03x12 - Desperate Measures

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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03x12 - Desperate Measures

Post by bunniefuu »

All right.

Here's Owen's schedule.

Could somebody
open this, please?

He's got the pediatrician
and gymboree tomorrow and...

are you listening?

Pediatrician, gymboree.
I got it.

Try a towel on that.

And when you pick him up
at daycare,

you can't pull up
to the curb anymore.

You gotta go inside.
Yeah. You told me.

Owen, you got syrup
on Vonda Shepard.

"Up on the Roof"?

-Who could that be for?
-Shut up.

[both] You shut up.

Everybody shut up.

Now, this is
my flight information

with Gene and Ellie's number.

So if you need to reach me...

You really think they're gonna
let you stay with them?

They haven't
returned your call.

I kind of doubt
Ellie's baking you a cake.

Well, I'll let you know
where I'm staying,

and I'll call you as soon
as I know when I'm coming back.

Owen, give me a hug.

Wait a minute.
As soon as you know?

-I thought you said--
-I said a few days.

It all depends
on how well it goes.

Well, yeah. But you can't
just disappear for God knows
how long

and expect me to take care
of everything.

-I mean, Bay is, like, gone,
and I've got stuff to do--

is it too much to ask
for this one thing, Jule?

I mean, you might
start to appreciate

my life around here
a little bit.

Wait, Charlie, um...

This is for Kirsten.

It's got some pictures
of my recital.

I'll give it to her.
Now, I gotta go.

Have a nice trip.

Well, you know
what I mean.


[theme music playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

I know you hate
these overalls,

but I'm not the one
who spilled syrup
all over my pants.

So you're just gonna
have to deal with it. Okay?

[Sam] Morning.

[Julia] Oh, hey, Sam.

Oh, um,

for you.

'Up the Ladder to the Roof,'

'Rain on the Roof.'


-Number one.

-Number one.
-No. Hurry up.

So I was thinking that
we should maybe

do something together.

Julia, do... do I
feel warm to you?

Uh, not now, Claudia.

Sure. Absolutely.
Like what?

Do you ski?

Ski? Me?

Of course.

'Cause I was
gonna go Saturday.

Julia, you're supposed
to be taking care of us.

In a minute, Claudia.

Saturday, I don't know.
I mean, Charlie...



-Well, I should--

What? What is with you?

I can't believe you
interrupted me like that.

Making me look like a stupid
baby-sitter in front of Sam.

I really don't feel good.

I'm thinking maybe
I should just stay home.

Nice try, Claudia.

You wanna skip school
because Charlie's not here.

-So forget it.
-No, really. I'm not...

So, I'll, uh, I'll
pick you up around 8?


In the car now.

-[Owen] Uh-oh, My pants.


[toilet flushing]

[whistle blows]

Seven. Again.

-Good match.
-[coach] You work
on that bridge, Andy.

[coach] Hold up, Bailey.

All right, men.
You see this?

You see this?

Salinger's been
on the team three weeks.

Three weeks!
And look at him.

This is what a little
dedication will do for you.

And do you know how many
Salingers they got
over at City? Every man on the team,
that's how many.

Sit down, Bailey.

All right,
here's the deal.

For the next 72 hours,

you drink water only,
and not much of that.

No alcohol.

You're gonna stick
to your diets.

You're gonna work out.

Let Salinger here
be your example.

Hit the showers.

[indistinct mumbling] Hey.

[doorbell ringing]

Hello, Ellie.


you shouldn't have come.

I called four times.
I left messages.

If you didn't want me
to be here...

Look, this is...
this is not a good time.

Gene's away for a few
days. I don't know how
to handle this.

There's nothing to handle,
Ellie. I just wanna see
Kirsten. Okay?

She's not here.

Where is she?
Did something happen?

No. No, no.
She's just gone out.

Look, Charlie, I'm
sorry that you've come
all this way, but--



Oh, my God.

Look at you.
You look... Wow.

I... I can't
believe... this is...

this is such
a surprise. I...


Did you know about this?

[bird cawing]

Half done. Wanna trade?

Mm? Oh, sure.

[indistinct chattering] [jazz music playing]

That's kind of bland.

Yeah. Part of the diet.

High protein,
low fat.

So, guess what?

My parents are trying
to get me ready for
college, you know,

so they gave me
separate billing
on my charge card.

What's it mean?

Well, it means that they
want me to start paying
my own bills.

So the statement
comes to me now,

and if I want to put
something on there

that I don't want them
to know about, that'd be okay.

What would you...?

Like what?

Like, um, a hotel room.

I told my Mom and Dad

that we were going
to that concert tonight,

probably wouldn't be
in till late.


But I don't
wanna pressure you.

You know, it's just we had
talked about trying again, so.

It's like the perfect

So, do you...?
Do you want to?

Try again?

Yeah. Of course.

Of course I do.


I can't.

Can't? Why not?

It's coach.

We had this totally
lousy practice today,

and Coach Petrocelli came down
on us really hard. On me.

And he said, you know,
stick to the diet,

no alcohol

and no...

you know...

He just said that?

Drains the stamina.

Well, It made sense
the way he said it.


Kind of sucks, huh?

Owen, get away from there.
You're gonna fall.

Oh. There you are.

I want you to do
a favor for me.


Will you just wait a minute?

I want you to watch Owen
for me on Saturday.

Why can't you do it?

Well, because I have
a date and that's--

Big whoop. Julia,
my stomach is k*lling me.

-I told you.
-So take something, all right?

Look, I know what
you're doing, Claudia,

because I used to do it,
and it's not gonna work.

You're not gonna
screw this up for me.

-Julia, I--
-Listen, it's bad enough

that I am stuck
baby-sitting you guys,

but I'm not putting
my whole life on hold

until Charlie gets back.
So you are just gonna help me,

and that's it.

[soft music playing]

[door opens and closes]

Hey, I'm making soup.

Well, heating soup,

-Do you want some?

No, I don't.

Is it too much to ask
you to keep your
garbage off the table?

-I've gotta study.

So, what'd you guys
fight about this time?

What? You and Sarah.

The only thing that puts
you in this bad a mood
is when you guys--

We didn't fight, okay?

And I don't wanna get into
this stuff right now.

Not with you.

What's that supposed to mean?

Look, just... just
please leave me alone.


-You drank all the beer.

You drank
all the beer. Okay?

And it was my six pack.

Look, you know, I'm getting
a little tired of this, Bailey.

-Will you please--

No. You know, it just
seems like every time

things get a little rocky
with Sarah,

you come home
and you treat me like crap.

Either that or you want
me flat on my back.

And you know what?
I'm kind of sick of it.

What do you want
from me, Callie?

I don't know, Bailey.

I mean, would it k*ll you
to at least treat me

like an actual human being?

I mean, is that
too much to ask?

You know what?

Anything is too much
to ask right now.

I don't wanna deal
with any of this.

That's great, Bailey.
Where do you think
you're going?

Hey, I owe you
a six pack.

Are you sure this is okay?

Better than upsetting your Mom.

Yeah. Guest room's fine.

These are for you.

Please don't use the ones
hanging in the bathroom.

There's a plastic squeegee
in the shower stall.

Use it to wipe off the door
if you don't mind. It mildews.

No problem.

I called Gene.

He's gonna try
and get back here
as soon as possible.

You didn't have do that, Mom.

Of course I did.

Good night.

You should get
some sleep.


[grunts playfully]

She's making me crazy.



you look great.

Like you're better.

Well, the last four weeks
have actually been pretty good

since I went on
this new medication.

I mean,
I'm not fetal anymore.

So that's a start.

So you've been doing
pretty good for...

For what, like,
the last month?

Well, yeah, pretty good.

So, I mean,
why didn't you...

you write me
and tell me or...

or call me or something?


I don't know.

'Cause I've been
really worried, Kirsten.
I wanted to know.

It's just...

maybe I didn't really
trust it, you know?

Like, as soon as I
wrote you or told you,

it wouldn't be true any more.

But it is true. It is now.

[Kirsten] So, anyway,

"Chic-ago" was the Indian
word for stinking onion,

'cause of all
the onion fields.

But the French settlers
pronounced it "Shi-cago."


And we're walking.
We're walking.

[Kirsten giggles]

Well, you asked.

So come on,
I want details.

Tell me everything
that's going on.

[Charlie] Well,
not much.

misses ya.

Owen asks about
you a lot.

He does?

Especially when
I put him to bed.

He told me he likes
your bedtime stories
better than mine.


God, I miss that.


It's just been such
a long time since I've
seen you smile.

It's nice to see.

So do you wanna go
see the view

from the top
of the Sears Tower,

or there's this great
architectural tour.

You'd like that.

How about if we just keep
walking for a little bit?

How about if we do.

Rayich, onto it,
come on, hit the mats.

Come on. Hustle.
Hustle. Hustle.

sh**t. sh**t.

Excuse me, but
the ladies' gym's
over at Chapman Hall.

Oh, I'm looking for
Bailey Salinger, actually.

-I thought he had practice.
-He does, but he's not here.

And if you find him,
you tell him if he misses
another practice,

he's off the team.

I don't care how good he is.
That's a good move.

Mills, what are you, Gumby?

Come on,
move. Move.

sh**t. sh**t.

-[indistinct chattering]

Owen, come on.

Look, I'm sorry
I was late.

But hey, you got extra time
in the sandbox,

and I got 50 percent off
on a really cute ski suit.

I don't care.


Give me a break.

[answering machine beeps]


-[man over answering machine]
Oh, hey, Julia, it's Sam.

Sam Brody.
You know the roof guy.

I was just thinking,
we kind of need to beat
the traffic in the morning.

So how about if
I pick you up around 7?

Call me if you can
handle that. Okay. Bye.

[machine beeps]

[woman] This is Dr. Eglar's
office at County General.

Your sister Claudia
was admitted this afternoon

with a pretty acute case
of appendicitis.

And we needed someone
to authorize surgery.

Please contact us
as soon as possible.

But how is she? I mean, it's
nothing serious or anything?

It's just her appendix?

All I can tell you
is she's out of the surgery.

Other than, you have
to wait for her doctor.


It's okay.

You sit here.
You sit right here. Okay?


Me. That's me.

I'm Julia Salinger,
Claudia's sister.

-Is she okay?
-She's fine.

We couldn't get in touch
with you, so we had to go
ahead with the surgery.

-We really had no choice.

No, that's okay.
Your office explained it.

Whatever you need
me to sign.

-But she's okay?
-She's gonna be fine.

Your sister's
quite a character.

Can I see her?
I wanna see her.

Oh, well...

What? What's wrong?

Nothing. Just...

She made it pretty clear...

She said to tell you
she doesn't wanna see you.


Oh, uh...

Is this my exit?

Mm? No. The toll clause
is probably backed up.

Just stay in this lane.

[breathes deeply]


I think I'm ready
to go home.

That's where
we're headed.

I meant...
I meant San Francisco.

I can't stop thinking
about it. And I miss it.

And I don't know, it just...
It just feels right.

Like it's been long enough.


You think?

I should think about
getting on with my life.

Figure out what
that's gonna be.

And I can't do that
with Mom and Dad

telling me what to wear
and what to eat.

And maybe if I go...

If I go back home
with you, I can...

I can get everything
back on track.


Wow. That's, uh...

We'll make plans.

You can finish up
what you have
to do here and then--

That's the thing, you know,
there's nothing here. Then we can fly back
tomorrow or...

or whenever.
Whenever you're ready.

I'm ready now.

Let's go.

Let's just keep driving and go.

Right. That's, like,
2,000 miles.

How about we go back
and get my bag and your stuff,

and then we'll fly back
as soon as--

No, I mean it.

If we go back to my house,
my Mom...

Well, she...
You know what she'd do.

So let's
just do it, Charlie.

Let's just drive back
to San Francisco.


Take me home,






[phone ringing]

Hey, Bailey.


Bailey, do you want
me to get that?

No. The machine...

Bailey, are you drunk?

Hung over.

What is going on with you?

You know, you're really
starting to scare me.

Not now, Sarah.

-No. I mean,

I looked for you at practice
this morning, and you
weren't there--

-And I know something's
going on.

because you said you're
not supposed to drink,
and look at you.

I don't...

I can't do this
right now, okay?

-Is it me?

Is it me?
I mean, did I do something?

-I just wish you'd tell me.

No. You didn't do anything.

I don't believe you.

Why else would you be
treating me this way?

It's nothing, okay?
It's nothing.

It has to be
something, Bailey!

Because you said that you
weren't supposed to drink.

And you said that you
weren't supposed to have sex,

and if you could do one,
then why can't...?

I did both,


I did both.


I can't...

It's not you.

It's not your fault.

I can't lie to you.



With Callie.




Wow, I'm...



Kirsten, Kirsten,

listen to me, honey.

I know. I know what you want,

but this is a mistake.

No, honey, you know
what your doctors said.

You're not well enough to--

I know you love
him, sweetheart.

I know you do.

But my God,
I mean...


[Charlie] We're south
of Chicago in a snowstorm.

But, anyway, I'm using up
all the tape here.

We'll see you guys
in a couple of days.

Pretty cool, huh?

So, how'd that go?

Is everything okay?


Yeah. I mean,

she's upset,

but I think I convinced her.

-We should get going.

Bailey, hey,
wake up, wake up.

Go away.

Bailey, you turned
the machine down.

So what? Stop talking.

Bailey, your sister's
in the hospital.

What? Which one?

County General. She's--

No. Which sister?

Claudia, it's appendicitis.
But she's okay.


My God.

-I'm okay. Leave me alone. I'm okay.

Look, do you want me
to drive you?

Would you mind?

Hey, where have you been?

I called the apartment.
I called Sarah.

You called Sarah?


It's kind of...

I'm sorry.

She's okay, right?

Yeah, she's okay.

God, you look like hell.
What happened to you?

Just... Nothing, okay?

[Claudia moans]


Hey. Hey, how you doing?



Right here. I'm right here.

You came all the way
over here just for me?

Of course I did.

You know I did.

I brought this for ya.


You're so thoughtful.

I was just dreaming.

I dreamed I called 911,
you know,

and I was all alone

and you showed up
in the ambulance,

and you took care of me

and it wasn't so scary.

I wish I'd been there, Claud.

My mouth's all full of cotton.

Bailey, would you get me
some juice or something?

Yeah, sure.
I'll be right back.

[woman over PA] Dr. Austin
to Labor and Delivery.

Hi. Claudia Salinger's
room, please.

327. Right over there.

Thank you.

What are you doing here?

Sarah, I just gave
Bailey a ride.

How could you?

You know, after what you did?


He told you.

I tried to help you
through that whole r*pe thing,

-and what was that?

Was that just some twisted
excuse to get Bailey

to spend time with you?
Is that it?

Is that how it happened?
I mean, you made him
feel sorry for you?

I'm gonna go, okay?
I should go.

How could you do this?

Look, maybe you should
talk to Bailey.


These are for Claudia.


Hey, Omaha, three miles.

Beef capital of the world.

I'm thinking we should
stop for the night.

Have us a roast steak
for dinner,

pick up a change
of clothes.

What's the next town?

Um, Lincoln.
But that's at least--

I don't...

You know what,
I... I don't...

I'm not ready to stop yet.

Let's just keep going
until the next town.

Let's just stop in Lincoln.


Do you want me to drive?

No, no.
That's fine.

-[floor creaking]
-[footsteps approaching]

Your Mom let me in.

I was walking.

Just walking.

Trying to understand.

Why would you
do this, Bailey?

I wish...
I wish I could explain,

but I don't know.

And I know that's not even...

I know that's not good enough.

And I know you deserve
more than that,

but I don't know, Sarah.

I don't know.

Can you go, please.

'Cause I know that you're here
to break up with me and--



Look, I love you, Sarah.

-I love you.

-I love you and--
-Stop it, please.

Yell at me.

Call me names and...
And throw things,

and hit me and tell me
you never want to see me again.

I should.

Cause I really hate you
for this, Bailey.

And I never thought
that was possible.

But there it is.
I hate you so much for this.

-I know.
-And I wanna hurt you,

and tell you to go to hell.

I want to do
all those things so bad.

But I can't.


I'm still in love with you.

And that's not just
gonna go away.


you're the one that's
supposed to hold me.


I can't.

Not yet.


We got

sweatpants, socks,

couple of changes
of underwear,

and two beautiful Lincoln,
Nebraska sweatshirts,

gray for you
and black for me.


You okay?

Mm, oh.

[sighs] Whatever
you wanna do.

Did you have a good shower?


The water's so soft
I couldn't get the shampoo
out of my hair.

That and the fact
that there's no water pressure,

and the towels are nubbly.


You know,
covered with nubs.

I hate that.

Right. But, other than
that, you okay?

Stop asking me that.

I just hate nubbly towels.
Is that a crime?

No, of course not.

I'm gonna take a shower.

Oh, this is perfect.

What? What's the matter?

Look at this.
Look at this.

What's wrong?
They look clean.

They're worn out, Charlie,
and they're nubbly.

-I don't see that--
-Right there.

Feel that.

Everything in this
place is... is nubbly.

All right. I'll call
the front desk and we'll--

That'll take... I don't wanna
wait up half the night...

[clicks tongue]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


I'm just...

I'm just tired. That's all.

Are you sure?


Yes, uh, just

go take your shower,
it's okay.

-I'm okay.


I'm okay, Charlie.
I'm fine.

[mouthing] Okay.

[instrumental music playing]

[water pattering in bathroom]


Why don't you
come back to bed?



it's okay.

It's okay.

You wanna talk about it?

It's too soon, Charlie.

I thought I was ready,
but it's too soon.

Will you take me home?

[phone ringing]



No. No,

I was just sitting here.

You know. How was skiing?

Oh, sorry I missed it.


No. No.

The nurse told me to go home,
but, I don't know,

I couldn't stand the thought
of leaving her all alone here.

So I stayed the night.

I've been watching her sleep.

Yeah, yeah.

She's fine.

I'm the one
who's feeling lousy.

Sure. That'd be great.

All right. Bye.

[Claudia moaning]

Don't worry.
I won't stay in here.

I'll be out
in the waiting room.


do you think there's any
of that orangeade left?



[rock song playing]

[door closes]

Do you mind?

-[music lowers]

Sorry. It just helps drown
everything else so I can think.

This stupid paper.

Hey, look, it's cool
if you need some time,
you know.

I mean, I'm okay with that.

Trust me, I know it sucks
to break up with someone.

We didn't.

You're kidding?
You mean, even after you--

She doesn't want to.

And I kind of don't either.

So this thing between us,
whatever it is,

it has to stop.

Yeah, seems like you
said that once before.

Standing right about
there as I recall.

Don't, please.

I'm only telling you this
because we're gonna try

and work it out.

And you should
know that.

What the hell
are you doing, Bailey?

Oh, God, you know...

You know, you're just...

You're not worth it.

[turns music up]


What's the matter?


I can't do this, Charlie.
I can't do this any more.

I know.
I'm taking you back.

No. No. It's not...

My therapist
tried to tell me

and I wouldn't even
go there. I know that.

I got really good
at justifying

and rationalizing,

but I wouldn't listen.

What... What are you
talking about?

I tried to explain it,

how it felt...

What it was like to be
in love with you.

And I tried to defend it
because I love you so much.

And all that time

I was getting better,

and I started
recognizing myself

in the mirror again
and that felt...

What? What?

It's you, Charlie.

I can't be with you.


Okay. Obviously, we...
we tried to rush into this.

Obviously, this was too soon
to think that we could do this,
but that does not mean--

Charlie, I can't.

That's what I'm trying...

I'm just...

I'm doing it again.

I'm with you and I...

And I think
I'm happy, but...

but it's always there.

When you left me...

The wedding...

That was...

-That was just--
-Wait a minute. What?

This is about the wedding?

That's not...
That's not fair, Kirsten.

-Look at me. I'm not...

I've changed, Kirsten.

Look at me
since I've been with you.

And look at me.

I know that you've changed,
Charlie, but that's just...

The wedding triggered it,
this thing.

Something that was
already inside of me.

And now you're all tangled up
in that somehow,

and I can't just
get past it. I...

I tried to make it
go away, but it just...

It won't.

I love you.

But every time
I look at you,


it's all I see.

And I know
it's not fair.

And I know
it's not your fault,

but it's all I see. [woman on TV] Darling.


You don't have to be here
every minute, you know.

I'm okay.

I know that.

So, guess what?

Dr. Eglar said I'll be
able to wear a bikini
without showing a scar.

Hey, that's a plus.

I can help you
pick one out.

There's a great indoor pool
at the Aquatic Center too.

We should do that.

The two of us, you know.

Swim, check out
the guys, huh?

How does that sound?


[man] Where's my camera
when I need it?

[Julia] Hey.

-For me?
-Actually, no.

They're for Claudia.

I hope flowers are okay.

I didn't know whether
I should do that or candy

or stuffed toy something.

I've never been around
kids much, so.

She loves flowers.

It's sweet.

So, you haven't dated
somebody with kids before?

Can't say that I have.

'Cause it's not
like I have kids,

but I sort of do.

And it's just
kind of how my life is.

Sometimes I'm gonna
have to baby-sit,

and sometimes I'm gonna
have to cancel at
the last minute and--

Sometimes you're gonna be
doing homework. I know.

Well, that's weird.

Hey, you know what?

You're pretty amazing.



It's a good word.

[Owen moans]


Hey, I'm right here, Owen.
I'm right here.

[door opens]


Kirsten, honey,
are you all right?

I'm fine, Mom.

Are you sure?
Are you?

I'm glad
you came back.

-Charlie, I can't
believe that--
-Mom, don't.

Okay? Not now.

You wanna come inside?


I don't think...

Could you just maybe
get my bag for me?

I'm just gonna...


I'll be right back.



Nothing. Just, uh,

my shaving kit's
in the bathroom.

I'll get it.

Charlie, how dare you.

How dare you come here
and put her through this.

What were you thinking?
What were you
possibly thinking?

You know what,
Ellie, I'm not...

Could you just send
my bag to me?

I'll pay for it.

What? Look, Kirsten just--

Just send it to me, okay?

I can't...

I can't do this again,

and she shouldn't
have to either.

[soft music playing]

So, pretty
lame match?

I guess so, yeah.

I think that one guy
must have lied about
his weight class.

He was a gorilla.

Yeah, but you put up
a good fight.

I'm half done.

You ready to trade?



Anybody home?


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