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23x14 - Video k*lled the Radio Star

Posted: 03/04/22 13:29
by bunniefuu
criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.


Mr. and Mrs. Weinstock,
so nice to see you.

Here's a list of items
for our silent auction.

Thank you.

You really picked a
beautiful venue for this.

And yet, they asked me to speak.

[SCOFFS] They're lucky to have you.

Trevor Langan. Oh, you clean up nice.

So do you, Bob. Thank
you for doing this.

If you really want to thank
me, let me steal your date.

Bob Flynn. How you doing, sweetheart?

Sweetheart? Ah, you're
one of those guys.

You ever listen to my radio show?

- Not on purpose.

- Captain Benson, SVU.

Should I just assume the position now?

She's out of your league, Bob.

Oh, that never stopped me.

The open bar is calling.

It was nice to meet you.

million listeners?

Satellite radio.

They're all stuck in traffic
with nothing better to do.

Buy you a drink, Bob?

I thought you'd never ask.
Scotch, double.

My two favorite men,
my husband and the talent.

- I hope it's in that order.

- Sancerre?
- Still on duty.

Bob, can I steal you for a minute?

How about for the weekend?


New York Adoption League
is a beacon of hope

for adoptive parents,
providing everything

from counseling to pro
bono legal services.

Tonight, we celebrate this
extraordinary organization.

- Through your generosity...
- Bob, Bob.

- Let's focus.
- Forever homes...

for years to come.

Thank you.


- Showtime.

All right, let's give another hand

for our keynote speaker,
Counselor Trevor Langan.

And now that he has opened your hearts,

I'm going to open your wallets.

We take cash, checks,
crypto, and on your way out,

please grab a gift bag
with a complimentary copy

of my latest book, "Titan of Talk."


I was wondering
where you snuck off to.

Just making sure your book
is in all the bags, Bob.

Oh, we gotta push the product.

Bob, don't. Mitch is right outside.

That's where he belongs.

I saved his ass during COVID,

plugging his lame products
on my show.

- He owes me.
- No, I'm saying no.

No one says no to Bob Flynn.





I'll get the car. You wait here.



Oh, let me help you with that.

No, no, I-I got it. I got it.

Hey, you okay?

Just a long night in heels.

Ellen, we're happy to wait with you.

I'll be fine.

Oh, here's Mitch with the car.

Just had a little bit
too much champagne.

Thank you both.



Good morning, squad.

- I brought doughnuts.
- I see that.

How was the gala?

As galas go, it was good.

Langan was great.

So you had fun?

I did.

Captain Benson?

Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan.

They were at the gala last night.

Is everything okay?

No. Bob Flynn groped my wife.

I want him arrested.


Bob just got a little... handsy.

In hindsight, I guess I was rattled.

I mean, that's why I dropped my purse.

That's understandable.

Can you tell us
what you mean by "handsy"?

He put his hand on my ass
when we were taking a photo.

And later, when I was
checking the gift bags,

he came in and grabbed me from behind.

It wasn't a big deal.

Well, if the touch was
unwanted, that is a crime.

I don't want this to go any further.

Bob saved Mitch's business.

Bob thinks I owe him.

My company manufactures
sleep apnea products.

I advertise on his show.

That's no excuse to grope your wife.

That's his M.O.

He likes to seduce the wives
of men he's friendly with.

His nickname is Bob "The Bone" Flynn.

Can you tell Mitch there's not enough?

Well, we can tell him that
you don't want to pursue or...

or we can investigate.

What does that mean? Talk to Bob?

No, I think first of all,
we would talk to the people

at the party, see if they saw anything.

This was a mistake coming in.

I have to go.

What was that?

Her husband made her come in?

When I saw her last
night, she was rattled.

I mean, she chalked it up
to having too much to drink.

See if you can get her back in here.


What do you mean it wasn't enough?

It really isn't anything, Mitch.
Let's just let it go.

Mrs. Kaplan, the Captain
needed you to sign

some paperwork about
withdrawing your complaint.

Okay. I'll be right back, Mitch.

I'll be right here.

You need me to sign something?

Actually, Mrs. Kaplan,
I was hoping, um...

that we could just go
over it one more time.

You know, I-I did notice

how upset you were last night and, um...

I guess I was wondering,

is it possible
that maybe something

did happen that you didn't want
your husband to find out about?

Mitch is... protective.

His mother got mugged
a few years ago.

Some kids knocked her down
and stole her purse.


Mitch was driving
around Brooklyn Heights

with a baseball bat.

I see.

So if SVU goes after Bob,

Bob goes after Mitch on his show.

My husband spent years
building his business.

Mitch will destroy us in two hours.

I get that, I do,

but you were the one that was assaulted.

Right, and trying to minimize

or forget, it doesn't usually work.

I'll never forget.

I mean, he cornered me,
pushed me up against a wall.


I tried to fight.

And then he r*ped me.

I'm so sorry.

Will you let us investigate?
Let us bring up charges.

He's just going to gloat
on air about how I wanted it.

It's not worth it.

And what's the deal with
all these content warnings?

What kind of a pansy-ass gets upset

by boobs and a cheeseburger?

And that's the small stuff.

You wanna talk about
r*pe, abuse, su1c1de?

You gotta say "trigger," not "content."

When did we all get
so g*dd*mn sensitive?

You want my opinion, the
only "trigger warning"

you need is right before
you're about to get shot.

And he's just as charming in person.

I get it, he's a bloviator

who covers hot button
topics for shock value.

He's more complex than that.

He has no set political agenda.

He's pro-vax but anti-mask...

The guy will say anything for listeners.

I don't think so.

I think he really
believes his positions.

He just believes in money.

You really listen to this guy, Rollins?

Yeah, I mean, in the car
or while I'm cooking.

So not too often, huh?

Okay, so guys, I don't
care about his politics.

What I care about is making a case

for the sexual as*ault of Ellen Kaplan.

Well, he's single, he's been
divorced from Martina Beyers

for the last ten years.

No criminal record, but
there were three allegations

of sexual misconduct while
he was stationed in Iraq.

All right, what about his workplace?

He started his career as
a lawyer, moved to radio.

Then left his first station under rumors

of harassment, but no
charges were filed.

Mitch Kaplan claims Flynn has gone after

other friends' wives.

It's immoral, but it's not illegal.

Unless Ellen Kaplan cooperates
with us, there's no case here.

Ellen was adamant that she doesn't want

her husband finding out.

So I highly doubt that she's gonna agree

to a controlled meet.

You can try sending in a UC?

I know his type. He's an egomaniac.

I could go in as a married
woman, wear a wire.

I mean, he might try
the same thing with you.

- It's worth a shot.
- Wait, hold on?

Go in where?

Well, Flynn's got a book signing

for "Titan of Talk" in SoHo...


- Okay, Rollins, wear a ring.
- Hmm.

- And find a husband.
- Oh, good idea.

Counselor, would you be able and willing

to duck out of the DA's
office for a little bit?


- Hi.
- Hey, hello.

And how would you like me to sign?

- Maybe a gift for your husband?
- Oh, just to Amanda.

My, um... My husband is not a fan.

Huh, well, his loss... [SCRIBBLING]

- Is your gain?
- Exactly.

There's a... I got
a little private room upstairs.

Do you want to get a drink?

Oh, I'd like to, yeah.



Folks, I gotta take a little break.

Well, that didn't take long.

- She's got this, Carisi.
- Yeah.

Here is to you, Amanda.

- Mmm.

You know, you were telling me
how you dismantled

anti-critical race theory idiots.

You can stop the pretense.
We both know why you're here.

Oh, uh, wait, slow down, Bob.

I... I just wanted to get to know you.

Well, we can talk after.

Okay, you know what, I need to go.

I don't want my husband
walking in on us.

No, no, you're not going anywhere.

No, you need to stay
there. I am going...

[CHUCKLING] You are not going anywhere.

Don't you worry about your husband.

Look at you. A woman as hot as you.

Do you know... [EXHALES]

Do you know that I have k*lled
a man who tried to stop me?

Wait, what?

Are you being for real?

Do you doubt me, sweetheart?

Two . s, center mass.

[WHISPERING] Pop, pop.

Left him like bodega garbage
on Amsterdam Avenue.

The hottest sex you can have

is with the widow of
a man you just k*lled.


I want to hear more about that.

Not now.

Come on, let's get... let's get to it.

Hey, Bob, can you hold on

'cause I need to tell you something.

I'm a private investigator.

Mitch Kaplan hired me.

What is she doing?

Sounds like she's calling an audible.

Oh, yeah? Well, I'm calling her.

- You're... you're a P.I.?
- Yeah.

Well, now the conversation's
getting interesting.

- Yeah,

and, uh, it's my husband calling.

Probably worried about me.

Um, talk tomorrow?

- I know how to reach you.
- Oh, I bet you do.

- Honey, you ready to go?
- Yeah, everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just getting tired.

Good night, folks.

What was that... he's bragging
about k*lling somebody?

He wasn't bragging.

He was getting aroused, reliving it.

Bob Flynn's not just a
r*pist. He's a m*rder*r.

Do you doubt me, sweetheart?

Two . s, center mass.

Pop, pop.

Left him like bodega garbage
on Amsterdam Avenue.

So you hear this, and
you decide to tell him

that you're a private investigator?

Yeah, then I realized I was in the room

with a m*rder*r, and I
went a little off-script.

A little? You took a real risk.

- You put the Kaplans in danger.
- Bob is strategic.

Okay, he's using me to figure
out what the Kaplans are up to.

He's not gonna...
He's not gonna call Mitch.

And I can give them a heads-up...

I already did that.

And luckily, Mitch was
happy that we followed up.

Good, because Bob's
supposed to call me back...

No, see, that is not happening.

You're gonna take me off of this?

Flynn told me that he m*rder*d somebody.

We can't not investigate.

- It's two sh*ts, center mass?
- Yeah.

Call Homicide, and have them
go through their cold cases.

Okay, so what if they
find a case that matches?

He's just gonna confess?

He likes me. Let me keep working him.

I mean, do you trust me or not?

I do trust you...

but I also know you.

What's going on?

- Nothing.
- Just tell me.

Nothing is going on.

Everything is good. Me
and Carisi are good.

I don't have to hide anything anymore.

And then suddenly going undercover?

It's my job.

I know that.

And my job...

my job is to tell you
that my radar is up.

Look, you and I both know
that there's a part of you

that thinks that you
don't deserve to be happy.

- I don't want you...
- To sabotage what I have?


'Cause right now,
there's a part of me that...

wants to tell you to back off,
but I hear you.

- Okay.
- I do.

I'll be careful.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I know that wasn't a lot to go on.

It was plenty.

Your suspect said Amsterdam Avenue,

narrows it down.

And the . ? That's
military police issue.

Flynn was in the Marines.

No date, no name, no motive.

Our cold case database has
, homicides since .

Each one an unquiet soul.

I fed your specs, came up with three.

Tremaine Parker, June .

Otto Brown, August .

Otto spelled backwards is Otto.

I like palindromes.

Kenneth Cross, March .

All three vics k*lled
on Amsterdam Avenue.

Two sh*ts, center mass.
All awaiting justice.

Thank you, Ling.

So... competitive much?

I am. And I like a good hunt.

You got cojones, coming here
after that stunt you pulled.

Are you even married?

That guy in the glasses at
the bar, he's my researcher.

You like me any less?

Am I wrong to be worried about this?

No, but I already talked to her.

Yeah, so did I, but
you know how that goes.

I do. But compared to ten years ago?

I mean, she may not stay
within the hashmarks,

- but she'll stay in bounds.

Are we anywhere on the cold cases?

No, Fin and Velasco are still working.

Why did you pretend to
play a married woman?

To interest you, Bob. You've
got quite a reputation.

What do they call you, "The Bone"?

So you're trying to entrap me?

And now I'm supposed to trust you?

My take?

Anything that happened
with Ellen is consensual.

What did she tell Mitch?

That you grabbed her ass,

made some comments, cornered her.

Did you?

So I admit to that
and then you give that

to the Kaplans, and then they MeToo me?

Yeah, that's the idea.

I got a better idea.

How about you work for me?

And I'll double what they're paying.

If I'm gonna work as a double agent,

you're gonna have to
triple what you pay me.


You get her on tape
admitting it was a setup.

She go to the police yet?

I told her to wait. We had nothing.

So this is already a double grift.

- Right?

Well, maybe, if you put
some skin in the game.

Oh, Bob, I don't mix
business with pleasure.


I have never been Glock-blocked before.

- You like it?
- I do.

You ever use that piece?

You mean have I ever k*lled a man?

Bob, that's your come-on line.

It's not a line.

And if you're thinking
of triple-crossing me...


I could really use a drink.

I don't like this.

Neither do I.

We found Flynn's victim.

Apparently, I'm her
researcher... I'll let her know.

Kenneth Cross. Shot twice in the chest.

Wallet and watch were missing.

Homicide ruled it a robbery gone bad.

Cross and Flynn were law partners.

- And this is?
- That's Cross's widow, Lola.

You'll love this.

I bet I will. [LINE TRILLING]

You want to work for me or not?

- Oh, sorry, it's a client.

- Amanda Jones.
- You were right.

Get out now.


Just, uh, finishing up a meeting.

Sorry, gotta go, duty calls.

But, um, your offer?


How about my other offer?

Come on.


- Don't do that.
- Or what?

Two sh*ts, center mass.

That's hot.

You're hired, Amanda Jones.

I'll be in touch.

Hey, so, Homicide said
that if we want to go fishing,

let them know when we catch something.

I ran it by McGrath. He's not thrilled

obviously, but, he
gave us some latitude.

And McGrath probably has
a signed copy of Flynn's book.

Okay, Fin. So what do we got?

So Flynn and Kenneth Cross, they were

in the same grad class
at Hudson Law, .

They worked together
briefly as law partners.

Can we put Flynn in
New York at the time?

Yes, we can, and he implied
that he was having an affair

with Cross's wife, Lola,

who was also an attorney at the firm.

So Cross found out, got in the way,

and Flynn shot him twice in the chest.

Did Homicide talk to Flynn?

No, uh, Cross's wallet
and watch were gone.

They jumped to robbery pretty quickly.

Well, they must have talked to the wife.

Yeah, and she didn't mention
anything about an affair.

So it's possible that she was in on it.

You two, talk to Lola.

And ask her about Bob?

It runs the risk of blowing my cover.

It could, so don't take any calls

from Bob now until we
know what's going on with Lola.

I don't understand.

My husband's m*rder has
been closed for over ten years.

Well, they never found the sh**t,

so technically, it's not closed.

The detectives told me it was a robbery,

that the chances of finding who
was responsible were unlikely.

I always told Ken he shouldn't
walk the dog at night.

Yeah, we're very sorry
for your loss, ma'am.

I'm sure it was a difficult time.

Yeah, but it was... over a decade ago.

I-I loved Ken, but...

You moved on.

It never leaves you.

Your husband's m*rder came up while

we were investigating another crime.

- Another robbery gone wrong?
- Something else...

involving Bob Flynn.


- You know him, right?
- Of course.

Bob and Ken and I were
all partners at the law firm.

Bob was devastated by Ken's death.

Can we ask you about your relationship?

With Bob?

Well, like I said, we were partners.

Ken and I would go to dinner
with him and his wife, Martina.

Uh, I would say the
relationship was cordial.

Are you still in contact with him?

No. Not at all.

He and Martina divorced
two years after Ken's death,

and then he made the move to radio.

Something you should know about Bob...

he will say anything for attention.

Oh, we're aware.

Do you think he had something
to do with Ken's death?

Well, that's why we're
talking to you, Mrs. Simenon.

If there's anything you left out

about your relationship with Bob

when you talked to Homicide at the time,

you might want to get
in front of it now.

Nothing that I can think of.

But, you know, men never tell the women

in their lives everything.

Right, Sergeant?

So Fin says the grieving
widow was not exactly grieving.

That doesn't necessarily
mean Lola was involved.

She wasn't forthcoming about
her relationship with Bob.

Or Bob, who lies for a living, is lying.

He could be testing Rollins.

This could be his idea of foreplay.

Could be both,

but he knew a lot of
details about the m*rder.

Yeah, they were all
law partners together.

So he read the paper, talked to Lola.

Right, that's why we need
a tap on Lola's phone.

If she and Bob were involved,

or involved in the husband's m*rder,

he'll be her first call.

We may be too late. Bob needs to see me.

- Says it's an "emergency."
- You don't need to go to this.

This could be a setup.

Why aren't we not just
bringing this guy in?

Into the interrogation room?

He'll just lawyer up
and deny everything.

Carisi, I think Rollins is right.

Look, none of us want
Bob Flynn getting away

with r*pe and m*rder
but our best play...

our best play is to give
Rollins another shot.


- Bob, what's going on?
- Come on in.

Well, before I tell you, take this.

It's ten thousand in cash.

A retainer. You work for me now.


So, what's the emergency?

When I told you I k*lled
someone, who did you tell?

[CHUCKLING] Like Mitch Kaplan?

How about NYPD?

No. Why would I do that?

I knew you weren't even serious.

I wasn't, but, I mean,

somehow my name came up.


See, years ago, my old law partner,

he was shot in a robbery.

And then this morning, NYPD

is asking his widow about me.

- And she called you?
- Yeah.

How reliable of a narrator is she?

Well, you tell me.

I recorded the conversation.


Bob, it's Lola. Long time.

Lola, blast from the past. How are you?

- Everything okay?
- Actually, it's not.

Detectives were here
this morning about Ken.


Do they have a lead on who k*lled him?

- They were asking about you.
- What?

Yeah, they wanted to know if you

had anything to do with his m*rder.

There's a couple of ways
I can answer that, Bob.

Sounds like she is shaking you down.

Yeah, well, that
wouldn't be the first time.

Go on.

A dozen years ago, Bob
is having an affair with Lola,

the husband finds out,
and then he blackmails Bob?

Well, more like they
both blackmailed Bob.

His story, Ken and Lola were
running a couples scam.

So Lola would seduce married men,

and Ken would pretend
to be the aggrieved husband

and shake the men down. So they could

either contribute to his "charity"

or he would show
pictures to their wives.

All the contributions,

the multiple payments of , ,

they were all funneled
into an offshore account

in the Caymans, owned by the couple.

But how does this track
back to Ken's m*rder?

So Bob doesn't like being
blackmailed so he shot him?

Not that he's admitted to me.

He's backtracking on the m*rder story.

Of course he is.

So Fin and Velasco, they tell Lola

they're looking into
Ken's m*rder, she calls Bob,

blackmails him...
What does she have on him?

- She's not gonna tell us.
- But he might tell Rollins.

Sooner or later, this guy's
gonna connect the dots.

But he hasn't yet,

and I've told him that
I have contacts in Vice,

and that I would look into it.

He's got no one else to trust right now.

- Okay.

Fin and Velasco,

I want you parked right outside.

- You want one?

- I'm... I'm good.
- Yeah, you are.


Can't believe how tense
this is all making me.

I could really use a massage right now.

That's not going to happen, Bob.

Well, let me know if
you change your mind.

[SINGSONG] It's only a matter of time.

Do you want to hear
what my guys at Vice said?

- Yes.
- Okay.

As far as I can tell,
you are not on anyone's radar.

No, of course not. Because I never...

I never paid any blackmail,

- I never made a contribution.
- Then... okay.

I don't know what to tell you.

'Cause I heard what
Lola said on that tape.

No, she... she's trying to screw me.

[CHUCKLING] She needs money.

She's using this. She thinks I'll cave.

Okay, what exactly do
we have to worry about here?

How much does she know?


Hey, what exactly did you tell her?

That nobody shakes down Bob Flynn.

I did not k*ll her husband...

But I may have told her I did.


- Did she believe you?
- I don't know.

It just... It got her going.


Now she's trying to turn
on me to save herself.

I can't live like this,
her hanging over my head.

What're you gonna do?

How connected are you?

I need to get this
woman out of my life...

for good.

Can you arrange that?

I can arrange anything.

[exhales deeply]

I need to get
this woman out of my life...

for good.

Can you arrange that?

I can arrange anything.

So we have Flynn
on tape soliciting a hitman.

- That's probable cause.
- It's close.

There needs to be an overt act

in furtherance of the conspiracy.

He's gotta give up a photo,

or her favorite restaurant, her routine.

Or he needs to actually hire a hitman.

- How are we gonna do that?
- I've done this before.

- You k*lled somebody?
- UC.

A woman wanted her husband dead,

and, to be honest, I didn't blame her.

- And she was convicted?
- She pled guilty.

Double digits.

Carisi, you okay with this?

There's a thin line between
entrapment and intent.

There's no entrapment.
Flynn brought it up, not me.

Look, we have a r*pe
case that we can't prove.

We have a m*rder case
that we can't even make.

We go with the bird in the hand.


Your hitman is a QuikRide driver?

- Bob, no, it's a cover.
- Well, he's late.

He's a minute away, all right?

And here he comes.

- Gaby, who are you here for?
- Amanda Jones?

Buckle up please.

So, uh... Gaby.

You've been doing this for a while?

Couple years, on and off.
I only work when I have to.

You ever have any accidents?

Look at the car. I'm meticulous.

I pick people up and drop them off.

Okay, well, our friend,
when you do pick her up,

text me when you drop her off.

You're the boss.

Lola, she's like family to me.

- I want her taken care of.
- I understand.

Do you want to put this on your account

or do you want to pay cash?

Cash is good.


Half now. Half when the job's done.

Works for me.

I guess we're good.

Okay, Gaby, this is fine here.

- I'll text you that address.
- Okay.

Lola, she's like family to me.

I want her taken care of.

That son of a bitch.
He put a hit out on me?

Why would he do that?

You tell us.

I have no idea.

Well, maybe it's because
you just called him

to shake him down again?

I did not call him to shake him down!

I wanted him to know
that the cops were looking

at Ken's m*rder.

The one that you and Bob
were involved in?

I had nothing to do
with my husband's m*rder.

- I don't know anything...
- Lola, I'm gonna stop you,

because we already know...

that you and Ken were
blackmailing Bob and other men.

We also know about your fake charity.

So I think that maybe now's the
time that you wanna come clean.


Fine. Bob did it.

How do you know that?

Because he came to my
apartment afterwards

and said he had taken
care of our problem.

And then?

And then I said I didn't
want my husband k*lled.

He took out a g*n and told me
if I said anything to anyone,

he'd would take me out as well.

Two sh*ts, center mass.

Would you be willing to testify to that?

What would I get out of that?

Well, the criminal charges
on your fraud case,

they're past the statute.

But the civil charges,
the IRS, New York State...

They're gonna repo your life.

You have the man on
tape, buying a hit on me.

What do you want from me?
What else do you need?

The detectives and Bob
were speaking in code.

Unfortunately, a good
defense attorney could convince

a jury that they weren't
setting up a hit.

Oh, and then he gave
the driver a $ , tip?

[SCOFFS] This is what's wrong with ADAs.

You are never happy.

Do you want to know why?

Because I have to get a jury
to believe people like you.


Lola, all we need

is to get Bob on record

acknowledging that he
got what he paid for.

How the hell would I help with that?

- Okay.
- Okay?

Now give Gaby the balance.

We can put this in the rear-view.

Just out of curiosity, what's your cut?

Don't worry about that.

How many times have
you two done this before?

You seem tight.

You jealous, Bob? Don't be.

Well, you can prove why
I shouldn't be later.

Okay, that's my cue to get out of here.

I'm gonna need that envelope.



Give me back your phone.

Give me your phone.

You better not have
uploaded it to the cloud.

Okay, Bob, take it easy.

I don't like loose ends.
We're going for a ride.

- You're coming, too.
- Bob...



Do you like that?


[LAUGHS] I'm just...

I'm just messing with you.

Take a hike, Gaby. [SNIFFS]

Oh, hold on. I almost forgot.

There you go.

- You want to count it?
- I'm good.

I know where you live.



Hands above your head,
all of you, now.

- Drop it!
- Okay, do what they say,

and shut your mouth, Bob.

- Now!
- It's fake, it's rubber.

Officers, you've made a mistake.

Put your hands behind your back, ma'am.


Oh, what have we here?

- It's fake, too.
- No, it's not.

Let's go.

There was no m*rder. No crime.

My client was the victim

of an elaborate blackmail scheme.

He was set up by criminals.

He paid cash for m*rder-for-hire.

Which never happened.

Lola, Amanda Jones, Gaby, they
were all in on it together.

- Why don't you talk to them?
- Oh, we are.

And Lola is going to testify against you

for the m*rder of her husband.

Are you kidding me?
I had nothing to do with that.

Lola's lying to save her own ass.

A -year-old case,
no forensic evidence,

no witnesses.

The case was closed, a robbery gone bad.

Then why did your client say
that he was good for it?

That he was the sh**t?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Who told you that, my
grifter private eye?

You have no case.

Well, actually, we have every statement

that you made recorded...

By Detective...

Amanda Rollins.

Hello, Bob.

You're a cop?



Well, that just makes
it all the more clear.

This is entrapment.

- Don't even try, Bob.
- Okay, we're done.

Carisi said that Flynn pled not guilty

to Ken's m*rder and the m*rder-for-hire.

He's already posted his
million dollar bail.

It's not a slam dunk.

Lola's going to make a terrible witness.

What about Ellen's r*pe?

Ellen said that she's
gonna talk to Mitch today,

tell him the truth about Bob raping her.

She said she wants Mitch
to hear it from her

before she tells the grand jury.

And in the meantime, he
gets to plead his case on air?

So let me tell you
honestly what's going on.

My supposed friend, Mitch Kaplan...

You heard him on the show

while I hyped his bullsquat
sleep apnea products.

As I've been saying,
his wife had a thing for me

and wouldn't take no for an answer.

She's hot, and, hey, I'm human...

So Mitch finds out, goes ballistic,

pressures her to say I
forced myself on her,

which is something Bob
Flynn would never do.

So NYPD sends in this woman,

undercover, into my life,

into my place of business,
trying to seduce me,

trying to entrap me.

So I pretend to hire her.

Let me tell you some things
about this detective.

Gambling problems, two kids,
two different fathers.

This woman is a trainwreck...

Right, let's turn this off.

We don't need to listen to this.

No, no, I want to see
where this is going.

I say I might be involved in a m*rder

from years ago,

Ken, my old partner.

They dared to suggest I would
do something to harm him.

Folks, this was all a game of revenge.

NYPD goes to his widow,

coerces her into framing me.

But Bob Flynn does not back down...

What the hell are you doing here?


You r*ped my wife.

Mitch, put the g*n away.

- Hold on.
- I trusted you, Bob.

Mitch Kaplan is in the studio?

I'll get some squad cars over there.

The cops are lying to you, Mitch.

Ellen told me what you did
to her, you son of a bitch.

Mitch, you want to talk?
Come on in, have a seat.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the king of sleep apnea home products,

- Mitch Kaplan.
- I don't want to talk.

What are you gonna do?

Oh, a g*n, Mitch, oh, no!

- Please don't hurt yourself.
- Gansevoort.

We have an armed suspect.
Get some cars over there now.

- You're not gonna sh**t me.
- Don't test me, Bob.

Consider this your trigger warning.

- [g*nsh*t]
- Ah!

You don't know me as well as you think.


That's from me.

This one's from Ellen.

- [g*nsh*t]
- No!