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02x04 - Rebel Without a Glove

Posted: 03/06/22 19:12
by bunniefuu
Gimme the wrench.

- Porky!
- Huh?

Oh-oh, sorry. I-I was studying.

- Studying?
- Yeah!

- I w-went back to school.
- Oh, boy.

I figured the catering business

can be such a r-roller coaster.

I-it's good to keep
your option's open.

I've always l-loved school.

You know, for two people that
spend a lot of time together

we really have nothin'
in common.

- Ah! That should do it.
- Eh, but what were you fixing?

Nothin'. But women love a guy
who works on his car.


A-are those B-Bug's gloves?

Gotta protect my delicate hands.

Women love a man
with a soft touch.

What you winkin' at?
Don't you wave at me.

Well, most women.

[theme music]

[instrumental music]

- Daffy!
- What's up?

- Where are my gloves?
- Oh, I washed them.

Why would you wash them?

Because they were covered
in grease and oil.

You're welcome.

My gloves are dry clean only.

- I said I was sorry.
- No, you didn't.

Look, let's not split hairs.
Why do you even wear gloves?

Because, I've always worn them.
It's who I am.

Why do you wear that thing
around your neck?

[instrumental music]

Grand mummy, one day
when I'm grown

will you give me your pearls?

I wear this for medical reasons.

They've shrunk!

You shrunk my gloves!

But what would I expect
from someone named Daffy?

What's that supposed to mean?

I gotta have some gloves
in here somewhere?

- What's wrong with my name?
- Look it up.

[keys clicking]

"Daffy, adjective.

"Foolish, insane

brainless, crazy."


This explains so much.

No wonder I've always been
treated with such disdain.

Why no one's given me
the respect I deserve!

It certainly can't be
because of my manner

or anything I've done.
It's because of my name.

I have to change my name.

Goodbye, Daffy.

Uh.. Well, I'll think
of something.

Do these gloves look weird?

[instrumental music]

How do say "Taco" in Spanish?

- Taco.
- Taaaacccooo.

- How do you say, uh, "Barito?"
- Borittttoo.

What! So Spanish and English are
the same that's, that's crazy.


[instrumental music]


I, uh, think you push it.

Hey, Bugs, where have you been?

I've been waiting
a half an hour.

I got lost.

What do you mean you got
You come here all the time.

I know, uh, I don't know
what's wrong with me?

Oh, you poor thing. Let me
get you a glass of water.

Or as they say in Spanish,
"A glass of water."

Hola, Senor Bugs,
can I get you the usual?

Huh! Oh, yeah sure, the
What's my usual?

A personnel carrot pizza.

Carrot pizza!
Who puts carrots on pizza?

Are you okay?
You seem strange.

I just don't feel like
I-I don't know what it is?

Here you go, Bun-Bun.

- Where are your gloves?
- Ha! My gloves!

I'm not myself
because I don't have my gloves.

Oh, well, I have an extra
in my purse

if you wanna borrow mine.

What are these?

Pearls. Pretty, huh?

I can't wear these.

I gotta get my gloves back.

Oh, may be Daffy will want
these. To match his necklace.

- Eh! Can I help you?
- This isn't the parking lot.

I gotta get my gloves back.

[instrumental music]


These are all baby names.

I don't want people thinking
I'm a baby.

Eh, th-they are not
just for babies.

That's, eh, when usually people
get their names. Eh, let me see.

- Eh, what about, John.
- John?

John Duck,
it sounds like jaundice.

Like I'm all yellow and sickly.

- How about, W-W-William?
- William?

Silly Willy Daffa-dilly?

Who would, eh, say, say that?

All the kids in the playground.

Eh, w-w-what playground
are you on?

I d-d-don't know
why your making such a b-big

a big deal
out of your name anyway.

Huh! Easy for you to say.

You don't know what it is like
to have your name

be a source of ridicule
and embarrassment.

You've got it easy,
you're name's Porky..

Uh, you'll make a good John.

John Pig.


Oh! T-t-there is my political
science teacher.

Eh, P-Professor Johnson.

Professor, Professor Duck.

You gotta respect that.

I'm afraid we don't carry
white gloves for men anymore.

What? Why?

Well, because it's not
the 1800s.

- But I need them!
- We can special order them.

But it might take a while.

Do you have any other gloves?

I really need a pair of gloves.

Well, it's summer, so we don't
have that many options.

Just get me a pair of gloves.


[instrumental music]

Where are the fingers?

It's all they had.

Now thanks to you, I'm this guy.

Daffy, where's the remote?

Daffy. Hello, Daffy.

Oh! I'm sorry
were you talking to me?

Because if you were,
my name's not Daffy.

- Check this out!
- You got a wallet?

Not that, this.

- Porky's credit card.
- What?

No, not that. This.

- ' "Professor Duck?" '
- I changed my name.

Daffy, Professor is not a name.
It's a title.

- That you have to earn.
- I did earn it.

By going down to the courthouse
and paying 14 bucks.

Well, I used
Porky's credit card.

So what do you think?

I think I gonna get a tattoo.

- What? Why?
- I don't know.

I just feel like it.

Sorry if that hurts.

I didn't know you started.

[instrumental music]

Eh, t-thanks for driving me
to class.

I d-didn't know how I was gonna
get the cake there in one piece.

- Who's it for?
- M-m-my teacher.

E-each tier, represents
a branch of government.

Eh, this tier represents
the l-legislative branch.

Eh, th-th-this tier,
the executive branch.

And this is the j-j-judiciary

Again, we have nothing
in common.

Hey, P-Professor Johnson,
I have g-got a surprise for you.

Is it another cake
that somehow represents

whatever we talked about
in the last class?

Eh, t-the nine gum drops
are the supreme court justices.

Even the gravels are edible.

Oh, I b-better get inside
before someone

gets the seat
closest to your desk.

Oh, th-thanks for the ride,

- You're a professor?
- That's what they call me.

How would you like to take over
my class?

- What?
- That pig is driving me crazy.

Please, there are only
a few classes left

all you gotta do
is follow the lesson plan.

You'll figure it out,
you're a professor.

Eh, P-Professor Johnson

don't forget
about out pop quiz today.

I'm begging you.

[instrumental music]

Beat it. You're in my chair.

- But-but I was just...
- Leaving.

Ain't nobody heard of service
around here.

Hey,Senor Bunny,
what's with the shouting

and the double negatives?

Cool it, pops,
I'm just blowin' off some steam.

Who you calling pops?

Just bring me a slice, old man.

I not bringing you anything.

You know what? Get out of here.

I resume the right
to refuse service to anybody.

I don't want your stupid

Hey! Watch where you're a goin'?

- Or what?
- Eh! Nothin'

Anyone else?

That's what I thought.

[instrumental music]

Huh? Huh!

Alright class settle down.


My name is..

...Professor Duck.

That doesn't look right.

Ah, one "F," two "Ss."

That's weird.
I gotta memorize this.

Professor Johnson has asked me
to take over your class.

So for the next few weeks,
I will be your guide

as we journey to a wonderful
place known as..

"...Political Science."

No, you may not
use the restroom.

Let's see
what we're learning today.

Eh, w-w-what are you doing?

- I'm teaching your class!
- You're n-n-not a teacher.

Excuse us for a moment.

N-now just because
you changed your name

doesn't make you a p-professor.

Then why do I have a classroom
full of students

waiting for me to go back
in there and teach them?

B-because I shouted your
across the parking lot

and my teacher must have thought
you were a r-real professor.

- Professor.
- Professor.

Please don't blow this for me!

You don't understand.

Things like this
don't happen to Daffy Duck.

But Professor Duck
has a chalkboard.

Elbow patches! Glasses!

I don't know.
I-it's unethical.

- I'll give you an A.
- Deal.

I can't see out of these things.

[engine revving]

I'll take it!

[tires screeching]

[upbeat music]



[music continues]

[engine revving]


Alright, class.

Today we'll be focusing
on the executive branch

the presidential cabinet.

Now, as we all know

the President
is a very important person.

So it would only be fitting
that his cabinet would be made

of very expensive wood.

'Probably a mahogany
or a cedar.'

Definitely not pine.

Pine would be more
for a vice president cabinet.

Now, what's the President
got in there?

This is one
of the greatest mysteries

in all of political science.

And though it remains unsolved,
I have a theory!

It's not a cabinet at all.
It's a portal.

A portal that transports
the President

wherever he wants to go.

The grocery store, the gym

maybe his favorite
frozen yogurt place.

[engine revving]

What on earth
is going on out there?

What has gotten into him?

Hey, hey! Get out of here!

My kids are trying to learn!

You wanna throw your life away?
That's your prerogative!

[dramatic music]

That's what happens
when you don't stay in school.

[instrumental music]

Thanks for letting me
do my laundry over here,

Don't they have a washer-dryer
at your apartment building?

They do, but it takes coins.

And I used up all my coins
making this shirt.

Oh, mom, I think something's
wrong with your dryer.

Who is that?

[engine revving]

- Ha! It's Bugs!
- That's not the Bugs I know.

That's not the Bugs
I know, either.

But I kinda like it.

Where do you think
you're going, young lady?

Wherever he'll take me!

I forbid you to go out
with that hoodlum.

But, daddy, I love him!

Go to your room!

I don't even live here anymore!

Well, then, go to your old room

that your mother turned
into her scrapbooking room!


Get off my property,
Thugs Bunny!

- Bun-Bun!
- I'll come back for ya.

[instrumental music]

You know, we were young once.


[instrumental music]

That doesn't look like
it's got enough red marks.

Maybe I'll circle this, maybe
three question marks here..

X this out, underline
this real aggressively.

What do I do here?

Ah! Frowny face.

Better luck next time, Melanie.

[engine revving]



[rock music]

- How about a little respect?
- You're not the boss of me.

Go ahead, run away.

You don't understand me!
No one understands me!

[instrumental music]

You're not gonna find
what you're looking for

on the street.

How do you know?

Because I used to be
just like you.

I wasn't always
a respected member of society.

In fact, I used to be
so wild and crazy

they actually called me Daffy.

- Why should I trust you?
- Maybe you shouldn't.

But give me the chance. Come
to class tomorrow, 8:00 a.m.

[engine revving]

[music continues]

[school bell ringing]

Alright, class.
I guess that's everyone.

Today we're gonna talk
about checks and balances.

[instrumental music]

Room for one more?



'Checks. Money. Balances.'

'Balancing on a tight rope.
He makes it, gets a check.'

These are high buildings,
probably for a million dollars.

[all applauding]

I learned a lot in there today.

Well, you've got
a bright future.

And don't ever let anyone
tell you different.

Thanks again... Professor.

Hey. You promise me you'll
keep up with your studies.

He d-d-doesn't even
go to school here!

You promise me you'll keep
making a difference.

He's n-n-not a real professor!

You know, it's funny,
you dedicate your whole life

to academia and you never
imagine that one day

a student will walk
into your class and teach

the greatest lesson of all.

- Trust.
- Trust.

Who are you guys?

'G-g-give me those!'


T-t-trust. W-w-what are they
talking about?

Is that a flaming carrot?

Where do you think you're going?

Bugs is picking me up.

You'll probably
never see us again.

We're probably gonna join
a motorcycle g*ng

and have a bunch
of motorcycle babies.

So... later!

[engine revving]

Have fun.

[instrumental music]


- Bugs?
- Look!

My gloves finally arrived.

What happened to your bike?

Oh, I sold it.

[engine revving]

Be right down.
Almost ready.

[instrumental music]

Thanks, grand mummy.

And thank you, Lola.

Ooh, don't go too fast!

[engine revving]

[instrumental music]

You g-g-gave me an F!

Y-you said you'd give me an A!

I wanted to. I really did.

But I just didn't think you had
a firm grasp of the material.

Th-th-thanks a lot, Professor.

- Oh, I'm back to Daffy.
- How come?

Professor's too hard to spell.
Daffy's simple.

Boom. Easy.

- Oh, here you go.
- M-m-my credit card?

You're gonna notice two $14

on there to the courthouse.

Oh, and one $700 charge
to contemporary male.

Corduroy sports coats
are expensive.

[theme music]

- That's all, folks.
- What did you say?

Uh, nothin'.