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02x13 - Truth or Consequences

Posted: 03/04/22 17:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Felicity...

Then why did you get
married in the first place?

It was a very difficult time.

If you really wanted
to finish college

and that's how you felt,

I just... I don't understand.

Were you pregnant?

There are so many
reasons why we got married.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

I'm late.


And I'm never late.

NOEL: Oh, my God!


This has got to be the
worst graphic of all time

with this woman
sitting on the toilet.

I mean, who designed this thing?

So I just pee on this thing

and we know?

"Place absorbent tip

"five seconds on a smooth
surface, and after two minute..."

Wow, it only takes two minutes.

Does it say anything about how
many days late you have to be,

'cause maybe it's too early.

No. Any day after you're late.

Um, blue is no and pink is...

Well, pink is not no.

What if this is a waste of time?

What if I'm just tense?

Maybe my cycle's just
screwed up because of stress.

Yeah, I mean, that happens
to a lot of people, right?



So... So we don't have
to do this right now.

I mean, if you don't want to.

Maybe we don't need to.

I mean, I have been
feeling tense lately.

I told you I blew that
Czarist Costumes quiz...

Which is a stressful thing.

And, um, I have
been breaking out and

feeling kind of crampy and...

Well, cramps are fantastic.

You know? I mean...

We don't have to
do this right now.

We can just...
We'll hold onto this,

and if we need to use it later,

we can.




You two are lucky.

How are we lucky?

Because Dean Alison.

I'm surprised he didn't make
a bigger example of you.

Breaking into the pool?

You mean because
we're not getting expelled?

Expelled? Come
on. It was swimming.

No, it was drinking.

It was swimming while drunk.

I mean, you were there. Do you
remember that? Or were you too drunk?

No, I remember.

Community service.

That's your punishment.

It will be 50 hours each,

to be completed
by semester's end.

Fifty hours?

That's nuts!

How are we supposed
to go to school

and do 50 hours of
community service?

Ergo punishment.

Come on. That's stupid.


I'm just saying nobody got hurt.

What kind of community service?

You got a list to choose from.

Let me know which
ones you want to do.

The Humane Society
one isn't available anymore.

You still got to keep your
regular appointments with me.

So we got to do community
service and we got to come here.

You know what? I would
change your tone with me

right about now.

I'm the one who came
up with that number 50.

And it can get
higher if I want it to.

I want you to choose your community
service by the end of the week.

Hi. I'm Julie Emrick.

Eric's told me so much
about you and your company

and, um...

I can't believe I'm
talking to myself.

Okay. I...


Hi, I'm Julie.

Oh, yeah, it's really
great to meet you, too.


Oh, you liked it?

Oh, good! That's
so good. Thank...


Uh, you don't see
someone else in that mirror?




Eric and I are going to meet
the head guy from Pop Rocks.

I was... I was practicing.

Oh! Hey, you know
what? Practice on me.


Yeah, go ahead.
Just pretend I'm him.


Come on. It'll help. Trust me.


Hi, I'm Julie.

You're signed.

Yeah, I want you. Uh,
Betty, get me those contracts!


I'm serious. That's what I
would do. I'd just sign you.

Come on!

What time is your meeting? 4:00.

Okay, it's only noon.

4:00 tomorrow.

Phew. Okay, you
got big problems.


I know. Okay.

Hi. I'm Julie Emrick.

Hi. Javier said
you just left work.


You hear that? I said Javier.

I said it right, right?

Yeah, that was good.

It was good.

Yeah, I'm meeting
my dad for dinner.

Oh, yeah? How's your dad doing?

Um, he's all right, I guess.


I don't know. It's weird.

I can barely look him
in the eyes anymore.

It's just... I don't know.
It's uncomfortable.


Did that happen to you
when your parents split up?

Yeah. It's weird for a
while, seeing them alone

and seeing them as these
separate people. It's strange.


So Pavone said that you're
gonna do the health center.

Well, yeah, you know. She said
make the most of the situation,

and I kind of always wanted to
volunteer there when I was pre-med, so...

How about you? What'd you pick?

Yeah, actually,
the health center.

You what?

Yeah, it's the
same thing as you.

I've always wanted to do it...

(LAUGHS) What?

What is that... What do you
mean? What is that reaction?

I don't know.


I guess I just
can't imagine you...

You can't imagine
me helping people?

No, no! I meant...

Look, I can't imagine
myself doing anything,

but I think it'll be good.

I'm pretty psyched about it.

Well, you don't mind
that I'm doing it, do you?


No, I think it's great.






RUBY: What if Elena walks in?

She's pulling an all-nighter

with her sexy new lab partner.

You really should stop
referring to him that way.

I know, but she
hates it so much.

RUBY: Here goes.

Okay, so just, now... Now gently
lay it down on a smooth surface.


Okay. We want blue, right?

Yes. Yes. Blue is good.


Two minutes till blue.

It seems so fast.

How could something like
that tell us something so fast?

Um, well, there's...

There's various chemicals,
and it just... It causes a reaction.

No, I know how
it works. It's just...

It's so bizarre how

this little white stick
can basically give you

the most important
news of your life.

Do you see anything?

No. Nothing. Ahem.

Wait... No.

One minute.


Be blue.

Come on, blue.

Be blue.

Okay, think of...
Think of blue things.

The sky.

Ah, blueberries.

Suede shoes.

Blue. I can't think
of anything blue.


Sometimes mold's blue.

Thirty seconds.

Be blue.


Is that a color?

Wait, I think...

Is that a color?

Is that...

Is that sort of a blue
hue around the edge?



GREG: All the
doctors are volunteers.

See technically, we're
a campus service,

but the university
gives us nothing,

so we're fully funded by
donations and run by volunteers.

And people doing
community service.

Yeah. To be honest, we try to
stay away from the com serves.

The com serves?

Yeah, you guys. You pop in,
do your time, you're outta here.

You usually make it more of a
mess when you leave than anything.

If it was up to me, I wouldn't have
you here, but it's university policy.

Um, actually, we
chose this place.

We really want to help. Yeah.

Well, that's great.

This is the check-in desk.

Nobody gets by here
without an appointment.

Records are going on
the computer system.

I don't think you're up for that, but
I can have you answering phones.

It's pretty simple,
student health care center.

Try to be as
friendly as possible.

Kids who phone in here
sometimes are really nervous, okay?

Yeah. What do you mean, "You won't
be up to that"? What does that mean?

Oh, uh, computers. Yeah, it's just
a data entry, but we're using Excel,

so it's a fairly
complicated process.

Yeah, I can do that.

You have experience with Excel?

Yeah. I worked summers
at my dad's office.

We used Excel all the time.

Well, that's great then. Sounds
like you're up to it. Thanks.

That puts you on phones. Don't give out
any opinions or advice or anything at all.

We don't need to get sued, okay?

I wouldn't do that.

Okay, good. Got a computer
free for you over here.

There's a stack
of files next to it.

They need to be entered
in, so, uh, get started.

(CLICKS TONGUE) Love that guy!


You know Excel?

Yeah. Sure.

You want something to eat?


Want coffee, anything?

Wanna go anywhere?

Maybe I should keep it.



And I ask you what happens next.

Do you quit school?

Do we both quit school?

Get married and get jobs?

You don't have to do anything.

Well, how are you
gonna take care of it?

Why, I'm not... Not smart
enough to raise a child?

Ruby, that's not what I
said at all. You know that.

I could get a job.


Okay, what kind of
job would you get?

I mean...

I mean, what kind of job
can an 18-year-old get

that pays enough
to support a child?

I mean, I'm... I'm
just... I'm just asking.

I don't want to be pregnant.

Hi. Can I help you?

I had a nose bleed this morning.


I think I'm a hemophiliac.


Who are you?

I'm... Um...

Who are you?


I don't know you.

Lloyd, you know you have to
be a student to come in here.

I know.

GREG: I know you know.

Thank you, Greg.

You're welcome, Lloyd.

What was that all about?

Lloyd. He's been
coming around here

as long as I've been here.

One time, his whole leg
was wrapped in gauze.

He said it was a shark bite.

Is he looking for
dr*gs or something?

No. Just attention. Do
you think you could handle

picking up some
pamphlets from the printer?

Com serves. You're famous

for taking forever with errands,

so just try to be
quick about it, okay?

Listen... (LAUGHS)



Okay, good.

I might be a com serve
but I'm not an idiot.

Never said you were an idiot.

No, you just keep implying it.

And for future reference,
my name is Felicity.



Hey. Hey.

I gotta go pick something up.

How's it going over here?

It's going good.

Hmm. Ben...

I know. I just... Excel is,
like, impossible to figure out.

I thought you said you knew it.

No, I don't.

What about your father's office?

I don't know. He's
so condescending.

He thinks he knows everything.

I just... I don't know. I just didn't
want him to think I didn't know anything.

You know you're
gonna get in trouble.

Yeah. Well, I'm here
'cause I'm in trouble.

Yeah. I know.

Okay, uh, listen, I gotta jump
back on this conference call

in a sec, so here's the point.

I listened to your
music, and it was nice.

You did a couple of
things that were very nice.

Like that Puddle song?

Puddle of Grace.
Puddle of Grace.

Yeah, that was nice. Thank you.

But overall,

it never really
kicked in for me.

I don't know. Eric seems to
think there's something there.

I'm just not sure
what we can do with it.

I mean, I'm not sure where
"nice" fits at Pop Rocks.

You know what I'm saying?

Listen, I really gotta
get back on this call...

Look, Larry, you know I don't
waste my time on something

if I don't think it's worth it.

But I believe that
Julie's worth it,

and I think her music
can touch a lot of people.

Her songs aren't just good,
they're real, they're emotional.

They make you feel something.

And I'm telling you,
I think this one time,

you ought to bet
against your gut.

Give her a shot, man.
Give her a chance.



But this one's on your head.

That's fine.

It was nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So, I'll see you guys
later at the Crush party?

You got it. JULIE: Bye.

Thanks, Larry.

Yeah? Oh, my God.

Look, this doesn't mean that
anything is going to be released, okay?

It just means that you're
going to make a record.

I'm gonna make a record.

Yes. That's the first step.

I'm gonna make a record.

And, um, you're doing
this of your own volition?

I'm sorry, but I have
to ask again. It's policy.

Part of the informed
consent form.

Yes. It's what I want to do.


And, um, unfortunately,
I'll have to have

all of those filled out for when
you come back for the appointment.

Listen, I go to
school here, too.

You got classes. You're busy.

The last thing in the world
you want to have to deal with

is something like this, but
people go through it all the time.

And it can be scary as
hell. But you'll be okay.

Do either of you have any questions
about anything about tomorrow?

There's no stupid questions.

Will it hurt?

The discomfort level is very
similar to menstrual cramps.

Some people feel very little.

Others feel more. We'll
be using a local anesthetic,

so your pain's relieved,
but you're still awake.

This, uh... This might be the
world's first stupid question,

but the whole procedure,
I mean, it's safe, right?

Yeah. It's about twice as
safe as having your tonsils out.

We'll schedule a follow-up
exam with your doctor

two or three weeks after.

In a lot of ways, the most
difficult part of this whole thing

is making the decision.

Being sure.

I'll be right back.


Thanks. Okay.

File that? Yeah.


Is he here yet?


"Who?" Ben, the Excel expert.

Uh, no. Not yet.

Okay. All right, look I got
a staff meeting upstairs.

When he gets here
late, can you tell him

that I looked at the work
that he did yesterday

and he had done
no work yesterday.

Yeah, the thing is, I think
the version of that program

was a little
different from what...

Okay, okay. I don't have
a problem with you, okay?

I can tell you wanna be here.

But for Ben, this is
just a punishment.

It's a hassle. He doesn't
care about helping people.

He just wants to get his
hours done and get out.

The problem is having
someone like him here

makes it very difficult for
us to get our work done.

Why are you telling me this?

Because officially, I have
to take the com serves.

I don't have a choice.

Unofficially, you can ask him.

To leave?

Can you handle that?

Yeah, you know, I can,

but I won't.

He's a friend, and if you
have a problem with him,

you should tell him.

So, I, uh...

I know what's going on.


With you and your
girlfriend, Ruby.

I work at the health center

with Felicity, actually.

It's this community service
thing. It's a long story.

You and Felicity?


I saw you sitting here,

and I just wanted you to know

that if you want to
talk to somebody,

and I know I'm the last person

in the world you want to talk
to. I know that, man, I just...

I understand what
you're going through.

I really do, I...

Listen, the same thing
happened to me once.

With a girl in high
school I was dating.

You know, it's weird.

One moment, you know
exactly what you're doing,

you're in control, you
know where you're going.

And the next moment,
everything changes, and...

I understand that.

What's going on between me
and Ruby is none of your business.

I just... I just... I'm
just trying to help.

Ruby having an abortion should
not have become a public discussion.

Yeah. I understand that.

Good. I'm glad we
had this little chat.

JULIE: I think I drank too much.


That was the loudest
party I've ever been to.

I know, but Crush sounded
great though, didn't they?

I think so, except
for I'm deaf now.



Your roommates gone?

I guess so.

Hold on.

No, go.

Wait. No.

Wait. Wait for what?

Zach, Zach, get off!

What are you talking about?

Get off me!

What are you talking about?

Just get outta here.




Hey, are you okay?


I'm pregnant.

Aren't you glad you asked?

Did it ever happen to you?


Did you ever know
anyone that it happened to?



How old were they?

Uh, she was 19.

She got pregnant
when she was 19.

What did she do?

She quit school
and she got married.

Did they work out?

I mean, are they still together?


actually split up recently.

Yeah, I don't know what's
gonna happen with them.

I have an appointment

at the health center tomorrow.

For, you know...

Am I doing the right thing?

Ruby, I...

I can't tell you that.

It doesn't matter what I say.

It doesn't matter
what anyone says.

This is your decision.


Hey, how you doing?


Greg wanted me to talk to you.

Oh, yeah? What did he want?

He, um...

He found out you
didn't do any of the work.

Yeah. Listen, um, I think
I'm gonna figure this out.

I talked to Sean, and he
gave me a couple of pointers.

No, I mean, he
wants you to leave.

He... I don't know,

thinks you're, you know,

a distraction or
something. I don't know.

So you... You've been here for a
day and now you're firing people?

No. I said I wouldn't do it.

But I got you this.

Excel for Dummies. Thank you.

Don't take the "dummies"
personally. It's all they had.

I just think you need to prove to
him that you actually want to be here.

No. No, I'm not gonna
prove anything to that guy.

I don't want to be here.

So why did you
choose to work here?

Ben, just read the book.

I'm not gonna read the
dummy book, all right? I'm not.

Just tell Greg that, yeah,
I'm not coming back.

So, what, you're
just gonna quit? Yes.

Ben, what's your problem?

My problem is Greg's right.
I don't wanna help anybody.

And when I try to, I can't,
okay? I'll call you later.

Is it time yet?

It's, uh... Almost.

I keep thinking of all
these things to say.

But they all end up sounding so
incredibly stupid in my head that I...

You don't have to say anything.

I wish there was
something I... You know.

I know.


RUBY: Noel...

I'm sorry. I can't do it.

I'm sorry.

So what's with the face?

You upset 'cause he's leaving?

No, it's not about Ben.

It's just this friend
of mine, Noel,

is in this situation with, uh,

his girlfriend, one
of my advisees.


She's pregnant.

That's a situation.

I saw him sitting
in the health center,

and I knew Ruby was
in with the doctor, and I...

I wanted to help him.

I wanted to walk up
and say the right thing,

and I didn't, so...

Why not?

I didn't know what to say.

I don't know. It's confusing.

Noel and I used to go out,

so that was part of it.

What's the other part?



I was looking at Noel,

and I just kept seeing my dad,

sitting there, young.

Like when he was a
junior in college, and...

I don't know.

I just thought

maybe my mom
shouldn't have quit school.

Maybe they didn't
do the right thing.

Yeah, maybe.

What do you want? Maybe.

Or maybe they should
have done a million things.

But what are you gonna do?

Are you gonna maybe
yourself to death?

Are you gonna be
paralyzed by maybes?

I just didn't know what to say.

Yeah, well, empathy is good.

It's guilt that's a problem.

Why don't you just try this?

Talk to Noel about his life,

about his feelings,

and just leave your
own baggage out of it.

He's a friend, right?

Yeah, he's a good friend.

Well, then, friend,
this isn't about you.

This is about him.



That's it for today.

You guys can go,
um, 40 minutes early.



You got a minute?

I got 40 of 'em.

I haven't seen her since she
ran out of the health center.

I called her this morning. She
said she wasn't coming to class.

This has all happened
in, like, a microsecond.

I don't know what
she's thinking now.

I'm sorry that I didn't come
talk to you when I found out.

It was just so...

I know.

I didn't know what to say.

It was kind of a shock.

I'm really scared.

For the first time in my life,

I can say that I am
actually legitimately terrified.

Of what?

Of me.

That if Ruby's thinking
about having this baby,

that I am in no way
capable of handling that.

Not for a second.

Ruby can deal. She's stronger
than she thinks she is, but I'm...

I'm the opposite.

Sometimes I think
I'm stronger than I am.

I can't imagine what you
must be going through.

But, look, Noel, you know
why Ruby can handle this?

Because she knows you're there.

You are the most

capable and intelligent
and resourceful

person that I know.

I couldn't have made
it through last year

or even this first
semester without you.

You have no idea
how amazing you are.

God, I do not feel amazing.




Why are you leaving
the health center?

The guy that works there
is a total jerk, for one.

And two, it's not
what I wanna do.

What do you wanna do?

I don't know.


Everybody likes the Canon,

but I'm kinda
partial to the suites.

What do you think?

(CLICKS TONGUE) It's fine.

No, seriously.
What do you think?

I'm not gonna tell
you what I think.

Why not? 'Cause you're
gonna make a face.

No, I won't. Tell
me. You hate it.

Yeah. It's like elevator music.

This is elevator music?
You are such a cliche!

Here. Take this.
Listen to it a few times,

then say it's elevator music.



Here is the community
service list again.

May I make a suggestion?


This time,

instead of basing your choice
on where Felicity's working,

trying basing it on
what you want to do.

What does that mean?

It means quit following
the girl all the time.

Who the hell are you?

If you mean what do I
wanna do, I wanna swim.

Yeah, I got that. You're a fish.

It's not an option anymore.

They cut the program.

So unless you intend to spend the
rest of your college career whining,

I suggest that you
refocus your energy.

I looked up your record.

Saw your grades.

They're not bad. But
you know what they are?



You're not average.

Maybe I am.

I can't take any more of
this self-pity. You can go.




Everybody has to figure
out who they are eventually.

Eric, I don't understand why
this has to mean that it's over.

No, why can't we just...

(SIGHS) Okay, just listen.

Okay, but what...



What happened?

He just hang up on you?

Come on. Julie, what's going on?

It doesn't matter.


Sometimes things
just don't work out.

That's all. You were right.

He made a move on you?


It was my fault.

He'd been so
helpful and so patient,

and I...


I didn't want him
to feel rejected.

So I let him kiss me.

And I kissed him.

I mean, I owe him
so much, right?

Everything that
he's done for me.


Julie, if he... If he did
this to get close to you,

then he's a fraud.

But if this was
about your music,

then this was about your music.

So either way, you
don't owe him a thing.

Oh, it's you. How '90s.

Is, uh, Felicity around?

What for?

Hey. What are you doing here?

Um, you got a second?

Yeah. You wanna come in?


No. No.

I just wanted to
apologize for the other day

at the health center
for walking out like I did.

'Cause you were right. I mean, I
wasn't there 'cause I wanted to be there.

I was there 'cause of you.



I don't mean it
like that. I just...

I just mean that I
see things in you.

I just... I see things in you

that I wish that I had.

You've got things.

But running and
swimming, it doesn't count.

It's just... That's just
stuff I do 'cause I can.

Ben, I don't have
a clue what I want.

Yeah, but... But you
care about things.

Even that health center job.

That's... That's great.

Anyway, I'm not gonna
work at the health center.

I'm gonna do something else,
something that I wanna do, you know?

Maybe something that I
can care about, you know?


So Noel told me
you talked to him.

That was such a screw-up.

No, it was a nice thing to do.

Yeah, well, he didn't think so.

Anyway, I just wanted to say
that I'm sorry for walking out.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Do you, um...

Do you ever listen to Pachelbel?

Uh, a little.

Yeah, he's good.


My dad has this
three-year cycle theory.

Says that once
every three years,

you go through a total crisis.

It's like a roller coaster,

and every three years, you dip.

And then you come up,

and then you dip.

I feel like I've been
dipping forever.

I feel exactly the same way now

as I did when I was 15.

That's why I did that
whole movie thing.

I thought I'd get a sign,

you know, find out what
I'm supposed to be doing.

I don't think that's
how it works.

Maybe it is, because
I feel like now I know

my purpose.


I think I'm supposed
to have this baby.