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02x07 - Customer Service

Posted: 03/06/22 19:15
by bunniefuu
[audience cheering]

[audience cheering]

That's it! I figured it out.

I finally know
what I want to do with my life.

Be a professional
basketball player.

You're three-and-a-half
feet tall.

Ugh! You know,
you're a real dream k*ller.

I hope you don't
ever have children.

I thought you were
a hairdresser.

It's time for a new challenge.

And I can't find my scissors.

I'll be a farmer,
work the land, feed the people.

They get up at 4:00
in the morning.

Huh. I know what I'll be,
a mountain climber!

Did you say climber?


...large mountains.

Scale, uh, im-impossible peaks!

You can't even climb the stairs!

It's the altitude!


I've reached the summit!

What a view!

[theme music]

[telephone ringing]

♪ Hmm-hmm-hmm-mmm ♪♪

Thank you for calling
Trans Visitron Cable.

How may I offer you
excellent service today?

Good morning, Julie.

Do you know why I'm smiling?

Because it's Monday.

And that's the day I randomly
select one of our customers

and turn off their cable.

♪ Hmm-hmm-hmm-mmm ♪♪

Let's see who is today's

unlucky customer.

(man on TV)
'And we're all set to go.
It's game one of the finals.'

'We have two evenly
matched teams.'

Here we go.

'And here's the tip..'


No, no, no, no,
no, no. No don't!

can't be happening!

[telephone ringing]


Let the fun begin!

Thank you for calling
Trans Visitron Cable.

'Please hold while
we access your account.'


'Thank you for holding.'

'The name associated
with this account'

'is Buges Buney.'

- 'Is this correct?'
- 'Yes.'

Thanks, Mr. Buney.

'Please tell us in a few words
why you are calling'

'so we may better assist you.'

'You can say simple phrases
like, "Pay my bill."'

- 'Or, "My cable's out".'
- My cable's out.

I understand you want
to terminate your cable service.

- 'Is this correct?'
- What?

No! This is not correct!

Oh! Ho-ho-ho!

Oh, this is a good one.

'My cable is out!'

I'm sorry. I'm having
trouble understanding you.

Please try again later.

No, no, no, no no..'

Ha ha ha! Let's see how long
it takes him to call back.

- They hung up on me!
- I'm not surprised.

You were yelling at them.
So much hostility.

Seriously, do not have children.

Seven, eight, nine..

[telephone ringing]

Huh, faster than I thought.

That Mr. Buney's
a real feisty one.

Thank you for calling
Trans Visitron.

My name is Cecil. How can I
offer you excellent service?

Oh, hi, yes, uh,
my cable went out

and it's Game One of the finals
and I'm missing it.

Oh, dear, well..

I'd be happy
to send a technician

to your home... tomorrow.

The game's on now!

Can't you press a button
and turn my cable back on?


Mr. Buney.. you really think
I can just turn your cable

on and off with
the click of a mouse?

Fine! I'll take
the appointment tomorrow.

At least I'll see Game Two.


A technician will be
there some time

between 8:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.

But that's all day!


And just a friendly reminder

someone does need to be
home during those hours.

Anything else
I can help you with?

No, you've done enough.

Did I provide you
with excellent service?

Yes. Beyond excellent.

- 'Thank you.'
- 'Who was that?'

A customer service

You know, someone whose job it
is to make people miserable.

You can get paid
to make people miserable?

All these years,
I've been doing it for free.

Here, you go be
an underwater welder.

I think I just found
what I was born to do.

Get ready, people.

I'm about to make you
a whole lot more

...for money!

[instrumental music]

clack clack

- Tina.
- What? I'm busy!

On a resume,
should everything be in bold

everything be underlined,
or everything be in italics?

- Hi!
- Oh, hey, Lola.

What do you need with a resume?

I need to make
a photo copy of my hand.

- What?
- 'Or do I just go for it.'

And do the whole thing
in a fun font?

There's this palm reader
that's really good

but she's in Tierra del Fuego,
so I need

to send her
a photo copy of my palm.

- Excuse me, miss?
- Yeah, give me a minute.

You can use that
copier over there.

- Thanks!
- I'm sorry.

- I'm kind of in a hurry.
- 'Which font?'

Old West or Triberica?

Ooh, or Triberica Grand?

Hello! I need
a hundred copies of this.

I said give me a minute!

Hmm, Tina and Bugs,
so much hostility.

- It says, "Load paper?"
- Then load paper!

- Oh, thanks.
- How about my 100 copies?

How about I take your head
and shove it in that machine

and make a 100 copies
of your stupid face?

- You got time for that?
- Tina, what was that about?

- That guy was being a jerk.
- He was a customer.

- So, put a smile on your face.
- Easy for you to say!

You don't have to deal
with these people.

Tina, I'm afraid
until you can become

a little more positive
and upbeat

I have no choice
but to suspend you.

But that's not my personality.

How am I supposed to be
positive and upbeat?

I don't know.
Find someone to teach you.

Positive and upbeat.

What kind of nitwit's
always positive and upbeat?

Toner exploded!
Ooh, looks like I have freckles.

I've always wanted freckles.
Look, freckles!

[instrumental music]


Alright, it's eight O'clock.

Someone will be here
between now and 6:00.

Hopefully closer to now.

[instrumental music]

Thanks again for letting me
pick your brain.

Are you kidding? No one's ever
wanted to pick my brain before.

Well, except for that one
when I volunteered

for those medical experiments.


Hey! That's our space!

Oh, that's okay,
we'll find another one.

Have a great day!
Oh, I love your hat.

You've got to be kidding me.
He took your space.

- That didn't bother you?
- Eh.

'There's plenty spots
to go around.'

'Besides, this one's
much further away.'

What's good about that?

It gives me more time
to practice my new walk.

What do you think?
More arms or less arms?

'More arms, for sure.'

[instrumental music]

- Thank you!
- Oh, I get it.

You wanted to take me
to the mall so that I'd see

what it's like to be on
the other side of the counter

so that the next time
I'm dealing with a customer

I'll be nice and friendly

and remember that in the end,
we're all just people, right?

No, I just wanted to get
some new lip gloss.

But that would have been
a good idea. You're smart!

I'm not that smart.
I'm about to lose my job.

- How do you do it?
- What?

Not get annoyed with people.

Oh, I don't know.
I guess it's just in my

Oh, no, wait,
I'm not wearing jeans.

Oh! I should get some jeans!

Whoa! Hey,
what are you doing?

You don't just spray perfume
on someone without askin'.

- No one likes that.
- Ooh, Tina!

This lady just
sprayed perfume on me

and I didn't even have to ask.

Hi, can you maybe just
spray a little here?

Yeah, and here,
and then just this whole

this whole area right here.

'Maybe my face?'

'Ow. Oh, I should
have shut my eyes.'

'It's my fault, my fault.'

[instrumental music]

Why did I have to drink so much?

Ow, ooh, ha, whoo!



♪ Hmm-hmm-hmm-mmm ♪♪

knock knock

No, wait!


I'm here! Ah!

Aah! Ugh!

I'm here!

I'm here!

I was here!


It never gets old.

"Sorry we missed you."

You're gonna be sorry.

[intense music]

click click click

Your family is gorgeous, Ted.

Your son looks like
quarterback material.

- That's my daughter.
- She's lovely.

And you know a lot of girls
play football these days.

This is quite a resume.
A little hard to read.

That's the Triberica Grand.

"Hairdresser, Marine Corp."

You were the CEO of Enormicorp?

This is all incredibly

That's why it's all in bold.

But I'm afraid
you're overqualified.

What? No!
I swear, I'm not.

It only looks that way
because of the giant font size.

Please, I was born to work
in customer service!

Well, I suppose I can make you
the customer service supervisor.

Will I still get to make
people's lives miserable?

Heh! Only when you're
forced to fire someone.

Welcome aboard.

I get to fire people?

Five seconds, you can't go to
the bathroom for five seconds?

'Thank you for calling
Trans Visitron.'

We're always working for
My name is Daffy.

How can I offer you
excellent service today?

- Daffy?
- Am I speaking to..

...Buges Buney?

It's me!

Okay, Mr. Buney

what seems
to be the problem today?

You know what the problem is,
you live with me.

Our cable's out.

- Is this Bugs Bunny?
- Yes!

'Then why did you say
your name was Buges Buney?'

I didn't. You did.

Can you just
put our cable back on?

Oh, I don't know how to do that.

I thought you worked there!

I do, but so far
I've just been firing people.

can you please find someone

who can put our cable back on?

I'm about to miss another game!

Alright, here's what
I'm gonna do for you.

I'm going to transfer
you to one of my

customer service

No, wait!
Don't put me back on with...

Hello, this is Cecil.

Please, I'm begging you,
the game is about to start.

Isn't there anything you can do
to turn my cable back on?

Hmm. I could try
resetting your account.

Yes! Reset it!

How's your day going so far?

- Horrible!
- I'm sorry to hear that.

Just reset it!

Alright, here we go!

You did it!
My cable's back on!

'Is there anything else
I can help you with today?'

[speaking in foreign language]

But wait,
I only have one channel!

Yep. That's the bronze package.

How is one channel a package?

If you want, I can upgrade
you to the silver package.

What package do I need
to watch the basketball game?

Well, that would
be the gold package.

Then give me the gold package!

Okey-doke, please hold.

Slurp. Oh, that's hot.

Slurp. Oh.

That is good coffee.

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

I can't believe
you watch this stuff.

It's garbage! Tsk, tsk.

Watch the basketball game
or something.

Isn't it the playoffs?

[speaking in foreign language]

Maybe I'll just
watch a little bit.

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

Well, I have
good news and bad news.

The bad news is,
I was not able to upgrade you

to the gold package.

What's the good news?

Oh, did I say
there was good news?

[evil laugh]

Oh! Ugh!

'Will someone tip me over,


'Julie, I know you can hear me.'





Of course you realize.

This means w*r!

[instrumental music]

Closed? Why would Pizza Riba be
closed in the middle of the day?

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

Dr. Jimenez
has a twin brother?

What would Lindsay say? She's
about to sell the hacienda!

She already
has too much on her plate.

- You want to go to Tutty's?
- Eh.

I'm sorry, Julie.
You know how these things

I'm gonna to need you
to clear out your desk.

And anything you might have left
in the office refrigerator.

'Good luck.'

Cecil, where are you going?

I'm on break.

Okay, but you better be back
by 2:30, or you're fired.



Wait, I thought you got
the cheeseburger.

Eh, cottage cheese will be fine.

Try something new.
Who knows, maybe I'll like it.


Hmm, not as cheesy
as you'd think.

Very cottage-y, though.

Let me give you a scenario.

Aw, that's so sweet, thank you.

I feel bad, though. I don't
have anything to give you.

Here, take my cottage cheese,
I insist.

Oh, one more quick, huge bite.

No, a scenario.

I'm gonna to describe
a situation at work.

You tell me
how you would handle it.

- Ooh, fun!
- Okay.

Imagine some customer
comes up to you at the counter.

- Who is it?
- Who's what?

- The customer.
- I don't know.

It doesn't matter.
Just pick someone.

- Okay, I've got him.
- Alright.

So this customer is in a hurry,
but you're already busy

'doin' a bunch of other stuff.'

I'm sorry,
where do I work again?

Copy Place!

Right, got it.

'So you tell him
to wait a minute'

'but he keeps ringing the bell
saying, "Miss, miss!"'

'Miss, miss!'

Well, hello there, customer.
Can I help you?

That depends.

What are you doing
for the rest of your life?

Well, kinda thought
I was going to work here

until I figured out
what I really wanted to do.

Or maybe
I'll go back to college.

Forget all that. Marry me.


- Say yes.
- Yes, yes!

I'll be Mrs. Customer!

- Lola!
- Huh?

What would you do with that

I'd drop everything
and do whatever he said.

He's my customer.
And my customer is my world.


I... think I've got
the wrong personality

for customer service.

You know, maybe just
one more teeny huge bite.

[instrumental music]

Welcome to the coffee hut.
My name is Becky.

How can I offer you
excellent service today?

I'll have a cappuccino.

- Okey-doke.
- I'm kind of in a hurry.

Oh, looks like
the machine's not working.

If you'd like, I can upgrade
you to a regular coffee.

I don't know
how that's an upgrade

but, okay.


♪ Du-tu-du ♪

♪ Data-ta-ta-da tu-du-du-du ♪♪

Uh-oh, are you watching
the playoffs?


I really am in a hurry.

Okey-doke. Oh, you know

- We're out of coffee.
- Ugh, forget it.

If you like,
you can come back tomorrow

some time between
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

[intense music]

'Whoo! 2:28.'


Going up?


What package would you like?

Package? I just want
to go to the 22nd floor.

Well, there's a number of ways
to get to the 22nd floor.

Ah, you can get
the silver package

which takes
you to the 20th floor

but you'll have to walk
the last two floors.

Or I can give you the gold

which takes you straight to 22.

But that's not available till
September of next year, see.

Or now in the bronze package

for every floor we go up,
we go down, too.

So that one
takes a while, mm-hmm.

Forget it, I'll take the stairs.

Okey-doke. Heh.

[instrumental music]

Did I provide you with excellent
service today?

I'm sorry, sir,
we can't photocopy money.

Of course you can!

You just put the dollar
in the machine

and make a million copies!

Oh, thank goodness you're here.

I need you to take care
of this customer.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I don't think I can do that
and be positive and upbeat.

Forget positive and upbeat.

Right now I need rude
and mean-spirited.

You were right,
I had no idea how hard

it was dealing
with these people!

ding ding ding

What are you lookin' at, girly?

I'll tell you
what I'm lookin' at.

A sad little man
who buys his jeans

in the children's department

and who's about to get beat up
with his own boots.

'You hear me?
And if you ever steal'

'my friend's
parkin' space again'

'I'll put you in a shoe box'

and bury you in my backyard.

Welcome back.

[Cecil panting]

Whoo! I made it.

Where is everyone?
Where am I?

- 'The future.'
- What?

Where are all the customer
service representatives?

In the future, there are none.

But why?

Because one
customer was so mistreated

that he rose up
and the people followed!

Mr. Buney!

It's pronounced Bunny!

- But you can stop him.
- How?

By turning his cable back on.

- Oh!
- Do it now.

So he doesn't rise up!

Wait, don't you need
to take me back in time

in order for this to work?

Yes! Normally.

But, uh, for a bunch
of time travel reasons

that you wouldn't understand

uh, we're gonna
to do it this way.

- But...
- Just hurry!

The time hole is closing!

Oh, no, the time hole!
There, it's on.

Is that all the movie channels?


I know he had
the full sports package.

While you're at it,
why don't you throw in

the Spanish language channels?

I think he's got a friend
who watches them sometimes.

I did it. Now bring me
back to the present.

Oh, good, Cecil, it's you.

- You're fired.
- What?

Go ahead
and clear out your desk.

Well, that's everyone.

Oh, hey, Bugs.

I think you mean, Buges.

Buges Buney?

Oh, hey. Thanks for providing me
with excellent service today.

- Unbelievable!
- What?

Ted fired me
because I fired everybody else.

Apparently you have to have
a reason to fire people.

See, that's why I don't like
working for big

Well, at least the cable's on
in time for Game Seven.

Hey, Speedy,
would you mind changing...

You're just in time! Lindsay's
about to have her baby.

Who's Lindsay?

'Lindsay is the American
foreign exchange student'

'living in the hacienda
with Dr. Jimenez'

but she doesn't know
that the hacienda

was built on an ancient
Aztecan burial ground.

[speaking in foreign language]

So Dr. Jimenez is the bad guy?

No, Felix is the bad guy.

Dr. Jimenez is wonderful.

He's the father!


Eh, I'll watch
the finals next year.

[theme music]

That's all, folks.

Whoa, whoa whoa!

'Will someone tip me over,

'Please. Hello?'

