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04x08 - Sickness, Health/Richer, Poorer

Posted: 03/08/22 18:28
by bunniefuu
Julia: charlie...



What are you doing?


I'm just... Thinking.

Making up a list of all the stuff

I have left to do for the wedding.

You look kind of tired.

Yeah, well... There's a lot to do.

But don't worry. It'll--it'll

Get done.

So guess what.

I'm nervous.


I mean...not about being married,

But about getting married.

You know, the whole thing:

Standing up in front of everyone

And saying our vows.

Well, listen,

I'm probably the wrong person

To say this,

But, um, I think, in general,

It's kind of hard to screw up.

I mean...when you've already done the deed.

I know. It's stupid.

I know.

I--i keep thinking, though,

A wedding...

Big deal.

It's just a ceremony and a party.

And then I think...


Wow. It does matter.

You know?

And then I've been getting

Kind of teary.

In a-- in a good way.

Can I ask you a favor, charlie?


I want you to give me away.

Will you do that?


I'll do that.

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Charlie, will you relax?

I can't believe you're getting so

Stressed about this.

I suck at this stuff.

Why does it have to be something moving

And heartfelt and original?

Why not 2 out of 3?

Hey, you know what?

There's some really beautiful letters

That charles and anne morrow lindbergh

Wrote each other

About passion and love and commitment.

You know, maybe you could find a quote

In there.

Great, that'd be in biography, right?

Aren't you coming?

Well, I was just gonna go over to the travel section,

See if I could find a weekend getaway guide

So that, when the wedding is behind you,

We can get some color back in those cheeks...

Facial and posterior.

Bailey: you're mad.

Mad? Not at all.

I totally understand.

Nat and I are a lot to dump on your family.

No, it's not that.

I want to tell them about us. I do, really.

It's just--it's a timing thing,

You know?

'Cause it's kind of julia's day.

And it would be unfair of me to show up with this...


Well, yeah, kind of.

Not to mention the distraction's

7-Year-old daughter... 'Cause there is no way

I could go to a wedding

Without nat wanting to go.

Oh, my god. She's into weddings?

Well, let me just say

If I have to listen to maria and

Captain von trapp

Exchange their vows one more time,

I am gonna sell my vcr.




It's just I feel bad.

It'd be more fun if you were gonna be there.

Well, you made my day.

Thank you.

Hey. Look, I'm not some kind of storage facility

For you. You got that?

Excuse me?

This morning, I'm dealing with one

Of my customers, right?

One of your guys comes in and says

He's got 5,000 counterfeit cds

For me to store.

I--i should've called you on that first.

Look, no. You know what?

I'm done. All right?

I don't need your kind of help

With my business.

All right? I've got...


I'll get the other 10 to you.


I don't think so.

Well, uh, I'm gonna pay you the money back.

With interest, griffin?

'Cause there's a lot of interest accumulated.

This is...

Oh, man...

Haven't you ever taken a loan out before?

See, with some of them, you can't prepay

Without a penalty.

Well, that's what kind of loan this is--

One with a penalty.

Come on.

We're partners, you and i.

You want advance warning? Ok.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna stop by.

We got some work to do on your books.


Nina: every place sounds fantastic.

Charlie: yeah?

Oh, yeah. There's this one place in mendocino.

You gotta hear this description.

God, I had it just a minute ago.


Wait, I'm almost there.


We can't go away next week.

What? Oh, well, that's ok.

I mean, we don't have to go next week.

I just...i just want to find some time,

Nina. And this place

Is so--

You know what I'm gonna get you?

One of those bird feeders.

You know, the kind with

The suction cups,

So you can attach it

To this window.

Watch them from your bed.

Sort of a get-well-soon present?

I'm sorry.


About what?

For putting you through all this.

For all the lousy stuff that's ahead.


One month into a relationship, we should be talking about...

I don't know, the latest movie,

Not the latest trend in radiation.

Well, you know what?

That's down the road a bit, so...

We're just gonna think about that stuff later,


All right.

You're right.

You know what, charlie?

You are gonna be ok.

I mean it.

And I know you're gonna feel like hell

For a while,

But you are gonna fight this thing,

And you are gonna be ok.

I know that you will.

God, that's so what I need to hear right now.

(Laughing through tears)

Ohh, I'm glad you're here.

You don't know how glad.

(Both laugh nervously)

Are you ok? You seem kind of antsy.

Uh, no... I don't know.

Just the wedding, I guess.

What--they let you in here, the guards,

Any time you want?

Uh...i had it all arranged.

What? What did you arrange?

What are we doing?

You'll see, you'll see.

Just, um, close your eyes.

Uhh! Julia...

Shh, shh, just don't peek, ok?


Open your eyes.


It's ours till midnight.



What made you--

I--i wanted to give you something.

A wedding present.

Like you gave me.

What did i--

You gave me the life I have now.

And I just wanted to, uh...

Well, I didn't know how to tell you how I feel,

And I tried to write it, but, um...


This is how I feel.

They're like...

One person. Just sort of...

Flowing into each other.

Just floating like...

Nothing can touch them.

Nothing can pull them apart.

This is how I feel.

I can't decide-- should I wear my dress now,

Or should I carry it and change when I get there?

If I carry it in the plastic, it won't crease;

But on the other hand,

I don't want to show up to my own wedding

Looking like I'm delivering dry cleaning.

What are you doing?


We--we have to go in half an hour.

Aren't you getting dressed?

Oh, uh...

No. I gotta run over to the shop

For a few minutes.

You-you're kidding, right?

It'll only take, like, no time at all, I swear.

You won't even notice I'm gone.

Could you take my suit over with you?


Griffin, no.

This is--

Y-you are not going to work an hour

Before our wedding.

You don't have to get upset, all right?

Would you explain to me why you have to go

To work now?

I just...

I--i--i got nervous, all right?

'Cause, look, I asked reed to close up yesterday

And then he got stuck on this errand, all right?

And I'm sitting there, and it hits me, you know--

What if he didn't get back in time

To lock the shop up?

You know? I mean, I'd be up there saying my vows,

And all I'd be thinking about is, you know,

What if we got robbed?

So...look, half an hour tops, ok? I promise.

All right? Look...

Just go. Go, and I'll meet you there.

It'll be like, uh, not being able to see the bride

Before the wedding anyway.

All right?

I love you.


You're sure it's not a problem, sarah?

Why would it be a problem?

Because I keep hearing the sound of hangers

Hitting the bed,

So I'm guessing it's gonna be another hour, easy,

In which case, I could just try and grab a ride

With ross or somebody.

Is there gonna be dancing?

I don't know. I guess so.


What--those pinch?

No. It's just-- see, elliot and I

Line up better

When I'm in 2-inch heels. My cheek

Against his collarbone.

1-Inch heels, and I'm gonna be spending the evening

Listening to him swallow.

Wait a second.

You're taking elliot... To the wedding?

Yeah, he's gonna be here in, like, 5 minutes.

I thought we'd all drive over together.

Wait a second. You're taking elliot

To the wedding?!


You're taking elliot to the wedding?!

Why do you keep asking me that?

Yes, I'm taking him.

Well, don't you think that's kind of...

I don't know, kind of rude...

To bring a total stranger to a small,

Intimate affair?

Why? I asked julia if it was ok.

You did?

Yeah. She said sure, no problem.

Bailey, where are you going?

Oh, wow! This is amazing!

Yeah, you gotta see the lights outside.

It's like a thousand tiny lights.


And the cake. Have you seen the cake?

Oh, it's beautiful.


Ross! Hi, you!

Wait, I have to get this on tape.

Ross, hug her again.

(Julia laughing) claudia:

And say something.

Uh, uh... Where's griffin?

Something congratulatory.

Where is griffin?

Claud, turn that off. He'll be here soon.

He just had to-- you know what?

I should change before the guests

Get here.

Wow! These artichoke things...


Try this.


Isn't it fantastic?

God, this is so hot!

Bailey: julia...

It's so hot!

Bailey... Oh, this is good.



You could've dressed up, you know?

I've been married before.

Ok. Ok, um...

There's some people I want you guys

To meet.

Ah, claudia, julia, charlie...

This is annie mott,

And this is her daughter natalie.


It's nice to meet all of you.

And congratulations, julia.


Can I have a drink, please, mommy?

Yeah. in the kitchen.

Through there. Thanks.

Ok, I know this is a weird way for you

Guys to meet annie,

But I figured if sarah was bringing

Her boyfriend--

Are you two...


Uh, yeah.

We kind of are.

You never mentioned.

I know, I know. It just--it just


That's her daughter?

Yes. It is. And I know what you're thinking.

How old is she? She's 7.

(Whispering) the other one.

Oh, uh... Annie's 26.

And she's divorced,

And you guys are gonna love her,

I am telling you,

If you just don't jump to conclusions,




I, uh, gotta get dressed.

I'll help.


Mr. Salinger?

There's a phone call for you.


That's fine. Any time next week.

Yeah. Listen, this is not

A good time.

No, I appreciate the call.


I'll call you on monday.

Thank you, doctor.

I have to pick a date for the scan.

We'll work it out.

It has to be next week.


We'll work it out.

I'm gonna go say hi to julia.


Should i...

Should I not talk to you about this?


I don't know. You don't...

Don't you want to ask me any questions?

Ask you questions? Uh...

About the scan.

Charlie, I'm... I'm just trying

To be positive here.

I mean, to keep you focused on the wedding, right?

On happy things this weekend.

That's what you said you wanted, isn't it?


Ok, then.

So, listen, you're gonna make an $18,000

Cash deposit on monday.

I'm gonna want to see your invoices.

Look, man--

I'm not debating this with you.

I'm just telling you this is gonna happen.

Please. Please don't make me do this.

Oh, for god sakes, kid.

Look, a couple of years ago, I would've done this,

No problem, man.

Are you married?

No. I'm divorced.

What the hell does that have to do

With anything?

'Cause I'm worse than married, all right?

I'm in love. And she--

Look, I'm not gonna do anything to get in trouble,

Because now I've got everything to lose.

I gotta listen to this stuff?

Why don't you just let me pay you back, all right?

I'll find a way, I swear.

It's too late.

Well, I'm not gonna do it, man.

That's all there is to it. No way.

I said no! What did

You say?

Ohh! Uhh!



But you don't listen too good,

You know that?

Hey, good to see you.

Are people asking questions?

I keep explaining it's a modern twist

On the whole bride doesn't appear until right

Before the ceremony.

Still no answer at the apartment or the shop.

Annie says she's gonna keep on trying.

What if something happened?

What if he got into an accident?

God, claudia, why do you always have

To go to that place?

I'm sorry. Have you met our family?

(Doorbell rings)

Is that the doorbell?

Is that griffin?

No. It's not griffin.

It's a telegram from joe.

This wedding is starting to have a familiar ring

To it.

Claudia! Claudia!


One second, honey. I'm trying to get

Ahold of griffin.

What is that on your face?

Is--is that...

Please tell me that that is not--

Claudia: oh, my god! The wedding cake!

What did you do?

What did you do?!

I just wanted a rose is all.

A rose? You took half the cake.

Did not.

What happened to the--

Natalie stole a hunk.

I just wanted a rose.

Oh, god. I am so sorry.

It's ruined.

I am so, so sorry.

Wait a second. Maybe if we just

Mashed it in

On this side over here,

It would look...

Pathetic? Dented.

I can't say I'm sorry enough, julia.

No, i-it's ok.

It's just I kind of wanted one of those

Stupid pictures

Where we feed each other cake, but really, i-it

Doesn't matter.

Ok, look, everyone, this is not a tragedy,

All right?

We'll make a few phone calls, find

A bakery that delivers,

And we'll get another one. Ok?

Um, has anyone seen the phone book?


Hey, heard there was a cake crisis.


I just need a minute.

You want me to call some places?

No. I don't know, maybe I just...

I just got hit with this wave.

It's just...

Well, you're just doing too much is all.

You gotta delegate, charlie.


That's not it. I just feel...

I just need...


That's it. I'll get you some coffee.

Mmm. You smell so good.

Oh, I do?

Yeah. It's kind of like...

Kind of like...

Sitting on the edge of a wharf

And just dangling your toes in the water

And taking in the air as it comes off the lake

All sweet and piney and...

God, you smell like...

Sarah: yes?

My childhood.

It's just it's her first wedding, and she got

A little overexcited.

The captain and maria didn't

Have a cake.

Your point being?

Claudia, cut it out with the camera,

Already. Ok?

What? I'm documenting the event.

So, bay says you're divorced.

What's the deal with that, huh?


(Back gate bangs)

Griffin. Hey, man.

What happened to you?

Are you ok?

I'm ok. It's--it's fine. Really, really.

I'm ok. I just had a little run-in with

A customer is all.

Griffin-- don't freak out.

It looks a lot worse than what it is, all right?

What happened?

Uh, it's so stupid. I just...

This guy came by to pick up his bike, you know, right

As I'm locking up,

Which reed didn't do, so it's a good thing

I went down there.

Anyway, he's claiming that I overcharged him,

And he starts whaling on me.

So what did you do, man?

I gave him 50 bucks and told him to get

The hell outta there,

'Cause, you know, hey, I got a wedding

To go to, right?

Well, look, I'm fine, julia.

I just gotta get cleaned up, and then I'm all yours.

You coming?

I feel bad.

That's ok, natty. He's gonna be ok.

He's gonna need a clean shirt.

I'm sure charlie's got plenty of clean shirts.

I feel really bad.

I think she's feeling guilty.



Whoa! That is definitely more

Than one rose.

Can you believe I'm gonna look like this

In all the pictures?

Have to do a lot of those kissing sh*ts, huh?

Hide my face?

I'm sorry, julia.

I want to know what really happened to you.

I told you. This guy--

I don't believe you.

What? In the 30 seconds it takes to check

The lock

On the front door of your shop, some guy happens to

Show up and do this to you?

I swear to god.

You're an hour late, griffin.

It took him an hour to beat you up?

You can't lie to me today.

Not today.

You have to tell me.

I'm having some trouble with this guy.

I mean, some business guy.

It's--it's hard, you know.

I'm just starting out,

And they opened this shop up 3 blocks away from mine.

And I can't-- julia, I can't

Compete with that.

You know? So...

So I b-borrowed some money from this guy.


I'll take care of it.

Everything will be fine, I promise.

What? Look at what he did to you.

No, no, it's not like that.

It's--it's not what you think.

It's not like he's gonna k*ll me

Or anything.

It's just he's a jerk, and he got mad.

And I'll pay him off, and he'll be out

Of my life.


Hey, you guys.

Everybody decent?

Ok, I want to get some candid footage

Of you two

Getting ready for the ceremony.

Not now.

Yes, now. Later will be too late.

So do something... Do something candid.

Fix his tie, jule.

Claudia. What?!

What? Why is everybody acting like I'm such

A big nag,

When all I'm trying to do

Is preserve a few precious moments for posterity, hmm?

(Pounding, people shouting)

That sounds interesting.


Sweetheart, just try and turn the silver knob.

I can't, mommy.

This lock is jammed. Maybe a screwdriver...

Mommy, get me out of here!

What's going on here?

She locked herself in.

(Crying) mommy, I'm trying.

Natalie, sweetheart... Stop.

Ok, just stop crying.

Annie: please.

This is different.

Calm down, sweetie.

No, come-- listen, mommy's

Right here.

Sweetheart, just try to find

The little silver knob.

If I can find something to pry open that door with.

Hold these for me, will you?

It's kind of a gift, don't you think?

Annie: natalie, sweetheart, stop.

Her way of always becoming

The center of attention.


Natalie, just listen to mommy, ok?

It's ok. Stop crying.

You don't see it, do you?

It's ok.

Calm down, natalie. It's ok.

We did this all the time in college.

Excuse me. Ok.

Oh, great.

I'll try and fiddle with the lock here.

Hey, natalie. Natalie...

Take a step back from the door,

Ok, sweetheart?

I can't believe this.

I just want to k*ll myself.

Hey, natalie, let's sing a song, ok?

Let's sing a song together.

♪ Just what makes that little old ant ♪

♪ Think he'll move that rubber tree plant ♪

♪ Anyone knows an ant can't ♪

♪ Move a rubber tree plant ♪

♪ But he's got... ♪


♪ High hopes ♪

♪ He's got high hopes ♪

♪ He's got high apple pie ♪

♪ In the sky hopes ♪ one hour before

The ceremony...

♪ So when you feel like lettin' go ♪

The party continues.

♪ And you're gettin' low, just remember that ant ♪

♪ Oops, there goes another rubber tree ♪

Hey, there you are.

♪ Oops, there goes another... ♪ I looked

Everywhere for l you.

You are missing total chaos out there.

I'm telling you that little girl--

She locked herself in the bathroom

By mistake,

So they've got like--

Coffee didn't help, huh?

Damn, I told that caterer--

I don't have a hangover, nina.

I've got cancer, ok?

I know that, charlie.

You think I don't know that?

I'm not sure.

'Cause it really feels like it's not

Registering with you.

How can you-- god, charlie.

Look, I'm scared.

I feel like someone just ran over me

With a truck,

And it scares me, all right?

I'm up here trying to figure out how

To keep that from you

Because this thing's, like, got you

So freaked out,

You're acting like it's nothing,

And it's so not nothing.

I didn't--look, I never said--

When I told you that you were

Going to be ok,

It's because I honestly believe

That you will.

Now, I mean, was that a mistake?

Is it not what you want to hear?

You know, you say that once or twice, nina,

And it feels great.

It feels like this incredible support,

But when it's all you say, it feels like denial.

Like that has to be true

Because you can't even begin to face

The alternative.

I think you should tell your family.


Tell them, please, charlie,

I mean, the-- you need something.

There's something in your mind,

Some way that you expect people

To come through for you.

And obviously, you think I'm

Flunking out here,

So let them in.

Maybe they can help you.

I'm not going to do that.

Please, charlie, please! Don't put this

All on me! Tell them.

No, not today.

Today is about julia. Just julia.

This is, like, a perfect night for her,

And I'm not going to let anything ruin it.


So, how long, huh?

How long has the business been in trouble?

It's not in trouble... Exactly.

It's--it's a couple of months.

A couple of months?

And--and you didn't say anything?

I didn't want you to have to worry.


No, wait, wait, wait. I'm trying to, um,

So you would come home from work

And I would say how was your day,

And you would say great, and all along

You've been lying to me?

I was protecting you.

Right! From the truth, which I deserve to know.

God, griffin, I am your wife.

You don't think I can handle bad news?

I don't know. Look how you're

Handling it now.

I just shouldn't have told you.

You know what? Maybe if you trusted me

From the beginning,

Things wouldn't have gotten so bad.

Because you would have stepped in and

Made everything better?

Wow, julia.

It's the same old story.

You know, maybe you should

Have trusted me.

What is that supposed to mean?

You expect me to screw up.

This just proves everything you ever

Thought about me.

How I make lousy decisions.

How I can't handle stuff. But

I'll tell you what.

If that guy wouldn't have done a number

On my face,

I would have fixed this

And you would have never found out

About it.

And that would have been a good thing?

God, griffin, what does that

Say about us?

Why does it have to say

Anything about us?

This was a business thing.

In other words, you're the one

Who's in trouble.

That's what you think, right?


But see, when you're in trouble,

I'm in trouble.

We're married, griffin. This is our life



And for months!

Now, months, you let me think--

I mean, god, every second

I've been happy

And you haven't been because of this.

Don't you get it? It doesn't count.

Julia. It doesn't count.

Don't say that.

And now we have to go downstairs,

And we have to make those promises

All over again--

Love and trust, and richer and poorer.

Julia, tell me how to come on.

Do that, griffin?

How? When I know it didn't mean anything

The first time we said it.

(Sighs) look,

Let's just-- let's just deal

With this later, ok?

I mean, now we should just

Go out there

And check on the minister and

That little girl.

You're not going to stay, are you?

What? I just said we--

No, I don't mean tonight.

I mean for the long haul.

You and me.

All the hospitals and the treatments

And being sick and taking care of me.

You're not going to be able to make it through

All of that, are you?

I don't--god, how-- this is way too soon.

You--you're asking me to predict

The future.

I guess so.

Well, I can't do that.

Yes, you can.

Sometimes you can.

Please, charlie,

Let's just take this as it comes, ok?

Just let me get used to it,

And we'll see.

Nina, I can't just wait and see.

Ok? I don't even know if I can handle

Being sick.

I'm really-- I'm really scared

About that.

But I know that i-- I can't handle

You walking out in the middle

When things get bad.

What do you want from me?

Do you want me to say that I'm

A horrible person?

That my boyfriend is sick and I want

To run away?

Nina, there are things you do for people

That you love.

And they're not the same things you do

For people that you like.

Not even people that you like a lot.

Because I look at you and I think...

This is too much for her.

And if I'm wrong, tell me.

But if you know I'm right, if you know that

You're not going to be able to handle it.

You have to tell me that, too.

You have to be honest.


I wish--

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

♪ Follow every ♪ that's the

Cake, right?

You got it. Follow me.

♪ Rainbow ♪

♪ Till you find your dream ♪

What the hell is going on here?

What the hell do you think?

It's a wedding.

♪ A dream that will need ♪

♪ All the love you can give ♪

♪ Every day ♪

♪ Of your life ♪ step back,

Young man.

Come on, get the top hinge.

Ok, let's go. Let's go.

Everybody, step back.

Little girl, step away

From the door.

♪ Every mountain ♪


It's ok.

Charlie, I'm so--

Forget about it.

I'm sorry.

(Claudia knocks) guys?

Guys, what are you doing?

Everyone's waiting in the backyard,

And the minister's here.

Are you guys going to make an appearance

Or what?

All set?

Yeah. I guess so.

I hope this is everything you wanted it to be, jule.

Yeah, it is, charlie. Thanks.

She's yours.

Minister: welcome, everyone.

Julia and griffin have asked us,

Their family and friends,

To join them tonight

In celebrating the miracle

Of their meeting

And falling in love

And knowing with such certainty

That their lives belong together.

Having said the traditional vows before,

They have each prepared something

Of their own to say.


Oh, um, I don't think so. I--

I, um, I thought-- uh, griffin?

Uh, no. I think we're just going with the

Regular stuff. Right?

Minister: ok. Very well.

Julia, do you take griffin to be your

Lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love,

Honor, and cherish him

In sickness and in health,

For richer and for poorer,

Forsaking all others,

As long as you both shall live?

I do.

Griffin, do you take julia to be

Your lawful wedded wife?

Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish her

In sickness and in health,

For richer and for poorer,

Forsaking all others,

As long as you both shall live?

I do.

Everybody gone?

Yeah, pretty much.

So--so what happened to you guys' vows?

I figured you for a poem at least.

I don't know.

Oh, it doesn't matter. It was nice anyway.

So, listen.

I am really sorry about the whole cake thing

And the bathroom thing.

Annie was really upset,

So I told her I'd apologize for her.

Yeah. That wasn't the coolest thing

In the world,

You know, just bringing her by

Like that.

You could have said something.

Are you really mad?

No, I guess not.

I really like her a lot...annie.

Yeah, I can tell.

But you don't get it, right?

I know.

6 Years older, divorced with a kid.

It's not exactly like, hey, bay,

We found the perfect woman for you.

And sometimes I think to myself,

What are you doing, bailey?

Why can't you just--

Why can't you just find yourself

A nice sophomore?

And you know what made it easier?

You and griffin.

'Cause--and don't take this

The wrong way,

But you two aren't the most obvious

Couple either.

You know?

But here you are.

I guess that's just the way it works,

You know.

You don't really-- you don't get

To choose.

You just-- you just fall.

And then you have this person.

This weird person

Who's all wrong and all right

At the same time.


I guess that's it.

Can I call you?

I mean, I'm gonna want to know

How you are, how you're doing.

Is that ok?

Yeah. Yes, of course.

My offer still stands, you know,

If you, uh,

If you want that bird feeder. If

You're interested.

Yeah, that-- that sounded nice.

So, then, um...

This isn't really good-bye.

Not technically.



You know what I don't get?

The whole bird thing.

I mean, you-- you take these

Half-dead animals

And you--you nurse them back to health,

And you're incredible at it, and you love it.

So, then why--

They're just birds, charlie.





It's gonna change.

All of it.

Everything's going to be different

From now on.

I guess so.

I'm gonna try to hold on to the shop,

But I don't know if I can.

I don't think we're going to be able

To keep the apartment.


And I think, uh,

I think maybe you should, uh...

I don't want you to have to,

But I think--

I need to get a job.

I'm sorry.

But maybe, uh,

Maybe we're not gonna make it.


How can you say that?

I mean, griffin, this stuff is bad.

And I'm upset, and I'm scared,

And I don't know how things are

Going to turn out,

But, I mean, I love you.

I love you, too.

Maybe loving each other isn't enough.

Yes, it is.

It is.

God, that is everything.

No. That's--that's just what we start off with.

It's what everybody starts off with.

All those couples that got married

Too young or too fast--

They were all in love, julia.

How are we any different?

Because we are.

Because we're not going to be

A statistic.

Ok, you want odds?

Say it's 1 in 5.

Say it's 1 in 10.

It could be 1 in 100.

So what?

We could be that one couple

Who makes it.

You think it's that simple?

Yes. Because it is.

Because, griffin, this is just a fork

In the road.

And we have choices here.

We can say this is too hard

And we quit,

Or we can say this is the bad part

And the good part is just

Around the corner.

It's a choice.

That's all it is.

Let's decide...

Here and now that we're going

To make it.

I mean, don't you want that?

Oh, yes. God, yes.

Me, too.

More than anything.

So, you really love me?