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03x16 - It's Raining Men

Posted: 03/07/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Felicity:

Whoo! I got the job.
I'm moving to Seattle.

We should T.P. the library.
That would make Richard crazy!

You'd love if Avery got between
me and Felicity. I think she has.

The only person getting
between me and Felicity is you.

What is he talking
about? She kissed me.

One kiss.

Felicity, look, I'm sorry, OK?

That was completely insensitive
of me. I had no right to do that.

Let's just forget about it. No, that
never works. We have to talk about this.

Will you just wait?
Otherwise it's gonna fester.

Then one day all this rage and
resentment you're feeling towards me

is gonna come to the surface
and explode, so just talk to me.

There's nothing to talk
about. I'm dating Ben, and...

I don't have anything
to reveal to you.

Unless there's something you want to
tell me. Then you should tell me now.

No. No, there's nothing.

You just kissed me!

I know. Can we just drop
it? Just drop it, please.

It just feels weird
to just drop it now.

You were the one who didn't
wanna talk about it. I don't.

But now I don't like
the way I feel either.

How do you feel?

I feel like I don't know how
to be normal with you again.

You know what the truth is? I don't know if
I even know what that is anymore with you.

Friends! That's what I mean.

Yeah, I know what you mean, but I
don't know the last time I felt that way.

Then this whole
year's been a lie.

Maybe it has.

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ A new wallpaper

♪ A new shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ I don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new version of me

♪ New version of you

I need a new version of me ♪

Here you go.

Hey, can I talk to
you for a second?

Yeah, sure, yeah.

Come here. Hi.

Listen. I hate that fight
we had. I know. So do I.

It doesn't matter what Noel or
Avery wants. I know. It's what we want.

Exactly. I know, I know, I know.

So, can we just...

What? You wanna make up?

Can we just do that?
Yes, please. Yes.

OK, what does it feel like
when I'm having a heart attack?

Javier, you look really pale.

It's hard for me to breathe. It's
like an elephant sat on my chest.

Call a cab. OK.

Oh, it's happening again! OK.

Are you there,
God? It's me, Javier.

Look, if I make it through this,

I promise I'll work out every
day... weights and cardio.

And I'll stop
bad-mouthing Consuela,

and I'll tell Samuel about those Milky
Ways I have hidden in the linen closet.

And I'll go to confession more, even
though Father John's got that B.O.

Hey. I reached Samuel. He's
gonna fly back this afternoon.

OK, good. I hope he
makes it in time to say adios.

Listen, if I don't make it, I want you to
have my collection of cashmere sweaters.

Why don't we wait for the results of the
test before you start writing a will, OK?

OK. OK, Mr. Quintata.

I have the results of
your cardiac enzymes.

OK, I can't take this. It's OK.

They're normal, and you
didn't have a heart attack.

But your EKG does show
the possibility of an arrhythmia.


What does that mean?

It means your heart is
beating with an irregular rhythm.

It could be nothing, but we
should admit you for observation.

I'll check in on you later.
OK. That's it. I'm dead.

No, you're not. This is good
news. She said it could be nothing.

This is my house key, OK? I need you to go
home, feed Mommy, and bring me a nightgown.

The lilac one. It has a periwinkle
collar, very nice. It's in plastic.

This hospital gown makes me
look like I'm as big as a house.

And if I'm going to be observed, I
want to be observed looking thin.

This is the manager
key to Dean & Deluca.

You're the boss now.

Javier, my personal
life is a mess right now.

I have finals! I mean, is there
anyone else who can do this?

I trust only you. I need you. You
heard the doctor. I have a rhythm!


How's it goin'?

Oh, God! It is so hard to
write a bar mitzvah speech.

It's the first public address
for me as an actual man.

Uh-huh. What?

Nothing. Good luck with
your speech. Thank you.

So I'm gonna see
you there later, right?

You know, I don't really think
that we need couples therapy.

Yes, we do. Why?
Why? We're kissing.

We're talking. We
had sex last night.

Wait, no, no, we didn't.

God, that was an amazing dream.

OK, we have issues, Megan.
We do. We have problems.

Come on! We fight and break up and
get back together three times every week!

I dated a guy with
a pierced scrotum.

I'm just saying that this is not the most
abnormal relationship I've ever been in.

We're going to therapy, OK? We're
going to therapy. We have an appointment.

And you even agreed to it. You
said, "Sean, I'll go." Remember?

Didn't you say that?
Good. Yes! Fine.



People think they can get away
with anything these days. You know?

No one's willing to suffer
the consequences anymore.

Take responsibility for their actions.
And you know who takes the fall?


Damn straight. The president.
People love kicking me around.

I'm sure whoever
did it regrets it.

We're about to find out.

Hey, what's with
all the messages?

This is videotape.

Yes, it is.

It's not just any videotape. It's the
surveillance tape from this very library.

You're busted, Crane.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

You're practically waving
at the camera on this thing.

Might as well be your graduation picture.
That is, assuming you're still graduating.

Huh? If it were up to me,
this would be in the fire now.

But the administration's seen it, and they
want heads to roll. Preferably yours...

and whoever your partner is.

You can't see who it is? No.
But I've got a pretty good idea.

Don't look at me. I'm
not saying anything.

I know you're covering, man!

And you're only making it worse.
It's not me, it's the administration.

Then talk to them. You can do
something, all right? Convince them.

'Cause I'm not gonna lose everything I've
worked for over a couple rolls of toilet paper.

All right, I'll see what I can do, but
I'm not gonna make any promises.

All right.

I'm sorry you had to see that.


Oh, hey. How's it goin'?

I'm surviving. God, I spent so
much time preparing for the MCATs,

I don't think I'm gonna
make it through finals.

Look, um...

I've been feeling stupid
about... about the kiss.

You shouldn't feel stupid.

Look, um,

it was... it was a mistake,

and, um, I'm sorry.

I just think maybe we should
spend a little time together.

We should hang out,
see how things go.

Well, what did you have in mind?

Coffee, a drink. You know.

How do you feel about karaoke?

What are you
doing? I'm studying.

You're eating my cereal. What
do you mean, "your cereal"?

I mean I bought it yesterday.

You can have the cereal, but we both
know what you're really pissed off about.

I think I left my French book
here. My final's tomorrow, so... Hey.


Your class wasn't canceled,
was it? I wish. Why?

Because I'd drag you back to Dean
& Deluca with me. I called everyone.

Do you know how many people
agreed to take an extra shift? How many?

Zero. Yeah, it's tough
being the manager.

I know. I have a whole new
respect for what Javier does.

Do you realize that besides you,
I'm the only one working this week?

Which screws me for finals. Plus, I
forgot to pick up Javier's nightgown.

The hospital one
makes him look fat.

I can pick that up
after class if you want.

No, it's OK. I'll do
it. What can I do?

You know what you can do? What?

I have to ask Noel to
work at Dean & Deluca.

He's the only one left. He's worked
there before. He knows the place.

He's in love with you.

Whatever he is
with me... I mean...

I'm the manager at that store,
and I have to keep it running.

He's my only hope.
Well, ask him. I don't care.

Not that he's even
gonna say yes,

but in the event that he
does, will you promise

to be nice to him?
I'm always nice to him!

Can I just get
right to the point?


Thanks. Um, look, I know
things are weird between us.

But I also know us well enough to
know that we're gonna get through this.

Anyway, if there is any way
we can get through this together

while you're helping me out by
taking some shifts at Dean & Deluca,

it would make my life like a
thousand times better right now.


Please. If that helps.

It doesn't help.
"Please" doesn't help.

I can't do this
anymore. Do what?

I don't wanna be the... The
loser guy friend anymore.

You're not the loser guy friend.

All right.

Next time Ben goes to
Southampton with Avery

or the next time he
beats up a frat guy

or the next time he does something
stupid, like he's bound to do,

I'm not gonna be there for you.

You're on your own.

♪ Jessie is a friend

♪ Yeah, I know he's
been a good friend of mine

♪ But lately something's
changed, it ain't hard to define

♪ Jessie's got himself a girl
and I wanna make her mine

♪ And she's watching
him with those eyes

God bless him for trying!

Well, whatever you you,
don't let him do "White Rabbit."

It makes him freak out.
And this isn't freaking out?

♪ I wish that I
had Jessie's girl

♪ I wish that I
had Jessie's girl

♪ Why can't I find a
woman like that? ♪

"Jessie's Girl." All right!
Thanks a lot, Richard.

Wait. "Hot Blooded" while I still
got 'em. Thanks. We appreciate it.

Are we good? Step on.
All right. Take it easy.

All right. Hey, you
guys, what's happening?

I'm Mighty Mike in the house. And we're gonna
take it back to the old school one time.

I know you all know this one,
so sing along as you feel it.


♪ Hey

♪ Do it now

♪ Uh


♪ Oh

♪ There was a...

♪ There once was a boogie singer

♪ Playin' in a
rock 'n' roll band

♪ I never had no problem, yeah

♪ They're burnin'
down the one-night stand

♪ When everything
around me, yeah

♪ Got to start to feelin' so low

♪ And I decided
quickly ♪ Yes, I did

♪ To disco down
and check out the show

♪ Yeah, they were dancin' and
singin' and movin' to the groovin'

♪ And just when it hit me

♪ Somebody turned
around and shouted

♪ Play that funky
music, white boy

♪ Play that funky music right

♪ Play that funky
music, white boy

♪ Lay down that boogie and
play that funky music till you die

♪ Till you die ♪ Until you die

♪ Till you die! ♪

♪ Lay down the boogie and
play that funky music till you die ♪

Whoo! Goodness. Oh, my
God. You don't understand.

I have never gotten up
in front of people like that.

It was like... It was like I was possessed
or something. It's the power of funk.

And you, you were amazing! I
mean, you're like this karaoke genius.

Well, you know, I like to
keep the ladies guessin'.

You definitely do.

I-I still wanna listen to
music. Do you wanna come in?

Come on! It'll be fun.

Of course it'll be fun.
We're definitely fun together.

But then it's gonna
be proving time again,

where you try to prove to yourself that
you're open-minded about the fat guy.

And I thought we already did
that experiment, and it didn't work.

So just don't invite me
in, and we'll leave it at that.


So, I'll see you around.

OK, I like to start sessions off with new
clients by having them repeat a few phrases

just to make sure we
all have our ears on, OK?

You ready? Repeat
everything I just said.

Uh, I like to... I like to...

start off with new clients...
start off with new clients...

in session by having them repeat things
that I just said. by having them repeat...

Make sure they've got their... ears
on. Make sure they have their ears on.


Another point I like to make is
that the very fact that you're here

is evidence that this
marriage can survive.

Uh, there's no marriage.

Oh. Well. Sean, how
do you feel about that?

Did you hear what she said?
Did that sting or anything?

Um, Megan's not my wife.

OK, people, look. Step one...
a little optimism doesn't hurt.

Actually, we're not
married. We're dating.

Oh. Oh! Then what's that
ring on your ring finger?

An eyeball.


Uh, well...

Why don't we just jump right
into some role-playing. OK?

Megan, I want you to be Sean.

Talk to me as if you were Sean.

So, Sean, what is
the problem here?

I don't...

We fight a lot.

And we break up and then we
get back together, and it's annoying.

Actually, my rabbi suggested
that we come see you. It's true.

That's good, very good.

Now, Megan, how do you feel about that
assessment, huh? You don't have to agree.

No, I do agree.

Actually, it's... I'm sorry.

Do you have a problem? Nothing.

It's just my, uh... It's my leather
panties are riding up again.

Sorry. Ow.

So why do you two think that you fight
so much? Because I'm self-centered.

Who are you now?

Sean! Obviously. Oh,
you're self-centered?


I take all my insecurities out on my boyfriend,
who happens to have a lot of interests.

Forgive him. Oh, ho-ho!

Oh, you wanna come
to my bar mitzvah?

You wanna see my movie? You
wanna try some Smoothaise? That's...

Smoothaise? Who are you now?
Excuse me for being interesting.

Instead of figuring out what makes me
happy, I'll go out and get another tattoo.

OK. look, let's just go back
to being who we are, all right?

And repeat after me...
"We've got problems."

We've got problems.
We've got problems.

Yes, you guys replaced our nozzle hose
last week, and the thing snapped off again.

I don't know. The... the neck or
the head. Whatever you guys call it.


Are you OK? No.

Excuse me. I'd like to order,
please? We'll be right there.

What do you mean, turn it off? Your
guy specifically told us not to do that.

What about the pump? Ask him about
the pump. He said it would break the pump.

That guy doesn't work there
anymore. Turn it off. That sucks!

OK, not next week! That
is completely unacceptable.

Listen, listen, I am the
manager at Dean & Deluca,

and if there's one thing we
need, it's a functioning steamer.

Yes, 3:00 will be great. Thank
you very much. I'll see you at 3:00.

Ugh! OK, I'm late
for the hospital.

I've got to let Javier know that everything
is OK here. You're not the best liar.

I know. While I'm gone, you're gonna be in
charge, OK? No, no, no. That's not smart.

Come on, I have faith in you.


Did you, uh, talk to Richard?


Hi. Hey.

Hi. I'm sorry. I was, uh,

just thinking about my
upcoming expulsion.

Oh. Well, I'm sure Richard
will figure something out for you.

That doesn't exactly
inspire confidence.

Um, I just wanna say that...

the way you're protecting
Felicity is really understanding.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, she told me the next
day that you'd T.P.'d together.


You're a good friend.

Well... I remember
when I first came here.

Elena told me that you two,
you know, used to go out.

And now you're
friends. And I thought,

that must be kinda tough,
being friends with your ex.

It never worked out for me.

But you two are incredible. You
just have this amazing friendship.

Whatever happens,
you have each other.

And that's special.

Yeah, it is.

I couldn't find your
lilac nightgown.

And I didn't know which slippers you
wanted, so I just brought them both.

Thank you, my angel.

Javier, you're gonna be fine.

Not if they don't stop
this crazy beeping!

So, how is Dean &
Deluca without me?

Um, well, everything
is actually great.

Everything's running smoothly, and... I
mean, not that we don't wish you were there,

because we do. Aww.

And when I'm not there,
Ben's in charge. Benjamin?

OK, I said... I said no stress.

It's fine. Trust me.

Am I flat-lining? No,
it's my cell phone.

Hi. You fixed it.

Fixed what? Nothing.
Everything's fine.


It's good, it's good.

OK, we got the manager here.

Ben, what happened?

This thing caught on fire. How?

I don't know how! Then the alarm
went off. I called the fire department.

Then the sprinklers went off. There
has to be some valve... My God!

I know, I know, I know.
Where would it be?

Uh, the thing in the back.
What about the thing in the back?

Javier is gonna k*ll
us. I know, I know.

Put it on there. Yeah, yeah. OK.

OK, wait. Start again.

No way. I'm never... So, how
come there are no customers?

Hey! Come here!
Come here and help us.

What are we doin'?
You gotta pull this.

Ahh! You guys, keep going!

Oh, it's stopping. Oh, God!

You guys all right? Thank you.

You're welcome.

Is that what you really think? That I take
out all my personal frustrations on you?

That I'm unhappy in my life and
so I try to make you suffer for it?

Dr. Zwick suggested that
we not do this at home.

I don't think we need Dr. Zwick to solve
this problem. Is that what you really think?

Do you really think all
I care about is myself?

Sean, everyone who
knows you thinks that.

I'm an entrepreneur, Megan. If
you don't like that, you can leave it.

That's my point. I want out.

Oh! If you are so
self-involved and shallow

as to think that all the problems
in our relationship are my fault...

Wait! Let me guess. You're
breaking up with me. Yes! Finally!

Why am I not shocked by that? The second
anything gets a little annoying, you run.

You go straight for
the breakup card.

If we're so miserable, why are we still
together? Maybe we shouldn't be together.

But even I know that a real relationship,
with depth and communication, takes work.

So you know what? I dare you not to break
up with me and go to our appointment today.

I'll see you there. Fine.

Fine. Jerk!

The good thing is your floor is
triple-coated and multi-drained,

so you're not gonna get your
waterlogged, oversaturated scenario.

About how long do you
think this will take to clean up?

Pump, double fan, blower,

extractor, manual work... I
can make this happen by 4:00.

You mean we could reopen
today? If the three of you help me out.

My crew's on another job in
Tredbeck. This ain't nothin'.

Did you guys hear that?
Can you stick around till 4:00?

I'm not going anywhere. Yeah. I don't
mind the suction cup sensation in my shoes.

I had a great
time last night. OK.

No, it was more than great. It was
the best time I've had in a long time.

There was chemistry between us.

And don't you dare say that you
didn't feel it. OK, maybe I felt it.

Maybe? Shh.

I invited you in because I think that
you are amazing and funny and great.

And I didn't want our date, or
whatever you want to call it, to end.

Instead of being honest with me and telling me
what was really going on in your messed-up head,

you accused me of being
obsessed with your fat... again!

When you're the only person
that's obsessed with your fat!

Shh. Relax. I'm leaving!

We're closed.


What the hell's goin' on? You
guys taking a coffee break?

No. The sprinklers went off...
Did you talk to the dean? Yes.

You're gonna graduate.
Yes! Thank God!

No, thank me. I had to pull some
serious strings, Crane. You owe me huge.

All right. You want a cup of coffee
as a token of my appreciation?

I didn't say you were off scot-free.
What are you talking about?

The administration
accepted a plea bargain.

You gotta restock the bathrooms
in every building on campus.

What do you mean, every building?
40 buildings, 200 bathrooms.

What? You wanna graduate or
what? You should be kissing my ass.

Yeah, I know, I know.
You're right. I just...

Noel, can I get a
hand back here?

Yeah. Um, thank you.

Really. Yeah.

Hey, Richard.

Don't "hey" me. I know all
about your little library escapade.

All right, Noel's taking the fall
for you. Are you aware of that?

Is he gonna get in
trouble or something?

I'm not saying Sean hasn't
been through a lot this year.

Losing a testicle's
a big deal. I get it.

OK, repeat that.

- Losing a testicle's a big deal.
- She gets it. Go on.

Our whole relationship, it's like the
"Sean Show." It's always about him.

All right, we're gonna play a little game.
It's called "I Love My Partner, But..."

Megan, you go first.
Just finish the sentence.

Why does she get to go first?

Because I'm the one with
the Ph.D., OK? OK, go.

I love my partner, but
he always has to go first.

Did you see that? It
just proves my point!

All he cares about is himself. That's
why he's having this stupid bar mitzvah.

"Stupid bar mitzvah"? This is
really good. I hope you're getting this.

When I say "stupid,"
I mean stupid for you.

It's just another event so
we can all focus on Sean.

It's like that stupid endless
documentary. What the hell is that?

You're like this 27-year-old guy who's
hanging out mostly with college students,

inventing things that don't work, spending
your time making this worthless documentary,

and then finding God and deciding,
"Oh, I'm gonna have a bar mitzvah.

It's the only thing in
my life that works!"

Thank you for doing this.

You're welcome.

I just mean, I know that it was
uncomfortable for you, sort of.

So... If it was that awkward,
I wouldn't have come.

And thank you for
the Richard thing...

For not telling him that I
was with you that night.

Don't worry about it. I just have
to restock some toilet paper...

in, like, 200 bathrooms.

Oh, my God.


So, are we really not
gonna be friends anymore?

Oh, I think I can put up with
you for another three weeks.

Three weeks. Wow.

You know, that job I
offered you is still available.

Well, I actually... I've kinda...
I made some other plans.

Oh. Well, what...
What are your plans?

Um, I'm gonna... I'm gonna
go to Boulder with Ben.


Sean, you still haven't shared.

I know.

"I love my partner, but..."

I love my partner,

but sometimes she
makes it really hard...

to tell her the truth.

What does that mean?

I am... I am too old...

to, you know, for all my
friends to be in college.

And all of my inventions
really aren't worth...


The Independent... The Independent
Film Channel isn't interested.

They saw a rough cut of my
movie, and a guy called me,

and he said that they didn't
have time on their schedule.

And when he, uh, when he hung up
the phone, he didn't really hang it up.

So I could hear
the conversation.

He was talking to some
guy who worked there.

And he was, uh, he was
laughing about my movie.

They were laughing
about it, about...

About how...

amateurish it was.

You're right.

This bar mitzvah
thing, it's a joke.

I have to... I'm just
gonna call it off.

I'll be right back.

Hey, how's inventory coming? I
wanna call the supplier before they close.

Yeah. I'm almost
done. What's wrong?

I just got a call from
that guy from Colorado.

They're pushing that
whole job until September.

So what does that mean?
No job? Yeah, no job.

I'm sorry. It's all right.

It would've been nice to make enough
money for next year. It would've been nice.

What? Nothing.

You really wanted to go to Colorado,
didn't you? Yeah, I actually really did.

So what do you wanna do?

You know, Noel mentioned
that job thing again in Seattle.

Do you wanna go?


Just wanted to talk
to you about Seattle.

What about it?

Well, Felicity's
thinking about doing it...

The job, whatever it
is, that you offered her.

What? She's interested?
Yeah, she's thinking about it.

What about Boulder?
Uh, Boulder fell through.

So... here's the thing.

If she does do it, I'm
probably gonna go.

And if I do, I just wanna make sure
that you and me are gonna be cool.

Yeah. Yeah, we're cool.


I shouldn't have brought up the
job again. It was a mistake. Why?

Because it's not worth it for me,
not if Ben's gonna be there with you.

But, Noel, if I was going to Seattle, of
course I would bring Ben. He's my boyfriend.

I know. I understand. I've been
reminded of that a million times lately.

I get it. So you're
only offering me the job

if Ben doesn't go.

What's going on?
I'm talking to Felicity.

Yeah, I can see
that. Do you mind?

Yeah, I kinda do.
You're being a d*ck. Ben.

What? What's going on?
He's just talking to me.

You know what? Forget it. No!

I said forget about it! No,
let's not. Let's not forget it.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?
Hey. Hey, hey, knock it off.

Listen. You can talk to her all you
want, but it's not gonna change a thing.

You got it? Not a thing.

You all right?

I don't know. They just hate
each other so much and...

I'm not supposed to be
bothering you with this stuff.

No, no, no, no. It's OK.

Look, sweetheart, you
know I love you, right?

But you are trying
to eat your cake, too.

You want both of these
attractive boys in your life,

and you can't have it that
way. You made your choice.

Right? Yeah, but
that doesn't mean...

That shouldn't mean that I
can't be friends with Noel.

Look at me. Listen to me.

If you want to be with
Benjamin, then be with him.

If you want Noel as a friend, that's OK,
but you can't make him Benjamin's friend.

Yeah. Yeah, I
guess you're right.

I know it's not easy.

It's like that song
"Growing up is hard to do."

You know I love you.

You're free to go. Are
you talking to me or her?

You. All your
tests are negative.

Negative like, "I'm not
going to live" negative?

You had a panic attack.
You could lose a few pounds.

OK, no need to get
nasty. Take care.

It's not my time!

I shouldn't have
said what I did.

No. If you felt it, it was real.

And you have to respect that.

It was kinda harsh, though.


I just had to walk around
the block... a few dozen times.

All right, I would like
to play another game.

Can I role-play? Just for
a second? Can I be Sean?

I got it, Megan. I got
it. Just for a second?


My name is Sean. And I'm a
loser, OK? This is unbelievable...

Please, can we stop?
And my girlfriend...

can be so... mean.

She says things that...
She talks before she thinks.

And she's so sorry.

She's so sorry, she doesn't
even have words to express it.

That's how sorry she is.

But she loves me so much.

Because more than anything else,

I, Sean...

am brave.

I try.

I put myself out there.

When I have an idea, I do
something. I see it through.

And I don't care
what anyone thinks,

especially some doofus at
the Independent Film Channel.

And because of that,

I'm more of a man
than even I know.

I'm so sorry.

I'm s...

I'm sorry.

All right, a kiss
doesn't mean bliss.

No. You two have a lot of problems.
There's a lot of work to be done.

How is next Wednesday for...

People? Hello? Hello?




Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine.

I feel so stupid...

that I thought,
even for a second,

the three of us
could go to Seattle.

I mean, I get it. It's
a great opportunity.

I'm not going.

I wanna spend the summer
with you, just the two of us.

Listen, I...

I wanna be clear about this.

I don't want you to feel like I'm asking you
to cut Noel out of your life, 'cause I'm not.

No, I know you're not.

That's something I
have to figure out.


Come back after finals.

Hey. I have three long essays
to read by 9 a.m. tomorrow.

You want me to go? Not
if you're here to apologize.

I am.

OK. Well, get to it.

OK. Uh... Damn.

I thought about what you said.

And, OK, maybe you were
inviting me in because you liked me.


OK, definitely.

It's just hard for me to
believe that someone like you

could seriously be
into someone like me.

Not that it hasn't happened
in the past, you know.

I have had girlfriends before,
and they didn't all look like me.

But the thing is, it's
usually some situation

where she just got
dumped by this super stud,

and she looks at
me like I'm a safe bet,

and I'm a lot of fun, and
she won't have to care,

because obviously

I should be grateful that
she went out with me at all.

And I gotta say, I don't
wanna be that guy anymore.

I don't want you to be
grateful that I go out with you.


I can't make any
promises about the future.

I got it.

I know that I have baggage from
my past relationships, but so do you.

Oh, yeah, that's true.

And we haven't even begun to
talk about how you feel about...

Noel? Yeah?

Um, it's... it's Felicity.
Can I come in?


I-I just wanted to tell you
that I can't take that job.

I can't go to Seattle.

This is like the 30th
bathroom I've been to.

Yeah, me too.

Noel, I don't wanna lose you.

Our friendship means
so much to me. Stop.

Just... Don't say anything else.

Look, I know what you're
gonna say... that, uh,

that I'm your friend,
your best friend.

And that we have a history together
and that that means something.

It does mean a lot, actually.

I just... I love you too
much to be friends right now.

I hope you understand that.


I'll miss you.

♪ I met you once
before, the first time

♪ Cinema one or
two, I noticed you

♪ Standing in line

♪ Your eyes met mine

♪ And I could not look away

♪ There we were

♪ In a perfect moment

♪ A perfect moment in time

♪ For a moment you were mine

♪ I wasn't ready
for the last time

♪ But wasn't I
supposed to let you go?

Just for a moment
you were mine ♪