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04x14 - Ambition

Posted: 03/09/22 07:48
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪



Francis, you bastard!

You should've seen your face.

- I am so gonna k*ll you.
- Hey.

Why would you scare me like that?

Okay, okay, I'm sorry.

Why would you scare me like that?

Tryin' to pick your head up, sweetie.

Come on.

♪ ♪

Thanks for meeting
on such short notice, Omar.

Of course. What's up?

HQ's looking to make some promotions.

Next three months or so.

Director asked me for a few names.

People ready for leadership positions.

I was thinking about giving him yours

but wanted to run it by you.

See if you were interested.

What do you mean "leadership positions"?

Jobs that lead to the corner office.


Top-of-the-food-chain kind of jobs.

I mean, I've just always

been in the field getting my
hands dirty, doing the job.

I haven't even
considered a boss position.

Your call.

But I think it would
be nice to see someone like you

in a position of power
at a place like this.

Well, I appreciate you thinking of me.

Is that a yes?


Sure, why not?

Okay, good.

First thing you need to do
is step up your involvement

in our diversity efforts.

You should be the face of that.

I can do that.

Second, find a way
to work with more people.

Face time with the brass.


Yeah, and most important,

keep your head down.

Don't make any waves.


I gotta go, but, um,
thank you and we'll talk soon.

Target was Jamie's Foundation.

An outspoken
g*n-control advocacy outfit.

- Fatalities?
- Nope.

b*mb went off after-hours.

Good thing, too, or it would've
been a mass casualty event.

- Any witnesses?
- A young couple

who were in front
of the place when it blew.

They didn't see anything.

Head of the operation is Ann Tasker.

She can bring you
up to date on any threats.

Hi, Ann.

I'm Special Agent Bell, this is Scola.

We're really sorry for what
happened here today.

They're not gonna stop us.

I won't let them.

Who's them?

[SCOFFS] The g*n nuts.

They hate us.

But it doesn't matter.

I made a promise to my daughter Jamie

when she was m*rder*d

that the madness would stop.

And I'll give my last breath
to make sure that it does.

I read your profile
in "New York Magazine."

You're originally from
Chesterfield, Indiana, right?


I'm from Muncie.

I assure you, we're gonna
find the person who did this.


Have you been receiving
any threats lately?

All the time.

And it's gotten worse
in the lead-up to today's vote.

Oh, right, the city-wide
initiative to ban as*ault weapons.

Can you give us anything specific?

Anonymous voicemails.

Unsigned letters.

Rocks through our windows.

All because we're
finally making progress.

Was there anyone in particular

you've been worried about?

Gotham Freedom Front.

A shill for the g*n lobby.

They've been protesting out front.

Harassing my staff.


It's trending now.

You report any of this?

Police said there's nothing they can do.

"Freedom of speech."

Well, this is what happens
when you do nothing.

We're gonna make this
our number one priority.

If you can think of anything else,

please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

What's up?

b*mb techs say the device
was reasonably sophisticated.


They traced it back
to a package left in the foyer.

Well, somebody wanted to send a message.

And it wasn't the only message.

We found this taped to a streetlamp.


All right, listen up, folks.

We've got the bombing
of a g*n-control organization

on the morning of a controversial

ballot initiative restricting g*ns

and a warning that says
there are "more to come."

So we're gonna go ahead
and assume that there's

another bombing planned for today.

First things first.

Maya, can NYPD up patrols at all

g*n-control outfits in the city?

- On it now.
- Great, thanks.

Kelly, where are we
on that note OA found?

Dead end.

ERT couldn't pull any DNA
or prints off of it.

All right, what about the b*mb?
Any leads there?

We've eliminated the USPS

or any parcel-delivery services

because the expl*sives would've been

picked up by routine
screening procedures.

So you're thinking someone
would've had to walk it in.

Yeah, we vetted the foundation staff.

No one disgruntled, so we're
looking at an external source.

Right, so we are basically
starting from scratch.

You know what, Ann Tasker flagged

an outfit called Gotham Freedom Front.

What do we know about it?

Domestic Terrorism
scrubbed their membership list.

It's a deep roster of
extremists with criminal records.

Half of whom are
carpet-bombing social media

with threats against Ann
and her foundation.

Mm-hmm. Who's in charge over there?

It's a conservative activist
named Paul Bogdan.

Look at what he just posted
across his platforms yesterday.

The initiative comes down to this.

A fight for our God-given liberties.

People like Ann Tasker who try to take

those inalienable rights
from us must be called out

for who they are.

Enemies of the people.

And enemies of the people

must be neutralized.

By any means necessary.

Not exactly subtle, huh?


Hey, Maggie, it's me.

Yes, I heard about the bombing.

Not surprised.

Patriots will only stand for so much.

But I don't condone v*olence.

You told your supporters
to neutralize Ann Tasker.

Well, it's called "rhetoric."

It's protected by the First Amendment.

Even if I were inclined to extremism,

it would be counter-productive.

Every tracking poll
says the initiative's DOA

thanks in large part
to our multimillion dollar

ad campaign.

Targeting that woman's
wackadoo foundation

would only engender
sympathy for her cause.

Whatever you think of me,
I'm not stupid.

Then you'll understand our need to ask

where you were yesterday.

Fundraising trip.

Check Amtrak.

Didn't get back from Richmond
till this morning.

Like I said,
I don't traffic in v*olence.

Well, three of your members
have been arrested

on g*n charges since November.

You bailed them out, too,
with company funds.

That's not prohibited by our bylaws.

If one of your supporters
decided to make a statement,

you're on the hook for incitement.

And once again, I direct your attention

to the Bill of Rights.

Yeah, you may beat the rap.

But you don't need the headache.

It's easy to avoid,
just tell us if there's

anyone in your organization
that we should be looking into.

See you in court.

All right, look.

There is a guy.


Named David Moder.

Loose cannon.

Making lots of noises
about k*lling Tasker.

I have zero to do with him.

David Moder finished a stint at Wallkill

on an as*ault rap a few months ago.

Ex-Marine, munitions training.

Looky here, he's been
burning up social media.

Praising the bombing,
ripping Ann Tasker.

He just posted on a GFF message board.

Says Jamie's Foundation
supporters are gathering

in front of the GFF
headquarters right now.

He's calling on "patriots"

to defend the group against "radicals".

Told them to bring their g*ns.

Yeah, let's track this guy
down right now.

David Moder.

Hey, I just pinged his cell phone.
He's already on site.


PROTESTORS: No more g*ns! No more g*ns!

Okay, let's work our way south.

I'll circle around back.

Roger that.

- Watch your six.
- You too.

PROTESTORS: No more g*ns! No more g*ns!

That's right!

Show these snowflakes
who the real Americans are!

David Moder? FBI.

- Need to ask you some questions.
- About what?

If you wouldn't mind just
walking over here with me.

- Stop!

Watch out! He's got a g*n!

- You okay?
- I'm all right.

OA, the suspect's
heading south on Water Street.


Hey, take it easy! He's already down!

Punk was packing. Resisted arrest.

- Let's go, tough guy.
- All right, hold up now.

He's the prime suspect
in a federal investigation.

Who said you were
calling the sh*ts here?

we are investigating a bombing.

Do you understand?

Protocol is clear, but I'm happy
to get command to weigh in.

You wanna look like idiots? Up to you.

♪ ♪

Knock yourself out.

Moder's not talking.

Big surprise.

He doesn't want to cooperate
with law enforcement

after getting his butt
kicked by those two cops.

From what I saw, it was
definitely a little excessive.

Yeah, well, he made
them run so they made him pay.

It's one of those unwritten cop rules.

I really thought
all that stuff was over.


Old habits don't die that easy.

Especially when you think
you're in the right.


I know that "The New York Times" says

that they believe that
the NYPD needs to be reformed,

but that does not mean
that the men in blue do.

Where do you stand on all this?

When it comes to reform,

I guess I'm kind of
in the middle, but...

not when it comes to putting
your hands on suspects.


Well, at least they have their
body cam footage to answer for.

Unfortunately not.

The footage was basically worthless.

From all the running
and fighting, it was too shaky.


You gonna report it to IAB?

Finishing up right now.

Okay, Moder won't play ball,
so we're back to square one.

If some pro-g*n nut wants to make

a statement on the day
of the initiative,

he's got eight hours
until the polls close.

Are there any other bombs out there?

Do we have any concrete
evidence tying Moder to the b*mb?

We've gotta get answers.

Agents searched Moder's place.
It's clean.

Any digital trail?

I vetted Moder's emails and texts.

Nothing stands out.

What about his movements?

Ian, can we put him near
Jamie's Foundation yesterday?

His cell's GPS history has
him in Jersey most of the day.

Doing what?


He was parked at Very Fine Storage

for four hours in Hackensack.

Does he have a unit there?

Yeah, been renting one
for the last three months.

All right, have Maggie and
Scola meet the b*mb squad there.


♪ ♪

You guys will want to see this.

b*mb-making lab.

C residue.

Stuff here matches the b*mb
that went off at Jamie's Foundation.

And way too many det cord
remnants for just one device.

That definitely ties Moder to the b*mb.

Yeah, it means there's
another one's out there too.

This guy ever say or do anything

that struck you as suspicious?

Nah, he kept to himself.

Him and that other guy
he hung around with.

What other guy?

White guy who he came by with sometimes.

Always wore a hoodie.

When's the last time you saw them?

Yesterday. They left together.

All right, we're gonna need you to pull

all your surveillance video right now.

This is from yesterday afternoon.

Our mystery man's face is obscured,

so can't pull a facial ID
from the video.

Show me what else you have.

♪ ♪

Assuming those are bombs,

the second one hasn't been
accounted for.

Can you pull the plate?

Let's see.

Got it. Juliet Oscar X-Ray - - - .

- New York plate.
- Yeah, running it, Ian.

It's a Ford. Comes back stolen.

Hobbs, have you found anything

on those Second Amendment
boards you've been monitoring?

A lot of chatter about
how the expl*si*n failed

because it didn't k*ll Ann Tasker.

And some yahoo just
posted her home address.

Ann's organization
was blown up by an extremist

whose partner is in the wind.

So let's assume that
she is still a target.

Get her off the street.

No. Absolutely not.

Ann, we're only
advising that you lay low

until the voting finishes.

Just stay out of sight.

I'm facing off against g*n activists

at the Channel Six studio in one hour.

Right, but we don't think it's
safe for you to be out in the open.

But you can send a surrogate.

It's called Jamie's Law.

I am her mother.

I've been the face of this
movement for a decade.

And we're this close to change.

We're finally going to win.

You don't get it.

I surrender...

Everything, everything
I've been fighting for,

the initiative,

my daughter's memory,

I turn my back on all of it.

I can't do that.

♪ ♪


I won't.

You got nothing on me.

I got your locker.

Blasting caps, comp-C, det cords.

I do a lot of demo work.

We also have you driving a stolen car.

Found it abandoned in my driveway.

You have an answer
for everything, don't you?

You know, I read your file.
Pretty entry-level stuff.

Trespassing, disturbing the peace,

but I gotta give it to you, Moder,

you just graduated to the big leagues.

No idea what you're talking about.

For the record, David,
it does not matter

if you actually planted the b*mb.

You are on the hook.

It's called a joint venture.

And if there is another b*mb,
and the expl*si*n happens

to k*ll someone,
you'll be held responsible.

Just like the one who detonated it.

So you have one shot to help yourself.

And it is right now.

What is the name of your accomplice?

I know how this goes.

You're just trying to work me.

We are trying to help you.


You really wanna go to prison?

Is that something that you really want?


♪ ♪

Tiffany, let's go.

Wait, hold on.

- All I know...
- A name!

Give us a name!


He goes by Wally.

I met him at this bar in Alphabet City

named The Palace a few weeks back.

He paid me to make a few bombs.

- What's the next target?
- I don't know.

- Where's he live?
- Don't know that, either.

Like I said, we met at the bar

then hooked up at the storage facility.

That's it, I swear to God.

I want a detailed description
of this Wally.

Height, weight, skin color, hair color,

and whatever else you can think of.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Uh, I will have one of those.

You got it.

Another for me.

Do you know what?
I'm gonna take care of his.

So, uh, a buddy of mine named Moder

told me about this place. You know him?


Well, he was actually
trying to connect me

with someone by the name of Wally,

if that name rings a bell.

Believe me, Wally's gonna wanna hear

what I have to say.

Well, like I said,
I don't know him, but...

guys in the back might.


Hey, Starkey.

This guy's been
asking questions about Wally.


What do you want with him?

Uh, actually, a friend of mine, Moder,

asked me to find him about
some business between them,

so I-I probably shouldn't speak on it.

But like I told your buddy here,

he's gonna be happy to see me.

Well, if your friend was so concerned

about you finding Wally,
why didn't he just

give you the number?

Well, I don't know about you,

but I don't trust those damn things.

You never know who's listening.


Well, look.

Moder seemed to think you guys
would be glad to help,

but apparently, he was mistaken, so.


Well, the thing is, pal,

this here's a neighborhood bar,

and these folks,
they got neighborhood jobs.

And when outsiders show up
and they start asking questions

about our regulars, well...

So let's start over

with you telling me
what it is you really want.

Well, since you're asking so nicely...

I guess Wally and Moder
did a job together.

I don't know what kind, exactly.

I'm guessing it has something
to do with expl*sives.

And Moder owes Wally grand.

But, um, he got jammed up,
had to leave town,

so he asked me to find him, settle up.

Five, huh?


Let's see the money.

♪ ♪

You really think I'm gonna
let myself get rolled

by a bunch of guys in a back room?



♪ ♪

Moder knows I'm here.

Anything that happens to his money,

he's gonna know who took it.

Yeah, okay.


Wally's flopping.

Some place in Elmhurst near Ditmars.

That's all I know.


♪ ♪

Got eyes on Walter Forrest.

AKA Wally.

- Copy that.

♪ ♪

He's going through the warehouse.
Try to cut him off!



♪ ♪

- Where is he?
- FBI! Which way did he go?

Don't say nothin' to those pigs.

Come on, man, he's got a b*mb.

Which way did he go?

Come on, Scola.

We gotta set a ten-block perimeter.


Talk to me.

Forrest slipped our perimeter.

There's a lot of subway
entrances in this area.

So he could be anywhere by now.

Yeah, but we got a team searching

his place in Red Hook.

And what about his car?

We've got comp-C residue
in the trunk, but no b*mb.

So we have to assume he's
already deployed the second device.

We... we also found
a dead burner under the seat.

Okay, have the field tech upload

that burner's GPS data to Ian right now.


Hey, Tiff.

- You got a second?
- Sure.

The Commissioner reached out
about your complaint.

NYPD came out firing.

They said it was a routine takedown.

I don't care what they said.

It went down exactly
the way I reported it.

It's just the boys
down at PP get very nervous

when it comes to complaints like this.

Especially these days.

They were kicking and punching Moder

while he was on the ground.

He wasn't resisting,
and he wasn't fighting back.

They can pressure me if they want to.

But I saw what I saw.

That's all I needed to hear.

♪ ♪

Hey, ERT just finished
scrubbing Forrest's apartment.

It's clean.

All right, Ian,
where are we with that burner phone?


He was at Jamie's Foundation
for minutes.

Then Bridge and Whitehall
in Battery Park for .

Then he overnighted
at the Ditmars location

where we found his stolen car.

Could be another b*mb or an accomplice

at either location.

Hobbs, can you check those locations

for other Gotham Freedom Front members?

A Gotham member in Ditmars

named Tammy Estes
lives a block and a half

from where we found that car.



Tammy Estes, we need to speak with you.

FBI, ma'am.

- Yeah?
- We need to ask you a few questions.

About what?

Walter Forrest.

When's the last time you saw him?

I ain't heard that name in months.



[YELLS] Hey!

Don't move.

What are you doing?



Not today, pal.

Heard about your collar.

- Nice job.
- Thank you.

We're not popping champagne yet.

There is still a b*mb out there.

Any leads?

No, not yet, but, you know.

Good luck.

Hey, listen, just one more thing.

I heard your partner got
into a beef with a few cops.

I'm sorry?

She filed a complaint with IAB.


Well, the NYPD sees us as a partner,

but the director is proud of
his constructive relationship

with the NYPD.

[SIGHS] I get that,
but Tiffany saw what she saw.

And I applaud her honesty.

But IAB's gonna want your side of things

soon as you come up for air.

You can explain what a messy,
confusing situation it was.

Lend some more perspective.

Just so this thing doesn't get
blown out of proportion, right?

What are you really saying, Bashar?

Someone from D.C. called.

Asking if you could help
smooth things over.

If you free up tonight,
let's grab a drink.



Not gonna ask you again.

Tell us where this b*mb is.

No idea what you're talking about.

All right, let me
lay it out for you, then.

We have you on video
leaving a storage unit

that contains comp-C.

That same residue
was in the car that you stole

and then matches the device
that blew up Jamie's Foundation.

So unless you want to die
in prison, tell us where it is.

Constitution says
we have a God-given right

to protect ourselves.

So anyone who comes for our
g*ns gets what they deserve.

The FBI...

- Oh?
- So-called elected officials,

that loudmouth lefty bitch.


Forrest, tell me about
this stain on your shoe.

♪ ♪

Yeah, you can still
smell the tar on the shoe,

meaning the stain is probably
no more than a few hours old.

Let's see if there is
any roadwork being done

near Forrest's girlfriend's
apartment in Ditmars?

Got a crew that's laying tar.


Broad Street between Pearl and Stone.

Broad and Pearl, all right,
let's see if there's

a g*n-control organization
right there in that area.

- Something progressive.
- Yeah.

Yeah, there's an indie paper
called "The Sentinel."

They rent office space
at this old warehouse.

Let's see if they took
a stance on the initiative.

Yeah, yeah, three op-eds

in support of it
over the past two months.

The last one was just a few days ago.

They slammed the Gotham Freedom Front

as a bunch of g*n nuts.

All right, have the b*mb
squad meet our guys over there.

On it.

Sentinel's offices have been closed

since the latest wave of COVID.

Employees have been working remotely,

so nobody's accessed
the building in weeks.

How long to search this place?

A lot of nooks and crannies.

Top to bottom, three hours minimum.

All right, b*mb could go off any minute.

- You set a perimeter, right?
- Yeah.

Make sure no one crosses the line.

Hey, uniform said that some
teenagers were seen

breaking into the warehouse
this morning.

They could still be in there.

♪ ♪

- Take a look.
- Look at what?

The teenagers you m*rder*d with
that b*mb you put in the building.

Don't... don't know what
you're talking about.

The facility was not empty, genius.

There were kids in there.
Two dead, one in a coma.

Take a look!

I had nothing to do with that.

No, no, no, we are way past that.

This is capital m*rder.

We're talking about
the death penalty here.

If I were you, I would start talking.

♪ ♪

Nobody was supposed to get hurt, okay?

He said we were just sending a message.

Who said that?

This guy from the GFF chat board.

I was trashing Ann Tasker
on it a few weeks ago.

I said somebody should take her out.

Someone calling himself
"Taskerhaterdude" DMs me.

Said if I'm serious
about going after her,

I could make some money.

You meet him? Talk to this guy?

No. It was all remote.

I brought Moder in to make the bombs.

The guy told us where to plant 'em.

When they had to go off,
paid us in crypto.

Okay, I want a name.

I don't got one.

Just an email address.

I swear.

♪ ♪

All right, listen up!

Our ringleader's email
is taskerhaterdude@

- Can you...
- Yeah, I'll run down

the IP address associated
with that email right now.

Great, where are we
on Forrest's computer?

CART remotely accessed it
and verified crypto payments

made to him after each of the bombings.

Do we know where the payments came from?

Looks like they're linked up
with that same email address,

but our ringleader
used a VPN for everything.

No, no, no, we need that IP address.

What can we do?

I can send a message
with an embedded bug,

- but he's gotta open it.
- Okay.

Let's make sure we get his attention.

Uh, let's say subject line,
"Need to talk.

Cops asking questions."

And sent. Now we wait.

No, now we double our efforts.

Hey, Hobbs, can you talk to A*F,

see if they have any open files

on anyone that frequents The Palace bar?

Maybe someone we can trace back

to that "Taskerhaterdude" handle?

- Got it.

Hold the phone, I got something, Jubal.

- Tell me.
- Yeah. Email's been accessed.

- Yes!
- I'm in.

Getting a fix on the IP address now.

Okay, great.

This can't be right.


Who that IP address comes back to.

You're not gonna believe
who sent those emails.


♪ ♪


It's the FBI, we need to talk to you.


She's not here.

Why wouldn't the cop
stationed up front see her leave?

Maggie, we got an open box

of nine-millimeter b*ll*ts here.

A g*n activist with b*ll*ts?

Could belong to an abductor.

Well, why would an abductor
leave an evidence trail?

Maybe she kicked up a fuss.

Whoever grabbed her
had to beat it out of here.

I mean, fuss means noise,
and no one called .


Scola, "The Sentinel's"
office address is on here.

Wait, what?


What if she's behind the bombings?

What if she planted a false flag

that made the g*n-rights activists

look like they turned violent

which would help prove her point

that they were dangerous?

All so that her ballot
initiative would pass.

And her initiative just failed.


And now she's got a g*n.

♪ ♪

Ann's gonna blow up
her own organization?

And a media outlet that supports her?

Well, think about it.

The initiative is her whole life, right?

She spends ten years trying to make sure

her daughter didn't die in vain.

She finally gets it
on the ballot, and it tanked.

So she becomes the mad bomber?

Well, the alt is,
her IP address was spoofed,

"The Sentinel's" address
was planted in her apartment,

meaning someone went through
a hell of a lot of trouble

to try to convince us of a story

that on its face is absurd.

Right, well, I'll take a clue trail

over a conspiracy any day.

If this woman has lost it,
she's dangerous.

Yeah, and still on the loose.

Yeah. Kelly, talk to me.

Yeah, we got a fix on her car's GPS.



She just turned off
Maiden Lane onto Water Street.

Where the hell is she going?

Ann just blew through a traffic light.

Okay, she's stopping at

- Fletcher and Water.
- What's there?

That's Gotham Freedom Front.

Try to reach somebody over there.

See if you can pull up security
cams outside the building.

Yep. Got it.

There she is, entering
from the parking garage.

Yup, there she is. Anything?

Reception's not answering.



Get back from lunch,
see my people running outside

screaming that that Tasker lunatic

barged in demanding to see me.

She's got a g*n.

Where is she now?

Security tried to stop her,

but she barricaded herself in my office

with my assistant, Susan.

We have a hostage situation
at Fletcher and Water Street.

We need SWAT
and a crisis negotiator ASAP.

Susan has been with me for years.

Lemme go in there.

Thank you for the offer, Mr. Bogdan,

but it'd be best
if you just sit this one out

and let us handle it, okay?

Please. Thank you.

Okay, let me know.

- Hey...
- [g*nsh*t]

All right, we need to breach right now.


Hold on, hold on, wait up.

Ann just texted me.

That g*n was a warning shot.

If we don't serve up Bogdan,
hostage is getting it next.

Okay, well, SWAT is
coming from another mission

an hour away and nothing
from the negotiators.

Well, then we can't wait for them.

I'll go in.

No, that is a bad idea, Maggie.

This woman is on tilt.

And that hostage is in imminent danger.

I'm Ann's point of contact.

We're both from Indiana,
I know that that's small,

but it's enough to make me
the reasonable choice.

I'm going in.

Okay, but if things go south,
we are coming in after you.

♪ ♪



It's Maggie.

If this is some kind of trick...

No, this is not a trick.

I'm here to help.


Bring him here.

Then I'll let her go.

- This is not the way...
- You have one hour.

One hour.


Or I'll k*ll her.

I'll k*ll her!

Understood. One hour.


I got BAU's profile on Ann Tasker.

Tell me there's something
in here besides irony.

'Cause a g*n-control activist
holding a hostage at gunpoint?

Pretty rich.

Yeah, profile says
she's emotionally imbalanced.

A zealot.

Yeah, they're comparing her
tunnel vision to a su1c1de bomber's.

And with people dead now...

She's got nothing left to lose.

All right, g*ng,
if we're gonna talk her down,

we need an angle.

Now everything has
been about her daughter

for the past ten years.

So we need to round up all the intel

we can on Jamie Tasker.

Talk to her friends,
neighbors, relatives.

I wanna know her favorite color,

her pet's name,
where she spent her summers.

Anything we can feed Maggie.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

You good?


I got the low-down on the daughter.

I mean, it's a pressure point, anyway.

I don't think I should
bring my g*n in there.

I don't want things to escalate.

Maggie, you're going in blind.
We don't have our full team.

Please take your g*n.



Where's Bogdan?

Bogdan's not coming.

I told you.

- I told you what I was

- going to do!
- Hold on, Ann, Ann, Ann.

I really need you to listen
to me right now, please.

Listen to you?

Ten years.

Ten years I've been trying
to make people listen to me.

But nobody will because
monsters like Paul Bogdan.

And his money and his lies.

The v*olence never stops.

Kids keep dying.

I mean, what... what were
you gonna do with Bogdan

if I brought him in here?

Hold him responsible.

With a g*n I got in one day.

No questions.

No problems.

People need to know
what we're all up against.

Hold on, Ann, Ann... okay.

You don't really want
to hurt her, do you?

I mean, Jamie's Foundation
is based on love.

The love that you have
for your daughter.

♪ ♪

The kind of daughter
who gave her jacket away

to a kid who didn't have one.

I mean, your daughter
loved people so much

that she spent her weekends
in soup kitchens.


I agree, Jamie was taken away too soon.

But I thought that the whole
point of all of your work

was that no child would be hurt again.


But two kids were.

In that expl*si*n that
you were responsible for.


No, no, I...
The building was empty, I...

No, Ann.

It wasn't empty.

Two teenagers died,

and a third one is in a coma.

Oh, no.

- No...
- Ann.

- I didn't... I didn't...
- This needs to stop.

Right now.


Give me the g*n.

This isn't worth it.




Okay, go, go.

No, no.

No, no.

Oh, my God.

Heading out?

Yeah, you?

No, I still gotta
close up some loose ends here.

Hey, your IAB complaint's
been making the rounds.

Is that right?

[SIGHS] Yeah, Tiff.

Maybe the way cops
do their job isn't our fight.

So you think I should let it go?

I'm just saying you
need to be really sure

if you want to pursue this.

HQ's priority is
interagency cooperation.

You start thumbing your nose at that,

going to w*r with NYPD...

I don't want to see you get burned.

You might be right.

But putting hands on people?

Getting violent with them? I...

I've had enough of all that.

I've seen way too much of it.

I mean, maybe I should've said something

when I was on the job, but I...

Was too busy trying to fit in,
so I kept my mouth shut.

But not anymore.


I'm Captain Garibaldi,
this is Lieutenant Valente.

Thanks for your time.

We know you've had a busy day.

So we will keep this short.

We have conflicting
statements from Agent Wallace

and Officers Munson and Rudolph.

We just want to know what you saw.

when tensions are running high,

feelings get bruised.

Accusations leveled.

You know how it goes.

So if you can corroborate that Mr. Moder

wasn't the subject of police

we can chalk up Agent Wallace's
complaint to a misinterpretation.

Put this unnecessary dispute to bed.


File number - .

Captain Garibaldi and
Lieutenant Valente presiding.

Please state your name for the record.

Agent Omar Zidan.

Agent Zidan,
you were present at the arrest

of a suspect named David Moder
earlier this morning?

- I was.
- And did you arrive

on the scene early enough to see

what we'll call
a "jurisdictional dispute"

between Agent Wallace

and Officers Munson and Rudolph?

I did.

But I would not characterize it
as a jurisdictional dispute.

What would you call it?


An as*ault.

Officers Munson and Rudolph
were roughing up Mr. Moder

and Agent Wallace
was simply trying to intervene.



What you describe as an "as*ault,"

in fact, that was the officers' attempt

to subdue a dangerous bombing suspect

who was resisting arrest, correct?



He was a dangerous suspect.

But he was not resisting arrest.

He was compliant.

And the officers would not stop.

They just kept hitting him,
so like I said.

It was an as*ault.

♪ ♪

- Another?
- No.

I'm waiting for someone, thank you.




Actually, I will take the check.

♪ ♪