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03x06 - The Devil You Know

Posted: 03/07/22 12:36
by bunniefuu
- [jackhammer thudding]
- [horns honking]

[Foggy] Karen, the g*n. Where is it?

[Karen] Bottom of the Hudson.

Did you touch the body?

He said he was gonna k*ll you.

You and Matt and my family.

He said I would die
knowing I got you all k*lled.

Karen, that's awful, but, please,
you have to focus.

Did you touch the body?

No.[stammers] I don't think so.

What about your clothes?
Get blood on them?

I threw them away.

Foggy, can you not talk
to me like a lawyer and just...

[sobs] just talk to me?

I want you to tell me
that I'm a bad person.

I can't say that.

Why... why not?

Because you're not.

Then why are you looking at me like that?

Because my friend...

my amazing, kind, brilliant friend...

went through something terrible.

And I didn't know.

When I got the g*n,
I could've called the cops.

I could've run.

You were afraid for your life.
It was self-defense.

Seven times.


I sh*t him...

seven times...

because I wanted him dead.

[clattering in distance]



Hey, Karen.

You need to pay me back for your rent.

[theme music playing]

[Matt] I've been staying where I grew up.

There's a reason I stayed away, Karen.

Yeah, if you say it was to protect me,
I'm seriously gonna throw up.

[Matt] I can't protect you.

Not from Fisk.

Can't even protect myself.

Sure you don't want coffee?

[Matt] If you wanna yell at me...

go right ahead.

[microwave beeping]

Did I ever tell you about my old neighbor,
when I was growing up?

Mr. Larssen.

Well, he was this nice Norwegian guy.

He let his wife do his talking.

But on the days when it'd get really cold
you know, and stuff would freeze,

and you'd need help moving your car
or, uh... unstick a door,

Mr. Larssen was always there.

So, one winter,
his wife hit a patch of black ice.

The whole town turned out for her funeral.

And Mr. Larssen sat there
through the sermon...

and then he gathered up his casseroles

and went back to work on the farm,
like it was just another day.

He never said a word about it.

And I thought I'd go over there
and be a good neighbor...

see if he wanted to talk
about what happened.

And you know what he said?

"What for?"

[scoffs] You know what?

You came to Foggy
because you needed something from him.

What do you need from me, Matt?

Fisk staged the att*ck on himself
in prison.

That's how he, uh, tricked the FBI
into moving him to a hotel.

Got some lifer named Jasper Evans
to shank him

and then arranged for him
to walk out of prison.

On the books, Evans is in solitary.

In reality, he's been set free.

- Can you prove that?
- Yeah, if I can find him.

Get him to talk to you.

Bulletin publishes the details.
Fisk is exposed.

And the FBI will be forced
to send him back to prison.

So, yeah, you're right.
I came to you 'cause I needed something.

Your help.

What do you say? You wanna help me?


And I'm serious about the rent.

[Julie] You probably don't remember me.
I'm Julie.

Do you wanna hang out after?

How did you know I worked there
for three years?

You were only there for one.

Let go of me, Dex.

I said let go!

Let go of me, Dex. I said let go!

[breathing heavily]

[Mercer on recording]
Your internal compass isn't broken, Dex.

It just works better
with a North Star to guide you.

[Young Dex on recording]
What if I can't find one?

[Mercer] Then you'll rely
on our structure.

A tidy physical space.
A disciplined vocation...

[alarm beeps]

[cello music playing]

[Ellison] This paper
takes its sourcing seriously.

We don't publish unverified innuendo,
you know?


Ah, Ms. Page.
Yeah, I'm not boring you, am I?

Anyway, in other news,
our illustrious publisher,

in his infinite wisdom,

has decided to change
our health care coverage, yet again.

You should be getting your enrollment
packages sometime in the next week.

I've already had a look at it.
My advice to you is, try not to get sick.

Uh, any questions?

[conversation continues indistinctly]

[Karen] It's total bullshit.
I can't believe Matt would even ask.

- But I still think you should help him.
- Oh, come on.

Just hear me out.

You agree to write the article
on one condition.

Matt turns himself in to the FBI.

What? No.

They're only up in our chili
because they're looking for Matt.

Once they have him...

But he can't.
[stammers] He'll never agree to it.

There's no reason to think the FBI
knows anything about Matt's other life.

But if he can give 'em that witness,
Matt's in the clear.

So we all are.

I could reach out as Matt's attorney
and negotiate his surrender.

Okay, but I'm not ready to forgive him.

I get it.

You know, you shouldn't be either.

I mean, he... he stole your identity,
he made you a target.

Has Matt been a shitty friend lately?
Without a doubt.

But, deep down, I think it's hurting him
as much as it's hurting us.

How do you figure?

Because he could've gone to any reporter,
Karen, but he came to you.

Maybe Matt's finally coming to his senses.

But even if he isn't, the way
he's been treating us lately is on him.

Us turning our backs would be on us.

People have bailed on Matt his whole life,
and I'm not gonna be one of 'em.

You do what you want, but...

that's not the kind of friend I wanna be.


[sighs] It's like you argue for a living
or something.

Was it too much? It felt like too much.

Matt said he was staying
at the place where he grew up.

Do you know where that is?

[scoffs] Don't you look pretty today.

You know you're two hours early, right?

- Yeah, the, uh, the neighbors kept me up.
- Again?

sh*t. You gotta move.
Or get them into couples therapy.

If those were my neighbors,

I'd go over there
and give them a piece of my mind.

[Julie] Do you think a k*ller like that
deserves a second chance?

[Mercer] Your internal compass
isn't broken, Dex.

It just works better
with a North Star to guide you.

[Julie] Let go of me, Dex. I said let go!

[Mercer] Then you'll rely on
our structure.

A tidy physical space. A disciplined...

[Julie] Do you wanna hang out after?

[snaps fingers]

- Yeah.
- Where'd you go?

It's feeding time.

You know, I, uh... I got it.

You sure?
You're not even on the clock yet.

Yeah, I could use a decent cup of coffee.

You mind going downstairs
and grabbing me one?

And I'll feed the animal.

He's all yours.


I don't know what strings you had
to pull to get that waitress a job,

but it was a waste of your time.

Yeah, they train us
in counterintel at Quantico.

You really think I'm gonna fall
for some bush-league honey trap?

You got it in your head
that she means something to me.

But she doesn't.

She doesn't mean sh*t to me.

So what? You...

You have me tailed for a few days,
you think you know me?

Think you got me dialed?

You don't, all right?

You don't know anything about me.

Say something!

[inhales] When I was a boy...


b*at my father's skull in with a hammer.

I was years old.

Young for my age, in fact.
Terribly inexperienced.

I'd never been to a dance
with a girl or...

stayed up past midnight.

Never been out of the city
or even taken the subway on my own.

Yet there I was...

twelve years old...

standing over my father's body...

watching him die by my hand.

That feeling.

That moment.

I sense it's something
you're familiar with.


were taught to hide beneath many fictions.

You fashioned yourself

into something the world would tolerate.

A soldier doing his patriotic duty.
A sn*per in the FBI.

The watchful companion
of a nice young woman.

You destroyed what we had.

If it were honest and true,
no one could've destroyed it.

I should've let you die.

Stay back. [breathing heavily]

Julie never would've understood you.

And society won't either.

It punishes people like you.

Like us.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[Fisk] Julie never would've
understood you. The real you.

She never would've understood
the real you.

And society won't either.

- It punishes people like you. Like us.
- [Alvarez] It's all over the papers. Dex?

Dex? Dex!

[clears throat] What?

They're throwing you under the bus.

I'm sorry, Dex.

It isn't right.

Sister Maggie?

Can I help you?

Uh, yes. Uh, one of the nuns said
I should speak with you.


[stammers] I'm looking for Matt Murdock.

I'm sure he swore you to secrecy, but...

he came to see me this morning.

Asked for my help.

Uh, is he here?

No, he's not.

Okay. I'm sorry. Sorry to bother you.

[Maggie] "And some bloody their fists
trying to keep the Kitchen safe."

[Karen] I wrote that.

It was in your piece about Daredevil.

He's a complicated man.

[Karen chuckles softly]

[sighs] Yes. Yes, he is.

I've read several of your articles
the past few days.

- I've been trying to find some insight.
- Mmm.

Did you find any?

'Cause I sure as hell didn't.

Oh, I'm... sorry.

Wears you out, doesn't it?

Saving him from himself.

Yeah. I don't think I can do it anymore.

I think I'm done.

Matt was a tough one when he was a kid.

He held the record for the most
Hail Marys, five years running.

[Karen] Hmm.

I wonder how many he'd have to say
these days.

He came to us
right after he lost his father.

His only family.

He was alone in the world.

In his private darkness.

Surrounded by strangers.

Yet he seemed fine during the day.

He'd eat with the others...

attend his classes, go to mass.

But he was plagued by awful nightmares.

He'd wake in a sweat, screaming.

He didn't say what they were about.
He'd just call out for help.

So I'd go, and I'd hold his hand
till he fell back asleep.

But I have so many children under my care.

Matthew wasn't the only one.

His nightmares went on for months.

One night, Matthew called for help
and I didn't answer.

I didn't go to him.

He never asked us for anything again.

He shut us out. Shut everyone out.

Everyone in Matthew's life abandoned him.

Including me.

When someone in need tries
to push you away...

you have to find the strength
to hold on tighter.

Seems unfair. It's an optics thing.

[Winn] I can assure you,

there'll be an immediate investigation
into how this leaked.

[Hattley] Think of it as a paid vacation.

[Winn] Take a minute, if you need,
to pack things up.

[Mercer] We prepared for this.

You are gonna get a job...

with a nice, rigid structure.

You're gonna stick to your meds.

Learn to stay calm.

[indistinct chatter]

You got a minute?

Yeah. Sure, Dex.

Hey, give us a sec?


They're puttin' me on leave, Ray.
They're... They're, uh...

Hey, first thing you have to do
is take a breath, all right? [exhales]

Everything's gonna be okay.

Then look me in the eyes
when you say that.

Hey, I'm on your side here.

I can't get shut out, man.

I need this job.

There's gotta be something you can do.

I made a point to commend your conduct
in my sh**ting report.

[Mercer] You see how alone you are?

- It wasn't your fault.
- [Ray continues inaudibly]

[Mercer] Dex, tell me...
What's making you scared?

It's just you surrounded
by all this emptiness.

- You see how alone you are?
- You got nothing to worry about.

[alarm, siren wailing in distance]

[dog barks faintly]

[glass breaking]

[music playing on radio]

You lost?

Not if you're holding.

[man] You a cop?

[chuckles] Doesn't matter what I am.
I'm just looking for a couple of teeners.

That'll be $ .

And a crash.

[woman on TV] So we take here the paprika.

And it's a smoked paprika.
We put it on the plate.

And I will be adding to it
tomatoes and a bit of...


Hey, uh...

you point me towards, uh, Jasper Evans,
this is yours.

[Jasper] What the hell's it to you?

Everybody out.

Get out!

Jasper Evans?


Sit down.

[panting] You okay?


So you knew his last known address?

You knew he'd probably be here, so what...

what were you waiting for?

For me?

You knew I'd come?

I hoped.

Okay, look, I'm gonna help you.


after that,
I need you to help Foggy and me.

Look, the FBI are all over us...

You want me to turn myself in.

- Did you talk to Foggy?
- No. But, uh...

it's the smart move.

Sure, I'll do it.

But what if they figured out
that you're... you?

Well, this mask doesn't do me any good
if I'm a wanted man, either way.

Besides, if the FBI figured out who I am,

who knows, maybe I'll get lucky
and they'll lock me up next to Fisk.



Foggy said you were... different.

Changed, I guess.
I told him it was bullshit.

All right, look,
we can't take his statement here.

Fisk's lawyers will say it was coerced.

Yeah, no, we take him to the Bulletin.

We get him on record
in front of witnesses.

Besides, my editor's gonna wanna hear this
with his own ears.

Wake up, Evans.

[Jasper groans]

It's your lucky day.
I'm gonna give you a choice.

Option one: I call the FBI...

and Wilson Fisk has you k*lled

before you can tell 'em
how you got out of prison.

Option two: you tell this nice reporter
the truth about what you did for Fisk

and I'll let you run someplace
Fisk will never find you.

- [Jasper] I can't.
- Cool. Option one.

No, if I talk, Fisk kills my son!

Look at this place.

I grew up here.

We had a good life before the neighborhood
went down and I got myself put away.

I left my son without a father.
And this is what he does with his life.

If I go back inside,

it won't be long until
he's sharin' a cell with me or worse.

If Fisk stays out of prison,

a lot of innocent people are gonna die.

So you can either tell my paper the truth
and we let you and your son run far away

or you can go back to prison

and I print the story
like you talked anyway.

You would lie and get us both k*lled?

Your choice.

Special Agent Nadeem.

Mr. Nelson.

I'm glad to see you've reconsidered.

The sandwich you ordered last night.

I'm here to represent Matt Murdock,
as his attorney.

So when I asked
if you knew where Murdock was...

I didn't lie. Matt contacted me today.

My client's ready
to submit to questioning.

That's fantastic.

So, uh...

where is he?

I'll provide him to you tonight.

After you hear the statement
of a second witness

who will convince you
of my client's innocence.

It sounds like I'm being jerked around,

His name is Jasper Evans.

And you're really gonna wanna hear
what he has to say.


So you can dress
like a normal human being.

Clean socks.

Thank you.

Well, it warms my heart

to see you going out to do something
other than b*at someone up.

How do you know?

Could just be adding style to my beatings.

Did you...

Did you just make a joke?

You look ready to smile,
which I'm sure in your case means...

Well, I don't know what that could mean,
as I've never actually seen one.

This have something to do with the blond
who came to visit me today?


Yeah. Yeah, I'm meeting her.

[Maggie] Wow.

She's lovely.

She is.

She knows you're Daredevil.

She does.

And she stuck around?

- Sounds like a keeper.
- [chuckles]

We're just friends.

Well, it's nice to hear
you use the F-word.

[Matt chuckles softly]

And to see you reconnecting.

Wait, I'm...

She's just helping me one last time.

It's not a criticism, Matthew.

Calling you an idiot...

for believing that friends
make you weaker rather than stronger?

That would be a criticism.

[chuckles] Thank you for clarifying that.

Anyway, where are you off to?

Gotta turn myself in to the FBI.

You must be joking.

You need a suit for that?

I've been falsely accused.

Gotta clear my name.

You mean Matt Murdock's name.

If you're leaving him behind,
why does it matter?

My life is complicated enough
without being a wanted fugitive.

And there are... other people involved.

Other people?

You mean your friends?

So you've heard? Congratulations, Ray.

- What?
- You were right.

Your work with Fisk
trumped your credit issues.

The EAD approved your promotion.

Wow, I, uh...

- Wow.
- That's not why you're here?

Murdock's lawyer just promised
to surrender him tonight.

That's great.

But only after we hear from a witness
he claims can exonerate Murdock

and prove that Fisk has been playing us.

He's bullshitting.

Yeah, well,
he claims his witness is Jasper Evans.

Why do I know that name?

He's the guy that shanked Fisk.

That proves
Murdock's attorney is bullshitting.

Evans isn't giving any statements.
He's in the hole.

Actually, he's not.

I just got off the phone with the warden.

Evans is missing.

What do you mean he's missing?

I mean, they've searched the prison
top to bottom and he's not there.


If Murdock's attorney has him...

you don't think he's right
about what Evans can prove?

How can he be?

Fisk's intel checks out,
and we're watching him / .

- We'd know if he was playing us.
- Right.

So it's a bluff.

It's a bluff.


[Julie] su1c1de Prevention,
this is Julie...

Tell me, Dex, are you thinking
about taking your own life right now?

How are you going to do it, Dex?

Do you have a g*n?

[Mercer] Learn to stay calm.

- [Julie] Is it in your hand?
- [Mercer] It wasn't your fault.

[Julie] The world doesn't want you.

I don't want you.

[Mercer] It wasn't your fault.

Learn to stay calm.

[Julie] Do you have a g*n?
You know where to press it.

[Mercer] You see how alone you are?

[Julie] You know where to press it.

- [breathing heavily]
- [cell phone ringing]

[ringing continues]


[Fisk on phone] When I was in prison,
my mother passed away.

Among her effects was a shoebox
with my name on it.

A keepsake box of sorts.

It was full of happy relics from my life.

The gifts that I made her
when I was young.

The odd news clipping.

And the hammer.

The instrument of my father's death.

I thought that she had thrown it away.

But she was proud of what I had done,
of who I was.

She accepted me, without shame.

And that's what I want for you.

Someone to accept you, without shame.

I do.

And I've sent you a gift,
an opportunity to become your true self.

And if you accept this...

unlike everyone in your life,
I will never abandon you.

The decision is yours.

[phone beeps]

[breathing heavily]

- [sniffs]
- [knock on door]

A car is waiting, sir,
if you care to come with me.

[both chuckle]

[Matt] I wanted to put some money in it,
but I'm a little bit behind on my rent.

[Foggy] Are you sure you wanna do this?

You confident this FBI agent
can be trusted?

Nadeem's a ball breaker, but he seems
genuinely interested in the truth.

Yeah. I trust him.

Then, yeah, I'm sure.

[indistinct chatter]

So, I got your message. [clears throat]

Why am I missing my wife's office party?

This is Jasper Evans.
He's here to go on record.

He's the inmate
who shanked Wilson Fisk in prison.

Fisk made me do it.

We just got the call.
Murdock's at the Bulletin.

What about Jasper Evans?

Nelson didn't say,

but doing this at the newspaper
means they want it as public as possible.

Get Murdock
and find out what the hell is going on.

The publisher and the lawyers
want it all on tape.

Just tell the truth,
you'll be outta here soon.

Just, uh, give me a minute.

- I know you told me lay off Fisk, but...
- All right, look...

- [Karen] We owe this to Ben.
- Stop, stop, stop.

I owe you... an apology.

Someone has gotta shine a light on this.

And, well, I'm grateful that you were
brave enough to make me do it, so...

thank you.

Lead on.

What is it?

Do you hear something?


[Karen] Please state your name.

- My name is Jasper Evans.
- [Karen] Good.

Now, can you tell us
how you know Wilson Fisk?

What the hell's going on?

- [indistinct yelling]
- [screaming in distance]

Foggy, find Karen. Get her outta here.

Oh, sh*t. This is not happening.

[man ] Great, another power outage.

[man ] Genny's kicked in.
At least our work is saved.

[woman] Probably another fire drill
no one told us about.

[man ] That's weird.
The phones are out, too.

Hey, you can't be here!

[grunts, groans]

[woman screaming]

[man grunting]

[Ellison] Karen? What is it?

What's wrong?

- [Mercer] We prepared for this.
- [Julie] Let go of me, Dex.

I said let go!

[Fisk] Fashioned yourself into something
the world will tolerate!

[Mercer] It's just you.

[Dex] People like you. Like us.

The real you.

- Karen!
- [exhales] Jesus.

Who are you?

I'm Daredevil.

[both grunting]




[both grunting]

[Matt groans]

[Dex panting]

[sirens blaring in distance]

Stop or I'll...


[Ellison] The hell are you do... [grunts]

Hello, Karen. It's nice to see you again.


Did anyone see what happened?

Check 'em. You two, with me!

[Matt groaning]

[door opens]

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Matt?

Jesus Christ.

[both panting]


No, no, no. He's okay. He's okay.

[gasping] Jesus, are you?

[Matt] Did he k*ll Jasper?

[Karen] Yeah.


I don't, uh...

[Matt stammers]

[Ray] FBI, don't move!

Agents down! Agents down!


FBI, nobody move!

[printing presses whirring]



[officers shouting in distance]

[officer] What the hell happened?

Who did this?

It was Daredevil.

[dramatic music playing]