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03x03 - Hello, I Must Be Going

Posted: 03/07/22 16:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on "felicity"...

Don't say you're gonna
be here when you're not,

When you know that you're not.

Please don't do that.

I tell her...

That i-i was tested,
and I wasn't a match

And that I'm just
really grateful

I got to know my dad as
much as I did before he died.

Sean: and that's
it? Nothing else?


I want to be here
with you guys...

With my friends.

I got to end this
thing with natalie.

Obviously we
shouldn't be married.

Oh! Oh!

All right, what about
mental incompetence?

No, I don't think
so. All right. Incest?

I thought you said you were
gonna help. Hey, it's on the list.


When did this
become my life, huh?

I mean, how did I
get so off track?

Come on. Sean gave you
a great deal on the room.

It's not that bad.
Oh, not that bad.

I can't get any of
the classes I want.

I-i don't even know how
I'm gonna pay for college

Since natalie and I
blew my tuition check.

And now we're sitting here

Rinsing blond
streaks out of my hair,

Preparing strategies for
my upcoming annulment.

My life blows, okay?

Ow! Ow! Is it supposed
to sting like that?

Stop being such a
baby. Well, no offense,

But you don't have the best
track record when it comes to hair.

What's that supposed
to mean? Hey. Nothing.

Hey, uh, elena,
what do you think?

Definitely better
without the streaks.

No, no. Not the hair.
The... The... Here, look.

We still haven't figured out
the legal reason for annulment.

You can't just ask
for an annulment.

I have to have a reason, so I
have to come up with something.

Isn't that perjury? Well,
would you rather I stay married?

Oh, this is perfect... "Inability
to have sexual relations."

I'm not saying I'm impotent.

Okay, "incest," "mental

I think impotence
is the way to go.

No, I'm not saying that, though.

Do you want this
annulment or not?

You know what? I
think she's right.


Why not? What's the big deal?

It's not like anyone's gonna
actually know. Who cares?

Yeah. Maybe you're right.

Okay, good. I'm impotent.

Yeah, I can say
that. I am impotent.

I'm molly.

I'm your new roommate.

Oh, hi.

Hey! Hey, I'm not
really impotent.

Uh, yes, he is.

Come on. We'll show
you the new place. Okay.

I'm felicity. This
is... Elena. Hi.

Come on in. No,
I'm not. Yes, he is.

Guys, hey.

Hey, tell her I'm not. Guys?

Ow. Ow!

♪ Can you become ♪

♪ Can you become ♪

♪ A new version of you? ♪

♪ New wallpaper ♪

♪ New shoe leather ♪

♪ A new way home ♪

♪ I don't remember ♪

♪ New version of you ♪

♪ I need a new version of me ♪

♪ New version of you ♪

♪ I need a new version of me ♪


All right, so sean wants
to hear about my summer.


My great summer.

My summer was, um...

Actually, it was terrible.

And if you guys...

Really knew what happened...

Forget this.

Okay, so sean wants to
know about my summer.

My great summer.

It was great.


You know, I'd never met
my birth father before

And he was so much
better than I ever expected.

He was this kind, amazing guy.

And they wanted me to be tested

To see if I was a match,
to see if I could be a donor,

And I wasn't.

But they... They
were so nice to me

And they just treated me
like I was part of the family.

So, you know, spending all
that time with my birth parents

And... And us just...

Getting close and learning
more about each other,

It was... It was probably
the best summer I ever had.


I just had this dream.

What happened?

You were wearing a suit,

And I had this really
long dress on and...

As we were going up the
escalator it got caught,

And I was pulling on it, and
then you were pulling on it.

And then all of a sudden
we were being chased

By these, like, rabid monkeys.

It wasn't funny.
It... Was scary. Oh.

And you didn't
defend me very well.

I didn't?

Oh. So, you're... You're...
Are you mad at me?

For something I didn't
do in your dream?


Next time... I promise
that the next time that...

That we get att*cked by
monkeys on an escalator...

I-i will save you.

You better. I promise.

You better.

We better get that. No.


Hey, don't steal
the covers. Hey, hey.

Hello. Hello?

Hey, ma.

What do you mean?

How long?

Um... Okay, slow down.

When was the last
time you talked to him?



Okay, okay. I'll talk
to you later. Bye.

Is everything okay?


What did she want? Nothing.

It's just some, uh,
crap with my dad.

I don't even want
to talk about it.


I don't even care
anymore, to be honest.

You know when you do
want to talk about it, you can.

Yeah, I know.

I'm, uh...

I'm going to play
basketball with sean, okay?

I'll see you later.

Okay. Okay.

Now, mr. Crane...

I see you've left "grounds
for annulment" blank.

Yes. Yes, your honor. True.

The thing is, it's... It's a
delicate situation. It's...

It's not something I like to...

To run around
screaming to the world.

Uh, in... In fact, I'm...
I'm not proud of it.

You're claiming impotence.

Yes. Yes. Uh... Um...

Apparently there's a...

A slight problem
with my equipment.

Your equipment?

Yeah. And I think,
uh, technically,


That you could say
I'm fairly impotent.

You know, and while
obviously embarrassing to me,

It's... It's a fantastic
reason for an annulment.

Judge amann...

Noel crane is the
best lover I've ever had.

What are you doing?
He's not impotent.

You know, as a matter of
fact, if anything, he's potent.

I mean, I could go into detail,

But that wouldn't
be appropriate.

That's all I have to say.

Feel free to come back when
you have your stories straight.

I think this exercise
program's really helping out.

I feel a lot quicker.

Do you? Yeah. Do I look quicker?

Not really.

That's funny.

What's the score? 6-1.

Listen, it doesn't make me a real
bad guy that I'm charging noel

Like $25 more a month
than I did julie, is it?

I mean, inflation, right?


Take it easy, man.
What's your problem?

Will you just shut up and play?

Oh, that's good. Nice attitude.


Hey, studs. Hey!

What's happening?

Nothing much. How's that
julie confessional video going?

Oh, it's, uh... It's
good. I'm done.

You're done? Uh-huh.

I rented that camera
for like a week.

You've only had it for a day.
Are we gonna play or what?

Let's play. Yeah, we're
playing. Take it easy.

Take it easy, man. What's
your problem? Nothing.


Come on.

Oh, god!

Oh, man!

Sorry, man.

Yeah, I think you
broke my nose, you d*ck.

Thanks for a great game.

That was a lot of fun.

Sean, are you okay?



What's wrong with you?

Nothing. That was an accident.

You were acting like you
were gonna rip his head off.

It has nothing to do
with sean, all right?

Then what is your problem?

My mom called and told
me that my dad was missing.

What do you mean?

How long? Like four days.

She... She wants me to file
a missing persons report.

You know what? It's like...

It's like everything's reversed.

What is?

Freshman year I was
looking for my mom,

And you were there for that.

And now your dad.

I think this is a little
different, okay?

I know, I know. But...

You were just really
great back then.

I don't think I could've
done it without you.

I miss that.

What's this movie for?

Sean: uh, it's a reality tv
series that I'm working on.

And, uh, so far this
week I have no hook.

So, uh, talk about
yourself. Give me a hook.

Oh. Oh, right. Okay.

Well, um, I'm molly. Hi.

Hi. Uh...

And I'm here on my junior
year abroad from london.

And I'm studying
fashion and photography

And orgasmology.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Orgasmology? Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it's the study
and the science

Of the human orgasm.

Okay. Thank god for you.

That's wonderful.
Talk about that, okay?

I mean, as much
detail as you want.

You can be graphic,
too. Go ahead.

Um, I'm so just kidding
you about that one, sean.

Um, I'm trying to
give you that hook.

You know? Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


What happened to your nose?

He just closed up.
He didn't want to talk.

Well, it's not like his
behavior is surprising.

Yeah, I know.

This is your boyfriend? Mm.

Well, you know...

Guys are like venus flytraps.

Something emotional lands
on them, and they snap shut.

Oh, can I get the
onions, please?


I'm just worried about him.

I mean... And not just
the thing with his dad...

Whatever that is. I'm just...

I mean, I'm worried about him.

Like, he can't hold
this all in forever.

As long as he doesn't
start hitting you.

Hitting me? What do you mean?

Well, you know, like the
way he broke sean's nose.


Should I not do
those interviews?

You know, for his
independent film channel thing?

Sean kind of... You
said that ben hit sean?

Well, yeah. A basketball game.

I-i thought you knew.

Julie: hey. Hey.

Hey, where you been?

Molly's making us, um...
What do you call that again?

Oh. Bubbles and squeak.

'Cause that's the sound the
vegetables make when they cook.

Yeah. I was with ben.

Where did you see him?

We were hanging out. He's just
trying to deal with everything.

What's everything?

With his father.
He didn't tell you?

No, he didn't.

His dad's missing.

Tomorrow's gonna
be like five days.

Are you kidding? No.

And his mom is trying
to get him to file

A missing persons report,
and he doesn't want to.

That smells really good.

Thanks. Felicity...

Ben didn't tell you anything?

Uh, no.

Well, you know ben.

He and i, we have a sort
of history with this.

Remember when I was
looking for my birth mother,

He was there to help me, so...

I wouldn't take it personally.

Julie told me
your dad's missing...

That your mom wants
you to file a police report.

Is that true?

Yeah, that's true.

So, did you do it?

No, I'm not doing it.
I'm not doing anything.


'Cause I don't want to.

'Cause that's what
my dad deserves.

Ben, I know you're
really upset right...

Can you not tell me what
to do, please? Don't do that.

That's not what I'm doing. I...

Is that why you
didn't tell me this?

'Cause you think I'm gonna
judge you or something?

God, I only want to help.

I know. And you're only
asking 'cause you care.

But I don't want to talk
about this right now, okay?

I just... I just want
some space to...

To think about this.

I-it doesn't... It has
nothing to do with you.




I understand.

So, I was already pissed
off at natalie, you know,

For not saying
that I was impotent.

Sean: right. But then...

God, to add insult to injury,

While I'm studying
for this upcoming test

On the earth's shifting
plates, I get the phone call.

What phone call?
Well, it's javier.

And he... He tells me
that he just learned

That natalie has
a... An inheritance.


Yeah, an inheritance
that she can only collect

If she's married.

Can you believe
it? Can you stand it?

I was a pawn.

You are not a pawn.

Marrying someone

To get an inheritance?

That's called using, natalie.

It's called lying
and it's called using.

I didn't ask you to marry me.

You asked me. You remember?

You asked me, and I said yes.

Yeah! Yeah! Which was part of some
sick, perverse, psychological plan.

That's not true.

All right, then why
didn't you tell me

About the money in...
In the beginning, huh?

Because I knew
you'd feel that way.

You'd think that's
what it was all about.

What? You're not making
any sense. Listen to me.

When you asked me if I
wanted to get married,

I had never wanted to say
yes to that question before.

Had you been asked before?

Well, yeah.

Listen, the only
reason that I said yes...

The only reason...

Was because of this time
that we've spent together.

I mean, think about it. We
had a good summer, didn't we?

Yes, we had... We had
an incredible summer.

I was always uncle
frederick's favorite.

And in his will he left me...

On the condition
of me being married...

A quarter of a million dollars.

A quarter-million dollars?

Yeah. And that's not all.

You see, my husband...
Of a year or longer...

Receives $100,000.

Sean: oh, ho! This is so good!

This is our hook!

No, this is not our
hook, okay? This is my life.

So what are you gonna do now?


I don't know. You
know, I mean, that...

That money could pay
for all my student loans

And it could set me up for...

I don't know how long.

I mean, natalie, she's...

She's your wife.

She's my wife.


Ow, ow. I thought you
were gonna be gentle.

This is gentle. No,
this is not gentle.

Okay, that's pain. Ow.

Could you be a bigger
wimp? What are you...

Hey, I hurt my nose
playing basketball, okay?

That nurse said this is as
close to broken as it gets.

If that's not manly,
I don't know what is.

You're kind of right.
It is manly. Yeah?

Yeah, you're kind of
turning me on right now

With your manliness. Am i?

You know, I could take this
opportunity to get a nose job.

Really? You'd consider that?


Well, when I was 14,

This kid, kyle... Yeah.

He, uh, came to school one day

With this big
bandage on his nose.

And he told everyone
he fell off a ladder.

But we all knew
he was full of crap,

That he was just making
up some lame excuse.

Ah! But the great thing is

You don't need a lame excuse.

You already have one.

Okay, you know I
was kidding, right?


I don't understand.
What, you hate my nose?

I never said that.

No, basically you did.

Basically, you just
said you hate my nose.

I don't want to talk
about your nose.

A second ago you were
very verbose about my nose.

You were talking about
fixing it like that kyle guy.

You just said that. I didn't know
that your nose was such a soft spot!



How's it going?

It's all right.

Did you file that report?


Have you called any hospitals?


You know, I can help
you do that if you want.

No, it's fine. Thank you.

You can't do nothing.

You know, I've already
heard all the speeches, okay?

It's not a speech. My
dad died this summer.

I know.

But it's really
not the same thing.

It's not.

I know you didn't know your dad,

And I know that was
really hard for you, but...

Sometimes not knowing
your dad is a better thing.

I gotta go.

Sean: so, tell me
about your mother.

My mom's a psychic.


Wait, wait. She's a
professional psychic?

No. No, she sells
corporate real estate.

But in her spare time
she's an actual psychic.

Wait a minute. Are
you making this up too?

No, I'm not. I
swear, sean. I'm not.

Look, when I told her I was
thinking of coming to new york,

She said, "I know."

And then she says,

"New york is where
you'll find your love."

Do you believe that?

I don't know. I mean,
I certainly hope so.

But it's kind of hard believing
what your parents say.

You know? Even when
they're clairvoyant.

What would you guys do?

I mean, if you wanted
to get a divorce

But knew that you could
profit enormously if you didn't.

And it's just for a
year? Just for a year.

If you stay married to her,
I'll never talk to you again.

Mmh, reason enough
to stay married.

Would it somehow make me
a cheaper person if I did it?

And don't ask how I could
become cheaper, please.

Wait a second. Last
week you were telling me

That you had to
break up with natalie.

Last week she hit you. Yeah.

Well, that was
sort of for all of us.

You know, for the intervention.

It was more of a
communal right hook.

But now that there's
money involved,

You're actually
considering staying married?

Well, she made a
good point, um...

Separate from the money...

Which is that we
have fun together.

I mean, do I really
want to throw away

My entire relationship
with natalie

Just so I can finish college?

That is a lot of money.

I mean... This is a tough one.

Marriage is sacred.
Noel, I'm telling you.

Run, don't walk. You
cannot stay married to her.

What do you think, ben?


Are you okay?


Uh, I'm sorry. I got
to get out of here.


Ben, can you wait a second?

I just needed to get
out of there, okay?

Look, I know this is
really hard for you.

You can't keep shutting
me out. It's not about you.

It is about me. It's about us.

Not everything needs to
be talked about, all right?

Just imagine for a second that
I was going through something.

Something painful and
personal and I wanted my space.

I'd give you your space, all
right? At first you would.

I hope you would, but...

At some point, like, if I
looked as sad as you are

And if I was, you know,
going through as much

As you are, suffering,
you would try to help me.

I don't need a bunch of people
who have no idea what it feels like

Trying to figure out why I'm not running
around the city looking for my father, okay?

It didn't help the first
time, it's not gonna help now.

What was the first time?

I was in seventh grade. My
dad disappeared for two days.

He just vanished.

I went with my mom
to the police station.

Tried to help her
fill out the reports.

Then we called the hospitals
and then we called the morgues

And then we just waited.

For hours.

You want to know where he was,

This man I'm supposed
to be worried about?

He was in his car.

He'd driven like 45 minutes to
some parking lot in sacramento

And just gotten crazy drunk.

When he got home,

He didn't say
anything, not a thing.

Acted like nothing had happened.

Like he hadn't
done a thing to us.

Yeah, if that was the
worst thing he'd ever done,

I would have forgiven
him, but it wasn't.

So you want to know why
I'm not calling anybody?

Want to know why
I'm not doing anything?

'Cause this time
I hope he's dead.

I know we barely
know each other...

I'm sorry about all this
drama your first couple days.

Oh, no. No, don't
be. Not at all.

What I was gonna say was...

That while you were
out, I spoke to my mom.



And she says that ben
feels really, really bad

About yelling at you just now.

On the street.

She said she saw you
two arguing on the street.

Where... Where is your mom?


She also said that he was
going to apologize to you.

Well, tell your mom...

Oh, she says you're
very welcome.

It's not about the
money. It's about burnout.

Did I tell you about
jacob perlmutter?

Mnh-mnh. Who?

I knew him when I was a kid.

He was this total loser.

Started running
with the fast crowd,

Couldn't deal... Went mental.

Okay, well... Well, first
of all, I'm not a loser.

Okay. Says you.

My point is, natalie runs
at a different speed...

A speed dangerous to
persons such as yourself.

12 Months from now,

$100,000 Won't even
cover medication costs

At a place like bellevue,
let alone room and board.

Honey, can I talk
to you for a second?

Not if it's about your nose.

Hey, what's going
on with my hook?

You guys staying married?

I don't know.

What do you think about my nose?

Well, you got stuff...

No, no, no... Not this.

You know, when it's normal,
what do you think about it?

Oh, well, I really
don't think about it.

Well, think about it.
Focus. Concentrate.

I mean, you don't think
it's too big, do you?

I mean, not too, uh, crooked?

Are you thinking about
getting a nose job?

Did you say something to him?

Okay! Let's talk. Come here.

More plates.

You know, I think I know
what julie's problem is.

She hasn't dealt
with her father yet.

I was the same way
when my mother died.

I was acting out like a fool
and angry at the world and...

You know, and now
that ben is going through

This thing with his father...

She's reliving the summer.

You know?

At least that's the
elena tyler theory.

You don't agree?

No, I do. I just, uh...

I'm just more concerned
about ben right now.

I cannot believe
you're still upset

About that stupid
nose-job comment.

It was a compliment.
A c... A what?

A compliment! If you had
listened... I was listening.

Can I say something?
No, I heard you.

You don't listen.
What did I say?

You said that you fully
support a nose adjustment.

It's ridiculous.


Um, the door was open.

Can I talk to you?

Yeah, I'll just, um...

No, we can, like, go...

No, no, no, the place is big
enough for all of us, so...


Hi. Hi.

You know what? I'm gonna
go get some ice cream.

Do you guys want anything?

Mmm. Mmm. Chocolate-chip mocha?

Okay. Anything chocolate.

All right. Thank you.

Natalie: I looked
through your notebook.

Before you left.
Your four-year plan.

And I want you to know I
don't care if you're a geek.

Okay, natalie...
Wait, wait. Look.

I bought you this.

What is it?

Open it.

It's ram.

You bought me ram?




I shouldn't have done that,

Uh, just walked away
from you like that.

I just... I-i shouldn't
take things out on you.

I mean, you're not the one that
made life growing up so awful.


I just... I hate
seeing you so upset.

I know.

Just say that you love my
nose, damn it. Just say that.

Oh, my god! That's what you
should've said from the beginning...

"I love your nose, sean, and
I wouldn't change a thing."

I'll tell you what. Why don't you
just give me the girlfriend script,

And I'll do and say
everything you want.

My nose is the one perfect
thing about me, okay?

It's the blumberg nose, and
it's been around for centuries.

Just because it's old
doesn't mean it's good.

Natalie, we can't stay married.

Look, this is sweet,

This gift, uh...

But the truth is that I
thought we should split up

Even before I learned that
you needed to be married

To collect the money.

That is not why...
Well, wait. Let me finish.


Now, whatever we had was fun.

But it's over now.

I want to go back
with you tomorrow,

To the judge,

And I want to get the annulment.

You know what? I can't deal
with you when you're like this.

Well, thank you for
being so supportive.

Why don't you and
your nose go home? Fine!

Good! We will!


Ben, I need to talk to you.

Uh, sure. What?

Alone, okay? Please?

No, we don't have to be
alone. Just tell me what it is.

What? St. Vincent's hospital
called, and your dad's there.

What? He has alcohol
poisoning, and he's unconscious.

What do you mean? I filed
the missing persons report.

You did what? I know you
didn't want to do that...

Yeah, I told you I didn't
want you to do anything.

I don't want to see him,

I don't want to know where
he is, what's wrong with him.

No, you don't mean that, though.

Can you give us a second?
I'm not talking to you.

Why would you file that report?

This is none of your
business. You understand that?

Ben, you need to go down
there, and you need to see him.

No, I don't want to see
him. You say that right now,

But you're gonna hate yourself later.
Julie, what happened with your father

And what's going on with
ben is totally different.

You don't know what
you are talking about!

Hey, just because I
haven't lost a parent

Doesn't mean I can't understand
what you're going through.

The hospital said that
I was a match, okay?

I lied.

I lied about everything.

I could've saved
my father's life.

And I said no.

And he died and...

And that's why my father died.


So do what you want.


Woman on p.a.:
Dr. Moran to o.r., Stat.

Dr. Moran to o.r., Stat.

I keep thinking about
that look on her face.

Julie's? Yeah.

It was so guilty.

Yeah. And afraid.

I guess if something
happened, even to my dad, and...

I didn't do anything...

Whatever little I
could... That, yeah, I might...

I might have that look too.

I'm glad you decided to do this.

Woman: ben covington?

Yeah. He's awake now.

You're welcome to come back.

Okay. Um...

Does he know that I'm here?


You wait here, okay?


Hey, I'm blending.
What do you want?


What? Is this picture supposed
to mean something to me?

What is this? Does
it look familiar?

I have no idea who
this is. Just look at it.

Look harder.

No way.


So, that, uh... That
kid, when I was 14...

That was me.

Wait, you're kyle?

The kid that fell
off the ladder?

No, there was no kyle.

I mean, there was a kyle,

But he, um...

He didn't have a nose
job and lie about it.

I did.

Okay, but why? I don't...
That's so not you.

Because I wasn't always the
together girl you know now.

When I was younger, I
was a little insecure.

And maybe I still am.

And so are you.

Yeah, maybe a little.

Anyway... I just
wanted to say...

You know...


You're sorry?


I like your nose.

I love your nose.

Now, can we drop your nose?

You are so beautiful now.

And you were so
beautiful then. Stop it.

I'm not kidding. Seriously.

Come here.

Just be careful.

Mmh. Ah!

Noel: your honor...

This time I have a
true, concrete reason.

No perjury whatsoever.

Excuse me?

Nothing. No, um...

The... The fact of
the matter is, sir,

That I was lured into this
marriage under false pretenses.

Just what pretenses
were those? Well...

I believe that a leading reason
for this woman marrying me

Was that so that she
could collect an inheritance

From her great uncle frederick.

It appears that this was
a marriage based solely

On monetary gain of
which I knew nothing about.

Well, did you keep
the inheritance

A secret from mr. Crane?

Yes, your honor.

Well, then, that would be
grounds for an annulment.

But, your honor,
there's one more thing.

No, there's no thing. Yeah.

I'm not keeping the money.

Why not? Why not?

I already called
my uncle's estate,

And I asked that the
money be donated

To a children's
charity in texas.

And I told them that I'm
rejecting my inheritance

Out of love for my husband.

Oh, my god.

No, and I wanted
to say this here

To prove to the
court unequivocally

That this marriage is not
based on a lie or on money,

But rather on love.

Why are you doing this?

I am making a sacrifice

In the name of our sacred bond.

That's all I have to say.

- I'm sorry, your honor. I had...
- I had no idea.

Mr. Crane...

Yes, sir. I'm... I'm leaving.

I won't come back until
we get this all figured out.

Don't come back.

Uh, well, sir, i-i have to.

Get a different judge.

Okay. Fine.

Fine, I see what you're doing.

You just... You said all that stuff
at the judge's to try to manipulate me

So that I would think that
you actually cared about me

So that I would
reconsider staying with you

So you could get your money.

Fine. Well, I'm
calling your bluff.

Let's stay married
and not take the money.

Noel, it wasn't a bluff.
That's what I want.

Wait. No, that... That wasn't
the reaction I expected.

I meant everything
I said to you before.

And if I have to give up

Hundreds of thousands of
dollars to prove it to you,

Then I will.

Like I said, I'm not
worried about money.

You know, that stuff just
always kind of works itself out.

And all I'm saying
to you is let's just...

You know, let's just
see where this goes.


Okay. Um...

If this is... If this is
not about the money...

If this is really about us...

Then there's only one
way that I can stay with you.

We have to get the
marriage annulled

And start from scratch.

It's... Look, it doesn't mean
that we're breaking up.

It just means... It means
we're starting over.

Okay? That's what I need.

Well, if that's the
way it has to be,

Then I guess I understand.

Because I do care about
you enough to let you go.

I mean, if that's
what you really need.

Thank you.

So we're, uh...
We're starting over.

We'll start over.


Mmh. You know, um...

About what you said at...

At our first annulment attempt.

You know, about how I was
the best lover you ever had.

That's not true, is it?

You pretty much put
everyone else to shame.



He's, uh... He's gonna
fly home tomorrow.

How did your mom sound?

Relieved. She just
sounded really relieved.

What about you?

I guess I'm relieved too.

♪ What a beautiful
piece of heartache ♪

♪ This has all
turned out to be ♪

What's going on?

Hey, have you seen julie?

Oh, i... I thought you guys
knew she was leaving.

I mean, she packed up
all her stuff and she left.

No, we had no idea.

What is that?


So, sean wanted me to...

He keeps bugging me to
talk into this stupid camera,

So I'll, uh, take
advantage of it.

As you guys probably
already know, I'm leaving.

I just want to say that I am
so sorry for being difficult.

It's just that...

I've been going
through some stuff

That you guys didn't know about.

And, elena, I know you were
just trying to be a good friend.

And I'm sorry
that I shut you out.

I hope you can forgive me.

And, noel, i... I really want
you to know that I'm so happy

You're getting your
life back together again.

And, sean...

I'm really gonna miss you.

Thank you...

For giving me a home
for the last two years.

And I'm really glad that you
and meghan are happy together.

And, meghan, be nice
to him. He deserves it.

And, ben...

I didn't mean to meddle
in your business.

I'm sorry.

And I just... I want
to thank you...

For everything.

I'll never forget it.

You know how there's some people

In your life that you meet

That you feel like
you've known forever?

Well, for me...

That's you.


And, felicity...

I don't think I could've
made it this far without you.

I'm sorry that we
fought last night.

I'm so sorry.

But I know that we're
better friends than that.

And I know that
you know that too.

See, the thing is, is i...

I came to new york

To learn more about
my birth parents.


I ended up just
making more of a mess...

I just don't think that new york
is the place for me right now.

And I don't even
know where I'm going.


Hopefully, this time, I'll...

I'll learn more about myself.

I'm really gonna miss you guys.

And this isn't goodbye forever.

This is just goodbye
for right now.

So I'll see you when I see you.

♪ Tell them it's real ♪

♪ Tell them it's really real ♪

♪ I just don't have
much left to say ♪