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04x02 - Past Imperfect

Posted: 03/08/22 18:21
by bunniefuu
That is an excellent question.

As you know, matisse studied

With moreau,

So it's no surprise that their works

Show the same disdain for pictorial realism.

It's cool that I have, like, no idea

What you're talking about?

Not a problem. Where is my brown vest?

Oh, it's at the cleaners. I needed that.


Oh. Thank you.

Ask me another one.

Ok. You know, this museum's not like

They're paying you or anything.

Why are you getting so freaked out?

Art question. Ask me an art question.

Ok, ok.

"Why was george's brake--"

Georges braque.

Whatever. Why was this guy

Mainly remembered for his cubist works

When he added as much to his earlier periods?

Well, because braque's fauvist work,

Which I got to see in paris,

And it was so great.

So I can actually--

I can actually use that experience.

It was all about saying to the art world--

These colors don't work.

Sounds good to me.

No, griffin, these colors.

I mean, the job is at a museum,

But it's the modern art section.

And look at me. I'm responsible,

I'm tasteful,

But I'm way too muted.

Does this help?

This--this is perfect,

Except the shoes that match it

Are at the house,

And my tryout is in an hour and...

I'll drive you.

I'll quiz you on the way.

What about the shop?

I'll open a little later.

You would do that?

Well, yeah.

I love you so much.

Nobody in this house catches half the stuff

You can recycle.

And besides, when I do this,

I don't have to think about going to prison,

Which is funny when you think about it

Because if I do go to prison,

I'll probably dream of the days

When I had the freedom to recycle.

That's a joke, sarah.

It's a subpoena.

Last night I was sitting in my room

Going through a course catalog

Or something,

And my mom knocks on the door.

Nothing unusual, right?

I say come in, so she opens the door,

And then she lets this guy walk in.

And he comes over to the bed,

And he hands me this.

Yeah, I got mine, too.

Wait. You knew I was going to get one?

That's how it works, sarah.

But it's like a total nightmare.

And then did you read this?

Did you read this?

I mean, everything in here is, like--

Like, "failure to appear

Could result in a warrant

For your arrest."

What did you expect, sarah?

I'm on trial here, and you're, like,

Their star witness.

Yeah, but that means--

That means that I'm going to have

To get up there

In front of everyone,

And some lawyer's going to ask me

All these questions.

Well, so then so you answer them.

Yes or no.

But I know everything, bailey.

I know everything that they need

To convict you.

I remember how you were

Knocking into things,

How you smelled, how you ran that light

And almost...

I mean, I begged you not to get in

The car.

I know that, sarah.

And they're going to make me say that.

They're going to drag out everything.

So it's, like, whatever happens to you,

You know, if you have to--

If you have to go to jail,

I'm going to be the one that put you there.

It's going to be me, bailey.


Owen, owen, just put-- put the fish down.

Ok, just put the--

Go get on the other side and box him in.

Julia: anybody home?

Is that julia?

Go ask her if she can pick up owen

This afternoon.

Which one? Box in owen

Or ask julia?

Before she disappears. Run. Ask her.

Owen, listen, just be a good boy

And put the fish down, ok?

Oh, god!

Oh! It's ok, little fishes.

You're going to be ok.

Claudia: I got her.

Can I go get my bus now?

Yeah. Go. God knows I can't

Drive you.

What? I am, like, so, so, so late.

Look, bay and I have to meet this criminal lawyer today

And somebody's got to pick up owen

From day care.

Wow. Charlie, I kind of can't.

I mean, if I even get through this interview,

There's a training session all afternoon,

And I mean...

Well, if you'd given me some kind of warning.

If I had some kind of warning,

I wouldn't need you. Wait a second.

I didn't flake on you. How can you be mad at me?

Easy. Watch me.

Charlie, that is not fair.

I mean, I was around, and you told me to go.

You said, "go home to your husband

And live your life."

Ok, fine.

You can't be mad at me when I didn't even know.

I said fine, ok? You're right.

Owen, he's my responsibility.

I'll take care of him.

Just go do your job thing.

I hope you get it.

Thank you.

No, no, no. There's no such thing

As a lost cause,

Not when the d.a.'S got a hundred cases

And I've got one.

Well, sure. Sure, but, I mean,

I did it.

Bailey, everyone did it.

I can count on one hand

The amount of clients I've had who didn't

Do it.

The idea is knowing how a jury works.

Now, we got a lot going for us.

You're a likable defendant,

They got a d.u.i. Case

With no blood alcohol level,

No field sobriety test,

Which means they're going to rely

On witnesses,

And witnesses can be discredited.


All right.

All right, now, let's start

With sarah reeves.

She was in the car with you?

I take it you know this person?


She, um, she used to be

My girlfriend.

Used to be. What happened?

What do you mean?

What does that have to do--

They broke up when he cheated on her.

Hey, do you mind?


It's none of his business.

Ok, now, let's look at this.

You broke up with her?

I think we can make a case

Where she got jealous,

She made up this drinking

And driving story

To get back at you.

Yeah, but that's not--

I mean, you're not going to say that in court.

I'm not going to say it.

She will.

Wait. Wait. No. You can't do that.

Sarah's, she's my friend,

And she doesn't even want to testify

To begin with, so...

Nobody's there because they want to be.

I don't care. I don't want you

Hurting her.

Ok, I don't want you to do that.

Mr. Salinger, you put your girlfriend

Through the windshield,

Not me.

Now, if you want to go to jail for that,


Don't hire me.

But if you want to win this thing,

If you want to get out of this

Without a felony on your record,

You got to let me do my job.



It's ok.

Right, bay?

Oh, um...

Ahem. Hello.



I forgot my darn--damn! Damn combination.

I was just wondering...

Well, do you think you might be able to...

Yeah, I might still remember it.

Hey, good idea.

I'm, like, no good at numbers at all.

Don't you hate math?

English, too.

Don't you hate everything?

I don't know.

You're right. You're right, you're right.

I mean, there's lots of stuff I like,

Like,, what do you like?

I got to go.

Guess I'll be bumping into you, right?

Yeah. Yeah, you're definitely...


Bump into me.

Ladies and gentlemen,

If you will direct your attention

To yours truly,

You will see an excellent example

Of a late 20th century museum docent.

You got it?


Yeah, you got it! Yeah! Jul, you rule!

Hey, I've got a surprise for you, too.

Since you've never seen the inside of a museum,

I bet you've never gotten frisky with

A docent before.

That's true, but, uh...

Man: is it ok I used your toothbrush?

My mouth taste like bilge.

Julia, this is schuyler.

Schuyler, this is julia.

Hi. Hi. Is this all his stuff?

Remember I told you about schuyler?

He bunked with me

On my first kyoto crossing.

Yeah, but you never told me he had so much stuff.

His ship is docked at oakland,

And he's here on a 4-day layover.

4 Days staying with us.



D.h. Lawrence?

(Locker closes)

Are these little tugboats?

Yeah. Schuyler's a little romantic about, you know,

The sea.

You can say it.

She's my reason for being.

My ever faithful ladylove.

Hmm, love?

Then I guess 4 days must seem like

A long time

To be away from, um, her.

Hey, those dogs

Must be barking pretty bad

Right now, huh?

Why don't you take a load off?


All right.

You sure?

Well, I did do 3 practice tours


Lay back, tell me what you want for dinner.

I don't know. I can't even think.

How about some nice broiled salmon?

Sounds like a lot of trouble.

It's already marinating in the fridge.

Are you for real?



I got to tell you

I look at you guys, and I think,

"How often do you get to see a good man

Find an even better woman?"

Oh, thanks.

Yeah, I just wish I knew which was which.

So how was day care today, buddy?

Did you have fun?

I made mud pies.

To eat or play with?

Not to eat.


Charlie, is it?

Yeah. And you're, uh,

Heddy's mom.

Yeah. I'm sally. Uh...

Did martin call you?


Jason's dad?

Didn't he tell you about the meeting?

The meeting? No.

Look, maybe you better

Close the door.

Look, I don't know how to say this,

So I'm just going to...

Jason came home from day care last tuesday,

And he was upset.

Martin had a look at him,

And the boy had this--

He had these bruises on his arm and his shoulder.


When martin asked him how he got hurt,

Jason didn't want to talk about it.

He said he didn't want to get into trouble.

I don't get it.

The next morning he was scared

To go to day care.

He said jenny was mad at him,

And he didn't want to see her.

Wow. That's...

Plus kevin neigher keeps telling linda

That he doesn't want to go to day care.

Kevin, he's the redhead?

I'm trying to tell you

That this is what they look for.

This is how they know something's wrong

At one of these places.

Hey, there!

Remember socks for the puppet show

This friday.

Clean ones.

Look, i, uh...

I got to go.

What does callie have to do with it?

Nothing. She has nothing

To do with it.

So he's going to ask me about

All that,

Our whole relationship? He has to, sarah.

You're the enemy,

So he has to make you look bad.

Man! Man, that is...

And I don't know what to do

Because he's going to rip you apart.

He's going to ask you about all this stuff,

And you're going to have to answer

All of his questions.

No, I won't do it.

He'll make you, sarah.

I should just say I don't remember.

He'll just keep coming after you.

No. Bailey, I mean it.

What if-- what if I said that?

What if I said, "I don't remember"?

I don't remember anything about

What happened.

Think about it. Why can't I say that?

I don't know.

What can they do?

I mean, they say they don't believe me,

I say, "hey, let's break a windshield over your head

And see how much you remember."

What? What, you don't think

It'll work?

Ok, all right, go ahead. Ask me.

Ask me the question?


On the night of the accident,

Was bailey salinger under the influence?

Um, you know, it was a really

Long time ago,

And I did hit my head pretty hard,

So to tell you the truth,

The only thing that I remember

Is waking up in a hospital

With these bandages on my head.

And that's...

Yeah, that's pretty much it.


I want to warn you

It's impossible to know anything

For sure

In these kinds of cases.

Kids don't want to talk about stuff

Like this,

And when they do talk, well, it's hard to know

What to believe.

Now, that's the bad news.

The good news is

I don't see any signs that owen was abused.

I mean, physically, there's nothing.

And emotionally, well, we talked

For a while

And played a few games.

There's nothing. No apathy,

No depression, no hostility.

Great. That's great.

And another good sign.

I asked him about this teacher


Asked him how he felt about going

To preschool,

How he felt about her,

And he was completely comfortable

The whole time we were talking.

In fact, I couldn't get him to shut up

On the subject.

So he's ok? Nothing happened?

As far as I can tell.


Thanks. Thank you so much.

So that's abstract expressionism to your left

And social realism to your right.

Or is that my left and my right

Or my left and their right?

Watch the iron.

You need me to make you some lunch?

No. I'm grabbing lunch at, um...the restaurant.

Charlie's catching me up on all the bailey stuff.

Oh! Oh! And tonight I drew the nighttime


So I only have a little time

For dinner, ok?

Hey, I'm easy.

Um, shopping list on the fridge

And don't forget to pick up my stuff

From the cleaners.

Got it.

Hey, break a statue.


Give me a break.

It's her first day at work.

I'm watching how you work that sponge,

And I'm thinking,

"This ain't your first day."

So I do some work around here. So what?

Remember on the boat...

When mr. Brawley would find a loose line

Or some tarnish on the brightwork?

And he would just-- he would just stand there

Till one of us came along and fixed it.

Ever wonder why he didn't just

Fix it himself?

No. He was the first mate.

He did it

Because if everybody didn't know

What their job was,

The boat would sink the first sign

Of trouble.

Look. I like doing things

For her, all right?

I love her.

Doesn't she love you?

Of course she does.

So why can't she do things for you?

She does. She does plenty.

What? What?

Look, griff, if you want to love her,

Hey, that's great, man.

I mean, there's plenty there to love.

But you just remember...

Cleopatra, she had guys

That loved her.

They worshipped the ground

That she walked on.

They happened to be her slaves.

You mean it could end up being more?

More than what, 20,000?

That's what lawyers cost.

Wow! Really?

I mean, is he the only guy

Out there?

We don't have time to shop around, jul.

We got a pretrial hearing in 3 days.

And plus, I mean, this guy is good.

Ok. Ok, well, if that's true,

Then maybe we can help,

Griffin and me.

I mean, there's still money left

In his settlement.

A fair amount, I think.

That's nice, jul, but you don't have to.

We've got almost half of what we need

If you take everything from checking and savings.

And, look, there's mom's piano.

No one's using it anyway.

I guess, sure.

The thing I don't want to do

Is have to borrow against the house,

But, I mean, if we have to...

Right. Another mortgage.

That means more interest.

But ok.

Focus, claudia, focus.

Claudia: but I can't see


What do you need to see?

(Whistle blows)


Ok, fine. Let's take a break.

(Whistle blows)

Kind of reminds from a scene from

The plumed serpent,

The one where they sacrifice

Those peasants.

Well, you do know the plumed serpent,


By d.h. Lawrence?

Who's d.h. Lawrence?

What was she doing in there?

Is she in trouble now?

I don't know. I don't know.

You want to tell me what that was about?

I was just answering the questions.

You told them that you don't

Remember anything.

Maybe I don't.

You lied on record

To an officer of the court.

How is that a lie?

If I don't remember, I don't remember.

You changed your story, sarah.

So what?

What you said on record

Can be used to impeach you.

If they want to, they can charge you

With perjury.

You have got to go back in there

And tell them that you made a mistake.

No. I won't do that.

You know what perjury means?

You can go to jail for that, sarah.

To jail.

If you lie to a judge,

If you--if you break the law

In that courtroom,

I can't help you.

I can't help you.

T.v.: The golden bears have something going here

With one out in the fourth.


(Television continues)


Uh, hey. How'd work go?

Oh, it was--

Cut him off! Cut him off!

Fine. Work was fine.

So you hungry?

I don't know. You going to make


I would, but there's no food.

What happened to the list?

I thought you were going to...

I didn't get around to it.

But you went to the cleaners, right?

Please tell me you went to the cleaners.





If you weren't going to get around

To it,

You should have said so

'Cause I would have been happy to do it.

I thought I told you I only had a few minutes

For dinner.

I was doing some other stuff.

Is that a problem?

Well, yeah, it is, actually.

I've only got a few things

That I can wear to this job,

And the other outfit that I have

Is at the cleaners.

So it's my job to make sure

Everything around here gets done the way you want?

No. You just said that you were

Going to do it.

No, you said I would do it.

Don't look at me.

Where are you going?

I am hungry, and I need an outfit

For tomorrow,

So I'm going to go to the house,

And I'm going to get what I need.

Oh! Did you see him rip that puppy?

He nearly tore the seams off it!

You see that?

Missed it.

All I am saying is

That if these kids are getting hurt,

Then it's not enough

Just to take them away from her

Because then she goes to another town.

And what's to stop her from setting up--

What did the police say?

The police?

They said these cases are very hard

To prosecute now.

You have to videotape the kids,

And you can't ask them too many questions,

Or else it looks like you're leading them on.

Wait a minute.

I'm sorry, but you called

The police?

Why not?

Once a thing like that gets public...

It should be public.

Well, that's... I mean, you're going

To ruin her business.

So what?

Her business? People need to know.

Did any kids ever blame jenny


Jason's scared to go back there.

Why else would he be scared to go back there?

I can think of plenty of reasons.

Were anyone else's kids hurt?

Because my brother's fine.

Our doctor's pretty sure

He wasn't touched.

Mine neither.

You want to wait until it happens

To your kids?

I don't think so.

Nobody's saying that.

There's other good child care

Out there,

I mean, if that's what anyone's

Worried about.

I am just as worried about my kid as you are.

Really, because it does kind of seem like

You're more worried about this woman.

I just don't want to lock somebody up

When we don't even know if she did anything.

Woman: he's right.

No, he's not.

Why is everyone acting

Like she's some kind of innocent victim?

She's got a police record.

A record? She has--

Nobody told you?


She stole a $400 dress

And then lied about it to the police.

When? When was this?


That's, what, 20 years ago?

20 Years ago she got caught.


So who knows what else she's done?

Except lie about it every day since.


What if my parents answered the door?

I tried calling, but you wouldn't


Bailey, I don't even know if they're asleep.

Sarah-- keep your voice down.

Sarah, the plan, everything that

We talked about,

It's off.

I heard what your father said

To you.

My father is just trying to scare me.

No, he's not. You know he's not.

Mrs. Reeves: sarah!

Yeah, mom.

Sarah, listen.

I don't want you lying for me, ok?

When they ask you those questions--

We'll talk about it later, ok?

Mrs. Reeves: what's going on?


Go. Ok? You've got to go.

Now, charlie? Can we read this book?

I said another minute, owen. Please?

I'm asking why do you need

To appraise it?

There's more than enough equity--


Who is that?

The bank.

I'm ready to k*ll this woman.

She's insisting on having an appraisal

Which can take up to a week to schedule.

Hang up on her.

Bay, I can't.

I never got her name.

We don't need the money.

I'm going to call the lawyer,

And I'm going to tell him

I want to change my plea

To guilty.

What? What are you talking about?

I'm going to make some kind of deal.

As long as I don't have to go

To jail.

Now, charlie, now.

One more minute, owen, all right?

Bay, i...

I don't believe this.

We spent half of yesterday

Trying to figure out how we were going

To pay for this.

Yeah, I know we did,

And it was pretty much the longest day of my life.

Yeah, well, that's no reason--

Look at me, charlie.

What am I doing? What am I doing

To everybody?

Sarah wants to get up and lie to protect me.

And this family,

We're practically selling our house

To pay for this.

All so some slimeball lawyer

Can get me off

For something that I actually did.

It's not worth it.

Charlie, it's not.

Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

Because if you make some kind of deal,

You're going to end up with a rap sheet, bay.

But I did it.

It'll follow you around for the rest of your life!

I did it!

I did it.

Go ahead.

No. I'll come back.


Were you wishing that I would do

All that stuff?

You know, cooking and cleaning

And everything?

'Cause I don't remember you saying anything about it.


Well, do you want me to?

My mom used to do it...

When she was around.

'Cause at my house, dad always did it.

Mostly 'cause mom sucked at it.

A little on purpose, I think.

And that's probably why I never thought about it.

You know, 'cause I never...

I never saw her do it.

But if that's what I should...

Is that what you wish I would do?

I don't know.

Maybe I do.



Remember when you asked me about that book,

D.h. Lawrence at practice?


Why'd you do that?

Why did you ask me about that?

I don't know.

That--that stuff on the field,

It just reminded me of that book.

Did you go in my locker?

Your locker? Me?


Just stay out of there, ok?

I'm sorry dinner is taking so long.

They made me stay at the museum

For some stupid safety meeting.

Are you sure you don't need me to help you--

No. Give her a chance, all right?

How's she supposed to learn?

Why won't this damn thing simmer?

Oh, god!

Here. Let me give you a hand.

I'm sorry.

Oh, well. Rome wasn't

Built in a day.

I'm sorry. What did you say?

Griffin: come on, julia. He's just--

No! You know why, griffin?

Because the way he has been malingering around

The last 2 days,

Making sexist cracks like some, some...

Popeye the sailor pig!

I mean, why is he here? Why are you here?

Just being there for my buddy.

No. Making trouble is more like it.

Since you've been here, you've been whispering

In my husband's ear.

Maybe he needed to hear it.

What is that supposed to mean?

Sometimes griffin has a little trouble

Sticking up for himself.

What does my husband have to stick up for?

"My husband"? You keep saying

"My husband."

Guys, guys.

He's like a toaster you picked up

At big al's.

He is my husband. Cool it!

Can we mellow out, please?


Schuyler? I'm not the problem here.

Princess here's the problem.

Excuse me. She starts in with--

Can we stop?!



All right, look.

Julia and I have our own way of doing things, all right?

Which is...

We don't know what it is yet,

But we're working on it!

We're just not ready to show it to the world yet.

Now, either you find a way

To keep your helpful hints to yourself,

Or get back on your boat a day early.

All right.

Now I'm gonna finish dinner.

You two make up.

All right, can we do that?

Try some dip.


God, nobody told me you were--

Owen wasn't at day care today.

That's 2 days I haven't seen him,

And I'm wondering are you pulling him

Out of school.

Well, uh...just...

For now.

Charlie, if you take owen away,

That means you don't trust me,

And if you say you don't trust me,

Then it means--

Jenny, I'm really sorry, but I gotta get outta here.

We have to talk. I have to

Go to court.

This is my life, all right?

It's my life! You people are

Destroying my life!

These parents...

Their children get hurt,

And they don't even come to me and ask me

What's wrong.

They just start screaming out

About child abuse,

As if that's something that they can just

Take back later

If they decide that they're wrong.


How did it happen?

I don't know.

But how am I supposed to prove

That I didn't do it?

So now I can't prove I didn't do it,

They can't prove I did do it,

So then they drag out this shoplifting thing,

Some stupid thing I did when I was a kid,

Like that's gonna prove

That I'm this kind of horrible person

That can hurt children.

And that's just not fair, charlie.

Nothing that I did back then

Has anything to do with this.

It has nothing to do with your kids.


You gotta go? You go. Fine. Go.


If you wreck my business

Because of this,

If you hide owen from me

Like I'm some kind of monster...

You should be ashamed.

People vs. Bailey salinger,

Case number 48476.

I understand there's been a plea agreement

Reached in this case.

Yes, your honor.

In return for mr. Salinger's

Plea of guilty

To a count one felony, driving under the influence,

With injuries,

We have agreed to the following terms:

3 Years supervised felony probation,

With 3 years state prison, suspended.

One year suspended driving license,

And 300 hours community service.

Mr. Salinger.

You understand the terms of this agreement?

Yes, I do, your honor.

Well, that makes one of us.

I think this is a very sweet deal

For a kid who got drunk and almost k*lled someone.

However, given your record,

I'll go along with the state's recommendation,

But I want you to know,

If you take a drink,

If you get behind the wheel of a car,

Hell, if you violate any law in the state of california,

You'll be in this courtroom, and I will make damn sure

You do the maximum time allowable.

Is that clear enough, mr. Salinger?

Yes, it is, your honor.

Clear out, then.

Next case.


We're heading off to gram's.

Sure you don't wanna come?


I said I'll go see her later.

But it's an hour to woodside,

And as long as we're making the drive--


Ok? I said no.

Sweetheart, we know that you're mad at us.

We understand that.

But we're gonna have to move past this

Eventually, right?

I mean, we can't stay mad forever,

Can we?

You must be sorry he's not in jail.

That must really bug you.

No, but I'll tell you what.

At least he can't drive.

Oh, god.

We would do anything to protect you, sarah.

What is wrong with that?

Come on.

We'll talk in the car.

Why is it so important for me to go with you guys?

What, are you afraid what I'll do

If I'm home alone,

Afraid I'm gonna have an accident

Driving myself?

What? What do you--

You obviously don't trust me

Out of your sight.

It's bailey that we don't trust.

We don't trust him.


Actually, it's me.

Honey, people don't change.

They don't, ok?

Now, it's very sweet that you believe that,

But it's...


Yeah. A little, I think

So you guys are saying that the way people are now,

That's the way they're always gonna be.

I'm really sorry to hear that.


Look, we can talk about this,

All right?

Mr. Reeves: sarah.

Did you ever read that one?


You know the part where ursula's saying

She hates this anton guy?

Why does she stay with him if she hates him so much?

I mean, does she really hate him?

Well, she doesn't totally hate him.

She just... She just hates

How he wants to fit in so bad.

So is that supposed to be sad or something?

Or is the guy just a loser?

Hey, sarah.

Are you ok?

My parents...

They were acting like it was all for the best,

And I couldn't stay there.

I couldn't, so I grabbed...

Grabbed some stuff, and I left.

I left. Oh, man.

Did they ask--

Can we not...

Is there someplace...

Yeah, yeah. Here.

There's room.

How long is she gonna stay?

I don't know.

Is she ok?

Are you ok?

I mean, at least it's over, right?

At least you can finally put all this stuff

And junk behind you.

Yeah, till it catches up with me again.

The case is closed, bailey.

All you have to do is get through probation,

And then everything will be back to normal, right?


I remember...

My sophomore year at grant.

There was this kid who transferred from

Someplace back east.


Keith something.

And, like, 5 minutes after he got there,

The whole school knew how he had k*lled his brother

In some... A g*n accident back home.

It was supposed to be this giant secret, but...

But right away, everybody knew.

And whenever anybody mentioned his name,

It didn't matter what they were saying,

That story was the first thing

That popped into your head.

That's totally different, bailey.

Did you hear that judge?

He hated me.

He hated me,

And he doesn't even know anything about me,

Except for this one mistake that I made.

But that was enough for him to make up his mind.

It doesn't matter what I do, claud.

Everyone I meet is gonna see me that way.

I'm an alcoholic who made this horrible mistake,

And that is gonna be what,

What makes me stand apart.

That's what's gonna make me different.



I'm, um...

I'm here to pick up owen's stuff.

You mean...

I'm sorry.

You're taking him away.

It just...

It just feels bad, jenny.

These things happened, or they didn't--

I don't know.

But you're not giving any explanations

For anything.

And then this other stuff

Comes up.

I mean...

Why didn't you say anything?

Why did we have to find out like this?

Say something?

Like what?

Like, "hi, there. I'm jenny selby.

"I was convicted of shoplifting

20 Years ago.

Why don't you bring your kids on over

To my preschool?"

Admit it, charlie.

This, um...

This is not people being rational.

This is...

People being afraid.

Because punishing me like this,

It's just not fair.

It's not fair. It isn't.

I'm not saying it is.

Ok, then.

I don't know what's fair.

I have no idea.

And the thing is, even if I did, i...

I'm not any good at this, jenny,

At being a parent.

I'm barely getting by.

I've got no instincts.

But my little brother owen,

He is the most important thing

That I've ever had to take care of,

And I am not taking any chances with him.


And I don't care who it hurts.

You, me,

I would hurt anybody to protect him

'Cause that's the only thing

I know how to do.

So I'm doing it.


Get some sleep.


You going over there?


No. He wants to be alone.

Feel like maybe getting something to eat?

Uh, sure.

Pasta, maybe?


You want me to put some water on?

Be great. I'll start the sauce.

Ok. Simple, though. We can used canned.

I don't mind chopping.

All right. You do the garlic,

I'll do the onions?

Garlic's so much easier.

Yeah, but water-- how hard is that?

You know what?

I found this menu under the door

This morning,

A new cuban place down the street.

Sounds great.

I'll go get the menu.

I'll do the dialing.

Hey, don't you wanna talk to me anymore?

I wanna go to school.

I know that...

But you can't.

Because why?


Because it's...

It's not the right place for you anymore.

How come?

Well, you remember when bailey graduated

From high school,

And then he went to a new place?


That's right. College.

Well, now it's time for you to graduate.

It's time for you to go to a new place

For bigger boys.

What if I want to go to jenny's?

Don't you want to be like your big brother bailey?

Don't you want to be brave,

And say, "I can do that," just like a big boy would?

Can you come up here and sit with me

For a minute?

There we go.

You're gonna be ok, aren't you?

I'm proud of you, owen.

You're a very grown up little boy.

Like bailey?

Like bailey.

And you?

And me.

All: god, grant me the serenity

To accept the things that I cannot change,

The courage to change the things that I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference...