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04x05 - Fight or Flight

Posted: 03/08/22 18:25
by bunniefuu

How many times you going to hit

That thing?

Till it's tomorrow.

What's with you anyway?

Usually you're up and out of here

Before that thing even goes off.

I just don't feel like going in today.

On the day after the big hoedown?

You're going to miss all the good gossip.

Who kissed who?

Who got plastered?

Who drew a mustache on the mona lisa?

What do I care?

I don't even know half those people.

Well, you know, what you need

Is a special reason to go.



I was going to save it for our

6 Month anniversary,

But this is obviously an emergency, so...

Griffin, this is, um--

This is...

Wear that to work,

And all the gossip will be about you.

I don't know. I mean...

You hate it.

It's too something, isn't it?

No, no, i--i love it.

I'm just afraid, you know,

'Cause of all the air conditioning

At work

And all that stuff.

You know what? You're right.

Forget it, forget it.

No, griffin. It's beautiful.

No, it's all right. I've got the receipt.

You can take it back and get something


No, you now what? It's perfect.

I'm putting it on right now.

You stay right there.


Ok, try that.

(Engine grinds)

Ok, stop trying that.

Stop trying that.

Ok, bailey, that was definitely

Not good.

You just made me do something

Very bad to my car.

Relax, it's just your battery, ok?

Once you get it charged up--

You don't know that it was the battery.

How can you pretend to know how to fix


When you have no idea?

That's kind of what I do for a living, sarah.

It's kind of what you and I do together.

Ok, so now that you ruined my car,

We're in it together?

Hey, I'm missing my anthro test

To help you.

Don't give me that.

You would've missed it anyway.

The bus takes forever to get


(Radio blasts music) what happened to your car?

Battery died. Mr. Goodwrench here

Destroyed it.

Oh. Well, anybody need a lift?

I could use-- I mean, if you don't--

Would that be cool if--

Is that cool?


I'll see you.

(Radio blasts music) man, I was so glad

To see you just now.


(Louder) I was so glad

To see you.


The volume pretty much has 2 settings:

Off and like ozzy osbourne.

Ah. Well, I was just saying

That you saved my life back there.

Well, here, now, this ride.

I might actually one day receive a diploma

Because of this.


Well, I'm glad.

Because, um, actually, I sort of--

I kind of need a favor.

God, name it.

Well, it's just--

Uh, some months are better than others,

You know, money wise.


And this month...


Well, I was wondering.

I mean, I know you're not the landlord.

No, I'm not.

But you do kind of collect the rent.

And see, if you could just slide that deadline

Just a couple of days,

Uh, or maybe just say something to hank.



I should not have said anything.

I really put you in a bad position.

Well, I don't know, really.

'Cause I don't know hank that well, but...

I could probably do something.

That would be so great.

I would be so grateful,

So grateful.

Some music?


♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ And everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Ok, stay close, owe, all right?

I'm sorry you had to get up so early

For this.

What, are you kidding?

Any excuse to see the sunrise,

I'm all over it.

It's today's catch, right?

Of course.

Hey, it's pretty stinky around here.

Oh, I don't know. We got to have

Bad smells,

Or else we wouldn't know what good smells are,

Would we?

Owen, what are you--

Come on. If he's bugging you--

Not a chance.

Let's go see a seal, huh?

Don't ask me.

The woman's crazy.

Hey, you married her.

No, no, I'm not-- we're just--

129. No checks, please.

Hey, charlie, look!

Hey, don't touch that, owen.

That fish is covered in feathers.

It's a bird, charlie.

Is it sick?

Oh, I don't know about that.

But he's going to get crushed with

All this foot traffic.

Can't we take him home?

I'm sorry, owe, but we really


You've got gloves on. You take him.

Be very gentle.

But don't they carry a lot of diseases?

He looks like he's carrying a lot of diseases, nina.

Come on, owen.

Blue stars, white clouds, yellow sun.

Blue stars, white clouds, yellow sun.

Nat? Nat?

Blue stars, white clouds, yellow sun.

What do we say to friendly

Building managers

Who lend us buckets and drop cloths?

Thank you.

You're welcome, kiddo.

So, how'd your anthro test go?


It was great.

It was a fascinating subject matter, actually.

See, I've got this class in school.

The whole thing's about africa.

And over there,

When a village gets a drought,

And a person's cow, um...

Goes to the big farm in the sky,

The whole village chips in,

And they get that person a new cow.

Nat, sweetie?

Why don't you go in and watch tv

In mommy's room, ok?


Annie: thank you.

Your money's no good around here, bailey.


Our cows are fine.


Look, I finally got ahold of hank.

And I didn't mention any names,

But when I said the words "rent"

And "special situation,"

He started, like, giving birth.

So, I just thought...

It's not much.

It's a couple hundred bucks.

And you can pay me back whenever you--

No, I can't.

Annie, you have to pay your rent.

No, not with your money, no.

Look, you said it yourself.

You're having a bad month, right?

Everybody has those, believe me.

I don't mean to put you on the spot here.

I just think you need this money.

And so does she.

I got to say, you're the only person

In the world

That could talk me into bringing home another

Mouth to feed.

Add fruit juice to its water,

Maybe a little sugar.

You want to soak these for an hour

Till their soft.


Did you guys have a party last night

Or were the condors getting down?

Oh, yeah, that.

Well, it's more like champagne in search

Of a celebration.

Nothing's actually happened yet.

Something's going to happen?

What's going to happen?

Well, we made short list for our research grant

To do a major migration count in china.

I'm sorry. China?

Yeah. They're sending a bunch of ornos

To bo hai bay to count hooked-billed kites.

It's, like, huge.

And how many kites are we talking about here?

Only a few dozen,

But they're really hard to find.

And then we have to tag every one.

So, this is weeks you're gone and weeks?


And then if you miss one kite,

You then have to go back and count from the beginning?

Charlie, if you think you'll miss me,

Could you just say it?

You gave annie 200 bucks of our money?

Loaned. Loaned, sarah.

She's going to pay it back.

You gave annie 200 bucks of our money.

How could you do that?

That was our money, bailey, yours and mine.

What the hell were you thinking?!

I'm sorry.

I just--i figured she's got a kid,

And she's really strapped.

And we can spare 200 bucks.

And you were basing that assumption on

What exactly?

'Cause, bailey, my car's going to

Cost $300 minimum.

For a battery?

No offense, but somebody's really ripping you off.

It wasn't the battery, ok?

It was the starter.

And if you had hung around long enough--

Ok, look, I said I'm sorry, ok?

What do you want from me?

Are you kidding me?

I want you to go upstairs,

And I want you to get our money back.

I can't do that.

Fine, then I will.

No, no, no, wait, wait.

Wait a second, sarah.

Look, let's be reasonable

About this, ok?

There are ways that we can make

Back this money.


Apartment 11 has got a leaky flush ball.

Mrs. Mishler needs her new door hinge.

Donna jean and george want a new deadbolt,

And they have 2 clogged drains.

That's--what is that? That's...

A start.

Claudia: how about stands with a fist?

How about stands with difficulty?

How about nina?

We're not naming the bird, guys.

Why not? Nina said--

Because if you name it,

You're going to get attached to it.

And contrary to professional opinion,

I don't think--

I just don't think we should get our

Hopes up that high.

This isn't about the bird, is it,



Look at you. You're a mess. You--

Did something happen with nina?

I'm chopping onions, claudia.

You're upset, admit it.

Ok, you want to know why I'm upset?

This woman, she's great with owen.

She won't let me pick a fight.

She knows, like, who to root for

Between the serbians and the croatians.

Plus she quotes yard stats for the 49ers.

So what's the problem, charlie?

The problem is--

The problem is there haven't been

Any problems...

Until now, because my name

Is charlie salinger.

So something had to go wrong.

Something had to come between us.

Like what?

Like china.

The whole country?

She's going there for 2 months.

So what? You can write.

What? Claudia.

We're not naming the bird!

As soon as we get the catalogue proofed,

I'll get a copy to you.


Right, thanks.

We, uh--

We're letting you go, julia.



Work issues,

Performance issues.

Wait a second.

You're saying--

That isn't really--

You're firing me because I wouldn't let you kiss me?

No, that is not the reason.

Really? Really?

So it's just a coincidence

What happened in the parking lot?

Ok, you want to know what it is?

I don't like you,

That's why I'm firing you.

I don't like the games you play

Or the way you tease and manipulate people.

And I have no interest in spending the next

6 Months

Working closely with someone like you.

That is such-- that is such bull.

The only reason you don't like me, daniel,

Is because I'm married.

I don't know if you're embarrassed

That I turned you down,

Or whether you're looking for somebody who will

Sleep with you.

You know, I don't need to hear this from you.

Fine. Then I'll just have to take it up

With someone else.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means--

It means, I'm sure there are a lot

Of people in this museum

Who'd be very interested in how it is that

I got fired.

Are you--i'm sorry.

Are you threatening me?

No, I'm just protecting myself.

Oh, no, please,

Not chronological order.

Always makes me feel like I've died.

Well, joanne had suggested grouping everything

By creative influence.

What do you think about that?

Great, then I feel like I've died

And come back as a curriculum.

Well, then how about by medium?

He wasn't speaking to you, julia.


You know, they used a lot of multi-media

In the burroughs exhibit.

That might be a way to go here.

Yeah, yeah. But no talking heads.

They always try to cram you into some kind of ism.

I hate isms.

Would you like to help, julia?


I need something picked up, and it has to be by 6:00.


Levinson dry cleaners.

Out the door and east 6 blocks,

Corner of fourth and balboa.

Oh, and check the collar for a mustard stain.

I've sent it back twice already.


Do you see this?

Do you know what this is?

A feather?

I found it in thurber's mouth.


Listen, owen.

That bird,

Maybe it wasn't meant to live.

I mean, you meet a bird.

You get to know it.

You think maybe the bird needs you.

You take it home and it doesn't work out.

This is the worst lecture on loss I've ever heard.

But that is why, owen,

That you need to take time

When you meet new, um, friends.

You go slow just for this reason.

To save yourself needless suffering.

And the other thing we've learned here,


Is that your big brother,

He is always right.


You feel better now?


I got to go.

Charlie! Charlie!

So, um, I proofed all the label text

And the catalogue stuff twice.

Oh, and I finally got ahold of the m.o.m.a.,

And they said they have those 8 lithographs on



So that leaves the promo copy

And the brochure stuff.

And I was wondering if you were planning--

Just forget about it.

I'll go over it later.

But the deadline's on friday.

Go home.

I don't need you here.

Daniel, I don't mind doing the--

It's after hours, julia.

There's no one else around.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

People leave, they see us here alone.

I don't know what you're going to say,

I don't know what you're going to do

The next time you decide I'm not being fair to you.

Because you're obviously the type of person

Who will take whatever advantage you can.

I don't trust you, julia.

So I want you to go home.



So, the, um...

The bird lived. He, uh--

He recovered completely.

He, like, recovered all over the kitchen.

Been there.

How come it's always got to be like that, you know?

Good news, bad news.

Good news, bad news.

Bird lives, kitchen ruined.

Meet great person,

She leaves country.

They, uh, didn't pick us, charlie.

They're taking another team

To china.


So you're going to be sticking around, I guess.

Try not to look so happy about it.

I'm sorry.

That's bad.

I don't mean to.

I mean, I know that you wanted that trip a lot,

And it sucks you don't get to go.

I'm just--

I'm just--i'm really happy you're staying.

But I'm--i'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry you can't.

It's ok.

I'm happy, too.

You don't have to say that.

No, it's true.

I'm happy you're happy.

God, I'm such a stupid person.

Oh, charlie, I said it's ok.

No, no, not that.

It's just...

My whole stupid thing.

The way I wait and wait

For something bad to happen.

Like, whatever it is,

It's got to go wrong.

But, you know, maybe it doesn't.


Maybe life can be good.

Hey, wow, you're home early.

I actually get to see my wife

Before midnight.

Are you ok? Something wrong?

No, I'm fine.

Have you been crying?

I'm--i'm just tired.

I'm going to go to bed.


I--i just need some sleep, ok?

...checking my watch on purpose, like,

Really huge.

Hoping this man would take the hint.

He's like, "yeah, I'll share

My drinking story,

But I ain't going to share this mike."


Well, this is your floor.

You get off here.

I do?

Well, good night, I guess.

Yeah, good night.

Good night.

Good night.

What happened here,

Your book bag explode?

I'm writing a paper.

It's how I work.

You're on my bibliography.

Oh, I'm sorry.

So, where have you been?


Stopped off for coffee after

The meeting.

With annie, huh?

So, I guess you guys think

That you're pretty good friends, huh?


Sure. Why?

Well, I just got a call from hank.

You know that $200 you gave her?

That was just a drop in the bucket, bailey.

What are you talking about?

She hasn't paid her rent in 3 months.

She owes him, like, $2,000.

Come on, that's--

$2,000? He said that?


What did she tell you?

That she was just running a little short

Or having a bad month for cash flow?

'Cause she's been telling hank that since august.

Are you sure about this?

You sure he's not just pissed at her

About something else?

Bailey, don't you see?

You think that you know this person

Because, well, I don't know.

Because you go to meetings with her or something.

But you don't, ok?

You don't know her at all.

Griffin, what are you...

Um, I was waiting to talk to you.

I must've nodded off.

On the floor?

Yeah, well, I wouldn't be so tired

If I got some sleep last night.

Look, julia, I'm worried about you.

Would you talk to me, please?

Is it something at work?

Because before you didn't want to go in,

And then last night--

Griffin, I'm fine, ok?

It's just work, ok?

No, it's not ok.

Last night wasn't ok. Griffin, please.

If it makes you that unhappy, why don't you quit?

I can't.

What do you mean you can't?

What's going on there?

It's just--

I can't explain it.

But you don't have to worry about me,

Griffin, ok?

Just forget about it, ok?

Hey, hi. What's going on?


Why did you lie to me, annie?

Why did you lie to me about your


I didn't lie to you.

I told you I needed a little extra time.

A little extra time?

You're 3 months late, annie.

That's between me and hank.

It's none of your business.

The hell it isn't. I manage this

Apartment building,

And I collect the rent checks.

Yeah, well, it's his money.

No, not all of it is.

200 Bucks of it is mine.

Listen, I know that.

And I'm sorry, but...

I'm in a hole.

And it's the lawyers vs. The landlords.

And the lawyers are meaner.

I'm sorry. Lawyers?

When I got sober...

My husband just couldn't.

My husband couldn't stop drinking.

And I had to get natalie away from him

In a hurry.

No joint custody, either.

And that kind of divorce,

It's nasty.

And it's expensive.

You know, I am not out buying

Prada, bailey.

A lot of flour tortillas

Get slapped on our stove.

We eat a lot of peanut butter and

Jelly sandwiches.

I mean, I haven't seen

A movie in 2 years.

I'm sorry.


No, don't be.

Because I'm getting there.

What I said, it's true.

I just need a little bit

More time.

A separation, what-- what does that mean?

Oh, it means you got a hairline crack

In your roof,

Probably from the earthquakes.

Water got in and seeped into

The insulation,

Which acted like a sponge.

Then the ceiling broke under its own weight.

So what do we have to do?

Well, we gotta find the crack,

Fill it in,

Knock out the ceiling,

And replace the subroof.

How long will that take?

How long will I have to shut down for?

Heh. With my guys, about 2 weeks.

2 Weeks? You're kidding.

M-maybe less.

But no longer?

No more than 2.

Of course, you know, I can't

Guarantee it.



What's it gonna cost?

With my guys, about 4 grand.

4 Grand? Maybe less.

But no more?

No more than 4.

Course, I can't guarantee it.


Hey, can I have some of your milk?


I know I still owe the cookie jar,

But if I have to eat my corn flakes

With root beer again...

No, bailey, you should read this.


"Please be advised that as of november 1,

You're required to quit the premises

Described herein."

It's from hank.

We're being evicted?


Not us,


Hank says that we're supposed to deliver

This to her.

Oh, man. Man, that's...

Sarah, you gotta stall him.

Just tell him that--that we didn't get this letter

Or something.

What difference is that gonna make?

It'll give her some more time.

I'll talk to her, and I'll explain to her

What's going on, and...

Maybe she can find a way to pay him.



What do you mean, "no"?


I can't afford to lose my apartment

And my job.

Bailey, I can't.


She's raising this kid on her own,

And she's just been through a horrible divorce.

And why is that my problem?

God, you really don't like her, do you?

No, I don't.

I don't like her,

And I don't like you being around her.

She lied to you, she lied to me,

And she didn't pay her rent.

Now, you may not like it, bailey,

But this is my job.

Owen, watch it.

Uh, permit folder?

I could go check in my truck for it.





Hey, got you.

Whoo hoo! That was fun.

Now we need a new game.

Let's see, what's it gonna be?

Oh, I love this song.

It's time for crazy dancing.

How do you play?

You dance crazy.

All right. Whoo!

Show me something, george.

♪ Oh, let me tell you now ♪

♪ Ooh hoo ♪

♪ When I had you to myself ♪

♪ I didn't want you around ♪

(Music stops)

What's going on here?

What is this, like, a--a party?


No, nina, not until my workmen comp

Comes out of your pocket.

Hey, ease up a little.

We're just having some fun.

Look, I know you like to take

Everything bad

And, like, blink it into something good.

I know that's your shtick, all right,

But this is actually bad, nina,

And all you're doing is making it worse.

(Light knock on door)

(Knocks lightly)

Natalie: hello?

Um, uh, hi.

It's sarah from downstairs.


I'm sick.


Oh, you know what?

Um, I didn't-- I didn't mean

To disturb you.

Are you looking for my mom?

I was, yeah.

Is--is she home?

She's sleeping.


All right. Well, you know what?

Don't wake her up.

It's not that important.

Is that for us?

Uh, for...

Your mom, yeah.

I can give it to her.


Ok, thanks.



The text is bleeding into the photo.

I can't read half of it.

Excuse me. Can you hold on a second? Yes?

Yeah. You're daniel, right?


I'm griffin holbrook, julia's husband.

I know. Uh, she's-- she's at lunch.

That's, uh...

Actually, I'm here to talk to you.

I--i'm sorry.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

I'm sorry. To me? About...

Julia. She hasn't exactly been happy

About work lately.

Last night she came home crying.

Well, maybe you should talk to her about this.

I've tried that.

Heh. Look, I don't know what she told you,

But, uh, I think you ought to know--

I think that you ought to tell your wife

To wear her wedding ring.

Wear her what?

Because if she goes around

Without the ring,

Acting like she's available, sending

Out these signals.

What are you talking about?

You know, it's not my fault.

Hey, get off of me!

What are you talking--


Griffin, stop it!

What are you defending him for?


Because it's not all his fault.

Griffin, stop! Will you listen to me?!

It was nothing. Nothing happened.

Nothing, huh?

Is that why you said it wasn't his fault, huh?

What wasn't his fault?


He said that you should've been wearing

Your wedding ring,

And that you shouldn't have acted so available.

What is that? What, did you come on to him

And then get upset when he turned you down?

I turned him down, griffin.

He came on to me, and I turned him down.

Then why were you defending him in there?

Because I let him think I was interested.


I wanted the job, griffin.

I really wanted the job, and I could tell

That he liked me,

So I waited to tell him I was married.

I didn't lie. I just let him think

What he wanted.


Why would you do that?

I thought...

I thought if I wasn't doing anything

That it was ok.

I just did whatever it took

To get the job.

It was stupid, griffin, it was really stupid,

But that's all it was.

(Knock on door)

Hey, do you have a minute?

I really need to talk to you.

Wait. Let me...

Well, we're out of here.

It's couch tour for me and my girl.

Not so fast.

Read all about it, bailey.

It says "november 1."

I don't care what it says.

I think I figured something out.

No, I owe him $2,100.

Not necessarily.

How many months did you have to complain

To get that funky wiring fixed?

I--i don't know.

I mean, i--i guess I've been replacing

Fuses since july.

That's a violation of your lease agreement.

He broke your lease.

He did?


And--and what about the plumbing that I did,

The kitchen sink?

How long's that been going on?

A couple of months, I guess.

What you're gonna do is you're gonna write a letter

To the rent-control board,

And you're gonna list every single problem

You've had in this place

And how long it took him to fix it.

But isn't this just gonna tick him off more?

No, it's gonna stop this thing dead.

It's gonna tie up the whole eviction process.


Is this...

So, i--i can--

Yeah. You'll have time to pay him off,

And then you can stay here as long as you want.

I'm sorry.

I'm really, really sorry.

Are you ok?

I'm fine.

You know, griffin has never done anything

Like this before,

I swear.

He was just... He was just

Protecting me,

And I don't even know how any of this happened,

And I'm--i'm sorry that it got so bad.

Well, the 2 of you

Need to work on your self-control.

The 3 of us.

I didn't say that I'm not responsible, ok?

I am. I admit it.

I even said it to my husband,

But I am not the only one--


I flirted with you because I really

Wanted this job,

But you gave me the job because you

Wanted to flirt, so...

So it doesn't even matter, because I'm leaving.

I'm quitting.

Just don't be so smug about it, ok?

Julia, don't be so dramatic.

Look, just go back to being a docent.

I won't stop you from doing that.

That's the position you're qualified for,


The position I'm...

So the only reason you gave me this job

Was because--

Julia, come on.

You have a high-school diploma.

Look, let's just-- let's both admit

That we made this about all the wrong things,

And let's just stay out of each other's way

From now on, and...

We'll call this all an accident.


Sarah: just a minute.


Can I come in for a sec?

Um, bailey's not here.

Well, that's ok.

I, uh, I just wanted to thank you guys

For what you did.

Thank us?

Well, I took your advice,

And--and I faxed the rent-control board.

You did.

And not only is it ok that I didn't pay

August and september.

I can actually withhold october,

Uh, until hank makes everything

In my apartment,

Like, perfect.


I mean, you know, I thought bailey

Had to be nuts.

You know, I mean,

Well, you gotta figure no rent,

No roof, right?

You would think.

But you guys were right,

Which means nat and I can stay,

Which means, god, thank you.

Thank you so much.

Oh, yeah. You know what?

N-no problem, really.


Uh, what did you guys do

With your second bedroom?

The, uh, the couple before you,

They, uh, they turned it into a gym.

Well, they, like, had a stationary bike

And, like, a barbell.

Well, um...

We made the-- the second bedroom

A bedroom.

For who?



For bailey?

I don't...



Well, I thought that

You guys were--


I just assumed-- no.

Oh. Yeah.



What you doing there?

Setting up a cage for peg.


I'm afraid to ask.

Marsh hawk.

Some drunk duck hunter blew off one of her feet.


That's rough.

That's bad.

Don't they fish with their feet?

You know, if you came in here to spread around

Your lousy attitude,

You can just take it out!

No, no, no. You're right.

You're right.

It's--i'm sure she'll be fine.

Don't see how a little reality

Could k*ll her.

You know what your problem is?

You would win the lotto and then complain

About the taxes.

What do you expect from me?

I mean, nina, a piece of my ceiling

Almost k*lled you,

And I'm out of business for 2 whole weeks.

I mean, if there's a silver lining in there,

Please tell me,

Because I'd really like to know.



How about a vacation?

You and I could've taken a vacation.

A vacation?

That's right. I lose my trip to china.

You're free for 2 weeks.

We can both get away at the same time.

It's a perfect excuse to take off.

A vacation.




(Door opens)


So I guess it all worked out

With annie, huh?

She stopped by.



I was gonna tell you about that.

Oh, whatever.

So, are you, like, in love with her?

Am i--


That is--

Well, 'cause I don't get it,

Otherwise, you know?

I don't get why you do all that stuff for her.

I've told you, sarah, like, a thousand times already.

She's all alone, and she's got a kid...

No, that doesn't explain it, bailey.

That doesn't explain why you'd risk screwing

Everything up for us.

We're just friends, sarah.

Period. We're just good friends.

That's all.


I knew I'd find you here.

Look, i--i know how you feel.

I know you're mad.

Actually, no.

Actually, I just feel bad,

Because, god, are you happy

With me at all?


'Cause, you know,

Ever since you've been back from europe,

It's like you're not into our apartment,

Not into having my name...

Those were just--

And now this thing, too.

It's like you're not into any of this.

You're not into being married at all.

Griffin, this...

Has nothing to do with being married to you.

It's not about us.

It's not.

Then what's it about, huh?

Can you tell me that?

It's just...

I don't know.

I mean, i--i get to work and it's this...

Amazing job, you know,

And I'm excited...

But also, I'm scared,

Because everyone's wearing lipstick

And heels,

And they're all like these adults.

You know?

But then I think to myself,

"They're no different from me,"

So I put on my lipstick, and I act like they act,

And it all seems ok.

But it wasn't ok, griffin.

There's a lot I don't know.

There's a lot I've never thought about.

There's a reason...

I felt like just a kid playing dress-up.

Well, that's it.

Sure you don't want another cloud

Up over there?

No, I think it might start to look

A little overcast.


Might as well give her nice weather.



You got some...

On your...

I did? Yeah.


No, over more.

Not that much.

Bailey, you do it.

It's right here.

Sorry. It's kind of dried already.

Hello. Everyone, welcome.

Uh, welcome to the worthington museum.


I'm, uh...

Julia holbrook.

And welcome to the worthington museum.

I'm sorry. I just said that.

I'll be your tour guide today.

So if you'll follow me, please...

Ok, put your hands around mine.

That's good.

Ok, now, when I count to 3,

We're gonna toss him up and

Let him go.

Think you can do that?


Ok. Ready?


