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02x07 - Forced My Hand

Posted: 03/08/22 06:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost...

- What you doing here, Frank?
- I got out early.

Your uncle Frank's
a f*cking rat.

Welcome home, Papi.

A real welcome home gift
would've been

a proper introduction
to that connect.

Yeah, I'll make that happen.

I went on this family
trip with the Westons.

Sweeney was there.
I saw a secret photo album.

Whole lot of weird,
inappropriate shit

that'll get
an elected official

in the headlines
for all the wrong reasons.

So you help me get up
out of here,

and I'll help you
get your hands on that.

What I'm going to do
is release Mr. St. Patrick

on a 10% bail bond.

You'll still be required
to wear an ankle monitor.

I have never seen Judge
Lucas conduct himself that way.

Judge Lucas and I go way back.

I made a deal
with Davis McLean

to get us
some inside information.

I gave him 250 bands,

but he wants double.

I never agreed to

I can't take the stand.

Sweetie, you signed
the paperwork.

It's a part of your deal.

Life lesson, never sign
anything without reading it.

I know you like to be
invisible and shit,

but Pops, he wanna link,

he wanna talk business.

My relationship is with you.

Far as I'm concerned,
we never have to meet.

Look, I think it would be
best for everyone

if this is the
last time we see each other.

What about my son?
I still need to meet him.

You stay away from Zeke,
and you stay away from me.

- You gotta get her back to me.
- Uh-uh.

All right.

- This is my dog right here.
- Carlito.

We're not locked up
anymore, Renzo.

I'm doing my own thing now.

Who you running for, man?

Broad Street K*llers.

I've been asking around
about Kino.

We can recruit his men.

I'm taking your advice.

We're making a move on Kino.


One, two...


Nice work.

With him out the way,
I'm counting on you

to clear out the space and push
our expansion into the streets.

I got you.

You didn't see anything

Do you understand?

I understand.

You got her?

I got it, hermano.

What the f*ck?

- That wasn't the plan.
- Yeah,

if I would have taken
the shot on Kino,

but I can't
risk anyone naming you.

Rule number one: no loose ends.

Monet Tejada.


Long time.

Look, I wasn't expecting
any surprise visitors.

Yeah, funny thing
about surprises.

The last time I saw my Frank,

he was on his way
to surprise you.

I haven't seen him since.

I guess he didn't make it.

Last time I saw Frank, he was
looking at some serious time.

How'd he get out so early?

He didn't tell me.

I was just happy
to have him home.

But I hate that my boys have
to pay for their father's sins,

and I would hate for you
to be in my position,

left behind to pick up
the pieces of a broken family.

Consequences of the life.
We all know the rules.

Anyone who violates is at risk.

To make
your family whole again.

Tell Lorenzo
I said to be careful out there.

Good, you're here.

I assume you're not
planning to go

to the Jabari Reynolds
memorial dinner.

- That's what was so important?
- No.

We received the prosecution's
discovery tonight,

and there's something
you need to see.

They found security cam footage
of the Ramirez m*rder,

and they're claiming
it looks like you.

Hell no, that's not me.

I was with Paula at
Rockefeller Center that night.

Okay, wait. You met with Paula?

That's great, we'll just get
her to corroborate the alibi.

That won't be easy.

You were f*cking her,
weren't you?

Mm! I knew it, I knew it.

All right, Tariq, look.

If this isn't you in the video,
then who is it?

The same g*n was used
in both murders.

Then Ramirez's badge
was found in your room.

So whoever that is
probably planted that badge.

Who would want you
to go down for this?

- I don't know.
- Bullshit. You're lying.

He's lying.

Someone who has access
to you is framing you.

Just tell us who.


Tariq, we can take it
from here.

But lay low.

That dinner is gonna have
Stansfield campus

swarming with people
who would love to see you

locked away for good.


For the first time,
I think that kid may

actually be innocent
of something,

and he won't even help us
prove that he's being framed.

You don't understand
the street, Saxe.

Maybe he won't say shit
because he can't say shit.

Where have you been?
Y'all forgot about dinner?

Sorry, Mo.
We had to handle some business.

What kind of business?

Go upstairs, Dru.

Night, Mum.

Why do I have this feeling
you put my son at risk tonight?

He's my son, too.

And you got
to stop babying him.

He's already been shot.

This bullshit is
exactly why I took

our business off the streets.

This is the game.

And there is
a safer way to play it.

If we wanted safety,

we would have bought
a car wash.

But we wanted money, right?
A better life for these kids.

A better life, huh?

We got to get out of here while
our family is still alive.

What the hell are
you talking about?

Get out?

- This is what we do.
- What if it wasn't?

Look, Zeke's entering
the draft this year.

We could finally hang this shit
up and live a good life, safe.

I'm never gonna live
off another man ever.

Protecting this family,
that's my life.

And I'm not afraid
to die doing it.

I made sure
Dru was safe tonight.

I'm always gonna make sure
that you're all safe.

Come to bed, babe.

My God, my dad was such
a douchebag in college.

Must be where
Trace gets it from.

What in here
could possibly help you?

Dude, what the f*ck?

Not that one.
It'll ruin my dad.

It has nothing
to do with your dad, a'ight?

It's all about Sweeney.

I'm sorry, 'Riq,
but no means no.

I gotta keep that picture
to protect my family.

And I need it to save mine.

I'm sorry, Tariq,
but I-I can't.

It's a no.

Bro, you always talking
about how much

you hate
what your family stands for,

yet you're just like 'em.

f*ck off, dude.

I'm just saying,
bro, you're talking

about how much you hate
white privilege

until you might
actually lose it.

Bro, that's not fair.

You know
I'd f*cking ride for you, okay?

'Til the wheels come up.

But I-I can't let you leak a
photo of my dad with a guy in...


Yes, blackface.

It was
from some Halloween party.

Sweeney was dressed up as O.J.

You know, doing the Heisman
with a bloody knife.

He even had
dead Nicole in a headlock.


But what
do they say around here?

Pics or it didn't happen.
What's up?

I could definitely get you
that pic.

I just need
to be sure of one thing.

- What's that?
- The Westons.

They-they can't
get dragged into this.

Why would they?

Well, Brayden's father...
he's in the picture as Nicole.

And I told Brayden...

Yo, f*ck what you told
your little punk-ass friend.

You're on trial for m*rder,
Tariq, all right?

And even if you get acquitted,

I'm your only hope of
you getting your sister back.

So you know what?

I need that photo
before Sweeney's filing date

for re-election.

Do we have
a understanding here,

or am I still wasting my time
f*ckin' with you, boy?

I got you.

How could
a judge grant him bail?

Mm, I have no idea.

Okay, class,
so far, we've explored

ethical questions
in the theoretical.

But today
we'll dive into something

a little more empirical.

Based on experience, your own
and humanity as a whole,

should we make decisions

for other people
without their consent?

And if so, when and how?

Welcome back, Tariq.

Would you like
to get us started today?

Well, whether we like it
or not, decisions are made

for people without
their consent all the time.

It's a fact of life.

Like a professor
exploiting a student?

Did you have something
to say, Lauren?

Just according
to Harm Principle,

"The only purpose for which

"power can be
rightfully exercised

"over any member
of a civilized community

against his will is
to prevent harm to others."

but who has the authority

to determine what harm is,

and to say who's the victim?

Right, like with the police.

The authorities might argue
that the use of brute force is

is to protect the citizens
from harm,

but in reality, they're
actually the perpetrators.

Yeah, and
that happens everywhere.

People in power are
constantly making decisions

for us without our consent.

Elected officials.

Voters give
elected officials consent.

And then politicians make
shady deals behind their backs.

- What about media outlets?
- Shit.

Stansfield makes decisions
for students all the time.

Dorm raids, anyone?

Yeah, like what happened
to Lauren.

It was so unfair.

Uncool, yes, but not unfair.

People consent to be a part
of the system.

Lauren signed
the student housing agreement

like the rest of us.

So if you're gonna have
dr*gs in your dorm,

you gotta be smart enough
to not get caught with it.

Or Stansfield needs to stop
targeting BIPOC students

to drag down
to the police station.

Lauren! Lauren, wait up.

What was they
talking about in there?

- Your room got raided?
- Yeah, it was crazy.

The dr*gs weren't even mine,
but they still brought me

into the station
for questioning.

What the f*ck?
Why didn't you tell me?

I thought you heard.
Clearly, everybody else did.

And why do you even care?

They were talking
about drug dealing on campus,

which has nothing to do
with you, right?

Look, I care that you
kept it a secret, okay?

Are you kidding me?

All you ever did was
keep secrets from me.

That was to protect you,
Lauren, okay?

You know what,
that's what people always say

when they want
to make decisions for others.

But you know what?

You also decided
to end this relationship,

which means I don't have
to finish this conversation.

Lauren, just give
me a minute and talk to me.

That's all I'm asking you.

Tariq, save it, okay?

I have to write my speech
for the memorial dinner,

and I probably shouldn't
even be seen out with you.

Ah, thanks for meeting me.

scotch and a vodka soda.

You got it.

You look beautiful.

What do you want, Davis?

Okay, I'll get
right to the point.

Tariq St. Patrick is
up for double homicide

and named you as his alibi.

- What?
- Yeah.

Says he was with you in
Rockefeller Center the night

NYPD Detective Danilo Ramirez
was shot.

So it's true?

I did meet him,
but not for long.

I looked at the file.

He still could have made it
to Long Island City

in time to k*ll Ramirez.

And what about the other body?
Is that on him?

Do you even care?

I care
if I can defend him or not.

Ah, yes, the company motto.

And you came down here
for what, exactly?

Because we both know
I can't take the stand.

The first question
they'd ask me is,

what was I doing meeting
with Tariq that night?

What would you like me to say,

that I was showing him a video

in which he confessed
to k*lling his father?

Illegally obtained by
your now-partner, no less.

It's not gonna do you
any favours, Davis.

- And neither am I.
- Okay, Paula, wait.

You are unethical as shit.

And Tariq's a m*rder*r.
Get him a deal.

Okay, look,
y-you know I don't do deals.

Okay, here, look.
Come on.

Have a drink with me.

I hated the way things
ended between us,

and I forgive you

for going
behind my back to Tariq.

Wish Tariq good luck for me.
Clearly, he needs it.

Put your ring back on.

That's a bad bitch right there.

Son of a bitch.

We need to talk.

Yeah, you got that right.

Rockefeller Center
isn't gonna hold up.

The timeline doesn't work,
and even if it did,

we can't put Paula
on the stand.

She's um, not a friendly.


Yeah, so we need to pivot.

Do you have an alibi
for the Jabari Reynolds m*rder?

I was with my little sister

at my grandmother's house
that night.

Ah, the uh, grandmother
you called a drunk

and stripped of custody?

Yeah, we're better off
with the kid.

Nah, I'm not putting
my sister through that.

- You crazy?
- He's right, Davis.

We can't put a nine-year-old
on the stand.

Okay, both of you, we
don't have any other options.

We'll make sure she passes
a competency hearing.

It'll be fine.

You cannot ask my little sister
to take the stand.

It's not happening.

What's better for her,

you in jail or you out of jail?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

But that's
not why you came here.

What's the emergency?

My ex-girlfriend.

Cops brought her in
after they found some dr*gs

in her room, and I'm wondering
if that has anything

to do with this.

What do y'all think?

It seems unlikely.
What's her name?

Lauren Baldwin.

Well, the prosecution hasn't
sent over

their witness list as of yet...

What does she look like?

Okay, why does that matter?

Yeah, no, I... it... it doesn't.
It doesn't.

But just in case,
probably a good idea

to stay away from her
'til we know more.

A'ight, keep me posted.

Okay, that was weird
even for you.

That girl was
in Jenny's office last night.

She's a prosecution witness
for sure.

You got any deliveries
from CourseCorrect lately?

- I could use a smoke.
- No.

Ain't f*cking
with that anymore.

Campus is too hot,

especially since they found
that dead cop's badge

in Tariq's dorm.


Yeah, good thing he ain't
living with Zeke anymore.

I mean,
Zeke really could've gone down

for that if they found it
in his room.

Everett Neal.
NYPD. Open up, please.

I'm Everett Neal.

I'm Detective Kevin Whitman,

lead investigator on Professor
Jabari Reynolds' m*rder.

You gave a statement
about a g*ng attacking one

of your teammates,
Ezekiel Cross.

I have
some additional questions.

Uh... I-I don't have
anything to say about that.

You seem a little nervous.
You okay?

I'm fine.
I wish I could help.

But I don't have
anything to add.

You're sure?

If we could just go
over the details...

I'm sure.

Good night, Detective Whitman.

Well, if anything comes up,
be sure to reach out.

He's gone.

He'll be back.

You up
for a little one-on-one?

Nah, man.
Just focusing on my form.

Sweet stroke.

One foot half a size
bigger than the other, right?

Yeah, how you know that?

Me too.

It runs in our family.

Our family?


Listen, Zeke, I know this is
gonna sound f*cking crazy.

My name is Dante Spears,
and I'm your father.

Nah man, sorry.
You got the wrong guy.

- Listen, son...
- Hey!

Get the f*ck away from me, dog.

You ever wonder how
you got your name, hm?

Check it.

It's from the book of Ezekiel.

I've had that
since I was 16 years old.

Your mother was with me
when I got it.

You should ask her
about it sometime, son.

Ask her.

Get the f*ck outta my way,
little girl.

Where the f*ck are my keys?

Ma, why you so stressed out?

I got a meeting
with Zeke's agent,

and it needs to go well.

Gotta clear up all these
off-the-court issues and shit.

Why do you care?
You got what you wanted.

Your father's home,
and you're goin' to school.

No, I wanted
to go to Stansfield.

And I told you to stay
the f*ck away from Tariq.

You thought I was gonna let you
out of my sight up there?

You're out
of your f*ckin' mind.

Go Red Storm.

His second book
was so didactic,

like he was drowning
in his own thesaurus.

but Raw was visceral as shit.

You gotta give him that.

I heard it was based
on Professor Milgram.

I think they were hitting
again before he died.


I thought she was sleeping
with Zeke Cross.

A bitch gets

No hate, though.

- Men have been getting away...
- Hey, do you have a minute?

Um, ah, not really.

Of course. Um, listen.

It's just the strangest thing.

I, uh... I didn't receive
my invitation

to the Jabari Reynolds dinner

Well, it's limited capacity.

I imagine they wanted
to keep the guest list

to people
who actually knew him.

Dean Wong.

I was just working on my speech
for the memorial dinner.

Yeah, w-we need
to talk about that.

can you give us a minute?

Of course.

Carrie, it seems there are

some disturbing rumors
circulating campus right now

about your personal life.

I think it would be best
if someone else

addressed the donors
and alumni tonight.

Dean, I-I assure you...

Dean Wong.

Your, um, impulse
to replace Professor Milgram

reeks institutional sexism.

Our colleague here is
clearly being harassed,

and we should be standing
behind her

rather than shaming her
into silence.

I mean, why don't we
just slap a scarlet A

on her chest for how
anti-feminist that is?

You make an excellent point,
Professor Tate.

All right, Professor Milgram,
I'll see you at the event.

You will.

What do you want?

I assume you get a plus-one?

Where the f*ck were you, Zeke?

You missed the meeting
with the agent.

We need that n*gga
to put you on.

Where the f*ck you going?

I need to go see my mum.

Before the Princeton game?

The f*ck's got into you? Why?

A man came on the court.

Says he's my father.

Real light-skinned dude,
but, uh...

he had this tattoo.

I gotta talk to Ma.
I need answers.

He said he was your father?
Sit down, Zeke.

No disrespect, Auntie,
but this ain't about you.

Everybody said he was dead,
and I need the truth.

Sit the f*ck down, Zeke.

I know you heard
what I just said.

I need to tell you something.

Your father's
in prison for life.

For real? What for?

That's all I know.

I promised
I'd never say anything.

Your mother thought
it'd be best this way.

But he's gonna die in there.

I'm sorry, baby.

This... man claiming
to be your father is a liar

trying to hitch a ride
to the league.

I told you that we gotta
be careful now.

But he had this tattoo.

Look, who you gonna believe,
a stranger or me?

He's just a con man
looking for a come-up.

Don't let him distract you.

You need to focus all
your energy toward preparing

for this game.

And I'll work
on convincing that agent

to give us a second chance.


You're right, Auntie.

I'm sorry.

It's all right, baby.

I got you.

We had an agreement, Dante.

Why the f*ck did you go
behind my back to Zeke?

Because we had an agreement.

You forced my hand, Nene.

I want to know my son.
I want time, hmm?

I want to make up
for all those years I missed

that you stole from me.

Because I don't remember
choosing not to be

in Zeke's life.

That decision was made for me.

I was 16.

You don't think people
were making decisions for me?

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you disappeared.

No, no, no, no, no.
I got arrested.


And then, when they offered me
the military, I don't know,

I-I f*cking took it
'cause I didn't know

I had anything to live for.

Do you really think
that if I knew

I was missing basketball games,

that I wouldn't have made
different choices?

I needed him.
I needed both of you.

Well, what about Zeke's needs?

You gonna ruin everything
we worked so hard for.

Is that what this is all about?

He's like, what, a f*cking
retirement plan for you?

Oh, f*ck you, Dante.

I love that boy more
than you would ever understand.

He's my son.

So maybe
you should tell him that.

And while you at it,
tell him he's my son, too.

Don't f*ck this up.

Zeke doesn't need you,
and neither do I.

Miss Washington,
I appreciate you

meeting me
under the circumstances.

What's all this about, Tariq?


Davis wants my little sister

to take the stand
to speak to my alibi.

But I just can't let her...

Lie for you?

Look, she's just a little kid,

She shouldn't
be dragged into this.

I need your help, Tameika.

Tariq, do you remember
the last time

you came to me for help,
what you told me?

That my father was a monster.

And you weren't.
Is that still true?

Was it even true then?

I didn't k*ll that cop.

You didn't k*ll this cop.

And the other one,
the professor?

Maria Suarez,
Laquisha Grant, Felipe Lobos.

And this is just
the tip of the iceberg.

I thought when James died,
the k*lling would stop,

but it hasn't.

Bodies continue to pile up
around you, Tariq.

I'm not gonna help you
become your father.

And I'm not Davis.

If you want my help,
I need the truth.

I didn't go to k*ll
Professor Reynolds, all right?

I was forced to.
I had no choice.

- It was him or me.
- Who forced you, Tariq?

Was it the same person
who k*lled the cop

and forced you
to k*ll Reynolds?

Here's something
Davis will never say.

I can get you a deal.

You won't go free,

but you won't serve
more than five years max.

If you name this person,
he'll take the weight.

You're smart, Tariq.

If you're not smarter
than your father already,

you will be.

You have all the tools
to be better than he ever was.

But it's your decision.

Take the deal. Do your time.

You'll still be in your 20s
when you get out.

You can finish school,
go on to live a full life.

But Tameika, that's five years

that my baby sister has
to spend in the system

with a target on her back,
because I snitched.

Tell me how I'm supposed
to make that decision for her.

Camera caught two men
approaching, not one.

You know anything about that?

Look, I told him to come alone.

Better not be
any more surprises.

Hey, ain't nobody
tell you to come,

so you gotta wait outside.

Now, now, Cane, we can be
more hospitable than that.

I'm sure my son has told you
I'm someone you can trust.

Oh, yes, and I'm someone
who rarely trusts,

and even when I do,
I always have to verify.

It's nothing personal.

I'm sure you understand,


And when Cane first said
you wanted to meet,

I have to admit
I was pretty hesitant.

I'm a very private man.

But, as a favour to him,
I changed my mind.

What can I do for you?

I wanted
to come meet you directly,

considering the amount
of weight requested.


We gettin' ready
to take over Queens.

We just need to make sure
we got the product to match.


Are you sure you can handle
an order that big right now?

Oh, I can handle even more
when we get the soldiers.

We're working on that.

All right.

Well, if it's soldiers you
need, I got you covered.

For an extra cut.

Let me handle some things
on my end, but as of right now,

all my product goes to you.


It's a pleasure
to meet you, man.

I look forward
to working with you.



Lauren, I wanted
to talk to you earlier.

I have nothing to say to you.

I saw you with Tariq.

It's not safe, Lauren.

He is a drug dealer
and a m*rder*r.

It's very dangerous.

The only danger
I see here is you.

Professor Reynolds, Zeke Cross,
me, and now Tariq?

but the common denominator

in all of those, again, is you.

And how much do you
actually know about Tariq, huh?

Actually, his parents,
his sister,

and best friend are all gone.

Maybe he's a product
of decisions made for him, too.

I should've known that,
but so should you.

Shit, there y'all are.

Dean Wong is looking for us.
Everything good?

'Cause I'm getting
a little vibe.

- Yeah.
- Cool.

Why are we even f*cking here?

Like, did any of us know

this Jabari guy's name
before he got k*lled?


Because I sit
on the alumni board,

and this is what good alums do.

I, for one, read his novel
for book club

and found it quite provocative.

You only read the sex scenes.

You literally highlighted them
with a marker.

Oh, stop, that's gross.

Becca, slow down on the wine.

These people will decide
if you get into Stansfield.

LOL, Mum!
The endowment already did that.

- Can you talk to her?
- I could overdose on the stage

for all they care.

Yes, honey,
but at least pretend.

Yeah, I'm gonna go get one

of those lobster roll
f*cking things, whatever.

Yo, get me one, too.

Robert Weston, Jr.

Rashad Tate.
It's a pleasure.


I saw they brought you in here,
well, when, you know.

A smart next step after missing
the governor's mansion.

Yes, well, there's certainly

more than one way
to serve the community.

Hey, listen, I want to give you
a heads-up about a, uh, photo

that's gonna come out
of Rick Sweeney.

Excuse me?
Rick and I go way back.

Exactly, so I wanted
to make mention of this

because it could blow back
on you, too.

Yeah. Now, on the other hand,

if you, uh, can help convince
your old buddy to step down,

we might be able to avoid
this whole thing entirely.

And of course,
I'll be more than happy

to, uh, honor any kickbacks

that are currently in place.

I don't take blackmail lightly.

Right, only blackface.

Son of a bitch.


Good evening,
distinguished guests.

As two of Professor Reynolds'
top Canonical Studies students,

we are honored
to welcome you

to tonight's dinner
in his memory.

And with your help,

his legacy will continue

for future generations
of Stallions.

And it is our... privilege

to introduce esteemed author

and his well-respected
co-worker, Caridad Milgram.

Thank you, ladies.

Jabari Reynolds was
an enormous talent

with an even bigger heart.

Was his heart in his pants?

His ability to render
the truth of a character

on the page...

Did you hear what she did?

...uh, was only matched

by his compassion in the...
in the, um...

in the classroom.

Her track record
is... interesting.

And, um...


Excuse me, uh, his, um...

- Professor and the student.
- Oh, really?

- Oh, yeah.
- Um...

I'm sorry, I, uh...
I can't do this.

Oh my?


Excuse me.


- Hey, you okay?
- Oh, please leave me alone.

Look, I've been where you are,
and let me just tell you...

I know what you're gonna say.
It's not as bad as I think.

No, no, it is. It's bad.

You know what?
I'm not gonna lie.

Those people in there,
they were talking about you.

Tate, I know.
And my career is over.

No, it's not.

This is not the end
of the road for you, okay?

Believe me,
I know what it looks like

to be circling the drain.

The reason why I wanted to go
to that dinner tonight

was to corner an alum about
saving my political career.

W-well, did it work?

That's the fun of politics.

The story is never over.

And neither is yours.

So don't be too hard
on yourself, Carrie.

If you're anything like me,

you'll always find a way
to survive.

Good night.

Hey, can we talk?

What's up?

I just... I wanted to apologise
for not supporting you.

I forgot about everything
you told me and your life,

and I judged you by
the same standards as others,

and I was wrong.

But, Tariq, there's something
that I need to say to you.

Oh, shit. Um... sorry, I'll go.

No, Di, you're good.
Come in.

Um, Lauren,

I'm sorry, but to be honest,
my lawyers said

I shouldn't be speaking
to you, so...

Damn, I hope I wasn't
interrupting anything.

No, you're good.
It's whatever.

So how are you holding up
with everything?

Davis has gotta be expensive.

You found a new plug
for CourseCorrect yet?

I know Monet shut you down.

Yeah, Monet ain't f*ckin'
with me right now.

Too hot.

But I know
you ain't come up here

to talk about no CourseCorrect.

And I'm tired of everybody
playing with me,

so if you need something, or
if there's something you want,

just let me know, Di.

A'ight, well, I know
you can't leave campus,

so I came up here to talk
to you about my parents

in private.

Look, 'Riq, you know all of us,

but you ain't got
no stake in the game.

And ever since my dad got out...

- Which was your doing.
- It was.

And I thought it would bring
our family closer together.

But, shit, if anything,
it's torn us further apart.

More secrets than ever.

And my dad and Monet, they
ain't on the same page at all.

He want to take the business
back to the streets,

and she wants out.

Do you know somebody she does
business with named D?

Wait, hold on,
you said she wants out?

Monet wants out, and Dru,
he wants his n*gga Everett,

but my dad wants him
working for him instead.

Hmm, what about Cane?
What he want?

You never know with that n*gga.

As for me,
I get to go to school.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, St, John's.

I mean, shit, it's still fire.

Yeah, but...

what I really wanted was
to be up here with you.

Now, you know damn well Monet
would not like that.


but you ain't in business
with her anymore, right?

That was the problem.

Problem solved.

Listen, Di.

If we gonna do this, I need
you to be sure of two things.


You gotta be sure.

I'm sure.

And Monet, she can't ever
find out about this.

Say less.

Grover, your neighborhood
about to turn

into a cr*cker Barrel.


Yo, what the f*ck's
your problem, bro?

- Don't have a problem.
- Clearly, you do.

Trying to kick me
out the meeting earlier.

Yo, what's good, man?

Oh, you think you invincible
now with Papi on your side?

He really got you thinking

you running shit,
but don't forget,

I'm the one putting food
on your plate.

n*gga, pump your brakes.

You are not smart enough
to run shit.

You're just a guard dog
with a new master.

What the f*ck
you just say to me?

How did Ramirez's badge
end up in Tariq's room, Cane?

Yeah, and if I figured it out,
you think Tariq's lawyer

isn't already running
to the DA with your name?

And how you know about that,
your snitch-ass boyfriend?

- Everett's not a snitch.
- No?

If your boy
wasn't running his mouth,

that professor n*gga
would've never known your name.

He might even still be alive.

Everything I did was
to protect this family.

It was to protect you.

So how about you stop
worrying about me

and start focusing
on how much Everett knows,

'cause that n*gga ain't got
ten toes to stand on?

f*ck you!

f*cking stupid kid!


Get the f*ck off me, man!
Get off me!

Yo, yo, get the f*ck up.
Get the f*ck up, man.

Chill, chill, chill,
chill, chill.

Chill the f*ck out, man.

What the f*ck is
going on here?

He's mad his boyfriend's
a f*cking snitch.

Shut the f*ck up!

Yo, Dru, Dru!

Is Cane right about
this boyfriend of yours?

'Cause we can't have
any loose ends.

It's fine.

I promise it's fine.

It better f*cking be.

Clean this shit up.

You know,
you better handle this shit

before somebody else do.

Hi, Yasmine.

Do you remember the morning
at your grandmother's house

when you burnt some bacon
making breakfast?

Yes, Tariq saved me.

He put out the fire
with baking soda.

Good, good,
and did Tariq wake up there,

or had he come over
that morning?

No, he came downstairs
when the smoke alarm went off.

He slept over.

Did you see Tariq
the night before?

Yes, we watched Disney

Then he put me to bed.

I love Disney.

One more question, okay?

When Tariq arrived at home,
was it still light outside,

or was it already nighttime?

I think it was a little light.

Thank you.

And Yas, do you think
you can give those same answers

in a courtroom
in front of a jury?

I think I can.

That's all, Your Honor.

Am I done?

Not quite, Yasmine.
I'm Jenny.

Do you mind if I ask you
a couple of questions?


Did you do anything else that
night that Tariq stayed over?

Big Mama wanted something
to drink,

so we went to the store.

And did Tariq stay at home,
or did he go with you?

No, he wasn't there yet.

And when you went to the store,

was this before or after
you watched Disney with Tariq?

I think after.


So Tariq was not yet there
when you went to the store,

and it was dark out.

But when he arrived
at the house,

it was still a little light?

That's not usually
how sundown works.

I-I don't know.
Could you say it again?

Yasmine, you'd do anything

to help your big brother,
wouldn't you?


And if someone asked you to say

that he was there that night,
that's what you would say...

- Objection, Your Honor.
- Your Honor,

this child is clearly
either lying or confused.

She can't possibly withstand
the pressure of trial.

Stop, all right?
She's not testifying.

- Tariq, let's not be hasty.
- No, she's done, I'm done.

We're done.
That's it, let her go.

What the f*ck is so important?

I'm handling some shit
for Zeke and I...

Mecca cut off our supply.

All the product now is going
to Papi,

so we don't got nothing left.

So our little side hustle
with Tariq, dead.

Shit, the money coming in
from Stansfield

is the only thing keeping
your name out of the trial

and your ass out of prison.

If we don't pay Davis the 500K
that we owe him,

our fail-safe falls apart.

You got that, right?


So what you gonna do about it?

Can I get a sugar-free vanilla
latte with soy, extra foam?

- Oh, sure thing.
- Saxe, we need to talk.

Ahh, I know.

I know people think soy is bad
for sperm count,

but that's actually
just a myth.

We both know
Tariq didn't k*ll Ramirez.

I think he knows who did,
but he won't take a deal

and do time
because of his sister.

But if you can get Yasmine out
of the system,

maybe he'll sign.

Yeah, Davis will
never go for it.

He doesn't take deals.

You have no defense.

Tariq is gonna go to jail
as a cop k*ller,

and he didn't do it.

You are his sworn counsel.
You have to protect him.

I hear you, but you know
how I feel about Tariq.

Maybe it's time a body
finally caught up to him.

You saw him with his sister.
There is still good in him.

A lot of bad decisions
were made for Tariq.

But it's not too late for us
to give him the chance

to decide for himself
who he is.

He can be better.

But does he want to be better?

I believe he does.

If we don't do something now,

he'll become a bigger monster
than his father ever was.

Hey, my man, what's up?

Good to see you.

What are you doing here?

Auntie thought it'd be best
if I spend the night.

There's this, uh, Rick Fox-
lookin' n*gga out there

named Dante claiming
to be my dad.

She said it's safer
if I'm here.

Shit, for real?

It's not true.

Are you okay?

Monet says
it's... it's impossible.

He's just trying
to use me to get on.

Damn, Zeke, I'm sorry.

I'm good, D.

Some doors are...
are better left closed.

You feel me?

Gee, boy.

Now, the only person
that go down for these murders

is Tariq, you got that?

So I guess the kid
didn't do it.

I assume you planted
the Ramirez badge in his room.

You talk too f*cking much, man.

Look, you pull that trigger,

and you're k*lling
the only person

that can get you off for it.

Whether you like it or not,

you and Tariq are
in this together.

They don't care
about that professor.

They want the cop k*ller.

You're the one
they're looking for.


Look, Tariq had the chance
to say your name

but didn't take it.

But if he goes down for this,
yeah, so will you.

So me helping him is
me helping you, too.

I mean, none
of us would be here

if you hadn't planted
that badge.

Yeah, whatever, n*gga.

That might sound good for now,

but if I hear
my name mentioned...

Hey, I ain't saying shit as
long as the money rolling in.

That's what I like to hear.


Tell your mother
I said hello, Cane.

Wow, what's all this?

It's to make up for all those
years you spent

wearing old lingerie
in a cold bed upstate.

I love you, Mo.

It's all gonna work out the way
I say it will.

You'll see.

I know.

There's one thing
I need to know.

You're not still working
with Tariq, are you?


I shut it down...

just like you wanted.


Okay, Tariq, we worked it out.

What the f*ck
is she doing here?

She is here to save your life.

Five years in exchange for
the name of Ramirez's k*ller.

I pulled some strings
and can get Yasmine back

into that foster care family
that she liked.

And we'll send
your grandmother into rehab.

Once she's clean, Yasmine
will go back into her custody.

If you sign.

My father always did whatever
it took to save himself.

You know, people always telling
me how they don't want me

to end up anything like him,
but if I snitch,

I sign this paper, I'll...
I won't be anything better.

It's unbelievable.

Jesus Christ.

Tariq, this is
your last lifeline.

You really think I'ma be safe
in jail if I snitch?

You think my grandmother
and my... and my baby sister

could just walk
the streets safely?

I'm not taking that risk,
Tameika, I'm sorry.

Then we'll see you
in court tomorrow.

Good luck at trial, Tariq.
You'll need it.

And don't call me again.

Two, please.

You went behind my back
to make a deal with our client?

It was the only way to win.

Five years in is not a win.

Tariq refused
to take it anyway.

So nothing lost, right?


Tariq's girlfriend,
the one you saw with Jenny.

We need to find out
what she's gonna say.

Who was her legal counsel
at the police station?

Oh. Uh...

Holy shit.

Yo, I got ten minutes before
I gotta get back to campus,

or 12 is pulling up right here,
come on.

Then I'll get straight to it.
Supplier cut us off.

No more product.

What the f*ck you mean
no more product?

I gotta be able
to pay my lawyer.

I know, and if you don't,
that's both our asses.

So you need to figure some shit
out and figure it out fast.

What the f*ck
you mean fast, bro?

My trial's tomorrow.

That sounds like a you problem.

Cane, what you expect me to do
with no product?

I don't understand, bro.

Well, you supposed to be
the smart one, right?


There's money out here.

There's more
than one way to get it.

I always knew
you were unhinged, Carrie,

but using a student
to sabotage my client

under the guise
of being her counsel?

I should have you up
before the ethics committee.


You don't have an ethical bone
in your body, Davis.

And what bone haven't you had
in yours, counselor?

Hmm? Because by my last count,
you've slept with, hmm,

four people involved
in this case.

Or am I missing any?

You know, it can be
hard to keep track.

f*ck you, Davis.

Your body count is
exponentially higher than mine.

And you're married.

How is Marilyn, by the way?

You're playing
a dangerous game here, Carrie,

and bringing innocent people
down with you.

If Lauren Baldwin
is called as a witness,

rest assured, I'm going
to rip her apart on the stand.

This has nothing
to do with Lauren.

- You made it about her.
- No.

If Tariq finds out
what she did...

Davis, it's not safe.

You can't mention
her name to him.

And miss the joy
of eviscerating her on cross?


But you can be sure
of one thing.

My client is going free.

Whatever it takes.