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03x23 - Promises, Promises

Posted: 03/07/22 16:43
by bunniefuu
[machine humming]

Excuse me.


Excuse me!

Oh, Claudia, hi.

I'm sorry.
This is a bathroom.


Something about the only
three-pronged outlets.

You need to--


We have another one.

[phone ringing, people chatting]

What is this?
A line?

Sorry, kiddo.

In my office, please.

Look, I know
it's kind of inconvenient.

Kind of?
Kind of?

Do you--
do you see this, Charlie?

What is this, Charlie?

This-- This-- This thing here
bleating like a goat.

It's a fax machine
in my bedroom.

It was the only
free phone plug.

This is our home,

and you're letting Grace
turn it into mission control.

Well, maybe you should
try to learn from it.
You know?

Observe the... the political
process from the inside.

See what a... see what
an incredible experiment

is this thing
we call democracy,

you know,
write a report for school.

Or you know what?
Maybe you should, em,
volunteer or something.

Oh, right. Since it worked
so well the last time.

Look, it's only for
a couple more weeks

until the election's over.

Or somebody dies.

You know, look, this is...
This is ridiculous.

I've been waiting
to see Dr. Kepner

for almost an hour now and...

Oh. What happened to
the nurse that was here?

Do you go to Berkeley?

No, I'm sorry.

Look, is Dr. Kepner even in
the building? 'Cause--

Where are you from?

Here. I'm from here.

I know you.
You're, uh, somebody.

Yeah. I'm Sarah Reeves,
and I'm here for a follow-up,

and that's-- That's my form,
still sitting there.

Right. Sorry.

Uh, Reeves.

Ah, you're the cranial,

from the ER
the other night.

The cranial contusion
to the superciliary ridge.

Bruise is healing nicely.

Who are you?
Doogie Howser?


Uh, Drew Bishop.
Dr. Kepner's my uncle.

I'm just interning for school.

I was observing the ER
when your, uh, boyfriend

dropped you off.

Oh, um, he's-- He wasn't--

He's not my boyfriend.

I was just checking.


All right,
let me see if I can use

my influence with the doc
and get you in here.


Did I? Did I put my?
My phone number on there?

I can't remember.

Let me see.

Uh, yes, right here.

Just checking.


[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Man, can you believe that?
Dave Matthews tickets are,

like, 30 bucks for nosebleed.

Hey, money's no object,

[Julia] Griffin.

I love saying that.
"Money's no object."

I mean,
I guess it is... an object.

Or maybe it's... I don't know,
how would you say that?

A concept.
A $100,000 concept.

-Hee! What a concept.

Oh! Check it out!

The San Francisco
Hot Springs.

"Indulge with
the one you love."


Eh... Full spa facilities,

massage, body wrap, mud baths.

Sounds totally decadent.
How much?

Wow! Must be imported mud.

Hey, but you forget.
Money's no object.

Yeah, well, maybe for you.

Nope. Hey, now, I told you,

it was your idea to sue so we're
gonna share it all the way.

Oh, yeah?

Well, in that case,
check the travel section.

Let's see how much it is
to go to Maui.

Hoh! Heh-heh-heh.

[Julia laughs]

Movies. Movies.
Movies are safe.

Kills two hours easy,
two and a half with travel time.

Plus, you can't get any booze
at a movie, so...

Yeah. Except we've
already seen
every movie

currently playing
in the greater Bay Area.

Not true.

The Sorrow and the Pity
at the Castro.

We never saw that.

Read the description.


Oh. Okay.

Okay. Well, then, how about...

How about...

Let's see.

"Peanuts on Ice."

[both chuckles]

God, am I really that desperate?

Look, um, Bailey,
do you really think

that you're gonna need me
around this afternoon?

Oh, um,

I don't know.

It helps having you
around a lot,

-but if you have something--
-[Sarah] Nothing.

Nothing. It's just,
my mom had this thing

that she wants us to do.
But if you need me...

No. No.

I think I could stay sober
till tomorrow.

Are you sure?

Mm. What's it been?

Six days?

Six days and 18 hours.

That's almost seven days.
That's a week.

That's a week I've gone
without taking a drink.

I'm not gonna throw that away.
No, I'm not.

And besides, you can't
watch over me 24 hours a day.

[Bailey] Right?

Sooner or later I'm gonna have
to venture out there on my own.

So I can do it.

Of course you can.

Well, I sort of have,
um, school. Yeah. School, me too.

There's no drinking at school.

I love school.

Now, then,
the Peloponnesian w*r,

lasted from 431 BC to 404 BC.

If you can imagine that.

Twenty-seven years
of swordplay, and pummeling,

and God knows what else.

[Mr. Langen] Now, then,
Athens takes on Sparta,

her former ally
in the Persian w*r.

[romantic music playing]

[Mr. Langen]
Who can tell me who won?

Ah, I'm glad to know
someone read the assignment.


It was Sparta.

Precisely. Now, then--

Em, Mr. Langen, I'm feeling
kind of nauseous.

Can I be excused?

Oh, yes.

[Mr. Langen] Yes, of course.
Of course.

Will you be all right?

I think so.

Thank you.

[Julia] Hey! It's me.

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

But, um, I can't stop thinking
about those mud baths.

Uh-huh. Yep.

Really? No.

No, I got out early.

So, um,
I'll meet you in 15.

Okay? Perfect.

I can't believe
you're the only one

that didn't jump
out of your seat

when she opened
the car door.

Yeah, well, you know, I just
sort of expected it. That's all.

There's no way you could
see that coming, though.

All right.
How did you--?

I saw it yesterday, actually.


Well, why didn't you
tell me that?

-We could have seen
something else.

No, you know,
everyone was screaming
so loud the first time.

I couldn't hear
the dialog anyway.

So I was happy
to see it twice.

So you wanted to, uh,
go out with me that bad, huh?

Don't flatter yourself.

Well, it looks like
I don't have to.

[both laugh]

So, um, is coffee
out of the question or?

No. I love coffee.

You know, there's this great
place on, on Grant.

It's really cool.
We hang out there.

Oh, we?

Oh, you know,
my friends and me.

I, we, whatever.

That sounds great.

Um, do you mind if I make
a phone call first?

Well, as long as
you're not gonna make
an excuse to dump me.

You know, like,
pretend like your
cat is sick or...

That would, uh...

That would put me in therapy.

No. I have this friend
who's, um, sick, actually,

and I just wanted to call
and check in. That's all.


Um, I'll get the car.

-All right.

This way.
[Sarah chuckles]

[Grace] Well, we're operating
on zero budget

so the kitchen is sort of the
nerve center of the campaign.

This is great.
Real grassroots stuff.

So where do you want me?

[Claudia quietly]
I have a few ideas.

I could pose with
some campaign
staff if you like.

No, no.
I prefer candid. Oh, okay.
[shutter clicking]

Marcia, did we get that fax
from the mayor's office?

Oh, um, I'll go see.

Oh, it's right here,

You mean, it's been here?

I brought it down, okay?

I just got distracted
feeding a small child.

Oh! There it is.

Oops. Sorry.
Oh, my God.

Here. Let me...

This is ruined.
Will you please?

Could you just, um,
take him out of here, please?

[shutter clicking]
[Grace chuckles]

He lived here first, you know.

Come on, Owen.

[Grace sighs]

[shutter clicking]

[horses whinnying on TV]

[man speaking
indistinctly on TV]

Coming to bed?

No. I'm watching.

What are you watching?


Okay. Um, fine.

Well, I'll be--
I'll be asleep in 15 minutes.

And then you can
sneak into bed. What's that supposed to mean?

You think I haven't noticed
how you've been avoiding me?

I mean,
you don't talk to me.

You barely even look at me.

I'm surprised you're even home.

What? Did Sarah die
or something?

Come on, Callie.

No. I'm sorry. You know,
I mean, what's wrong with me?

God, you sleep in my bed.

You... You have sex with me.

Well, I mean,
you used to have sex with me.

But now it's like
you spend every waking moment

with your ex-girlfriend.

How am I supposed
to feel about that?

I told you,
she's helping me.

Well, I could help you too,
you know,

if you just give me a chance.

I don't know about that, Cal.

What is that supposed to mean?

You were the only one
who wasn't there for me.

Every time I really needed you,

it was always,

"I don't do sick,"

or " I'm sorry,
this is too intense for me."

How can you say that?

God, who covered for you all
those times with your family?

Who cleaned up after you

when you got so sick
on tequila that--

No, no. See?

See, all that stuff
is about the drinking,

about the drinking
after the fact.

But when my family finally
decided to get together and...

And I don't know. Do--
Do something, you bailed.

No. That's-- That's not--
That's not fair.

You-- You wanted to bail too.

Okay, come on, you didn't even
want me there to begin with.

I was sick, Callie.

I need help.

Callie, I just need help.

[slow music playing]

So I'll help.


What are you doing?

Laying low until the Democratic
National Convention leaves town.

Can you do it on the dryer?
I have to put these in.

Almost everything I own
took a mud bath yesterday.

Look at this.
Look at this.

"Busy city council candidate,
Grace Wilcox, is Saving Grace
for orphans."

[Julia] What?

[Claudia] Oh, man.

"Homeless advocate Grace Wilcox

still managed to find
quiet time

with her domestic partner
and his four siblings."

Quiet time? Yeah, only 'cause
nobody'll speak to her.

When did they
take this picture?

Just before she took
the littlest orphan out
of the kitchen.

"Charlie Salinger says his
youngest brother Owen, three,

pictured, took an immediate
liking to the candidate."

Yeah. She's a real
Mary Poppins.

God, how could she
exploit us like this?


Claudia, Julia, hi.

Charlie said you
have the paper.

Right here.

I just got a call that there's
an article in the Metro section.

Right there.

How is it?
Did you read it?

It's a good picture.

Hey! You're just
in time for pizza,

homemade, still hot enough
to trash the roof of your mouth.

You hungry?

Uh, I guess I could eat, yeah.

Okay, great.

I got, uh... You want a soda?

I bought ginger ale,

kiwi-berry, cream soda,
whatever you want.

Um, water's fine for me. Thanks.


So you didn't even notice.



You-- You rearranged again?

[Callie] Yep.

And I got rid
of the bar.

Oh, yeah, so you did.

Yeah. You know, I just...

I just figured--
I don't know. Just...

I got rid of anything that might
make you think about drinking.

You know, I mean, there's not a
drop of alcohol in this house.

Unless, of course,
you count the cough syrup.

But, uh, I don't know.
I think we can do this.

I'm gonna help you
do this.

You'll see.


That's cool.

Hm. This is fun,


I mean, uh,
you know,

who needs to have a beer
to have a good time, right?



Ugh. Come here.

Oh! Oh, hey, watch my knee.
Watch my knee.

Oh, sorry.
Mm. Soft as mud.

Oh, yeah, three showers,
I'm still finding sand.

[both laugh]

[Griffin] Oh, hey,
you know what?

I don't have any...
We kind of used them all.

[Julia] Oh, that's okay.

I stopped at the drug store,
picked up the family pack.

They're in my bag.

What's this? You got an F?

Yep. For "fantastic."
Here. Let me...

Um, here we go.
"Family Pack."

It seems a little inappropriate,
don't you think?

What is this?

What? Oh, yeah.

Like I'm ever gonna need to know
who won the Punic Wars?

Is this because we went
to the hot springs yesterday?

I don't know.
I guess so.

It's just a stupid quiz.
Who cares?

I thought you did.

Griffin, it doesn't even count
on my final grade.

It's no biggie.

Anyway, where were we? [Julia giggles]

Uh, no, no.
It's-- It's okay. I'm not--

[Sarah] Bailey.

Um, what are you...

Are you okay?

Wh-- Um, yeah.

Yeah. Uh, I was just
passing by and...

It's not a big deal.
I didn't realize you were...


Um, Bailey, this is Drew.

Hey, how you doing?


Uh, anyway, I should probably...

I'm gonna go.

No. Wait, Bailey.

Um, Drew, give us a sec, okay?

Yeah, yeah. Sure.
No problem.

[Bailey sighs]

Are you okay?
Tell me the truth.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm fine.
I'm sorry.

You haven't been drinking,
have you?

No, no, I haven't.

But I want to.

All I can think about
right now is how...

How one beer couldn't hurt me,

how I've gone this many days
without drinking,

and I need some kind of--
Some kind of reward.

And-- And right now,

the only thing
that's keeping me

from slamming one back
is because... Is because I promised you
I wouldn't.

I know.
I know.

I know this isn't fair.

And-- And you've got

a life here so... Give me a minute.

[slow music playing]

[speaking indistinctly]

Anyway, she's with
Friends of Alternative Families,

and they're sending out

copies of the article
in their monthly mailing.

So I started thinking,

maybe we should all go
with you tomorrow.

[Owen blowing bubbles]
It might look good for th--

Single Mothers'
Action League?

Right, them.
To see that you're
kind of a poster child.

I mean, it can't hurt your image

to have your
devoted domestic partner

and his little rug rats
at your side.

[Grace] I don't know, Charlie.

That article, I mean, let's face
it, it wasn't entirely honest.


This is politics.

It's Harry Brandt
from City College.

He says it's urgent.

Rug rats?


It's a figure of speech, Claud.

I can't believe you.

I can't believe you
actually think
it's okay for us

to all stand up there
and pretend

like we're this happy little
family. Count me out.

What is your problem now?

Oh, nothing.
Nothing, nothing.

Except I don't feel
like acting like a...

[Claudia whispers]
A whore.

Just so Grace can win
some stupid election,

when I can't vote.
And if I could,
I wouldn't vote for her.

-God, where do you--
-I know you're nuts
about her, Charlie.

But the thing is
she doesn't even--

She doesn't even
care about us.

She doesn't even like us.

Hey, that's not...

You don't know what you're
talking about, Claud.

Hey, I gotta get out of here.

Harry got me into speak,
but it's at eight. So...

Hey, that's great. Okay, just
remember, don't cross your arms.


Oh, bye, Claudia.
Bye, Owen.

[Owen] Bye.

I didn't say anything.

Hey, is this my Talking Heads?


Oh, um, you left it here

when we were still, you know.


this guy, this, um--

What was it, Drew?

Is it serious?

I don't know.

It was only gonna be
our second date.


'Cause you... You never
mentioned him for anything.

Anyway, I'm sorry.

Sorry if I... If I screwed
that up for you at all.

No. No, he was...

He was pretty cool about it.

I think we're gonna get together
this, um, this weekend.


[rock music playing on stereo]


I'm keeping you up.

No, no. It's just,
you know, school tomorrow.

So how you doing?


Better, I guess.

Em, this stuff...

This listening to music
with you...

just helps me keep
my mind off things, you know? It just helps a lot
being with you.

Um, Bailey, you know what,
that's great.

But don't, okay?
Don't do that.


I'm sorry.

It's just... old habit.


Things are different now and--

I know.

I know.

You're-- You're dating
someone now and...

And that's good.

That's great.

So are you, Bailey.

Anyway, um,

I-- I'll help you.

But you kind of have to learn
how to help yourself too.

And believe me, you are...

God, you are doing great so far.

I just-- I just think you need
to make some serious changes.

You know, you need to get away

from the things that make you
want to drink,

all the things that remind you
of the partying and alcohol.

Everything, hmm?

Yeah. Pretty much.

[Julia] Hey, you, up and at 'em.

Adam who?

You are beautiful
in the morning.

Did I ever tell you that?

Oh, coffee.

God, it is an amazing day
outside today.

So I was thinking that
we should be out there,

you know, doing something fun.
You want to do something fun?

Sure, as long as it doesn't
involve mud.

I was thinking we could pack up
some stuff and hop on your bike

and head up to Drake's Beach
through Marin?

This afternoon?

Nope. After breakfast.

Don't you have school?

Yeah. But they're
not gonna miss me. I mean, it's not like there's
anything going on there.

And besides, given the choice,

Peloponnesian w*r,
or spending time with you.

You, Peloponnesian Wars. Ugh.

I pick you.

Yeah, I mean,
that sounds pretty cool.

It's just, not today.

Why not today?

Today is perfect.

You know what?

I gotta replace the plugs
on my bike.

It's running kind of rough,

Oh, well, how long
is that gonna take?

By the time I go
and pick up the parts, uh,

probably all afternoon.

Maybe-- Maybe Saturday
would be good?


Okay. Maybe.

[oven door bangs, food sizzling]

[rattling noise from kitchen]

What's with all the noise?

Just making breakfast.

What time is it?

It's almost eight.

Look... you didn't slip up or
anything last night, did you?

I mean, that's not why
you slept out here, right?


No, I didn't slip up.

And thanks for the vote
of confidence.

Oh, okay. So let's see.

You didn't drink,
and you were out late.

So that means...

How is Sarah?
[door closes]


No. Excuse me.
I'm sorry, is it just me,

or did we already
have this conversation?

You know,
because I thought you said,

that you weren't
gonna do that anymore.

You know, I thought you said,
that you were gonna let me help.

Look, it's not--
[metal clinks]

Would you stop slamming things
around for a second?

Okay. Okay. Look.


I don't think
that you can help me.

Callie, I don't think
it's possible.

I can, you know,
if you just give me a chance.

It's not that simple.

See, this...

This whole place,
everything here

just reminds me
of how much I want to drink.

I-- I put my key in the door,

and my mouth starts to water.

Like that-- that dog,
that Pavlov guy or whoever,

because I can't wait
to get to the fridge.

And then I get there
and I open the door,
I remember.

And it's like...

It's like everywhere I turn,

this whole place,

everything in this place
makes me want to...

Makes me want to dull the edges.

Including me?


I think so.



Oh! Hi, Claudia.

Mr. Van Horn, please.
Grace Wilcox.

This-- This just came in.

Oh, thanks.

Was there something else?


I wanted to apologize.

I mean, things have been
kind of crazy around here,

and I don't know, maybe...

Maybe I was blaming you
unfairly for that.

And it's not like I've been
the nicest person in the--

Yes, Mr. Van Horn.
Grace Wilcox.

[doorbell rings]
Good. And you?

Listen, have you
heard anything
about the debates yet?

Okay. But you'll call me,
right? Thanks.


Oh, I'm sorry.

You were saying?

Just that I...

I also took a message earlier
from-- from some reporter.

I think with, uh, SF Weekly.

And anyway,
she saw the article
in the Ledger,

and, well, she wanted to do
a follow-up piece.

You know,
get some sh*ts of you
and me and Owen

doing something fun.


Hey, what'd I tell you?

Anyway, she said that she
was doing another story

downtown this afternoon,
and, well,

that she'd be really close
to the Natural History Museum.

Well, she thought that'd be,
you know,

a good place to get some sh*ts.

So you... want to?

I can rearrange
my afternoon.

Charlie, want to come?

Um, I got payroll
at the restaurant.

So just you and me and Owen.

Sounds perfect.

I'm gonna make
a few more calls
and we'll go.

Are you at, uh,

recess or whatever?

We're out for the day.

[Sarah] So, what do you...

Is Bailey okay?
Did something happen?

Heh. God, look at you.

Yeah, Bailey's fine.

Well, you know,
I mean for Bailey.

Well, then,
what do you want?


I want you to stop.

Okay? I mean,

I want you to stop now.


I'm sorry. I don't know
what you're talking about.

No. I'm... I'm talking about
all the time

that you're spending with him,

I mean, he's not the most
clear-thinking guy
to begin with.

But now it's like...

You talk him into stuff.
You know?

I'm not getting involved
in this.

No, you are involved
in this, okay?

I mean, I can hear it
when he talks.

[Callie] Stuff I know
he didn't come up
with on his own.

I mean, you're telling him
that he needs
to get away from me.

-That's not fair.
-I didn't tell him that.

Yes, you did. I mean, there's so
many things that he could do

to stop drinking, and you make
it all about me,

about how I'm
this terrible person

and this bad influence
and whatever.

And he's already feeling bad
about the accident and and...

And you're using that

because you don't want to see
him with me.

Or maybe you want him
to come back to you?


No, no. This is not about...

Look, I'm seeing somebody else.

Okay. I've moved on.
The only reason that I'm
spending time with him

is because he says he needs me.

I mean, you know,
he needs my help.


Well, then,
what's in it for you, huh?

I mean, are you honestly
gonna stand there

and tell me that you're not
doing this

because you want him
to come back to you?

I mean... go ahead,
tell me it's not true.


It's not true.

[car door closes]

[trolley bell rings] It's a leg.

[Julia] A knee.

Actually, it's a Milagro.

You wear it around your neck

to remind the universe
to look after your knee.

Pretty cool, huh?

Yeah, thanks.

Where'd you get it?

At this really cool
art festival
in Union Square.

Here, let me.

Wait a minute, wait.
So you went before school?

No, during, actually.

So you didn't go to school?

Well, I started to, but then
I saw the festival, and...

What? What's that look?

It's nothing, okay, just--

[driver] California and Powell.

What's going on with you, huh?

[Griffin] Since when have you
been ditching school?

[Julia] Well, since it's
the end of the year

and I've earned the right
to take it easy.

It's just I thought you cared
about this stuff.

The school and grades.

Griffin, it's senior slump.

Okay? Give me a break.

Everyone's slacking off
a little.

Maybe you shouldn't.

What? Where...
Where is this coming from?

It's just I-- I just wish
you wouldn't do that.

That's all.

And I don't like seeing you
slack off like this.

It's stupid.
You're just wasting time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know,

this is a really
weird conversation

to be having with you.

[didgeridoo music playing]

[Claudia] Koala bear.

Can you say koala bear?

Cola bear.
[Claudia laughs]

Close enough.

Hey, Grace,
did you hear that?

He said, "cola bear".

It's been almost an hour.

What time
did that reporter say?


Um, she wasn't really clear.

Are you sure she said,
"the koala exhibit"?

She said she'd catch up with us.

Huh. Oh, a koala has
two thumbs on each hand.

Wow. That's-- That's handy.

Catch up with us?
This place is huge.

And they're marsupials.
Oh, I didn't know that.

This is really educational.

This-- This can't be right.
We should go.

You think?

I mean, we're here.
And Owen, look at him, he's...

he's having
such a great time.

Why don't we stay
just a little longer?

I mean, we never get to have any
quality time together,

and we could go check out
the, uh, the dinosaurs.

I think that's a triceratops.

It's a herbivore.

-[Grace] I've gotta
find a phone.
-Come on.

[Grace] If there's been
some kind of mix-up,

I don't want to
waste any more time.

[Claudia] That's what
this is for you?

A waste of time?

Come on, I want to call.

If there's no reporter,
we should go.

There's no reporter.

Excuse me?

I made it up
to prove a point.

What? What are you
talking about?

I knew the only way
we'd ever get you

to spend any time with us

is if you thought you were
getting something out of it.

Apparently, I was right.

[slow alternative music
playing on stereo]

[door opens]

Oh, I thought
you'd be gone by now.


Told you.

Right, right.
Tomorrow. Of course.

Uh, oh, don't forget to pay
the rent check, you know.

'Cause you're paying
through next month.

That was the deal.
We had a deal.

It's, on the mantle.

Oh, okay.

[Callie] Hm.

You've been drinking.

Yeah. Well, you know,

I guess my edges
got a little too sharp.

[Callie chuckles]

Oh, come on. What?
No hello kiss?

[Callie] Or should I say,

no goodbye kiss?

Here's an idea.

What do you say we get naked
one more time before you go?

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

-No, Callie, I don't...
-Why not?

That used to be your solution
to everything.

Get drunk and get laid.

Callie, don't.
Don't do this.

This-- This doesn't have
to end badly.

It already has, Bailey.


I thought you were
gonna be different. You know?

I thought,

"Oh, if I could just
get a guy like Bailey."

[Callie chuckles]

How funny is that?

Turns out you treated me
worse than any of them.

And now, you're just
out the door.

Cal. Callie, wait.

Listen, you're right.

I was awful to you.

And-- And I am sorry for that.

I am so, so sorry.


we both need to make
a fresh start here.

You need to be--

You deserve to be

with someone who won't
treat you like that.

I mean, the truth is,

you're great.

You are.

And I really do like you.

And in a way,

I even love you.


Well, thanks for
finally telling me.

[door closes]




Owen's sleeping.

What's the matter?

Don't give me that,
all right?

You know damn well.
What the hell were you thinking?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold it right there.

You want to talk to me, talk.

But you don't you dare
yell at me, not about this.

'Cause I was right.

Don't you...
I don't believe you.

You want people to like you,

and then you pull stupid stunts

like tricking Grace into...

Man, what is the matter
with you?

You're yelling.
No, I am not yelling!

Claudia, why would you do
something like that?

Why would you do something so...
So mean and manipulative?

Hey, you told me
to get to know her,

spend some time with her.

So I tried to do that but,
hey, big surprise,

she couldn't care less!

That is not true!

It is true!

I mean, the minute she found out

there was nothing in it for her,
she was out of there.

But, fine. Go ahead.

Be mad at me. Hate me.

But that won't change the fact
that she doesn't care about us,

not like Kirsten did.

Kirsten wanted to be
a part of this family.

She loved it.

But Grace, oh, no.

Wait a a minute.

[Charlie sighs]

That's what...

Claudia, you...

You are so wrong.

She does care.
She's just...


She's running for office,

and this is a really insane time
for her right now.

And you want her to take time
away from that to...

I mean, you're not being fair
to her, Claudia.

And when all this calms down,
I'll prove it to you.

All right? We'll all do
something fun together.

-Yeah, fun.

We'll get Owen and...
And go to...

To Disneyland.


And then you'll see how wrong
you are about this. I promise.

Like Grace is really
gonna want to do that.

[Charlie] Of course she will.

I'm telling you that she will.

Man, Claudia.

[car engine starts]

It's okay.

See, I'm up.
I'm dressed.

Going to school.

You know what I was thinking?

I've been trying
to figure that out.

I was thinking about
how we've had some
pretty strange fights,

but this one.

Man, me ragging
on you about school.

That's-- That's freaky.

You could say that.

I love that you want
to spend time with me.

It's, it's pretty amazing.
It's just--

-[Griffin] No.

No, no.
Listen, this is my apology.

So just shut up.
All right?

It's just when I saw you
slacking off like that,

it was just like...

I don't know,
it just wasn't you.

You know, I always liked
that you're so smart.

I mean, you're, like,
the smartest person I know.

I mean, you read,
and you know stuff.

I mean, I love how I'll be ready
to go somewhere and, then,

you're like, "I just gotta
finish this chapter."

That's cool.

That you're so smart

and you still want
to be with me.

Is that stupid?

[slow music plays]



And besides, you know,
somebody's gotta be the brains

and somebody's gotta be
the looks.

And... I cannot do both. Oh. Oh, I see.


[romantic music plays] Wh... What?
What? What's wrong?


Just, I gotta get to school.

[romantic music plays]



Well, just these boxes

and I'm out of here.

You're out of here.

I'm gonna take this
out to the jeep.




Your key?



[keys jiggling]

Take care of yourself.


I always do.

[door closes]

I spoke to Alan Purlo
with the Garrett News.

The Ledger's gonna endorse me
in the morning.


That's... That's great.

So this could
really happen, huh?

Yeah, it really could.

You don't seem...

Aren't you happy about that?

Of course I am.
It's just...


Look, I don't want
to sound selfish here,

but this City Council
thing is...

It's at the top of my list
right now.

It's really important to me.

And I heard you talking
to Claudia

about trips to Disneyland
and all that, and I just...

I can't make those kind
of promises.

I know it sounds awful
and self absorbed
and horrible,

but that's just kind of
the way it is right now.

I'm sorry.

No. No, no.
There's no reason to be sorry.

So we're okay?

Of course.

Grace, God.



I'm gonna take a shower.

[Charlie] Okay.


Okay, so that was 94 steps
including the front porch.

Ninety-four up, 94 down.

So how many was that?

A zillion.

Wow, you're home.


that's that.

It's done.


Except for unpacking
and you're on your own
there, so...

So I guess I'm gonna owe you
for this, huh?

Pretty much for
the rest of your life. Heh.


how about we start tonight?

Dinner. Anywhere you want.
You name the place.

Bailey, you know what?

That's, that's really sweet,
but I can't.

I'm sort of
going out with Drew.

Oh, oh, of course.

Anyway, I should probably, um...

Ahem. So I'll...
I'll see you?

Yeah, I'll see you.


Nothing. Just...

Don't mention it.

[slow music plays]

What? You...
You did all this while I...

You look, uh...

We're celebrating.

-We are?
-[Julia] Mm-hm.

Come here.

I want to show you something.

I asked Mr. Langen
to give me a makeup.

I mean, I know how well
you want me to do.

You're doing
pretty well so far.


Have I ever told you about?

Heh. What?

The Punic Wars?


-There were three of them.

Between Rome and Carthage.

-Three of them, huh?

Mm. Who won?

Well, Rome captured Carthage,

tore it down by stone by stone.

And sold its inhabitants
into sl*very.

Oh, bummer.

All thanks to Cato.

[Julia chuckles]

The philosopher.


He said,
"Delenda est Carthago."

He did?


Yeah? What's it mean?

Well, it means

"Carthage must be destroyed."
