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03x21 - Hitting Bottom

Posted: 03/07/22 16:41
by bunniefuu
Julia, we should get going.
It's getting kinda late.

I know. I'm sorry.
I'm all messed up.

I can't remember
where I put anything.

So, uh, still no word
from Bailey?

Uh-uh, nothing.

Okay, I think I'm ready.

Book bag, house keys.
I'm wearing clothes.

[Sarah] I called him.

Or I-I tried,
but he wasn't there.

You talked to Callie?

Well, what did she say?

I mean, how's Bailey?

She didn't know.
I guess he didn't
come home last night.

She says it's happened
a couple of times.

He comes home the next day
and never says where he was.

Wait, what do you mean
you called him, Sarah?

I thought we weren't
gonna do that.

Yeah, I know. I know.
But I couldn't help it, okay?

I was worried
and going crazy, so--

-Did she say anything else?
-Is he going to class?

Maybe we should
call him and just--

Guys, hold on. We said we
weren't gonna do this, right?

It's been four days, Charlie.

Yeah. But that
doesn't change anything.

If we said we won't
call him and see him,
we won't call him and see him.

Well, what does Grace say?
I mean, have you talked to her?

Can't we call her
at her parents?

Maybe she has an idea.

Maybe, maybe she knows
something that we can do.

She does. And we're
already doing it.

Now, let's stick to it.

But is this all
because of what I said?

You were right, Claud.

It's gotta be he quits
or he's out of the family.

[sighs] But what if I was wrong?

I mean, what if it's like...

What if it's like
he, he doesn't have a choice?

'Course he's got a choice.

No. I mean, what if...

What if he can't help himself?
I mean, he's trying.

And, and it's like he said,
he's an alcoholic,
and it's in his blood,

and he can't stop drinking.

How's he ever gonna find out
unless he tries?


We can't keep
cutting him slack, Claudia,

'cause all he's gonna do
is make more promises
and then break them.

This is what we're doing.

We're drawing a line,
and we're sticking to it.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

[people chattering]

That's it. Sorry.
I've gotta go to 160s.

I know. I know.

So it's a forfeit.

Six points
for the visitors.

Um, thanks for
spotting us the time, huh?

It's the divisionals.

You made it this far,
you deserve every chance.

[blows whistle]

Next weight class,
on the mat.


She's missing the point, because
if I overheard someone saying,

"She's really out there"
about me, I'd be...

I'd be...


You're back.




[sighing deeply]


Hey, coach.



[slurring] I totally...
I totally forgot that...

I mean, not forgot...

What's the matter with you?

Nothing. Uh, nothing.

Then why the hell
weren't you there?

Well, well, that's what
I'm trying to, to say.

No, no. You know what?

I don't care
what your reasons are.

You're alive,
you should've been there.

I know. I know I should've.


And, and I feel really bad.

You shoulda heard
those guys today.

You took 'em so far, all the way
to the state divisionals.

They couldn't believe
you pulled a no-show.

-You know, last year

the college sent me a form,

saying that I'm vested
in a pension plan

'cause I've been there
15 years.


People said, "Oh, that's great.
You'll be taken care of
in your old age."

But all I could think about
is 15 years...

And not one single
divisional trophy.

But this was gonna be my year.

I was sure of it.

See, I had the team.

And they were ready.

They were as fired up
as I was...

'Cause we had
an ace in the hole.

We had you.

-Coach, can't I--


[car door closes]


[car starts]

You think it was like this
with Mom and Dad?

This stuff with Bailey? [sighs] I don't know, Claud.

I mean, when she
told him to quit...

Do you think
he was like Bailey?

I mean, do you think
he made it this hard?

Maybe. Who knows?

I mean, if she
was ready to leave him,

he must have been pretty bad.

And Bailey, he said
all those awful things to us.

Do you think Dad
was like that with her?

I mean, do you think
he talked to her like that?

I don't remember.

Did he thr*aten her, or...

Or, or hit her?

No way.

-Why are you--
-Bailey shoved you, Charlie,
and he tried to hit you.

And if Dad was ever drunk
like Bailey...

Do you remember
when you were a kid,

you know, I mean,
did you ever hear anything?


It was a long time ago.

And really, I don't,
I don't get why you
need to know all this stuff.

I just do.

And I know you remember
something, Charlie,

'cause you remember those drives
with Mom to pick up his car,

and you remembered her
being mad at him.

Yeah, but that's
all I remember.

But that can't be everything.

I mean, there's-there's
gotta be something.

No, Claud, there isn't.

I'm sorry.

Last night Claudia
slept in the living room

'cause she was afraid she'd
miss the phone ringing,

in case Bailey called to say,
"I made a mistake.

I wanna stop drinking.
Take me back."

And yesterday, I'm
driving home from school

And I'm kind of
in Bailey's neighborhood,

so I decide to swing by
and see if his car is there,
which, it wasn't.

But you know whose was?

Charlie is sitting there like me
hoping to see Bailey.

Hey, are you limping?

No. No, not really.

I just kind of get stiff
whenever I'm off of it
for a little while.

[grunts] What about
Bailey's roommate?

-What does she say?
-Griffin, you are.
You're limping.

I just had a little fall
on the boat.

A, a fall? When was this?

A couple months ago.

And, and you're still limping?

There's some scar tissue
in the knee joint.

Well, why didn't
you say anything?

I mean, this is pretty major.

I don't know.

I guess I was just afraid
that you'd be disappointed.

What? Disappointed
because you hurt your knee?



Just I, I can't do that
kind of work anymore, so...

So they kinda fired me.



So I wanted to come back
with all that stuff,
you know, like you said.

A, a job and a...
And a purpose.

Griffin, I really don't care
about that stuff anymore.

Last time I saw you, you
practically had a 20-year plan.

Yeah. Well, lately I haven't
been planning so far in advance.

What? What, like you know how
many kids you're gonna have,
you just haven't named 'em yet?

No. No. Nothing like that.

In fact, right now
I think I'd be happy

just to plan on spending
some time with you.

[rock music playing over stereo]

[Callie] There's no messages.

Were you wondering
if they called?


Your family.

My family? My family?

W, why...
I don't care if they called.

'Cause they didn't.

-[sighs] I said, I don't care.
-[answering machine beeps]

I was expecting
a call from someone else.

From the coach.

Oh, uh-huh.

Why would I wanna
hear from them?

All they wanna do is
send me off to
Betty Ford clinic.


So where was the party?

What party?

[chuckles] Come on, Bailey...

No party.

I was...

I was just
celebrating because...

Because today...

And I know this is starting
to sound a little bit

monotonous 'cause it happens
just about every day...

I won another match.

And so, of course, I had to
go celebrate with the guys.


[sighs] Well, congratulations.

So, what's going on with you?

Tell me every little thing.

Bailey, not now. Okay?
I gotta work.

Come on.

Not now. Okay?

Come on.

-Bailey, please, please.
-[Bailey grunts]


-What about now?
-I said no!

God, what's your problem?

I was just trying to
get you in the mood.

Oh, this is supposed
to be a turn-on?

You crawl into bed wasted
and slobber all over me?

Oh, so it's okay
when you're buzzed, too, but let me be a couple of drinks
ahead and all of a sudden

you rediscover
your long-lost virginity?


You know what?

They are right about you.

You got a problem.

I knew your mother, Claudia.
I, I really didn't know Nick.

But you must have seen him.

I mean, like after concerts
or at parties or whatever.

Briefly, maybe, but...

[sighs] She must have
said something.

You, you guys
must have talked.

I mean, come on,
you were partners.

You know, I, I really
don't remember.

Try, Avery, please.

What did she say?

It was long time ago, Claudia. I don't wanna hear that anymore.

Okay? I mean, that, that's
just what Charlie says.

Claudia, please,
I really don't--


Because I know
what you're doing.

You're trying to protect me.

But see,

you're not.

How does it help you to think
bad things about your father?

I don't wanna think
bad things, Avery.

I wanna think good things,

but I can't.

Because whenever I try,
whenever I remember him,

like, posing us for one of those
stupid Christmas cards

in, in a human pyramid
or something, it just...

It seems fake.

Like I'm remembering something
the way he wanted me to.

But, not how it really was.

He drank too much, Claudia.
What more do you need to know?

I wanna know what he was like.

What he was really like.

Wait. This is, like,
glued this way?

[chuckles] I mean, it's, uh,
16 bucks a night.

I mean, I talked him
down from 20.

Oh, you shoulda
kept talking.

I mean, you try to find a room
this cheap in San Francisco.

No thanks...




I'm not saying...

I just think
you could do better.

Not without a job, I can't.

I haven't even had time
to start looking.

I know.

But maybe that's not
the only way.

Getting a, a job, I mean.

[sighs] I don't
understand, what...

Suggesting I knock over a bank?

No. No.

I, I was just thinking about
that thing on, on the boat.

You know, the accident
with your knee,

'cause that was their fault.

Right? Didn't you say that?

Yeah, it was completely against
union regulations.

They should have never
sent me up that bulkhead

-without the bosun's rating.

So it just seems to me
that they owe you something.

[scoffs] Probably seems
a little different to them.

Yeah. Well...

Maybe you should sue.

What do you mean, sue?

You mean, like...

You mean, like
go to court sue?

Yeah. Griffin,
it's a good idea.

-'Cause, 'cause listen.

-Listen, I, I could help you

find a good lawyer,

and they could get you
whatever money they owe you.

And, and you could
buy yourself some time.

Time for what?

[sighs] Time to find a job that
you're really psyched about,

not just the first one
that comes along,

but one you'd wanna
stick around for.

So you just got this
all figured out, don't you?

Or maybe you could
get enough money so that

you could take a break
before you started working.

You know, do something fun,
like, like travel.

Go someplace that you didn't
see enough of on the boat.

Someplace that you'd
like to show a friend.


[sighs wearily]

I wanna get out of here,
Griffin, don't you?

I just got here.

No. I wanna go someplace
great with you.

I want you to take me
someplace great.


You, you want me to, uh...


Uh, okay.

So, what are you doing here?

Picking up Owen.

Owen? Well, he's not here.
He was picked up already.

He... What...

What are you talking about?
Who picked him up?

Uh, your brother Bailey.


Bailey is your brother,
isn't he?

Yes. Yeah. But...

How did he seem?

Who, Bailey? Fine.

Actually, they had
a lot of fun.

Bailey was throwing Owen
up in the air,

they were playing tag.
They both were in hysterics.

There you go, sweetie.
Right there.

So was he, um...




Uh, if he ever comes
to pick up Owen again...



No more cotton candy?

-You sure?

As soon as you get home,
those scrooges will have you

back on spinach
and Brussels sprouts.

I feel sick.


That's how I know when to quit.

Ah, no wonder you feel gross.

This stuff's all over you
like alien pod slime.

I'm not saying that they...

They don't mean well
or anything, you know,

I'm just saying
you gotta be pretty damn...

Darn, pretty darn
close to perfect,

to make those people happy.

You know?

Thank God you don't know
what I'm talking about.

We need to get you
to the bathroom.

These Handi Wipes
only do an inch at a time.

[grunting] Here we go. [grunts]


Who's your favorite brother?

Bailey, stupid.

Bailey's stupid.

Okay. We're gonna
have to work on that.

-Come on.

[Bailey grunts]

The facts of this case are very
compelling, Gavin, I must admit.

But you are a David
going up against

a very greedy
corporate Godzilla.

So to think you can fight
the good fight without stooping

to the level of your enemy,
it's just plain naive.

What are you
saying exactly?

Well, just that liability law's
a very tricky thing,

and in making a case,

some facts
are better than others.


But Griffin is actually hurt,
and it is actually their fault.

So, what other facts
do you need?

I'm just reminding you

that justice is blind,
and sometimes

she misses things.

So let them see my limp?

-Your boyfriend is very smart.
-[phone rings]


Hang on.

[man] Where the hell were you?

You know how long I've been
rotting in this jail?

Sal, hold on.
There's no need to shout.

[Sal speaks indistinctly]

-Oh, yeah?

Well, sometimes jail
is good for people.

It teaches them things,
like not to pass

bad paper to their
very own lawyers.

[Sal] What are you
talking about?

Let me take this next door.

[hanging up]

Gavin, work on that limp.


Oh, my God.
This guy is unbelievable.

Do you think we should
sneak out now,
or would he sue us for that?

What are you talking about?
You don't like Arnie?

Griffin, he's cute,
but you need a lawyer.

You saw all those clippings.
He's won tons of cases.

Do you think a judge is
actually gonna believe this guy?

I feel like
he's selling me a used car.

I feel like he's
selling me my used car.

Well, I'm sorry
that you feel that way.

But I already promised
Arnie this case.

I can't go back on my word.

Griffin, this is serious.

This could cost you
a lot of money,
and it's money you need.

It could make a lot of things
possible for you.

You know, I hate
when you do this,

because it's the same deal
every time.

You know, give Griffin
something to do,

and you can count on it,
he's gonna screw it up.

He always does.

I, I'm not talking about you.
I'm talking about him.

He's a joke.

He's not a joke.

I mean, maybe he's not
some fancy lawyer,
but I can't afford that.

He's a bulldog.
You know, sometimes
that's what you need.

[tapping on window]

Griffin, please tell me
you're not gonna hire this guy.

Please tell me this
isn't who we're depending on.

[door opens] [door shuts]


Hey, what are you doing here?

Did he call?


What? What happened?

Bailey picked up Owen
from daycare
without telling anyone,

and they're not back yet.

And now it's dark out.

Well, how long
have they been gone?

Four hours.

He picked up Owen
four hours ago.

And, and was he drinking?

I mean, did they say
anything about that?

They said he was
all hyped-up with the kids.

So who knows?

And he definitely
hasn't called?

You're sure you
checked the messages
at the restaurant, right?

I check five times.
I called
the daycare center, too.


Oh, my God, what if
they had an accident?

We already called
all the hospitals.

And what about the police?

No. But we gotta do that.

No, no, no, no. Wait.
I mean, we can't.

I mean, what-what if they
pull Bailey over and he's drunk?

No. You know what?
You should call. You should.

I mean, besides, what's
the worst thing that can happen?

She's right. I mean,
so what if he loses his license?

I wanna find Owen.

Hello? Yes. Uh...

No, it's not an emergency.

Except, um, I need
to find my brother.

He kinda disappeared,
and he's with my other brother,
and I'm worried.

I don't know if I can
trust him to drive
'cause he might be, um...

Can you just...

Can you just help me find him?

No! Bailey! Bailey!

-Bailey, stop!
-Hang on, buddy.

Few more yards.


Put me down.


Come on, buddy.

That's the sign
of a good ride,

when you can't wait
for it to end.

[Claudia sighs]

He used to do this too.

Who? Dad.

He used to take
these fishing trips,

back when he was drinking.

This one time he was supposed
to come back on a Sunday.

And it was already Tuesday,
and she hadn't heard a word.

So, I mean, she really
started freaking,

like, like calling the cops
and everything.

And when he finally got back,
he was drunk.

And instead of saying
he was sorry,

he yelled at her.

Who told you this?


He said Dad yelled at her
for making a big deal
out of him being late.

I mean, he got really mad at her

for making him look
irresponsible to people.

Just in case you think
this is bad,

it gets worse.

You went to see Avery?


Because I wanted to know.

And he told me everything.

[Bailey distantly]
Arms out. Here you go.

He's here. Bailey's here.

[door opening]

[imitating motor]

Just what the hell
do you think you're doing?

-Excuse me?
-Come here, Owen.

Are you okay?
Look at me.

What's the matter with you?
Of course he's okay.

[Julia] Let's get you
ready for dinner.

Where the hell have you been?

[yells] Where the hell
have you been?

Where the hell have I been?
I took Owen for a ride.

What the hell
is so "the hell" about it?

You took him from daycare
without telling anybody,

and then you kept him all day
without calling?

[Bailey] I spent the afternoon
with my little brother.

What's the big deal?

-I do it all the time.
-No, you don't!

The last couple months you've
been totally AWOL.

I'm making up for lost time.
What's wrong with that?

Because we had no way
of knowing if...

-How are we supposed to know--
-If I was drunk?

Is that what this is about?

You, you thought
that I'd be wasted, right?

You thought that
I would drive around wasted
and get Owen k*lled.

Well, are you?

Oh, that's really sweet.

Just when I thought my family
couldn't love me any less.

Have you had anything to drink?

No, I haven't.

Let me smell your breath.

Get away from me.

You have. You've been drinking.

I had a beer,
Charlie, one beer.

You drank and you drove with
your little brother in the car!

I am completely sober! Okay?

-You wanna give me a blood test?
-I don't believe you!

Somebody oughta...

Well, come on! Go on!

[Julia] No, Charlie!
No, Charlie!

-Charlie, stop it!
-Charlie, please, stop!

-Stop it!

[both panting]


Just stay away from Owen,
you hear me?

You can wreck your own life,
but you're not gonna hurt him!

-He's my brother.
-No, he's not!

[Bailey] I can't believe...

You people...


We gotta go after him, right?

I mean, obviously,
this isn't working.

He isn't gonna
learn anything like this. He's been drinking,
and now he's gonna drive,

and we've got to
do something, right?



[tires squealing]

[knocking on door]

[knocking continues]


If I'd known you were coming,
I'd have fixed the good cereal.

Julia, what's wrong?

Is it Bailey?


You're gonna be okay,
all right?

You're gonna be all right.
I'm here. Okay?

[continues sobbing]

I'm right here.

[soulful song playing]

Are you sure?



Charlie, are you all right?
On the phone you sounded like--

I'd just like to know
why you did it.


[door closes]

Why'd you tell Claudia
all that stuff about our father?

Well, she came in
all upset, and I just--

Well, exactly. Exactly.
She's upset.

She's upset about drinking
in our family.

You tell her that her father's
some kind of abusive drunk?

Why would you do that?

Uh, Charlie, wait. That's--

Because this alcoholism thing,
the way it works, she'll think

that whatever happened to Dad
is gonna happen to Bailey.

She asked me what I remembered.
All I told her--

And the fact of the matter is,
is that Dad was never that bad.

I remember him
from back then, too, you know,

and I don't remember any of
the stuff that you told Claudia.

I mean, he drank too much. Sure.

And there was some yelling,

But he got his act together
pretty quickly.

And Bailey will, too.

So as far as all this stuff
you told Claudia,

maybe you have your own reasons
for believing it, but we don't
need to hear it, okay?

You think I'm carrying out some
sort of old grudge against Nick?

Everyone knows that
you were in love with her.

So of course you're gonna
blow up every flaw he had. You didn't wanna
believe that he, that he
belonged with her.

That's not it.

You're trying to
get back at him.

That's not even close, Charlie.

Because there's so much worse
I, I could have told her.



Bailey, come on,
answer the door, please.


Bailey, talk to me, please.

Callie, are you in there?


Oh, please be here.
Please be here.

Please be here.

[music playing on TV]

[Owen singing]

[Charlie] Hey.

Hey. Where you been?

Nowhere. I just
had to do something.

[Own singing]

I gotta get to the restaurant,
and I'm kinda late.

[sighs] Wanna come?

To the restaurant?

Yeah. Why not?
There's a TV there.

You guys could help out in
the kitchen. It'll be fun.

We're okay, Charlie.
I can watch Owen.

I know. I'm just saying...

I'd like to have you there.
I'd like us to be together.

[sighs] I, I really...
I don't feel like it.

If you're worried about Bailey,
he can find us there.

I don't wanna go
to the restaurant.

Why not?

Because it's
his restaurant, Charlie.

'Cause we're all yelling
at Bailey all the time

and making it out like it's
all his fault or something.

But it's not Bailey's fault,
Charlie. It's not.

It's Dad's. It's Dad's fault.

Claud, wait. Slow down.

I don't wanna go
to his restaurant, Charlie,

'cause then it's like
I forgive him, and I don't.


God, where have you been?
I've been looking for you.

Bailey, wait.

For what? Another lecture?


Look, I know you feel like you
don't have
any friends right now.

Yeah. And I gotta say,
it's really growing on me.

You're not gonna drive now,
are you? You can't.

-You've been drinking.
-Get out of the way.

No, Bailey. Let me drive. Okay?
I'll take you
wherever you wanna go.

You wanna go to a bar?
I'll take you.

-Bailey, stop it.

Bailey, you can't do this.
You can't do this.

Think about what you're doing.

No, you can't do this!

-Get out of the car, Sarah.

Then shut up!

[car starts]

[engine revs]

[brakes squeal]

What's the matter with you?

-[brakes squeal]
-Bailey, stop the car.

[Bailey] I said, shut up.

Take it easy. Be careful.

Don't tell me how to drive!

Bailey, look out!

-[horn honks]
-[Sarah] Look out!

[Sarah screams]

[brakes screech]


[people chattering]

[woman over PA]
Dr. Indigo to the pharmacy.
Dr. Indigo to the pharmacy.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Excuse me.
Where are you going?

This is Sarah Reeves' room,
isn't it?

Yes. Yes, it is. But I'm sorry.
You can't go in there.

Her parents called me
and told me she's here.

I just wanna make sure
she's okay.

I'm sorry. Only the immediate
family's allowed.

No. No. See, please,
I'm, I'm a friend.

Please, just can't you at least
tell me if it's serious?

She suffered
a few contusions,

and she is under observation
for a concussion.

-Now, please--
-What does that mean?

I mean, how serious is that?

Oh, she doesn't have
any broken bones,
no internal injuries, okay.

She'll be going home tomorrow.

Now, if you can wait over here,
you might get a chance -to talk to her parents.
-So she's gonna be okay?


Wait. Wait.

Where's Bailey?

-The driver.

Where's the driver?
Was, was he hurt?

I don't know. I never saw him.

So you...
So they just let him go?

It wasn't my shift,
so I can't answer that.

Well, somebody must have...

I mean, isn't there anything
on her chart?

Look, he's my brother.

[indistinct speech over PA]

Well, apparently,
he didn't leave a name.

He just gave us her
parents number, and he left.

[indistinct speech over PA]


[keys jingling]

[car starts]




What's out there?

I'm not sure.
It's still pretty dark out.

Is something on your mind?

No, no.

Not really. It's just...

I guess I was just afraid
to fall asleep.


I don't know.

You know, I was afraid
that maybe one of us

was gonna suddenly wake up
and realize that last night
was a big mistake.

Like, say, you.

Why would I do that?

'Cause you've done it before.



Maybe because it's true.


No, it's not.
It wasn't a mistake.

'Cause, 'cause now it's like
we're together
in a different way.

You know, like really...

Together together,
and I want that.

Don't you?

Yeah. Sure.

And it, it's weird,
but I didn't even know it

until you got here.

But when I first
saw you and...

And when we were together...

Last night, it's just...

It was so what I need right now.

It felt so great.

I don't know, maybe that's why
I was that way at the lawyer's,

but I, I really want things
to work out for us.

I, I really don't want
anything to go wrong.

[sighs] It's not okay, Julia.

I don't want it to be like that.

You, you can't second guess
everything that I do.

You know, you gotta
trust me once in a while.

I know.

I know, and I'm sorry.

But, but I want you
to understand that if I...

If I push you, and I know
that I shouldn't.

But if I do, it's just...

Whatever you're gonna do,
Griffin, like,

wherever you're gonna go,
we're going together.



Where have you been? What's the matter?

You can't just disappear like
that, Julia, especially now,

-especially with all this--

What are you talking about?

[Charlie sighs]

Bailey had an accident.


Sarah was in the car,
and she got hurt.

-Oh, my God.
-She's in the hospital.

They're watching her for
some concussion or whatever.

I mean, she's
gonna be okay, but...

Where's Bailey?
Charlie, is he--

I don't know. He disappeared.

He drove Sarah to the hospital,
and then he disappeared.

All right. So, so he must be...

I mean, if he drove her there,
then he must be okay.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Charlie, it's gotta be okay.

I mean, he's gotta
be sobered up by now. It's not okay, Julia.

It's not even close to okay.


I thought I knew what
I was doing, you know?

I thought I could just
draw some line with him.

Then maybe it would
hurt us a little,
but mostly, it would hurt him.

And he'd have to come around.


But I was wrong, Jule.

There's other people
involved here.


I mean, Owen.

And... Sarah, she...
She almost got k*lled.

I, I almost got her k*lled.

It's not your fault, Charlie.

It's nobody's fault but Dad's.

-I mean, this whole thing--
-Would you cut it out with that?

It's not helping, Claud!

You're not
helping anybody, okay?

[door slams]

[knock on door]

[door closes]


I'm sorry, Claud.

[exhales] I shouldn't
have yelled at you.


But I don't get it.

I don't get why
you're so mad at him.

Because of what
he did to us.

But what did he
do to you, really?

Because he didn't
make Bailey drink.

I know you think he did, but--

Yes, he did. I mean,
he gave him this problem.

No, Claud.

Even if Bailey did get
the alcoholism from him,

Dad couldn't help that
any more than,

than Mom could help
giving you her music.

Maybe not,

but, he could help
what he did to her.

He could help being
a bad husband and a bad father.

He wasn't, Claud.

He quit drinking.
He made himself better.

And-and the guy he was
after that, you loved him.

You thought he was
a great father.

I don't care.
I don't think that anymore.

You know, I've made
a lot of mistakes, too,

stuff that's hurt this family.

And I tell myself
that you need to screw up
before you can learn.

You know, like, maybe
you gotta be a lousy person
before you can be a good one.

But Owen, I mean...


What if someday Owen looks at me
the way you're looking at Dad?

'Cause if he does,
there's no reason why
he won't decide to hate me.


You're different, Charlie.

The stuff you did, it's...

It's just not the same thing.

Yes, it is.

It's exactly the same.

He was a good father, Claud.

And if he was still around,
he'd be a good father now.



Is Bailey gonna be okay?

I hope so.

But I don't know.

[soulful song playing]

[Bailey sobs]