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02x14 - ...Wheatley Is To Stabler

Posted: 03/04/22 07:27
by bunniefuu
In the nation's largest city,

the vicious and violent
members of the underworld

are hunted by the detectives

of the Organized Crime Control Bureau.

These are their stories.

This is between you and me.

And you better remember
that or you're gonna

end up in a shallow grave.

I'm worried about how
many lines you've crossed.

One of us has got to be unimpeachable.

Who's Miles?

Well, he's a friend of mine.

Things keep up like this,
your boy Stabler's

gonna be my son-in-law.

I am done playing your games!

You're done when I tell you you're done.

Bye-bye Sebastian.

- Sarge?
- Untie him.

Oh, my God. There's a sixth target.

This is the main substation that

controls the city's entire power grid.


I plan to burn this city to the ground.


Pretty sure Wheatley just
took the whole city hostage.




This is Sergeant Bell,
Organized Crime Task Force.

Our main actor is Richard Wheatley,

white male, s, considered
armed and dangerous.

He is now in control
of the city's power grid

from inside the SOC.

Do not attempt entry.

I repeat, do not attempt entry.

Got that? Stand down.

Copy that, this is Sergeant Kim, DHS.

We have SWAT, FBI,
JTTF waiting on orders.

The perimeter is sealed.

We're outside the gates, ready to go.

State police advising that
Nassau County just went out,

all except a swath of Oyster Bay Cove.

Where Wheatley used to live.
Definitely playing games.

Okay, leaders are about to gather

in the situation room in OEM.

Wheatley's gonna
give his list of demands.

He doesn't know we're listening.

♪ ♪

Mr. Wheatley?

Oh, hey.

How are you?

I was just making sure
the substation block houses

are secured against any
misguided attempts at heroism.

Mr. Wheatley is preparing

to play them like a Stradivarius.

Now, I only have three requests,

and they're fairly simple
and straightforward.

My last request,
which I'll tell you first,

is a private jet, gassed and ready

to fly out of Teterboro.

I already have my own
pilot already standing by.

Know that I've already
put measures in place

to discourage any kind of interference

with my travels once I've taken off.

What measures?

Best not to ask, and
best never to find out.

My second request

is my son, Richard Jr.

I want him released
from prison immediately

and brought to me here.

And I want my undercover
that you m*rder*d back.

And last but certainly not least,

I want Elliot Stabler

to pay

for his transgressions.

You mean, pay with his badge?
You want him off the force?

That would be a step
in the right direction.

But no.

I want him to pay with his very soul.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Our tech experts want to talk to you.

Don't try anything cute.

Why the rolling blackouts when he

could've shut down the entire city?

That would've blown out the system

and with it, his leverage.

Hey, man. Malachi.

It's an honor to finally meet you.

Whoa, are you serious?

Please take those stupid things off.

No, I'm afraid we can't do that.

It's cool. I'm used to them.

So Wheatley's holed up
in the ConElectric SOC,

holding the whole city hostage.

How can I help?

Back in the day, you wrote a plan

for how to disable the
power grid sector by sector.

Sadly, there was a time when I thought

that might be a worthy thing to do.

Well, it looks like
Wheatley's following your plan

to the letter, so.

- Where's he gonna hit next?
- It's up to him.

I left room in the design
for other artists

to choose their own colors.

Well, at least the major hospitals

haven't been shut down.

Most of them have generators,

but it's only a matter of time.

Unless you give him what he wants.

So again.

- How can I help?
- Bottom line?

Is there any way to override the SOC?

The whole point of the SOC
is you can't override it.

Maybe. It's a long shot.

You see these yellow lines?

They lead to an old,
out-of-use power plant

just behind the abandoned
asylum on Staten Island.

It used to be the main backup
system for the entire SOC.

It's pretty ancient,
it's built in the ' s,

upgraded in the ' s.

Presumably, it's not online.

True, but if you can get to it,

it's possible you can gain access

to the system Wheatley's controlling.

I believe you confiscated the schematics

Wheatley stole from the archives?

Right here.

♪ ♪

That's it.

Staten Island Steam/Electric Plant.

This tech is antique.

Pre-world wide web.

- I'm a coder.
- Yeah, me too.

We're gonna need you to come with us.

- Not a chance.
- We're under strict orders.

He's not even supposed
to be out of his cell.

Most of Staten Island
is down in the power outage.

I mean, the Interstate
is bumper to bumper

in apocalyptic gridlock.

Find a way there,
and I'll be standing by.

I'll talk you through it.

Sergeant Bell?

Eight hours ago, the city was struck

by a series of rolling blackouts.

City officials have yet
to give a reason...



Jet, sit tight for a few more hours.

If the power's not back up,
head out to Staten Island.


Mama, open the door.


Elliot, what's going on out there?

It's like chaos.

Are they gonna get the power back?

Not yet, but we're
on our way to a meeting

about it right now. Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- Not to worry, Detective.

She's in good hands.

Yeah, I'm in good hands,
but Eli's not here,

and I don't know where he is.

I already told you he's with his sister

in Hoboken, do you remember that?

- You told me?
- I did.

- That's bad.
- It's okay.

But thank God he's safe, and Miles

got a cheeseboard, so we're okay.

Where'd you get the cheeseboard?

I snagged it down at the corner deli.

Would you believe it?
A lot of restaurants

are giving away free food.

It's really wild out there.

You had to leave my mother alone?

Just for ten minutes.

- Stabler.
- One second.

Miles, please, we discussed this,

I don't want my mother being left alone.

No, no, you're right.

My bad. Won't happen again.

Great, okay.


You're not the boss of him.

We have enough food
and water for two more days.

Any longer and the city
is in full-scale crisis.

If he cuts power to nursing
homes and hospitals,

there'll be an instant
death toll in the thousands.

If we give him his son
it just means what?

There's two Wheatleys
holed up there instead of one.

I'm afraid I have to agree, Mr. Mayor.

If we don't accede
to any of his requests,

Wheatley's liable
to feel backed into a corner.

And have you thought about
what happens if you do

accede to his demands?

Sergeant Ayanna Bell

of the Organized Crime Task Force.

Detective Elliot Stabler, I presume.

What do you advise us to do?

Do we give Mr. Wheatley his son?

Absolutely not.

You'd rather we gave him your soul?



As you recall, Kips Bay encompasses NYU

and Bellevue Medical Centers.

And I understand their generators are


My associate Gunther will meet them

at the northeast loading dock
and escort Richie

into the command center.

If anyone other than Gunther and Richie

attempts to enter the building...

We understand what
you're saying, Mr. Wheatley.

No one else enters the SOC.

♪ ♪

I hope we're making progress
with my other two requests.

Ah, Detective Stabler.

I'll get to you soon enough.

♪ ♪

Should be an interesting family reunion.

Welcome back, my son.

Give your old man a kiss.

What am I doing here?

Well, I'm making plans for our future.

And I want to keep you apprised.

But you're not a part of it.


♪ ♪


It's Armageddon out here.

What does Mr. Webb want us to do?

My guess, he wants us to move some goods

while the cops are looking
the other way.

Then go put a b*llet in Joe Bartis.

Why would you think he want
us to put a b*llet in Joe?

'Cause there's no better time
to take care of a problem,

Nova, than when everybody's freaking out

over the end of the world.

- CEO looking for us?
- Yep.

So what took you so long?

The whole city's
one big parking lot, sir.

We couldn't get through
to you on our phones.

We finally got out and
walked the last five miles.

Yeah, you'll be happy to know

we stopped off in Eastchester Gardens.

We got a bead on Joe Bartis.

Now, why would you do that

when I told you to get here ASAP?

Well, I assumed you'd want us

to take care of a certain matter.

Never assume you know what I want.

You're my two top executives, all right?

I asked you to be here
because we're in a crisis,

and the community
needs to see your faces.


♪ ♪

There you go, there
you go, Mrs. Braugher.

Listen, I hope this
will sustain your family

until our city gets its act together.

God bless you, Preston.

Hold-hold-hold on. Gordon.

Only the top one
is for your folks, all right?

Carry Mrs. Braugher's box home for her,

make sure it gets there
all in one piece.

You got it, Mr. Webb.


♪ ♪

Two members of the
Organized Crime tech team

are on their way
to Staten Island and will

attempt to reactivate
a defunct steam plant.



Very good.

You'll keep us apprised
of their progress.


Let's alley-oop.


You're fine. That's not bad.


It's definitely abandoned.

♪ ♪


That's the place.

There's nothing in here.

McClane, what are
we looking for, exactly?

You want to find the generator.

It should be on the basement level.

How do we get to Wheatley?

Small stealth unit will
infiltrate the building

via this utility maintenance culvert.

The SOC doesn't have surveillance

on the sub-basement level.

Our assumption is that
Wheatley hasn't installed his own.

Don't assume.

Excuse me, Detective?

I assure you, Wheatley's anticipated

anything that you just thought of.

These culverts are a part
of a completely separate grid

that he won't have access to.

We consider the risk low to tolerable.

What are your thoughts, Sergeant Bell?

I agree with my colleague.

Wheatley is a -D chess player.

The city's heading into
a second night without power.

What do you suggest we do?

Well, at the very least,
let's find out what Wheatley

meant when he said he wanted my soul.

Start with that.

Very good idea.

You distract him, our team will go in.

♪ ♪

I think we found it.

Yep, we did.

What do we do now?

Get it to work.

I figure we might as well toddy.


Bernadette, you're my kind of gal.


There you go. Cheers.


- It's Gaelic.
- Really?

- Do you hear that?
- What?




It's a band.

And they're live, isn't that great?

Let's check it out.

Oh, wait a minute,
remember what Elliot said?

I don't remember what he said.

You're as bad as I am.

I think he said

that we shouldn't leave the apartment.

"Dance first, think later.
It's the natural order".

- Do you know who said that?
- No.

Neither do I.

But whoever it was,
he was a damn smart fella.

Okay, well... I guess
we could dance right here.

Sure we can.

- May I have this dance?
- All right.

Our own band.

- Yes.
- What could be better?

- Serenading us.
- Oh.

That's New York.


Wait. All right, go, go.

♪ ♪

So they gave you your son.

I wouldn't have done that.
But it's not my decision.

Now, there's a jet waiting for you

at Teterboro to fly you out of here.

I guess the only left is my soul.

So go on. Take it.

Oh, I plan to.

But first, you're going
to perform penance

like a good little Catholic boy.

Am I?

Okay, so what are we talking?

Contrition? Confession?

- Mm, all of the above.
- Ah.

But you might want to reconsider

what you're about to do.

There's no need for me to reconsider.

You want to gamble with my soul?

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win.



Making jokes and people are dying.

And now, when you do your penance,

you're going to have
to add that it was your fault

that the power just went out
at the Tribeca Nursing Home,

leaving all those poor old
people to freeze to death.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


I haven't done that in a million years.

Let's keep doing it then.

Hmm? What do you say?

You and me, for the next million.

Well, if you knew me better,
you wouldn't say that.

Oh, pshaw.

Miles, I have a...

Well, let's say I have
another side to me.

So who doesn't?

We all have another side, Bernadette.

Trust me.

Maybe even two. Or three.

Let's both agree to put
all that behind us

as we dance our way into the future.

Just the two of us.

If only it was that easy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Why'd you lock the door?

I... I'm so sorry. I...

What's the matter? What is it?


No! No! No!

Out of the way, old man.

Don't hurt her!

Oh, my God!

Who are you?

What's the likelihood he'll
keep his end of the agreement?

Richard Wheatley
is not a man of his word,

if that's what you're asking.

But there's no question,
he plans to flee.

Our only chance
of apprehending him is if

our techs are able to override the SOC.

And how's that going?

Do you see four conduit
transfer switches?

- Oh, watch your head.
- Thank you.

Yeah. We see them.

You'll need to flip the first two left

and the second two right.

- That's it?
- We're not there yet.

The whole plant
runs on number six fuel oil.

You got to activate
the diesel pump motor.

- Watch your head.
- Oh, okay.

Oh, wait a minute.

Let's see. Oh.

- It's this right here.
- Oh.

♪ ♪

Ladder, we need
a ladder to get up there.

- All right, yeah.
- Yeah, just...

thank you.

Okay, I can hear you.

And now I can see you.

You're going to walk
from here to City Hall,

reciting for me the litany
of your crimes and abuses.

And when you arrive
at the steps of City Hall,

there'll be a local news
crew waiting to broadcast

your confession live
before the entire city.

Now start walking.

And start talking.

First, your name and rank.

I'm Elliot Stabler,
NYPD Detective First Grade.

What's your history?

I joined the department in '

and was promoted to detective in ' .

Now enumerate your crimes.

♪ ♪

My crimes?

How many people have you shot, Elliot?

How many lives have
you destroyed, Elliot?

I've been associated
with officer sh**t.

Associated? Come on, man.

You can do better than that.

I've shot a number of people
in the line of duty.

The number is ten.

You shot ten people while
hiding behind that badge.

Repeat that.

I shot ten people while
hiding behind my badge.

Louder... because I can't
hear you, louder.

I shot ten people while
hiding behind my badge!

You're a rogue cop!



Looking good, but still rebooting.

Copy that.

Standing by until we get your signal.

- It worked?
- System is still rebooting.

McClane will let us know
when we're fully online.


You felt it, right?

Felt what?

When you were pressed all up on me,

next to the four conduit
transfer switches.

Oh, come on.

Admit it.

You did feel something.


♪ ♪

Yes. We're up and running.

You guys ready to turn on the lights?

Hello? Anybody there?

Copy that. Uh.

Stand by while I get in touch
with my sergeant.

I am guilty of misconduct.

I'm guilty of misconduct.

Guilty of the use of excessive force.

I'm guilty of the use
of excessive force.

Guilty of harassment.

- I'm guilty of harassment.

Jet? We good to go?

Okay, stand by.

Slootmaekers and her team
is ready and able

to restore power to the city.

Great. Man the board?

All units prepare to move.

Stabler and I will be on
site when the arrest is made.

As soon as they take the system live,

Wheatley will no longer have
control over the power grid.

Now, it is likely that
he prepared for that,

so everything needs
to be perfectly timed.


Sloot is ready. I'm on
my way to pick you up.

Just cough, let me know you copy.


Mr. Wheatley.

Are you there?

Here, there and everywhere.

We are preparing to clear the roads

between the Security Operations
Center and Teterboro Airport.

Would you prefer the Lincoln Tunnel

- or the Holland?
- I'll tell you what.

Why don't you prepare both,

and then I'll decide once I'm en route?

You do the honors.

This re-install program
was written by McClane.

Poetic justice when you think about it.

Okay, we should be live
in about seconds.

Now, Elliot.

The moment we've all been waiting for.

This is the big one, Elliot,
are you ready?

♪ ♪

Repeat after me.

I am guilty of falsely
accusing an innocent man

of murdering my wife.

I won't say that.

Yes you will, unless you want to be

responsible for hundreds,
maybe thousands of deaths.

I won't say that.

Say it!


Don't make me do something
you're going to regret.

♪ ♪



- She did it.
- Well done, Sloot!


Damn it.


We have control of the grid.
Go for Wheatley.

Copy that. Let's go.

Before you send in the clowns,

I want to show you something

that might be of interest
to your friend, Stabler.

She's somewhere in
the Greater Manhattan area.

That's all I'll tell you for now.

Say hello, Mrs. Stabler.

Hello. Elliot, are you there?

Elliot, you've got to find me, please.

You got to find me,

you have to get me out of here!

I can't do this.

I can't do it, Elliot!

Can you hear me? Are
you there? Where are you?




Hey! Where is she?



Where is she?


♪ ♪

How was your walk through the valley

of the shadow of death?

I've been living there ever
since you m*rder*d my wife.

I still fear no evil.

Oh, good.

Angie's here.


Your mama's unharmed for the moment.

But she is all alone,
without water, without food

and, most alarming of all,
without her lithium,

which apparently she needs
in order to stay sane.

Tell me. Where is she?

I'm sorry.

Are you?

Sorry that the women
who care for you men

always wind up being collateral damage.

It's worse if you're dead.

As long as you're alive,
you still have a choice.

We'll be in touch,

once we're in the air... oh, by the way.

Your mother's boyfriend, Miles?

He works for me too.

Your mother's gonna go live
again in a few seconds.

You can talk to her and
keep her calm while Richard

and I are on our way to the airport.

Let's go. [CLAPS]

♪ ♪


Hey, Mama, it's me,
it's going to be okay.

- Please, why me?
- Shh, shh.

Gonna be okay, just relax now.

As soon as we pinpoint your
location, I'm coming for you.

Can you get me out of here, Elliot?

Please get me out of here, please.

Now, tell me what you see.

What's the room look
like that you're in?

It's very dark. It's hard to see.

Mind if I have a smoke, babe?

I do, actually.

We're bound to one another, you know?

There are no rules,

just our own private island paradise.

You, me, and our many, many servants.


You really think you can pull this off?

I always win in the end, don't I?

Hail the conquering heroes.

What's wrong? Something happen?

Sergeant Bell just sent a video.

Wheatley has Detective Stabler's

elderly mother tied up
in some unknown location

to buy him and Professor
Wheatley time to get away.

I'm using an IMSCI Catcher to identify

his cell number and track a location.

Cell site simulators can
be accurate within two feet...

Depending on the signal's strength.

Yeah, let's look at those measurements.

I iso'd the signal,
but cell towers are slammed.

That's either The Marquis' Manor

or Lucifer's Lair.

- Excuse me?
- Probably Marquis' Manor.

- It's a BDSM club.
- A BDSM club?

Bondage, discipline, dominance...

I know what BDSM is.

I recognize the chair.
It's definitely Marquis' Manor.

♪ ♪


He's at the five and forward.


[SOBS] Elliot! I'm here!

- Mama!
- Oh, thank God.

- You all right?
- Yes, I'm all right.

- You sure?
- Now that you're here,

I'm all right.

- All right.
- Room is clear!

Get these things off her wrists.


All right, come on, come on. Okay.

- I'm coming.
- All right, come on. Come on.

- Come here, come here.

I got you. I got you.

I found this guy passed out in the back.

Looks like he put
up one hell of a fight.

Oh, poor Miles, what did they do to you?

Check him out, make sure he's not

seriously injured, and
then you lock him up.

[STAMMERS] What are you talking about?

Bernadette. I'm so sorry.

Bernie, if I'd known...

Okay, listen to me, you just

gotta trust me on this one, all right?

- Yeah. I... yeah.
- Okay.

- You're safe?
- Yes.

- All right, you're good?
- Yeah.

All right. I love you.

- I've gotta go.
- Okay.

You're gonna go with this officer.

He's gonna take you
to the grandkids, okay?

- Okay.
- I found my mother; I'm having ESU

transport her to a safe location.

♪ ♪

We're so close I can almost taste it.


I'm right behind you.
I'm gonna reach out to Angela.

Copy that.



Don't answer that.


Angela, pull off the road. It's over.

It's not over, you idiot.
It's just beginning.

Listen to me, this is not going to end

the way you think it is.

Baby, I'm so excited about our new life.

I love you so much.

He's a liar.

He tells you that, but he's lying.

♪ ♪

Angela, listen, he k*lled your son.

Yes, it's what brought you
and me together.

I'm talking about Richie.

He's trying to trick you, so obvious.

He k*lled Richie. I saw him do it.


Don't listen to this guy. No.
Baby, don't listen to him.

It's just you and me.
It's always been you and me.

I don't want you talking
to him, do you hear me?

- You let this phone go.
- I don't...

Okay, Angela, one of us is lying to you.

I think you know which one it is.

♪ ♪

Elliot, the day we first met,

do you remember what we spoke about?

Come on.


Yeah. It's what we shared...

And it seems we still do.

Do you remember what I said
to you about grief?

That it gets better.

I lied.


- No, no, no!
- Angela? Angela?

♪ ♪

- No!
- No!


♪ ♪

Here he is.

You've got a good thing going.

Try not to screw it up.

I won't.

I found out we had more
in common than I thought.

You're not freaked out?

Are you kidding?

You're the pervert of my dreams.

They dredged up Angela Wheatley's body

this morning at sunrise.

And Wheatley's?

Nobody thinks it's remotely possible

he could still be alive...

But they didn't find the body?


I heard from Brewster.

Looks like they're bowing
to political pressure.

There's going to be
a department investigation

and charges for your actions in
relation to Richard Wheatley.

Don't laugh, Elliot. This is serious.

Difficult not to when
it's so damn laughable.


♪ ♪


Let's go another round, please.

That one's on me.

And I'll have what he's having.

Thought I'd find you here.

Frank Donnelly.

I know who the hell you are,
I remember you.

Of course... I remember your pops.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, our dads, they were like...

- They were brothers.
- Yeah, they were.

Last time I saw you has gotta be....

- That barbecue.
- Right, like years ago?

- .
- No.

[SCOFFS] Oh, yeah.


How you been, man?

I've been good, I've been good.

How you doing?

You know. Ups and downs.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I was talking to Captain Benson

the other day and your name came up.

From the sound of it,
you could use a brother

who's got your back right about now.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪