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04x15 - Can't Let You Go

Posted: 03/05/22 08:29
by bunniefuu

College... the four-year playground

for burgeoning minds preparing
to step off the precipice

of academia and swan-dive
into the deep end

of the real world,

and for me, Zoey Johnson,

my time here at Cal U has been
some of the most rewarding,

challenging, transformative years

of my young, impeccably dressed life.

- Okay, cut!

All I asked was for you to state

your name and major, Zoey.

Nobody asked for your dang wisdom.

Okay, Diane, but I am

an aspiring fashion mogul
weeks away from graduating.

If I'm gonna lend my likeness
and my brand to something,

I have to be my authentic
self, even if it is just for

your high school business class project.

Look, I appreciate you

allowing me to follow
you around for the day,

- and, yes, I agree... authenticity is key.
- Right.

So, can you cut the "I go
to class every day" crap

and show me something real?

I mean, I'd settle for
just one alcohol poisoning.

JACK: Oh, yeah, come on,
there's gotta be somewhere

more interesting that you can show us.

What about where the fast ladies

- lay their heads, huh, huh?
- What?

I'm good on that.

But what does a normal day
entail for Zoey Johnson?

Well, normally, I'd probably

head to my internship around now.

Well, why can't we do that?

- Uh... no reason.
- Great. Lead the way.

- Ah...
- Go on.


♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

Romantic turmoil has
historically torn apart

some of the greatest creative
partnerships of all time.

Frida Kahlo and Diego
Rivera, Cardi and Offset,

and with one irresponsible kiss,

I was worried that Luca and I
were going to join their ranks.

And finally, this is
Anti-Muse's "Intention Altar."

My boss actually makes me
light these candles every day

to make sure our creative
chakras are cosmically balanced.


I mean, that's kinda weirdly formal.

Hello again, children.

I never know which one to look
at when I'm talking to twins.

Wait, you did not tell me your
boss was your ex-boyfriend.

- Okay.
- Mm.

(CHUCKLING) Whoa. We gotta go.

But I'm sure we'll be
seeing you at the Hawkins

chicken and waffle
breakfast at midnight, yeah?

- Uh... y... uh, yeah.
- Okay, boss.

- Finally, something that sounds interesting.
- Mm.

Um, oh, Diane, I was thinking
we could do a little filming

in the fashion lab, then
go check out the Shield,

then finally hit the Black Library?

- Sound good?
- Yeah.

No. I don't care what race it is.

I don't want to go to a library.

Oh, my God.

Can we please unload him somewhere?

Yes, we can.

- Thank you.

See, this is what I'm talking about.

Man, this ride-share driver
life seems so exhilarating.

I'm never gonna go to college.

So, who's our next passenger?

Actually, we're gonna
clock out for a bit

and go pick up my boy
from a meeting across town.

- Oh.
- Oh. Duh. You know him.

- It's Aaron.
- Oh, yeah. That dude's my guy.

Wow, Jack. Cold.

I thought for sure you'd
take your sister's side

- in the breakup.
- Wait, what?

Zoey b-broke up with Aaron?

I mean, technically, Aaron
broke up with Zoey.

He was feeling like he wasn't
the best version of himself

in their relationship,
so he broke up with her

so he could focus on number one
without the worries of a woman.

Honestly, I don't know if
they'll ever get back together

because Aaron's been
thriving ever since.

His rise has been meteoric.

Let's go pick up my boy.

Okay, so what did you think
of your tour of Anti-Muse, huh?

- Yeah, it was fine.
- Mm-hmm.

But it's pretty apparent
there's something going on

between you and Dreads.

I mean, the awkward body language,

you trying to get us out of
there as fast as possible...

... the odor of
barely-contained throbbing lust.

Oh, my God. Pause.

What kind of YA novels are you reading?

- Beg your pardon?
- Penning.

Well, just enough of
the creepy sex talk.

Why don't you just save it,
channel it into the page?

I'll stop when you admit it.

You know... (CLEARS THROAT)

... Luca strikes me
as a real dainty lover.

Was that your experience?

Oh. Oh, my God.

- You win. You win.
- Mm.

There may have been an
itty-bitty, itty-bitty kiss

the other night, but that was it,

and we haven't even
talked about it since then.

So, does Aaron know you cheated on him?

- Okay, Diane, I did not cheat on Aaron.
- Mm.

(WHISPERING) 'Cause he broke
up with me a couple weeks ago.


Because he broke up with me weeks ago.

You... What?

up with me weeks ago.

- Happy?

He did?

I knew the universe would find
me a way to be with that man.

Yes. Okay, um, what do I do?

Do you mind if I slide into his DMs?

You know what? Whatever. Who
cares? I am sliding, all right?

Thank you, Lord.

So, is this like a
second dinner situation

or an extremely early
breakfast situation?

Nah, this is more like a
"everyone's gonna be up late

"cramming for finals, so why not host

a little midnight snack" situation.

Yeah, nothing helps you
concentrate like the meat sweats.

(SIGHS) Luca, aren't you
supposed to be helping?

- I am.
- No, you've been staring at your phone

for the past minutes.

What? Checking to see
if you've been Me Too'd

for kissing your intern at work?

Actually, I'm trying
to see if Tyler's people

hit me back about Anti-Muse.

Why are you like this, bro?

Because it's always something with her.


There's drama between you and Zoey?

No, there's not.

Zoey and I are friends
and business partners.

We let the heat of an electric,
creative moment overpower us.

- That's all.
- Not buying it.

Well, I'm not really trying
to sell you anything, Kiela.

I'm just trying to focus
on these smothered potatoes

and collard greens.

Where'd you get this stuff, anyways?

You know, I helped Jazz
out with a little situation

a couple weeks ago, so, you know,

she hooked me up by,
you know, letting me have

her dad's food truck
as a... as a thank-you.

Hey. So, uh... like, uh,

why didn't you mention
that your ex-girlfriend

was the friend you were
helping the night of my panel?

Because my ex-girlfriend
is... is my friend now.

- Great.
- Right.

- Mm-hmm.
- Drama.


- Hey, hey.
- So, this is where it all goes down.

The parties, the binge
drinking, the teen fornication.


Unprotected teen fornication.

Wow, Diane. Look at you.

You're so big now.

Looks like someone's wearing a bra now.

Mm. Looks like someone isn't. Huh?

NOMI: How was, um, the campus tour?

Well, it's been a mixed bag,

but the highlight was definitely
Zoey's joke of an internship

- where she goes around kissing her boss.
- Oh...

I'm sorry. You kissed Luca?

- Oh.
- Diane. Is nothing sacred to you?

What? I didn't say anything

about your Bible-thumping roommate

smashing your college dropout roommate.

You just did. Oh. I do
not care for this girl.

Ah. Well, join the club, sweetheart.

Anyways, I'm gonna go
raid your medicine cabinets

to see who's the pill-popping trash.

- I'm guessing it's the White girl.

Well (CHUCKLES) she isn't wrong.

Oh, don't mind the
camera... just ignore it,

and by all means, you know, carry on.

Diane Johnson, everybody.

Okay, wait a minute. Are you
and Luca getting back together?

That kiss meant nothing.


So, you're telling us
there's no feelings?

Whether or not there are
feelings really doesn't matter,

because I'm not trying to mess up

this magical creative
partnership we have.

Wow. Your "magical
creative partnership"?

So, there are feelings there.

- No. Luca is a friend...
- Mm-hmm.

... who pushes me to do my best work,

and when I need him... guess what...

he's there for me.

To kiss. In bed.

- Naked.

Luca has been there for
me since freshman year,

before we were together, and
then when we were together,

and now again when we're
not... simple as that.

- Okay.
- Hmm.

Yeah, that is true. So, kind of like...

- I don't know, like a soulmate.


No. No.

What? There's... No.

No, no, no, no, no.


Is Luca my soulmate?

Why is this so crazy to you?

Did it really never occur to you

- that Luca could be your soulmate?
- Okay, sure.

When I was with him. But
then when I got with Aaron,

I swore it was him until
he broke up with me.

I mean, obviously, he
doesn't feel the same way.

Well, maybe it's because he realized

that you already had one.

- Luca.
- Okay, and how do you know that?

Zoey has only been
within the Cal U bubble.

There are multiple people
out there for everybody.

Yeah, sure, multiple
people you connect with,

but there's only one
that you would, you know,

jump in front of a truck
for or take a b*llet for

or climb inside of a lion's mouth for.

Before anybody feeds themselves
to a jungle cat, let me...

let me ask you this.

Who speaks the same
creative language as you?

Aaron or Luca?

- I guess Luca.
- Okay.

Who inspires you more?

I mean...

in terms of work and
stuff, it would be Luca.

NOMI: Mm-hmm.


Whose interests,
tastes, and sensibilities

most align with yours?


Wow, it's...

- Luca again.
- Of course it is.

Okay, yeah, I guess those
questions are important,

but honestly, to me, the real
question is out of the two,

who can't you live without?

And... And you think if somebody
asked Luca these questions,

I would be the answer to all of them?

I think Luca would jump
into a lion's mouth for you.


I guess I need to talk to Luca.


Yeah, it's gonna be sick.

- All right.

Talk soon.


- Can I help you?
- Dude.

Come on, you're in my room.

And I'm guessing you're still salty

'cause I outed your
little kiss with homegirl?

I would certainly prefer it
if you didn't put me on blast

while I still figure out how I feel.

Are you serious?

You know, I've never seen someone occupy

so much of your headspace
the way this girl does.

Nobody occupies as much
physical space as she does.

She's my friend,
coworker. She's everywhere.

I mean, even as a
girlfriend, she's the only one

that called me out on my
shit and let me be who I am.

It doesn't seem like
something you say about an ex.


Ex or not, she's the only
human I don't mind being around.

Possibly the only mammal.

Well, I mean, sounds to me like

you just sorted through your feelings.


- You always lock it.

Come on, you know how to open it.

Thanks for picking me up, d*ck.

- Hey, language.
- What?

- Baby on board.
- Oh!

Jack and the beanstalk, what's up, dude?

How... How are you?
What are you doing here?

My best friend Aaron
asked you a question, Jack.

Please don't disrespect him in my whip.

Well, you know, how's it been?

How's it been going? What's up?

It's going. Just outchea,
living my best life.

Chilling. Dodging the haters.

Being my future's best hope.

You know, stuntin' on hoes.

Stuntin' on hoes?

Wow. Wow.

Sounds like you got a
lot going on. Busy man.

- Yeah.
- What else has been going on?

Last time I talked to
you, you were, uh...

you were putting together a
"Call of Duty" team, I think.

So, what... what do
you guys rank nowadays?

Yeah, we're, uh, th in the world,

best k*ll-to-death
ratio on the continent.

That's without quick-scoping, so...

Without... That is amazing, man.

- Yeah.
- I'm... I'm proud of you guys.

Look, I would love to come
watch you play, actually,

- 'cause I've been really...
- Hey, driver, can I request a silent ride?

And also, I'll take another
piece of that, you know,

Arctic Chill, please.

He said he wants a quiet ride.

I know that.

We're just gonna go.

Thanks, bro.

Wow, so this is how you're
plating my dad's food, huh?

You got the kimchi hush puppies

next to the glass noodle mac n' cheese.

- You should know better.
- No, you right.

Your pops taught me better than that.

Don't worry. I won't tell.

Hey, how's your moms?

- Does she still ask about me?
- Always.

You know Yolanda's
secretly in love with you.

Hey, me and Yolanda
... we got secrets, man.


Anyways, um... (CHUCKLES)

I'm just glad this all
worked out, and, uh, for real,

I really want to thank you for coming by

and coming to my rescue when...
I was feeling a little emo.

- It really meant a lot.

Jazlyn, it's me.

I'mma always be here for you.

- All right?
- Okay.

Well, I'm going to hit
this chicken and the books,

- and I'll see you later.
- Alligator.

♪ It turned my heart cold ♪

- ♪ And I... wasted youth ♪
- What y'all want?

♪ On someone I really
believed was the one ♪

♪ And I... wasted youth ♪

♪ But I'm blessed, too
blessed to be angry for it ♪

Dude, like, I just got your text,

and Tyler wants to do our line?

- That is huge, Luca.
- It is.

It's... It's gonna be big.

Big things for us and Anti-Muse.

Right. So...

I guess we better talk
about us then, huh?

Yeah. We, uh... we probably should.

♪ And I, yeah ♪

Over the course of our
four years at Cal U,

Luca and I had hooked
up, broken up, made up,

and messed up a hundred
different times,

and here we were again.

But this time, my feelings
had never been more clear.

What I'm trying to say is

it's obvious there are
still feelings between us.

I agree.

- I think there always will be.
- Right.

When I decided to work
with you at Anti-Muse,

I made a lot of promises
to myself and other people

that I wasn't gonna let that get messy.


with that kiss, we got messy.

I mean...

What are you saying?


What I'm saying is that moment

and everything that led up to it...

you pulling me out of my spiral,

the two of us creating an
incredible line together,

and... and you even
giving me the confidence

to design again... I...

just made me realize what the feelings

between us actually mean.

Luca, you're my soulmate.

But, like, a creative soulmate.

Does that make sense?


Totally. I... (SCOFFS)

It's exactly what I was gonna say, too.

Really? Okay. (CHUCKLES)

Honestly, I am... I'm so
glad we're on the same page,

because I was just worried
about how this was gonna affect

our professional relationship
and our... our friendship,

and the last thing I want to do

is jeopardize what we have
and how you feel about me.

Zoey, nothing will ever
change how I feel about you.

I'm so glad we talked.

I'm so relieved.


Glad we talked.



Hey. Got you a waffle and a leg, man.

I'm... I'm more of a breast guy.


All right, look, hey, just for
a second, I know that, um...

I know that Vivek told you
about me and Zoey breaking up,

and I know that you're
mad at me, and I'm sorry.

We should have told
you the news ourselves,

and it just... it never felt
like the right time, you know?

I just don't understand why
you had to mess everything up.

We had such a good thing going.

I mean, don't you still love my sister?

I do... and I always will.

So, then why not be with her?


It's not that easy, man.

Why not?

Well, because I want to be

the type of guy that
your sister deserves,

not the type of guy that I was being.

And I have to do that on my own.

It's kind of like how
you became a good sn*per

without using a scope.

I have to do this without any help.


Okay, well, when you put it like that,

I completely understand.

I'm glad you get it.

And you'll always be my
little bro, regardless.

Come on.


You gotta holster it,
otherwise it doesn't work.

- Yeah. That was nice.
- Hey, uh, you really not gonna

eat this chicken,
though? I kinda have...

All right.


♪ And... and... and forgiveness ♪

You good?


He still loves her.

♪ And... and... and forgiveness ♪

This shit really hurts.


It does.


... did I give you enough
content for your project?

I got about as much as I expected.

- Mm.
- Well, believe it or not,

it was actually so fun having
you finally visit me over here.

- Mm.
- And if you had come earlier in my college career,

it would have been more exciting,

a little less complicated.

- Ah, dang, really?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, then, when should I have come?

The year you dropped
out, the year you cheated,

or the year you were speeding on pills?

Jazz and I have grown very close.

- Clearly.
- You know what?

I got one more question.

All right. Hit me.


So, when Ana asked

who the one person you
couldn't live without was,

it's Aaron, isn't it?



Yeah, it is.

- Hmm.

Well, good luck to you, sis,
'cause I am deep in those DMs,

so game on.


Good night.

What's this?

A parting gift.

I am returning the
underwear you let me borrow

the night of my panel.

- A parting gift?
- Yeah.

You know, I-I finally figured out

why you and my brother
are such great friends.

You let women from your past occupy

- so much of your present.
- Come on.

You're not still tripping
about that Jazz thing, are you?

Really? You gonna look me in my eyes

and tell me you still
don't have feelings for her?

Yeah. That's what I thought.


Enjoy your underwear.


Yo, these aren't mine.

Yo, these aren't mine!