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04x04 - Choose Your Own Adventure

Posted: 03/06/22 08:13
by bunniefuu
[audience applauding]

-[Alexa] Senior year was flying by.
-[applause continues]

Katie was k*lling it
as the lead in Taming of the Shrew,

and I was k*lling it

at being the first one backstage
to congratulate her.


You were so great.

And I'm not just saying that

the way I would if you'd been average,
and I'd still say you were great.

You were legit great.

Oh, thank you. [giggles]

Hey, Ryan.

You were great.

I get it. Katie was amazing.

-Katie, you stole the show.

Hey, Ryan. You were great.

I'm gonna find a Shakespearean hat
so I can slip into the cast party.

You were incredible, honey.

Thanks, Mom.

Even the teachers who ignore me
told me you were great.


They said,
"Your daughter was amazing, Cathy."

We'll go let you have fun
with your friends.

Don't forget the Mendozas are using
our kitchen tomorrow.

Ah, that's right.
Joe's replacing our countertops.

Yup. Someone gave me a big recommendation.

Someone deserved a big recommendation.

It's like no one else exists
when you two are together.

[chuckles] That's not true.

Right, Jack? We forgot Jack.


It's hard to believe
that was my last play.

Yeah. This year's going by crazy fast.

And before you know it,
we'll be graduating.

Then the rest of our lives.

-Starting with college.

Sharing a dorm room,
hanging out on the quad--

Whatever that is,
we're totally hanging out there.

Yeah, and getting our degrees.

Right. And, um...

I have no idea what I'm gonna study.

But that's okay, right?

Nobody knows what they're gonna study yet.

Oh, computer programming.


-Political science.


You too?

When did you decide business?

Well, when I read
that it was one of the best ways

to get a job out of college.

Hurry, Katie.
I wanna flirt with Lucentio

while he's still in his tights.

I'm also applying to Tisch.

It's the acting program at NYU.

It's a long shot,
but so was the Jonas Brothers reuniting.

Yeah, well, that would be fun,
but my future is not about fun.

I mean, I'll have fun,

but grown-up fun, like, uh...

realizing I like almond butter,

you know?

Not sure how we got to almond butter,
and I don't wanna keep talking about it.

Was there some meeting

when everyone decided
what they wanna do with their lives?

Hey, don't worry, okay?
You've got time to figure out your major.

Yeah, you're right. I got plenty of time.

-No need to freak out.
-Yeah, okay.

You're worried there's not plenty of time.

-Yeah, I'm kind of freaking out.
-Okay. It's all right.

♪ I’ve got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it any longer ♪

♪ You make me feel stronger ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it
You make it so much better ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, we'll do this together ♪

♪ I've got you, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

Hey. Okay, I've been researching,

and I think I have
the perfect career for you.

Me too. I bet it's the same thing.

-Trapeze artist!

I don't know. There's just...

something about trapeze artist.

It's like swinging...

but professional.

Yeah, totally.

Yeah, maybe not.

Ooh, I've got it.

Race car driver.


-Eh, no.

[sighs] I just feel like
I need to do something big,

something important, like space...




-So, I guess not that.

Figured out Jennifer's toaster.

"Dark" means "light,"
"light" means "dark,"

and "medium" means "burnt."

-We've lost a lot of good bread today.



Ah, this is so nice.
My boyfriend is working next door,

and I get to have a great breakfast
without all that walking.

-You mean the five steps to our house?

Mm, breakfast.

Without all that walking.

Mm. Morning.

You two must love all the not-walking.

-We do.
-It's the best.


Everything okay, sweetie?

Our college applications are due soon,

and everyone knows
what they want to study but me.

Honey, you know, it took me years
to find my way to party planning.

But, you know, now I get to be creative
and make people happy.

-Every morning, I wake up with a smile--

You know, I'll never forget
when I realized I wanted to be a pilot.

It was my first time on a plane.
The possibilities were endless.

I could go anywhere. The world was mine.


-We both crashed and burned.

There's a career aptitude test
you can take online.

Yeah, something like that
would be really helpful.

[sighs] That is the best part
of being a school counselor:

just seeing the joy in students' faces

-when you give them the guidance they--
-Could you?

Oh. Nah.

This is exactly what I needed:

a test that tells me what I'm suited for.

Hey, so, you done? No rush.

I just have to get
to my therapy appointment soon.

Not that I'm stressing.

I know not to because I go to therapy.

But I'm gonna be late
if you don't finish soon, so... [groans]

-You're closing tonight.
-No, no, no.

No, I am customer Katie, okay?
It is work Katie's day off.

-Not anymore.
-[Katie] Ugh.

Work Barry needs any Katie to close

so that personal Barry
can make it to his tap class.

Yeah, that's right. I tap.

-I'm done.

Okay, let's see how we did.

Okay, you go first. I'm too nervous.

Okay, and... enter.

No way. No, that-- that's ridiculous.

-I got actor,

and I'm studying business.

Are you sure you don't wanna study acting?

No, I-- I wanna study business, you know?

I wanna know
that I could take care of myself

and my family, and studying business
just makes that easier.

Plus, I practically run Wired--

that's what Aiden said--

and I was like,

"Uh, Barry runs Wired. What are you..."

Now, hit enter already,
and get your results.

Okay, here goes.

I got interior designer?

That doesn't feel right.

Well, you know,

interior decorator actually makes sense.

I mean, you redid your bedroom,
and you have really great taste.

Okay. Okay, okay.

-Maybe interior designing is my thing.

Yeah, and that's important.

The people on home makeover shows...

I mean, they're so happy, they cry.

I wanna make people cry.

Oh, I could so see you making people cry.

Ooh, why don't I redecorate your bedroom?

Oh, I'd love that. Yeah.

Uh... [clears throat] But I gotta go.

But I cannot wait to see
what you do with my room.

Hey, how do you feel about a pirate theme?

Say what?

-I'm kidding.
-[chuckles] Okay.

I'm totally doing zombies.



-Very funny. So funny.


No. That is for my entertainment.
Do not laugh at my best friend.

And then I'm like,

"If I be waspish, best beware my sting."

And the audience was like, "Whoo!

Yeah!" [chuckles]

Oh, it was so great.

But, you know, is it weird that--

that being onstage
doesn't give me anxiety?

[inhales, sighs]

Maybe when you play a character,
you get to be in their brain,

which gives your brain a break
from all those overwhelming thoughts.

That's... That's true.

You know, in a play,
I know exactly what's gonna happen.

I never have to worry
about my character's future.

Are you worried about your future?

Oh, not at all. I've got that figured out.

And I'm doing really well
with all my anxiety exercises.

And if you feel a panic attack coming on?

Wiggle my fingers and toes,

count backwards by threes,
breathe deep and slow.

And if someone's with you, they can help.

A distraction can help
pull you out of an oncoming attack.




[groans] See? See, if we were in a play,

I'd know exactly what to say next.

This is so organized.

I just moved a thing or two.

Wow. I love what you've done--

Um, where are my take-out menus?

Oh, I cleaned them out.

Opened up a whole new drawer.

Yeah, menus are online now.

Um, but I like to put the word "yum"
next to my favorites.

I call it my, uh, "yum-o-meter."

-Hey, honey.

Ah, you went to the farmers market...

when you don't have a kitchen.

Yeah, I always go on Saturday.
It's my thang.

I got my grape guy, my lettuce lady...

my baguette bro.

I love Joe,

but, man, it is so noisy over there.

I can't even hear myself think.

And I was having
some really good thoughts.

Hey, you saw your baguette bro.

Yeah, Saturday. It's his thing.

The, uh, aptitude test said
I'd be a good interior designer,

so I'm starting with Katie's room.

I just wish I had a little bit of help.

-Hey, Jack, wanna help me?

Good. Let's go.

-[music on TV]
-Ooh, that's a good show.

-[changes channel]
-Or that movie...

[changes channel]

-Oh, look, it's Judge What's Her Name.
-[changes channel]

That's a funny commercial.

-[changes channel]
-Pawn Shop Guys. That's...

Hey, guys.

-Hey, Joe.

-You're finished.
-Oh, not yet.

One of the granite slabs came in cracked,
but I ordered a new one.

-It'll be here in a week.
-A week?

Six more days of all this fun.

Why does Katie want dirty suitcases?

'Cause they're whimsical.

Why do I have to glue beads to this thing?

Because it's whimsical.


What do you think?

If I say "whimsical," can I go?


Hey, no snooping.

I wasn't snooping.

[exhales deeply] Ooh, you know,
I can move the bed over there.


Something just doesn't feel right.

I think I know what it is.

Is this really
what I should be doing with my life?

"Just graduated th grade.
I feel so grown up.

Lucas gave me a congratulations hug.

-He smelled so good."
-Hey, no snooping.

-[ripping sound]
-[screams quietly]

Don't mind me,
just getting my laptop charger,

since that's how I watch TV now.

I don't wanna get in the way of, um...

Lucas's shoes.

Oh, hey, honey, he's sleeping.

-Isn't he cute when he sleeps?
-Yeah, the cutest.


It's gonna be a lot harder for me
to find my laptop charger with,

you know, all this stuff going on.

[forced laughter]

Eggplant parmesan.
It's my thing. [chuckles]

Oh, great, another thing.


Shh. You're sleeping.


Who-- Who erased all my favorite shows?

A remote ghost?

That's it. I can't take it anymore.

Jennifer, what's wrong?

This is out of control!

I can't spend a week

with you farmers-market-going,

channel-surfing freeloaders.

Good news. I'm all done!

Got a replacement slab.


Mmm, eggplant parmesan.

I give it a ten on my-- my yum-o-meter.

-[clattering noise]

[stammers] Is everything okay?

[Alexa groans] Hold on.
One of the lizards got loose.

[gasps] This is...


Oh, it's so whimsical.

-It is, isn't it?

Oh. "To thine own self be true."

Oh. Thank you, Alexa, I just-- I love it.


Ooh! Dress form.

How'd you think of this?

I was in my basement,
and my mom said I could have it.

Oh! And the bed.
What made you think of tulle?

It was in my basement,
and my mom said I could have it.


And how'd you come up with the aquarium?

That was Jack's,
and I told him I could have it.


-Wow. Alexa, I really think you found--
-Nah. [sighs]

You don't--
You don't want to be an interior designer?

I mean, when you came in

and loved it,
I really thought that would prove

this is what I'm meant to do.

But it didn't.

Hey, you're going to find it.

Uh, but, I'm sorry, I gotta go.
I have to close Wired tonight.

Oh, it's okay.

At least I know it's not interior design.

And the only thing worse
than not knowing what I wanna do

is picking something I don't love.

That would be terrible.





Good night, folks.

Wow, there's a lot to clean up.

Just when I'm off the clock.

Too bad new guy isn't trusted enough
to close yet. [exhales deeply]

Guess I'll have to leave the fun cleanup

to the responsible assistant manager.

That hasn't been funny any night.

You laughed last Thursday.

I was remembering
when you slipped on that napkin.

I mean, you said, "Oh, bejeez."


You know, you are a good actor.

Sometimes it's hard to tell
how much you like me.

[in mocking voice] "You are a good actor."

Yeah, I'm a good actor. [chuckles]

You don't have to tell... [sniffs]

[clears throat]

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no. No.


One hundred.

[exhales slowly] Ninety-seven.

[exhales] Ninety-four.




[breathes rapidly]

Okay, okay...

It's okay.

[breaths trembling]

Wiggle your fingers.

Breathe, just breathe.

Mom? Mom, please call me.

I think it's, um...

I think it's happening again.

[sniffling, panting]

Hey, Katie?

Hey. Hey, come on, sit down.


I know what's fun.

Naming our most annoying customers, huh?

You go first.

[gasping breath]

Come on, that should be easy for you, huh?
Everybody annoys you, right?




Lat... Mmm.

Latte, extra hot,

-side of ice guy.

Burns himself and sucks on ice after, huh?


Who else?


The lady-- The lady who...

-drinks with her pinkie out.

Fancy Nancy.

[chuckles] How I hate her.

And, uh... And the honey hog.

Gerald. He makes everything sticky.

Okay, now, uh, tell me how bad I am
at making drinks, huh?

-I know you want to.

That's good, that's good,

but you could do better. How about, uh...

Remember when I... slipped?


-Mm, there it is.

There it is. Good.

-[exhales deeply]
-There you go.

There you go. You got this, okay?

Just keep taking deep breaths.


How did you know?

My dad has panic att*cks.


If that's what even happened here. Huh?

You're always looking for
a way to get me to clean

while you're sitting around.


[cell phone vibrates]

Hey, Mom. No.

No, I'm okay.

Really. Really, I promise.


Yeah, I got help from a friend.

[Katie clears throat]

Okay, I'll be home soon.

Yeah, I love you too.

Okay, bye.


You called me a friend.

It's just faster
than saying "guy who slipped."


I can't stop staring at our countertops.

-They're beautiful.

Do they look
a lot like our old countertops?

Yeah, a lot.


that was weird with Jennifer, huh?

Yeah. Yeah.

I think, uh, Lucas really got to her.

Yeah. Yeah.

Probably could've skipped
one farmers market. [scoffs]

Yeah, and not thrown out her menus.

-It was Lucas.
-Yeah, totally.

Wow, the kitchen looks...

-It's okay, your mom knows.

Hey, listen. I saw Katie's room.

It's amazing. You're a natural.

[exhales deeply] Still doesn't feel right.

Well, um, you know, honey, it's okay.

No, it's not.

In a month, I'm gonna be filling out
college applications and picking a major.

I don't know how I got here,
and I have no idea what I want to do.

The past few years, we've all been

pretty focused on the present.

It's not surprising
that it's taking some time

for you to figure out the future.

Yeah, but that's just it.

I have a future...

and that has to mean something.

My life...

should have a purpose.

Honey, after what you've been through,

the future--

whatever you decide to do with it--

is already amazing.

And you being here,

graduating high school,

-having a boyfriend...

...applying to college...

just living your life.

Well, I do love my life.

And that's your purpose.

You'll figure out the rest as you go.

Okay. I'll figure out the rest as I go.

The most important thing you can do...

is be happy.

And laugh at my jokes.

-See, you're doing great already.


-I love you guys.
-Love you.

We know we're applying to UNC,

but we need some backups.

Ooh! University of Miami.

The beach,

dolphins every day.

Sounds good.

Or the University of Wisconsin.

Cheese every day.

-Sounds good.

Oh, uh...

Sorry. What were you saying?

I was just talking about all the places
we could go to college.

I may not know what I'm gonna study,
but I do know I'll be with my best friend.

[sighs] And I'll know

when I find what I want to do

because it'll just make sense.

Yeah. And all those...

overwhelming thoughts will just fall away.

-Love you.
-I love you too.

I'm Katie Cooper, and this is my audition

for the NYU Tisch School of the Arts
acting program.

[theme music plays]

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪