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02x15 - Things Change

Posted: 03/04/22 17:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Felicity...

Do I still want to
go through with this,

knowing that it's not yours...

Yes. It's part of me.

I can't not have this baby.

I'm hoping that we
can still make this work.

So are you and Ben going out?

No. Uh, we're just friends.

He apologized.

Yeah, but that doesn't
mean you have to forgive him.

I work with him
almost every day.

What do you want me to
do, not accept his apology?

I wouldn't! He's such a loser.
He's such an arrogant loser.

What do you think
about liposuction?

My friend Shaka got all the
fat sucked out of her knees,

you know, a few months ago,
and now she looks fantastic.

Javier, you do not
need liposuction.

(GASPS) You'll never
believe who's here.

What? Who's that?

She was in yesterday,
talking to Benjamin.

I think she has a
little crunch on him.


Hey, Javier. Is this enough?

Yes. Perfect as usual.

Your girlfriend's here.

What? Mmm-hmm.

Pam? No, no, no.

I barely know her. She's
in one of my classes.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, oh.

She keeps looking over here.

Give me a break.
No, she doesn't.


Hi. Yeah. How are you?

EDWARD: Hey, sweetheart.

Dad, hey. What's going on?

Dr. Porter, okay.

What do you think
about liposuction?

It's good, right? Safe?

EDWARD: Plastic surgery
really isn't my specialty.

Okay. I'm thinking maybe
a little over here. Okay?

And she's fighting me,
but some right here. Okay?

Get rid of this. You
know what I mean?

What do you think?

Hold that thought.

Norma's back-talking
the customers again.

Guess what? It's free.

Okay. Thank you.

I just stopped by for
a quick cup of coffee.

I haven't seen you in a while.


How's everything at school?

It's good. School's good.

I had a meeting this
evening that was canceled.

You wanna grab a bite later?

Um, tonight I'm gonna be at the
health center, but maybe next week.

Dad, I'm sorry my
schedule's been so crazy.

No big deal. Things
are crazy for me, too.

But I'd love to see you,

so when you get a chance,
give me a call, and we'll catch up.


Dad, this is Ben. You remember.

Yes, I do. How are you, Ben?

Good. Nice to see you.

So, she gave you her number.

Yeah. Yeah.

JAVIER: Benjamin! I need you.

Yeah. I'll see you. Okay.

So, are you and Ben still...

No, no, no. No. That's
way over. (LAUGHS)

That's good you two
have stayed friends.


So, back to the lipo.

Samuel, that's my guy,

has started calling
me "Javier has no hair,

"have another chocolate eclair."

And it stings.

It's crazy in here today, huh?

Another one of our doctors
dropped out of the rotation,

so now we're stuck with just one

and an overload of patients.

I'm making phone calls trying to find
a doctor who can sub in for a few days

until we can get
another regular.

Does this happen a lot,
doctors dropping out?

No. I mean, we
get a lot of turnover,

but it usually doesn't
happen all at once.

It's just bad timing.

You know, the review's
in a couple of days,

and if we don't pass, they
can shut us down, so...

Anything I can do to help?

It would be great if you
had your medical license.

Hi. Hey.

Meghan, what are you doing here?

My throat's kind of sore.

You seemed fine this morning.

Well, I'm not fine now.

Do you think you could check
and see if I have swollen glands?

Oh, my God.

Well, they seem fine to me, but if you
want to be sure, we can take a culture.

Um, yeah.

I think we should.


Felicity, do you wanna go
ahead and make an appointment

with one of the
doctors for Meghan?



Oh, he is so my flavor.

You keep your grubby
little mitts off him.

JAVIER: Benjamin.


So, hold on.

We have some business
to attend to here. Okay?

Could you work an additional
shift on Wednesdays?

On Wednesdays?

Ah, yes. Say, "Yes."
I'm your boss, okay?

You know what? I can't
on Wednesday, I got class.


Is it an important class?

Yes, it's an important class.

Why don't you just ask Felicity?

'Cause she's the one
who canceled on me.

Why? On Wednesdays she
wants to work at the health center.

The health center? Yeah. I
know. Can you believe that?

I guess some people, you know, consider
health more important than muffins.

I don't know. Are you
drinking the profits?

No, I'll tell you why she wants
to work at the health center.

It's Greg Stenson.

He's this pompous-ass
guy that runs the place.

He's like this guy, I'm
telling you he's like...

Oh, yeah, Greg. Yeah.
She mentioned him.

She mentioned him?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

What did she say?

Well, I don't remember exactly.

I forgot to take my
ginkgo bilblobla.

What did she say? Something
about like how fantastic he is

and inspiring, because like he
helped all these people and everything.

But I do remember
she was very excited

not to work here on Wednesdays.

Benjamin. What?

You're staring at me.
I'm not staring at you.

Do I look fat? No, you don't.

Would I look better like this?


Are you sure? Yes.

Tighter, though?


If I get Norma to work
on Wednesdays instead,

could you work on
Thursday? Yes. Yes.

I love you and your whole look.

Okay. Go away.

Yeah. Hi. Is Pam there?

Yeah, yeah. It's Ben.


What are you trying to
do, give me a heart att*ck?

The answer's carboxylic acid.

You're 15 minutes late.
Where have you been?

Well, I was walking
to the library.

GIRL: Shh!

But now that I'm
here, where are we?


I'm in the middle of Chapter 4.

substitution reactions.

You've already read it? I
may have skimmed through it.

Well, skim through it some
more. The exam is in two days.

Oh, not to worry.
I'm like a boy scout.

I'm always prepared.

You're wearing
that perfume again.


Hey. How are you?

Fine. Thanks.

She's... She's waiting for me
to tell her what I want to do.

Yeah. What are you gonna do?

Oh, I don't know.

Well, I'm gonna go play
basketball, if you wanna come.

No, thanks.



Guess I didn't really
get Tocqueville, huh?

Yeah. Well, it wasn't the
worst in the class. Yeah.


FELICITY: Dear Sally,

I've sort of been
overloading myself lately

with work, and school,
the health center.

Just keeping really busy.

It's kind of easier
than thinking about

what's happened with my family,

how things fell apart.

But I guess the truth is you
can't avoid that stuff very long.

It always catches up with you.

Hey. I... I got off early, and so I thought
maybe we could go grab some dinner.

But I should've called.

No. That's okay. Yeah.
That sounds great. Yeah.

Is everything okay? Of course.

Come in. Let me
grab a jacket. Okay.

The university
apartments were all full,

so this was the best I could
do on such short notice.

Apparently, the housing
market's pretty tough.


Are you gonna
unpack your stuff, or...

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Maybe this week.

I just... You know, I
haven't gotten around to it.

I'll be right back. I'm just
gonna grab my jacket.


FELICITY: Diazepam. That
was one of his prescriptions.

It says here it's
a sleeping pill.

Well, that's not so bad. Lots
of people take sleeping pills.

What's the other one?

Flurazepam. Yeah.

It's for anxiety
and panic att*cks.

Oh, my God. I'm
the worst daughter.

I mean, this morning
at Dean & DeLuca,

I was so preoccupied, I barely
paid attention to what he was saying.

I haven't called him
once in the last two weeks.

Everybody goes through
hard times. He's gonna be okay.

I don't know.

So, listen. I have
a big favor to ask.

I know that you're
really busy...

What is it?

Well, you know I've been
volunteering at the health center.

Yeah, which is great. Yeah.

Well, the doctors there work
on a volunteer basis as well,

and there's a real
shortage right now.

We desperately need a hand.

Even if you could pick
up one or two shifts

in the next few weeks,
it would be so great,

plus, it'll give us a chance
to hang out a little more...

Yes. Stop. Yes. Of course.

Really? Yes.

Great. Absolutely.



Is everything okay?

I mean, class doesn't
start for 20 minutes.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine.

Good, good. Good. That's good.

Any morning sickness?

No, I feel good.

That's good.

You look good.


So do you.

Can you sign this for me?

You want a transfer?

I think it's obviously really
awkward, me being in your section.

We can't keep pretending
we don't see each other.

I see you.

Believe me.

I think it's better
for the both of us.

I'll turn this in today.


Are you serious?
Your dad's a doctor?

What kind of medicine
does he practice?

He's a cardiac surgeon.

But he wants to help out.

He used to volunteer at
the Stanford student clinic.

And he can be here
tomorrow if you want him.

That's incredible. That
would be a great help.

Good. Okay. Well, I'll
see you tomorrow, then.

Yeah. Hey. Well, here.
I'll walk out with you. Okay.

MAN ON TV: How about the
two of us sell fruit together?

SEAN: Hey, where
you going? Stupid date.

SEAN: Nice attitude.

It's with this girl I
don't even know.

It's gonna end up
being boring and lame.

I don't know why I'm going.

So, why are you going? I
don't know. What are you doing?

Raking in enormous
quantities of cash.

I sent a letter to the
Independent Film Channel

on that documentary
thing that I did last year,

and they want to see
it, so I'm sending a copy.

The thing I was in?
Please don't send that.

Oh, I'm sending it.
Have a nice stupid date!



Mmm. I know. I eat a lot.

That's okay. I eat
a lot, too. Mmm.

This Italian girl I
worked with in Bosnia

was always like,
"Relentamento di relentamento."

Which, translated, means I
eat like a pig. (CHUCKLES)

What were you doing in Bosnia?

Oh, yeah. I was...

I was there for six months as
a volunteer for the Red Cross.

I took a whole
semester off to do it.

Which I thought would
cost me my scholarship,

but the university
was really cool about it.

Wait. You're here
on a scholarship?

I'd never be able to
afford college otherwise.

I've got five brothers.
My mom's a mom.

My dad's the pulp processing
engineer at the paper mill.

The paper mill.

Yeah. See, when you live in
Bishop, Oregon, that's where you work.

That's funny. I thought
you were from New York.

You did. Why?

I don't know. I just did.

Because I was so forward
and gave you my number?

No. I don't know what it was.

All right. Can I just say...

I don't know who
that person was,

I mean, who forced
my number on you.

I mean, I never do that.

That's so, like...

Cosmo girl.

Which is a magazine.

Yeah, I actually
canceled my subscription.

That's too bad.

You missed a great
piece on how to zap zits.

Yeah. I wrote that.

Really? Yeah.

It was beautifully
written. Thanks.

I'm very proud of

We're gonna need an EKG.

And some thyroid function tests
on the patient in one. All right.

What's his complaint?

Oh, and let's send him
home with a Holter monitor.

Okay. I don't know if
that's such a good idea.

Excuse me? Well, that's
just not normally what we do.

Greg is just careful about
how many tests we order.

He just wants to make
sure that it's necessary.

It is. So, take
care of it, okay?

You know, he could just be having
panic att*cks... Are you a doctor?

GREG: No... Because I am,

so why don't you leave the
medical decisions to me?

It's just that our
resources are fairly limited.

You call ruling out a
cardiac arrhythmia a waste?

In a 20-year-old who's probably
popping No Doz all night, yeah, maybe.

Greg, my dad may
be right. I mean...

Look, I've been working
here for over a year.

We get patients
like this all the time.

You've worked here a year? I've
been practicing medicine for 20.

I want those tests done, okay?

I'll make sure they're
taken care of. Thank you.

I'm sorry.

At least we have a doctor.


I'm trying to think of something
to say to try to explain this.

I'm really sorry. It's just...

I guess my head's
somewhere else.

With someone else?

Yeah. Sort of.


If things don't work out with

whoever it is,

you have the number
I forced on you.


Listen, I really am sorry.

No. Don't be.

I had fun.

Yeah. So did I.

I really did.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna finish taking
your wallpaper down.

What about this chapter?

Well, when you're done,
we can quiz each other.

I meant, what about
you finishing this chapter?

I'm ready. Really?

I got it down. Okay.

What happens when an
amide undergoes hydrolysis?

That's too easy. Ask
me something else.

You get a carboxylic
acid and an amine.

Okay. Lucky guess.

How about the
Cannizzaro reaction?


He was an Egyptian king.

Very funny.

It occurs when an aldehyde
undergoes oxidation

and reduction in the presence...

Okay, okay. You know the answer.

When Cyclohexanon
is treated, you...

Adipic acid.

You didn't even let
me finish the question.

And how do you
already know Chapter 7?

I read it last night.





Could you leave? What?

I want you to leave.

You're kidding. No, I'm not.

You're scraping too loudly,
and I can't study in here

with you and
your snide attitude.



You know, I've never met
anyone as competitive as you are.

Me? I'm not competitive.

Yeah, right.


Are the exam rooms ready?

Yeah. You can go
ahead back. They're open.

Do you have any idea where you
might be able to reach your dad?

He's a half hour late.

The appointments
are already backed up.

The reviewers are gonna
be here for another hour.

Yeah, I'm just
gonna try the hospital.

Maybe he got tied up in
an emergency or something.

Okay. Well, let me know.

I'll be in my office,
sweating a lot.

WOMAN: Doctor's office.
Please hold. Hi. Yeah.

Hello, Felicity.


I got a haircut.

You know, we've got a lot of
big sh*ts hanging around today,

so we should probably
keep our voices down.

(SOFTLY) Okay.

But it looks good.


WOMAN: Thanks for holding. Hi.

Is, um... Is Dr. Porter there?

WOMAN: No, I'm sorry. He's not.

Do you know what time he left?

WOMAN: Actually, Dr. Porter's no
longer working here at the hospital.

What? No, I meant...

I'm talking about
Dr. Edward Porter.

He just started
there in January.

WOMAN: Yes, I know
who you're speaking of,

but Dr. Porter left
a few weeks ago.

He might be back in California.

I can give you that number

if you'd like to try him there.

Oh, no. No, that's okay. Thanks.

WOMAN: You're welcome.

Good luck.

So, how was your big date?

Was it fantastic? No, it wasn't.

Benjamin, what happened?

Nothing. It just didn't go
very well. It ended early.


She wasn't nice? What?

No. She was...

She was beautiful,
and she was brilliant,

and she was funny. She
was great. I don't know.

Benjamin, we need to talk.

What? Man-to-man,


Trust me.


Sorry. I'm sorry.


(SIGHING) Benjamin. Yeah?

Every day you come into work
and I... I see you, I watch you,

and I think, "That poor guy.

"Look at that poor
guy. Just look at him."

No. Over here. You.

I mean, you have
everything to live for,

and you are
crumbling. I can see it.

You think I'm crumbling?

Benjamin, I never
told you this about me,

but I dated a girl once
when I was 15 years old.

Her name was Lola.

She was a show girl. (CHUCKLES)

No, she wasn't. I'm
kidding, I'm kidding.

You got that, okay.

She wasn't a show girl, but
her name was Lola, actually.

And she was... Oh, Ben,
she was fantastic, you know.

I always knew, you know, that I was
attracted to men, you know. Always.

Even when I was little,
before I got glasses, you know.

But I wasn't... You know, I wasn't
dating anyone at the time, you know,

and Lola, she wanted me so bad.

And she would say things like,

"Javier, right here, right now."

And we were in church, and
she would say this to me...

Javier, what are you telling me?

Okay. I'll skip the
big tearjerker ending,

but I just wanted
you to understand

that I've been exactly
where you are right now.

Left asunder by a woman.

And you can't keep moping around,
you know. And sabotaging dates.

You have to get over it. It's
never gonna work out with her.

You don't think it can work?

No. It's impossible.

Why is it impossible?

Because she's married, Ben.


Maggie is a married woman. Okay?

So grow up, get over
it, and snap into it.

You think I'm all asunder
because of Maggie?

Poor thing. You're in denial.

Javier, it's not Maggie.

It's not Maggie.

Who is it?

It's nobody.

I just gotta get
over it. You're right.

But I do have to go.
I got a class to go to.

So, thank you very much
for the drink and the talk.

You're welcome.

Do you have any, like,
sourdough sticks or...

A basket of mixed things, like
wasabi peas or something like that?

That Japanese snacking
thing you can have? No?

You don't have none
of that? Nothing?

A lychee nut, something
for me to snack upon?


Dad. Sorry about that.

I got stuck at the
hospital too long.

And I rushed out
of there so quickly,

I didn't have time to call
and tell you I was on my way.

GREG: You still got a whole
line of students waiting. Okay.

I'll get set up.

I'll be right back.

I am so sorry, honey. It
was just crazy at the hospital.

I called there.

Oh? They didn't tell me.

The secretary told me you
don't work there anymore,

that you quit weeks ago.

What? That's ridiculous.

She must have got me
confused with somebody else.

I'm sorry. I thought
this room was empty.

Yeah. We'll be
out in just a minute.

Dad, where were you?

I, uh...

I just... I slept through
the alarm. I'm sorry.

But you wake up at
6:00 every morning.

Everything's fine.

Dad, I saw the sleeping pills.

I know that you're
taking anxiety medicine.

I will not stand here and be
grilled by my own daughter.

I'm not grilling... I'm fine,

and I can take care of myself.

It just doesn't seem like you.

I don't understand why you would
quit your job and not tell anyone about it.


I've accepted all
of your decisions.

Dropping premed,
taking art classes.

Now you have to accept mine.

Hey there. Oh, hi.

So, how'd you do?

Actually, pretty well.


So, what'd you get?


What'd you get? Ninety-nine.

So, will you go out to
dinner with me or what?


NOEL: Wanna hear
something funny? Sure.

I miss her. Ruby.

Of course you do.

No, I mean,

I really miss her.

Can you believe that?

Well, I'm sure you can,
'cause I'm one of those guys.

Now this self-pity
stuff is not gonna fly.

I know you much
better than that.

When you were with
Felicity, you were the one

who dumped her and
ran off with Hanna.

You're not always the victim.

Thank you for your support.

Of course I support you.

Everything is just... It's so...

Crazy, and it's not...

I mean, it's not only
about me, obviously.

(SIGHING) Ruby's going
through this huge thing.

But part of me wishes
that I could be that person

who could just put it all behind
me, you know, and... And move on.

Who... Who wouldn't think
about how scared she must be

or worry that she's getting
morning sickness or that she's lonely.

That's because
you care about her.

Of course I do. I mean...

(SIGHING) It's just a
little hard to reconcile that

with the fact that she slept with
another guy and she's having his baby.

And I'm sitting here.

Missing her, like an idiot.


You know I'd hoped this
had ended up differently,


But you think that I
should forgive Ruby.

That's what makes
you special, Noel.

That's what sets you apart.

Is that you're able to forgive.

That doesn't make you weak.

It makes you strong.

Mom, I know. I've been busy.

I have six classes.

I miss you, too.

Can I call you back?

Okay. Tell Dad I love him.

Okay, bye.



You haven't told your parents?



I don't think that you
should switch sections.

I spent the past week

thinking about what you said,

how you want us to be together,

be a couple.

But I can't forget
that this isn't my child.

It took me a while,

but I understand why
you'd choose to do this,

to take this path.

I hope that you can understand
that it's impossible for me

to take it with you.


I'm here for you,

as your friend.

I might need that.

Yeah, I know.

♪ Those waiting for certainty

♪ Come around
to the desert stream

♪ But they never drink the water

♪ And I awake to find the light

♪ Fading from your eyes

♪ And your ashes
spilling out from the inside

♪ And I awake to
find no sound... ♪


Come on in.

Is everything okay
at the health center?

Yeah. They...

They find out the results
of the review today,

but I haven't
talked to Greg yet.

Well, I hope everything
turns out okay.


I'm sorry about what I said.

When I found out

you weren't at the
hospital anymore,

I just got this horrible
feeling in my stomach.

Why didn't you
tell me you'd quit?

I didn't want you to worry.

I'm okay. Really.

But, Dad, that's what scares me,

when you say that you're okay.

I mean, it feels like you're
saying that just so I don't worry.

And I don't want
you to do that for me.

I want you to tell me the
truth. I want you to trust me.

I guess I just thought that
all this would be temporary.

That I work here at the
hospital for a few months

and your mom would call and
say she wanted me to come home.

I could get back to Palo
Alto, back to my life there.

But that hasn't happened.

I really miss your mother.

Have you told her that?



Dad, I'm so sorry.

SEAN: Hey! Hey.

Call Felicity. She called?

Yeah. She wants you to take over
another one of her shifts at Dean & DeLuca.

Or you could hang that up.

What's your problem?

She's into this guy,
Greg. And he's a total d*ck.

I'm telling you,
he's a total d*ck.

Now she's working at
Dean & DeLuca less and less

and with this guy more and more.

And I just... I think
she's being an idiot.

Oh, she's being an idiot?

Yes, that's my opinion. I
think she's being an idiot.

Why do you even have an opinion?

I don't know.

I just do, all right?

Why... Why haven't you told
Julie, you know, that you love her?

I mean, you haven't
done that yet, have you?


Well, why?

Because, I mean, let's be
honest. We both see it coming.

You know, I mean, the second
that I say, "Julie, I love you,"

she's gonna smile
awkwardly at me and say

that she wants to
be my dear friend,

she likes me and respects
me and that she's flattered,

and I'll just want
to k*ll myself.

No, I'd rather say nothing
and keep alive the idea of it

than get sh*t down by the
girl that I live with and adore.


this isn't about
me and Julie, is it?


I don't know. I just... I see
the way that she looks at Greg.

She... She admires him.

She admires that whole,
you know, pre-med,

running the health center
thing. And I don't have that.

Then I think about what you said

about how Felicity and I shouldn't
be together, how I'm not ready.


I really think you are wrong.

I think I'm ready.

I really do.

Then you gotta get out of here.

Go. Tell her how you feel.

I think you're right.

I'm the smartest guy you know.


I just wanted to find
out how the review went.

We passed.

That's great.

Do you want to hang
out for a little bit?

Yeah. Sure.


You know what?

One of the students
we helped out last week

brought this in as a
little bit of a thanks.

He, uh... Thought he had an STD.

It turned out to be chicken
pox. He was pretty thrilled.

What is it?


Not exactly champagne, but...

It's just a sparkling cider.

Sure, why not?


I was actually
gonna call you today.

FELICITY: You were?


Turns out your dad was right.

The guy ended up
having an arrhythmia.

So I guess I owe him an apology.

Well, then I guess I
won't say, "I told you so."



Impressive stuff.

Yeah. It's very fancy
what you have there.


Cheers. Cheers.

♪ ...falls at your feet

♪ I wanna be

♪ The sweat on your brow

♪ I can't help but think

♪ We missed it somehow


♪ I know what I want

♪ What I want is true

♪ What I wanna know

♪ Is could it be you? ♪