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04x11 - A Perfect Match

Posted: 03/08/22 17:41
by bunniefuu
Previously, on felicity...

I think I'm just gonna
go back to the hospital.

I told dad I'd be back by 3:00.

I'm hoping he'll be healthy enough
to take home in a couple weeks.

You guys are getting
back together?

Yeah, I think so.

Hey, did you ever get my
message? I called you back.

Yeah, I did, I did.

I've been meaning to call
you back. I've been really busy.


I'll see you later.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Did I wake you up?

Um, no. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay. I was just...

I was at the hospital.

I was walking home, and
I just wanted to say hi.


Um, my dad still
hasn't gotten a liver.

Ben, I'm really sorry.

Yeah, so...

My mom and I got tested.

I'm not a match, but she is.

That's good, isn't it?

Yeah, it's good, but he's
not letting her do it.


So, what are you
gonna do for break?

I'm going home.

- You are?
- Tomorrow, yeah.



What are you doing?

I mean, I know you
wanted to say hi, but...

- Do you want me to go?
- No.

I just...

The last few weeks,
you've been stopping by,

Calling and...

It's great. I mean, I
love seeing you, but...

It always ends with
you pulling away,

And then it hurts
all over again.

Well, I'm sorry.

Ben, I want to be with you,

And if you were to tell me today
that you wanted to start over,

I wouldn't hesitate a second.

But that's not what
you're saying, is it?

I don't know.

It's late. I should go to bed.

Have a good break.

You, too.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

Okay, let me ask you something.

Do we live in indiana?

- No.
- No.

Nor do we live in
iowa or montana,

Or one of those
other heartland places

Where you can leave the back
door open so neighbors can come by

And drop off some homemade pies.

The door was unlocked.

Just, please, lock the door.


What are you doing?

Just packing things up.

Ah, benjamin stuff?


Yeah. I did that with
my samuel stuff.

Whatever you do, don't
read the love letters.

You're too late.

You know what might
make you feel better?

- What?
- Getting all dressed up

And going dancing with your
best friends at the snow ball!

I got us tickets!


Please don't say no. This is
our last winter formal ever.

I invited everyone.
You, me, elena, rita.

We're gonna "trick"
the light fantastic.

I can't, javier. I'm
flying out today.

- I'm going home
for the winter break.
- You're leaving us?

Yeah, I just need
to get out of here

And figure some stuff out.

But I'm gonna be back.

I know. I'm just gonna
miss you so much.

I'll miss you, too.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Just the man I was looking for.

How's the graphic biz?

It's going okay.

Good. How many clients you got?

- Right now I have none.
- Wrong. You got one.

I was at 8th street sporting goods,
trying to sell the guy shmeghan shirts,

Which he didn't
want, but his loss.

Turns out he's
looking to expand.

I told him about your
business. He's interested.

- You're kidding.
- Nope.

We got a meeting this afternoon.

- That's great.
- Yep.

What do you mean "we"?

Look, noel,

I know you want to
fly this baby solo,

But the truth is, 90% of
business is getting business.

I've just proven that no
one's better at that than me.

What about mixing
friendship and business?

No. Nothing bonds
friends like success.

I don't know, sean.

What about a trial basis? We'll
try it out for a couple weeks.

If you don't like the
team, then, you know...

Hey, I got shmeghan
shirts, all right? I'm fine.


- Yeah?
- Yeah, we'll try it.

Good! Okay.

This is just the beginning,
man. This is gonna be huge.

I hope so.

No question about it.

Dribbles left, gets a
screen. Puts it up from 18 feet.

Oh, off the back of the rim.

Would you turn the
tv off for a minute?

Is there something wrong?

I was gonna ask
you the same thing.

What do you mean?

Lauren was here.

She told me that you and
felicity are not together anymore.

If you're gonna be mad, be mad at
me. She didn't want to talk about it.

Well, it's not that.
It's not a big deal.

You have more important
things to worry about.

Than my son's
happiness? I don't think so.

Tell me what happened.

She cheated on me.

Oh, god. I'm sorry.

But you still love her?

Yeah, I do.

But you think she
might do it again?


You know, pride is a stupid
reason not to see somebody.

It's not that.

Then what is it?

I honestly don't know.

You know, I have been lying in this
bed week after week after week,

And I've had a lot of time

To think about things.

Mistakes that I have made.

- Dad...
- Ben, listen to me.

Love someone.

It's the only thing
that really matters.

It's the only thing.


Oh, ben, you're here.

Good. I just talked
to dr. Ansari.

Allison, we're not
doing that surgery.

No. We don't have to.

They have a liver.

It's in philadelphia right now.

The transplant team's
leaving any minute to go get it.

We got it. You're gonna be okay!

Are you kidding me?

Of course it's depressing.

You're watching them without me.

The whole point was for
us to watch this together.

Can't be that disgusting.

If you stop talking to me, I
could get there a lot faster.

Okay, bye.

- That was rita.
- The one who has
a crush on you?

Did have a "crunch" on me.

But I took care of all of that.

- Uh-huh.
- I did. I told her everything.

That's why you're
watching p*rn together?

Okay, miss smarty
pants and miss nosey,

It is not p*rn.

Rita and I are video
mating together.

You mean video dating.

That's what I said.

- You guys, I gotta go.
- No, not yet.

If I don't go, I'm
gonna miss my flight.

You can't stay one extra day
and come to the dance with us?

Geez, leave her alone,
javier. She doesn't want to go.

You're gonna have
fun without me.

Have a great break.

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you guys, too.

Think of us every day.

I... I don't do good with
good-byes. I'll see you later.

All right.

I'll see you guys
in a few weeks.

♪ Is this the way you want it

♪ Is this the way you like it

♪ You're turning
from the inside out

♪ You stumble
through the front door

♪ An early morn and I saw

♪ No enemies, no
fears, no doubts

♪ And you feel

♪ Like traffic on the freeway

♪ The engine revs
and there's no thrust

♪ And you feel

♪ Like static on the airwaves

♪ The signal's just
not strong enough

♪ And all you need

♪ Is someone who
can let you breathe

♪ Everybody needs to
feel they're breathing

♪ All you want

♪ Is someone who
can let you breathe

♪ Can't shake away this feeling

♪ Can't silence
all the screaming

♪ You're crying
'cause you can't get out

Hey, javier. Have
you seen felicity?

She left for the
airport an hour ago.

What airport?

I don't know. La
guardia, I think. Why?

Are you going after her?

You are, aren't you?
Oh, that is so romantic.

Yeah. Can I come with you?

- No, you can't.
- I understand. You want to be alone.

♪ You feel like
music on the airwaves

♪ But the signal's
just not strong enough

♪ And all you need

♪ Is someone who
can let you breathe

♪ Everybody needs to
feel they're breathing

♪ All you want is someone
who can let you breathe

♪ Everybody needs
to feel they're

What are you doing here?

When it started to snow, I
thought you might still be here.

My flight was delayed.

You asked me last
night why I stopped by.

It's because I miss you.

I want to start over.

♪ And all you want is someone
who can let you breathe

♪ And all you need

♪ Is someone who
can let you breathe

You're not gonna leave, are you?

No, I'm not gonna leave.

♪ All you want

♪ Is someone who
can let you breathe ♪



How long have you been awake?

For a while.

It's still snowing out.

I'm so glad.

So, what do you
want to do today?


What about you?

Um, well, I have to go
to the hospital, but then

I want to take
you out on a date.

- What do you mean "a date"?
- Just a date.


There is this dance.

You want to go to a dance?

I know it sounds
kind of stupid, but...

No, it doesn't sound
stupid. We can go to a dance.

- You know what else I want?
- What?

I want to go sledding.

I mean, central park is
probably amazing right now.


Go away!

- Please.
- It's your mom.

I'll talk to her, and
then we'll go, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Thank you.



Aren't you supposed
to be in california?

He came to the airport.


Can I just say, never
doubt my spells.

I won't.

I'll get the details later.

Nicely done.

What happened?

My dad's not getting the liver.


Yeah, they can't get it here
because of the snowstorm.

Ben, come here.

Okay, um, before
we get started, guys,

I want to reiterate that I got some
hesitations about this so-called web site.

It's a big step for an
operation like this.

Eric, yesterday, didn't you
say you were a dreamer?

- Yeah.
- Right, right.

This is how dreams are
made. You got to think big.

I mean, look around.

I just don't like being pushed
where I don't want to go.

We understand completely.

Okay, well, show
me what you got.

- You're gonna love this.
- Okay, um...

So, this is a site that
I made for myself,

But it gives you
an idea of what I do.

You click on a building, and it
takes you to that department.

Oh, that's pretty good.

Well, we're the best out there.

Thank you. I used buildings

Because the site's about
going to school in new york.

But for you, we'd use
something more sports-related.

Say, like balls.

Tennis balls,
basketballs, bocce balls.

- Sure.
- Footballs.

Any... You know,
we could use balls.

- Baseballs.
- I don't know.

I'm thinking I should
see something first.

Of course.

- Yeah.
- He wants to see something.

I'm gonna be upstate next week.

What about tomorrow? Can
you get something to me by then?

- No, tomorrow's not...
- Sure. Tomorrow's no problem.


- Tomorrow's impossible.
- The guy was on the fence.

It was the only
way to get this job.

I can't. The site I
showed took me a month.

You know what the
difference is? You got me.

- I can't believe this.
- Everything's gonna be fine.

graphics is on its way.


I just wanted to
see how it sounds.

It doesn't sound good.

We'll come up with
something else. We're a team.

Creative team. What
about sean-noel graphics?

Get your hand off my back.

Hey, mom.

Hi, honey.


You okay?


Mom, you remember felicity?

Oh, yes. Hi.


It's nice to see you again.

I wish it were under
different circumstances.

Me, too.

How's he doing?

He's unconscious.

They hooked him up to the
ventilator again this morning.

I keep whispering like I
don't want him to wake up.

But I do.

I want him to wake up so badly.

I know.

Ben, I'm just gonna
go wait outside.

No, no, no. No, stay.

Come here.

I talked to dr. Ansari,

And I told him I'm gonna
go ahead and do it.

You're gonna do what?

Donate part of my liver.

Dad said he didn't want that.

The surgery's scheduled
for tomorrow afternoon.

Mom, I really don't
think that's a good idea.

What other choice do we have?

I don't know. We could
wait a little longer.

Ben, I know it's scary,

But it's not your decision.

Actually, mom,
it is my decision.

He gave me power of attorney,

Which means I speak
for him when he can't.

And I don't want you to do this.

At least talk to the doctor
before you make up your mind.

He said no. I was
there. I heard him.

Maybe you should just hear
what the doctor has to say.

I don't even know what to say.

I'll go with you.

- I'll go with you, okay?
- Okay.

Hi. My name is bill.

I'm 37 years old, never married,

And I enjoy bowling, movies,

Uh, long walks on the beach...

What? He was nice.

I don't like what he said.

He likes movies and long
walks. What's wrong with that?

That's so cliché.

Well, clichés can be very good.

That way you know
exactly what you're getting.

You're funny.

Rita, can I point something
out to you, please?

This is my "yes" pile.

And this is yours.

I know. I know. I'm impossible.

That's why I'll
be alone forever.

Are you crazy? Any guy would be
a lucky duck to have you in his life.

- Really?
- Yes, really.

Why don't we do this? I have so
many yeses that I can't choose,

And you have no yeses,
so you can't choose,

So let us choose
each other's dates.

That's a good idea.

Yes, it is.

Just don't choose daniel for
me, 'cause he's too good-looking,

And I don't need that
kind of trouble now.

- Oh, I understand.
- Okay, thank you.

Hey, which one
do you like better?

The movable or the static?

Let me see it again.

All right, movable.


- And static.
- Movable.

Really? You don't think
it's too distracting?

Yeah, it's distracting.
That's why it's great.

Oh, good. You used
my snowboarder guy.

- Yeah, it's a good idea.
- Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


You know, this is gonna work.

I hope so. I hope eric likes it.

No, I mean you and me
coming up with ideas. It's real.

It's... I don't know.
It's like a career.

I'm so ready for that.

Yeah, me, too.

- So, movable only?
- Yeah.

Wanna talk about it?

I don't know. This is too much.

I know. It is.

I can't stop thinking that,
even in the best-case scenario

Where my mom goes through
with it and they're both okay,

What's the guarantee?

How do I know he's
not gonna do it again?

Do what?

Treat her the way he used to.

She could literally
give him a part of herself,

And it could all be for nothing.

How do I know that's
not gonna happen?

You don't.

You just don't.

I think maybe you have to

Take a leap of faith.

I mean, maybe
that's what love is.

Risking a part of yourself.

Should we go back up?

No, I'm gonna stay down here. I
don't feel like seeing her now.

I just want to think about this.

All right.

I'll meet you up there then.

Oh, hi, felicity.

I brought you some tea.

Oh, thank you.

It's chamomile. I
hope that's okay.

It's perfect.

Thank you.


Where's ben?

Taking a walk.

He's hiding.

He's worried.

I know.

He wants to protect
me. He always has.

I remember this time,

Ben must've been, I don't
know, ten years old, and...

Andrew was drunk
and threw a plate at me.

And he didn't
mean to hit me, but,

Well, he really got me.

I had to have stitches.

Anyway, uh...

Ben was right there by
my side the whole time.

You know, I kept saying
to him, "it's okay. It's okay,"

So that he wouldn't be scared.

But what I think he heard...

Was, "it's okay.
This is what love is."

It isn't. I know that.

And this...

That I want to do
for andrew now,

Is different.

I just wish ben could
see that, but he can't.

Then, I never
taught him that, did i?


Oh, this is good.

- This is really good.
- Thank you.

I'm not crazy about
snowboarder guy, though.

- Really?
- Yeah, I don't like him.

Fine. I mean,
snowboarder guy goes.

No. Snowboarder guy is the link
to the manufacturer's web site.

Yeah, well, he's kinda lame.

La... Are you kidding?

Snowboarder guy is
exactly the opposite of lame.

I mean, he makes
the whole site work.

You're sh**ting yourself
in the foot over that.

But we will trust
your expertise.

No, no, this is our
expertise. Are you kidding?

This is what you're
paying us for, right, eric?

If you can't grasp what we're about,
maybe you should go with someone else.

What was I supposed to do? The
guy didn't appreciate our work.

- It was my work.
- What?

He didn't like one aspect of
it, which happened to be yours.

That's how it's gonna be? We're
keeping track of who does what?

No, we're not keeping
track. You're keeping track.

He didn't like your idea,
and you took it personally.

I thought you liked
snowboarder guy?

- I did.
- Really?

Yes, sean, but we
needed this job.

- No, we didn't.
- What?

That's what having a
partner like me does for you.

It gives you freedom to say no.
You don't have to listen to that bozo.

You know that I have a zillion
other jobs waiting to be lined up.

You do?


Well, I will.

So, you don't!

- I will.
- God.

I will.



Yes, hi. Nice to meet you.


Ah, should we get a table?

- Sure.
- Okay.

Oh, hello.

Nice mousse.

I can't believe you
worked at coney island.

Tenth grade. I
sold cotton candy.

Oh, my god. Popcorn.

I was the first booth
on the boardwalk

For three summers.

High five.


Um, can you excuse me?

- Sure.
- I just have to go
to the bathroom.


What is the cutoff

Before someone is technically
considered a little person?

Javier, I was just
gonna call you.

- How's your date?
- Well, he's

A little enthusiastic.

How about yours?

It's not. I cut it short.

Pun intended.

I'm gonna do the same thing.

- Rita?
- Yeah?

- I don't want to be alone
for the rest of my life.
- Javier,

Any guy would be a
lucky duck to have you.

Now you're sounding like me.

It's true.

Why don't you come
over to my place.

We can hang out and trade
dating stories. It'll be fun.

- That sounds nice.
- Doesn't it?

I'll see you later.


How's he doing?


Mom, are you sure
you want to do this?


Okay, then, let's do it.

So, I got rid of
snowboarder guy.

Good. Yeah, I didn't like him.

And instead you click here,

And you're back to
your online catalogue.

Well, that works.

I like it. It's good.

So, uh...

Do we have the job?

- What about the big guy?
- Sean.


He seems argumentative,

But it's pure enthusiasm.

You ever hear the
story about the swimmer

- Who strapped a 100-pound
rock to his back?
- No.

That's because the guy drowned.

You got a rock on your back.

Well, look, eric. I
appreciate the advice.

But I have a partner.

If you hire me,
you hire us both.


- But I'm only talking to you.
- Fine.

Okay, "some estate workers,"

Seven letters
starting with a "g."

I... I don't even
understand the clue.

Yeah, neither do i.

What about this one? Twelve
letters, "really bad tv show."

Excuse me.

- Are you ben covington?
- Yeah.

- Can I talk to you?
- Yeah.

The good news is your
father's gonna pull through.


Okay, okay. Thanks.

So, my mom's not doing so good.

They don't know anything
yet. She's still in surgery.

Um, she's bleeding, and
I guess it won't stop.

Hey, man.

So, I was just picking
up a plant for ben.

Why are you buying ben a plant?

I'm dropping it by the
hospital for his parents.

- Oh, good idea.
- So I look around the store,

And I have no idea the
name of the store that I'm in.

No signage, no logo in sight.
We're pitching them on tuesday.

- Cool.
- Yeah.

What are you working on?

Uh, I'm working on the
sporting goods site.

The 8th... What, are you
messing around with it?

No, actually I went back
down and talked to eric scott,

And I got us the job back.

Did... You getting rid of
the snowboarder guy?

I got rid of the
snowboarder guy.

I can't believe you
went behind my back...

- It's a good thing.
- That's a good thing.

That's a great thing.

That guy made me feel like an
idiot. That was embarrassing for me.

You know what? So what?

So you were embarrassed.
I'm embarrassed all day long.

I'm a guidance counselor at the school
where I just graduated with honors.

I'm not just watching these kids
pass me by. I'm helping them do it.

Look, sean, I want
to work with you.

I really do, but you're
not making this very easy.

Look, I just want to
move ahead with my life.

- So do i.
- I want to be a success.

- And I don't?
- It doesn't seem like you do.

I guess you were right.

Friendship can't
survive business.


- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hey, I just saw sean
and trevor in the lobby.

They want to know if
they should come up.

I don't care.

I knew this was gonna happen.

I knew it.

It's not fair.

No, it's not.

What were you guys talking
about yesterday, you and my mom?


She was telling me about you,

When you were a little boy.

How you used to always
want to protect her.

Yeah, I did a great
job this time.

Ben, you did everything
you could do.

She loves him.

Yeah, I know.

You want me to tell
trevor and sean to leave?

- Yeah.
- Okay.


You're gonna come
back, aren't you?

Of course I am.


My mom's okay.
She's gonna be okay.

- She is?
- I talked to the resident.

She's in recovery.
They're both gonna be fine.

Ben, I'm so glad.

I'm so glad.

I am so hungry.

- Want to get something to eat?
- Yes.

- Let's go to china fun.
- That sounds perfect.

All right.

Isn't there a dance or something
you want to go to, though?

Yeah, but that's okay.

No, let's go. You
wanted to go. Let's go.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I am.

Let me wait for them to bring my
dad back. Then I'll meet you there.


All right. I'm glad you're here.

It's where I wanted to be.


- Ow.
- Hold still.

Don't handle me.
Just do the tie.

I don't understand why
you didn't get a clip-on.

Guys don't get clip-ons
anymore. It's not manly.

- Hey. You know how
to tie a bow tie?
- Yes.

- No, I'm fine.
- No, you're not.

We've been here 20 minutes,
and I've got to do my hair.

- Would you handle this?
- Yes.

Good. Thanks.

I got papers for
you to look over.

These are bank forms.

Mm-hmm. I opened a business
account. You need to co-sign.

There's cash in the account.

Yeah, we got an
advance from eric.

- Can i... Should i...
- Yes, please, do the tie.

If you don't want me to do it...

I'm sorry. Yes, please.

This morning, I saw a
bunch of kids bumper-skiing,

Holding onto the back of a car,
getting pulled through the snow.

We called it skitching.

This job feels like I'm
stealing a ride off you.

You're not. This wouldn't
have happened without you.

You said it. Ninety percent
of business is getting business.

That's sales.
Anybody can do that.

I can't do it.
You're good at it.

And I like working with you.

- Oh, you do?
- Yeah, I do.

We just need rules about
business and friendship.

Now you got rules?

Yeah, we got rules.
Friendship comes first.

Well, that's not very cutthroat.

- There.
- Thank you.

Are you gonna sign
the papers or not?


Why don't you come tonight?

To the snow ball? No.

It's gonna be fun.

I don't go to school
there anymore.

And I do? All your friends
are gonna be there.

I want to go with
both my partners.

All right.



Hey. How you doing?

So, mom and I pulled a
fast one on you, huh?

You do that a lot.


I did listen to
one thing you said.

I talked to felicity.

I just hope we don't
keep hurting each other.

You will.

That's what life does.

It tests you, but
you love each other.

You'll pass the test.

Like you and mom.





How's it going?

All right. How you doing?

I'm good. I heard your
parents are better.

- Yeah.
- That's great.

Yeah, it is, it is.

Look, ben, I'm sorry

About everything that happened.

Felicity, I mean.

It's my fault, and it
shouldn't have happened.

Um, just try and forget it.

That's what I'm trying
to do. I want to forget it.

Thank you.

- Hey. You're here.
- Hey.

Yeah, sorry. I was with my
dad longer than I thought.

- That's okay.
- Yeah.

I'm gonna go and embarrass
myself on the dance floor.

All right.

What were you
guys talking about?

Nothing. Everything's fine.

It is?


You want to come dance with me?

Come on. Come dance with me.

Come on! Come dance!

I don't want to go home.

She still has the
boogie-oogie fever!

We can go to the tunnel.

- I like that place.
- Yeah, let's go there.

They have french fries?
I'm craving french fries.

- When are you not
craving french fries?
- French fries sound good.

You know, french fries
on me for everybody!

I wonder what's gonna happen.

What do you mean?

I mean, with us. By this time
next year, we could be anywhere.

What are we gonna be doing?

This is like the end.

Yeah, what are
we gonna be doing?

That's my wife!