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03x08 - A Good Egg

Posted: 03/07/22 17:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Felicity:

Last week when I was
installing her computer,

I happened to see her e-mail
address and password. Oh, God, no.

Exactly! You cannot,
under any circumstances,

read that girl's e-mail.

I know. Trust me.
Lies ruin everything.

Elena told me about the affair.
We were only together one time.


So, any first-timers?



Hey. OK, I need a sentence
on Jeff Koons. The artist?

Yeah. Something casually
profound but not glib.

What, is this for a class
or something? Yeah.

It's this project
that I'm working on.

Oh, yeah, what's-her-name? What?

Sean said that there's a girl?

Great. Her name's Jane.

OK, um... Wait.
Let me write it down.

OK, he takes...

mundane things and
turns them into icons,

making us rethink
everyday objects.

You're a genius. Yeah, I know.

Here he is!

Oh, my gosh! Javier!

Oh, I love your blouse.

Is this Isaiah? Yes, it is.

Hello. He's so beautiful.
Isn't he, though?

Who's this? My nephew.

The first in a new
generation of Quintatas.

Can I talk to you?
Yeah, of course.


Yeah. You want me to watch him?

Oh, you're so
perceptive. Yes, please.

He likes it when you
make a monkey face.

I can do that, huh?

He's beautiful. Oh, I
know, I know, I know.

The second I picked
him up at the airport

and saw Isaiah's
tiny fingers, oh,

I got this, like, maternal flame lit
up inside of me like a blowtorch.

Oh, Javier.

Since then, I keep thinking,

is he gonna become president,

or an astronaut, or, like,
this fantastic pastry chef

who would make the
most incredible flan?

What did you want
to talk to me about?

I am talking about it.

Samuel and I have been
thinking about this for a long time.

Um, we want to be parents.

Javier, that's so
exciting. I know.

Oh, my gosh! Here's where
the big question comes in.

Would you ever consider...
having a baby with me?


A-Are you kidding?
No, I'm not kidding.

You know, you have my
most favorite genes, you know.

And I'm not talking
Jordache, of course.

It's OK if you say no, but...

would you be the
mother of my child?

♪ Can you become

♪ Can you become

♪ A new version of you

♪ New wallpaper

♪ New shoe leather

♪ A new way home

♪ You don't remember

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new

♪ Version of me

♪ New version of you

♪ I need a new

Version of me ♪

Well, there's this girl.
She's sort of the leader.

And, it's weird, they
sit around and they talk.

They don't force you to talk.

You just do.

And are... are all
of them students?

Yeah, most of them are students.

It's crazy. Some of them have
some messed-up stuff going on.

Like what?

Well, that's the thing.

I can't really talk about it outside
the meeting 'cause it's... anonymous.

Right. Sorry. Of
course. Yeah. It's OK.

I'm really glad you went.

Yeah, me, too.

So did you talk? Did you
say anything? No, I didn't talk.

This was my first meeting.
I just wanted to go and...

just listen to what
they had to say.

So, no, I didn't talk.

Uh, how was work?

Um... Well, uh...

Javier wants me to be
the mother of his baby.

Yeah, no kidding.

But really, literally,

he wants me to,
uh, donate an egg.

A what? An egg.

Um, Samuel and Javier
want to have a baby.

And I guess this
happens all the time

where a doctor harvests an egg.

Harvests? What do you mean?

He puts it in a test tube with Javier's
sperm, and then they would implant it

into Samuel's 49-year-old aunt.

OK, you can't use "Javier" and
"sperm" in the same sentence.

I know. The thing is,

they've been looking
through these catalogs

of women who are
willing to donate,

and they feel like it's ordering
furniture, which I totally respect,

because how can you choose
the parent of your child in a catalog?

Yeah, I understand that,

but you're not really thinking
about doing this, are you?



Good. Yeah.

Tracy. Finally.

I've been looking all over
for you. Where've you been?

Nowhere. Nowhere?

Did you get any of my messages?

Look, I am having a
complete physics meltdown.

I can't solve a circuit problem to
save my life, and our test is Thursday.

So are we having a study
session or what? I am.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means Finn told me.


Play dumb about circuits. Don't play
dumb about sleeping with another guy.

I gotta go. Wait, Tracy.

Let me explain.

I don't want to hear
you explain, Elena.

You slept with Finn. That's
all I need to know. Look. Um...

I know that was
the most horrible,

most disrespectful thing I
ever could have done to you...

Stop. Ever since we started going
out, you had a problem with me,

with not having sex.

No, that wasn't
it. I was confused,

and then I got caught up in
the moment, and I thought...

You had your sex now.
I hope it was worth it.

No, baby, it wasn't worth it.
Who are you calling your baby?

OK, I am not your baby.

No, I do. I like Bangharra.

No, it's OK if you didn't.

OK. You know, to
the untrained eye,

Australian dancing can look like

a really, really long game
of Red Light, Green Light,

but I got something from that,

like when that Aborigine limped away
after falling from the Tree of Knowledge.

Yeah. That was an accident.

I think the man
twisted his ankle.

Oh. You want one of these? Yeah.

Hey, one for the lady and
one for the philistine, please.

Wait. What?

I didn't know philistines
when to museums.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Met just... Thank you.

The Met just hung a new
show of this artist I like...

Jeff Koons?

You know him? I mean,
you're familiar with his work?

I've seen the show twice.

In fact, I just e-mailed
my friend yesterday

about how
unbelievable I think he is.

Yeah, I totally agree.

What this guy does with mundane
things... and he turns them into icons...

It totally makes you rethink
everyday objects. Yes.

Noel, how did this happen? Hmm?

You just, like, dropping out of nowhere
and us having so much in common?

That never happens.

Maybe... Maybe that's
not what's happening.

I mean, me dropping
out of nowhere.

Do you have another explanation?

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do.


the planets aligning.

Look, maybe, uh...
maybe I just got lucky.

I'm sorry. I didn't...
No, I'm sorry.

No, it's my fault. I feel
like a fool. No, you're not.

You are this great guy,

and I really like you. I just...

There's somebody else. Mm-hmm.

It's not like we're seeing each
other. He's just an old friend.

I know.

I mean, you know, I
know that it's confusing...

I mean, that
situation, it's... I know.

Yeah, I just need
to work it out.


I don't want to lead you on.
I don't want to mislead you.

Um, I think honesty between
us is really important to me.

Yeah, I mean, it's...
it's important to me, too.


Something else
we have in common.

Yeah. Yeah.

Walk me home?

I don't agree with you. I
actively don't agree with you.

Uh, I didn't... I
didn't say anything.

Look in the back of the
university newspaper.

There are a dozen adds offering
over $50,000 to an egg donor.

Oh, man. Are you really
thinking about doing that?

People donate eggs
all the time for cash.

But not to people they know. That's my
point. Why shouldn't they help a friend?

Who deserves to be a
father more than Javier?

I'm not saying he doesn't
deserve to be a father,

but with a baby that's
half you? Why not?

I don't know. I just...

Have you thought this through,
'cause I haven't? Yes, I have.

And quick, because you do
these things impulsively sometimes.

This is not one of those
times. Are you sure?


Hey, what's going on?

I told my brother that Samuel
and I were looking to have a baby,

and he went
ballistical, saying that...

the kid will always be made
fun of for having two fathers.

And then I got
really angry back,

and then I started saying some really
awful things to him, and it's just bad.

I want to do it.

The baby...

I want to look into it
and see if I can harvest.

A baby?

A baby.

Come here.

Do you know what you are doing?

Oh, yeah.

You're giving us a family.

Mom, I've known Javier
for almost two years now.

He's been my boss, my
friend. I was his best man.

Of course I trust him.

But, Mom... Can I say something?

Hang on a second.
I'll see you later.

Where are you going?
To a movie. Good luck.

She thinks I'm crazy.
You know what I think?

I think this is a wonderful
thing. Thank you.

OK. See ya. Bye.

OK. Sorry.

Yes, I will listen to your
reasons one more time.

Oh, my God. What? Oh,
no! What are you doing?

Turn that off! You
got her password.

No, I did not. She's a friend
of mine. That's a felony, Noel.

This is a great hook. She's not a
friend of yours. She is a friend of mine.

You just want to date her. Look
what you're doing. Turn that off.

Can you erase that?
Turn it off! It's off, Noel.

You come into my room,
I'm busy, I got... Relax.

Just tell me, are you... are
you reading her e-mails?

Between you and
me, yes, I am, but...

I was only going to do
it once, just to kind of...

But now I'm competing with some
guy named Tricky, and... Is that off?

Tricky? Tricky.

He's some guy that she's known
for, like, ever from summer camp,

and now he's sending her flowers
and taking her to Rangers games.

And all I'm... Oh, my God. What?

No, no, no. The e-mail is
gone. So what? That's good.

Because the address to the old-age
home is on the camera. Give me that camera.

What old-age home?
Can you stop and rewind it?

What old-age home? The one where
she volunteers, where I'm gonna volunteer.

Get it? Noel!

Oh, my God, man! What?

You're gonna try
and win over a girl

by pretending that you share
her concern for the elderly?

That's sick, man.

You got a problem.

Oh, I didn't... That sounds
so scary. Think about it.

No, you're right.
You're totally right.

I mean... here I am...

I've been acting without any
integrity just to... go out with some girl.

Right. To date her. I mean...


Sick. Well, I'm
sorry. I didn't...

I mean, I didn't mean
to... Hey! Hey, back off!


Jane. Uh, hey, what
are you doing here?

I was about to ask
you the same question.

Your move, Crane.

Here. Come on. Sit down.
Watch me dismantle Howie here.

Noel, look. I know we have a
lot in common, but this is strange.

I know. You're following me.


What was that?

All right.

I don't know anything
about this game,

but, um, are we winning?

Or are we losing?

We're losing,

but I'm sensing a rally.


Oh, I'm sorry. Felicity?

Uh, yeah. The assistant
told me to come in.

Are you Liz Wechter? Come on in.

When he's hungry, he
expects food on the table.

Typical guy.


If I seem a little disorganized, it's because
I'm operating on about three hours' sleep.

Oh, no, you obviously
have your hands full.

Thanks to someone like you.

I needed an egg
donor to have Jake.

So I know firsthand that
what you're doing is wonderful.

What is it exactly
that I'm doing?

I just mean procedurally.

During the next four weeks, you'll be
taking daily injections of various hormones

designed to increase
your production of eggs.

As a result, you may
experience hot flashes,

headaches and moodiness.

Starting on the seventh
day of your cycle,

you'll get blood tests
and vaginal ultrasounds

to determine whether
the eggs are mature.

When they are, a
sonigraphic probe

will guide a needle
through your vag*na

into your ovaries where an
egg follicle will be retrieved.

You may feel a little pinch, but
you'll go home in an hour or two.

I just met with this
fertility counselor.

I had no idea how many
needles are involved in this thing.

If you think it's a
mistake, don't do it.

No, I'm gonna do it. I just...

You know, there are just so
many details I didn't realize -

like I have to sign
this contract that...

Well, I basically give up all rights
and responsibilities for the child,

including, and I quote,

"any say in the selective
reduction of multiple births

"and all financial obligations,

irrespective of any
physiological problems."

What's wrong?

I'm trying to write
a letter to Tracy.

I slept with Finn.


Yeah. I would've told
you sooner, but I got...

Please, don't worry about
me. Uh, does Tracy know?


Are you all right? I
mean, what happened?

I just got confused, you know.

I just... I ruined everything.


Do you think if you had
actually slept with Randy,

do you think Ben would
have forgiven you?

You don't know
what's gonna happen.

You guys... You
can work this out.

So a quick note before we begin.

Break will be in one hour.

And, as always, Vicki has brought in
her delicious brownies for us to enjoy.

And I'm sure I speak for
everyone when I say this.

I hope you hurry up and heal so I
don't have to gain another ten pounds.

OK, um...

who wants to get started?

Um... Uh...

I'm Ben.

Hi, Ben.



I... Um, I'm not
so good at this.

That's OK. None of us are.

You're here because someone
close to you is an alcoholic.


Uh, yeah, my, uh...

my, uh, my dad.

I, uh...

I hate my dad.

And, um...

that's all.

That's it.

That's enough.

Thank you.

Anyone else?

As you all know, I'm Molly.

Hi, Molly. Hi.


Uh... the last time I
spoke a few weeks ago,

I told you all about
my boyfriend James.

I was determined to break it
off, as you might remember.

Like some of you said, I, uh...

I need to protect myself.

Just seemed like it'd be
easier back then, you know?

'Cause James, he's going through
some really bad times right now.

Uh, and so I couldn't
break it with him,

not yet.

And he's using all of the time -

alcohol, dr*gs.

He's a bad influence on me, too.

I think that I'm
addicted to an addict.

All right, excuse me.
Who cost us our bishop?

You did! Uh-uh.

And our rook and both of
our horses and a queen.

What do you want from me?

I do not think Fishbeck has lost since,
like, the Eisenhower administration.

That was fun. I'm glad
that you followed me.

I freaked out back
there, didn't I? Yeah.

Uh, Noel, stuff like this
doesn't happen, not to me.

I've got a test.

What if we didn't have
that much in common?

I mean, hypothetically.
Would it make a difference?


Come on. You'd like me less if I
said I didn't understand Jeff Koons?

I never said I liked you.
Come to dinner with me.

Noel, I like you, but I was
not kidding about this test.

Tomorrow then? I have plans.

I know, but this is
important. You know?

I never told you
I had plans. No.

You're gorgeous

and smart and funny
and caring and...

and, you know, of
course you have plans.

I just wish they
could've been with me.


Is 7:30 OK?


Hey. Hey.

How're you doin'?

Um, OK.

I was at this meeting
last night, that meeting,

and I was thinking
about this egg thing.

I was just reading about it.

And you asked me what I think about
it, and this is what I think about it.

I really don't
want you to do it.

What do you mean, you
don't want me to do it?

Think about it. If you do this,
there's going to be a kid out there

that's biologically
yours, right?

Yeah, but a kid who
has two amazing parents.

But you don't know
what they're going to do.

What if you disagree with
how they raise the kid?

I don't think that's going to be a
problem. What if it is a problem?

You don't know
what's gonna happen.

Like... Look at
Julie for a second.

She was raised by two
people who really loved her,

but at some point she needed to
know who her real parents were.

This is a totally.
Different situation.

This is gonna be your kid.
You understand that? Your kid.

I totally hear what you're
saying. It logically makes sense...

Then why are you
doing it? This is so stupid.

You're always putting other
people's needs in front of your own.

You're always doing that.
You can't keep doing that.

Wait a second. Where
is this coming from?

Why are you so upset?

I just really don't
want you to do this.


What are you doing?

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

What are you doing over there?

We are low on Kenyan
roast and Soho blend.

Why am I telling you?
You're not working.

So, I think my brother's
coming around to the idea

because he got me a Baby Bjorn.

You know what that is? No.

It's this thing, and you look like a
human kangaroo when you wear it.

Listen, Javier. Um...

I-I've been thinking
a lot about this.

And... um, I actually had
a long talk today with Ben,

and, um...

w-we actually got into a
fight and... A-About the baby?


Ben... he's just not
comfortable with it and...

I guess I'm not really either.

Uh, yeah... No, I understand.

It feels horrible saying
no. It really does.

Forget it. We'll...

We got the, um, the
Smith College graduate

who seemed...

She seemed OK.


It's OK.

It's OK.

I'm sorry I'm late.

With a bucket.

What bucket?
Bucket in the question.

Oh, so just like
any bucket? Yeah.

Um, where are we?

Mechanics, problem 45.

Have we gotten
into circuits yet?

Lou just said we're
doing mechanics.

I just want to make sure
because Professor Skrumbis said

there's going to be a
short-answer question on circuits.

All right. Then do circuits.

Fine. I will.

You know what? I don't
care. I really don't care.

Do whatever the hell you
want to do. I really don't care.

The rest of us here
are doing mechanics.

I think, actually, the
rest of us need a break.

This is a study group,
not group therapy.

Look. Not that you care,

I couldn't sleep
last night and...

I kept thinking about us and me.

I wrote it all down.

If you care to hear how sorry I
am and how much I care about you,

it's all in here.

You stole her e-mail password?

Yes. I know, I
know. I get it. I'm dirt.

How can you ask me what to do? What
else is there to do? I have to tell her?

That's why you asked me. You
knew that's what I was going to say.

Yeah, I guess that's true.

You can't lie to this girl.

God, this poor girl.

You know what kills me is... all the
books I've read and the classes I've taken,

the people I've met at the senior
house where she volunteers.

Well, I like them all.

So, in many ways, being sneaky
has made me a better person.


You're so funny. Why?

Because you underestimate
yourself. You always have.

I have not.

I underestimate
myself, you think?

Just, if there's one guy
who doesn't have to lie

to get a girl's
attention, it's you.

Trust me.

You should lock your door.
This is Manhattan. OK?

What's wrong?
Tragedy has struck.

Hi, Noel. Hey.

Miss Smith College
wants a meeting.

What's wrong with that?

With the daddy and the mommy.

Oh, God.

Please? We've done this before.

And you were so good!


So, Mr. and Mrs. Quintata...

Javier and Felicity is fine.

"Mr. and Mrs." is
so... inappropriate.

OK. Uh, Felicity and Javier...

It's my fault.

What is?

Our, um, problem.

You should know
i-it's not for lack of love.

It's that I'm...


What were you... What
were you about to say?


I don't want you to think
of this as a test or anything.

I wouldn't have asked
for a meeting at all.

It's just that... I've been
through this once before,

and the couple lied.

God! What did they lie about?

Well, they told me they
were happily married,

and then a week before I
was supposed to donate,

the wife filed for a divorce.

Oh! Well, we...
will never do that.

We... We would never get
a divorce. Cannot happen.

It's just important to me for
this child to be in a loving home.

Well, we have that, you
know, in clubs, you know,

almost from the day we met.

That is so romantic.

Tell me about it.

Um... Uh...

I was applying for a job,

and, um...

there he was.

And you just knew?


No. I mean, yes.

That was the first time
we met. Um, but, no...

I mean, it wasn't...
love at first sight.

No. No, maybe, um...

like, second or third...

It was the time that I was wearing this
Armani knock-off. It was very slimming.

I'm really sorr...

What you're doing is amazing.

You deserve to know
the absolute honest truth.

And I don't know how exactly

to say this.

Creatively would be good.

Or, um... not at all.

Javier and I... um...

He is the sweetest,
dearest man that I know.

He is romantic

and optimistic.

And the truth is

he's my best friend,

and I love him so much.

And I know... I know he
would be a great father.


This is so amazing.

It's like you knew
exactly what to order.

Um... yeah.

It wasn't a good look?
No, it worked for me.

You know, you said
you were, uh, confused.

You seem like the least
confused woman I've ever met.

My friend Tricky... Mm-hmm.

He's like a brother.

Or he was like my brother
until he started wanting more.

Oh. So that's what you're
confused about... him wanting more?

'Cause I knew if we got involved,
it would ruin our friendship.

Mm-hmm, but you're
thinking about it?

I was.

You were?

Meaning... Meaning
you're not now?

No, I'm not.


I'm not, because of you.

Me? Yeah.

♪ You can be my friend

♪ And still still be a lady

♪ Loving had to end

♪ Our loving had to be that way

Oh, my God.

♪ I can be your brother


♪ I ain't no lover


♪ You can be my friend Um...

And still still be a lady ♪

This doesn't... feel right.

I mean, it feels
fantastic, but... Yeah?

Yeah. Remember when I told
you about that hypothetical?

You know, how you and I, hypothetically,
might not have that much in common?

Yeah. You remember that? Yeah.

Yeah. Well...


It turns out that, uh,
that it's not hypothetical.

I mean, not that we don't like
the same things, because we do.

Yeah. Um, just that we do now,

which is the amazing thing.

Noel, I have no idea
what you're talking about.



I stole your e-mail password
when I was setting up your computer.

What? Yeah, and in my, uh...

pathetic and lame, um, attempt

to try and get to
know who you are,

I would, on occasion,
uh, look at your e-mail...

What? Every day, uh,

and... you know...

You're a stalker! Uh...

Get out now! That's fair.

♪ Somehow, some way...

I'm so excited.

No? Good?

Ooh! It's like a
fleecy ensemble!

Elena said that if it's not
the right color or, you know,

what you wanted, you
can always return it.

No, it's perfect. I love
the color. It's fantastic.

And she also wanted me to apologize,
you know, for her not being here.

She had to cram for
an exam. Oh, that's OK.

♪ Can come together

From a lover's glance ♪

Look, I know you and Felicity
had a little tiff about, you know...

You know it wasn't about you.

I know, I know, I know. I just never
want to be the cause of any friction.

You're not. Don't worry
about it. OK. Thank you.

Do you want a drink or
something? Ooh, um...

San Pellegrino with a twist.

Hi. Excuse me. I was looking
for a Felicity or a Javier.

Do you know where
I can find them?

Oh, my God!

Hey, I know we're not supposed to talk
about the meetings outside the meetings...

Yeah, I'd rather not.

But there's something
I need to know.

Um, that guy you're
dating, James,

you say he's a bad
influence on you.

What, does that mean
that, uh, you're a user, too?

So, um, those dr*gs Felicity found
in her closet, those were yours?

No. No, they weren't mine.

I don't want to talk about
this outside the group, OK?


Oh, I got to get this. Benjamin.

What is it? There you are.

If he's a boy, I want him
to be a jockey, just like you.

OK, I think it's
time for a toast

to Samuel and Javier
and their growing family.

I'll get it. Aw! Thank
you very much, "wife."

If it wasn't for you,
then, you know,

all of this would never have
happened, and we love you.

The rest of you are just so-so.

Come on, you guys.

And to my loving husband.



Patty, what are you doing here?

I was just bringing
some medical records.

I'm sorry, but I can't do this.

Patty, wait. Please wait.

You said I deserved
the absolute truth.

What I told you is true.

Javier will make a great
father. So will Samuel.

Any child would be so
lucky to grow up in that home.

All I wanted was to help
a couple start a family.

And that's what you're doing. I
am from a small town in Iowa.

I go to church on Sundays.

I'm sorry, but that is
not my idea of a family.

Wait a second.

Javier and Samuel are the two most
wonderful, loving people you will ever meet.

I'm sorry. I'm just...


See you later. See you later.

Hey, you were right. There
were circuits all over that puppy.

Yeah, you were right.

Um, did you, by chance,

read the letter I wrote?

I actually did.

I know it's a lot to ask,

but do you think
you could forgive me?

I can't.

I'm sorry.

You order the rib special?

No. You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

All right.

Prepare for greatness.

Before you tell me whatever it is I
had to come all the way down here

for you to tell me, you should
know I'm not in a good mood.

This'll cheer you up. You
know I was Sean's hook, right?

Virgin as co-hero?
Did you know that?

OK, long story
short, he dumped me.

About that same
time, this girl I know...

This celestial being I've craved for, like, the
last century... starts seeing this other guy.

And then, last night,
she stands me up

to go on a date with him, right?

OK, it turns out this
guy's a total fraud.

She's crushed. She runs
over to my place in tears,

and before you can say, "Yes, there is
a God," Jane and I have done the deed.

I'm sorry. Uh, Jane?

Noel, the eagle has landed.

The concerto has played. The
ball has left the yard, my man.

I'm no longer virgin territory.

Jane who? Scott. Jane Scott.

What I wouldn't give to shake the hand of
the jerk that sent her in my direction, huh?

I mean, sure, it was a pity
thing, but I needed it, you know?

So I don't really...
I don't care.

Oh, my God, here she
is. You're gonna die.

Hey, Tricky. Hey.

She calls me Tricky.

Uh, this is Noel
Noel, this is Jane.

Hi, Jane.

Noel's one of the greats. You're
really gonna like each other.

Nice to meet you.

The, uh... The
pleasure was all mine.


So I guess what I'm trying to
say is that... I feel safe here,

which is important.

I got a chip today for
being here one month.

It's not much. It's
just a chip, but...

it means something, you know?

It means that
I'm trying to heal,

and I am.

I just kind of know it's going to
take a little bit longer than a month.

And I lied to someone
I care about today.

He asked me if some
dr*gs he found were mine,

and I said they weren't.

That's not the truth. They were.

And I don't know
why I said that.

I don't know why I lied,

but I'm sorry that I did.

Sorry. Hey. Hey.

Um, you're not going to tell Felicity
about what I said in there, are you,

'cause you said you wouldn't.

You promised me.

No, I'm not going to
tell her, but it's awkward.

I mean, she's my girlfriend,

and when she found the dr*gs in your
closet, it made her really uncomfortable.

And from what you said up there, it
sounds like you're still bringing them in.

What I said in there is private.

Anything we say?
Anything we say up there?

So even if it hurts the
people around you?

That's what we do in there.
We talk about horrible details.

Um, I know, but it's
just... I didn't hurt anybody.

I didn't say you had.
And you offered your help.

That's what being
in there is all about.

It's a commitment
to you helping.

And what I said in
there... My secrets...

That's me accepting your offer.

So we have an agreement now.

You can't go back on that.

Hey. Hey.

How was your meeting? It
was good. What's going on?

Oh, I finally got that gift in

that I got for them.

It's a little duck
towel for the bath.

I just keep thinking
about that woman,

how she didn't...

how she wanted to donate
an egg until she realized

the baby would have two fathers.

I mean, that only makes
me want to help Javier more.

Well, listen for a second.

I, uh...

I got really mad when you told
me you were going to do this...

Donate an egg.

Yeah, it really upset me.

I was trying to figure out why
this is bothering me so much.

And what I think it was

was just the idea that you
would share yourself with...

somebody else in that way.

Um, it just felt weird to me.


that's my problem, not yours.

So if you have to do this,

I will support you in
whatever you decide to do.

Thank you,

but I think you were
right... What you said before.

I mean,

this would be my baby.

That's crazy.

I mean, it's one thing to
help a couple have a child.

That's an amazing
gift. It really is.

But... to know the people...

I mean, I would see that baby

and... touch it and hold it

and... watch it grow up.

I mean...

I can't do that.

I can't become a mother.

I'm not ready for that.

They're going to have
that baby. You know that.

♪ God said love was kind

♪ Guess he didn't find

♪ Cruelness kind

♪ Love there is in this life

♪ And I believed

♪ In the angels

♪ And I believed

♪ In the rising stars

♪ And I believed

♪ I could walk

♪ On water

♪ I believed

♪ Just because of who you are

And I believed ♪