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03x21 - Ally McBeal: The Musical, Almost

Posted: 03/07/22 12:08
by bunniefuu
Mom? Dad? Um...

Uh, I-I would... I
would... I would... I

would... I would like
you to meet, um, Brian.

And, Brian, th-this
is my... parents.

Well, we-we should probably get
going. Our reservations are for 8:00.

And-And we don't
want to be late.

But we won't. It's not like
they're gonna run out of food.

It-It's a restaurant.
They-They have plenty.

It's just... Never mind. Um,
wh-wh-where's my coat?

It's just here, okay?

♪ Your arms are
gettin' heavy ♪ Ah! Ah.

- It's here. How about that?
- ♪ Hard to lift ♪

Well, we should go,
because I-I am... I am dying.

Starving. ♪ Things
start to drift ♪

So, we're off to
dinner, all four of us.

One, two, three, four.

♪ Baby, you're falling in love ♪

We can walk
because it's very close.

♪ Baby, you're falling in love ♪

- Ally, that's the bedroom.
- He's-He's right. He's right. Right.

♪ I'm fallin', fallin'
fallin', fallin' ♪

♪ Falling in love ♪♪

♪ I've been down this road ♪

♪ Walkin' the line
that's painted by pride ♪

♪ And I have made
mistakes in my life ♪

♪ That I just can't hide ♪

♪ Oh, I believe I am ready ♪

♪ For what love has
to bring Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I got myself together ♪

♪ Now I'm ready to sing ♪

♪ I've been searching
my soul tonight ♪

♪ I know there's so
much more to life ♪

♪ Now I know I
can shine a light ♪

♪ To find my way back home ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Baby, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪♪

You seem to go through something
like this every time you have a birthday.

How could I not go through it?

Birthdays, people take
inventories of their lives.

Do they not? The
wife, the kids, the home.

What do I have to show for
my 36 years? I have no family.

You have friends. Aren't
they throwing you a big party?

Oh, Elaine Vassal organizes
it only so she can do a number.

She'd tap dance on my head
if there was applause in it.

John. Except for Richard
Fish, all my friends work for me.

I walk around muttering
"balls, balls, balls" all day long.

I've become a little
curmudgeon toad.

The worst part is, it suits me.
I am a little curmudgeon toad.

It's what I was
put on Earth to be.

- Balls.
- The problem is,

I didn't want to
leave Cage & Fish.

- I was happy there.
- You didn't want to leave?

No. Well,

if you didn't want to leave,
don't you think stealing files...

and starting your own practice was
probably a misguided thing to do?

Well, I thought I wanted out.

But it was more about
punishing the dweeb.

The dweeb? John Cage.

Nelle, look at me.

If you really want to go back, I'm
sure I can work it out with Richard Fish.

Did you sleep with
him again? Oh, God, no.

I just let him go
down on my button.

Tell me what you want to do.

Look, I... I don't know.

And I don't know what
I've done to deserve this...

this isolation.

Nelle, honey, you
screwed your friends.

Even so, my life hasn't
been so charmed, you know?

I've had it pretty rough.

When I was a kid...

♪ She's gonna tell ya
about her dear old mother ♪

♪ Burned up in a factory
in Springfield, Mass. ♪

♪ He's gonna tell ya
about his baby brother ♪

♪ Hustlin' down the
streets sellin' his ass ♪

♪ He's got the blues ♪

♪ This boy ♪

♪ He's got the blues ♪

♪ You can hear it in his music ♪

♪ She's got the
blues this girl ♪

♪ She's got the blues You
can hear it you can hear it ♪

♪ When I was nine years old ♪

♪ My daddy ran away ♪

♪ With a woman
he met on a train ♪

♪ She's got the
blues this girl ♪

♪ She's got the blues ♪

♪ You can hear it in her music ♪

♪ He's got the blues ♪

♪ This boy ♪

♪ He's got the blues You
can hear it you can hear it ♪

♪ A year ago I met a girl ♪

♪ I thought we hit
a massive groove ♪

♪ But she dumped me ♪

♪ And all we hit was the blues ♪

♪ I got the blues ♪

♪ This boy he's got the blues ♪

♪ You can hear it in my music ♪

♪ I got the blues ♪

♪ This girl she's
got the blues ♪

♪ I really got the blues ♪

- ♪ I got the blues ♪
- ♪ This boy ♪

♪ This girl ♪

♪ You can hear it in his music ♪

♪ I got the blues this boy ♪

♪ He's got the blues ♪

♪ You can hear it
you can hear it ♪

♪ We got the blues ♪♪

You knew that Brian was a
lawyer, um, too? Did I mention that?

Not in the last five minutes.

Oh. My dad.

He's so funny. Isn't he funny?

He's a stitch.

Well, that's funny too.

I guess I just have two funny
parents. Who-Who knew?

Relax, honey. Well, I just think
that everybody is so damn...


What kind of law
do you practice?

I think it could be the dr*gs
interacting with the wine.

It's my fault. I slipped her a little
something just to loosen her up for later.

Mostly litigation.

Although I'm, uh, I'm
trying to get out of it.

It's just too much
acrimony on a daily

basis. I'm probably
gonna go into corporate.

Corporate's boring.
Nothin' but paperwork.

Dotting I's, crossing T's.

Well, it sounds exciting
to hear you describe it.

I thought the English
liked acrimony.

To see them all screaming
at each other in Parliament...

I watch it on
cable. It's ridiculous.

It's not really like that. We just do
that to entertain the Americans...

when they can't watch wrestling.

Would you like to
hear the specials?

Actually, I'm still
waiting for my drink.

Were you just kidding when
you took our drink orders?

I'll check on them, sir.


♪ At first, I was
afraid I was petrified ♪

Ally, what are you
doing? Oh, I just thought

there was a disco
queen under the table.

Even I'm funny. I guess it comes
from having two funny parents.

♪ Relax Enjoy yourself ♪

♪ It's only a glorious game ♪

Scotch and water.
And you had the gimlet?

♪ There's fruit trees
growing in an open field ♪

♪ And wild roses bloomin'
down a country lane ♪

♪ Look around, old chum ♪

♪ Slow it down, old chum ♪

♪ For you never will succeed ♪

♪ You never will ♪

♪ Succeed ♪

Ally? Ally?

What's wrong? I mean, aside
from your father, the stitch?

Oh, um...

You know, I think I'm
just a little, uh, nervous.

Oh, for God's sake. Stop
acting like a teenager.

♪ It must be very trying ♪

♪ To be bad all the time ♪

♪ Vicious and cruel ♪

♪ And mean ♪

♪ Perhaps when you were little ♪

♪ They held you in their arms ♪

♪ And told you that they
loved you very much ♪


♪ Relax Enjoy yourself ♪

♪ It's all just a
wonderful game ♪

♪ There are rivers and
forests and mountains high ♪

♪ There's the deep green
ocean and the pale blue sky ♪

♪ Let it go and then
you will know old friend ♪

♪ That you never will succeed ♪

♪ You never will ♪

♪ Succeed ♪♪

Well, seems she's not hungry.

- It was my fault?
- Uh, "corporate's boring."

Uh, "Gee, I thought the
English liked acrimony."

I was just making
conversation. No.

You were just guaranteeing
that we have a lousy evening.

You... You wanted the whole thing to t*nk.
Well, congratulations. You pulled it off.

But, see, the problem
is, Dad, is that I'm 30 now,

not 16.

So I don't need my father's
approval in order to like a guy.

So whatever it was that you were
trying to accomplish, it didn't work.

You don't get to talk to me like
that. Why weren't you at the funeral?

What? Billy's.

I was in London. You
knew that. I called.

Oh, right. You called.

Well, you know, it was really
nice having dinner with you, Dad,

but I am gonna go have
lunch with the man in my life.

How can you meet with
her? I won't if you're against it.

I am against it, and
I can't believe you're

not, no matter how
many clients are involved.

John, if Nelle's leaving, if it was
about you, I know you still have...

some pent-up anger with
regard to her. Oh, balls.

Maybe you two
should talk. Look, look.

I wouldn't think of hiring
her back if you didn't want it.

Even if you did want it, I doubt
that I... But I still think you two...

I hate her!

As long as I've known you, I don't think
I've ever heard you use that word... hate.

I never thought you even
had the capacity for-for hate.

Well, then you were
wrong, now, weren't you?

You know, prior to her leaving,
you were walking around.

You were saying some pretty
awful things to her, about her...

She dumped me while I
was wedged in an elevator,

in public, in front of the whole
office. What difference does it make...

It makes a big difference!

You know, I've never
told anybody this.

When I was five
or six, I was fat.


And the other kids
would just tease me so.

We had this neighborhood carnival
to raise money for the "Jimmy Fund."

And they... Some of
them convinced me...

to be in a booth where they
would guess my weight...

and try to win
a... a teddy bear.

They'd sing this song.

And I can still
hear it, Richard.

♪ Johnny, the fat boy ♪

♪ Johnny, the fat boy ♪

♪ Isn't he round ♪

♪ Isn't he round ♪

♪ What does he weigh, folks ♪

♪ Can you guess what he weighs ♪

♪ You know it's
only a quarter ♪♪

Well, I made up my mind
right then in that booth,

I would not be fat,

and there would be limits as to
how much ridicule I would endure.

And she crossed
the line, Richard.

She did. She crossed the line.

And what about you?

Your problem, John... You care too
much about what other people think.

How things look to everybody.

Well, what hurt me...

I cared about what
you were thinking.

And... you so fundamentally...

disapprove of who
I am, what I am.

It's a lot more painful than being
stuck in an elevator, I promise you.

I want you to leave,
Nelle. Can you get that?

I don't want you in my office.

No, John. You don't
want me in your life.

I get that.

I got it even before you did.

I am not gonna make love to you.

You're rejecting me? Under these
circumstances, I most certainly am.

I am not about to go to bed with you
simply because you're angry at your father.

Brian, that is not
it. I am in the mood!

Do I not look like I am
in the mood, damn it?

You're in a mood. I-I-I
thought that you wanted this.

Ally, you have a fight with your dad. You
call me. You tell me to rush right over.

And, I mean...

We will make love. Hopefully, very
soon. But not because of some...

Brian, you are a man.

You are supposed to take
it any way you can get it.

Well, I don't want it this way.

I'll dance with you.
I bet he'd hate that.

Are you making fun of me now?

I'm not making fun of you.
I'm just saying suck it up.

Oh, suck up what? I never
understood this expression.

Maybe if you heard
the bells. Balls, bells!

I can't even hear Barry White
anymore. Didn't I tell you that?

You know, John, I have
my own little theme song.

I never talk about
it, but... I've got one.

Well, I will pay
you not to sing it.

You'll hear it at the party.
Actually, I've asked Elaine to sing it.

Oh, God.

It couldn't be more appropriate
for what you're going through.

♪ When you're on the
bottom like you are today ♪

Could you at least hit a note?

♪ Those around
you are losing faith ♪

♪ In what you're trying to do ♪

Richard, you're tone-deaf.

♪ There's only one
thing a man can say ♪

♪ You can't keep
a good man down ♪

♪ Mmm, there have
been mistakes ♪

♪ I've made a few ♪

This is hardly cheering me up.

♪ Oh, what a price
I've had to pay ♪

You're a kook!

♪ Yet still they try
to push me around ♪

♪ But they can't keep
a good man down ♪

♪ There may be times
when I'm feelin' low ♪

♪ I lose sight of the dream ♪

♪ I lose sight of the dream ♪

♪ But that's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause soon, I'll know ♪

♪ I'll be back on top again ♪

♪ Runnin' things ♪

♪ Treat a man like dirt ♪

♪ Give him no
respect for who he is ♪

♪ Expect something
dirty in return ♪

♪ Oh, they're flying
high up there ♪

♪ They've got a lot to learn ♪

♪ Because you can't
keep a good man down ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ They try to shame me, baby ♪

♪ Try to frame me ♪

♪ But they can't
keep a good man ♪

♪ They can't keep a good man ♪

♪ They can't keep
a good man down ♪

♪ No, they can't
keep a good man ♪

♪ Down ♪♪


Now I'm ready to
make love to you. Mmm.

And now, I don't want to.

A woman who will kiss
on the very first date...

is usually a hussy.

And a woman who kisses on the
second time out, anything but fussy.

You know that song?

The Music Man. Yeah.
It's one of my favorites.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Well, it-it is... my...

- Figures.
- What?

My dad and I would always
sing "Lida Rose" together...

from The Music Man.

I love "Lida Rose."
♪ Dream of now ♪

♪ Dream of... ♪ What?
That's the girl's part.

Oh, and what, men can't dream,
hmm? Well, men sing the bottom.

♪ Lida Rose I'm home
again, Rose Lida Rose ♪

See, that way, the man
is singing to the woman,

and that is the
old-fashioned way. Uh-huh.

You're on. Here we go. Come on.


♪ Mmm, mmm, mmm Lida Rose... ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Wait, wait, wait. I-I wasn't ready.

♪ Dream of now ♪ ♪ Lida
Rose I am home again, Rose ♪

♪ To get the sun back in
the sky ♪ ♪ Dream of then ♪


♪ Dream of a love song ♪ ♪
Lida Rose I'm home again, Rose ♪

♪ About a thousand kisses shy
♪ ♪ That might have been ♪

♪ Do I love you ♪
♪ Ding, dong, ding ♪

♪ Oh, yes, I love you ♪ ♪ I
can hear the chapel bell chime ♪

♪ And I'll bravely tell you ♪
♪ Ding, dong, ding ♪

♪ But only when we dream again ♪ ♪ At the
least suggestion I'll pop the question ♪

♪ Sweet and low ♪ ♪ Lida
Rose I'm home again, Rose ♪

♪ Sweet and low ♪ ♪ Without
a sweetheart to my name ♪

♪ How sweet the memory ♪ ♪
Lida Rose how everyone knows ♪

♪ That I am hoping you're
the same ♪ ♪ How long ago ♪

♪ Forever ♪
♪ So here is my love song ♪

- ♪ Oh, yes, forever ♪
- ♪ Not fancy or fine ♪

♪ Will I ever tell you ♪
♪ Lida Rose ♪

♪ Oh, won't you be mine ♪
♪ I know ♪

♪ Lida Rose Oh, Lida
Rose Oh, Lida Rose ♪♪

Nelle, whatever you
believe my opinion of you is,

I can't see it wounding
you to such depths that...

My disapproval of you,
it only went to your...

Being a "rich bitch ice
queen elitist cold snob."

In case you're in search of the
words. But you embraced that, Nelle.

I called you elitist, and
you wore it like a badge.

But in your eyes, it was an
indictment. Well, it wasn't in yours.

So what do you care...
Because I loved you.

How... Okay, so you were
wounded by somebody you loved.

Well, so was I. The difference
is, you did it maliciously.

So did you! Walking around the
office saying the things you were saying.

That came from hurt
after we broke up.

You dumping me while I was in that
elevator... That didn't come from pain.

Yes, it did. John.

You couldn't love me
because you couldn't...

like me.

You know I loved you.

Not like you loved her.

We both know how you love
her, and how you never loved me.


don't... dare come in here...

trying to compare pain.

♪ I just want you to hurt ♪

♪ Like I do ♪

♪ Honest, I do Honest, I do ♪

♪ Honest, I do ♪

♪ Honest, I do ♪

♪ Honest, I do Honest, I do ♪

I don't know what you've done to
your father, but... What I've done to him?

Mom, you saw him last
night. He was an ass.

What's new? He was also nervous.

Nervous? Well,

last night was the first time you've
ever invited us to come meet somebody,

you know, in your life.

And isn't that a good
thing? Of course it is.

Then why did he try to ruin it?

You know, as much
as your father...

wants you... Wants
you to be happy, he...

And he does. He does
want you to be happy.

The idea of losing you... The
idea of somebody else being...

your center...

You know, I think
seeing you with Brian...

I think that was probably
very hard for him.

That not only makes him
selfish, it also makes him a dope.

I-I've grown up, Mother.
What does he think?

That I'm gonna be Daddy's
little girl forever and ever?

Ally, he doesn't think that. Well,
then what are you trying to say, Mom?

I'm trying to say it was hard for him. I
didn't come here to listen to that tone.

What's in this for you?

I beg your pardon?

Well, you tell me that his love for me
preempted his feelings for you, and...

And now you're sitting there
wanting me to work it out with him.

I'd like to know
what's in it for you.

Oh, you... I-I-I... I won't
have you talk to me like that.

Hey, you know, you've
come into my office.

You don't get to sit
there and tell me what

tone I can use or what
I can or cannot say.

I would like to know why the hell
you want me to get along with Dad.

Because he's my only connection,
and... Connection to what?

To you.

To you.

What are you talking about?

You know, whatever,
um, progress we've made,

he is the one you call to
check in with. That isn't true.

I'm your daughter. You don't
need him for me to be your daughter.

I'm your daughter.

As much as... I'm-I'm...
I'm your daughter.



Well, um...


I think I'll just...
I'm gonna go home.

Would you tell, uh...
Would you tell Brian...

how much I enjoyed meeting him?


Um, Mom?


Bye, honey.


Is Georgia actually gonna sing?

Only the refrain. Plus, her mike is
turned down. She doesn't know it.

♪ I was dealt a losin' hand ♪

♪ The way that I look
and the way that I act ♪

♪ It's not hard to understand ♪

- Has anybody seen Ally?
- She'll be down.

We got some big surprises
planned tonight, John.

- Ah.
- Hello.

This isn't one of them.
Were you invited?

- Well, Nelle wanted to come and...
- Ruin the party?

Richard, John, I'm sorry.

I realize I was acting
out of personal pain.

And I also realize I
wasn't fair in a way.

I owe apologies to both of you.

- I understand.
- You do?

Richard, pipe down.

I'm sorry for the
way I hurt you.

May I?

Look, the thing is,

I've always been...
Subzero Nelle.

I met you.

I let my guard
down, and... it hurt.

Thanks, Nelle. You're
really picking up the party.


I happen to love
working at Cage & Fish.

More than I could ever...

I'm not gonna cry.

What I wanna say
is... ♪ Take it back ♪

♪ Baby, please take me back ♪

The practice of law is only as
good as the people you work with.

I want to work with you.

♪ Take me back ♪

♪ Baby, please, take me back ♪

♪ Just give me a chance
and we'll start all over again ♪

♪ Start all over again ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

♪♪ Uh, it's your call, John.

♪ Every night, I eat alone ♪

♪ Baby, please, please, please ♪

♪ Won't you let me
come back home ♪

I'm okay with it if
you are, Richard.

- I don't... I don't... I don't know.
- Richard, say yes for me.


It's time you do
something for me.

What do you want, sex?

No. Not sex.

It's John's birthday. I
want a little performance.

A performance?
I like performing.

Yeah. I know you do.


♪ Take me back ♪

♪ Oh, please, baby please ♪♪


You and Mom... So many visits.

I, uh, wrote you a song.

I didn't need you to
write me a song, Dad.

I needed you to
be kind to Brian.

I wasn't mean to him.

Well, you certainly
weren't excited to meet him.

Or you didn't act
excited for me.

Were you?

Of course I was.

Why aren't you happy for
me, Dad? I-I-I... I don't get it.

I am, sweetheart.

Mom says...

Oh, your... your
mother... No, Mom...

Mom told me once what a
wonderful father you were.

And where you
were most heroic...

is how you raised me to believe
that my dreams could come true,

when yours never did.

You do want my dreams to come
true? You-You-You do want that, right?


Well, um, John Cage is having
a birthday party downstairs,

and it's really important
for me to be there.

Yeah. Uh...

You go ahead.

I think I love him, Daddy.

That I'm unable to
share that with you...

You don't know him, Brian.
He cheated on my mother.

This is just the latest in a string
of disappointments. Trust me.

Well, it is my life, and his opinion
of it is not going to affect me.

Well, I can see that.

Well, I'm glad to see that
you're enjoying all of this. Ally,

my father betrayed me
like you wouldn't believe.

Really? What did he do?

He turned out not to be perfect.

I... It's... It's just
that I thought...

that-that he and I,
that-that we had...

I don't know. Something special.

And we don't. We are just
another father and daughter...

who don't communicate anymore.

Maybe that's how it should be.

Okay, listen up.
Uh, first, a toast...

to-to John.

- John.
- Happy birthday.

- Happy Birthday.
- Yeah. Second,

let us re-welcome Nelle.

Uh, I'd like a signed commitment
that all future backstabbing,

lying, stealing, whatever...
You'll do it for us.

- That's funny.
- Yeah. Well, hear, hear.

Um... Whoa. Oh, God. Um...

I just... I just
wanna say that...

I'm just really,
totally... Drunk.

- Gone.
- Uh, John, we've got
a little performance for you.

♪♪ Now what's going on?

♪ Some girls they like candy ♪

♪ And others
they like to grind ♪

♪ I'll settle for the
back of your hand ♪

♪ Somewhere on my behind ♪

♪ Treat me like I'm a bad girl ♪

♪ Even when I'm
bein' good to you ♪

♪ I don't want you to thank me ♪

♪ You can just spank me ♪


She sings? How fun. ♪
Some girls like to sweet-talk ♪

♪ Others they like to tease ♪

- Do you find her attractive?
- Her? No. No.

♪ Ooh, I'm in ecstasy ♪

♪ Don't smother me with kisses ♪

♪ I can get that
from my sister ♪

♪ Treat me like I'm a bad girl ♪

♪ Even when I'm
bein' good to you ♪

♪ I don't want you to thank me ♪

♪ Just spank me ♪
Very unacceptable.

- Come on, baby.
- ♪ Start spanking ♪

♪ Hanky-panky ♪
Spank me!

♪ Spank me ♪♪

Oh, that's okay. I'm sorry I
I'll see you when you get back.

Call him? Who?

I am not gonna call him.

He... He can asy as
he can destroy a dinner.

To get along with my father.

Yeah, but you
want to. No, I don't.

And how, all of a sudden, do you
presume to know me so damn well?

Re acting like a monster.

Now, women don't do that
until you really get to know them.

I'm English. We lDon't
you get cable? o pick a figh

Has anyone ever told
you how incredibly beautiful

You're handling
me. Is it working?

♪ Let's just say ♪

♪ You find someone ♪

♪ You like him ♪

♪ And he likes you ♪

What are you thinking? Nothing.

♪ Let's just say ♪

♪ You get along ♪

♪ Life goes on that way ♪

Wow. What?

I have a boyfriend.

You do.

It's just that...

it's been a long
time since I felt this.

♪ Let's just say
you fall in love ♪

♪ And he falls
in love with you ♪

♪ Let's just say ♪

♪ It stays that way ♪

♪ Forever ♪♪


♪ There's a party at
my house tonight ♪

♪ Everybody's wound up ♪

♪ Nice and tight ♪

♪ They'll be rockin', rollin' ♪

♪ Till the mornin' light ♪

♪ There's a party at
my house tonight ♪

I'm feeling threatened by Hope.

I need attention. What,
you? Threatened? What...

I know I'm better
than everybody else,

Richard, but sometimes
it's nice to hear it.

I want to be a couple
again. What... You and me?

All the men I meet
seem to have such depth.

I miss that shallow
thing we had.

Really? You're not just
saying that so I'll do your knee?

I miss you.

I miss you too.

♪ We're gonna
rock the night away ♪

♪ And still be rockin'
when the morning comes ♪

♪ Stand back, baby ♪

♪ Don't get excited ♪

You were in the
ladies' room a long time.

Well, I was...
just freshening up.

Nelle, whatever
our relationship is,

I feel we should be
honest with one another.

Can I be totally honest
with you? Yes, John.

I, uh... I really want
you to be. I expect it.

Okay. You have a
little vomit on your nose.

Thank you.

♪ Stand back, baby
Don't get excited ♪

♪ Didn't I tell you, mama
everyone's invited ♪

♪ There's a party at my house ♪

♪ There's a party at my house ♪

♪ There's a party at my house ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪


I'm glad you didn't
change the locks, anyway.

What is this? You and Mom,
you... you just keep appearing.

I just, uh...

I am happy for you, sweetheart.

I, uh...

There was no excuse for
me not being at Billy's funeral.

The truth is, I would have
flown to London just to avoid it.

The thought of
seeing you hurt...

Maybe, uh,

if I felt I had some power
to make the hurt go away...

Could I hear the song?


You said that you
wrote a song for me.

Oh, that. Um...
Maybe one day I'll...

I-I'd like to hear it now.

Well, um...

I, uh... I don't think
I remember all of it.

But, uh...

Kind of embarrassing now, you
know, after... Daddy, just play it.

♪ She's a real emotional girl ♪

♪ Wears her heart
on her sleeve ♪

♪ Every little
thing you tell her ♪

♪ She'll believe ♪

♪ She really will ♪

♪ She even cries in her sleep ♪

♪ I've heard her ♪

♪ Many times before ♪

♪ I'll never have a
girl who loves me ♪

♪ Half as much as
this girl loves me ♪

♪ She's real emotional ♪

♪ Eighteen years
she lived at home ♪

♪ She was Daddy's little girl ♪

♪ Daddy helped her
move out on her own ♪

♪ She met a boy ♪

♪ He broke her heart ♪

♪ She's very, very careful ♪

♪ Yes, she is ♪

♪ She's a real emotional girl ♪

♪ Lives down deep
inside herself ♪

♪ She turns on easy ♪

♪ It's like a hurricane ♪

♪ You would not believe ♪

♪ You gotta hold
on tight to her ♪

♪ She's a real emotional girl ♪♪

You stinker!