03x11 - I Do

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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03x11 - I Do

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey. What you doing?

Just sealing
some attic joists.

Why would you have
to seal stuff that's gonna
be inside the attic?

You gonna have to seal me too
because I live up there?

Roof changes temperature
all the time.

Makes the wood
draw in moisture.

You... You don't want it
to rot, so...

Where, um...
Where are you going?

I got some work upstairs.

Sam, can you stop?

Can we stop this, 'cause
it's kind of obvious
you're avoiding me.

I'm not avoiding you.

Every time I come
near you, it's...

it's some new excuse
as to why you have to be at...

I don't know at the opposite
end of the house.

I'm just...

I'm doing my job, okay?

Uh-huh. And so why are you
backing away from me?


I'm avoiding you, okay?

-Look, Julia, I'm sorry,
but this... this thing

that you think is happening,
I mean, us... whatever,

it's not.

Why not?

Julia, give me a break.
You're 16.

-And I'm 24

and the whole thing, it just
doesn't make any... any sense.


No. I... I mean, it.
Give me one good reason.

How about you're still
in high school,

and it's practically illegal.

Look... look, you can't...
You... you can't vote.

You can't go into a bar.
You can barely even drive.

I said a good reason.

-Julia, please.
-I mean, we kissed each other.

No, no, no. You kissed me.

And you kissed me back.
Don't deny it.

-I was there.
-I'm not doing this.

And we... We used to talk,
like... like, all the time,

and hang out with each other.
I mean, I'm not imagining this.

You didn't just happen
to end up in my room

a couple of times a day
for no reason.

You know, you really--

And you wouldn't be
freaking out about
this so much

if you didn't think
I was right.

That is not the point.

So, what is the point?

The... the point is,
is that it... it...

Look, it is not gonna happen
if I don't want it to happen.

And I don't want it
to happen.


I got you this.

Bailey. Oh, my God,
a kaleidoscope.

-I love these.

Oh, it's really beautiful.
Where did you get this?

Art museum. Yesterday.

I would have gone with you.
You should have called me.

I would have,
but Callie needed to talk.

And, you know, it's
kind of peaceful there.

[door opens]

-Hey, guys.

Oh, those are great, huh?

Oh, sh**t.

I forgot to pay you back
from yesterday.

Don't worry about it.

I'm such a copycat.
I saw yours, just had
to have one for me too.

I'm gonna warm up some
leftover Thai. You guys want?

I could eat.

Sarah, any for you?

I found this great new place.


Oh, you know what?
I have... I have to go.

There's plenty.

Yeah. Stay.

Come on, don't do this.
You know how my parents get.

Right. You'll turn into
a pumpkin if you're not
home by midnight.

Oh, well, more for me, then.

Come on, I'll walk you down.


Sarah, you coming?

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Has anybody seen my...?

Give me that.

I just spent
the last 20 minutes--

That there boat.

No. It's my shoe.

You want this?

Or I could make
you something else.
What would you like?

Nothing. I'm not hungry.



You wanna go see
a movie tonight?

We never do that,
you and me.
Let's do that.

There's nothing
I want to see.

Oh, come on.
There's gotta be.
What about--?

I'm not feeling
like it, okay?

So, who's the lucky winner that
gets to drop me at school?

No. Take the bus
like everybody else.

You light up my life
too, Charlie.


He's been in a mood all week.

Frankly, I'm getting a little
tired of having to--


look at the calendar.

Why? Is Mercury
in retrograde or something?

It's a year.

A year tomorrow the wedding.

Man, I... I totally...

This would have been
their first anniversary.

And I bet we would have been
planning some big--

Where are my damn keys?

Uh, right there.



Have... Have
a good day at work.


[man] Yo, Charlie,
you here?

Anybody home?

-Joe, hey.

You look great.

-How'd you...?

Did I know you were
gonna be in town?

No. I thought I'd spring it
on you. How you doing?

I'm doing...

-I'm doing.

Well, come here.
There's somebody
I want you to meet.

-Joe. This isn't--
-No. Come on. Come on.

No. Seriously, listen,
I know you mean well,

but I'm really
not in the mood.

You think this is a fix-up?

Hey, Franny, he thinks
I'm trying to fix you
up with him.


Are you bored
with me already?

[both laugh]

Charlie Salinger,
Franny Steiner.

Hey, I am so glad
to meet you.

Joe talks about you
and the other kids constantly.

Yeah. I'm... I'm glad too.

It happened.

I fell in love.

You guys?

Well, now I feel--

Yeah, well, I'm surprised too.

I mean, I wake up
in the morning, and I
half expect God

or somebody to come down
and tell me it's a joke,

that this... this woman...

She wants to marry me.

You're getting married?

That's... Wow.


You don't have anything
important planned here
on Sunday, do you?

This Sunday?

[indistinct chattering]

So, um, Callie, you seem
better, since... since
the thing, you seem--

Yeah. Yeah.
Back on the planet,
pretty much.

You know, I'm sleeping better,
getting out of the apartment,
doing stuff.

-With Bailey?
-Yeah, some.

You know,
when he's right there.

Mm. Yeah.

Oh, you know, actually,
I was thinking
about what you said,

um, about how there are
no nice guys out there.

You know, and I know that what
you went through
was was bad and all. I do.

But I think maybe
it's time for you to...

Anyway, I want you
to meet my cousin.

Okay? He's really cute.
Very nice. I could call him.

You know what?
I'm gonna call him.

Thank you. Thanks, but--

I think you guys
could really get along.

You know, I have a pretty good
idea of your type.

[Bailey] Okay. Nonfat latte.

Fat latte.

Am I interrupting something?

Sarah wants to fix me up.


-What's wrong with you?
-On a blind date.

You remember my cousin Paul.

Come on, you remember him from
my dad's birthday party?

Yes, you do.
You guys talked about hockey.
You really liked him.

Right, right, right, Paul.

Right, well, I was
just saying that I think
they would get along great.

You think that's a good idea?



Yeah, you know what, Cal?

I think you should
go out with this guy.


Okay. I'll do it.

I'll go out with him
on one condition.

-Name it.
-You guys go too.


We'll double. It'll be
less pressure that way.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.


No. You two should get
to know each other, alone.

Right, Bailey?

She has a point.

I'm just putting these...

If you'd let the sink fill,
I can soak them.

Did you cut your hand?

It's nothing.
I'm just cleaning it out.

Can I get you some
disinfectant or something?

No. It's fine.
You don't have to.

I've got Band-Aids
in the bathroom here.

No, don't.
Don't get me anything.

I can't even get a Band-Aid
for your hand?

Look, I told...

It's fine.

So, what are you saying?
If you choked, I couldn't
give you a Heimlich?

I'm only trying to help.

Look, could we not
do this right now if...
if you don't mind?

So, now it's we can't
even be friends?

No, Julia, we can't.


[Claudia] I think it's
so great that you guys
met on a plane.

-Yeah. Talk about
love is in the air.
-[both laugh]

[Joe] Oh, yeah, I'll tell you.
It was a crazy flight.

First, the movie broke
halfway through,

and people were
very rowdy about that.

And then some little kid,
he locks himself
in the bathroom for two hours.

And there was turbulence,
not a little,

and we're bouncing
all over the place.

And I'm handing Joey
some orange juice,

and right then
the plane jolts.

And everybody screams,
and juice goes flying

All over his pants, his shirt,
the book he's reading.

I didn't know whether
to laugh or cry.

But then I look at him,
and he's smiling at me

just like he is right now.

And I said, "What
else is gonna happen
on this trip?"

And he says, "Who knows?

Maybe something wonderful." [all] Aw!


Well, I think it's time
for this guy
to go to bed, huh?

Night, O.

-[Julia] Say night, night.
-[all] Good night, Owen.

Well, Franny, getting
married ought to be
pretty easy for you.

Seeing as you have
all that experience
walking down aisles.

[laughs] Oh, God.

Right. And instead of rice,
we can give people little
packets of peanuts.

Would you guys please?
I mean, a little reverence.
This is our wedding.

[Claudia] Yeah.

This is like...

This is the best thing
that's happened
in a really long time.


I'm gonna get a refill.

Uh, Charlie, you want
to show me where you
hide the decaf?

[clears throat]


I'm getting it.

No. I don't care
about the coffee.

You barely spoke
two words all night.

You know, Charlie, I, um...

I heard a little bit about
what happened to Kirsten.

Not much. Just what
the kids told me.

I don't know if it's something
you wanna talk about.

-Okay. Okay.

So, what do you think of her?

She's nice.

I was hoping for a little more
enthusiasm from my best man.

You... you will be
my best man, won't you?

If you want me to.


There's a "but"?

Well, you don't...

You haven't known her
very long, Joe.

I mean, a month?

Well, I know her long enough
to know I love her.

What am I gonna accomplish
by waiting, Charlie?

-I'm 50 years old.

You're 50, and she's what?

A little older than I am?

Thirty? Maybe 31?
That's... that's 20--

I've known her a month.
She's 30.
I'm 20 years older.

What are you giving me
numbers for?

Didn't you notice how much
we love each other?

-Hey, you asked me
and I told you--
-Why are you doing this?

-Doing what?
-You're being so...
I don't know.

This doesn't feel like you,
Charlie. You're not even here.

It's like you're completely
somewhere else.

Oh, cut it out, Joe.

What the hell's that mean,
I'm not even here? God.

Look, I know this isn't
the easiest time for you,

and I know that
you miss Kirsten.

And I'm not gonna
take that away from you,

but this, Franny and me,

this is a good thing.

You guys are my family,
and we need to celebrate this.

So I'm gonna
go back in there.

And you come when you're
ready to be happy for us.

[Charlie] Is that new?

Someone donated it.
I'm doing labels.

I hate labels.

I put together this list.

A bunch of restaurants
near Salinger's

who might want to get
on the program.

It's got the names and numbers
of people you need to talk to.

Well, that's great, Charlie.

I mean, you could have
faxed it, but really, thanks.


So, uh, are you free on Sunday?

Why? You mean for us
to get together
and do something?

Uh, yeah.

I don't think so.

Damn. Why don't these
things ever stick?

Come on, you didn't
even let me...

There's this wedding.

Oh, in that case,
definitely, no.

You think people were
teasing us at that dance?
That was nothing.

You know what it's
like to bring somebody
to a wedding?

"Oh, where'd you two meet?
How long have you been dating?"

That definitely doesn't sound
like a fun way to spend
an afternoon.

Look, I went to the dance,
the charity thing,

and you said
you'd return the favor.

I distinctly remember
you saying that.

So ask me to the next charity
thing you have to go to.

Believe me, this would
definitely be considered
an act of charity.

You picked out
a wedding gift yet?

Sam, is that...?

-Oh, hi.

If you're looking for Sam,
he took over the Atkinson job.

You're kidding?

You... you mean
he's not gonna finish?

Well, don't worry about it.
We're just wrapping up. We'll be... we'll be done
in a couple of days.

Yeah. Hi.
I'm looking for Sam.

Right. The Atkinson job.

Right. Yeah, I heard.

Well, can you
leave him a message?

Can you tell him that
Julia Salinger called
of the Salinger job,

which he did not,
like, finish.

No, I--

Can you just tell him
to call me?

All right?

Man, you got it bad.

Claudia, do you mind?
I'm having
a private conversation. Sharing your love troubles
with a roofer's assistant,

how private is that?

Look, just butt out, okay?

This is weird.
I mean, it's like
I'm embarrassed for you.

You're chasing after some guy
who's not even interested.

That's... You know what?
This is none of your business.

Oh, so you think maybe
if you're totally pathetic,
he'll feel sorry for you?

I mean, I know
I'm only 13 and all,

but, you know, I'm pretty sure
that doesn't make you
more attractive.

Oh, really? Really?

Well, if you have to know,
he kissed me.

He kissed you?


I kissed him,
and he kissed me back.

He did.

I didn't say a word.

Look, you just obviously
don't get it.

Oh, because I'm too young.


Yeah, well,
at least I know it.

No way. You are not.

I am. I'm going to.

Spend an entire day
not talking?

Yeah. I heard this piece
on the radio

about these people who
do this, like, once a week.

I mean, it really grounds them.

You're not gonna start
this today, are you?

[both laugh]

Look. Look at this.
I think they're getting along.

I think they like each other.
This is good.

How can you tell?
From the backs of their heads?

I'm gonna go check.

No, wait. Just let them...

Well, you said we were
gonna double-date.

I don't want to be rude.

How are you guys doing?


I'll race you to that tree.

-[both laugh]

Watch it.

So, what do you think?

She's a babe.

A little weird, but all those
cute points cancel it out.


-So any sparks?

Not unless someone's
gonna light a firecracker
under him.

[imitates snoring]


-[Sarah] Hey.

What's so funny?


Too dumb to explain.

So, what do we
know about them?

Is she into arts
and crafts?

Indoor sports? Decorating?

Who knows?
Probably not even Joe.

Barely known each other
as long as you and I have.

Well, we know he likes
cooking, so how about...?

Hey, bread maker.
I've always wanted
one of these.

You can have one of mine.

I've got five of them
in my closet.

So why are we here?
We should shop in your closet.

Oh, you could smile,
you know.

Is this better?

Man, what's gotten into you?

You really want to know?

Today would have been
my first anniversary
with Kirsten.

Oh, wow.

And now you're the best man
at another guy's wedding.


But, you know, um,
being with you, it really...
it really helps.

I mean, it makes it easier.

Well, I'm glad.

Why not, um,
if you're free tonight,

why not come
to the rehearsal?

Me? To the rehearsal?

It might be fun.

We'll hang around, talk, maybe
go to a movie afterwards?

Charlie, I don't know.

Say yes. Come with me.

I could use a good friend.

And we'll have a good time.

You're probably
the only chance I have

of getting an actual smile
on my face.

You know what? I...

I... I wish I could

because someone should
do that, hold your hand
and be your friend,

but, um, it shouldn't be me.

Grace, it's really
no big deal.

Yeah, it is, Charlie.

Just hanging around,
maybe that's easy for you,
but it's hard...

Look, I'll go to the wedding.
I will because I promised.

But, um, this thing
tonight, I... I can't.

I'm sorry.

[Joe] Okay. Franny and I,
we're gonna stand right here.

No. We're gonna stand
right here.

And, then, the rest
of the congregation,
that's you, Jules,

will stand right in the circle
right here.

I'm in the circle.
I am the circle.

And, Claudia.

You're Charlie.

So you come in with the rings,
which you better not forget.

And then you go back and
you stand in the circle.

And then we say
a couple of nice words,
the best of which are "I do."

And then I kiss
my beautiful bride.


Then we dance and we sing
and we celebrate.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, don't do this
to us, Charlie.

My Joey has a heart condition.
The last thing he needs
is suspense.

See, that's one of the joys
of a May/December romance.

She coddles me like a baby.

What's a May/December romance?

Oh, that's when one of you has
a few extra months on the other.

Oh, you mean like
with Julia and Sam?


-[Charlie] Sam?
-Who's Sam?

Sam, the roofer guy?
You... you and Sam
are going out?

-No. I am really--
-Let me get this straight.
You're dating...

Jule, how old is that guy?

-He's not that old, Charlie.
-What is he? As old as me?

Excuse me, you're dating
a 26-year-old roofer?

-Actually, he's a 24-year-old.

How did this happen?
He come on to you?

-I don't think so.
-[Charlie] Because if he did,
that is out of line.

Jules, this doesn't
sound like you.

[Claudia] Actually,
she kissed him.

Would everybody just shut up.

[Julia] Shut up.

Because nothing is going on.
I am not going out with anybody,

and it's none of anybody's
business anyway, okay?

Oh, I think I twisted
my ankle this afternoon.


No. We can still go out.

So, what do you
wanna do tonight?

I don't know.
What do you wanna do?

We sound like that movie Marty.
Did you ever see it?

They keep asking each other
that, these two guys, you know,

"So, what do you want do
tonight, Marty?"


It's good.
We could rent it.

Not in a movie mood.

Oh, okay.

Pillow fight?

-I was...

Never mind.

You know what?

I'm actually kind of tired.
You know, from all the skating.

And we're gonna see each other
tomorrow at... at Joe's thing.

So maybe we should
just bag tonight,

and I'll go back
to the apartment.


Why not?

Well, um, because

I... I just thought of something
that we can do that we kind of
haven't done before.

And I've...

I've... I've been thinking
about this a lot.

I wanna sleep with you.

Make love with you.


Sounds so stupid
when you say it like that.

But I want us to.

We haven't... we haven't talked
about this in a while,

you know, and...
and there is a reason--

I know all that stuff that
happened with Julia.

So you know,
we'll be extra careful.


I love you.

Why are we waiting?

It's time.

Look, you said you were tired.

And... and the wrestling,
that's probably--

Look, can we...?

Can we not talk
about this, please.


[Sarah] Did I,

do something wrong?

I mean, was I not...?



I'm gonna...

I'm gonna go.

So, um,

at the restaurant, right?


It wasn't you.

[door opens and closes]

The first time I met Joe,
I was just a kid in diapers.

[sighs] Snore, snore.

You've gotta take your hat off
to anyone who's brave enough

to believe in a thing
like getting married.

[knock at door]

Charlie, hi.

I just wanted to say...
I mean, I know
you think we're such superstitious goofballs not
wanting to see each other
before the wedding.

-And, I mean,

not only for letting me
stay here last night,

but letting us
use the restaurant and...

and being Joe's best man.

I just wanted to say...

Charlie? I'm sorry.


You just looked, um...

You just...
That... that dress.

[laughs] Oh.

Well, thanks.

I mean, for that too.


So, um, thanks.


[instrumental music playing]

Yeah, hi, um,

I wanted to send some flowers
to someone in Chicago,

uh, with, um, a note.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Uh, address it
to Kirsten Bennett.

And I'd like it to say, um...

You ready?

"Dear Kirsten,

it's been a year and..."

I'm sorry,
let me start that again.

[clears throat]

"Kirsten, um,

I just...

I keep thinking about you,

and I don't know what to say, or... or even whether
to say anything.

Just that how much
I always..."

You know what?
Maybe I should just...

I should write this down
and call you back.


[indistinct chattering]


Oh, hey.

Have you seen Bailey?

He's not with you?

Has he said anything to you
recently about us?


God, look at what I'm doing.

You know, something's
wrong with us.

Something's weird
and we both keep acting

like it's the same,
but it's not.

You know, and I keep
trying to, like, rewind
the tape in my head

and figure out
where it went bad.

I don't know
what to tell you. Can you ask him, maybe?

Sarah, I can't do that.

You're right.

[sighs] I'm, um, sorry.

"What can you say about Joe
except here's a guy that's..."


Performance anxiety. Tell me about it.


Hey, Char,
could you ever not...?

Not what? What are you
doing with that?

Give me a break, will you?

I'm asking you something.

With a woman, did you ever
not be able to...?

-No. No, I'm sorry.

Of course not. Of course that
would never happen to you.

But hypothetically
if it... if it happens,

-or if it doesn't happen--
-Bay, I... Not now, okay?

[Joe] Bailey, Charlie,
come on, you guys,

let's get this show
on the road.

Ladies and gentlemen,

friends and family,

a wedding like this
has witnesses,

not only to support
the vows of Joseph and Francis,

but also to strengthen the vows
among the rest of us.

-They promise...
-[whispers] I'm sorry I'm late.

How are you doing? Not great.

I'm glad you're here, though.

Oh, I'd better...

Now, Francis, Joseph,

if you'll repeat after me
a few simple words

which signify your
commitment to each other...

When I was a kid, he was just
Uncle Joe, you know,

nobody special, just a guy
that worked with my dad.

I, Joseph, ask you, Francis,

to be my wife for as long
as we both live.

But now he's... he's
actually the closest thing

in the world
I have to a father.

I will love you, honor you,
and stand by you always.

I, Francis, ask you,
Joseph, to be my husband

for as long as we both live.

I, Francis,

ask you, Joseph,
to be my husband

for as long
as we both shall live.

I will love you, honor you,
and stand by you always.

I will love you,

honor you,
and stand by you always.

And now it's my pleasure
to pronounce you husband
and wife.

Joseph, you may
kiss your bride.

-[camera clicks]

♪ You must remember this ♪

♪ A kiss is still a kiss ♪

♪ A sigh is just a sigh ♪


♪ The fundamental
Things apply ♪

♪ As time goes by ♪


Can I cut in, please?

Oh, sure.





I'm, uh, sorry
I ruined your rehearsal.

-I... I mean it.
-I know. Don't worry about it.

I just... I don't...
I don't want you thinking

that last night
was because of you.

It was just,
seeing you and Franny,

it made me realize that
people's ages shouldn't
have to matter, you know?

And whatever Sam's reason
is for losing interest,

it just had to be...

well, something else.

♪ It's still
The same old story ♪

♪ A fight for love and glory ♪

♪ A case of do or die ♪

♪ The world will always ♪

♪ Welcome lovers ♪

Charlie, um, don't you
need to make a toast?

Yeah, I do.

Why are you being like this?

Like what?

You're hardly looking at me.

And you're holding me like you
don't even want to touch me.

Look, can we... Can we please
not analyze this to death?

It's hard enough we had to live
through it once without--

[clinking glass]

Can I get
everybody's attention?

Can I get everybody's...?

[Charlie clears throat]

Um, I just have a few words.

-Thank you.

What can you say
about Joe,

except here's a guy
who leans hard on his luck?

He, uh... he let his
partner's kid take over
his restaurant

when all he knew
about me was...
Well, better left unsaid.

[all laugh]

So when he said he was
getting married

to a woman he'd only known
for five weeks,

and he wanted me to
stand up for him,

I thought, man,
how long can his luck hold out?

But then I realized that
with something like this,
getting married,

you know,
going the distance,

luck is just the beginning.

I mean, we're not here today
because Joe was lucky enough
to find someone great.

We're here because
he was smart enough
not to let her go.

There's always gonna be reasons
to throw in the towel,

but the people like Joe
who find love and don't lose it

are the ones who just
hang in no matter what.

Let's face it, how many times
are you gonna be that lucky?


Right person, right place,

and you're actually ready?

If that happens to you,
the biggest risk you can take
is not taking a risk.

I mean, something like
that doesn't...

I'm sorry. [Charlie clears throat]

Joe, Franny.

-[woman] Joe and Franny.
-[all] Hear, hear.

-[glasses clinking]
-[indistinct chattering]

[indistinct chattering]

What are you doing here?

And what are you wearing?

Oh, I was at a wedding,

but, um, I had
something to say

so I kind of left
in the middle of it.


I don't... I don't know
how you did it,

but... but somehow you made me
feel really stupid and pathetic.

A... and that just
seems really wrong.

I mean, hurt and sad,
I understand.
But stupid and pathetic?

What did I do? I...
I just said how I felt.

You see, stupid to me
is what you are when, um...

When you see what you want
but you let it... Damn.

And you just let it go.

And... and pathetic, I mean,

what is more pathetic than
having to hide your emotions?

You see, I'm 17 so I don't
have to play the...

I don't have to play
the kind of game where...

-[dress tearing]
-The kind of game where...

When... when someone
gets to you, you just...

You wanna help me here?

When someone gets to you...
you just shut off your emotions.

You know, maybe when I'm 24,
I'll be all mature

and in control and...
Watch the satin.

And... and I'll play
those games too.

[fabric rips]

[sighs] But I sure, uh...

But I... I sure hope I don't.

You come all the way
here to tell me that?



Can I have your rose?

Go for it.

Thank you.

Oh, hey.

What are you doing that for?

Oh, I'm, uh...
I'm taking it home with me.

There's some dumb tradition

that if you sleep
with a piece of wedding cake
underneath your pillow,

you'll see the person
you're gonna marry
that night in your dreams.

Ooh, I'm gonna try that.

You know, I... I had this
really bad audition once

in the eighth grade
for Pippin,

and I came home,
and I was all upset.

You know, my mom said,
"So, what are you gonna do?"

Why are you telling me this?

Because just...

Anyway, she said that.

And I said, "Well, Mom,
I'm gonna pretend
like it never happened."

You know, and she said,
"Yeah. Yeah, you can do that,

but I don't think
it's gonna work.

You know, I think what'll work
is if you go back the next time

and you really give it
all you've got."

God, she'd die if she knew
how I was using her advice.

Look, I know
it was bad last night. -Sarah--
-I don't want to pressure you.

And I know that there's
something wrong with us,
but maybe that's why.

But if we can...

You know, if we can do
this right, then maybe
what's wrong will--

[Claudia] Hey, Sarah. Sarah.

Come on, Franny's getting
ready to throw the bouquet.

All single women required.

[woman] Come on,
come on, all the ladies.

Can't we try again?


we can.

Where have you been?

Well, they're waiting for you.

Franny wants
to throw the bouquet.

They shouldn't have waited.

Grace, I've been
looking for you.

Where are you going?

Home. I gotta go.

No, don't go.

Look, I... I feel like
I should apologize,

because that...
that toast--

Charlie, don't.
It was great.

Hey, don't run away.

I gotta go.


Because this is too hard.

But you were here,
and it was nice.

-I thought--
-Well, it's not,

because one minute you're
telling me you're waiting
for her, and the next,

we're dancing cheek
to cheek and you're
pulling me really close.

It was dancing.
That's all it was.

And then you're giving this
beautiful toast about her,

and then right after that
you're begging me to stay.

And, Charlie,
I really can't do this.


I'm sorry.

You're in some kind of limbo,
and it's making you nuts.

I don't know what to do.

Well, then,
you gotta shake things up.

If you're looking for answers,

get moving, because you aren't
gonna find any here.

I know there aren't any for me.

[man] Did Lewis remember
to do a second coat of paint
on that trim?

Because if you don't
do a second coat,

the first coat's
a waste of time. Oh, I'll just have
to come back tomorrow

and check it
when the light's right.

And if there's
finish work left to do,

that Atkinson job
will just have to wait.

You came all the way here
to tell me that?


[soft song playing]

Oh, now, Paul,
absolutely, definitely.
I'll call you, okay?

You will not call him.

You've got that when-pigs-fly
thing in your voice.



You mean I can't
lie to you anymore?

Bummer, huh?

You sharing? Mm.


Souvenir from the wedding, huh?

-How was it?

Pretty sappy.

So, what's wrong with him?

With Cousin Paul?

I don't know.


He's fine.

Except, you know how,
like, when you're with someone,

and, I mean, even if it's
the first or second time
you with them,

and all of a sudden
you're thinking,

I wonder what his skin
feels like,

and you just...

You want to touch him.

You know?

Or you want him to touch you.

And I mean, if I'm...
if I'm thinking that,

then I know something
good's gonna happen.

But if I don't think it...

Like tonight, it didn't even
cross my mind once.

The guy doesn't
stand a chance.

[song continues playing]

[whispers] Cal.


Are you sure?


Yes. Hi, uh,

I wanted to know about your
flights from San Francisco
to Chicago.
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