03x28 - The Birthday Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flintstones". Aired: September 30, 1960 – April 1, 1966.*
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Living in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone works an unsatisfying job, but returns home to his wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles.
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03x28 - The Birthday Party

Post by bunniefuu »

[Barney] Fred! Come back here! Fred, wake up!

"Slow. Danger ahead." Oh, my gosh. Fred! Fred! Stop, Fred!

Fred! Fred!

Hey, slow down, buddy! Stop! Stop!



♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern Stone Age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Let's ride with the family down the street Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones ♪

♪ Have a yabba-dabba-doo time, A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

Morning, Betty. Everything ready for tonight?

Everything's ready, including Barney.

No. Fred doesn't suspect a thing. You know, every year, it's the same story.

Fred says not to make any fuss over his birthday, and then he sits back and waits for me to plan a big party.

But this time, I'm gonna let him think I forgot all about it.

Oh, my aching back.

Well, this year, Fred's in for a big surprise. Uh, party, that is.

I can't wait to see his reaction when he walks into your house tonight, and we yell happy birthday.

Happy birthday, Fred. [laughs] You're looking younger every year.

Yeah. Happy birthday with no muss, or fuss, or party, or nothing.

What's with Wilma, anyway?

I tell her, "No party" and, for once, she does what I ask. Nothing.

Maybe she's gonna surprise me with a present. It's the least she could do for me.

And the least you could do for me is grow a beard.

Well, that's life. Soap in your eyes and no towel.

Wilma, is breakfast ready? [Dino yapping]

No, Dino, no. Cut it out! Cut it out!

[Fred laughing]

How do you like a face full of lather, Dino? [laughing continues]

Ha-ha-ha. [sneezes]

Oh, boy.

Wilma, how's about breakfast? [Wilma] Come and get it.


Got to go now, Betty. See you tonight.

Yabba-dabba-doo. I'm really hungry this morning.

Where's breakfast? In front of me? Right in front of you, Fred.

Very funny. Now, where's my breakfast?

It was right there. What happened to it? [gulps]

Dino happened to it, that's what.

Out, Dino. Go on, go some place and heel.


I'll fix some more, Fred. Then I'm going over to Betty's.

Oh, yeah, like I heard you telling her, "See you tonight."

You heard that? Yeah.

But say no more, I want you to forget all about tonight.

Why, Fred? We were just going to watch an old movie on TV.

Wilma, after reaching a certain age, a man doesn't want any fuss...

Watch an old movie on TV?

Sure. What else? Well, uh... Nothing.

But weren't we gonna whoop it up tonight?

Whoop what up? I want to see that old movie.

Besides, you should get to bed early tonight. You look a little tired.

Tired? I just woke up.

Fred, after reaching a certain age, a man needs more sleep.

I don't need more sleep, I'm not a certain age, and I don't want you making a fuss just because today is my birthday.

Remember? Sure I remember, and I agree.

We're getting a little old for that silly birthday stuff.

Here's your coffee, Fred.

I'll see you later.

She's not fooling me with that act.

I bet she bought me a swell present. Hm. I wonder where she hid it.

[Wilma] "Happy Birthday Fred." There. It's finished.

[Betty] Wilma, are you leaving room for the candles?

Candles? The cake isn't big enough to hold them all.

Good morning, Wilma. Good morning, Barney.

Boy, what a cake.

I know just what Fred will say when he sees it.


Yabba-dabba... Barney. Do you want Fred to hear?

Oh, Sorry, I forgot it's a secret.

Have you got it all straight, Barney? Oh, sure thing, Wilma.

One. I take Fred to golf course.

Two. Take Fred to health club.

Three. Return Fred in time for Operation Birthday Party.

And don't let on you know it's his birthday.

Don't worry, Wilma.

I can be real sneaky.

Nope. I don't see any present up here.

Hey, maybe Dino knows. He's always sniffing around.

Dino! Here, boy. Come in here, Dino.


Hey, Dino, where did Wilma hide my...? [grunts]


Fred, Barney's waiting for you.

Fred, what are you doing?

I'm checking over my golf clubs. Do you mind?

No, but Barney is waiting. Go out and tell him I'll be right there.

All right, Fred.

Hey, Fred, let's go.


Eh, it's a living.

[Wilma] He'll be right out, Barney.

Tell him the sooner he goes, the sooner we get back to his surprise.


Fine thing. Not a present in the house, no party, no nothing.

I think I'll just invite some people over myself.

What's this? A note.

"Things to take over for Fred's Party. Food, paper hats..."

So she is going to surprise me. I wonder where the party's gonna be.

I bet you I can get it out of Barney.

Okay, Fred. Play ball.

This one's too short, Barney. Give me a real club.

Here you are, Fred. Catch.


Your turn, Barney.


Hey, uh, what's bugging you today, Fred? Oh, nothing.

Only today, being the day it is, it makes it hard to concentrate.

You know what I mean?

Uh, yeah, today is a very special day. Thanks, Barney.

Today is Groundhog's Day. Groundhog's Day?

Is that all it means to you? Oh, sure. What else?

Hm. Hm. Mm-hm.

Oh, come on, Barney, how long you gonna study that shot? Let's get moving.

Oh, okay, Fred. I got it figured. Coochie-coochie-coochie.


[ball pings]

Hey, did you get that shot? Yeah.

I got it, right in the eye. Now let's go home.

You're going the wrong way, Barney. The car's back there.

We got to go to the clubhouse first.

Oh, the clubhouse. So that's where it is.

I mean, uh, you don't want to go home so early.

Okay, pal. I am for the clubhouse.

Me too, so I can unload these kooks.

Really, Barn. Huh?

Don't you think I ought to go in first? Well, uh, why not.

Will I surprise them.

Yahoo! I'm here, everybody.

Well, goody, goody. We thought you'd never make it.

Who's the creep? Who knows? Some kind of nut.

We got here too early, huh?

Too early for what?

I just wanted to show you something. Show me what?

Well, don't tell Betty I bought some new weights.

Is that what you dragged me in here for?

Hey, they're pretty nifty, huh? Come on, Barney, let's go.

Oh, sure thing, Fred, but, uh, try these first.


I told you we should have joined the private club.

Wait until you see the new health center, Fred. Everything to make you fit.

What do you mean, health center? Well, I got a free trial, uh, membership.

So we'll stop by, and I'll show you around.

Oh-ho. So that's where they're having my party.

Uh, tell me, Barn, is something going on at this health center?

Oh, sure. They got a lot going on.

And would Wilma sort of like for me to go along with you? Hm?

Well, uh, yes, Fred, she would. That Wilma's a sly one.

Okay, Barney-boy, I am with you.

Pretty fancy place, huh, Fred? Yeah. Classy.

Hey, I've, uh, arranged a surprise for you.

Oh, really?

Whatever could it be?

First, you got to close your eyes. Okay, they're closed.

Then we slip these belts on. Huh?

Hey, what's this for, Barney? It's for your balloon shape, Fred.

It'll make a new man of you. There was nothing wrong with the old one.

Is this your idea of a surprise, Barney?

Sure, Fred. Hey, uh, speed it up, boys.


That will keep Fred busy for a while.

Hey, uh, I wonder how the girls are doing.

Here's another balloon, Betty. Thanks.

Um, Wilma, do you think anything can go wrong tonight?

I don't think so, Betty.

Having the party here at your house should throw Fred off the track.

[Wilma] There. That's the last. [gasping]

Oh, 35 balloons in one hour. My union is going to hear about this.

[laughing] [machine squeaking]

That will get the blubber off of you, Freddie-boy.

Don't just stand there, Barney. Make this thing stop.

Oh, I can't do it, Fred. What do you mean, you can't?

I can't just stand here and watch an old buddy turn to blubber.

Oh, I also got to keep him here for another hour.

For the last time, Barney, turn it off!

Okay, Fred. I'll turn it off.

Hey, uh, what's the matter, Fred? I can't stop.


That's a good idea, Fred, you need a little steam to unwind.

Relax. Have a snooze.

Oh, boy. I'm really beat. [snoring]

I wonder where the boys are. They're an hour late.

I'm so embarrassed, Betty.

Well, how do you think I feel, with a houseful of people, waiting in the dark?

[both snoring]

Oh! Oh!

Oh, my gosh, the party. Wake up, Fred.

Wake up. [snoring continues]

Oh, boy. Betty's going to flip.

[grunts] Fred. You're what I call a heavy date.

Now to phone Betty and tell her there's been a slight delay.

I'll be right back.

[snoring continues]


Poor Fred.

He really is beat. Fred!

Close the window, Wilma. It's cold tonight.

Hey, Fred! Come back here!

Stop, Fred!

Fred, wake up! Wake up!

"Slow. Danger ahead." Oh, my gosh. Fred! Fred!

Hey, slow down, buddy! Stop! Stop!

Which way did he go? He went that way.


Fred! Fred!

Uh-oh. Poor Fred's in the trunk, and he's headed right for that car lot.

Yes, sir, folks.

Here at Rocko Hotrod, we don't sell cars.

Ha, ha. No, sir. We sell friendship.

If that sounds square to you, well, the truth is we're proud of it because we're so square, we're honest.

Ha, ha. Take this beauty here for instance.

Now, we paid top price for this, but you can buy it for less because all we want from you is your money. Uh, friendship.

Is that car in good condition, sonny?

Yes, ma'am.

Every car at Rocko Hotrod is in good condition... because every car on this lot bears our personal guarantee... of satisfaction and excellence.

We'll take it, sonny. Yes, ma'am.

Oh, no. He's selling my car.

Remember, ladies, you didn't just buy a car.

You made a friend. Drive carefully.

Oh, we always do.

We're little old ladies from Pasadenarock.

We'll be late for our club meeting, Hester. Let's go.

Hold on to your bonnet, Esther.

Hey, wait.

You've got my car and my buddy.

Oh, boy. Are we gonna be late to the surprise party.

Uh, pardon me, ladies, but, uh, this is my car.

You must be mistaken, sonny.

We just bought this car. Right, Esther?

Right, Hester.

Yeah, well, here's your money. Can I have my car back?

Sorry, sonny, but we like this car. It's got lots of gumption.

Well, yes, sirree, Bob. It's a gasser.

But you don't understand. Step on it, Hester, open her up.

Now I'm really in trouble.

Here we are at the club, Hester.

Yep. Made it in 20 seconds flat.

Oh, boy. I gotta think of something fast.

Maybe a disguise.

Maybe we ought to enter the road races, Esther.

[in Scottish accent] Uh, begging your pardon, ladies.

Scotland Yard inspector McRubble here.

Gracious sakes alive. What's wrong, sonny?

Uh, had this car long, have you?

No, sir. We just bought it. Why?

Oh, it's hot as a p*stol.

You better believe it, sonny.

What I mean is it's stolen goods.

No. Yes. Aye.

Haven't you heard of the McFlintstone caper?

No. Tell us.

Mysterious disappearance of the husband and all that, you know.

[Hester] But what's that got to do with us?

We think Mrs. McFlintstone hid her husband's body in this car.

This car? Right-o.

Then she arranged to have it stolen.

I think you're putting us on, sonny.

[Fred yawning and groaning]

Did you hear something, Esther?

[yawning, then snoring]

Nothing worse than a corpse what won't hold still, ladies.

[Hester and Esther scream]

Take the car, Inspector. We don't want it.

Here's your money back, ladies.

Well, so long.

Wait a minute. Where are you taking the body?

[in normal voice] To his birthday party, of course.

[snoring continues]

Oh, boy, I'm beat.

The next time we plan a surprise party for Fred, we better tell him.

Outs y-daisy, Fred.

[stammering] What's the matter?

Where is this? We're home, Fred.

But that's your home.

Oh, yeah. Both places are dark. The girls must have gone out.

So, uh, let's watch that old, old movie on TV.

Uh, you wait here and I'll go around the back to open the door.

I don't wanna watch any old TV.

I'm going home to bed.

[Slate] Uh, how much longer do we have to wait, Mrs. Flintstone?

[Wilma] Uh, It shouldn't be much longer, Mr. Slate.

[Rockhead] Hey, quiet, girls. Somebody's coming in the back door.

[Betty] The back door. Shh.


Uh, hello, everybody.

Barney. Where's Fred?

I left him out front.

Oh, man, am I gonna sleep tonight. [yawns]

Where's Fred? He's gone.

Gee, I don't know. I left him right here.

Wait a minute. What happened to my surprise party?

Let me see now.

Barney's been stalling me all day, trying to get me in his house, so...

Hey, that's it.

Everybody must be over there waiting for me.



Mr. Flintstone, I'm Stan Slag, your new neighbor down the street.

Oh, yeah. I saw you moving in. How are you?

Well, my wife and your wife were planning to play bridge some night soon, so I was thinking why not make it tonight?

I'm afraid Wilma isn't here now. [yawns]

Leave her a note to join you at our place.

We'll make a party of it, okay?

Tonight? At your place? For a party?

Well, uh, yeah.

Slag, old boy, you shouldn't have gone to all the trouble.

What trouble? Okay. Okay, I'll play along.

Let's go.

Rubble, where do you think Fred might have gone?

Home, I guess.

That's simple then. Go get him and bring him back here.

Right. Will do.

Let's put the lights out again. Lights out.

[Fred laughing]

Slag, I love these surprises. What do you mean?

[laughs] You can drop that double-talk act.

I know what's going on at your house.

You do?

Yeah, and I've been looking forward to it all year.

Hm. They warned me about small towns.

Get a load of this action.

Surprise yourself! [screams]

Stanley, what's that silly man doing?

[Stanley] It's all right, sweetheart.

This is our new neighbor, Mr. Flintstone.

Hey, Fred. Fred.

Hey, that's funny. He's not here either.

[all] Surprise!

[all groan]

He, uh, vanished.

It's very fishy.

Flintstone is too fat to just vanish.

I don't like the looks of it.

My goodness. Maybe he's been the victim of foul play.

Oh, my Fred. We've got to find him.

Spread out, men. I'll search the north end of town.

Rockhead, you take the south. Gotcha.

He's off his rocker, honey. Just don't move.

[Fred] Oh, come on, Slag.

I know you're hiding the party crowd here somewhere.

Yoo-hoo! Come out, come out, wherever you are.


Would they be in here?


Well, then how's about under here?

Oh, ho-ho-ho, Slag, you rascal.

You got them all here somewhere, and I think I found where.

No, Flintstone. Don't open that door.

Why not? Will a big, bad beastie come out and bite me?

Flintstone, stop.

Ready or not, here comes the birthday boy!


Good doggy. Don't bite.

Down, boy. Oh, boy. [barks]

[chomping] Yow! Ow! Let go, boy! Let go!

[dog growling and Fred groaning]

Stanley, shouldn't we call off the dog?

What for, sweetheart? Let him have some fun.

[groans] Well, Flintstone, you've been bitten, beaten, chased, and you made a fool of yourself.

Happy birthday, knothead.

Huh. I wonder if that party was at Rubble's after all.

Hm. If it was, I got a surprise for them.

The guest of honor's not showing. I'm going to bed.

[Wilma sobbing]

Wilma. Now what's wrong?

[sobs] Oh! Fred's missing and I...


Oh, Fred, you're all right. Where have you been?

Where have I been? Where have you been?

Well, we all planned a surprise party for you, but we couldn't find you. [sobs]

Oh, what's it matter, sweetheart?

It's still my birthday and we're together.

That's all that counts. [Dino whimpering]

What's with Dino?


[Fred] No, Dino. You can't go out. No, boy. No.

Then we'll come in. Hi there, Flintstone.

Surprise, Fred.

Surprise, Flintstone. Surprise.

[guests chattering]

Well, the surprise party worked, all right.

Yeah, finally.

Happy birthday, old buddy.

Hey, what do you think of the cake? Yabba-dabba-doo!

Happy birthday, Fred!

Let's sing, everybody.

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ Which nobody can deny ♪


♪ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern Stone Age family ♪

♪ From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history ♪

♪ Someday, maybe Fred will win the fight Then that cat will stay out for the night ♪

♪ When you're with the Flintstones ♪

♪ Have a yabba-dabba-doo time, A dabba-doo time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪

♪ We'll have a gay old time ♪ Wilma!
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