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04x02 - Girls' Night Out

Posted: 03/08/22 18:37
by bunniefuu
The problem is, you're trying
to meet men at work. It can't happen.

- Why is that?
- At work, you're all strong, smart...

Guys ultimately don't want equals.

If you want to meet a man... gotta go to bars,
where they feel dominant.

- Look at the idiots you meet.
ELAINE: They're all idiots at night.

They're controlled by...
What is it?

Dumb stick. I'm watching.

We're discussing Ally's relationships.
I thought you'd be interested.

Ally only loves men
who make her miserable.

Bryan was too nice.

He's got a knife!

That is so unfair.

With Bryan, it was a lack of passion.

We loved each other...

...but it was almost too comfortable.

Maybe there was something missing...

...or that thing that happens...

...when people look
into each other's eyes?

That thing.

We can watch it in slow motion.

I don't want to see that
in slow motion.

We might as well talk about Ally.

Thanks, Ling, but I'm doing good.

You're crushed. We organized this
slumber party to cheer you up.

- Psycho!
- Ling?

You think I'm a desperate person,
don't you?

You're all desperate.

Gorgeous women, parties
everywhere, you're dateless.

That's pathetic.

You're lonely and desperate.
Why can't you admit it?

You're here. What are you?

I have my Richard.


I've been down this road

Girls' Night Out

Walking the line
That's painted by pride

And I have made mistakes in my life

That I just can 't hide

Oh, I believe I am ready

For what love has to bring

I got myself together

Yeah, now I'm ready to sing

I've been searching my soul tonight

I know there's so much more to life

Now I know I can shine a light

To find my way back home

Oh, baby, yeah

Oh, yeah

Okay, first up,
before we start, Ally...

...I'm speaking for the firm...

...our condolences over things
with Bryan.

We're all here for you.

Thank you, Richard. I'm...

- I'm fine.
- Excellent.

Moving on, John, Nelle,
going up against...

...Renee and Georgia. Exciting.

Will the client be coming here first?

No. We're meeting her
at the courthouse.

I'm not comfortable
with you being attracted to her.

- John is.
- I am not. I'm her attorney.

Our relationship
is purely professional.

My mistake.

I have another announcement.

- Oh, God.
- Oh, no.

I'm calling the first meeting...

...of the Cage and Fish
Women's Bar Association... my office at 11:00.

What's this about?

E.R.A.? Title Nine? Douche?


Bryan's in your office.


- Bryan.
- I'm sorry to intrude. I...

Sorry for losing my temper
and for the things I said.

You were hurt.

I was also confused, which I remain.
Is there somebody else?

- No.
- Then I don't get it.

It just isn't you, Bryan.

And for a while,
I thought that it was, but...

Aren't you afraid of ending up alone?

I'm more afraid of ending up
with the wrong person.

Whatever your mother said, when
it's right, you don't always know.

But when it isn't... do.

I don't mean any disrespect,
but I really do want a woman lawyer.

Only a woman.

Ling will handle the case, but... senior partner,
I really should...

It's just that
this is really sensitive.

Well, let me assure you, Cindy,
confidentiality... everything here.
Nothing leaves this room.

Well, the company I worked for...

...required employees to take
a physical exam for insurance.

It's an invasion of privacy,
so I refused.

I wasn't going to take the insurance,
but it made them suspicious.

They insisted I take the exam.
When I wouldn't, they fired me.

If you don't mind my asking...

...what's the big problem
with taking a physical?

Do you have some disease?

No. I do not have a disease.

Yeah, well.

This is the sensitive part.

Cindy, if we're to help you,
we need to know the truth.

Plus, everything you say to us
we keep confidential.

We understand the delicacy
of a person's privacy.

Well, see...

...I'm really a man.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

How could you be a man?
You look so beautiful.

And feminine.

I've been on estrogen a long time.
This is my real hair.

- My breasts are real too.
- They are?

- Yes.
- Can I touch them?

- They're evidence.
- I can spot a he-she a mile away.

- There is no way.
- The sh*ts and the pills...

...have softened my voice.

I don't grow facial hair,
my skin is soft.

I'm a woman in almost every way,
except the one...

...that would be discovered
if I had to take that physical.

Oh, so you have a...

Wow. She's got a...

Is this the sensitivity
you spoke of?

Oh, no. I'm sorry.
It's just not every day... meet such a beautiful woman.
- With her very own dumb stick.

- Forget it.
- No, no, no. Cindy.

No, no, no. You've told us.
The worst part is over.

- You might as well let us help you.
- Can you?

How long have you worked
for Myra Robbins?

Almost three years before...

...well, that night.

Why don't you tell us
about that night?

We were trying to finish plans
which we were on a clock to complete.

I'm sure it was after midnight.
We were sitting side by side...

...and her arm brushed mine.

It could have been inadvertent, but...

...with Myra, nothing
was ever really inadvertent.

Describe what you mean by that.

Myra Robbins is a gifted architect.

- And an unabashed sexual predator.
- Objection.

It's a lay opinion, judge.

Counsel should refrain
from commentary.

The objection is overruled.
Move it along.

What happened next?

Her arm brushed mine...

...and when she brushes an arm,
it's with sexual intent.

- Objection.
- Just tell us what happened next, sir.

Well, I looked at her. There was...

I was feeling a little chemistry.

She then brought her hand to my..., uh...

...groin area.

She began to fondle me a little,
and I, well...

I apologize.

- What happened then, Chris?
- We made love.

GEORGIA: There in the office?
CHRIS: Right there.

Then about a month later,
she again wanted to have relations.

I felt this pressure.
It became impossible to work.

GEORGIA: So you left.
- Yes.

- The sex you had was consensual.
- I don't deny that.

In fact, once she touched you...

...where she touched you, you then
became the aggressor, didn't you?

Well, I feel it was pretty mutual.

Did any of your clothes get torn?

- Objection.
- Sustained.

She didn't thr*aten
to fire you, did she?

No. But I just felt pressure.

- To have sex with her?
- That's right.

How awful.


Suppose I were interested?

Would you sue me?


- We'll get an injunction.
- In open court?

No one will hear about your penis.

We'll argue your right to privacy,
claiming mandatory physicals are... invasion of that right.
- Are you sure?

I'm sure we can fight the battle...

...without mentioning your...
- Dickey.

Ling? Excuse me.
The meeting is starting.

I'll see you in court.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I'm very nervous about this.

Trust us.

This kind of subject matter,
it's why I got into law.

I was thinking about
our little discussion last night...

...and I began to agree with Ling.
We're pathetic.

Why are we pathetic?

We agree that a personal life is more
important than a professional life.

And yet we devote every
waking moment to work...

...either here or home.

How can we have the same success
personally as professionally...

...when we don't put in a fraction
of the time or effort?

I don't prioritize a personal life.
I don't even want one.

Don't sour on men because of one bad
relationship with a funny little man.

It's not that. I mean...

...what's the goal?
To get married? Yuck.

Half end in divorce, half end up
with kids. Do we want that?

To have our breasts swell up with milk
so a sniveling baby...

...can suck them dry so they'll sag
like two big, wet mounds of tissue...

...with no hint
of their original character?

This meeting isn't
about motherhood, Nelle.

It's about recognizing... is more rich with a partner.

I don't agree it needs to be a man.
Women make better partners...

...for everything except sex.
And as for sex, yuck.

- What's your point, Ally?
- My point is...

...if we're serious about taking
control of our lives...

...we have to become proactive
in finding a life partner.

A plan.
Do you have one, or not?

Not exactly yet.

We want to meet good, eligible men.

I thought I would go
talk to a good, eligible man...

...and try to ascertain
how he would go about...

...meeting smart, eligible women.

You know an eligible man? If so, why
aren't you throwing yourself at him?

Although he's not my type...

...Mark Albert is eligible...

...and seemingly normal.
Let me pick his brain.

Oh, please.

I'll talk to Mark, we'll reconvene.
We are resolved to becoming proactive.

Meeting adjourned.

- Hi.
- Richard!

I fell. I couldn't right myself.

Ling? Snapple? I'm not comfortable
with you being part of a manhunt.

Don't worry, Richard. I won't be
looking for anyone like you.

I'm surprised.
I thought you didn't need a man.

- I don't.
- Well, then, what's this about?

I want one.

I like that.


- Hi.
- Hello.

I'm Mark Albert.
I'm one of the lawyers here.

- Cindy McCauliff.
- I know.

Richard told me about your thing.

Oh, Mark. Hi. Hello.

When you get a second...

...could I talk to you later?


- Richard told you about my what?
- Your case.

I admire your testosterone,
taking a stand like this.

- What's wrong?
- What else did Richard tell you?

That, and you're against
mandatory physicals.

Right, so now you're suddenly
in here saluting me.

Somehow I doubt that.

You busted me.
I don't care anything about your case.

I'm really just curious.

- Let me tell you something...
- Are you seeing anyone?

- I beg your pardon?
- I know I shouldn't be hitting on you.

You're a client of the firm,
but you're so cute.

What can I say? I'm a man.

Cindy, come on. We gotta run.

- Can I call you?
- I don't think that's a good idea.

Where does that fall
between yes and no?

I have a court appointment.

I forgot my bag.

- How'd I just do?
- If a girl doesn't say no, it's yes.


He's extremely attractive.

We were working long hours
in very close proximity.

I also sensed
he was attracted to me.

- How did you sense that?
- He's male.

Yes. Ms. Robbins, so, what happened?

You were attracted to him,
sensed he was male...

...and you just decided
to have sex with me?


Him? With that man?

Him? Okay, let me rephrase.

We were two consenting adults
acting out a very horny moment.

Did you ever put pressure...

...on him to have relations
with you again?

I let him know
the opportunity was there...

...but I never put pressure on him.
Then he quit.

Do you think he did so
to make a financial k*lling... exploiting these absurd
sexual harassment laws?

- Objection.
JOHN: Withdrawn.

Ms. Robbins, you heard the plaintiff
talk about this terrible pressure?

And that's ridiculous.

My firm is not a sexually
charged arena in any way.

It's about the work.
I let him know I was interested.

He said he wasn't.
Work went on, and then he quit.

Have you had relations
with other assistants...

...who worked for you?
- Two.

You had affairs with three assistants?
That's a pretty high rate.

Not really, considering since
I was 1 6...

...every man I've met wanted
to sleep with me.

- You're proud of that?
- I'm proud I've never used it... currency. But when I meet a man
I want, I have no problem asking...

...just like I've been asked
thousands of times...

...and just like I've been free
to say no, so are they.

That was an excellent response.

I'd like my client to repeat it,
in case any of the jurors missed it.

All right. Withdrawn.

So, Ms. Robbins, as president
of your firm, you see no problem...

...with making sexual advances
to assistants, secretaries, employees?

I see a problem with coercion, yes.

With making an advance, no.

You were brilliant. I think the jury
was completely with you.

She testified she has no problem
making sexual advances to employees.

- That's what this...
- That doesn't mean they're harassed.

I know you're drawn to her.

- But you've got to be a good lawyer.
- I am being a good lawyer.

Her testimony made their case.

It was negligent of you
not to prepare her better.

This case is going
the way I want it to.

Don't talk to me like that
in front of the bosom.

The cl... cl... c...

Coney Island. The client.

John, they're trying to make her out
as a sexual predator.

She just declared herself to be one.

Now, good lawyering, at this point,
would be trying to settle.

If you'll excuse me, Myra.

- Nelle thinks we should settle.
- Is she right?

- Strictly under the law, our case...
- I mean, about you being drawn to me.

Are you?

There's nothing wrong
in admitting it, John.

Perhaps nothing futile in it either.

When I brushed your arm
in the courtroom...

...were you wondering
whether it was inadvertent?

I think we should concentrate...

I think we should concentrate
on the case.


The Bill of Rights...

...guarantees the right to privacy.
She has a Second Amendment right... defend herself against
unreasonable searches... violation
of the Fourth Amendment.

I'll exercise my First Amendment
to say so. First, Second and Fourth.

It's all there, judge.

What the hell are you talking about?

I think I can interpret.

Why? You represent the other side.

I've been up against Mr. Fish before.

The more you understand what he's
saying, the better my chances.

Objection. Move for cause.

An employer can't force a person... take a physical
if she waives insurance.

An insurance physical... say "ah" and cough.
- If she doesn't want the insurance...

- She has something to hide.
- Even if that were the case...'s her thing to hide.
I'm not saying she has a thing... hide.
I'm saying, even if she did...

...Fourth Amendment, judge. Cause.

Look, if she wants to waive insurance,
you can't force her.

- I'm granting the injunction.
- I'm sure Mr. Fish has more to say.

Thank you. The problem, Your Honor,
as technology continues to improve...

Mr. Fish, you've won.

Oh. Excellent. Thanks.

- Eligible men?
- Yeah, where do they go to meet women?

Well, the Neanderthals
just want to meet models.

The educated professionals
just want to meet models.

All men want to meet models?

They're tall, sophisticated,
beautiful. They don't speak.

Are you playing with me again?

No. A friend of mine owns a bar.
Twice a year, he has Models' Night.

The place is packed with men,
but the models never show.

Models don't want to compete,
so it's a total bust.

Thank you. That was a lovely story.
None of it was helpful.

- What?
- What a perfect idea.

- I won. Easy, a snap.
- Congratulations.

- I used that amendment thingy?
- The Constitution.

We're going to the bar to celebrate.
Want to join us?

- Sure.
- Actually, it's been a long day.

Nonsense. I'll check my messages,
then we'll go.

Don't let her get away, Mark.


Oh, gonna put it in the want ads

- I need a love that's true
- Gonna put it in the want ads

My man and I are through

- Models' Night?
- I arranged it with the bar owner.

How did you do that?

Our firm does so much business here.
He thinks it's a great idea.

The models attract the men,
but there won't be models?

They never show. According to Mark,
no women do. It's only guys and us.

Don't you feel ridiculous doing this?

I'm for it.

What a shock.
You probably bought new kneepads.

Georgia, you haven't weighed in yet.
Are you looking?

I looked while I was still married.
That's how I met your father.

Oh, yeah. Thank you for reminding me.

You just don't give up.

What? If you said no, but so far,
all I'm getting is reservation.

What's the most important thing
in a relationship?

You have to dance with me once before
you get to ask a question like that.

All right. Let's dance.

- What's going on here?
- I don't know.

You don't suppose
he likes it, do you?

Her, Richard. Her.

You know what I meant.

JOHN: Sexual harassment laws
were designed to protect women.

Myra? Hello. Hi.

Just working on my closing.

I do it bare-breasted.


John, I came to apologize
for being so forward.

No. Were you forward?

Very. You probably think
I'm some sort of nymph.

No, I don't.

Actually, I have become
rather forward over the years.

Men that approach me are either
wolves or hockey players...

...and well, the shy ones
that I'm attracted to...

...they're intimidated.

I never get asked out
by the nice guys.

Well, that's too bad.

I wish I knew some.
I'd introduce you.

I know this is a professional

...and you want to keep it that way.
So I'm sorry for before.

No, I... It's... I...

Okay, but...


- Did you say something?
- Nope.

Good night.

Good night.


- Are you making tea?
- No, I'm... Would you like some tea?


I can see that you're still
a little nervous.

Why don't we...?

Why don't we just finish the case
and maybe get tea after?

Okay. That'd be great.


Good night.

I'd really like to get
some of that tea now.

- Can I walk you home?
- Don't push it.

I'm not asking to come in.

Just to walk you home.

I'm penile psychic.

Something's up,
and I'm not talking about hers.

I should tell him.

There's one thing I know about men.
They hate that kind of surprise.

We promised her confidentiality.

- Your point?
- Richard.

There's no value to a secret
if you can't repeat it. Fishism.

The woman has a penis.

You will not say a word.

Look at them, Ling.

You slept with her?

- Why didn't you call me?
- I need you to take this seriously.

I committed an infraction.

- She's a client, it was wrong.
- Think she'll sleep with you again?

It's why we started our own firm,
to reap the fruits of our own clients.

- Do you like her?
- I think I do.

Everything's worth it
if the heart says so. Woody Allenism.

What's going on?

- Uh...
- Well...


- How was your night?
- What do you mean?

Well, you and Cindy seemed
a little tight on the dance floor.

She's great. I...

- She's great.
- You know me when it comes to honesty.

Usually, I'm not for it.
But well, how do I say this?

- Why don't you just say it?
- Okay.

I think it's wrong for you
to date her. She's a client.

- The case is over.
- The other side will appeal.

It seems every time I turn around... have your finger
in an associate's knee-pit.

A little knee-pit's gonna
look good once you see...

- See what?
- Mark, it's Cindy.

She's really a...
- Can I ask you something?

If we were talking in the unisex,
what would happen?

I'd turn around,
and Cindy would be there.

Flush, flush.

Cindy. Hey. Hi.

- How dare you.
- I didn't tell him.

You were about to!

- I was just...
- You had no right.

- Mark is my friend.
- I've had boyfriends before.

Things have been fine.

They have? Wait, how?

I tell them I'm Catholic.

Catholic girls have penises?
Because I thought...

I say I'm against premarital sex.

What other kind of sex is there?

- Never mind.
- No, Cindy?

I gave you my word I wouldn't tell,
and I'll honor that.

But it's difficult for me
to watch Mark get hurt.

- Why would he get hurt?
- Oh, no, I'm sure he'll brag... his buddies,
"We play Jack in the Box."

I did not take that physical
because of that kind of bigotry.

You want to call me a bigot, fine.

- But you're misleading Mark.
- I will tell him when the time comes.

I hope the time comes
before your secret does.

Guys don't like sleeping
on someone else's wet spot.

I like that.

I will tell him when I am ready.
You stay the hell out of it.

I like that.

If this were a man pressuring
a female employee to have sex... would deliberate
for 30 seconds.

Of course, it's sexual harassment.
It's textbook.

So why is this different?

Just because the offender is a woman?

She is asking you
to apply a double standard.

She wants all the opportunities
of a man...

...but doesn't want to play
by the same rules.

Where does it say...

...that since you're a woman,
you get to break the law?

Why should it be different?

Because it is different!

Women have been sexually victimized
for hundreds of years. Men haven't.

Men are physically dominant.
Women aren't.

Women battle daily the bigotry
of being reduced to sexual objects.

Men don't. It's different.

And here's the other reality.

We may all want to be
too politically correct to admit it...

...but when a woman like that
sexually propositions...

...a man like me, him... we really think of him
as harassed?

Were you all going, "Poor guy"?
Or were you trying... make eye contact with her,
hoping you'd get a chance?

It's different.

Sexual harassment law
was designed to protect women.

It's a fact. And now it's being
exploited by this man...

...who wants to get a judgment
because she slept with him?

Talk about getting to have your pie
and eat it too.

The reason he's rolling the dice...

...with this lawsuit is because
he figures you'll condemn her.

Not because he was really harassed.

He knows you know he wasn't.

But because he also knows
sexually forward women...

...are scorned by this society.

The man is Don Juan.
The woman's a slut.

The guy's prolific.
The girl's a tramp.

We do not approve of women
who want sex.

If Hillary Clinton had a session with
an intern, she wouldn't be running.

The Democrats would have
put in Warren Beatty.

This country puts the scarlet letter
on women who lead with their libidos.

We discriminate against them.
And that is just what he's betting on.

He's in here arguing
there shouldn't be double standards?

Ha! Let me repeat the "ha!"

A double standard is exactly
what he's hoping you'll apply here.

Yeah. There sits a victim.

Say it with me.


According to our sources

The street's the place to go

'Cause tonight, for the first time

Just about half past 10

For the first time in history

It's gonna start raining men

It's raining men

Hallelujah, it's raining men

Ling, honey?
I don't know these people.

Just go with it.
Variety is the spice of life.

Looks like Mark's in
for a little variety later.

And she did what she had to do

Excuse me, folks.

Can I have your attention?

Can I have your attention?

Hey, come on.

Thank you.

What's the deal?

One of my colleagues told me
that a few women...

...were setting up the pretext
of a Models' Night to meet men.

A bit on the cheeky side,
I thought, but...

...seems you're having a grand time.
We should thank Ally McBeal...

...the organizer of the event.
Let's hear it for Ally.

Truth be told, Ally and I
just split up a couple of days ago.

Breaking up can be very painful,
but I'm happy to see you're coping.

Carry on.

John, hi.

Myra. I thought we were meeting
at the courthouse.

I was on this side, so I thought we'd
walk together.


What's your feeling?

Oh, no, I feel great.

Yeah. No regrets.

I meant about the verdict.

Oh. Okay, I'm sorry.

On a strict application
of the legals, we're vulnerable...

...but the jury seemed with us.

If we win, I know a quiet little
restaurant we can go to celebrate.

Oh, actually, I have a date tonight.

Oh, you have a date.

We could do it another time.
I'd love it.

Sure. Okay.

Oh, John, did you...?

No, I... You know,
we made love the other night...

...and I was just...
You know, was it just S-E-X?

- Yes.
- Okay.

I'm sorry, I...

I really like you, and I'm very
attracted to you, but I...

I don't see the two of us
as a couple. Do you?

A couple? No, no.
What, are you kidding? I'm just...

No, I just... It was a dinner
to celebrate. I thought...

- A woman would be lucky to have you.
- Well, I'm not even looking for that.

I was just...
I just still have some oats to sow...

John? Oh, Myra. Hi.

Hi, Nelle.

Clerk called.
Jury has a verdict.

Let's go then. Excellent. Okay.

I thought public speaking
made you nervous?

I thought you weren't a fan of orgies.

The girls and I had a pajama party
the other night...

...ostensibly to cheer me up
after my breakup with you.

And we started to talk about
how hard it is... meet men. And I got swept up
in this proactive...

..."take charge of your life" thing...

...and that's when I organized
this little...

...evening out.

I'm not sure that it warranted
your little performance...

...but it was disrespectful
to you and your feelings...

...and I apologize.

Well, we're not together anymore.
You don't owe me any explanations.


But I'm not here trying
to wiggle off the meat hook.

I'm here to say that I never meant to
trivialize my relationship with you.

Or... love...

...for you.

I think that I was so intent
to look forward...

...I didn't realize it was because
I was afraid, in part, to look back.

What you saw on the dance floor...

...wasn't what I was feeling inside.

You should know that.

Got it.




Has the jury reached its verdict?

- We have, Your Honor.
- What say you?

In the matter of Melnick vs. Robbins,
on the count of sexual harassment...

...we find in favor of the defendant.
- Thank God.

JUDGE: Jury, this completes
your service. You're dismissed.

We're adjourned.

- Thank you both so much.
- I must admit, I'm surprised.

So we will get that
celebration dinner some night?


John, you were fabulous.

Oh, I guess the jury used
some common sense.

I meant the other night.



Do you think that maybe we could
relive our evening together sometime?

I'm not that kind of guy.

Somehow I guessed that.

Thank you.

If you go, then I'll be blue

'Cause breaking up is hard to do

- Can I ask you something?
- Anything.

What made you attracted to me?


...I have a thing for beautiful,
complicated women.

- What makes you think I'm complicated?
- A hunch.

Mark, there's something
you should know.

I have a past.

- We all do.
- Yes, but mine's rather distinguished.

- What, you got a criminal record?
- No.

But I used to be
kind of a different person.


...can we just go out a few times...

...before we start revealing
who we used to be?


The truth is, I like a girl
with a secret or two.

You're gonna love me.

That is so gross.

If I used to be a man, would that
change how you feel about me?

Oh, of course not, cupcake.

I'd vomit.


Ally, hi.

- What you doing?
- Oh, just, you know...

...collecting errant thoughts,
coming down after the trial.

Oh, yeah. Congratulations.
I heard you won.

Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty routine.

How about you? You doing okay?


I miss you. Our talks.

I miss you too.

Well, maybe one night this week
we can go out and catch up.

That'd be great.

Yeah, that's... That's great.


Remember when we danced
up here in the office?


Would you dance with me again?

I'm not sure why, but I just
feel like I could use it.

Well, actually, I could use it too.

ALLY: I have a friend
who refuses to get a pet...

... because he says in the end
they die, and it's just too hard.

Maybe it's the same
for relationships.

I don 't know.