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02x10 - Nudge

Posted: 03/06/22 17:55
by bunniefuu

♪ Everybody thinks... ♪

hit the spot. Oh, my God.

Listen, we're definitely gonna need

to start our ranch
boot camp back up. ASAP.

- Agreed. That was... that was dense.
- Man.

Oh, come on, Green Juice. Calm down.

You have all day to work that
off now that you're unemployed.

TREY: Oh, yeah.

When are we gonna start seeing the
billboards for Liam Walker, Esquire?

- Yeah.
- If I do private practice,

I'm gonna need a new clientele.

Hey, are you gonna get that new
place now that your lease is up?

Yes. A lot of memories
tied to that one, so...

Hey, why don't you two move in together?

Seriously. Think about it.

You know, a change of
scenery, do you both good.

You split the rent. Then you
guys wouldn't have to be so alone.

LIAM: Well, I think that we are
comfortable in our alone-ness.

What about you, Cordell?
A... are you comfortable?

Oh, I'm not alone. I-I live in
a crowded house with teenagers.

- I'm never alone.
- Alone is different than being lonely, Cordi.

I'm just saying, we're
not the ones texting

every second of our downtime.

TREY: Right. Or driving across town

- just 'cause you don't like eating by yourself.
- All right.

Fair. Yes, sure,

working alone h-has been different.

You know? No one to
cover your blind spots.

N... no one to share
with. It's... it's quiet.

- BOTH: Lonely?
- Ah. Jinx.

All right. Well, since
Ihave to go to work,

I'm-a head out. Uh,
sorry to ruin your date,

but it's on the house.

See you later.

- That man really needs to get... a partner.
- I know.


So, you nervous about your brother?

Or is there something else going on?

Man, you're sharp.

I was looking at, uh, land
surveys on our property.

Is this about the Davidsons?

Listen, between three
generations of Walkers, you...

you tend to overhear a lot.


Well, the records that I need are
at the county assessor's office.

And let me guess. You
don't want to bump into

any former coworkers at the courts.

You're getting sharper by the minute.

Well, I'm free today,
so what do you need?

You know, maybe my
brother's not the only one

who needs a partner.


You waiting for an invite?

Huh? No, I just, uh...
something in my shoe.

I'm guessing you want to know how
the new Ranger search is going.

Yeah, sure.

It's gonna take some time, man.

Trooper Jackson's a solid candidate.

Fleming. Uh, Officer Carver. Monroe.

It's about a dozen good ones.
I just got to be careful.

Uh, careful that they
share your same approach

to law enforcement. I get that.

Well, and someone who's... you know.

Someone who's a good match for you.

Yeah, of course.

In the meantime...

- Right.
- While I'm looking for a real Ranger,

I need you to find a fake one.

- Sorry?
- Got multiple reports from APD

in the last hours about somebody

posing as Texas Ranger Miles Vyas.

Miles Vyas?

The Ranger in Dallas reported missing

about six months ago, presumed dead?

So, there's no ID from the footage,

but this is definitely his MO.

He flashes a badge,
claims civil forfeiture

and then jacks people's cars

in the name of some
made-up investigation.

Oh, it looks like a... a Bentley.

All right. Well, we got to find
him before he does something worse.

You got to find him.

You're flying solo on this one.

Okay. All right. Well, I'll... I'll
shake down the local chop shops.

Might, uh, might get a lead on a buyer

in the market for high-end stolen cars.

There you go. Maybe you don't
need a partner after all.

- Well, I...
- I'm joking.

- Hmm.
- I'm looking.

Well, if anyone can find
me the right new partner,

it's my old partner.

- I got you, buddy.
- I know you do.


- Bye.
- Yep.

All right. What are the plans later?

Yeah, anyone hear about any parties?

STELLA: Oh, I heard
Robin's throwing one.

Straightjackets is playing the Majestic.

COLTON: Oh, I didn't even
know they were touring.

- FAYE: And...

they're sold out.

Well, uh, I can probably get us tickets.

What are you? Are you, like,

the opening act or something?

Need you to write more songs first.

But, no, my uncle,
he's a silent investor.

He can get us in.

- What do you think?
- COLTON: Uh, fifth wheel?

Yeah, no, I'll... I'll pass.

Colton, come on.

Straightjackets is one
of your favorite bands.

Yeah, you know me so well.

All right, fine.

Now, where do you guys want to meet?

[CHUCKLES]: Oh, thanks.


Oh. Hey, Charlie,

Bonham's a little
short-staffed at the ranch,

so if any of your boys need
work, send them our way.

- You got it, Abby.
- All right. Thank you.

- Oh!
- Oh!

- My. Oh. [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLES] Gale.

Well, lucky for us, no one was
holding a cauldron of chili.

[CHUCKLES] That's... that's
funny. Haven't seen you since.


- This is the best market in town, isn't it?
- Oh, yeah.

Um, I was hoping the
spice selection would be

a little more varied. I
need it for the Barn Burner.

At The Side Step?

Yeah. Colton stopped by. He
said the chili was lacking.

Got to, you know,
maintain the family recipe.

- [CHUCKLES] Right.
- Yeah.

You know, uh, Colton
has been by the house,

and he and August were
working on their music.

- Yeah. Aw.
- He's such a sweet kid.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- And talented.

You know, I taught them that
song that Marv used to sing.

I'm sorry.

- I shouldn't have said that.
- You know, you always overstepped.

You always thought you
were better than me.

Than us. Talking about my dead husband.

Acting like your family had
nothing to do with it. I hope...

It's... it's fine.

- I'm sorry.
- I appreciate you

welcoming Colton into your home. I do.

Anyway, good seeing you again, Abby.

WALKER: This is Ranger Walker.

Running down a lead on where our suspect

might unload the stolen vehicle.

Uh, let me know if Highway
Patrol gets a hit on those plates.

MAN: - , Ranger Walker.

I have visual.

Loop in local PD in the
area. Send them my way.

Roger that. - .



CASSIE: Stop! Don't turn. Just listen.

Put the g*n down.

And the phone.

There we go. Doing great.

It's a nice car.

- You the buyer?
- No, I'm not. Stop talking.

- Do what I say and pop the trunk.
- Listen,

you're making a big mistake.

- I'm a Texas Ranger.
- Or maybe you're not a Ranger.

Because you just stepped
out of a stolen car,

and that is not a good look for you.

I see how this looks,
but I can explain, okay?

My truck is right around the corner.

Down the dark alley over there?

Can't wait to go see.

Right after you do what
I say and pop the trunk.

All right.

Now, you listen to me.
I'm gonna say this once.

You are making a mis...


Get in there.

I have some questions for you.

Are you boosting wheels for the
jackers from Panhandle Plains?

What are you talking about?

Where'd you get the uniform, huh?

- You take it off him?
- You need to listen to me!

Hey, backseat driver,

I'll listen when you
start giving me answers.

Are you part of the grand
theft auto ring in Lubbock?

I don't know who the hell you're after,

but I promise it ain't me!

Suspension's a bit stiff on a
car this fancy, don't you think?

But if you keep dodging my questions,

I promise it gets worse.

There is a Texas Ranger in your trunk!

Do you have any idea
what's gonna happen to you?

You're an imposter who
kidnapped my partner.

- Stop with the games and start giving me answers!
- Who are you?



Okay, unhinged psychopath.

Got it. My name is Cordell Walker.

I'm not impersonating
anybody. I am a Ranger.

The Ranger who held
Stan Morrison c*ptive.

The one other Ranger
who's always in the news.

Do better!

- What?


You pulled the e-brake?

Who's the unhinged psychopath now?

I needed to get your attention
so you'll listen to me.

Sounds like you know a little
bit about law enforcement.

Enough to know chain of command
is undisclosed, am I right?

What's your point?

My point is, my division
captain is Larry James,

who you need to call

right now before this gets any worse.


Uh, this is, uh, Ranger Perez.

- Ranger Perez.
- Currently on a leave of absence

from the Dallas Rangers Division.

- I'm calling for Captain James, please.
- JAMES: You got him.

I am calling in regards to a Ranger

under your command, a Cordell Walker.

Yes. May I ask what case
he is currently assigned?

- JAMES: He's working a . . Why?
- And is he the type

who would blindly pull a car's e-brake

from inside the trunk,

knowing it would send it
into an uncontrolled skid?

JAMES: Yep. That sounds
like Ranger Walker.

You don't say. I
appreciate your time, sir.

"Appreciate your time."

Well, I think I made a
little mistake, Ranger Walker.

Agreed, Ranger Perez.

Call me Cassie.

Hey, uh, excuse me.

Can I get the assessment records

- for Broken Trace Road?
- CLERK: Yeah.

- That your property?
- Uh, no.

Uh, not exactly.

Contractor, huh?

I can always spot a contractor.

- Y'all always got those big biceps.

What's the address again, sugar?

Uh, yeah. Right here.

Appreciate that.

It feels like I've turned a new leaf.

You know, my whole outlook is...

It's more positive. Which,
you know, it wasn't...

Oh. Hey, Gale.

I'm so sorry, we're not open yet.

Oh, don't mind me.
Just, uh, chili spices.

Yeah. I'll meet you in
the kitchen in a sec.

- Okay.
- I mean,

I still... I still think about Hoyt.

Of course I do.

You know, I think about how he died.

But I'm not responsible.

And I'm not gonna let
my past define my future.

I can't anymore. It's time to move on.

I'm gonna take a little break.

You know, if you shared your
secret family recipe with me,

you wouldn't have to shop
for chili spices every week.

Well, wouldn't be much of a secret
family recipe then, would it?

[CHUCKLES] Uh, my system is down.

Is it okay if I pay cash?

My husband always used to pay cash.

You know, I couldn't help but, uh,
overhear what you said in there.

I'm sorry.

Oh. Don't apologize.

No, I just... I'm sorry for
what you've been through.

I know a thing or two about loss.

I heard about your husband.

Yeah, well, I lost a hell
of a lot more than just Marv.

Sounds like you found
more peace in a year

than I have in .

Well, you're more than welcome
to join us if you ever want.

Maybe another time.

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Oh.

I, uh...

I took a hard look at my past.

That's how I found peace.

That's good advice.

WALKER: You know,

you could've saved us both
some trouble if you led with,

"Hi there. I'm Ranger Perez.

- And you are?"
- Well, technically, I'm on a leave of absence.

A leave of absence, yeah?

Well, you're using your
time off really well.

- Tasing a Ranger and shoving him into a trunk?
- Oh!

Please, I nudged you.

- You... [GROANS]
- And I tased you because

you're dressed like our perp.

I'm not dressed like our perp.

Our perp is dressed like me.

And he's not "our" perp.

- He's my perp. Mine.

You don't wear a badge.

You were dressed like a
Ranger lurking by a car

that was stolen by someone
impersonating a Ranger.

Anyone would have come to
the same conclusion I did.

It ever occur to you that
your little stunt back there

- probably scared away our suspect?
- You said "our suspect."

- I said...

You are unbelievable.

On the ground now. Hands
where I can see them.

Thank you, Officer. I... I got this.

I'm talking to you, too, buddy.

I've located the stolen
vehicle and the . .

No, no, no, no. I...
I'm not the imposter.

I'm a Texas Ranger.

Cordell Walker.

This guy thinks he's the
Ranger who's always in the news.

CASSIE: Told you anyone would
have come to the same conclusion.

Yep. Sure. Uh, let's just, uh...

Let's get this over with.

I have serious doubts
her Taser is even legal.

I think she jailbroke
it to add extra juice

to take out a guy like me.


I'm s...

- She apologized for the tasing several times.
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, what about... what about
the-the hitting the potholes thing?

- She didn't apologize for that.
- Okay, I don't control potholes.

JAMES: Okay, enough. Okay,
listen, mistakes were made.

She said sorry.

Frankly, anybody in her shoes

would've reached the same conclusion.

Okay. Cassandra Perez.

You were the youngest
cadet at DPS academy,

graduated top of your class.

First female Ranger in
Dallas under Captain Cole.

CASSIE: Yeah. He only hired me
after you changed the landscape

after you hired Ranger Ramirez.


But Cole never really had my back.

So, is that why you

took an indefinite leave
of absence after only

four months on the job?

How is any of this relevant?

- Walker...
- I, uh,

I took a leave after my partner
was abducted in the line of duty

and my captain designated
Miles "presumed dead."

Okay, I can understand

needing some time off
after losing a partner,

but you've been on leave
for almost six months now.

Why not return to the force?

Because Miles is still alive.

I don't have the evidence...
I know that... but...

too much just doesn't add
up. There's more to the story.

Is there any chance you'd want
to help us out on this case?

What? Cap... Captain,
she's not even a Ranger...

I... I don't need help.
I don't need her help.

JAMES: Walker, she's got
insight that we don't.

She's motivated; this guy
is impersonating her partner

and he's still out there.

So I'm asking you to catch
him together, all right?

Captain, I understand
why he needs my help.

- That much is clear.
- Oh, is it clear?

Is it?

Because you, you've been
lone-wolfing it for, what, six months,

and the closest you've
come to finding Ranger Vyas

- is today's screwup?
- You're right.

But this case is personal.

So even if it's only temporary,

I can't work with someone
who doesn't bring something

- to the table themselves.
- WALKER: I'm a Texas Ranger.

That's what I bring to the table.

[CHUCKLES]: Okay, tough
guy, but what else?

What makes you a good partner on this?

I don't need to explain myself to you.

I don't work with people I can't trust.

It was a pleasure meeting you, Captain.



Dude, I can't believe
Todd left us high and dry.

No, we're never getting in.

Todd's not answering. I'm worried.

No, don't be.

He probably just wanted the
credit for getting us tickets

and had no way to actually deliver.

No, that's not Todd.

- He wouldn't just...
- Stella, yes, he would.

Same way he hogs credit for our band.

You know that song at The Side Step?

No, he-he didn't...

Okay, he-he didn't even

get the lyrics when he read 'em.

AUGUST: Hey, yo, I... I... I, uh,

I think I just saw the Straightjackets'
keyboard player over there.

- Want to go check it out?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Let's do it.


I didn't actually see Kevin
VanSchlinker. I just, um...

I feel like you were
gonna tell my sister

- that that song was about her.
- Oh, no, I... I wasn't...

She's still not over
Trevor Strand, all right?

Todd's the first guy after him.

And... and I like Todd, it's just...

he's kind of a fling.

So she'll be sick of
him in, like, a week.

- Okay, thank... thanks for the heads-up?
- Yeah.

Yeah, you know, I'd hate for you to be

the guy my sister doesn't
want around, all right?

Because starting this band's been fun.

And so is hanging out, so, uh...

Just let the Todd fling
run its course, yeah.

- I'm gonna go check on Todd.
- Yeah, I-I'm... I'll drive you.


I'll make sure the techs,
uh, check it for fingerprints

and do a sweep.

I always wanted a car like that.
Kelly said it was impractical.

Not enough trunk space.

Based on your research,
what do you think?

Very funny.

Well, off to Paititi it goes, huh?

Yeah, by the way, what is that?

The warehouse where DPS keeps
all their asset forfeitures.

Yes, I-I know that, but, uh, "Paititi."

Wh... what is that, that
word? Where does it come from?

Lost city of gold. Paititi.

Paititi? Paititi.

- I don't know.
- Huh.

- I bet Cassie would know that one.

Look, she's not gonna stop
looking for her partner.

You guys are gonna be
on the same path anyway.

Wait, h... hold up, Cap.

You're trying to Parent Trap-me.

That's a clear violation
of rule number .

Need I remind you, we made those rules

because we used to fight all
the time in the beginning.

But we also pushed each
other in the direction

- that we needed to be pushed.
- I'm just saying,

- I don't think she has what it takes.
- Well,

she's got what it takes to locate

a stolen vehicle without
department resources.

She's also got what it takes
to force a moose like you

into the trunk of a car.

Unarmed, mind you.

- Uh, she had a Taser.
- Please.

She tased me. She...

Okay, all right, all right.

All right, here you go.

Even if I... I agreed
to the partnership...

which is a big "if"...

she didn't show any
indication whatsoever

that she wanted to partner with me.

What about all those
questions she was asking you?

You don't think she was
trying to get an idea

of what it might be
like to work with you?

Look, if you think there's
a chance... because I do...

you got to meet her halfway.

You can't just wait for her
to come knocking on your door,

asking to work with you.


- Can I help you?
- CASSIE: Good day, ma'am.

I'm here about the ranch hand position.


CASSIE: Wow, that's
one hell of a spread.

Well, I'm sorry I couldn't
give you the full tour, but, um,

you came in kind of late, so...

Oh. Liam.

- Yeah.
- I didn't realize you were home.

Yeah, Mama, I thought I'd cook

dinner for you since Dad's out of town.

Sorry, I'm-I'm being rude.

- I'm Liam.
- Cassandra.

And I know who you are.

I voted for you for D.A.

It's a shame you didn't win.

That new D.A.?

Uh, well, I have some pots
on the stove right now,

but it was very nice to meet you.

- And I hope to see you around.
- Likewise.

Hey, you have another son.

- Didn't I hear that?
- Cordell.

- Huh.
- Yes. He's a Texas Ranger.

CASSIE: A Ranger? He
never considered ranching?

Well, not for very long. He
took a leave from the Rangers

once to focus on family,
this place, but...

What did his partner think when he left?

His partner?

Well, um,

she was pretty much family
at that point. She understood.

She had Cordell's back, he had hers.

And I think it's what
gave her the strength

to put down the badge herself.

But she will always have
a place at our table.

Are there any other questions?

Uh, I'm sorry. Am I being too nosy?

For a ranch hand? Well, I'd say so.

But you are no ranch hand.

You don't know the difference between

a muck fork and a pitchfork,

and the only thing you seem
really interested in is Cordell,

who's itching for a new partner.

May I hazard a guess?

Ranger candidate?

Well, I see where your son
gets his perceptive qualities.


I mean... the woman has a screw loose.

I have serious doubts she'd have
the wherewithal to muck a stable,

let alone be-be my partner.

GERI: Well, you're not gonna
want to hear this, Walker.


What, I'm not gonna want
to hear what, Broussard?

Okay. Uh, I'm surprised
that you don't relate.

It sounds like she only did what she did

because she thought
that you were responsible

for her partner's disappearance.

I mean, isn't that the same
thing that you did to Stan

when you found out that he
was responsible for Emily?

No, I-I didn't... I didn't
put him in the trunk.

No, you didn't put him in the trunk,

but you did hold him at
gunpoint in the passenger seat.

Look, I am on your side.

But just because your last partnership

didn't work out doesn't mean

that this one is gonna end the same way.

Okay? Give her a chance.

Come on.

How do you always know what to say?

'Cause I'm great.


Wait here. I'll be right back.



Oh, c-crap.

I-I lost track of time.

And you can't even pick up your phone?

I left it at Mike's. I'm so sorry.

Do you want to come in?

My little brother's got a big test.

My mom had to work late,

and there's no one
here to help him study.

If he doesn't pass,
then he'll be held back.

I can't let him end up being
a failed fifth-year like me.

What if I helped?

Like, at The Side Step,

how we came up with
those mnemonic devices.

Oh, I don't want to ruin your night.

You're not. It's the opposite.

I want to be with you.

So, Todd pulled through, big-time.

Oh, these tickets are sick.

[LAUGHS] Let me know how it is.

Wait, what? You're-you're staying?

He needs my help.
It's-it's kind of serious.

I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

Yeah, sure. Okay. Yeah.

All right, see you around.

You have selective memory,

- 'cause the way I remember it...
- No, I don't. I...

- I know exactly what happened.
- No, you were

- in the flatbed of the truck...
- Are you kidding me?

- ... with the guy who was...
- You sat on his EpiPen.

You do remember! He was, like,

- writing haikus about coffee or something?
- LIAM: Hey, Geri, Cordi.

- Hi.
- Hey, you don't check your texts?

I... [STAMMERS] Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Look at this. Already a place setting

- for the guest of honor. How'd you know?
- GERI: Oh, look at that.

Hey, did you hear about
your brother's electric day

- at the office?
- Okay, uh...

- As a matter of fact, I did.

H-how did you hear?
Did-did James tell you?

I did.


- GERI: Oh...
- You must be Geri.

Yes. Yes, hi.

Abby was just telling me all about you.

Cassie, hey, you, uh,

you mind if we, if we, if we talked?

Just... just the two
of us. Alone, that way?

- Okay.
- Okay.

- So nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

"Nice to meet you."
- [SOFTLY]: Give her a chance. Go.


What are you doing here?

Well, I heard you needed a ranch hand.

Seriously? R... Ranch hand?

Y... you told my mom you're
a ranch hand t-to what,

to Trojan Horse your way inside my home?

- Well, you said I was a bad Ranger.
- I didn't say you...

Wait a second. [LAUGHS SOFTLY]

Are you here because you
actually do want to be my partner?


- Why? Do you want to be mine?


It's DPS.

Techs found the tracking beacon
inside the stolen Bentley.

But why would the perp put a tracker

inside a car he'd stolen?

You know, it never sat right with me

that he left the car out
in the open like that,

engine running, keys inside.

Yeah, it's almost like he wanted
us to find it and repossess it.

Trojan Horse.

Do you think

our perp might have
stolen the car just to...

Just to put the beacon inside.

So he could follow it to the asset

- forfeiture warehouse.
- Asset forfeiture warehouse. Paititi.

Like, the lost city of gold?

- Yeah.
- Wow, apt analogy. I didn't think you knew...

Okay, d-don't be surprised,
all right? I-I'm well-read.

Well, our perp is probably
already on his way there, so...

Yeah, we should go. Um...

Hey, uh,

did you want to ride shotgun
or are you partial to the trunk?

Will you come back? I
mean, like another night?

To help with finals or
just to watch WrestleMania?

Yeah, that'd be fun.

Hey, you've got this test.

You know the material.

How about this?

You ace your test,
we go to WrestleMania.

- Deal.

All right. Hey, be
back in a few, big man.

♪ And you want a miracle ♪

♪ I'll build a spaceship... ♪

Sorry I didn't text earlier.

- I hope no one gets mad that I flaked.
- Stop apologizing.

You had a good reason.
Being a good brother.

You know, I've never
seen you like this before.

Your house, with your
brother, all of it.

Well... now that you have,

♪ You can just be yourself... ♪

I hope you don't see me
any different than before.

♪ Close your eyes... ♪

It's too late for that.

♪ It's all in your mind ♪

♪ All of the time ♪

♪ Let it go. ♪

CASSIE: Geez, look at this stuff.

It's a treasure trove
of asset forfeiture.

RVs, nice cars, motorcycles.

The state makes billions confiscating
all this and reselling it.

Guy's probably already loaded up by now.

Uh, safe to say, our imposter
may go dark after this.

- Well, assuming he's still in here.
- Yeah.

- Hey.







♪ I got to speak, and
you want to listen up ♪

♪ There is no time to feast your eyes ♪

♪ You want it all, but the
world won't give it up ♪


♪ What is your w*apon of
choice? There is no w*apon ♪

♪ To free us all ♪

♪ What is your w*apon of choice?
What's your w*apon of choice? ♪

- Walker!
- G... go. Don't let him get away.


♪ I won't waste it ♪

♪ I won't waste my love on a nation ♪

♪ I won't waste it... ♪

Hand me the bag. No sudden moves.

The bag! Slowly.

♪ On a nation ♪

♪ Everyone's got their
own split factions ♪

♪ Every pawn will pay its price ♪

♪ I've been digging
out in all directions ♪

♪ I'll see you through
to the afterlife ♪

♪ What is your w*apon of choice?
What's your w*apon of choice? ♪

♪ There is no w*apon to free us all ♪

♪ What is your w*apon of choice?
What's your w*apon of choice? ♪

Where is he?

- Wh... who?
- Miles Vyas.

- What did you do to him?
- SUSPECT: Nothing!


Don't lie to me.

SUSPECT: The newspapers!

They all said he was dead. I-I...

I just saw an opportunity.

- WALKER: Cass, Cass, Cass, don't!

Don't. Don't do something
you're gonna regret, Cass.


Listen to me.


This isn't what Miles would've wanted.

♪ On a nation, I won't waste it ♪

♪ I won't waste it ♪

♪ I won't waste my love on a nation. ♪


WALKER: You know, um,

it may have helped
our cause a little bit

if you could carry a sidearm again.

I-I don't carry.

Wh... what do you mean,
you don't, you don't carry?

Six months ago, with Miles,

on our last case,

we got separated.

I was...


And they took my w*apon.

Later that night, they
found two b*llet casings

where Miles was last seen.

No blood trail, but the
thought that he might have

died at the hand of...

- Yeah.
- Yeah, it haunts me.

I imagine.

Hence, uh, the Taser.


- I'm not crazy.
- I know.

No... y-you are

crazy enough

- [CHUCKLES]: to hold your own.


I know what that's like.

Chasing ghosts.

I also know

that it's best to not do that alone.



- Hey.
- Hey.

Thanks for coming down.
You can come on in.

Look, I know you weren't
officially part of the arrest,

but, um, it's safe
to say you helped out,

a lot more than you know.

- So, who was this guy?

His name's Matt Daniels. He's just a,

a drifter passing through Dallas

right around the same
time Miles disappeared.

But his confession measures up.

There's no ties to the grand
theft auto crew. I'm sorry.

Yeah. It is what it is.

[LAUGHS] So why do you look like a dude

- who's about to tell me something else?


Well, lookee there.

That for me?

- It's up to you.

We both know you're not
gonna stop looking for Miles.

- I can't.
- I know. So, let us help you.

- If you choose to wear the badge again,

you'll be under my command. I
know that we basically just met,

but your intuition, the way
you color outside the lines...

I didn't know what I was looking for

in a new Ranger until I saw it in you.

You remind me... [LAUGHS]

You remind me of my old partner.

- That a compliment?
- Listen,

he's the best Ranger that I got.

And I see that potential in you.

I do. If you have the right partner.

I can't make any promises,

other than I will have your back,

and so will he,

all the way.

- So, how long did you know we were right for... ?
- The Taser.

It was the Taser.


WALKER: Hey. Cassie.

How'd it go in there?


You know, I think mine's
shinier than yours.

- Worn and weathered means experience.
- Ah.

That what we are? Like Yoda and Luke?

Uh, I was thinking more,
you know, Crockett and Tubbs.

Or, uh, Hawks Shadow?

The... Hawks Shadow?
Wh... what's Hawks Shadow?

TV show? Early ' s?

A martial arts master and some
guy dressed in a hawk costume?

Yeah, come on. Hawks Shadow.

- Caw!
- Oh... Don't... don't... do that. Hawk...

That-that show never existed.

Oh, yeah, I can't
believe we're partners.

We'll figure out our
partner name as we go.

Along with everything else.

- Mm. Sounds good.
- Sounds good.

All right. See you tomorrow, partner.


Hey, uh, last time I saw Miles,

we got into an argument
over something stupid.

Yeah, you talk to people all the time,

but you really never know
when it'll be the last time.

Y... you never know if you're
gonna get the chance to tell them

what they really mean to you.

So, did you want to tell me something?

No, you and Geri, dummy.

I saw you together last night.

Don't act like you
weren't about to send her

some adorable little text just now.

Okay. I... it's... [CLEARS THROAT]

- MAN: Afternoon, Rangers.
- MAN : Afternoon.

It's complicated.

And waiting will do what exactly?

It's always complicated.

It shouldn't make sense.

But if there's something there...

deep end. Jump.

Deep end.

Cass, I don't know what you
wanted to tell Miles, that night,

but... you can tell me anything.

Anytime, always.

Yeah, brutal honesty, no secrets.

- No secrets.
- Deal.


You know, we'll call that

- rule number .
- Hmm.

Wait, what are the other ?





I... is everything all right?


Do you want to come in?

Abby, it takes a lot
for me to come here.

Well, it takes a lot for me to
invite you in, but here we are.

I've been thinking a lot about the past.

About Marv.

It's a topic we have
avoided for way too long.

- If this is about the other day...
- Look, there's still a lot

I don't know about that night.

But the one thing I do know is,

Marv came to see you.

What'd you talk about?

Let's talk.

TREY: All right.

I'm all about boots on the ground, but

- what are we looking for here, Liam?
- The border.

The real border between
our land and the Davidsons'.

The boundary is in
question, to say the least.

My dad's original map

shows that the property line...

... ends way out there.

But the county map

shows that the property line
ends right where we're standing.

Wait, so...

this line, right
through the Walker ranch?

- Right here.
- So, which one's the right one?

I don't know yet. I mean,
that's what's in question.

But someone could look at this
and come to the conclusion...

... we might be living on their land.






- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Uh...


Okay? Uh, there-there's something

here with-with you.

Or... and me, too.

Or us. This.

Wh... whatever this is.

You know, and-and...

I've been thinking, you know,

I've been thinking about, like...

- all we've been through, and, um, I...
- Hey.

♪ If I lose my sight ♪

♪ And I fall for you... ♪


I... I kept...

thinking about...

you. And how you stuck around.

- Uh, and...
- Yeah.

... um, how that...

how that made me feel.



How, how, how do you feel?

I feel, um...

♪ And I'll fall for you... ♪

I feel tired.

Tired of... of... of waiting.

Um, I'm wondering...

♪ When the waters rise ♪

♪ And I'll run to you ♪

♪ If the bombs ignite ♪

♪ I'll still call to
you if I do go blind... ♪

- [WHISPERS]: Let's go inside.
- What?

- Let's go.
- ♪ And I'll be all for you ♪

♪ If you lose the fight. ♪