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02x11 - Make It Happen

Posted: 03/09/22 09:13
by bunniefuu
What was the name of that song?
Stop, you're hurting my ears?

Yes, it's off my new cd
called Alex is a cow, moo.

Hey, we have
a sister named Alex!

All right, everybody,
listen up.

For today's lesson, we have a
special guest from the wizard world

Coming to talk to you guys
about a very important subject:

The future.

Oh. You mean
two minutes from now,

When I'll be faking a stomach
ache to get out of this lesson?

No, I'm talking about
you kids finding jobs one day.

Oh! Stomach ache. Look at that,
it came two minutes early.

Mr. Stuffleby! Welcome.

Kids, I'd like you to meet your
new wizard guidance counselor.

Oh. Hate to be impolite, but
what's up with your fa, dude?

My mother
is one quarter gargoyle.

It's a bit distracting,
but you'll get used to it.

Not likely. I'm not
even used to Justin's face.

As you all know,
one of you is destined

To win the family
wizard competition,

Thus becoming an adult wizard

And going on to live a life of
incredible excitement and adventure.

That will probably be me.

Two of you, on the other hand,

Will lose your powers forever,

Instantly becoming
ordinary human beings,

Completely average and unremarkable
in every conceivable way.

Like your father.

- No offense.
- Too late.

So, in the event that you lose
the wizard competition,

I've been sent here to see to it that you
each establish an acceptable backup plan,

Or "plan b,"
one that is... Yes?

Does it hurt to always
be smiling like that?

Actually, it's more
of a numb feeling.

But back to my point.

Like all young wizards, you must choose
mortal jobs that will provide you... Yes?

Do bugs ever go in your mouth?

All the time.
Especially dragonflies.

But remember, I'm part gargoyle,
so they're delicious.

Are there any other questions?

That don't involve my face.

I don't see this going well.

What are you doing
with my guitar?

You're using it in a band.

My band. Because my plan b is to
be a famous rock and roll drummer.

Drummer? You never
even play pattycake right.

You still don't get it.

I wanted to hit you in the face.

I'm busy with my own plan b.

I'm gonna make money touring the
world beating robots at chess.

Look, Justin, I didn't want
to have to say this,

But you're really good
at guitar.


I've always known I had
something special musically.

I've just been too
afraid to admit it.

You're not just
manipulating me, are you?

No. Great. So then
I guess we're in a band.

Band? With me...?

All I need is me.
And my soulful lyrics.

And my bare feet in
a sandbox on the cd cover.

And a fishing net with, like,
shells and treasure in it.

Well, why don't
you use that net

To catch the one person
that'll buy your album.

Good one.

Hey, honey.

Um... Any luck
figuring out your plan b?

Well, I've decided to follow my
dream and be a professional drummer.

A drummer? This assignment is about
you finding something practical.

Stuffleby's gonna
be back here on Thursday.

And he may seem all smiles,
but he's not.

Dad, come on.
Didn't you ever have a dream?

Yes, a practical dream.

To own and operate my own
subway-themed sandwich shop.

And look at me now.
Living the dream.

- Hey, what's going on?
- Well, Alex has decided

- That her backup plan is to be a musician.
- Cool.

- I was just gonna work at the sub station.
- That's my boy.

But Alex's idea is way better.
I'll do that instead.

Wait. Who's gonna
run the sub station?

That's the only reason
we had you kids!

Not you.

oh, I would
run a kilometer for you

and on my little
thermometer for you

I'm burning up

In celsius.

oh, metric system
metric system

if there are better systems I
must've missed 'em oh, metric system

metric system if there are better
systems I must've missed them

What are you doing?

I'm harmonizing with my eldest
son. Didn't that give you chills?

And the creep-outs.

Oh, my gosh. You know what?
We should form a band!

What do you say? We'll call
ourselves mother and son,

So we don't get confused
as brother and sister.

Oh... No.

I... Can't.

Why not?

Because I'm
already in a band

And that wouldn't be right.

With who?

This drumming thing
is gonna be so easy.

- With Alex.
- Alex?

- Justin said you guys are in a band together.
- He did?

Yeah, and that's why he
can't be in a band with me.

Now, I'm caught up.

That's right, mom.
Justin is in a band with me.

Well, that's too bad 'cause...

mother and son mother
and son we could've sung

last chance to be
in a band with me

- Thanks. I owe you one.
- Oh, I know.

Welcome to the band.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Mom, I brought
you the newspaper.

Or... Possibly flowers.

Oh. Thanks, honey. These are nice, but I
kind of wanted the coupons from the paper.

- Max, what are you doing? - I'm practicing
to be a magician, same as you guys.

That's great, Max.

But we said "musician,"
not "magician."

Maybe dad's right.
Less talking more listening.

But it's just so hard to listen
with all this money in my ears.

Ok, since this
is our first band practice,

There are things
we gotta figure out.

Right. Band outfits.
Way ahead of you.


I was thinking we'd do
sort of a punk-rock thing.

Oh! What about this?

Or maybe...

You didn't want to use
this one for the band, did you?


Ok, we need to figure out
what we want to sound like.

For example, I like soft, meaningful guitar
plucking. And I like to play barefoot.

It shows how
I fight conventions.

Walk outside barefoot,
you'll be fighting infections.

Convections? Infections? It rhymes.
It's a lyric. Let's put it in a song!

Ok... Ah!
Follow my lead.

And a one, and a two, and...

Play on four.
Four and...

You don't...

- I wanna start with a solo.
- It's not backwards day.

- Why can't we in the beginning?
- What is going on up here?

Justin's in your band?
What'd you do, bribe him?

No. Of course not.
It was more like blackmail.

I knew it. I'm sure your brother had
something practical as his plan b.

That I did. I wanted to make
money beating robots at chess.

Is working at the
sub station that bad?

Daddy, being in a band
is a great plan b.

It's totally
gonna make us money.

All right. You think you can
make money, let's prove it.

You'll put on a concert
at the sub station,

And if you can bring in an audience, then
you can consider this band your plan b.

- What if we don't?
- Then you'll give up this ridiculous dream

Once and for all
and you'll work downstairs.

- Is it a deal?
- Sure, dad.

Here you go.

Come listen
to the loudest band in town.

I hear they got a great drummer.
She's cute, too.

- Hey, Alex.
- Hey.

Concert at waverly sub station.
Don't miss it.

You named the band burn
without even consulting me?

I do everything without consulting
you. Why should I start now?

Because maybe I had a different
idea for our band name.

Possibly with more of a
reference to medieval plant life.

Yes, because kids
love medieval plant life.

Look, I came up with the idea of
being a band, so I should name it.

Yeah, but I'm a better
musician. I'm all...

And the crowd's all... "Justin!
You're so good-looking!"

And you're all...

- The crowd's all, "when's the
guitar coming back?" - Justin!

You know what? I'm very
annoyed with you right now!

You know what?
I'm kicking you out of the band!

You can't kick me out of the band,
'cause I'm kicking you out of the band!

You can't kick me out of the band!
I already kicked you out of the band!

- Fine!
- Fine!

Hello, Alex. I just stopped by to
see how it's going with your plan b.

Well, it's not going so great.
I probably should've stuck

To the sub station as my plan b,
just like my dad did.

What? Your dad's plan b
wasn't to own the sub station.

It was to be
a professional bull rider.

- It was?
- He called himself "the italian buckaroo."

He had jean jackets
made up and everything.

- You're kidding.
- Do I look like I'm kidding?

Don't answer that.

- Wow, so he never went after his dream?
- No.

I think his dad
talked him out of it.

And then he ended up owning
a sandwich shop instead?

That's right.

Hey. Uh, you remember that
one time I apologized to you?

No. When was that?

Oh, my goodness. Can we please stop
talking about it? You get the point.

Are you trying to
apologize to me, Alex?

Yes. How many times do
I have to say, "I'm sorry"?

Actually, you
haven't said it.

I think we should get
the band back together.

Go on.

Because it's important for us to chase
our dreams while we're still young.

And I'm even willing to
compromise in order to do it.

So if you play
my kind of music...

I can't believe
I'm about to say this.

...I'll let you
name... The band.

- I'll take that deal.
- Great. Ok.

Better get started. We've got
a lot to do before the concert.

- Perfect. I'll put in some earplugs.
- Again.

You are such a rock star.

The great Maxini thanks you!

Looks like you might
be working here after all.

Here you go, Max. I took the liberty
of having it personalized. Huh?

The great Maxini is offended
by your lack of support.

His next trick
will blow your minds.

After it pops into my mind.

I had some made for you
guys, too. Just in case. Huh?

Thanks for the support, dad.

You're on.


Thanks for coming out.

- We're the alabaster carnation.
- Oh, my gosh.

One, two, three!

you won't know anything
unless you try

might end up falling
but you just might fly

you know it's all about
what you believe

and maybe something extra
up your sleeve

listen what I say
nothing's getting in the way

there's no fear that can stop
us and no reason to delay

gonna give it all we got
we ain't afraid to play

so watch out for we're
gonna make it happen

I won't be whining
'bout what might have been

you know I'm not too big
on giving in

I use whatever spell
the law allows

that is, of course
if I knew how

- she does, whoo!
- listen what I say

nothing's getting
in my way

there's no fear
that can stop us

and no reason to delay

gonna give it all we got

yeah, we ain't
afraid to play

so watch you for we're
gonna make it happen

we're not afraid to fall
we're going for it all

there's a method to our
madness we're answering the call

if we use a little magic
we really can't recall

all I know is that we're
gonna make it happen

- We did it!
- That was unbelievable!

Alabaster carnation!
Alabaster carnation!

Hi, I'm harvey buchwald. I'm
president of legitimate records.

I think you got a real
future as a girl drummer.

- Here's my card.
- Thank you.

Oh, my gosh! Your guitar playing
like totally spoke to us.

Well, as a musician, that's
all you can ever hope for.

- Who wants my sweat towel?
- I do!

Take it. Put your number
down on my hand.

Hold on... I'll get your...

- What a show!
- You liked it.

Of course I liked it!
I'm smiling, aren't I?

Usually music isn't the
best choice for a plan b,

But not for you two.
You can't miss! Can't miss!

Honey, I'm so
proud of you.

It was great. Ybe missing a
more mature female vocal element,

But still,
I really liked it.

Yeah, I should've had
more faith in your abilities.

You guys proved me wrong and you did it
the right way, without using any magic.

- You didn't use magic, did you?
- No.

Yes, it's true.

Justin and Alex
didn't use any magic.

But... The great Maxini did!


- Max, what did you do?
- Dude!

The audience was
all an illusion.

The great Maxini thanks you!

Make yourself disappear.

Hey, um, you remember that time
I said I was sorry? Right?

Yeah, you didn't.

- Your sister's been trying
that for years. - He's right.

Which is why, from now on, we're
videotaping all apologies in this family.

Jerry, can you stand
a little closer to Max?

Look, you guys
sounded great.

But because of you, Max, we won't know
if music is a viable career or not.

- Dad, it's ok.
- No, Justin. It's not.

I need to know that everything's
gonna be ok for my kids.

But that's just it, dad.

You can never be sure of that.

Sometimes dreams
don't work out.

But that doesn't
mean we shouldn't try.

I mean, you can understand that,
right, "italian buckaroo"?

Theresa, shut
the camera off.

Where did you
hear that name?

Mr. Stuffleby told me about your
dream of being a bull rider.

What a mouth on that guy.

Is that true, jerry?
"italian buckaroo"?

Yes, it's true.
I wanted to be a bull rider.

But your dad wanted you
to do something practical?

No. He was a rodeo clown.

He thought bull riders
were stuck-up.

Wait. Grandpa
was a rodeo clown?

That's my plan b.
I call it.

Look, I'm sorry if I was getting
in the way of your dreams.

Actually, dad,
it's kind of reassuring to know

That you didn't have a practical backup plan
and your life still turned out pretty good.

Yeah, my life
did turn out pretty good.

I'm really proud of you guys.

You did something
not even I had the guts to do.

It must feel good
to chase your dreams.

Well, maybe you should find that
out for yourself.

Next up, the italian buckaroo.

All right, for probably about
the next one to seven seconds,

You'll feel what it's
like to live your dream.

And my guess is it's gonna
feel a lot like chafing.

I'm... Living the dream!

- Mom, what's your dream?
- That this is over soon so we can go home.

Looks like we're done.

you won't know anything
unless you try

might end up falling
but you just might fly

you know it's all about
what you believe