02x19 - Altered States

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x19 - Altered States

Post by bunniefuu »

So this whole leap year thing
doesn't freak you out at all?

[Sarah] Why would it?

I don't know.
Just the idea

that's there's this... this day
that doesn't even exist.

Like a phantom day.

But it's just
science, Bailey.

I mean if we didn't
add the day,

eventually, you know, we'd end
up with sun and snow in June.

Well, see, now,
that's exactly it. That's exactly what
freaks me out about it.

That that could happen.

What are you doing?

I'm having an existential
crisis out here,

and you're, like,
rearranging my clothes.

I am not.

Then what are you doing?

a surprise.

Ah! Brainstorm.

What if we throw
a leap year party.

If you're surrounded
by friends,

maybe it'll help you
through the trauma.


Okay. Ready? Ta-da!

What do you think?

Oh, God.

You know,
I can take it back.


I mean...
I mean...


Are you sure?

You know, because it's not
really my normal style.

Maybe it's
a new me emerging.

Yeah, well...
emerge over here.

So... this leap year
party thing,

what do you say?


to absolutely anything.


Well, here.

You have a history
test on Monday.

So I figured
you might want to...

I also brought you
a note from Nina, um...

the Grant High Spectator,

and a new class
president ballot.

Lots of people
are asking about you.

Asking what? How you are?

what's wrong,
when you're gonna be back.

And what do you tell them?

I tell 'em
you're okay,

you had a stomach virus,

and you're gonna
be back really soon.

Are you?

Gonna be back soon?

I don't know.


Because I was

maybe if you did
come back,

uh, got back
into your routine,

you might start feeling
like your old self again.

And maybe we'd start
feeling like us again.

Maybe it's as easy as that.



[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

Trash trucks
are coming any second.

Give me hand, will you?

She's just sitting there
in the living room, Charlie.



She's been watching
infomercials since, like,
4:00 this morning.

I said "Hi", but it's like
she didn't even hear me.

Is she gonna be okay?


Yeah, Claud...
she's gonna be all right.

[man talking
indistinctly on TV]

Been up since four, huh?

Yeah. I, uh...
couldn't sleep.

[turns TV off]


Something's got
to give here, Jule.

You've spent the last week
watching shadows

move across the walls.

Don't you think it's time
to go back to school?

Maybe next week.

I just...

I don't feel ready yet.

Don't make me
go back, Charlie.

Look, I don't want to be
a hard-ass.

If I thought staying home
is helping,

I'd be all for it,
but it's not.

Obviously it's not.
So I'm sorry.

But I'm gonna... I'm not gonna
write you any more notes. I think you should go on
upstairs and get dressed.

So... five days, huh?


Five days is a long time.

Five days is gonna seriously
bring down our average.

Is that your way of saying
you're gonna miss me?




or horizontally?

[laughs] Well...

you know, both. You know what?

Hell with
the affiliates' meeting.

How does Hawaii sound?



Five days, just the
two of us, on some
incredible beach.

We can spend
some real time
together for a change.

Haven't we been
doing that?

Uh, no.

It's been a
"How fast can you be
at my place" kind of time.

Let's really go
away together.

Kathleen, you can't just
blow off your meeting.

Why can't I?

It's 2000 people
in a room.

They won't even notice
I'm not there.

We'll book a suite
at the Haleakala Resort.

We'll tell 'em
we're honeymooners.

Newlyweds always
get upgrades.

Uh, Kathleen...

They'll probably give us
one of those private
little bungalows.

I'm just gonna call
my travel agent and see.

I can't go away
with you, Kathleen.

I've got,
you know, the kids.

Especially this week,
with Jake not being here.

The kids?


Among other things,
I've got responsibilities.




responsibilities, okay?

They need me around
in case stuff happens...

or breaks.

Or they need something.

Or they get in trouble.

In case stuff breaks?

Hey, Kathleen,
I know this might
be a foreign concept,

but I've got a lot
of people to think about
other than myself, okay?

I'm sorry,
but that's just
the way it is.

It just sounds confusing
because you missed
the Potsdam stuff.

Once you do the reading
you'll be totally okay.

They're staring
at me.

Who is?

Those girls over there.

[chattering and giggling]

That's because you're wearing
the same shirt as one of them.

That's all
they were saying.

Oh. Oh,
I thought, um...

They don't know.

Nobody knows.

And even if they did,
so what?

Look, you're
doing great.

Just gotta make it through
one more class, that's it.

[talking and laughing]

We should probably
go in, if you want to
get seats together.

No. Uh, I'm not taking
last period.

Why not?


because Charlie said not to.

He told me to skip
last class because...

we're going away.

You're going away where?

To Tahoe...

for the weekend.

You didn't tell me this.

I didn't?
I thought I did.

No, you didn't.



Charlie thought it would be
a good idea for me to get away.

Anyways... go ahead.

I'll call when I get back.

Uh, can we talk
while you're gone.

No. There's no phone.

Take good notes, okay?

[bell rings]


Yeah, with Justin's

I don't know, Jule,
do you...

You sure
you feel up for that?

Yeah. Justin's gonna
catch me up on some
history I missed.

I think you're right
about getting out.

I think it was
good for me. And I think this will...

it'll just be
that much better.


Well, if you're sure.


[Sarah singing]

Check this out,
I'm in the bathroom,

and this guy says the only
reason he comes to hear

this band is
because of Sarah.


That's my girl.

-[Will] So who's coming
to the party?

The leap year thing.
Who's coming?


You know, people,

Some other people.


Man, what a great idea.

A party every
four years.


[knocking on door]

Oh, God. Did we have a date?

No, no.
We didn't have a date.

I'm... I'm just
dropping by.

Is it bad timing?

No. But, um...

But I've never
dropped by before.

Well, yeah.

I know.

Don't you think
that's a little strange,

one month into
a relationship?


I mean, your place
is much cooler.

And, uh,
besides, no kids.

Um, look, I thought about
what you said earlier.

And, you know,
you have this whole
half of your life that...

I never see.

I mean, that I actually
avoid being part of.

I mean, you have a family
I don't even know.

Why is that?

Because they're
incredibly annoying?

I'm being serious.

You know, it's-- [squeaks]



I mean who, who made
the stupid decision

that you and me were
only about, you know,
going to dinner or...

fooling around
in the afternoon,
or taking weekends?

I feel like maybe
it's my fault.

Hey, no.

It's no one's fault.

I don't want to be
just a diversion for you.

I want to be
a part of your life.

And if that means
hanging out with the kids

and eating leftovers
over the sink then...

Let's not glamorize this.

I wanna be
a part of your life.

This looks good.

[announcement over PA]
This is the final
boarding call for flight...

Can I help you?

Yeah. Hi. Um...

I'd like to buy a ticket
on the next flight
to New Orleans, please.


Let's see.


Uh, that's
a wide-open flight...

leaving at ten o'clock
from gate seven.



Are they in classes all day?

Oh, I see. Uh...

Well, can I leave
a message for him?

Griffin Holbrook.

Yeah, um... tell him
that Julia called.


tell him
that Julia's here.


Why not?

What objection could you
possibly have?

I'm just not excited
about the thought

of drunk teenagers
puking in our bathtub.

No, Charlie. No one's
gonna be puking anywhere.

Okay? It's just a bunch
of friends hanging out.

No big deal.

I don't know,

Oh, let him
have the party.

Mm. Smells good.
What is it?


huevos ranchitos...

Oh, I'm Kathleen.

But I guess
that's stating the obvious, huh?


Um, is this where
you're having the party?
Out there?


No, actually...

actually I was planning on
having it inside.

Listen, I throw
a million parties a year,

so I know whereof
I speak.

Get 'em outside,

light candles, and suddenly
the whole party's sexy
and mysterious.

Come here.
I'll show you.


You know, you might
want to just toss in
a hint of cilantro.


How did she seem?

She seemed tall.

This one?

Mm. Too hard.

what besides tall?

I don't know.

It was weird seeing
somebody other than Kirsten

in Charlie's robe,
that's for sure.

She had cool ideas
about the party.

This one?

You already gave me
that one.


So, um...

have you thought about
what you're gonna
wear tonight?

God, I don't know.

Because, um...

I was thinking that...

I really love that...
that black sweater
that you have.

-The turtleneck?

Mm. It itches.

Well, yeah.
But something like that?

Yeah, probably.

Probably not the dress
you wore last night.

God, no.

Yeah. I didn't think so.

No, I mean, you know,
I'd love to,

but I just haven't had
a chance to wash it.

It's drenched in sweat.


[knocking on door]

[country music
plays on radio]

Who is it?



It is you.

Yeah, of course.

I, uh... I told a couple
of the guys about you.

I just... I figured maybe
they were setting me up.

No, it's me.

Yeah, well, wow.

I uh...
You look, uh...

not so good.

Are you okay?


Yeah, I'm...
I'm fine.

I'm just, um...

I had a rough...
time, and I haven't...

slept much.
But, listen, um...

How are you?

What kind of
rough time? Something bad
happen to you?


I mean, something bad, yeah.
But it didn't happen to me.

I did it.
Something really stupid.


You know what, Griffin?

I have spent the last week
doing nothing but...

talking and agonizing and...

crying about this thing.

So... what I really want
right now is to just...

not... yet, okay?


I mean, well, sure.

I can't even believe
you're here, so, yeah...


[rock music playing]

Out of chips.

Uh... Sarah rearranged
all this stuff.

Where is she anyway?

She's out there
with Matt.

He's here?

Who invited him?

I'm guessing Sarah, when she
asked the rest of the band.

Wait a second.
They're all here?

There they are,
in this one over here.

What is she doing
on his lap?

Oh, they're... they're doing
this ventriloquist thing.

It's hysterical.

A ventriloquist thing.

Yeah. She's the dummy.
He's the ventriloquist.

On his lap?

Duh. That's what
makes it funny.

That's not funny.

Trust me. When you're
out there, it's a riot.

You're folding
his laundry?

What can I say?

Love makes you do
ridiculous things.

You're in love?


Go figure.

I'm in love too.


His name's Enrico.

And he's Mexican.

That's why
I'm learning Spanish.

A Latin lover.



Well, it wasn't

Where the hell
is it?

with him?

Stress. Been trying to
drag him to Hawaii,
but he won't go.


What are you, like,
loco? Why not?

He thinks you can't
survive his absence.


When was the last time
you actually solved
a problem?

I do a lot
around here.

Maybe not all the
obvious stuff, not the...
the glory jobs.

But the nitty-gritty,
behind-the-scenes stuff.

You guys would be
lost without me.

Okay. So I'll
take them, too.



-Claudia, um...

Could go look for
my leather jacket, please?

Si, senor.

What was that?

A very nice invitation?

You have no right...

no right to tell her
that she can go to Hawaii.

Relax, Charlie.

What's the big deal?

The big deal is, is that
I don't want you taking them
on family trips.

It's okay.
So I'll rescind the invitation.

And I don't want this.

You, here,
folding my laundry.

I mean, God, you, you
put away my socks.

I'm sorry. It was
a terrible thing to do.


I don't mean that.

Of course, it was...
It was a...

A very nice thing
to do.

what is going on?

When... when did
everything get so involved?

Because this was supposed
to be a casual thing.

Well, things can't stay
casual forever, Charlie.

Uh... I mean,
I love you.

How about this one?
Is it flat enough?


Hold it like this...
and spin it out of your hand.

Okay. Damn.

That's all right.
There's more where
that came from.

So I guess you got
pregnant, huh?

You could tell?

I just figured.

I mean, what else
could it be?


Well, I'm not
pregnant now.

I lost it.

I mean...
a miscarriage.


I almost had
an abortion.


Well, are you all right?

I mean, physically?

Yeah. I'm okay.


Was he cool about it?



Why are you here?


I don't know.


I thought
you'd understand.

This never happened to me.

I mean, with a girl. I...

But you've done
things you wish you
could undo, right?


Yeah, lots.

Come on.

It's like I can't
recognize myself.

I mean, the me I know would
never have let this happen,

you know?

The me I know would never
have had an appointment

at an abortion clinic.

Do you know
what I mean?

What, are you kidding? Look at this uniform.

Some days I wake up
and look at it and think,

"Whose life did I get
by mistake?"

So, what do you do?

I put on the clothes.

I mean, they're mine.

You're not...
mad at me for coming
to you, are you?


It's not exactly
the easiest thing.

I love you.


Well, if it helps...



-Could I...
talk to you a sec?

Hey, is everything

Somebody stole Charlie's
really expensive
leather coat.

Oh, my God. God,
who would take it?

I don't know.

I was thinking maybe
one of the guys
in the band.

You've only known them,
what, like two months.

Yeah, and long enough
to know they don't steal.

Yeah, well, I think
you should probably
ask them.

Bailey, I'm not gonna
confront my friends.

They're not
your friends, Sarah.

Your friends would
never make you dance
around half-naked

just to draw
a crowd for them.

What did you say?

God, Bailey, if you have
a problem with the way
I perform,

don't take it out
on my friends.

I'm not.

Okay. I'm not. I'm just saying
that the coat is missing.
And those guys...

I found it.

He left it in the car.

This place sucks.

Yeah, well, it's all
I could afford.

I had a good day.

Well, I'm not
going anywhere.

Griffin, I don't feel

Oh, I know.
I don't mean like that.

Come on.

I mean, I'm gonna...
stay right over here.

That way maybe you can...
sleep a little easier.

Don't you have
a curfew or something?

Uh... yeah.

It, uh...
It was an hour ago.

Griffin, don't get
in trouble over this.

It's not worth it.

Yeah. Well, that's
kind of my call.


Lie down, okay?

Is that better?

Mm hm.


Ow. Wait. Ow.

I brought you a paper.

We have it

And some bagels.

I've eaten.

Maybe for lunch?

What are you doing?

I'm saying I'm sorry...
with props.

You left without
saying goodbye.

Yeah, well, I didn't feel
like talking to you.

Yeah. I know.


I was being a jerk.

And what I think
happened was...

Was that I was
just expecting
this small party.

And so when
all those people
started showing up,

and then the jacket
was missing, I just...
I just freaked out.

I'll say.


I missed you.

Usually at parties, we...

we hang around together
talking about who's
hanging on who and stuff.

And when I looked
for you last night,

you were off messing around
with that Matt guy.

He's a friend,
Bailey, period.

I know.

I know.
I was wrong.

And, oh. Listen to this.

You know the, um...
You know the new thing

that Charlie's trying out.
Salinger's live music
on Sunday nights.

Well... he said that he would
squeeze you in this week,

if you wanted to play.

That's tonight.


He said, he'll pay
300 bucks.

Is that supposed to
make everything better
or something?

No. No.

But it's a really
good thing.

And just because
you're mad at me,

that's no reason to throw away
a great opportunity. So...

So, I'm sorry, and I really
think you should do this.

What time should we
be there?

[man talks indistinctly]


-I wasn't--
-You're on
your way out.

Well, just to
exercise class.

It's okay.

No, no, no, no.
I'm happy to bag it.

Besides, I can think of
a much better way to get
my heart rate up.

Let's go upstairs,
shall we?


Or not.


Can we... can we
sit down for a second?

[school bell rings]

[exhales deeply]

I want you to know that
I think you're a really
great person, Kathleen.


You've been
incredibly good to me.

I mean, really,
really generous.

So... I want to be fair.

That stuff you said
last night about us
moving forward,

about us not being
so casual.

The thing is, Kathleen,
I like casual.

Casual really works for me.

Casual is...
is what I thought
we were doing here.

But I don't know.

I guess you're right.
We can't be casual forever.

And if you're not
ready to get serious,

well, that...
that says something.

I mean, I guess
eventually you...

you either fall in love
or you don't.

And I'm guessing
you're in category B.

I'm sorry.

Since you've been
so honest with me,

I thought that
I owed it to you to--

Uh-huh. Well...

Thank you...
for being honest.

This place
is kind of cool, huh?

[zydeco music
playing in background]

Ahh. Um...

If you want to, uh, maybe we
could go hear some jazz later.

hating this.


Julia, just tell me. Okay,
I'm hating it.

I'm sorry.

I just thought maybe
if we came to do
something fun,

you know, maybe you could
forget about the other stuff. Griffin,
it's not your fault.

It's just, like...what am
I doing having fun, you know?

Why shouldn't you?

I don't know.

Whenever I made
a mistake before,
I could always... fix it.

But this...
there's no way
to undo it.

It's just there...

I get a knot in my stomach
when I think about it.

I know that feeling.

I used to get drunk
when I did that.

I just want to feel
like I'm still
an okay person.

Everyone tells me that I am,
but it doesn't mean anything.

I just look at them
and think, "What the hell
do you know?"

Let's go.

Where are we going?

Someplace... else.

You need to tell Charlie
to get a new sink in there.

You can barely
wash your face without
drenching yourself.

Is that what
you're wearing tonight?


You don't think
something else
would be better?

Well, if I thought something
else would be better,

I'd probably be
wearing it.

Sarah. I just...

I just think that maybe
you ought to think about
how you present yourself.

Excuse me?

Well... you're, like,
this really sweet person.

And... And when you
dress like that, you don't...

look sweet. Bailey.

The problem is,
without those songs,

we've got, like,
8 minutes of material.

Wait a minute.
What songs?

Bailey said the crowd
wouldn't be too into some
of the stuff we played.

God, what is your problem?

Look, I am just making sure
that everything goes well.

For who? You're the only one
freaking out over it.

I'm not freaking out.

Yes, you are.

Don't wear this.
Don't sing that.

I was thinking of having
a glass of water, Bailey.

Is that okay with you?

Yeah. Yeah.
That's fine.

Or maybe you'd just rather
spill it all over yourself

and enter a wet
T-shirt contest.

You're not trying
to make up for anything.

You're making sure that
I do things your way.

Well, forget it.
I'm outta here.

Wait a second.
Wait a second.

You're just...
You're gonna leave?

What is Charlie
supposed to do
about a band?

I don't know, Bailey.
Why don't you go up there
put on a turtleneck

and sing Feelings,
for all I care.

[phone ringing]



Who is this?



I'm not here.
I'm not here.

Um... yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Yeah, wait just
a second. Hold on.

Hold on.
Charlie's right here.

She sounds really weird.


I did something...
so stupid.

[Charlie over phone]
Kathleen. Kathleen!

It's a church.


You go to church?

Well, I kind of
have to.

It's, you know, part of
the military school thing.


Mom and Dad used to
take us to church.

I hated it.

My parents too.

Every Sunday,
my Mom and I

would have a huge fight
over wearing a tie.

When I came here,
it was like one more thing
I have to do, you know?

Some more punishment.

I don't know.

Just one day, then,
I started to see
things differently.

It's like...

I actually started to
listen to what the guy
was saying.

And a lot of the stuff,
you know, I could
care less about.

But the main stuff,
the overall feelings...

it's cool.


This is the only place
where all of the bad stuff

that I've done, all the
mistakes that I've made...

don't matter.

They matter, but...

It's just...

It doesn't change
what I'm worth...

as a person.

It's like,
here I'm...


no matter what.

My parents would never...
say that to me.

Even if they thought it,
they wouldn't say it.

I guess yours
can't either, huh?



come on.

Come on.

We need to get you up.
Come on.

-Come on.

Uh, Charlie. Ugh.
I'm so embarrassed.

How many of those
did you take, huh?

I don't know.
Um, just...

All right.
Come on now.

We gotta get those
out of your stomach, okay?

So we're gonna go
into the bathroom.

-All right?

Did you pay extra for this?


It's a half-eaten lollipop.

Cherry I think.


Whoa, whoa!


You just smiled.

I did?

Yeah. And it
looked good.

Maybe I'll stay.

It's nice here.

No, it's not.

Music sucks,
and the people talk funny.

Yeah. But it's nice
being with you.

What do you have
at that place? Bunks?

Maybe you can
hide me in your bunk.

You know, you probably
shouldn't joke about that.

No, probably not.

Because, uh... you know,
you got a life back there.

You got, uh...

Well, a lot of things
back there.


Problem is I feel
so far away from them now.

I mean, I don't know if I can
feel... like this back there.

I just think you got to
hang in there and do the time.

You know, because...
that's the one thing
you know is gonna change.

I mean, every
sucky day you live,

you're not gonna have to
live it again.

I mean...
it's done.

You did it.
You know, move on.

Maybe the next one won't suck.

What if it does?

Same philosophy.

Just... do the time.

[deep sigh]

I'm sorry, Charlie.

shouldn't have called you.

You want to tell me
what was going on?


I was confused.

I couldn't sleep, and I think
I took a couple of pills.

But I couldn't remember
if I'd taken them, so...

I took some more, and...

Then it all just...

I, I don't know.

You couldn't sleep?

No. I had
a crappy day.

What was it you said?
"You either fall in love
or you don't."

Boy, and I thought I scared
easily. But you really--

It's not about
getting scared.

Oh, yeah, it is.

You know, I...

I could understand if someone
had mentioned getting married

or moving in
together, but...


So what's the rule here,
Charlie, huh?

You'll let me
take care of you and...

and turn your
restaurant around.

But I can't get to know
your family?

We can have a quickie
in the afternoon
or a one night stand.

Forget about
a romantic week together?

You never even tried
to make this work.

Yeah, I did.

Yeah, I did.

You think it's easy for me
to care about someone else?

To give up
control in my life?

To risk getting hurt?

To compromise
and overlook things,

and put up with
someone else's crap?

And you got
a lot of crap, Charlie. But I was willing
to do it for you.


It's actually cruel
what you do.

You ask people
to care about you.

And when they do,
and when it's your turn...

you bail.

I'm sorry.


"You either fall in love
or you don't."

Roll of the dice.

No way to call it.


[announcement over PA]
Final call for the 8:15
airport shuttle.



The express bus to
Baton Rouge will be
leaving in five minutes.

You know...

every day, it gets
a little easier.

You know,
some days it's worse.

But, uh...

most days...

Most days... life's
actually pretty good.

All aboard
who's going aboard.

All passengers on
our Alabama Express
with stops in Montgomery...


Some days it's...

it's amazing.

[man talking indistinctly]

Ah. Thanks.

[motorcycle revs]


Thought you were
afraid of motorcycles.

I was.
Now I'm not.

Was that Matt?

No, that was Evie,
the drummer's sister.

Is that her jacket?

It's mine. You want to
see a receipt?

Hey, why do you
have to be so cold? No, why do you have
to be so judgmental?

I'm not.

I'm not. I'm just...
I'm just trying to...

I'm trying to find you,
is what I'm trying to do.

Well, here I am.

No, I know.
But it's not "you" you.

You're different.

It started when you
hooked up with the band.

When you guys would sing,
you'd, like, cop this attitude.

And, now it's like you're
a completely different person,

all the time.

I'm 16, Bailey.

I'm still finding out
who I am.

And maybe... maybe
who you're seeing,
maybe that's the real me.

Well... she's not the you
that I fell in love with.

Which, which means what?
That if I change,

you're not gonna
love me anymore?

That's not what I said.

Because I might
change, Bailey.

But that should be
a good thing.

And if being with you
means that I can't change,

then there's something
wrong with being with you,

not something wrong
with changing. [woman]
Wait, I'll come
with you.



[soft folk rock
plays on radio]


Just what
I always wanted.

Was there snow there?

Yeah. Lots.

Man, you must have been
pretty cold.

Julia. Carlos says,

"Que la next time usted vaya
away, leave uno numero."


Charlie said,
"Next time you go away,
leave a number."


So I guess you went
somewhere else?


Where did you get this?

The airport.

They sell Tahoe stuff
at the airport.
I never noticed that.

You want to know
where I was?

Are you better?

I mean, are you okay?


Then, no.

Probably don't need
to know, right?

Anyway, you're home, so...
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