

u can keep it in my room.
It'll be safe there.

- OK, well, bye.
- Harper?

Do you really want to make
me use a bunch of words

to confuse you into
letting me keep it?

No. Here.

Thank you. You jt saved
us a lot of time.

Are you trying to walk lik?

No. Are you trying to look
like a waiter at Fiesta Grande?

- What's with the tray?
- What's with the dress?

- I asked you first.
- A series of small snacks

is healthier than gorging
yourself at meals. Your turn.

It's an original,
one-of-a-kind Mr. Frenchy

that Harper's trusted me
with until the fashion show.

You think that the best
way to protect the dress

is by prancing around
your room wearing it?

What if someone, like me,
were to come along and go, "Whoa!"

Justin, stop! That's not funny.

Oh, but this is.

You're right. This is funny.

So funny.

But you know what's nnier?

How much I love my sister!

Justin, no! Stop! Let me down.

Turn the music down.

Dude! When are we going
to make our move?

We've been sitting here forever.

We're not just sitting here,
we're coming up with a plan.

I read that supermodels
love guys who are connected.

Oh! I'm totally connected.

I get ten percent off at t.

Why don't we hold on to that one?

Follow my lead.



So, my dad owns this place.

- Just sayin'.
- He says stuff.

Wod you like a free refill
on one of those beverages?

- Gratis.
- Sure.

You guys are kinda weird.
I like it.

Well, I get ten percent
off at the Puzzle Zoo.

I love the Puze Zoo.

- My dad owns this place.
- You already said that.

I get ten percent off
at the Puzzle Zoo.

- You already said that.
- Can you give us a moment?


It's goi great!

No. We need something
more to talk about.

All right, well, I mean...

One more punch and I
get a free smoothie.


Where'd they go? To the bathroom?

Yeah. Sure.

Why don't u stay here
and wait for 'em.


Justin lied. There's no
story about me in here.

Hey, Alex.

Hey, Harper...

I want the bad news first.

How did you know what
I was ing to say?

I figured out your "good news,
bad news" smile

a week after I met you.

OK, so I need to figure out a way

to make "I ruined the
dress" sound not so bad.

You ruined the dress?!

After you made me give it to you?

I got the opportunity
of a lifetime here,

and it's about to
blow up in my face.

Look, we could talk about
who ruined t dress...

You did.

Or, we couldive in the moment.

Now, I choose to live
in the mome and move on.

- Are you with me?
- Only because I have to be,

because you're the one
who got us in trble.

Great, we're moving on. It's good.

Finkle. Whers my schmata?

Mr. Frenchy, I need
to tell you something.

Your tone implies it
won't be pleasant.

And Frenchy's ino mood to
hear anything unpleasant.

I just snt an hour
looking for my Bluetooth.

It was in my ear the whole time.

OK, then.

Tell him something pleasant, Alex.

We have black and
white cookies today.

I was hoping to hear something about
my newest one-of-a-kind dress.

I hope it's in a
temperature-controlled room.

The thing about your dress is...

Is... That it's totally fine.

She's doing such a great job.

You picked the right girl for this.

I guess I did, whoever you are.

I knew I could count
on you, Finkle.

Oh, excuse me.

I'm receiving communications.
Go for Frenchy.

Al, oh, my gosh. This is great.

You have a plan for what
to do about the dress?

Yeah. Like I said, my plan is
"moving on" from the dress.

Moving on? You really
think that's gonna work?

Finkle, we're in trouble.

He's on to us.
I knew this wasn't gonna work.

They double booked the
location for my fashion show.

My show is... is...

In situations like this,
I usually say, "hosed."


Mr. Frenchy, why don't you
have the fashion show here?

Here? I don't even know
what this place is.

Is it a subway station
or a sandwich shop?

It's one-of-a-kind, just like you.

Who else would have an amazing
high-fashion fashion show

at a sandwich shop?

Or we could have it at my house.

My mom just put plastic slip
covers in the living room,

so we're allowed in now.

But no shoes.

Oh, that's great. Let's have
it at the sandwich shop.

- Problem solved.
- Excellent.

One more good idea and I might
bother to learn your name.

It's Alex.

I'd prefer something like Daphne.
Chew on it.

Great, you solved that problem.
But what about the dress?

I know. I know.

- Moving on.
- Thank you.

When this place is
crawling with models

and his fashion show is going great

he'll have forgotten all
about his little dress.

You're telling me he's
going to forget all about

his one-of-a-kind dress that he
trusted me to ard with my life

just 'cause there's
a show going on?

Wow. Someone's not moving on.

Let's go, people.
We've only got two hours.

And no one's even sweating.
Except this guy.

Hi. I'm the owner. Look,
this place has never been busier.

I just want to thank you
for choosing my restaurant

for your fashion show.

Oh, so this is a sandwich shop?

I just ignored the big subway
car standing back there.

Oh, sandwiches.

No, don't eat these. They're bad.

I made these a couple of days ago.

Then I lost them,
but then I found them.

Excuse me while I pretend
to take a phone call.

Go for Frenchy.

Oh, Alex, honey, do me a favor.

Get rid of these sandwiches.
They're no good.

I'm all about helping.

Oh, my gosh.
This might actually work.

He hasn't asked me about the dress.

See, that's the
beauty of moving on.

I've got to get rid
of these sandwiches.

My dad said they weren't good.

Or they can get rid of them for me.

All right, less work for me. Good.

I wish we lived in a world where you could
just walk up to a model and be like,

"What's up? You want to play
Dungeons & Gargoyles with us?"

Sure, that sounds like fun.

Can my friends come?

You don't play
Dungeons & Gargoyles.

Oh, just because I'm beautiful,
means I can't be smart?

Or an eleventh level cleric?

- Hot.
- Hot.

When you guys are finished
with your sandwiches,

we'll go upstairs and play.

- Did that just happen?
- I am not sure.

I'm gonna put some
cologne on just in case.


My shower soap has
scent built right in.

- Three!
- Uh-oh!

I love this game.

So you're in the cavern
and you can either use

- your plus three sword or...
- My magic m*ssile spell.

Nicely played. I forgot
you had a bag of weapons.

Can I just say,

we're playing Dungeons &
Gargoyles with models?

You've said that
every five minutes.

I'm gonna keep saying it until
it's proven not to be true.


Oh! There they are.

Guys, we need the girls
downstairs to get ready.

No, Alex. Not till we're done.

That's a pretty awesome
gargoyle noise.

That's not a gargoyle noise,
that's my tummy.

I don't think I'm feeling too well.

- Where's the bathroom?
- Through that door.

Uh-oh! Hearing people getting
sick makes me get sick.

What's wrong with them?
! Why are thy sick?!

I don't know.

- Did they eat something bad?
- No.

All they ate were these sandwiches
that Dad said didn't taste good.

Did he say they didn't taste
good or they were no good?

What's the difference?

Way to go. You ruined my
one shot with these girls.

I'm coming ladies. I got hair ties.

How are we supposed
to have a fashion show

to distract Mr.
Frenchy from the fact

that we ruined his dress,
when all the models are sick?


Somehow we've moved on all the
way back around to the dress.

I think I have an idea.
Magic's back.

Since we don't have a lot of time,

we're gonna skip the part
where I do magic badly,

and just make it all work out.

- We can skip that part?
- We'll see.

I just need to get one thing
from Justin's room to help us.

Why are we in your room to
get stuff from Justin's room?

Because we're getting stuff from
the box under my bed that says,

"Justin's Favorite
Things from His Room."

I steal this stuff to make up
for the times he's annoyed me.

Hey, a Captain Jim Bob
Sherwood lunch box.

I took that one because the actual

Captain Jim Bob Sherwood just died,

and the price for that thing
went through the roof.

One poster of supermodel Bibi Rockford,
and we're good to go.

But how... I'm tired of fighting.

Let's just do it, whatever it is.

We're gonna make a magical
copy of Bibi Rockford.

Wow. She's even prettier in person.

Thanks for taking me off
your brother's wall.

He was always staring at me.

Why am I still holding this?

This is so great.

The only thing that'd
make it better is if

we had the newspaper
dress for Mr. Frenchy.

One step ahead of you.

Lucky for you I took a picture
of myself in the dress.

Goodness, I do look
good in that dress.

Bibi Rockford, come on,
put that dress on.

We've got a fashion show to save.

No. I like this dress.

Alex, can I talk to you
over there for a second?


We brushed elbows when we were
getting sick at the same bowl.

It was hot and gross
at the same time.

Excuse me. Can someone
direct me to Hair and Makeup?

Oh, my gosh. Bibi Rockford.

Oh, it's you.

- Don't stare at me.
- Sorry.

Dungeons & Gargoyles?
I love this game. Can I play?

Do all models play
Dungeons & Gargoyles?

No, but all supermodels do.

It's a great stress reliever from being,
I don't know, super.

- Where did you come from?
- From Justin's room.

All right, Justin!

My room... Sweet!


Are we going to talk about
playing Dungeons & Gargoyles,

or are we going to go on this quest
for the Gold Dragon's treasure?

I'd be OK if the world
ended right now.

Well, you better be
'cause it might, OK?

Wow, you really convinced
yourself to get that dress off.

I have this pressure point in my
shoulder that only I know about.

Come on, Bibi Rockford.
We've got a fashion show to save.

I'm tired of modeling.

All that walking up and down,
up and down. It's boring.

I'd rather play
Dungeons & Gargoyles.

Wait a minute, Bibi Rockford
is playing your game.

You used magic to
turn her into a geek.

You used magic to bring
my poster to life.

Fine. I used magic.

Tell her the game is over, she has to
go downstairs to save the fashion show.

I guess I could, but aren't
you the one always saying

that when things go bad,
you should just move on?

Pull up a chair,
play some Dungeons & Gargoyles

and have a big bowl of "moving on."

- Is that what I sound like?
- Yes! Oh, sorry.

That question was for you, Justin.


If I say I'm sorry for stealing
your stuff, you'll help?

- Yes.
- That "sorry" didn't count?

- Nope.
- Fine. I'm sorry. We done?

I want my Captain Jim Bob
Sherwood lunch box back.

- Fine.
- Thanks. I'm on it.

Sorry, Zeke, your cloak
of invisibility ripped,

- you've been exposed.
- Oh, my gosh, I'm blushing.

- Game's over, people.
- What? No way, Jose. No.

Yes way. I'm behind and
I'm a sore loser. See?


You fool! What have you done? No!

I did what I had to do, Zeke.

OK... Come on,
Bibi Rockford, let's go.

Leave my brother and his
weird friend to themselves.

Fine, but if I'm gonna walk
the runway, so are you.

No, that's not gonna happen. No.

Right, my friend is not
gonna give up her dignity

for the sake of my fashion career.

She'd rather just move
on and live in the...

- Fine. We'll do it.
- Thanks! You're the best!