03x17 - Misery Loves Company

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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03x17 - Misery Loves Company

Post by bunniefuu »

[school bell rings]

[boy] Wait up.

Julia, hi.

Thanks for coming down.

Mrs. Huffman, hi.

Look, can we not do this?

I mean, I've made up my mind
about Stanford.

We just wanna talk to you
about your options, that's all.

-Come on in.
-We? Who's...

Charlie, man.

Look, before you get mad at me,

I just thought we should talk
this out, okay?

Julia, obviously things
are a little overwhelming
for you right now.

And that means it's probably
not the best time

to make a huge decision
like this.

So the best solution, I think,
is just defer for a year--

I told you,
I... I don't wanna defer.

Why not?

Miss Huffman says
all you have to do

is write them a letter
and tell them

how you plan to spend the year.

Well, that's kind
of the point.

'Cause I don't know how
I'm gonna spend the year.

So make something up.
You're a writer.

Then you can... You can take
the year off, you know?

And then if you still don't
want to go, fine.

Okay. It'll...
It'll be your decision.

It's my decision now.

Julia, look, I know it hasn't
been easy for everyone

after what happened with Libby.

I know it's very confusing.

But your brother says you've
been spending time

with an older man
who may have influenced your...

What? God, Charlie,

I can't believe you.

This... This is not about Sam.

Come on, ever since you've been
hanging out with this guy--

God, you have got it out
for him, don't you?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Because he's a 24-year-old
roofer and you're 17.

And he's obviously not the
most together person
on the planet.

Let's try to discuss...

-He doesn't know
what's best for you.
-Oh, and you do?

Yeah, I do.

I'm not gonna let you
throw away your future
on some guy.

So you're going
to Stanford or...
Or deferring or whatever...

-Who do you think you are?
-Okay, maybe you two
should just...

I am the guardian.

And I'm in charge,
and as long as you live
in my house...

-Your house?
-What I say goes!

You got that?

Yup. Think so.

[door slams]

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪



It... It doesn't
look good here.

My bed looks good here.

Oh, would you relax, okay?

Your bed looks good
over there too.

There's too much sun
in the morning.

And besides, what do we need
a bar for anyway?

We've got a refrigerator
and a bottle opener.

You are terminally unhip,
you know that?

It's part of the whole, like,
cocktail-nation scene.

Martinis, Dean Martin.

Just trust me, okay?
It's hip.

Yeah, well, I don't need
to be hip.

I need a bedroom.

And this thing's taking up
a ton of space, so...

[knock at door]


You weren't kidding.
You live in a slum.


Will, hey, man.

God, it's great to...
This is a surprise.

Yeah, well, you know.

[Callie clears throat]

Oh, uh, Will,

this is Callie.

Callie, this is
my best friend, Will.

Oh, Bailey has friends.

Such as they are.

Well, what
are you doing home?

Well, it's, uh... It's kind
of a long story.

What? Did something happen?


Yeah. Well, sort of.

What is it?

It's not... Your...
Your family's okay, I hope.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Every... Everybody's fine.


It's just, you know, I...

I have this...

Oh, sorry.

I have... I have something
in my contact.

Which way's the bathroom?

It's right through there
on your left.

He doesn't wear contacts.

Are you done with my whites?

All yours.

Marinara stain's permanent.


No matter.

Hey, what are you...

I haven't even washed
those jeans yet.

Hey, will you please
slow down.

What are you doing?

What's it look like?

Where... Where are you going?

I'm staying at Sam's.

You can't just leave.

I mean, you can't just... Take the hair dryer?

Why is it that everybody
is so interested

in telling me
what I can't do?

Julia, what's going on?

Charlie says he's the boss

as long as I live here.

So as of today,
I don't live here.

How long
are you gonna be gone?

When are you coming back?

Julia. Julia? Julia.

I couldn't think.
I couldn't study.

My folks thought I should just
come home for a few days,


Sounds awful, man.
Here you go.

Take the edge off.

Tell you what kills me.

I thought this was the one,
you know?

I even spent Christmas
in North Dakota for her.

And then... And then
to find out that way.

Man, did I tell you
how I found out?

Yeah, you did you said...

I followed her.

Right to his frat house.

And the next morning there's
Patsy's Geo in the same spot.

With the rock right on the tire
where you left it. I know.

Ugh! I'm starting to understand
country western music.

But you... You gotta know what
I'm going through, right?

I mean, you and Sarah.

I guess so.
Hey, you know what, man...

What happened
with you guys anyway?
Why'd she dump you?


It's a long story,

and you are depressed
enough as it is.

Hey, hey, misery
loves company, okay?

And it helps me
to talk about it
with someone who gets it.

So spill, man.
Share your pain.


We just... We just didn't see
eye to eye on a couple
of few key things, that's all.

-This is good.
Give me an example.

You know what?
This is not good.

Sitting here wallowing around
in all this stuff.

The best thing
for us right now

is total distraction.


Come on,
the pity party's over.

I'm supposed to meet Callie.

No, I'm in a mood.

Not acceptable.

You gotta move on.

You got gotta stop
thinking about her.

I can't stop
thinking about her.

You wanna bet?

It's like this
constant humming

in my head, you know.

What would Mom and Dad do?
What would Mom and Dad do?

What would they have done?

Well, Dad would
hit the roof. Given.

But Mom, she would have had
some really great way

of making Julia see what
a boneheaded thing she's doing.

It's the "really great" part
that I get stuck on.


So you in a hurry
to get home?


No reason. I was just...

What's the rule
on you staying over?

Hey, I'm an adult.

I can do whatever I want.

As long as I call home first.


Well, good.

Because I think
it might be nice

to wake up with you
in the morning.

We've never done that,
you know, wake up,

have coffee together in bed.

That sounds...

I'd like that.

-[fire tuck siren blaring]
-Then run the light.


I can smell...

Oh, my God.

[indistinct shouting]

Did I forget something?

Sam. Hey.

Uh, you know,
I... I just thought
I'd come over here

and make you dinner.


-For me?
-Sure, sure.

And then after that,

you said you'd never seen
I, Claudius.

So I rented it.

And if we can't see
the whole thing tonight,

then we'll
pick it up tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Uh...

And the next.
I got all 13 episodes,

and I got microwave popcorn.

You do have
a microwave, right?

Uh, yeah, sure. But...

So if you don't mind,
I was thinking,

we're gonna be watching
this whole marathon,

that I would stay over
for the next few days and...

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Stay over?


Oh, Julia, we...
We haven't even
talked about that.



Oh, no, not "stay over"
stay over.

No, no, no.

I'm not ready for that.
But I was thinking more

"stay over" stay over, like,
on your sofa.

You're acting weird.

Weird? Me?

I'm not... I'm not.
I... I'm...

Look, Charlie
has been ragging on me,

and I need to get away
for a little while.

And right now this is
about as far as I can go.

Oh, I don't know, Jule.

God, he already hates me.

Well, then you've got nothing
to lose, right?

Oh, okay.



Help me take my suitcase
out of the car.

It's kind of heavy.

Everything. Just everything.

Hey, the firemen said
they don't know how bad
the damage is yet.

So it may not be a total loss.

I know. I know.


It's just stuff, right?

I mean, thank God
nobody was hurt.

Which kind of makes it legal
to be upset about your stuff.

Yeah, I guess so.
I don't know.

It's just so awful.

Anyway, Charlie, um,

I'm just glad to be here.



You know what?

I should, um...
I think I better
go sleep on the sofa.

The sofa? What...

Yeah, yeah, I'm a really
restless sleeper,

and I'd probably just keep you
awake all night anyway. So...

Charlie, that's...

No, really. It's okay.

I just think we'd
both be better off.

Oh, it's Kirsten, huh?


It's kind of weird.

I'm sorry.

Then I'm the one who should
sleep on the sofa.

No. Hey, it's fine, really.

Just try to get
some sleep, okay?

[jazz music playing]

So according to this,
you are...


There's no way
you can pass for 27.

Shh! Shh!

You're gonna give me away.

You give me away,
you give away your right

to consume
alcoholic beverages.

Beverages. You know what
I'm saying?

Yes. But isn't it that,
like, a felony or something?

Hey, hey, are we playing
or are we talking?

Somebody break already.

Knock yourself out.


Watch out. Can you...
Can you get
the triangle off... for me?

[glass shatters]



They should install handrails
in these places.

-Drink up.

Like I've been doing
something else?

This cue is warped.

You see? It's working.

What's working?
My elbow's not working.

Well, yeah.
But how are you feeling?

In a word?

Sloppy drunk.


See, I told you we could get
your mind off things. Ha!

It's amazing, you know.

I... I haven't thought
about Patsy in, uh...

It's 1:33. That's 11:30.

Ah, who cares, right?

You were right, Bay,
this is perfect.

I feel...

This is, uh...

I feel...


Were the back units damaged?

Well, when can I get in?

Mr. Bellows?

I'm on hold.

Can you... Can you believe it's
playing "Disco Inferno"?

There's two sugars.

Not quite how I envisioned
morning coffee with you, but...

Yes, yes, I'm here.
You were saying?

Charlie, didn't you get
my note?

Y-you were supposed
to wake me
up last night.

What? No.

Um, things got a little crazy.

So it would appear.

Hey, for your information,
there was a fire

in Grace's apartment
last night,

and she had to stay here.

And I slept on the couch
as if it's any of your...

Okay, what... Whatever
It's just...

It's Julia.

She... She packed a bag,
a-and she went to stay at Sam's


No. I can't wait that long,
Mr. Bellows.

You gotta do something, Charlie

Okay. I'll, uh...
I'll... I'll deal with it.

I'll talk to her
or k*ll her or something.

You gotta stop fighting.

I said I'll deal
with it, okay?

Hey, don't
snap at me, okay?

I mean, at least I care what
happens with this family.

I'll give you the number
where I'm staying.

You wrote the number down?

-[phone beeps]

That didn't sound good.

Just more headaches.

What'd your landlord say?

Part of the roof collapsed.

They have to do
some kind of inspection.

So I don't know how long
it'll be before...

I'm sorry.

I know this is
the last thing you need

to be dealing
with right now.

It's okay.
Who you calling now?

My sister. I should probably
let her know she's
gonna have a house guest.

Now, wait, wait, wait.
Hold on.

You're not seriously gonna
drive back and forth

from here to San Jose.
That's nuts.

Just stay here.

That's too much to...

You slept on the couch
last night because of me.

And I know having me here
is weird for you, so... Maybe. But who's got
the bigger problem here,
me or you?


Callie, you're on my arm.


Pats. [both]

Oh, God, Bay.

Oh, God, my head.

Oh, God, my stomach.

You okay?

Ow. No.

Aren't you... Wait, wait.
You matched me beer for beer.

-Why aren't you...
-I am. Believe me.

Oh, man, I was dreaming again.

Yeah, let me guess.
About Patsy.

About her eyes.

I ever tell you
she had the most
amazing green eyes?

With little gold flecks.

You might have mentioned
it once or 25 times.

I just can't...


Maybe I should call her.

Think I should call her?

She's boffing
another guy, Will.

Thanks, Bay.

You really know
how to put it
into perspective.

Oh, next time you want to help
me take my mind off things,

just sh**t me,
all right?

Don't worry.
I've got something
that'll fix you right up.

Good. Because
I feel like my stomach

is trying to crawl
out of my mouth.

Hair of the dog.

Sure-fire cure for a hangover.

Just sip it slow.

You gotta be... Oh, God.

How can you...

Oh, my... Oh my God.

Oh, God.

[pop music playing
on radio]


That smells...

Mmm, wow.

You like?

Yeah. It's better
than fish sticks.

Mmm, hand me the salt.

Where is, uh, the salt?

Oh, you had three boxes open

so I put them all
in a little red canister.

You know, the one that
was full of nails?

When did you do this?

Last night.
I couldn't sleep.

All I could do was lie there
and think of variations

on stubbly-faced loser.


Oh, and by the way,

thank you for letting me stay
here like this.

It's not a problem.

[knock at door]

-I'll get rid of them.

Oh, Claudia.

Is... Is Julia here?

Claud? What's going on?

Nothing. Except
it was your day
to watch Owen.

Wait a minute.

You came all the way here
just to tell me that?

Uh, you guys, you're...
You're letting out the heat.

You know, this is a...
A really not good time,

Well, excuse me
for putting you out, sis.

But you can't just walk away

from all of your chores
at the house.

I mean, like, that's fair.

While you're
playing house with Sam,

I get stuck
with everything at home.

And Bailey's gone,
and... And Charlie,

he's too busy moving Grace
into the house.



So he... He kicks my boyfriend
out and then moves her in?

God, I can't believe him.

You know, I'm just gonna go
somewhere else.

No, no. Stay.
We're finished here.

No, we're not.
You can't just
walk away

from all of your stuff
at the house.

Fine. Then I won't.

I'll just do them
in another house

because I'm not going
back there, Claudia.


I'm going home.


How did you get here?

How else?
I took Muni.

At night by yourself?

Hey, you know what?

I'll run you home, okay?

I mean, dinner will keep.

No. Actually, it's risotto.
It... It won't keep.

I went to an awful
lot of trouble for this.

It'll only take 20 minutes.

No. You know what?

I'll take you after.
Why don't you just stay.

You don't mind, do you, Sam?

Why would I mind?

Come on, Will, this...

What are we doing here?
This is a coffee house.

They serve coffee.

I know. You gotta sober up.

You gotta sober up.

I'm not the one that's been
drinking since noon.

-That dog had a lot of hair.
-What drinking since noon?

I had a couple of beers
with lunch.

-Let go of me.

And two while we
watched the game. Yeah? Who's counting?

Stop squeezing my arm,
all right?

Whoa, sorry.




Will, look, it's Sarah.
You remember Sarah.


Wow. Look at you,
you're... How you doing?

God. Will.

Hey, Sarah. I'm just...

Oh, Will... Will just broke up
with his girlfriend.

But between you and me,

it's probably a good thing

because she treated him
like crap.

Just ask him.
He'll tell you all about it.


But... But you two
could probably
compare notes, huh?

Hey, maybe you guys could even
get back together.

You know what? I... I should...
I should probably just go.

Wait, no, no, no.
Don't go.

Hang around,
we're gonna stay.
We'll get a table.

Whoa. Sorry.


I'm sorry, I got it.
I got that. Sorry.

Bailey, come on.

You better get this
guy out of here.

-[Will] Bailey, come on.
-Hey, hey, I can walk.


She really hates me.


Okay, we got Go, Dog. Go!
Timeless classic.

Are You My Mother?

It's probably
the last thing
you need.

You want to pick?

Oh, Charlie, I was just...

I think maybe I should sleep
down here tonight.

I mean, it's only fair.

You don't have to do that.

No, no.
Obviously, this is
weird for you,

and I'm the one
that's putting you out.

So it's fine. Really.

-Good night.
-No, hey.

Whoa. Life goes on, huh?


You know what?

This is only gonna frustrate
both of us, so...

So stay with me.

With you? But what...
What about...

Yeah, I know.

But you're gonna be here
for at least a few days,

and I feel like
I'm holding you hostage
with my stupid hangup.

So come on.

No. You know what?

You shouldn't be uncomfortable
in your own bed.

-That's insane.
-No. I'm insane.

And the truth is
I'm just avoiding it.

And I gotta get past that
because that's stupid.

If I don't, we're both
gonna be miserable.

So I just gotta
take the plunge.

I gotta get back
on that horse...

-Well, that's a bad analogy.

You sure you're okay
with this?

You said it.
Life goes on.

Oh, hey.


So, um, I got up
for a snack
around three,

and I... And I couldn't help
but noticing that the sofa
hadn't been slept on.

Oh, yeah.

Um, about that...

So I'm just, you know,
I was guessing

that Grace found
another place to stay.

Well, you could
say that. It's...

Which is probably a good thing,
right? Because...

Oh, Claudia, good morning.

Do you mind?

Be my guest.


Hey, um, your dad said
it was okay if I...


Hi. It's... It's, uh,
nice to see you.

Yeah, you too. Wow. You... You still...

Oh, uh, yeah,
you know, I just...

I haven't gotten around
to taking them down yet.

I... I just kept thinking...

Stupid, huh?

Anyway, no time
like the present.

You look great.

How are you?

Eh, my life sucks right now.

Like, you know, totally.

But I'm okay.

Yeah, me too.

Look, um, I know this is
probably none of my business,

but what's going on
with Bailey? I mean...

You'd have to ask him.

How long has he been drinking
like this?

I don't know.

I mean, I... I know
that he drinks sometimes.

But it's like he's this...

This whole different person

since he got together
with Callie.

Got together? What do you mean?
I thought they were roommates.

Just mates, apparently.

Didn't he tell you?

You mean, he didn't...

Oh, that's why we broke up.
I thought you knew.


Actually, he forgot
to mention that.


Yeah. Well, anyway...

Hey, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to...

I just thought if he's been
doing this for a while,

with the drinking, I mean,

maybe we should do something.

You know what, Will,

I sort of can't go there.

Yeah, I'm still trying to get
over this, you know.

And i-if Bailey has
some kind of problem,

well, it's his problem,
not mine.



[bang at door]

Hey, you don't have to bang
the damn door down.

What the hell are you...

Sorry. I...

What happened to you?

Are you sick or something?

Um, yeah, yeah.

I am. I... I ate some bad...

I really need to talk to you.

Oh, this is...
Not right now, Claud.

Yeah, right now. That's why
I came all the way over here.

I don't know who else
I can talk to.

You're like...
you're, like, it.

What's going on?

You have to talk to Julia.

Or... Or Charlie. Or somebody.

Talk about what?

About this stupid fight
they're having.

Now Julia's moved out,

and Charlie, he's got Grace
staying with us.

And it's like the whole family
is just falling apart.

And you were
the one that always
kept things together.

And nobody's
doing that anymore.

So you'll talk to them, right?


I don't... I don't know.

What do you mean,
you don't know?

I mean...

I mean, they're gonna have
to work this out
on their own, Claud,

because I can't.

They're not speaking
to each other.

You have to do something.
You always know what to do.

-They'll listen to you.
-No, I don't.

I... I can't, Claud, okay?
I can't help you.


I don't live there anymore.


So this really
isn't my problem.

Sorry I bothered you.


Julia! Hello?



Can you open the door, please?

Oh, yeah, hang on.

You just, uh, wedged the chain
in the little thingie.

Hang on.
Pull the door a little.

I'll get it.

What's the rush?

-Something wrong?
-I got it.

Yeah. I've only got,
like, 30 seconds.

Thirty seconds for what?

The Flyers and the Rangers.

Oh, um...

I've planned my whole week
so I could get home in time

-for the face-off...
-Oh, uh, Sam...

...which happens
in exactly 35 seconds.


No. No. It's okay.

Look, Owen, we gotta
turn this off now, okay?

-No. I... I mean it.

It's Sam's turn to watch TV.
Remember Sam?

No, no, no!

You promised.

It's... okay.

Look, I'll, uh...
I'll watch it
in the bedroom.

What, on... On that little TV?
That doesn't seem fair.

Watch your step,
all right?

We've got the floor braced
from underneath,

but it's still
pretty dangerous.

Are you okay?

Oh, here.
I have my key.

I can't let you stay
in there too long.

And you can only take
whatever you can carry.


No, no, thank you.

I can't believe it. Whew.

Man, where should we start?

I don't... I don't know.

I thought there would be...


My, uh, grandmother gave me
all the family pictures.

I was gonna have copies made

for my parents' anniversary.

Miss Wilcox?

Your landlord was, um,
holding this for you.

Oh, thank you.

What is it?

I don't know.

It's, um, a bedspread
that I ordered two weeks ago

after I painted my bedroom.

It cost way more
than I could afford, but...

So you haven't lost
everything, right?


Come here.

Hey, I thought I was gonna
pick you up.

Yeah. I know. It's, uh...

It's just I was
kind of hoping
we could talk.

Will, Will, Will, Will, Will,
Will, Will, you gotta
let go of her, man.

More talking is not gonna
do you any good.

No. It's not...
It's not about that.

Oh, okay.

Um, well,
there's a place right
down on the corner.

Let's go grab a beer and talk.

No. See, that's the thing.

I'm still queasy
from the other night.

Well, you just gotta learn
how to pace yourself.

No, no. Wait a minute.

That's what I wanna...

It's like...

It's just...

It seems like
all you want to do
anymore is drink.


Well, welcome to college, Will.

-That's kind of part of it.
-I know.

I know that.
But my point is,

it's just
you're drinking a lot.

Like a lot.

Yeah. Especially
since you've been here.

But I thought we were... What?

Do... Do you do you have some
kind of problem with that?

More to the point,
Bay, do you?



You gotta be kidding me
here, right?

No, I'm not. I...
I mean, I don't
even recognize you anymore.

It's like you're
out of control
or something.

You're drinking all the time.

You dumped a great girlfriend.

Hey, hey, she dumped me.

-Yeah, whatever.


What's with the tone?

Come on, Bay,
it doesn't take a genius

to figure out
what's going on here.

Going on?

You're not...
You know what, Will?

This whole thing
with Patsy's
making you nuts.

This isn't ab...
Will you listen to me?

No. I don't want to because
you're way out of line here.

You come home, and you're
totally bummed out and...

And, hey, I...
I'm bummed out too.

So I try to be
a good friend to you

and help you try and take
your mind off things...

Wait a minute. No, don't try
to make this about me.

Well, it is about you, Will.

I was just trying
to show you a good time.

And excuse me, I don't remember
even once hearing you say

you weren't having fun.

You should have said something
and we could've...

gone bowling or whatever
instead of...

I don't believe this.

You're accusing me of...

You know what?

You know what, Will?
Go to hell.

Okay? Just go to hell.

I... I'm worried about you.
I'm only trying to help.

You want to help?

Get lost.

sh**t it. sh**t. sh**t.

sh**t it! sh**t.



Flyers just went up.


[knock at door]

I'll get it.



Hey, O.

Charlie, hi.

Were you ever gonna
call me back?

I hadn't planned to, nope.

Hey, you know what, Jule?

I... I'm sick of this.

You don't leave me notes saying
that Owen is staying over here.

He is not staying over here.

And you don't...
You don't do that.

God, listen to you.

And I don't want any
of this attitude.

All right?
He is coming home. And you know what?
You're coming home too.

-[Julia] What?
-Wait a minute.

You butt out, all right?

My sister is 17.

And I don't know what
that says about you,

but she's not staying
here anymore.

Look, you wanna
take cheap sh*ts
at me, go ahead. Hey, I am not getting into this
with you right now.

Julia, get your crap.

You guys stop yelling.
-We're going.

No. You are going.

No. No.


Nice work, guys.

Guys, stop yelling.

Come here.
It's okay, Owen.
It's okay.

I told you to wait
in the truck.

It's scary out there.

Wait outside, Claudia.

Hey, you're tracking stuff...


You know what, Charlie,
I am not going home

until you stop treating me
like some stupid kid.

Yeah, well.
Maybe when you
stop acting like one.

I've made many
adult decisions in my life
and most of the time

you're happy
to let me do that.

You don't happen
to like this one.

-Come on, you guys.
-Like it or not,
I am your guardian, okay?

And first... First of all,
you are coming home, all right?

And all I'd have to do
is make one phone call
to make you do that.

Oh. That'd be smart.
Go ahead.

Let Social Services see
what a bang-up job--

-Stop it!

I am not going home.
I am not.

So just get the hell
out of here.

I mean it, Charlie. Go.

I'm not done with this.

Let's go, Claud.

Hey, look at you.

You know how they say

you always have to throw
out the first pancake?


Well, I'm thinking

maybe I shouldn't
stop there.

A little syrup,

a little butter, you'll never
know the difference.

This is so sweet.

You cooked for me.


I thought I should do
something nice.


Yeah, to counteract something
not so nice.

Why am I nervous
all of a sudden?

Look, Julia,

I really like you.

Sam, that is not a good opener.

Wait. Hold on. I like you.

And the thought of having you
live here with me is...

Well, it's very tempting.

But it might be nice
to try it

when you're actually here
because of me

and not because
you're running
away from home.

Look, I know that things
are tough for you right now

with Charlie.

But you guys have
to work that out.

And... And until you do,
it's just...

I got a nice quiet little
life going here.

I come home.
I watch a little TV.
Listen to some music.

And I kind of
like it that way.

So, what you're trying
to say to me

in the nicest way possible

is that you'd like me
to get the hell out?

Like you wouldn't even believe.


You want me to,
uh, spot you?

I got it.

I went by your place. Callie said you were here.


I like to get my workout in
before the bars open.

Gotta keep my elbow in shape
for all that drinking.

Look, Bay, can we...
Can we just back up
a minute here?

Okay? Let's...
Let me just ask you,

friend to friend,
are you okay?

You know, with the...

-With the drinking?

No. I mean it.

I thought about last night,
and I should have...

I should have just come out
and asked you point-blank

instead of...

Just tell me.

I'm okay.

I'm fine.

Then I'm sorry.

I just... I haven't seen you
in the last four months,

and it seemed to
me like you were...

Hey, yeah, the truth is

sometimes I overdo it
with the partying.

But, hell, don't you?

Yeah. Sure.

And you're right.
You haven't been around
these past four months

because if you had,
you wouldn't
even ask me that, Will.

You would know
that it's not a problem.

I'm doing okay in school,
and you know, for me.

And I'm the best wrestler
at state.

And drinking doesn't get in
the way of any of that stuff.

I'm just trying
to have a good
time here, Will.

I know.

I know. I just thought...

I don't know what I thought.

So we're cool?

-Yeah. Yeah, we're cool.

So you still want to do
something tonight?

Movie? Whatever?

You know, I'm flying
out first thing tomorrow.

I figure we can, you know,
hang out, do whatever.

Wow. You know what?

I got this... This test
that I gotta cram for.

I totally blew it off all week.

So I think I gotta bail
on you, man.

I'm sorry.


No problem.

Anyway, I'm gonna hit
the showers.

You're back?

Yeah. I, uh,
thought about it,

and it just didn't seem right.

You know?


And besides that,
Sam kicked me out.

Well, anyway, I'm back.


So, what are you guys doing?

Owen's asked us to make
a family tree using macaroni.

Excuse me?

Well, you know,
he has to draw a picture
of each one of us

and then glue the macaroni
to the page for the branches.

Oh. You guys, uh...
You want some help?

We got it covered.

-How'd it go?

If I want to live next door to
an aspiring heavy-metal drummer

Did you see anything
that you liked?


Excuse me?

Well, you know those signs,
the ones that say,

"If you lived here,
you could be home now"?

You could be home now.

Check it out.
The... The colors even match.

-No, wait. I know.

I know what you're gonna say.

It's too soon and we haven't
been together long enough.

And there are about

a million practical,
logical reasons

why this is a bad idea.

There's also one reason
why it's a good idea.

And what's that?

Because I really, really
want this with you.

I mean, I still sleep on
one side of the bed.

You know that?

And I still put my toothbrush
in the same hole
in the little...

The little thingie.

I mean, old habits, right?

Well, that's just...
That's just dumb,
is what it is.

So I... I want you
to come in here

and make me change all that.

It's time to shake things up.

Because I'm ready.

-Wow, Charlie...
-Hey, we're both making
a fresh start here,

but who says
that has to be hard?

I mean, maybe if we do it

Help me make the bed?


Hey, there you are.

Did you and Will have fun?


Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it was great.

What are you doing?

I'm making martinis.
Shaken, not stirred.

You can tell me
if they're any good.

Actually, I've never had
a martini before.

So I don't know
that I'd be the best judge. Well, after a couple of these,
it probably won't matter.

So now, the book says

that you're supposed
to drink it... quickly,

while it's still
laughing at you.

Whatever that means.


See, I told you
this would look cool.

[both laugh]


So you gonna come in here

and take my bed
down for me
every night?

I got a better idea.


My bed's a queen size, so...

It's a lot of wasted mattress.

You mean you want me to...

Don't you?


You think it's a bad idea?

No. No.

I think...

I don't think
I've ever told you
how great you are.

It must be
the liquor talking.

Yeah, it must be.

[clears throat]


I think it stopped laughing.
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