02x11 - Unfair Advantage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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02x11 - Unfair Advantage

Post by bunniefuu »

No. No,
stay with me on this.

Her birthday is today,

but the surprise party
isn't until Thursday.

[Julia] Thursday? Why Thursday?

Parents' idea.

No way
she'll expect it.

But the point is I gotta
give her something today,

and I gotta give her
something Thursday,

and I'm kind of broke.

And the pressure's really on,
because the best present

should come from
your boyfriend, right?

So you got her
a sweater?

Hey, it's cashmere.

Tasteful, elegant,

Cashmere? You said you didn't
have any money.

Well, it's not real cashmere.

It's like, more like
a faux cashmere.

So, what did you get her
for Thursday?

So far,
dinner at Salinger's.

I know. I know.

But I could get her one of
those snow globe thingies.

She collects them.
That's kind of classy, right?

Says "I know you."

[horn honks]

Happy birthday to me!


-This is yours?

My parents gave it to me
as a birthday,
belated Christmas,

"we love you even if you're not
our biological child" present!
What do you think?

-This is so cool.

A little guilt goes a long way.
Hop in, you have to
hear the stereo!


[stereo playing loudly]


For me?

Uh, yeah.

It's from Julia.

Oh. Thanks. Yeah.
Buckle up.

[bell rings]

All right. Tomorrow, sonnets.

Get a good night's sleep

and bring me
your favorite adjective.

Hey, I have to watch
Owen tonight,

but you should come over.
We can do some homework.

Is that what
we're calling it now?

Hey, Julia,
can you hang out a bit?


Catch you later.

Hey, Mr. Peck.

What's up?

Well, my dear, I wanted
to talk to you about

what you handed in yesterday.

I hate to say it, but

this one's not quite
up to your usual.

It's not?

"Your touch
is like a feather.

"Your touch is
like an arrow.

"Your touch
makes me feel alive."

And so on and so forth.

Um, it doesn't feel real.

You know, maybe you should write
about something that you know.

I do


about this.

Listen, if you want
to write about a boy,

about a man touching you, you gotta reach down
in your soul,

make me feel like...
Like I'm inside your body.

What's it like when...
When he puts his hands
on your skin?

And when you're kissing,
what's going on?

What's going on in here?

In here?

I want the goods.


Oh, hey.

Don't get
so bummed out.

It's just
an assignment.

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live ♪

♪ Like they wanna live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love ♪

♪ Like they wanna love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

♪ Closer to free ♪

I will pay you.

I will write you a check.

Don't tell this story!

She's just getting
into the music.

She's pumping her fists
like this.

You should've seen it, Jason.

And then there's this poor fool
standing next to her!

I loathe you.

Boom! She smashes him
right in the eye.

Gave him a shiner,
I swear to God.

Is that true?

Hey, Charlie,
we were just--

You gave somebody
a black eye?

Oh, not on purpose.

Um... So we've got
this retirement party

coming in today
for lunch, right?

You wanna do, like,
one big table or--

It can wait.

So, what were you at?
Some concert?

Um, Atlas over on--

Oh, I know Atlas.

Yeah, let me know
the next time you get tickets.

Well, actually, we've got

an extra one for tonight.



You don't want
to go with us.

I don't?

Hanging with the help.
Wouldn't that be slumming?

Anyway, it'll probably
run pretty late,

and you've got that

little boy at home?

Not a problem, unless
you guys don't want me to go.

Oh, no. No, no.

We just didn't know
you liked to do stuff like this.

Like what?

Go out and have fun?

Believe it or not, I do.

You are not
gonna eat that.

Come on.
Don't be a doof.

Just do what I do,

Come on, fiddle girl,
I dare you.

Jody, what are you doing?

This is so disgusting.

Excuse me.
Oh, gross!

Um, excuse me, sir!

There's a dead roach
in my ice cream.

You didn't buy that.

Yeah, well, she, uh...

No, duh!
My mom did.

She's outside
spewing in the dumpster.

You would be too if you just ate
half a cockroach.

-I don't see anything.
-Of course not.

We thought
it was a... A nut

until we poked
at it with a spoon,

and then it got all
squished up in the sauce,

and... And see?

There's his
little legs.

Look, I'll get you
another one.

Make that two.

And dead bugs
are not a topping.

Hey, you.


You headed home?


Jump in. Elvis and I
will give you a lift.

There, now you know
my innermost secret.

I give silly names
to my cars.

That's okay, it's nice out.
I'm gonna--

It's nice out? You look
like you're freezing.

You're practically turning blue.

-I'm okay.
-What is this?

I offer up one criticism
all semester.
Now you hate me.

No, of course not.
I just, um...

I just wanna walk.

Will you stop
playing hard to get
and get in the car?

Come on.


They could've changed
my birthday, too,

just like they changed
my name.

Oh, well. At least I got
a convertible out of it, right?

You really think
they got you a car

because they feel guilty
or something?

Yeah, of course they did.
Why shouldn't they?
They lied to me.

Wow. You're pretty mad
about this.

No, no.

I don't know.
I just figured
if they wanna buy me stuff

to make themselves feel better,
who am I to say no?

Oh, look! Earrings.

Hey, those are nice.

The red ones.

Those are garnets.
My birthstone.

Did you know that? Really?

I just thought
they kind of looked like you.

And they're 300. Yikes.

Come on. There's a bookstore
down the block.

Let's go browse.

You are so adorable!

Hinting around,
trying to figure out

what to get me
for my birthday.

Me? No!

No. I got that covered.

All set for,
like, weeks.

Sort of.

Well, not really.

Okay, yes.
I am hinting.

You're so totally sweet.
You really wanna
get these for me?

Well, yeah, I do,
but I can't, so...

Yes, you can.

You can. I'll buy them,
and you can give them to me.


-That's not the same thing.
-Sure, it is.

Look, you thought of
getting them for me.

And it's the thought
that counts, right?
So why not?

'Cause they're way
too expensive and--

Bailey, you've got a girlfriend
with a Gold card.

Vodka doesn't stain,
does it?

I know
it doesn't smell.

Can't take you
anywhere, huh?


So this was fun.

Yeah. It's still
pretty early.

Yeah, we were maybe gonna
go back to Parker's.

You probably prefer sitting
on actual furniture.

Actual furniture's
a plus.

You know what,
I got a whole house full.

Couch, side chairs,

not to mention
hot and cold running food.

I don't know.

We wouldn't want you to go
out of your way or anything.

How's it out of my way?
It's my house.

Come on. It's just
10 minutes from here.

Sure. Why not?

[pop music playing on radio]

You wanna hear
something funny?


You're, like,
the last person in the world

I ever thought
I'd be hanging out with.

The last?

How come?

When I first
came to the restaurant

for the interview,

the agency told me I was
meeting some Mr. Salinger.

I expected you to be 50.

And then I see
this guy, you,

and I'm thinking, "No way."

But the thing is,

you acted
like you were 50!

Get out of here.
I did not.

Yeah, you did.

You had the whole
"wife and kids" thing going on.


Ex fiancee.


Please. I'm trying
to have a good time here.

Anyway, the whole interview
totally freaked me out.

"What are your

"We require
exemplary references."

I must've been
trying out my new

"Hey, I'm a grown-up"

So now, is this your old

"I'm just a nice, normal,
fun guy" personality?

Ha-ha. I guess it is.

I like it better.

You know, just in case
you're taking a survey
or anything.

[clink glasses]

[crash] [man]


What time is it?

I knew poli-sci
was dull, but...

I wasn't drooling,
was I?


Oh, man, it's late.

I should cut.


Don't go yet.


I, um... I don't wanna
do this now.

No, really?
Why not?



When I say no,
that's what it means. No!

What's with you?

Nothing. Julia? I'm--

No one else, okay?
I mean it.

All right.


Today after school,
Mr. Peck gave me a ride.


I got in the car.

And he put his hand
on my leg,

and he tried
to kiss me.


I mean, I got out
of there. I left.


Nothing happened.

Nothing happened.


What's the name
of that Jane Siberry CD
you taped for me?

What are you doing?

I'm labeling tapes.

Why aren't you
ready for school?

I'm not going.

You're not going?

Is there an echo in here?


Look, I don't wanna
talk about it.

Listen to me.

Hey, hey, listen to me!

Look, you're gonna
get ready right now.

You're gonna come with me.

We're gonna go
to Principal Stickley's office.

And you're gonna tell her
what happened
with Mr. Peck.

I am not gonna
make a thing about this.

Well, this is
already a thing.

It's already a thing,
or you wouldn't be
sitting here

in your pajamas
at 8:00 in the morning.

Look, I just don't feel like
seeing him today, that's it.

Oh, and what about tomorrow?

You're gonna be late
for first period.

-Can you tell Sarah

to take good notes
for me in Chem. Would you?

[both sighs]


Oh, I... Oh!

I'm sorry.

I am sorry.

I'm sorry. I...


I know. I'm thinking
about a 12-step program.

Listen, uh,

I had a great time
last night.

It's been a while,
you know, so thanks.

Does that mean if I asked you
to do something tonight,

you'd say yes?

Odds are pretty much
in your favor.

I've got this Christmas tree
in my dorm room.

Thing's shedding
like a dog in July.

Any chance of you helping me
drag it to the recycle place?

My truck and I
are at your service.


Oh, by the way...

don't serve those.


Is that the bimbo?

I don't know.

I'd have to hear her sing
"La Bamba" to tell you for sure.

You want a cherry in that?

How about a shot of rum?


Hey, it's just an idea.

Hey, you guys
got any smokes back there?

-So get me a pack.

Come on, quick,
while no one's looking.

Come on, Claud.

Do I have
to do everything?

Darts Ultra-Lights
okay with you?

You coming?


Justin. Good.

You wanna give me
a hand here?

Oh, yeah, we had to change
the number for the hotline.

Apparently it's one digit off
from some Chinese takeout place.

We've been getting
lots of orders
for moo goo gai pan.


You touch her again,
your life's over.

Uh, why are we here?

We just need to pick up
a few things.

We do?
What kind of things?

Sweaters, for one.

Ew. Yellow
is not your color.

Sweaters? I don't need
a sweater.

You will
when we go skiing.

Look, my parents are making me
go with them next weekend,

so I asked
if I could invite you.

You're autumn, aren't you?

Ooh, green is perfect.

They love the idea.
Let's go look at skis.

Wait a minute.

Sarah, slow down
a second here.

I can't afford
to go skiing.

Are you
listening to me?

My parents said
it was okay.

That means you don't
have to afford anything.

We can ski all day,
sit by the fire at night.

Drink hot cocoa.
It'll be great.


It's... It's too much.

It's too much.

Bailey, did I tell you
that the earrings

were my absolute
favorite gift?

I've had, like, 15 compliments.

So now I wanna do
something nice for you, okay?

Besides, it's gonna be
pretty miserable
if it's just me and my parents

walking around, pretending
everything's okay when it isn't.

And I'm not sure
I'm ready for that.

But if you come with me...

I pay for the cocoa?


Let's try on some skis.

Do you know
why I got called in?

'Cause if it's
about missing classes...

Sorry. You're going
to have to wait, though.
She's got someone
in there with her.


I truly don't get it, Enid.

I mean, we've always had
a terrific relationship.

She'd stay after class.
We'd talk.

And I'd try to make her feel
like I was a friend,

her not having
a dad and all.

Maybe that was my mistake.

Maybe she misinterpreted that.

Oh, God.

Now that
I think about it,

her work lately has been
kind of sexually explicit.

I never thought it had
anything to do with me.

I promise you,

we'll get to
the bottom of this.

Maybe she's trying to
make her boyfriend jealous.
I don't know.


Then...boom, right?

We're all headed
down the slopes backwards.

That's when the guy
takes the picture.

You're kidding!

No. I think
I have a copy of it.

My mom saves all that stuff.

Sarah? Oh. Hi, Bailey.


Oh, Sarah. We just got a call
from American Express.

They thought maybe
your card was stolen.


God, I hope not.
I just used it.

They said there was a lot of
unusual activity on the account.

Sporting goods.

It came to over $1000.

Oh. Yeah. Yeah, that was me.

I needed a few things
for the trip.

Is that a problem?

It's just

a lot of money,

Well, why would you give me
a charge card
if you didn't want me to use it?

Well, don't you think
this is

a little excessive?


Oh, okay.
I understand.


we could still
take this stuff back.

Yeah, we can take
the car back, too,
if that's what you want.

Of course not.

I completely understand
if you guys

don't want me
to have this stuff.

It's not that, Sarah.
It's just...

Well, try to be a little bit
more careful. That's all.

Okay? Sure.


I don't know,
there's Comet,

uh, Blitzen,

Q-Tip? Cupid?

Oh, who cares?
There's eight of them.

Don't make me laugh.
This sucker's heavy.

Hey, when I get a tree,
I get a tree.

I could have guessed
that about you.

What does that mean?
Watch your step.

Just means that you don't
do anything halfway.

Okay. I can
accept that.

-All right.




Ooh. Ha, ha!

All right.

[chuckles] Oh, Charlie.

No, no.

Sorry. Wrong answer.

Hey, come... Come on.

Why not?

Just because, okay?

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.

What? Who asked out
who tonight?

I asked you
to do a favor for me.

Oh, look, maybe you got
the wrong idea or something,

but I, um...

I'm not interested
in this with you.

I mean, I'm just... I'm not.

I mean, you're a nice guy
and everything, but...

You know what?
I got it.

You made your point.

I'm gonna go dump this.

Good night.

[starts engine]

[door slams]

Do you know
what you did?

Do you have any idea
what you did?


You just go to him.
You don't tell me. You just...

I mean, who asked you to?

This was my problem,
not yours,

and I didn't want
anybody else to know,

and now people do.

I'm in my house, and I get--

Jule, Jule...

Okay, I do not know
what you are talking about.


He went to her.

He went to her?

And... And what?

And he said that
I was coming on to him.

He what?

You... But you
set it straight, right?

I mean, you told her?

-No, okay? No, I didn't.

I don't know, I just...

I think that maybe it wasn't
100 percent his fault.

What, are you kidding?

I don't know.

I don't know.


I-I don't get it.

I mean, I really--

Do you remember
after the wedding?

After we, um...

I ran into Nina
the next morning at the lockers,

and she just looked at me,
and she knew.

I mean, she came
right up to me,
and she said,

"You're not a virgin
anymore, are you?"

I didn't see
anything different
about me.

But she did.

What if I'm giving off
some kind of signal?

Like what?

Sexual radar?

That's nuts.
You know it.

Justin, it doesn't
make any sense.

I mean, he has always
been so supportive

and so great.

I mean, why
would it happen now?

I mean, why all of a sudden?

The only thing
that has changed is me.

Hey. Hey.

I, um, just wanted
to take a pulse.

Are we cool?

We're cool,
and you're 10 minutes late.

Listen, you ought
to check out the schedule,

'cause I had to move
a couple of things around.

Moved things around?

You cut half my hours.

Yeah, look, um,
I'm sorry about that,

but I'm carrying
too much help on this shift.

It's not like they're banging
down the doors around here.

I can't make
my tuition on this.

Are you, um...
cutting Parker's hours

or Jason's?

Well, Shelly, you were
the last person hired.

Mmm. And the first one
that wouldn't go to bed
with you.

Hey. That is out of line.

I'm still your boss.

God, it is so obvious.

I won't put out,

so now you're
getting back at me.

No, see, that's not true.

'Cause if I was
getting back at you,

I'd tell you that
you're a lousy waitress

and that the only reason
I've kept you

working here this long
is for the babe value.

[clears throat]

Oh, another minute
and you would've missed me.

Come on in.

I won't keep you long.

You got my message?

I left it with
your homeroom teacher.

You cut classes
again today?

Please don't be
upset with me.

I'm not upset
with you, Julia.

I'm concerned.

You're one
of my best students,

and Allen is one
of my best teachers.

I keep thinking

maybe I haven't heard
the whole story.

Is there anything
you want to say
to me today?

What can we do
so that I never have to
think about this again?

So that it goes away?

You understand that

once you say that,
the matter is closed.

I'd appreciate it
if you'd let me
out of his class.

It's the middle
of the term, I...

You'd have to take
an incomplete.

That's fine. Whatever.

Julia, you know...

Ms. Stickley.

I'm sorry.


Claudia, have you seen
the checkbook?


What the hell?



Out of there. Now!

I... I'm not so sure
I can walk right now.


Stop yelling.

Out! Out.

You're yelling.

You are intensely good-looking.
Do you know that?

First of all,
I am calling your parents. Oh. You know what?

My mom would love you.

Where's the john?

By the kitchen.

What the hell do you...

You... You are 12, okay?

You're 12!

You know what, Char?

I'm sure you got a lot
to say about this, and...

Well, it'll probably
take a while,

but before you get started,

I kind of gotta throw up. [toilet flushes]

Thanks for this.

This feels more like my birthday
than my actual birthday did.

Do we get cake?

Of course
you're getting cake.

Good, because
the other night

when they brought out the cake
with all the candles

and sang "Happy Birthday"

and told me to make
a wish, I didn't.

Because it just
didn't feel right.

So I decided to
save it for tonight.

Great. That's great.

-I wore my earrings, see?

I was hoping
you'd wear your sweater,

but I guess you're probably
saving it for the trip.


I kind of took it back.


You didn't like it?


It just feels
kind of weird.

You know, you buying me
all this stuff.

No, no.
I told you I want to.

I know. I know that,
and that's great.

But it's starting to feel like

part of you really wants
to give me these things,

and the other part of you
is just doing it

to get back at your parents.


God, I had no idea
I was dating Sigmund Freud.

Come on, Sarah,
you heard what they said.

And I don't know
what's going on
with you guys. I don't.

But do I know
you're spending too much.

And I shouldn't be
spending their money

because I'm not really
their daughter?
Is that it?

God, Bailey,
you sound just like them.

No, that is--

♪ Happy birthday to you... ♪

It's just, it feels like
you're using me to punish them.

For lying to you,
I guess, and--

-You can shut up now.

No, I get it, okay?

Excuse me.

[car alarm wails]

I'm thinking maybe
we should talk about this.

What's to talk about?

You've obviously
got it all figured out.

Your car.

Oh, man.


I'll go call the police.

Why? Why? It's not like
they can do anything.

And it's not like
I care about this stuff,

because it's just stuff.

So you're right.

You know, we should
take it all back.

The earrings,
the skis, the stupid car.

'Cause who really cares, right?

I mean, who gives a damn
about any of it?

[car alarm stops]

Maybe somebody
will steal it.


wait a second!


Here you go.

Drink it.


What is it?

Bitters and soda.



I think I better
move closer to the bathroom.

What were you thinking
about, Claud? Huh?

Can you tell me that?

I don't know, I just...

I guess it just seemed
kind of funny and...

I mean, why do you do it?

I don't have to answer that.
I'm twice as old as you are.

But don't you do it for fun?

That's different.


'Cause I'm twice as old
as you are. That's why.

And I'm not the one
in trouble here.

You are not drinking again
until you're 21.

Okay, okay, okay.


This Jody friend of yours.

She's... She's a juvenile
delinquent, and I--

Charlie, she's my friend.

This girl is trouble.

You're not hanging out
with her anymore.
Do you understand me?

Do you?


I won't.

Oh, man.

Just sh**t me in the head.

Where did you go?


I just kind of had
the cab driver drive me
up and down Lombard Street
over and over.

He thought I was crazy,

but I used to love that
when I was little.

There was a party?

Surprise. Seventy-five people.

They left about
a half-hour ago.

You mean you--

Your folks put it together.

Been driving me
kind of nuts about it, but

I guess they just wanted
everything to be perfect.

It's just guilt, Bailey.

I don't think so.

I was just upstairs
with them, and...

I definitely
don't think it's guilt.

I kind of
get the feeling that...

That it might
actually be love.

Big time.

They're not
my real parents, Bailey.

That is so weird.

You know, it's not like
they have an obligation
to love me or anything.

Maybe not,

but they did
make this, like, huge,

huge choice a few years ago

to love you.

And so you don't have to...

You don't
have to test them.

You don't have to see how much
you can get away with,

and you don't have to
make them prove
they love you every day,

because they've already
been doing that

for, like,
the past 16 years.

They're always gonna
love you, Sarah.

I mean, come on.

How could they possibly
not love you?

I don't get it.

Why didn't you say something?

This teacher
makes a pass at you,
and you don't even say anything?

Please Charlie,
can you just
sign it and let me
drop the class?

-Then what? Then he wins.

Fine, he wins.

Are you gonna
sign it or not?

I don't know.
I have to think about it.

Well, get back to me when
you've made up your mind.

Why are you letting
some creep get away with this?

Because maybe it was my fault.

Something I did

or said or wore.

I mean, maybe
I caused this.

You throwing yourself
at a teacher?

No way in hell.

It... It's not who you are.

Then why?

Probably he's
one of those jerks

who sees a pretty girl
and thinks, "I'm entitled,"

you know?

"That's for me."

Never mind
what the girl thinks or wants.

I know plenty of those guys.

And the fact
that he's, what,
twice your age?


And he's got that
authority thing going on.

He knows he can
hold stuff over you.

That just makes it
so much worse.

Trying to...

Trying to
take advantage of...

Of someone like that.
It's just...

Guys do that sometimes.
We just...

It's such
a lousy thing to do.

Such a lousy thing
to do to you.


Do you want me
to go up to school,
talk to anybody?

Mm-mm. No.

Want me to beat him up?

I'm your big brother.

It's in the job description.

This is "Geo"pardy.

Geography meets Jeopardy.


Well, Claudia,
are you feeling all right?

I'm feeling kind of ragged.

I, uh...

I have this note
from my brother.

Well, you wanna go see
the school nurse?

I'm thinking that might be
a good idea.

Let's blow this
funeral parlor.

Got any smokes?

Man, I'm jonesin'.

You crack me up.

Hey. Hey.

I, uh...

I brought your last check.

Um, actually,
I hope that it won't
be your last check.

I'd like you
to come back to work.
Full-time, you name it.

I know that I was
horrible to you

and that I owe you
this huge apology.

Yeah, I was
definitely attracted,

but you said no,
and that should've been it.

I couldn't even tell you
why I went off on you.

Who are you so mad at?


It's in your eyes.
You're like this

angry guy.

-I'm not.

Yeah, you are.

Come on, I can't
be the first girl

that's ever said no to you.

I mean, big deal,
but you just...

It's no excuse.

There's... There's no excuse
for the way you treated me.

See, it has magic
repellent powers.

Oh. Hmm.

Yeah, and if anybody
comes near you
who's creepy or weird,

it'll zap them
with invisible shock rays.

-I'm dead serious.
-You're crazy. It will.

Justin, um,

I'm gonna...

Unfinished business.


I don't know
what's worse.

What you did to me

or that you lied about it,
or that you made me
doubt myself.

I don't think
this is such a good idea,

under the circumstances,
your being here.

You're worried.

You should be.

Maybe you thought
that I was just gonna
go away.

I thought that, too,
but I'm not.

I'm gonna go
talk to Ms. Stickley, and

I'm not gonna
let you get away
with what you did to me.

Julia, I don't know
what you think happened, but--

Do you have any idea
how much I loved it here,
in your class?

I mean, this stupid,
ugly room

was one of my
favorite places.


But you ruined that.

Because the truth is,
there really isn't anything
that I would want
to learn from you anymore.


Hi, I can't come
to the phone right now,

but I wanna talk to you.

Please leave a message
after the beep.





Um, I wasn't gonna...

I kind of just wanted to hear
your voice on the machine,

and, uh... I forgot to hang up.


I hope you're okay.

I'm, uh...

I'm kind of a mess,
if that makes you
feel any better.

I'm sorry.

This is, uh...

I shouldn't have...

[phone beeps off]


Okay, okay.
It's right over here.

Careful. Oh!

Okay. [Sarah]
Where are we going?

Right over here.

Okay. Close your eyes.


-Right over here.

Okay. Open your eyes.

Happy belated birthday.


Well, it's beautiful,

but I don't get it.

Look straight up.

No, no, wait.

Wait a second.

Here, this way.

It's right between...

Gemini and Orion.

What am I
looking for?

Your star.

My what?

It's my birthday gift to you. I sent in this form
and everything.

And I mean, it's not
the most expensive

birthday gift in the world,
but, anyway,

there's this star up there

named Sarah.

And that's not
gonna change,

and that's not
gonna go away

'cause I have a certificate.


no matter what happens,

it's gonna be there for, like,
millions and millions of years.

Right up there.

You can't see it,
but it's there.

I promise.



Go ahead.

You never got
to make your wish.


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