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04x03 - Your Money or Your Wife

Posted: 03/08/22 17:27
by bunniefuu
Previously, on felicity.

You slept with noel.

You want to be with ben, but
you also want to be with noel.

I'm just kind of confused
right now, I guess.

I think that maybe we need
to spend some time apart.

I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.

I need to know if you
feel the same way.

There's not going
to be a wedding today.

What if you and I were each
other's servants for life?

I'd like to welcome
you to the wedding

Of two very close friends.

No? Okay, well, let's
not go over the limit.

What if we go down...
A quarter karat?

What do I get?

No, you must have the
wrong credit card number.

I'm not close to my limit.
What about the ring?

Let's go down
another half karat.

What do I get then?

Oh. You're kidding me.

Hey. How'd it go
with your parents?

Great. They were thrilled.

- Really.
- No, sean, we got married... Without them.

They want to know who I'm
married to and your family.

If they knew my family, they
wouldn't want to know my family.

- They want a dinner.
- Well, since when do you
care what they want?

What? I'm all about family.

- You are?
- I don't know.

I mean, god forbid
someday we have kids.

I want them to have a relationship
with their grandparents.

- Are you pregnant?
- No.

We are all having dinner
tomorrow night at 7:30.

That's too soon.
Okay? Tomorrow night?

You're my husband. They want
to make sure you're responsible.

- Dinner tomorrow night. 7:30.
- I...



I think this is crazy.

I know.

I don't want to be broken up.

I don't want to, either.

Why don't we forget everything
and start the year over?

That would be really good.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

If you cheated on samuel,

Could you stay with
him if it was just, like,

One time, an isolated thing?

If it was a mistake, but
you had gotten away with it.

Why are we talking about this?

Is there something you are
knowing that I should be knowing?

I cheated on ben.

With noel.

He doesn't know.

Wow. I... Is...

That's why things have
been so crazy with you two.

Javier, no one knows.

Please, you cannot tell anyone.

I would never. I know
that's why you chose me.

My lips are like
two glue sticks.


So what are you gonna do?

I don't know. I'm just trying
to get it out of my head.

I want things to go back
to the way they were before.

Hey, do you remember anything
about this? Ketone synthesis?

Not really. Elena's really good with o-chem
if you want me to talk to her for you.

No, it's okay.
I'll figure it out.

You think it's stupid of
me, trying to do this stuff?

No. I think you're
gonna be great.

- I really do.
- Okay.

I gotta go.

Hey, say anything's playing
all week at the student union.

Do you wanna go?

Yeah, sure. If I
finish my work, yeah.

- That'll be great.
- Yeah.

The hardest part is kissing him.

It's like I can't get
myself to stop thinking.

You poor thing.

It's like you're
stuck in a triangle...

Or a rhomboid

Near the coast of florida and
some of the caribbean islands.

- I'm glad you told me.
- Yeah, so am i.

I'm sorry, but I'm more
or less 100% certain

We haven't gotten any
checks from you since july.

Okay, you know what?

Clearly this is an oversight. So
I'll speak with my business manager.

- That would be wonderful.
- Okay.

- Oh, uh, thanks for the soda.
- Okay.

Oh, uh, sharon,
meghan. Meghan, sharon.

- Sharon's with the co-op board.
- Oh. Hi.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you. See you later.

Bye. So.

Dinner's on for 7:30. Your
parents can't wait to come.

Wait a minute. You
called my parents?

Yeah. If I didn't,
who would? You? No.

- I don't want to do this.
- You have no choice.

I'm wearing the
pants in the family.

My father is going
to embarrass me.

- Everyone's father
embarrasses them.
- You don't understand.

He will embarrass us.
He will embarrass you.

You have no idea what
you're getting into.

I'm not scared.

I-i don't understand.

This check is for $75.

Tuition is 8,000.

You applied late.

The government allocates a
fixed amount of funds for aid.

It's then distributed based
on an applicant's need...

And his or her timing.

So the government's
run out of money?

You'll have a better
sh*t at spring semester.

But what am I gonna
do for this semester?

Not that you care, but I
got into a fight with my dad

And told him I would
do this on my own.

I'm just trying to go to school.

- Maybe this'll help.
- Please. Anything would help.

"Guide to scholarships"?

- Thank you.
- I'm sorry.

That book's $35.

Ooh. Look a this one.

"Sunrise surprise
beauty pageant."


- I'm not gonna do
a beauty pageant.
- You should.

You and your silky-smooth
skin are "shoe-ons."

Look at this one. Liz weinstein
scholarship for young women in art.

That could solve
all my problems.

Well, not all your problems.

My academic problems.

Okay. Well, you
get liz weinstein,

And I'll get don quixote, and
we'll be like peas in a blanket.

Oh, yeah. When
are your auditions?

Oh, tomorrow. I'm terrified.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

It's why I came to this country.

To be an actor.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I only went on one
audition. For grease.

I blew it so bad.

I was three notes in, and
then, "next!" It was horrible.

I never did it again until now.

- You're gonna do great.
- So are you.

And if liz weinstein is not available,
I think I'm looking at a beauty queen!

That's silly.


Uh, has anybody
asked for me today?

No. Why?

I'm meeting natalie's lawyer.
He said he had news for me.

- Natalie's lawyer?
- Yeah.

I don't know. What?

Something wrong, javier?

My lips are like glue sticks.

Okay. Um... I think
this could be the guy.

Oh, my god. That was so
awkward. Wasn't that awkward?

Yes, it was a little awkward.

He was weird.

All right. Here's the deal.

To me, organic
chemistry is lab work.

The bulk of your grade will
hinge on your performance in here.

Last year, nearly 40% of my
students either failed or dropped.

Production of phena...

I think I just became part
of that 40%. What is this?

- That's phenacyclene.
- I know what it says. What is it?

I don't know.

- I'm trevor.
- Ben.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

We need lab partners. I can't see
spending time with most of these people.

- What do you think?
- Yeah, sure.

Cool. If 40% fail, you
know what that means?

This teacher must suck.

Spectroscopic studies of the
molecular complexes of phenacyclene.


All I did was stay married
for a year. I didn't earn this.

- You didn't have to earn it.
- Do you know where natalie is? Maybe I can call her.

I have no idea.

But I can tell you, she had
no problem taking the money.

Here's the thing. Um...

I have this cousin, jerry,

And a few years ago, he got hit
by a cab on commonwealth avenue,

And now all he does
is he sits at home

And counts the
settlement checks.

It's pathetic. He's
the family joke.

I don't want to be
the next cousin jerry.

Then the funds
revert back to the...

Executor of the state, my firm,

Hopefully into the bonus pool.

Well, i... I mean,
if it's between me,

And me and the law firm, then...

- I could use a new apartment.
- Wonderful, mr. Crane.

If you'd just sign the receipt,

Our business will be concluded.

Maybe I could get a two-bedroom.
Separate place for an office?

I'm so nervous.

I don't remember ever
being this nervous.

Could you relax?
You're freaking me out.

I think it's my dad.
It's like a reflex.

He... Says all these
inappropriate things,

And he tries so hard to
impress, and it drives me nuts.

I get into a fight with him.

If you can't control
yourself, I will. Okay?

We'll think of a code
or something. Like, um...

If, uh... Okay.

If I say "rice krispies,"
then you know to clam it.

- Rice krispies?
- Yes. Then clam it.

- Okay.
- Good.


Hi. I'm meghan.

Manny blumberg.
Nice to meet you.

Oh... Isn't she gorgeous?

She's gorgeous!

You know, when we
heard about the wedding...

That we weren't invited
to our own son's wedding...

It was a shock.

We were in shock.

But now, meeting
you, I can tell...

It was meant to be.

- It was meant to be!
- Oh!

Yes, she's lovely.
You're gorgeous.

- Wow.
- I love your earrings.

- Thanks.
- She's gorgeous. How's my baby?


Oh, this is...

- He's wearing a suit. Why is he dressed up?
- Rice krispies. Let's go.

Everything is wonderful, meghan.

I hope the dinner's as good
as these hors d'oeuvres.

I'm sure it will be.

We're looking forward
to meeting your parents.

- I'm glad we did this.
- Me, too.

This has been fun. But we should
get going if we're gonna make the train.

Come on. I'll get
your coat, honey.

Here you go.

Hey. It's a nice stereo,
sean. Is that a sony?

Uh, no, dad. It's audiovox.

That's good. How
much did you pay for it?

He got the guy down to 400.

- Oh. Good deal.
- No, that's good.

My guy could have
gotten it for 300.


Yeah. We should go.

Why'd you have to wear a suit?

What? I like it.

I know you like it, dad.
But it's a casual dinner.

You don't have to wear a suit.

- He's trying way too hard.
- Rice krispies.

- Trying too hard for what?
- To impress, dad.

People can see through it. They're
still gonna know you're from flushing.

- I embarrass you?
- No, it's just the rotundis
are a little different.

They wouldn't ask how
much something costs.

What is this?
Whoa. I get this now.

So, they don't embarrass
you. Is that what it is?

- Helen, let's go.
- Please don't go. He didn't mean it.

Meghan, you're very sweet,
and we had a good time,

But I know my son,
and he meant it.

Helen, let's go. Please.

Meghan, I'm sorry.

We'll reschedule
it. I'm so sorry.

Helen, let's go, now!

I'll call you, okay?

Are you satisfied? Now you
call my parents and explain.


This is good.

You're gonna get
that scholarship.

- Do you think so?
- Yeah. Definitely.

By the way, i... I called tracy.

His roommate answered
the phone, and I hung up.

I don't even know
why I'm calling him.

I hate that I'm never
gonna see him again.

I can't even get rid of
this sweatshirt of his.

You gotta give him some time.

It just happened, you know?
You're gonna see him again.

You will.

I hope so.

Losing a fiancé is hard.

Not to mention a lab partner.

Maybe ben and I will team up.

He asked me to help
him with hodges's class.

I know. That was
sort of my idea.

I'm sorry. I know
you're busy now.

It's no problem. I don't
know what I can do.

It's a tough class.

I know, but ben
really wants this.

Remember gary fenton?
He really wanted it, too.

He b*rned out in six weeks. I don't
want to see that happen to ben.

He didn't know what alkane was.

I know.

That is as basic as it gets.

You don't think he can do it?

I don't know if
he's disciplined.

- Premed is a full-time job.
- I know.

I refuse to believe
ben is a six-weeker.

I feel like, if he wants to,
he'll make a great doctor.

This definitely belongs in your portfolio.
This reminds me of sophomore year.

Hey, you guys.
Sorry to interrupt.

- I got the equation, so...
- I can help you.

- No, I'm good.
- I told you you'd get those.

I'm going to the
library. I'll see you.


Very cool.

Fathers and sons.
What? What is this?

It's what it says.

Do you think your picture's
anywhere in this book?

- No, I don't think so.
- Right. With the way you're
acting, it never will be.

You went out and wasted 25
bucks to make a stupid point?

It's not stupid. I'm telling you, as
your wife, you gotta talk to your dad.

- I'm trying to enjoy...
- Two years ago,

I got sick of going
home as meggy.

So I went as myself. At first
it sucked, but it got better.

- Now, my parents and I
actually get along.
- Congratulations.

Clothes are the least of my father's
problems. Except for that suit.

- And the fact that
his son's an ass.
- Wow!

Now I know why I married you.
My self-esteem's skyrocketing.

I don't love doing it. I
talk to my dad, though.

We don't always get along, but
we talk. We have a relationship.

Can you say the same?

I don't understand. It
was listed in this book.

- Okay. Well, thanks anyway.
- ♪ La la la la la la la

Liz weinstein's dead.

- Oh, no. What happened to her?
- No, her scholarship
doesn't exist anymore.


Hey. I saw noel again.

And I pretended I
didn't know so well.

You would have
been really proud.

Is it still really awkward?

Yeah. I haven't been
to the loft in days.

Oh. Well, it's okay.
He's moving anyway.

- What?
- Yeah. That's why he came in.

He's moving. He needed a
reference for his new apartment.

I'm sorry to bother you again,

But I'm getting a lot of
pressure from the co-op board.

Hey, sean. I wanted to tell
you that I found a new place.

It's incredible. I don't
want to jinx it yet.

Wait. You're moving?

If the paperwork goes
through, which I'm sure it will.

But I wanted to give
you my 30 days notice.

Did you get a job or something?

Actually, it's kind
of embarrassing.

The natalie inheritance
came through. So...

Wow. Congratulations.
That's great.

Oh. Yeah, thanks. Not
that I deserve it, but...


Oh. The check.

- Can I mail that in?
- No.

That's why I'm here in person.

Okay, sharon, um,

I'm going to be honest. I'm
in the middle of a little bind.

If you could give me a couple days to
get my finances in order. Can you do that?

- I can hold them off
for two more days.
- That's great.

But they are gonna hire a
lawyer if you don't come through.

You don't know anybody who's
looking for a sublet, do you?

I'm sorry.

- Dude, it's still brown.
- Yeah, I know. I know.

So, try more of this?

No, we tried
that like six times.

Okay. Then what are we missing?


Face it, game over. We've
been at this six hours.

We're nowhere close
to getting a... What?

"A black crystalline compound."

Look, I respect this whole
"gotta win" thing. I do.

But, man, tonight is molson
night at the stillwater.

Two for a buck.

Now, come on.
Let's take a break.

Let's go throw a few back
and try again later. Huh?

- Come on.
- I don't know.

A few beers ain't gonna
keep us out of med school.

Man, I can't. I'm gonna stay and
try to finish this. You go ahead.

- Just go.
- All right. Okay.


- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

Good start. Hope
you can keep it going.

"Before and after"
is our category.

Dad's really pissed.

All right. Let's go.

- 400.
- Um, "l."

Nice work.

Watch that arrow in front of you,
jennifer. That one pointing at $600.

"S," she says.
There's one "s." Yeah.

- All right.
- She should buy a vowel.

- A "t."
- Two t's.

All right.

What you got in the boxes?

Watch that arrow
pointing at $600.

- You're sitting on it.
- "L."

- There's no "l."
- A chair?

- Lance, your turn.
- The screwless chair.

What do you mean?

It's this idea I had.

It's a chair you assemble,
but you don't use screws.



- Hmm.
- "K."

- Screwless chair?
- Yeah.


Unfortunately, it didn't hit.

Come on, dad. It's gonna hit
big. It's all about marketing.

Oh, please.

- 600.
- So meghan rescheduled the dinner.

Is there a "b"? Yeah. $1,500.

It's now brunch,
tomorrow, around 11:00.

You're not afraid I'm
gonna embarrass you?

- You're coming?
- "W."

Three w's.

Your mother would
like to be there.

Of course.

I have plans. So
don't worry about me.

"Get your ducks in a row, row,

- Right.
- Row your boat."


Hi. My name is javier
quintata, and, um,

I hope you will consider me
for the role of don quixote.

However, I may be persuaded
to take the role of sancho panza.

Can you lose the accent, please?

♪ To dream the impossible dream

Great. Uh, thanks.

That was lovely. Thanks
for coming in. Next.

Thank you.

I missed the intro.

Hey, excuse me. Who are you?

Canarsie collections.
We're here for the furniture.

Wait. How did you guys
get in? What's going on?

Landlord let us
in. You're past due.

Wait a second. You're
taking everything that I own.

You got bigger problems. Super
says they're getting ready to evict you.



- Hey.
- Hey.

- What's going on?
- Oh, um, I don't know.

Sean left a note
saying that the, uh,

The floors are being redone.

Do you think he'll be back soon?
I just have a question for him.

Mm-mm. I don't know.

I heard you're moving.

Yeah. Yeah, i, um...

Found a place in chelsea.

I figured I'd just...
Get out of here.

So you want me to
leave a message or...

Just tell him I stopped by.

Um, I just have a
financial question for him.

For sean? You must
be pretty desperate.

Yeah, I know. I know.

Well, what's the problem?


You know how I'm paying
for my tuition now.

I went by the
bank to get a loan,

And they said that I didn't
have enough collateral.

So I was thinking...

I always get those preapproved
credit card applications

In the mail, and...

I was just thinking... Maybe
I could charge my tuition.

No. Um...

- Don't do that.
- Why not?

Because those cards
charge you, like, 300% interest.

Don't charge anything
on those cards.

- Yeah.
- You know, if...

If you need money, I don't
know, maybe I could help you.


That thing with
natalie, the inheritance,

It came through.

That's why I was
meeting her lawyer.


Yeah, it's $50,000.

And I don't really
need it or want it.

Um... And I can just get
a smaller apartment.


- I can't take money from you.
- No. It'd be like a loan.

Okay? You can pay
me back whenever.

With no interest.

No, I have to do this on
my own. Sort of the point.

But seriously, noel, thank you.

You're... You're you.

You're amazing.

Don't tell me you
were here all night.

- Yeah.
- Did you figure it out?

Yeah, I think so.

That looks black
to me. Nice work.

Thank you.

All right, first lab.

Let's see how you did.

Anyway, molson night...

Next time, you're
not missing it.

Hey, we got it. Right here.

No. Afraid not.

He was here all
night. It's black.

Yes, and gooey. Phenacyclene
should be shiny and crystalline.

Maybe some sleep would have
helped avoid this common error.

So what was the error?

Telling you how to
do it isn't going to help.

If you're gonna complete the next lab, you
have to figure this one out on your own.

If you don't, there
won't be a next lab.

You were right. This guy sucks.

If you have a problem, no
one's forcing you to stay.

- Flavored pen caps?
- Right. Right. Okay.

Seriously think about this.

People all day long doing this.

Right? Waiting for the
bus, doing whatever.

Studying. Okay?

What if this was a treat?

This is about the
natalie money, isn't it?

Yes, but, um,

Let me explain to you
exactly what I need.

It's just a simple
investment plan.

- I'm just looking for
a little seed money.
- Yeah.

It just seems risky for me.

Try this and tell
me... Go ahead. It's...

- It's safe?
- Yeah. Just chew it.

You chewing it?

Yeah. What is it?

- It's blackberry.
- Oh.

- It's good, right?
- Mm-hmm.

I don't need an answer
now. Think about it.

- Yeah.
- Try the cherry.

- Is the cherry better?
- Yeah. Thank you.

- I'll try it.
- Thank you.

- I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
- It was worse.

The dream is definitely dead.

Well, I'm sorry. I
know the feeling.

- Did you and benjamin break up?
- No, I didn't get the loan.

Oh. For a second
there, I got so scared.

This omelette will
make you feel better.


So, basically, my options are

Call my dad and
grovel, or drop out.

Where's that book?

I looked through the whole
thing. There's nothing left.


I'm not gonna enter a beauty pageant.
Do you know how ridiculous that is?

Okay, that's misperception.
It's not all beefcake.

- There's an academic portion.
- There is not.

Yes, there is.

All you have to do is send in a
recent photo and application,

Due in one week.

It says that pageants

Are the number one source of
scholarship money for young women.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Why you being so
judgmental, huh? Look.

Do me a favor. Just read this.

It's $10,000. Come on.

Hi, parker. Thanks.

- Good luck.
- Yeah, you, too.

It's so nice to have you here.

Hi, ma.

- Meg!
- There they are.

- Dad. You look good.
- Well, thanks. You, too.

You don't compliment
your mother?

- You look stunning.
- There we go. That's my boy.

Can I have one of those? Thanks.

Hey, is, uh, felicity around?

What's the matter?

I got a letter from
tracy. He's gone.

Says he needs to forget
about me for a while.

So he's taking a semester off.

He went on another one of
his church missions in zambia.

Meanwhile, I was... I was
hoping that we could

Figure this out and fix it.

How stupid am i?

You're not stupid.
Don't say that.

I just feel...

I feel like I made the
biggest mistake of my life.

What are you talking about?

You're supposed to marry the guy even
though it's a mistake? You can't do that.

Yeah, but now I've lost him.

Yeah, maybe. And that's hard.

But marrying somebody
for the wrong reasons,

That's even worse.

That's crazy.

So, you think I did
the right thing?

Yeah, I do. I do.

Okay. Thanks.

I hope so.

Yeah, not bad for a six-weeker.

Oh, god. That's not
what I meant. I'm sorry.

I don't know if I'm gonna make
it, either. Don't worry about it.

- Oh, god.
- It's okay.

- Tell felicity I dropped by.
- Yeah, sure.

I did not know you were that
rotundi. Rotundi elevators.

- I ride 'em all the time. Never got stuck once.
- Never.

- You got quite
a place here, walter.
- Adorable.

You must be in the market. What kind of
return do you get? Fifteen, twenty percent?

What about the yanks?
See the game last night?

Yeah, it was good.
Give me a ballpark.

- I'd have to check on that.
- I could get you 30%.

Oh, that's...

- I don't know what to say.
- Don't talk business.

You know how every time
you put together a chair,

You get those annoying
screws left over?

I figured out a way
to solve that problem.

- I invented a screwless chair.
- Chair?

That's it.

What about dessert, dad?

You know those swedish
put-it-together-yourself deals?

- Screw those.
- Manny!

- No pun intended.
- We're having brunch.

That's the sales pitch.
"Screw other chairs."

- What do you think?
- That's interesting.

Do you have a prospectus,
or a business plan?

As a matter of fact,
I do. Got it in my coat.

Manny, not now.
We're having brunch.

- Dad.
- Sean.

- All I need is seed money.
- Dad, can I talk to you?

It's bad enough that you used to
ask my friends' parents for money.

- These are my in-laws.
- I'm offering him
an opportunity.

To lose money. He
doesn't want to invest.

He's too classy to tell
you what he really thinks.

- You're embarrassing yourself.
- What are you saying?

You think I'm a loser?

When is the last time
one of your ideas worked?

Don't do this. You're

Excuse me.

- Hey.
- Hey. Um, I was...

I was thinking about what
I had said to you earlier.

Yeah, um...

Yeah, me, too. Look.

Sean, I'm sorry,
but the whole...

Flavored pen cap
thing, it's not... For me.

No, hey, that's okay.

Even though I do think that flavored
pen caps are gonna be really huge, i...


The truth is, that's
not the reason why i...

You know, came to you.

I figured something was up.

There was an air of
desperation in your pitch.

I'm really...

I'm, uh...

I'm in trouble with my finances,

And, uh, you know, I
thought that maybe

That was a way for me to get
out of the hole, but it was...

I never should have tried
to take advantage of you.

Oh, it's okay.

Just because I'm not
interested in investing

Doesn't mean that I'm
not interested in helping.

No. I can't just take money.

I'm not just giving
it to you. It's a loan.

I expect you to pay it back.

But I need a lot.

That's all right. You'd
be doing me a favor.

This is, uh, blood money, and...

I want no part of it.

Good. I'm glad I could help.


- Thanks for doing this.
- No problem.

You can't let one stupid lab
turn you off to the whole thing.

Besides, I would have done
anything to get my mind off of tracy.

Why would anyone want
to get married at 20 anyway?

Because I love the guy.

This color is changing.
I'm gonna pour it out.

There will be others,
'cause look at you.

You're... Damn.

Take it easy, man.

Okay. Now, is that it?

- That is it.
- That's it.

Oh, my god. That is
cause for celebration.

All right.

Mug night at vayzak's.

What the hell is
mug night at vayzak's?

It's on seventh and b. Bring your
own mug, free refills all night.

I can't. I gotta
go find felicity.

Of course. Come on. If anyone
needs a mug night, it's you.

I don't have a mug.

You're right.
You're right. Uh...

Now you do.


Come on. What do you say?

- Okay, one drink.
- That's a deal.

Okay, have fun with felicity.

- Am I really
supposed to take this?
- Yes, take the mug. Let's go.

- Seventy-three.
- Yeah.

We're doing okay. Five twenty.

Well, let's see.

- We're gonna make it this month.
- Yeah, sure.


Uh, look, dad,
about brunch, um...

I can't wait to hear this.

Joey? Please. Just
give us a second.

If you need me,
I'll be in my room.


I get it. I embarrassed you.

No, it's not that.
Okay? It's, um...

It wasn't about
you. It was about me.

It was, and I am not
ashamed of you. Okay?

I wanted them to accept me. I wanted
them to think that I was somebody.

Like mr. Rotundi?


Look. There's nothing wrong with
wanting to be a successful guy.

You have nothing to worry
about. You already are somebody.

Yeah. I'm 27 years old, dad.

I've never been to
college, I don't have a job,

And all my friends
are younger than me.

Now I got a wife to
support. I'm a loser.

Are you crazy?

Will you take a look at
how successful you are?

You got that great apartment.
You always come up with great ideas.

Hey. Remember?

Are those lact-o's?

Yeah, and not a week goes by
we don't have 'em for breakfast.

I'm proud of you, sean.

So... So, you working
on anything new?

Uh... Yeah.

I actually, um...

I got these, these pen caps.

What? Flavored?


I had the same idea.


- People are always...
- Chewing on their pens.


This could be huge.

Wait a minute.
It's my idea. Okay?

Hey, dad, it's felicity. Could
you call me back, please?

I want to talk to
you about something.

I did it! The dream
is alive! I got it!

- Don quixote?
- No, the chorus.

Javier, congratulations.

Oh, thank you. To dream
the impossible dream!

Okay. Hurry up.

Finish your call so I
can tell you all about it.

Sorry, dad. Um...

You know what? Never mind.

Don't worry about it. Okay. Bye.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What are you doing?
- Looking for a picture for
this scholarship application.

What kind of scholarship
needs a picture?

I'll tell you if it works out.

Okay. Hey, do you want
to go see that movie?

Yeah, I'd love to.

I'm shaken to the core

♪ I've picked this
scab once more

♪ You want me to know

♪ How happy you've grown to be

♪ I'm not above going down

♪ The roller coaster

♪ The go-round

♪ Anything but how

♪ Happy you've grown to be

♪ Happy without me

♪ Without me, without me

♪ Without me

♪ How happy without me

♪ Without me, without me

♪ How happy

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How'd it go with your parents?
- It was great.

- Really?
- Oh, yeah.

I had breakfast with my dad
who told me how great I am,

How much he loves me, and
then he threatened to disown me.

- What?
- Yeah.

It was a real lovefest. Juice?

Uh, no. Thanks. What do you
mean he threatened to disown you?

Uh, i... I don't know.

I guess that if I don't annul
my marriage to sean, I'm cut off.

Are you serious?


Don't tell sean.

No, no, I won't.

- Hey, um...
- Hey.

I know I owe you my life,
but right now I need my wife.

Yeah, yeah. She's all yours.

Come here.

Um, I know that traditionally

This is supposed to come
before the proposal,

And certainly before
the wedding, but, um,

What are you doing?

- What is this?
- Just open it.

♪ Without me

♪ Without you

- ♪ Maybe I'm the one...
- It's cubic zirconia.

I promise that when I can afford
the real thing, I'm gonna get it for you.

You don't like it.

- Okay.
- No, no, sean.

- Hey...
- I love it.


♪ Without you ♪