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03x25 - You Win Some, You Lose Some

Posted: 03/07/22 16:45
by bunniefuu
[man] There you go,
keep it tight.

Look, if you're here
to lift weights,

I can't stop you.

No, uh, there's something
I have to say.

I'm not interested.

Well, look,
it won't take long,

but I need you
to listen to me. Okay?

I have this,
this problem

where I'm, like, kinda...

I mean, I'm definitely...

I'm an alcoholic.

That's why you missed
the divisionals?

Because you were, uh--

I was drunk
the night before.

Well, the morning before,

So this is, uh, what?

Get it off your chest
and that's supposed
to fix it, huh? No. No. That's...

I'm not, I'm not asking you
to forgive me or anything.

I just...

I just want you to know
that I'm sorry.

That I...

I blew this
really badly and I lied.

And you were, like...

You were a friend.

And I know it doesn't
change anything, but,

but I quit drinking.
I stopped. And I've been going
to meetings.

And that's it.
I-I-I just wanted to...

I just wanted
to make amends.


Just don't flake on them
like you flaked on me.

Because you're not
coming back on my team

if you're not
going to meetings.

Wait a minute.
Are you saying--?

And if you're not
on that mat every day

at least 20 minutes early
with a fistful
of those chips

that say you're sober,
so help me, kid...

Oh, coach,
you have no idea--

And don't be
thanking me.

And don't smile,

'cause when I see
those dimples,
I feel like a real suck.

Okay, okay.
Smiling's out.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[school bell ringing] [indistinct conversation]


Justin, what are you...

Justin, you can't
go in here.

Justin, you can't...
What? What?



Nuh-uh. Ya-hah.

Yale? Yale.


School of bar-tending, right?

Get in there.
Say it. Say it. Say it.

No. No. Say it.

I got in and you didn't.

Justin, I withdrew
my application.

Don't, don't haggle
with me.

Say it. I got in
and you didn't.

I understand they accepted
everyone who applied.

-Okay. I'm waiting.
-I mean, if they let
Taylor Huff in--

They did not...
No, they did not
let Tay...

They let Taylor Huff in?


Ow! Ow! Ow!


Uh... Wow!

I can say
I knew you when.

Boy, can you.


Wait. Wait. Wait.

Rose, you actually stand

on the platform
and block the doors?

Oh, yeah. You should hear
people begging her.

Yes, lady, I swear
I'll vote for your daughter.

Now, please let me
catch my train.

And what is wrong with that?

Well, you should
get back out there.

Um, I wanna call
your father first.

If he couldn't
get out of his meetings,

I wanna interrupt him
at least six or seven times.

You can use the phone
behind the bar.

Okay. Thanks.

Soon. This will be over
very soon.

Oh, yeah, um, I rented
four TV monitors

for Friday night.

Thirty inch, 36,
something like that.

And I'm thinking
we'll put one over there.

-And one--
-Charlie, if we're lucky, if,

it'll be two seconds
on the local news.

We don't need all that.

Sure we do.
I'm going all out on this.


So, what do you figure?
Maybe 40 people plus kids?

Oh, you know, I don't think
this is a kid kinda party.

There's gonna be food.
There's gonna be music.

Are you thinking Owen?

Well, yeah.

And what if he gets cranky?
What are you gonna do?

Leave in the middle
of everything?


What? Is this
your new motto, no kids?

Wait a second,
I'm telling you

a practical concern here,
and you're making it out

to be some big
blanket statement.

God, is every single

gonna be about this now?

Let's just forget it. Okay?

Daddy sends his love.

We should get going.

I still have a lot
of hands to shake.

Yeah. Don't forget
to kiss some babies.

Hey, shouldn't you
be driving around

the neighborhood
with a megaphone going,

"I got into Yale"?

Ugh, no. Actually,
uh, my mom and dad

are taking care of that.

Huh. I'd say now's
the time to hit 'em up

for a convertible
for graduation.

Actually, we have a, uh,
sort of a standing deal.

If I got into anyplace
vaguely Ivy-ish...

-... I'd get a plane ticket,
a backpack,

and enough cash to last me
two months in Europe.

That is if I steal all my meals
and I sleep in a bus station.

Wait. Y-you're
going to Europe?

Wow! Um,
so Robin going too?

No, she can't.

She's, uh, doing that whole

archaeological dig thing
through Berkeley.

Um, so we'll probably hook up
for a couple weeks in Greece.

Greece? That sounds fun,
really fun.

So where else?

-Well, definitely Italy.

Although, I'm thinking
of ix-naying

the whole, uh, Rome,
Venice, Florence thing,

'cause, you know
I'm thinking
more on the lines--

Sicily? Sardinia?

Yes. Yes. Exactly.
Places ore off
the beaten path.

Where you can't even
find a McDonald's.

Or an ATM.

Or one of those key chains

that says,
"Italians do it with sausage."

They actually have that?

What about Paris?
You have got to go to Paris.

I do. Why?

It's-it's Paris, you jerk.

The Louvre, the Tuileries,
the, the Seine.

Oh, oh, oh. You know what?

I clipped out a piece
from the travel section

on Parisian cafes
if you're interested.

I'm sorry?
You clipped out an article?

You know, just in case.

You know where else
you absolutely have to go?

It was just
like old times.

I tell you, this making
amends is the best.

Hey, have I made amends
to you?

Like really made amends?

Over and over
and over and over.


That's nice though,

you know,
you and the coach,

just like old times.

It's, it's nice
to have old times.

You know, it's...
It's like I...

Drew and I were trying

to make a date, you know,
because we're
so insanely busy.

And he said that Thursday
he had to, like, take his,

His car in
to get this ding fixed

that he got in
a parking lot.

So I say,
"Oh, so you "Willed" it."

'Cause remember
when Will got his car

wrapped up
in the shopping cart train?

[both laughing]

I remember
when he told us about that.

Milk actually shot
outta my nose.

I know. See, I-I know.

But, but Drew had never
heard that story
so, of course,

he got all offended,
thought that I meant
that he,

you know, willed his accident
to happen or something.

Well, I'm sure he
would have had a sense
of humor about it

if he knew Will,
don't you think?

I don't know.
I just... It...

You know,
it made me feel so tired.

'Cause you know how
in the beginning when you're
dating somebody and,

and you don't know
each other's lives

that well or anything,

and you don't know
each other like,

like we know each other.

You know,
it's just so much work.

Yeah, well, unless
you really like the person.

So, what happened?

Did you guys
find time to get together?

Can you believe it?
We couldn't.

Not a single hour all week.


Well, that's not great.

So, what'd you do?

What was I supposed to do?
I dumped him.

Yale? Isn't that, like,
in Massachusetts or something?


Anyway, he, he says
it's his absolute
first choice

so he's definitely gonna go.

His mom and dad were so
excited for him
that they said

that they were gonna
pay for him to go
to Europe for two months

in the summer
before he started up.

You know, just sort of
backpacking around.


Yeah, yeah,

and he invited me
to go with him.

He asked you to go away
to Europe with him?

For July and, and August.

Wh-why is he outta the blue
asking you

to go away with him?

I mean, don't you think
that's a little bit strange?

I mean, wha-what?

Does he think that he's gonna
get you away from me?

Griffin, come on,
it's not about that.

He's got a girlfriend
and she can't go. So...

I've been back,
like, a month.

You wanna go away already?

It's not about leaving you.

I just...
I wanna travel

an-and do stuff,
an-and get, like,

lots of weird jobs,
and go to weird places,

an-and figure stuff out.

With him?

No. With you.

But you've got stuff
keeping you here.

And you don't wanna go,
and he does.

So you asking me
if you can go?

I don't have to ask.

Couldn't sleep.

Me either.

You and Charlie
have a fight or something?

Oh, no. No.


Did they... Did he
and Kirsten fight a lot?

I don't know.

A normal amount,
like anybody.

She wouldn't let them
go to bed mad.

She made that a rule.

That's a good rule.


They were probably
a good couple.

I mean, obviously
something went wrong,

but I'll bet they wanted
the same things.

I guess.
I-I'm gonna go get a--

So they probably had a lot

of stuff figured out,
then, right?

Like, I don't know,

how many kids
they wanted to have...

Oh, she couldn't.


Kirsten couldn't have kids.

Do we have to talk
about this?

No. I'm sorry
I brought it up.

No. No. Two.
Two for tomorrow night.

Tomorrow. That's, uh,
that's no good for me.

Yes. Salinger, S-A-L...

No. Same spelling, but no.

No, I haven't read that one.

Okay. Okay. Thanks. Bye.



I'm intrigued.

Who's "two"?

Nobody. Just Sarah.

You've been seeing a lot
of just Sarah lately.

Yeah? So?

Are you two
getting back together?

Well, I don't know.

I mean, I never would have
thought so.


She just broke up
with this guy
she's been dating.

And we've been spending
a lot of time together.

And sometimes it seems like
she's saying she wants us to.


Weird is what it is, actually.

I mean, with all this stuff

falling back into place
for me right now,

do you think a girl
who I cheated on and...

And lied to and--

Put in the hospital.

Right. Right.
Put in the hospital.

Do you think
she could possibly
still wanna be with me?

Is this, like,
the silent treatment here?


If you just
give me a chance.

Uh, that stuff that I said

didn't exactly
come out right.

No kidding.

It's just
I-I don't trust things.

Right. You don't trust me.

No, no, not you.
I trust you.

I don't trust, like, life.

I-I don't trust life.

What is that?

Nothing is gonna
happen, Griffin.


'Cause I've been running over
a list of possibilities
in my head,

do you wanna hear them?

All right, say you, uh,
fall in love with Justin,

Or, or, or, okay, say,

Say that you get in a fight
with Justin

and you feel lonely
and you fall in love
with somebody else.

Or, uh, yo-you find a job
that you really, really want

in the most beautiful country
you've ever seen.

O-Or you run off to Rome
and become a nun.


O-or, say
I do something really stupid

like, uh, I'm rushing home
to get a phone call from you,

and I don't look up,
and, uh,

and I get flattened
by a 2-ton safe, or...

Or a baby grand
falling on my head.

Don't laugh, 'cause, uh,
that's the kind of stuff

that happens to us.

We're not exactly
lucky people, Julia.

We gotta be careful.

I don't wanna take
my eyes off of you.

Oh, Mrs. Reeves, hi.


Uh, is, is Sarah...

She's not here.

I'd just gotten
a couple tickets

to this thing, this, um,
Cherry Blossom Festival?

It's at the,
the Peace Pagoda.

Mrs. Reeves,
I want you to know
that I'm doing better now.

I am.

And I can understand why
you'd hate to see--

You know, something, Bailey,

you really don't have to.

I know that
you've been through a lot,

and I wish you the best.

-We both do.

Well, I really
appreciate that.

In any case,
she's not going to
be back anytime soon.

She's out with her father.
They're celebrating.

Celebrating? Great. Because?

Sarah got into Brown.

Wow! Brown?


That's in, in Connecticut?

Rhode Island,


That's, that's fantastic. Well, I bet, I bet
you're gonna miss her.

Of course it's going to be sad
having her far away from us.

But in Sarah's case,

I think it's going to be
a good thing for her

if it means her
being far away from you.

You were good at that
luncheon thing today.

Couldn't concentrate much.

Well, you couldn't tell.

Auto pilot.

Really, the only thing
that was going through my head

the whole time was,
"Why didn't Charlie tell me

Kirsten couldn't
have children?"

Maybe you thought
that was private
or something.

I don't know. Whatever.

Except you two
didn't break up over that.

I mean,
you obviously accepted it.

No. That's... No, look.
I had to.

But she wanted to have kids.

It was a medical thing.

And for me it's a choice.

So, I guess,
according to you

that makes me
some kinda awful, self--

Grace, come on, you know
that's not how
I feel about you.

Fine. But the net net, here,

is that you two
weren't gonna have kids,

and we aren't
gonna have them.

Am I right?

Yeah. But that's not--

I mean, I saw you
pining for her and...

And chasing after her.

And it was gonna
end up the same,

the same as you and me.

But for me it's not okay.

Why is that?

Why is that?

I don't know.

Bailey, where
have you been?

It-it's 2
in the morning.


Wha-what does
that mean, "out"?

What do you mean?

I mean out.
Walking around. Out.

Well, are you okay?
I mean, were you...

Are you, like,
wanting to drink?


-I didn't drink anything, Claud.

Okay? You can
stop panicking.

Did you call Sarah?
There's, there's
messages here.

I know.

So did you talk to her?

No. I don't need to.

I know why she's calling.


She got into Brown. Okay?

And...she probably
wants to celebrate,

which I'm not really
in the mood for.


But I thought... I mean...

I mean, you guys have been
hanging around together

so much lately, and if...

I-if you're feeling bad--

Look, I can't call her.
Okay, Claud?

I mean, I shouldn't.

After what I've done to her.

Well, obviously,
she doesn't think that.

She's going away, Claud,
3000 miles away.

So that's not
an option anymore.

I just...
I can't keep...


As far as I'm concerned,
she's not there anymore.

Wait. Who are you calling?

My sponsor.

[ringing tone]

No. Look, they can't
substantiate that.

And even if they could,
that's not the campaign
I'm running.

I'm not gonna go around
slamming the guy.


No. Either I win
on the issues or I lose.

Shh! Sweetie,
I'm not the phone.

Sorry. Did the radio spot
run yet?

Well, it was supposed
to be 4 p.m.

Who's even up
at 4 a.m. besides me?

Well, who do we talk to
about that?

Ow! Owen. Cut that out.

I want juice.

When I'm done.

Sorry. Did the Weekly
endorse anybody yet?

Oh, oh, good.

Well, anything
on the Q and A yesterday?

Uh-huh. Great.

Well, I don't get it.

I mean, he knows that
I'm going out
with Robin, right?

-Then, why don't you
just tell him

he's got nothing
to worry about,

and come this afternoon
to get a Eurail pass with me?

Justin, I can't.
I'm sorry.

What do you mean,
you can't?

You're gonna let him
k*ll this whole thing?

What kinda relationship
you guys have if you're--


I got calc.

Hi. Hey.

I guess you were just
ragging on me just now, huh?

It's all right.
I understand that.

I mean, I'm kinda
mad at me right now also.

I want... I-I want
to be able to say, "Go.

Go away
and see amazing things,

an-and come back
and tell me about them.

I love you."

I wanna say that.

Then why can't you? I'm trying to get there.

I am.

I think there's a way.

I mean, I-I think that
I've figured out a way

that I'd be okay
with you going.

Oh, here you are.

You sure are hard to find.

I am?

Yeah. I've been calling
for like, forever.

Didn't you get my messages?

It's been insane around here

with Grace's campaign
and everything.

Whatever. Bailey, I have,
like, big news.

I know. I talked
to your mom and...

And that's great news, Sarah.

I mean, I'm definitely
gonna miss you, but--

Miss me?
You're not gonna miss me.

Yes, I am.

So then swing on by.
It's not that far away.

Come on, Sarah.

It's a lot of miles
to just swing on by.

What lot of miles?

Berkeley is just, like,
an extra stop on Bart.



Yeah. Got the letter
this morning.

Your mom said that you
and your dad were...

I thought you were going
to Brown?

Yeah. Dad, he had me
trying on his letter sweater.

He had the school song
on flash cards.

Bailey, getting that envelope
from Berkeley

was like a phone call
from the governor.

And besides, they have...

They have the most awesome
music program.

Well... Well, that's great,

Sarah, but...


I still think...

I think
it'd be better for you

if I weren't around so much.

Bailey, what are you
talking about?

Well, don't you think
you'd be better off

being away from me?

That's crazy. Why would I?


So you're gonna be
in San Francisco?



Gosh, Sarah.


"Pressure," one S.

Guess you get what you pay for.

These were free. What's the matter?


I could...

See, the truth is I could...

I could live with us
not having a child of our own.


Okay. Well--

Because I have kids.


But you asked me
what's the difference

between you and Kirsten.

And the difference is...

You don't even want
the kids I have.

When did I say that?

You don't have to say it.

I see it.

Claudia... I mean,
you and her, forget it.

And this 3-year-old that's trying
to get your attention,

you can't even put down
the phone for two seconds.

You're basing it
on that?

This is the most
stressful 24 hours

of my life,
that's so not fair.

So all this is gonna change
after the election?

Okay, look. I know
that the kids and I

aren't exactly
falling all over each other,

but they have you.


Claudia and Owen, they...

They see somebody
living in their house

that could be a mom,
and that is...

That is huge to them.

But you don't give 'em that.
You don't.

Do I even get time?

God, Charlie,
maybe it's not

just add water
and instant parent.


But what if we do that?

We give it time
and you try,

and then you say,
"Nope, not for me,"

and Owen's 4 or 5?

Why do I have to predict
the future all of a sudden?

I have to.

Okay, and he's gonna miss you.

But now he's...

He's just little.

In a couple months from now,
he won't remember.

-And if this was
just about you and me,

if this was just about now,

if I didn't have
to think about the...

I mean...


...I love you, Grace.

But that's it?

You're just gonna
give us up?

And... And put them ahead of
everything you said you wanted?

Put them ahead of you?


That's what parents do.

Marriage is an honorable estate.

It should not be
entered into lightly

or unadvisedly, but reverently,
discreetly, and soberly.

Into this relationship

these this two persons
are now to be joined.

If you know any reason

why you should not
be joined in marriage,

make it now known.

[both softly]


Now, you say, uh...

I-I got it now.

I, Griffin, take you, Julia,

to be my wedded wife,

to have and to hold
from this day forward,

for better or worse,

richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish

so long as we both shall live.

I, Julia,

take you Griffin,

to be my wedded husband,

to have and to hold
from this day forward,

for better or worse,

for richer or for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish

as long as we both
shall live.

Please place the ring
on her finger.

Oh, I don't--

We don't have a ring.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

By virtue of the authority
vested in me

by the state of Nevada

as Deputy Commissioner
of Civil Marriages,

I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

I love you.

I love you too.

[giggling and moaning]



-Did we just...

Yep, we sure did.

I should probably...


You know, call, let them know.



What am I gonna tell people?

They're gonna ask where you are.

I'll be there.

I'm gonna go with you
to vote.

And I'll be at the party.

You don't have to.

It's a big day for ya.

It shouldn't be ruined.

Yeah. Big day.

Does anyone know
how to do quadratic equations?

Just thought I'd take a shot.



You guys.

I-- I didn't expect
you all to be home.

Heading out.

Claud, you still need a lift?

Un-huh, yeah.

Listen, Jule, not to be
too much of a parent or anything

but where the hell
have you been for
the last 24 hours?

Hey, Griffin.


It wouldn't k*ll you
to leave a note or something.

[Julia] I know.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's just we had
this thing to do,

and we ended up
staying over at Griffin's.

So anyway...
So anyway, listen---

I'm sure
it's a fascinating story, Jule,

but I gotta meet Sarah. Coming?


Oh, there's, uh,
day-old tuna salad

in the fridge
if you're hungry.

Griffin and I went to the
Justice of the Peace yesterday,

and we got married.

[fridge door slams]

Because we love each other,

and we're old enough,

and we want
to be together forever.


And you'll get used to it.


Oh, my God.

That is so weird and...
And incredible and--

An-an-and kind of inspiring.
Don't you think?


Yeah. Yeah.

Because think about it,
look at them.

They... They fell in love
and then they realized

that they still had some stuff
to figure out,

so they split up for a while.

And now they're, like,

"No wait,
we belong together."

Don't you think
that's inspiring?


we're like that too.

You broke up with me,
which was the right thing to do.

It was definitely
the right thing to do.

-Then afterwards--
-Bailey, don't--

No, no, no, no, no.

when I needed you,
when I really needed you,

you pretty much
saved my life,


And now

everything's just
falling back into place.

Yesterday, you and me--

Right. Look, that...

I shouldn't have kissed you
like that.

What are you talking about?
That was--

A mistake.

That was a mistake.

Things got out of hand, and...

-And I shouldn't have let them--
-No, no, no.
What are you talking about?

I love you, Sarah.

I want us to be friends.


But I-I don't mean it in that...

Ugh. That stupid break-up way

which basically means
just go away quietly.

I-I want you in my life.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Yesterday, that has
to mean something, right?

Things have happened
to us, Bailey,

bad things.

And...I-I can't just pretend
that they didn't.

I know. I know that and I...
And I'm sorry.

And I wish...


tell me what to do.

Tell me what to do.
I'll do anything.

Be my friend.

That's all.
Just be my friend.

And let's both move on.


Let's come to each other

when we both have
really good news, you know,

Or... Or be there for each other
when we're both in trouble.


Let's both fall in love
with other people

and tell each other
all about it.

I don't... I-I want...


I don't think I can do this.

I don't think
I can get through this

without you, Sarah.

I know that you feel
like you don't have everything

that you want right now, Bailey.

But believe me, you have
everything that you need.

You're gonna be okay.


I'm trying to figure out
what I'll need.


Probably just
clothes, right?

I mean, for a while
until we get a bigger place.

-Could we just--

No. I,

I just got married, Charlie.

I don't wanna be yelled at.

I don't wanna yell.

Good, then just
leave it alone.

I can't.

I can't. I... I just...

I don't get it, Jule.

I mean, could you just--

Could you just
explain it to me?

I love him. He loves me.

So be in love.

No one's saying
that you shouldn't

spend every second
of every day with him

if you want, Julia,
but this is--

Huge. I know that.

I-It kinda
takes my breath away too.

I just...

I just wanna understand.


I mean, there is no way

that you would have done
something like this
if Mom and Dad--

Maybe not, but if
they had been around

the last few years,
Charlie, I'd be, like,

someone else entirely.

I am who I am
because they died, Charlie.

It's... It's made me me.

So, what? You...

You run off and get married?


Have you even thought
about what that means?

Of course.

For how long?
A-A minute?

-An hour?
-I thought about it
when he asked me.

And, Charlie,
when I said yes,

it felt like the rightest thing
I have ever done in my life.

It felt like
with that one word,

that everything else
just snapped into place.

It's, like, Griffin loves me,

and we are gonna
be together forever and...

And that means
that I can go anywhere, and I can be anything,
and I will have that.

I will have him,
and I love him.

So now...

So now he can
stop worrying

that he's gonna lose me,
and he can just relax,

and he can become this...

This man that he's been
waiting to be.


I know you think
I've made a mistake.



So let me.



You're my little sister.


But I'm not
a little girl anymore.


I mean, look at me, Charlie.

I'm all grown up.

[indistinct chatter]

[jazz music playing]

You owe me 10 bucks.

We had a bet on this.

I didn't bring my purse.

Don't worry about it.
I know where you live.

So, cheers, councilwoman.

Mmm, I like the sound
of that.

-[Rose] And I know
she couldn't have

gotten through all this
without you, Charlie.

She said so at least,
oh, 50 times.

That's very nice.

Thank you, Rose.

Grace, come here, sweetie.

I have just been
embarrassing Charlie.


Um, I gotta get going,

-[Rose] Oh?
-[Charlie] Yeah.
I got some stuff to deal with.

Julia just... Anyway.

Oh, well, you give
that adorable Owen

a big kiss good night
for me, hear?

[Charlie] Okay.

Ah! I'm sure I'll see you

before I leave?

-Good. Okay.

I'll tell her later.

I've gotta go.

Yes, you said.

I'm sorry.

I really wish things
could have been different.

No, you wish
I could have been different.

[indistinct chatter
in background]

Grace, you must
be so happy.

So can we do it?

Charlie, please,
can we do it

before she just...
She just leaves?

Oh, Bailey?

We shouldn't leave it
like this, Charlie.

We don't have
anymore time to think, Charlie.

Can we?


Whatever you want.

This... This is the last of it
for a while.

You can dump my stuff
in a corner

if you want, and you guys can
fight it out for the attic.



So is Griffin
picking you up?

Yeah. He's gonna honk.

Maybe I'll just go
wait outside.

Wait, Julia.


You can't just
leave like this.

Li-like you're running away
or something.

This is supposed
to be a really...

Really important and...

And wonderful thing.


Well, it doesn't really seem

like anyone's in the mood
to celebrate with me.

Come on, Julia.

This is a huge thing
to just drop on us.

You know?

I think we all just needed

an announcement

and a couple of months
to get ready,

and a big ceremony
to make it feel official.

That was never
gonna happen, Bay.


We, uh...

We got something for you.

From all of us.

It's kind of
a wedding present.

Are you kidding?


It's mom's wedding ring.

You're the first one
of us, Jule.

This is really
from all of you?

[slow song playing]


Put it on.



Look at it,
kinda sparkles a little

[laughing] [car honking]

[song continues]