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04x04 - Zap

Posted: 03/08/22 18:24
by bunniefuu
Ok, owe, here we go.

How 'bout something from the whole grain family?

Wheat germ, wheat bran...



Hey, sport. I'm very flattered.

Ok. That's it, owen.

We're getting a leash.

I found one, charlie. Look.

I'm sorry. He's usually not like this.

Oh, that's too bad.

Do you think you could give us

Another second?

I think your son was about to propose.

Oh, he's, uh, he's my brother, actually.

Marry her. She's nice.


He's just--it's been kind of a subject lately.

Well, should we set a date?

A date?

To get married.

June would be nice.

I'm kidding, I swear, I'm just

Kidding. I do that.


Well, anyway...

Wow, um... You're really

Into chicken livers.

Oh, yeah, well, actually, they're

For my birds.

You have birds that eat livers.

Well, not in my house.

I work at the wildlife preserve

In marin.

We have raptors, you know,

Birds of prey:

Owls, hawks... Eagles.

You have an eagle?

Oh, yeah! Great big california golden.

Its wings are like this.

And we have this nice old owl named zap.

We call him that because he flew

Into some power lines.

Kinda got fried.


Well, um...

It was really nice meeting you.


You, too.

Um, well, thanks for, um, finding owen.

Oh, he wasn't really lost, was he?

Bye. Bye.

Marry her, charlie.

Excuse me, mr. Musser?


Hi. I'm a docent here,

And I know you're curating the biennale,

And you're gonna need a docent to assist you,

And I know I'm new here,

But I was actually at the venice biennale

This summer.

I didn't see you in venice.


Oh! Uh...anyways, I was kind of hoping

That you might consider me

For the position.

Well...julia salinger,

This is a huge job.

We've got 243 pieces coming in from

All over the world--

Cambodia, iceland--

South america. I know.

And it's all gonna land right here in this space

In exactly 10 days.

Wow! How do you decide where it all goes?

You know what? That is exactly

The right question.

How does each piece want to be approached?

Excuse me?

Well, the art, it tells you.

Like the winged victory in the louvre,

Have you seen it?

Yeah, this last trip.

Remember where she was, at the top of

The marble staircase?


You see her up there,

And you can't take your eyes off her.

She draws you to her.

And then when you see her up close

Towering above you,

Her body thrust forward by the force of those

Incredible wings...

Kinda makes your heart beat a little faster, huh?


Yeah, it does, doesn't it?

Sarah: ok, now?

Yeah. Plug her in.

Ha ha. Let there be light.

Thank you.

Hey! Hey, bailey, look.

Griffin just rewired my latest scavenge.

And in exchange, I'm making us all


Julia's really gonna love what you guys did

With this place.

And I just got my language lab fees


Which means we can now afford to have beans

With our rice,

Yes! Thank you very much.

Did anybody call?

Yeah. 14'S got a leaky kitchen pipe.

Um, my mother loves me.

7 Thought she saw a rat, 6 knows he did.

My mother loves me, is worried about me,

And just wishes I'd at least talk to them.

Ok. So who do we have to call?

The plumber and the exterminator, right?


Wait a second.

You guys aren't calling out for this stuff, are you?

That's the job.

So some bozo can stick one of those snake dealies

Down ax pipe

Or rub peanut butter on a trap and charge you

60 Bucks an hour?

Why don't you do that stuff yourself?

Because we're, like, incompetent?

So read up. Get one of those home repair books.

Doesn't take a genius to fix stuff.


Hank, the landlord, he'd never go for it.

Really? Well, he's paying some guy 60 bucks to do it,

So just take 15 bucks off of it and have him

Write you out the check.

I mean, what does he care, as long as

It gets fixed, right?

(Telephone rings)

Answering machine: hey, leave a message

At the beep.

Don't get that. It's probably

My mother.

Hi. This is annie mott in 14 again.

Honey, no. Mommy's on the phone, nat.

Ok. My kitchen sink, it's still leaking.

So I really need you to fix it, ok?

Did I say 14? Thanks.

That's probably 50 bucks right there.

Ok, owen, help me out, all right?

Owls. You want to see the owls. Now say it.

Then can I have my new fire truck?

Cross my heart. Just repeat after me.

This is just completely freaky.

I was just thinking about you.

You were?

Feeding time.

So I'm forever linked with chicken livers

In your brain?

Could be worse, I guess.

Anyway, this is a nice surprise.

Yeah. Uh, we--i was just-- I mean, he's just, um,

He's been talking nonstop about owls.

Owls this, owls that.

So...isn't that right, owen?

I want to see the owls.

Oh, well, great, then come on.

I would be happy to show you.

Now can I have my new fire truck?

After you see the owls. You love owls.

Come on. They're right

Over here.

Owen, right? I'm nina.


Uh, I'm charlie.

I know. It's what owen called you in the market.

Reed, hi.

Uh, yesterday,

That was a really, really brilliant

Pitchout you ran.

I mean, the way you cut

Against the grain,

And the defensive pursuers just--

Wow! Froze those linebackers.

Thanks, salinger.

Claudia, we have to talk.

Gosh, this is the worst part about being vice-captain.

Guess I'm just going to have to come

Right out and say it.

What already?

I--we--the squad,

We were all kind of hoping you would grow into the job.

We just don't think you're possum material.

We're gonna have to let you go.

Let me go?

Are you firing me?

Well, we all had a little huddle

And the truth is,

We, uh, we think you just don't

Have any verve.


I've got verve. Are you kidding?

I've got verve coming out

Of my ears.

You want verve? You should have

Said something.

'Cause verve--

I can do verve.

(Whistle blows)

How much longer is this going to take?


I'm sorry. I'm going as fast as I can.

Can you hand me that wrench thing?

Listen, this--

This is not ok, ok?

I mean, you've been here

An hour already,

And I called you 4 hours ago.

And it's dinner now.

Ma'am, I came over as soon as I got back

From school.

From school?


Well, we have school, too.

My daughter does.

And she's hungry and she's tired.

And I have to feed her

And give her a bath

And put her to bed.

And you have had our water turned off

For nearly an hour now

At 6:00 at night, and that is not ok.


You're using a book?

A book? I mean, do you even know

What you're doing?

Ma'am, I'm not going to get done any faster

With you standing here yelling at me. Ok?

So, if you'll just let me--

Anyway, it's not like I get out much.

The kids and the restaurant

And everything.

My situation tends to scare people off.

Well, that's too bad.

I mean, personally, I like a guy

Who's gotten that whole wild oats thing

Out of his system.

For a while there, I was, uh,

I was seeing guys who would swear

Their eternal devotion,

And then, uh, all of a sudden,

I'd get a postcard from fiji or the south pole.

Talk about demeaning.

Now I want a guy with a lease.

A lease. Hell, I've got a mortgage.


Ok, so, turn-ons are-- stability and real estate.

Turn-offs are wild oats and bad breath.

Ha, that's me. Now you.

Huh, let's see, um, turn-ons are

A sense of humor

And good personal hygiene.

Turn-offs are smoking and people

Who hate birds.

Oh, what's the matter?

Don't like the egg salad?

Best seller in the vending machine.

No, no, it's good.

I'm just-- more interested

In talking.

Yeah. Me, too.



Answering machine: hey, leave a message

At the beep.

Is not bad.

It's perfect for our first dinner party.

Answering machine: sarah, it's mom.

Honey, I've been calling you all--

Boy, she'd flip if she could see

This place, wouldn't she?

No doorman, 24-hour traffic noise.

But what does she know?


Yeah, you know what?

We've got a pretty good system going here,

Don't you think?

I mean look, food on the table,

Full-time college course load,

A part-time gig on the side.

You know what?

I bet you we are going to look back on this

As one of those most important times

In our life.

You know, like, like our season

Of self-reliance.

Season of self-reliance.

I like the way that sounds.

(Knock on door)

Another customer?

Ka-ching, ka-ching.


You wrap tape around my pipe,

And you tell me it's fixed!

I have half an inch of water under my sink.

You think maybe you should reread that book of yours?

Mr. Musser?

Um, no, no, it's daniel, please. Come on in.

Ok, daniel.

So, you, uh, changed your mind?

Changed my mind?

Because I didn't see your application

In the in-box

For the docent's job.

You looked?

I mean, uh, no, I haven't

Changed my mind.

I just had tours all afternoon,

Like a thousand third-graders, so...

Well, you'd better get your application in by tomorrow.

I've got to make a decision real soon.

Ok. You bet.

You know, I'm already behind.

You wouldn't believe the details.

I have this breakfast tomorrow

At 7:00 with the founders,

And I've barely even started on

These spreadsheets.

Wait a second, spreadsheets.

I know how to do spreadsheets.

I mean, if that'd help, if you'd like me to.

Oh, are you kidding? That--

No, I'd be happy to.

Let me just call some-- some people

And let them know that I can't make it for dinner.

Well, great. I'll order some chinese.

No, no, you keep working. I'll take care of everything.

You ok?

Bad egg salad.

Claudia, please.

Uh, you want anything?

Some privacy.

Some privacy.

The date went well, huh?


And you wouldn't believe how much

It costs him

Just to ship the art. Oh,

And the guest list--

I was typing names from all over

The world.

And if I hadn't been just passing by

That room,

And if I hadn't just gone for it--

You wouldn't have to bag dinner?

What? Wait a minute. Are you mad at me?

I thought you said bailey and sarah

Were ok

With doing dinner tonight.

It's just you pulled night tours twice last week.

Now, this--whatever it is.

I'm kind of starting to miss you, jul.

I know.

Things will calm down soon.

And I really need this right now, so--

You're so sweet, you know that?

Yeah, well.

Hey, where's your wedding ring?

You didn't lose it, did you?

Uh, no, it almost went down the drain

The other day

When I was doing the dishes.

It just kind of slipped right off,

So I put it here for safekeeping.

See how loose it is?

Be careful with this.

I got to go.


Oh, uh...

I'll see you tonight.

I reached the plumber first thing this morning

And he's on his way over.

Oh, good. Look, I'm sorry,

I have to get my daughter ready for school.

Look, I got a prize in my cereal.

Hey, how about that?

Come here, sweetie.

So, anyway, I wanted to say

That I'm sorry for doing such

A crummy job yesterday.

Uh-huh. Honey, where's your lunchbox?

Anyway, he said he'd be here by 8:15.

Good, good. There's coffee in there if you want.

It's pretty atomic, so--

I wasn't.

I mean, I thought you--

I can't stay. I have class.

You have to let him in yourself.

Me? Wait, no.

No, no. Can't.

I have to bring my daughter to school,

And I have to be to work by 8:30.

Right, but see, I've--i have this

Anthropology section

And attendance is kind of mandatory.

So, well, that's kind of too bad,

Because you are the super.

Um, no, actually, I'm the manager.

Well, whatever. That does not change the fact

That I have an inch of water on my kitchen floor,

Which you are responsible for because

You didn't know what the--

What you were doing.

Make sure that you lock the door

When you leave.

We don't have much, but we would like

To have it all here when we get home.

(Whistle blows)

♪ Hit 'em high, hit 'em low, ♪

♪ Hit 'em like we did before ♪



Claudia, look out!



Are you all right?


Am I dreaming?

Am I dead?

I'm taking her to the school nurse.


Hey, how was the meeting?

Meeting? Uh, oh, breakfast.

It was great.

So, I guess there weren't any embarrassing typos

Or anything, huh?

No, no, or you would have heard about it.

So, what are all these? For the founders' gala?

Uh, no, slides of the art for

The school district

It's kind of a teaching program

We do.

Oh. Can i?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, be my guest.

Oh, wow. It's gorgeous.



Oh, wait. Don't move.


You have an eyelash.



Well, you get a wish.

Well, so what'd you wish for?

Oh, well, if I told you,

I wouldn't get the job, then.

Really? You didn't feel anything?

No, not a thing.

Maybe it wasn't the sandwich.

Hey, is it too spicy or something?

You're sweating.

Yeah, I bit into a pepper.

Ok, um, oh, yeah,

So, how did you get back

To san francisco?

Mmm, right, um, well, my parents left me

In the haight, so--

Left you?

Yeah. Um, well, they're both dead.

Kind of freaky, huh?

Yeah,! I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no, it's ok. Really. I didn't know them.

I mean, they were these hippie types, you know,

Or off saving the planet or something.

So, my grandparents raised me.

What happened to your parents?

Promise not to laugh?

Laugh? Why would I laugh?

Well, um, they were in katmandu. Nepal.

And, uh, they were on this mountaintop ohming.

And it was during a rainstorm,

And they were kind of hit by lightning.

You're kidding. No.

I swear to god. One minute

They were, "ohm,"

Then the next minute pow! All she wrote.

That's terrible.

I know, but you know what the worst part is?

It fried them to a crisp.

Oh, yeah, I know.

Oh, man!


What is it?

I'm just a little lightheaded

All of a sudden.

Are you all right?

I don't know. I feel...lousy.


I think--

You know what? Um...

Could we maybe just catch a movie

Another time?

'Cause, um...

I'm sorry.

I got to go home.


Griffin: I am really, really sorry.


You know what? It is so not a big deal.

I mean, this dish that I'm making,

You can't overcook it, so...

Whenever she gets here, she gets here.

Julia's just been working so hard

These past couple of days trying to get

This exhibit thing.

You know, I'm really proud of her.

Man, listen to me. I must sound like

An old married guy, huh?

Making excuses for my wife.

(Knock on door)

45 Minutes late.

I say we give her a hard time.

Nice of you to finally show up, jul--

Ok, listen, I'm in the middle

Of dinner right now.

Really? Well, I'm not.

Because the electricity is out in half

My apartment.

The refrigerator is out and my electric stove.

That plumber that you sent to me

Plugged in his snaking thing

Into a crummy outlet

And blew my fuses.

Ok, I'll be up in a few minutes.

I want you up now!

I want to be able to feed my daughter

On time

Once this week.

Is that too much to ask?

Look, first of all, you got to change your tone.

Ok? This is an old building

With crappy wiring and even crappier pipes.

Yeah? And maintenance to match.

Oh, well, then why don't you just move, lady?

I have a better idea. Why don't I call

The landlord

And tell him how you treat your tenants?

Fine! I don't care. Do whatever you want.

Call him. I'm having dinner.


Let's eat.

Reed, what are you doing?

Aren't you supposed to be, like, running

With the ball or whatever?

It's just there's something

I had to tell you.

Reed, everybody's--

Forget about them.

It's just--

I'm in love with you, claudia.

Oh, reed.



What's the matter?

The pepto. Where's the pepto?

Are you ok?

I don't know.

I don't know what's wrong with me, claud.

I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep,

And my stomach...

I need some air.

Could you maybe--


You're scaring me, charlie.

Yeah, me, too.

And the pepto?

So, what if she talks to hank first?

Then she talks to hank first, and

We talk to him second.

We explain what really happened.

Look, once he hears her on the phone,

He's going to know she's some kind

Of nut case, right?

Couldn't we just plug up her pipes or something

And let sewage explode all over

Everything she owns?

Yes, as soon as I learn something

About plumbing.

No, I mean it. Bailey, really.

If she tries to get us kicked out of here,

It's w*r.

It's us against her.

Right. And we

Should take

All of the energy that we use

To devote to constructive things

Like schoolwork,

And instead, apply it to an elaborate plan

To drive her out of her mind

And apartment 14.


Good. Now call hank.

I'm getting attached to this apartment.

Daniel, uh, this was in the mailroom.

Oh, yeah, yeah,

Those are the handouts for the

Panel discussion.

You can just set those...somewhere.

Kind of thought they might have something to do

With the founders' gala.

It's tomorrow night, right?


Rubber chicken, my favorite.

I don't know. It sounds kind of great, actually.

I mean, weekly's going to be there. Kqed.

Well, I guess I'm a little jaded.

Well, I guess I'm not.

Well, then, you know what?

You should come.


Me? You're kidding.

It'll be a part of the docent's job

Dealing with these people.

Wouldn't hurt for me to see you in action.

Wow! Uh, that'd be--

I mean, I'd love to if you're serious.

Yeah, of course, I'm serious.

Besides, I'd have a lot more fun

If you're there.


What'd the doctor say?

I mean, he only talked to me for all of, like, 5 minutes.

He just told me to take some blood.

Here. Keep pressure on this.

Well, could you at least tell me

What you're testing for?

I mean, that's got to be in the file.

They really won't know anything

Until they look at your blood and urine.

I'm going to need some urine.

Where do I go?

To the bathroom.

Here's your i.d. Code for the blood

And urine tests.

Call this 800 number in 24 hours.

They might have your results back

By then.


Just keep on them.

You didn't have to do this, you know, griffin.

Make lunch, I mean.

How else was I supposed to see you?

You keep canceling dinner on me.

I'm sorry.

Things are really busy right now.

I know.

But you got to take a break

Once in a while.

So guess what?

A guy down at the shop

Gave me a lead on some

Foo fighter tickets.

Tomorrow night. So, I was

Thinking that--


Griffin, I can't tomorrow.

I have this-- this thing for work.


What thing?

The founders' gala. I told you about it,

And they invited me,

And I can't not go.

I really think this will help me get the job.



Then, maybe I should just

Go with you, then. I mean, I kind of

Feel like I have to make a date

To see my own wife.

Oh, you know what? I really think

You'd hate it.

Why? It's a party, right?

Well, yeah, but not a party party.

I mean, I'll be working the whole time,

And I'll just feel bad that you're not having

A good time.


And you'd have to wear a tie.

And you don't even have a tie.

Believe me, I think you'd have more fun

At the concert.

Without you?

Hello! It's the foo fighters.

Yeah, probably.

Hey, you know what? We're going to do something

Really fun this weekend.

Promise, ok?

I have to go.

Thanks for lunch.

So, I'm at this office party,

And everybody's drinking.

My boss is drinking.

And my boss comes over to me and says,

"Have a drink with me."

And I say, "no, thank you."

And he says, "come on, loosen up.

We're celebrating."

And he just keeps pushing and pushing

And pushing.

And finally I say, "listen, will you

Just back off?

I'm an alcoholic."

Are you hurt?

Only my ankle.

May I have your permission

To ascertain...

You're still going out?

I'm feeling ok now.

I really like her, claud, and I'm not

Going to blow this.

If I keep canceling on her,

She's going to get completely

The wrong idea.

I don't know, charlie.

I'm ok. I can do this.

I can't do this.

I'm sorry.

Hey, I understand.

If you're sick, you're sick.

I'm sick.

I--i thought I was feeling better,

I swear.

Ok, uh, well, tell you what.

Then I'll just go.

I'm sorry. It's not an excuse.

Hey, really, it's ok. Just take care of yourself.

Yeah. I'm really sorry.

I know. You said that.

I blew it.

You blew it.

Julia, wait up. I've been looking

All over for you.

You have? Yeah, listen, I've

Been thinking about it,

And the truth is, I am running

Out of time here.

So, I don't need to see how you do

At the gala

To give you the job.

Let's just, uh,

Make it a celebration instead.

A celebration?

I gave your application to personnel.

It's a done deal.

I got the--

That is so amazing. Thank you!

I am going to work so hard for you.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Wait a minute. What--

What? What's the matter?

You can't just--

Wait a minute, julia, what did I do?

Daniel, I'm--i'm married.

I'm--i'm married.


Yes! God, I'm married!

Oh, wow. Uh, you know, you never--

Well, you--you don't act married.

What is that supposed to mean?

You're not-- you don't wear

A wedding ring,

So how am i-- yeah, well,

It's too big.

You know what? I should just go.

I'm going to go.

(Car engine starts)

All right. I'll see you.



It was amazing, huh?

Yeah, I can tell usually.

It's funny that we've never--

Well, i--i usually go near work.


Uh, you're...

I'm walking.

Do you want a ride?

I don't know. It's like this energy.

This drive or whatever that used to make me

Want to drink.

I gotta channel it into something else now.

It's weird. It's, like, I'm addicted to recovery.

You feel that, too?

It's funny.


So, I got to do great in school.

I got to get, like, a "b" average,

And I have to support myself,

And I have to have my own place,

And I need to do it all now.

That's me and my daughter.

After everything I put her through,

After all those years,

I got to come through.

No choice. Right?

Everyone else be damned.

I cannot let her down again.


I know. It's the same thing with my job--

This maintenance thing.

I got to make money so I can take care

Of myself and sarah.

So what if some people's pipes

Get hurt along the way?

Are you making amends?

Hey, I will if you will.

You're, like, worse than I am.

That's because I am just barely

Holding it together.

Life-wise, not drinking.

God, if I feel like I'm slipping,

Or worse, someone, god forbid,

Someone is trying to screw it up

For me and nat,

I just...

I get this mother lion

Thing going.

Fair or unfair, who cares?

I know. It's selfish.

Getting better-- it's selfish.

Kind of has to be.

No one gets that.

No one does.

Hey. Hey.

So? Your meeting ran long.

You missed 2 messages

From my mom.

Oh, and 11 calling to say, "hey, thanks

For the flush ball."

And you know our friend in 14?


Well, she's got to be out of town

Or dead or something

Because she hasn't called to bitch about anything

For 5 whole hours.

Can you believe it?

Couldn't we just,

I don't know, put chewing gum

In her mail slot or...

Say that we didn't get the rent check

And watch her head explode?

You know what? Sarah, don't. Ok?

Let's just...

Let's give her a break.


Why? Like she gave us a break?

Well, she was probably

A little overwhelmed

With everything in her apartment

Breaking at the same time

And just kind of,

I don't know, misdirected

Her anger.

Misdirected her anger. Are you kidding me?

Bailey, she's been a total unreasonable shrew

About the whole thing.

Look. All I'm saying is

You never know what else is going on

In someone's life.

Wait a minute, bailey.

Where is all this coming from

All of a sudden?

Did you talk to her or something?

Bailey, when did you talk to her?

Look, it doesn't matter. Just trust me on this, ok?

She's not a bad person.

She's not.




Huh? What's wrong?

You have to come with me to the gala.


Well, I've been thinking about it

And I just--

You got to come with me.


I got to go to the foo fighters.

What's with you? Yesterday,

You said--

I know. I know, but, um,

All the other husbands are going to be there.

I don't know. I'm going to be

All dressed up.

What's that going to look like if I'm alone?

You know the tickets are expensive.

I don't have a tie.

You can scalp them, and charlie's got tons

Of ties you can borrow.

Ok. Ok, I'll go.

You're nuts, you know that?

Coach has got us doing wind sprints.

They're the worst.


So, you, uh, you got to be sore, huh?

I mean, man, you took a direct hit.

Yeah. Sore I'm sure.

I mean, uh,

Sure I'm sore, but it was nothing.

Well, well, not nothing if--

If you hadn't carried me

Off the field

To the nurse's office,

I could have had a stroke or...

Or an aneurysm or who knows.

You know, you ought to bag it.

The whole possum gig.

I mean, you're too little, salinger.

You're too little to be on the sidelines.

I'm not--i'm not that little.

We're playing madison in a couple weeks,

And their armadillo is a real nut case.

I mean, he could hurt you.

And, yeah,

If I had to worry about you getting banged up,

I might not concentrate on my game 100%.

You'd worry about me.

Well, yeah. Duh.

Salinger. They said the test results would--


No, I haven't read it.

Sometimes chocolate is the only thing.

You didn't find anything?

But that's--

I've been feeling sick and if that


No, I mean, I'm still

Feeling sick and--

You're sure?

You're sure?



They didn't find anything.

Everything is normal.

I'm not sick.

Well, that's great, isn't it?

I guess so, except--

I mean, I haven't slept in I don't

Know how long,

And where's my appetite?

I know what you mean.

It's like my stomach's already full.


Yeah, it's what it feels like.

Kind of...

Nervous, kind of dizzy.

Kind of longing.

Yeah. Exactly, kind of--

Longing? What do you mean by--


Especially when you get around nina.

Well, yeah, it is kind of like--

I mean, you saw what happened.




You're not sick, charlie.

You're in love.

You're lovesick.



"All roofs must be free of leaves and other debris."

A notice from the fire department.

They're doing spot inspections

Next week.


So, you know, I was thinking

That, um, maybe we could go up

On the roof

With some rakes and garbage bags.

You know, radio and some sun screen.

Kind of make an afternoon of it.

Oh. Uh, I'm kind of busy, actually.

Do you mind taking care of it?

Someone got a linoleum crisis?


Oh, no, just I noticed

Annie's got some holes in her kitchen floor,

So I figured I could find a scrap that matches.

Ok, um, I get it.

Bailey, about annie and what changed

Your mind about her.

I mean, duh.

You know, you leave here for

Your a.a. Meeting

And she's the tenant from hell,

But by the time you get back,

You've completely changed your mind

About her.

So, obviously, she was there.

Right? That's why you can't say


Here we go.

You know, bailey, you can still be a

Recovering alcoholic

And be a lousy person.

She's not a lousy person, sarah.

She's just had a rough time.

Yeah, well, so have you.

So have you, so why are you willing

To cut her slack

When she wasn't willing

To cut you any?

Maybe she will now. Answering

Machine: leave a message--

Why? Because you're both alcoholics?

Answering machine: sarah. Sarah, are you--

Yeah, pretty much.

Answering machine: honey, pick up.

Are you gonna--

I don't get that, bailey.

Why is that an excuse for what

A bitch she's been?

Why does that suddenly move her linoleum

To the top of the list?

I'm sorry, but I don't get why her being an alcoholic

Changes anything.

Answering machine: are you never

Going to talk to your father and me again?

Is that what you're doing?

No, I guess you don't.

Answering machine: sarah.

I keep leaving message after message and...

If you're not going to call back,

Then I guess you're saying that you don't

Want to hear from us,

So if that's what's you want,

You're on your own.

So, this is your job, huh?

Stand around and eat free food?

It's a pretty good job,

Even if they don't pay you anything.

Just--they know I'm here.

So which one's your boss?

Do I get to meet him?

Um, he must be busy. I don't see him anywhere.

Oh, boy, something was salty.

I'll be right back.

I'll get us a couple of drinks, all right?

Griffin, um...

Uh, look, I think we need to talk.

I don't want to--

Not now, all right. God.

No, this is--you should have told me

You were married.

You should have-- wait a minute, me?

I am not the one who--

Come on, julia, don't try

And tell me--

This is not a good time.

Griffin, hey.


Griffin, I'd like you to meet my boss

For the biennale.

This is daniel musser.

This is my husband griffin holbrook.

Julia talks about you all the time.

I know she's really excited about

This whole banal thing--

This, uh, job you got her.


Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to--

Did I say something stupid?

No. No, you didn't.


You're the last person I expected to see.

Don't say that.

No, really, it's ok.

I mean, uh, I have been dumped

In some pretty outrageous ways before,

But the, uh, the fact that I make you dizzy

Or nauseous or whatever,

Well, that is a new one on me.

Wait a minute, nina, that's not true.

I wasn't making excuses,

I just really wasn't feeling well.

And I want to try this again.

Come on, we have to try this again.


I brought you something.

Chicken livers?

Well, you know.

How are you feeling?

Better. Much better now.

And, um...

You're never going to guess what I had.

Is it contagious?