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04x05 - Ellie

Posted: 03/03/22 19:33
by bunniefuu
Officer O'Lansky speaking.

I don't know. Dark shit.

I'm just up in my head, you know?


When's the last time you hit a meeting?

Okay. Six days I'm here, 14, 15 hours,

Sundays I sleep.

Last week I solved two murders, got three.

Do the math.

- Plus I f*cking hate meetings.
- The whole point, Mel.

You know what they say
about contrary action?

Oh, come on. Don't start that.

People like us, if we just do the opposite
of what we feel like doing,

it all comes out fine.
I wish it was different.

The f*ck is the point of life

if everything you want to do
is bad for you?

$10,000 question. When's the last time
you wrote a gratitude list?

I don't know
the last time I felt grateful.

I wonder, why is it alcoholics, as a race,

are people who want to be paid for a gift?

So, I want to run something by you.


Thought I might give my cat
to this chick I know.


Sell all my shit, right?

- Uh-huh.
- Buy a big pile of crack,

pull down the shades,

and smoke it till I die.

Okay, let's play that out.

You sell all your shit, right?

You buy that big pile of crack
and pull down the shades,

you'll smoke it all and you won't die.

And then where will you be?


Mel, you there?


Mel, you there?

This is not the deal we made.

We told you, this is a temporary solution.

We need poppy gum,
this is powdered heroin,

which means it's probably not pure enough,

and if it's not, I don't know
how many people I'll have to pay off

to keep this whole situation under wraps.

Do not worry, it's pure.

Who exactly is this person?

Someone we've worked with quite a bit.

For a philanthropist,
you sure know a lot of drug dealers.

Navarro has agreed to supply us
as soon as Javi's concerns are alleviated.

Your friend Javi cost me
a week on my production calendar.

I made projections.
Pharmacies expect delivery October 1st,

and if I miss one single day,

shareholders rebel, stock price plummets

and I'm filing for f*cking bankruptcy.

What is she, 16?

Don't let the looks fool you.

You must be Clare.

Ruth Langmore.

How are ya?

You got a sample?
Somewhere I can check it?


So, how do you like the Ozarks so far?

We got a deal?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What the f*ck do you want?

I watched you
when your dad pulled out of our deal.

You didn't like it any better than I did.

Tell me I'm wrong, I'll go.

I don't discuss my family with outsiders.

You're an outsider in your own family.

Your old man gave you a living,
then he took it away.

Like you care.

Yeah, I don't, you're right.

I shot off your d*ck.

For that, I apologize.

Even went to the drugstore
to look for a card.

No such card exists.

What the f*ck do you want, Darlene?

I want you to accept my apology.



Anyway, I heard the doc did real good.

They say that there's
more of you to love now.

I got a slew of that. It's ready to move.


As soon as you want.

And mark it up a grand a key.

Mark it up three.

It's up to you.

I'm giving you your living back.

- Why?
- Why not?

I can see I got your heart beatin' again.


Don't give Daddy a taste.

You got six figures in your pocket.
Seven if you're smart.

And I have heard you are smart.

From who?

Senator Schafer wants
to sit down tomorrow.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

It's good. I think.

I mean, he's coming here.

At least it means
he's considering joining our board.

What are you doing?

What did you expect, Wendy?

There's another one.

So, anyone happen
to go through town today?

In the car?

On their bike?

What exactly were you trying to achieve?

- Wendy, let's just try to enjoy the meal.
- No, no, no. I really... I wanna...

I'd really like
to hear from Jonah on this.

Were you trying to hurt us?

Put us at risk?

I didn't have them put up.

All right? Darlene did.


Maybe it's a good thing.

Why is that?

Shows we care.



How were the SATs? Hmm?


I left in the middle.

Why'd you leave in the middle?

Well, what's the point
if I'm not going to college?

Huh? You knew about this?

She's turning 18 in a couple of months.
She can make her own decisions.

Let me talk to you in the bedroom
for a second, please.

Not everybody goes to college.

What? Can you shut the door, please?

Please. Thank you.

You know, we... we sent
her to prep school, Wendy. So...

Yeah. In Chicago.

Uh-huh. So have you
ever heard of a unified front?

'Cause it's parenting 101.

Charlotte's not like other kids.

Her life is different.

- Is that a good thing?
- It is what it is.

And since when did you
become so collaborative, huh?

I don't recall you asking me about

doing a mammoth
pharmaceutical drug deal with Ruth.

Which is saving our asses,
and you would have just said no.

Which is why
I didn't tell you about Charlotte.

Oh please, just stop. It's not the same.

And for the record,

your brother is not missing, okay?

He's dead.

And it might make you
feel better to pretend otherwise,

but this is one problem that, it won't...

You know...

It's not just gonna walk away, Wendy.

You got a sec?

Can we please
not talk about college?

Uh... yeah. Promise.


When's the last time you talked to Wyatt?

Oh God. Um, not since
he dropped off the face of the earth.

Mm-hmm. Um... Uh, I know that this is, uh...

Um, I know. I'm sorry, but, uh...

Do you think you can talk to him

and see if he can press Darlene
to take that stuff down?

I... I know that it's a lot to ask, but...

Does Mom know you're doing this?

Uh... not at the moment. No.


- Okay? Yeah?
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Good. Thank you.

Don't stay up too late.

Is there any more coffee left there?

- Yeah.
- Please? Thank you.

What time do you meet with Schafer?

- Morning.
- Nine.

- Thank you.
- When do you meet with Ruth?

Uh, same, nine.

Sorry to interrupt.

- Anything at all from Helen Pierce?
- No. Sorry.


Just... just to clear it up,
uh, I'm not a cop.

I don't prosecute people.
I'm looking for a signature,

that's all, then I'd be outta your life.

- Okay. We're really rushing this morning.
- I'll get to it, then.

We haven't seen Helen in over a month.

Is that because she's dead?

What's that?

I'm gonna tell you what I think.

I think your brother Ben k*lled her
and now you're protecting him.

Why would you think that?

I mean, look, she gets him
tossed in the bin and he gets out,

none too pleased, I bet.

You know, he's prone
to flying off the handle, and now...

she's missing, and...

Well, so is he. And in police parlance,
that's what we call an Ellie.

As in LE, it's a likely explanation.

I got to tell you, I'm really losing
my patience with all this.

You got it all wrong.
Look, I just want Helen.

Body is as good as a signature, so...

Look, if I was to get an anonymous tip,

I'd be all ears and no mouth
and out of your life forever.

Okay. Got it. Thank you.

All right. I should probably tell you,

I just got back from, uh, North Carolina.

I spoke to Nathan Davis,
that's your dad, right?

Now, he said he thinks that maybe, uh,
Ben went down to Knoxville, Tennessee.

He's got some people down there.

So, uh...

I dunno, you ever get any kind
of postcard from Knoxville, Tennessee?

I need to get to work.

Sorry we weren't able to help.

Got one.

You know, I got, like,
500 in a box in the car, so...

- Have a great day.
- You too.

I hate him so much.


So, Senator,
how can we be of service?

Your foundation deals with the FBI
on corruption cases, am I right?

That's right.

I got a bit of a family situation.

Um, the federal wire-fraud net

over Illinois, and Wisconsin, Minnesota.

My son might have gotten
tangled up in a corner of that.


Your son, the federal judge?

Well, his son, my grandson, Liam.

He's an extraordinary kid.

He just started a company.

They build voting machines
with some proprietary tech,

and some people maybe found out about it

in advance of the stock offering

and made a profit, and...

one of them being my son.

The federal judge.

Yeah, well,
it's a gray area at best.

I mean, obviously a father's
going to want to invest in his son,

it doesn't make it insider-trading.

And you want us
to explain that to the SEC?

I'm not asking you
to advocate on my behalf,

it's nothing like that. No. I, uh...

I just need to see that file.

If my son is a target
of this investigation,

he's gonna want to get out front of it
as privately as possible,

and if he's not,

he's happy to not preemptively
draw attention to himself.

This wouldn't have anything to do
with your sitting on our board?

You know, it's hard
to think about sitting anywhere

with this hanging over my family,

but, uh, if I knew what the feds know, I...

I'd certainly feel more comfortable.

I'll see what I can do.

- Thank you for your time.
- Always a pleasure.


I'll have Marty call Agent Miller.

Oh, and...

this guy's been snooping around.

I'd love anything you can find on him.


Hey! There was a load here
bricked up, where is it?

Ms. Snell had
it loaded out this morning.

Loaded out where?

I dunno.

It's gone. Why?

I had an idea
how to move it, is all.

Well, I sold it to Frank Jr.
just a few hours ago.

How the f*ck did you manage that?

Turning on the charm, I guess.

You shot his f*cking d*ck off, Darlene.

I got a lot of charm.

No, thanks.

What, you front him?

No, paid in full.

Oh, and you were gonna tell me when?

When I saw you!
And I'm seeing you now.

What were you gonna do with it anyway?

That's f*cking moot now, isn't it?

- Is that her?
- It is not, no.

She has five more minutes
and then I blow up.

- Hi.
- Hey.

We need Maya to pull us a file

on a wire-fraud sting from Illinois,
Minnesota and Wisconsin.

It's important.
You need to go to Jeff City.

Well, I... I cannot right now,
I'm in the middle of a drug deal

and Ruth is 25 minutes late.

We don't get Schafer without it.

Can you call Maya,
have her put the file aside for us?

Tell her... Tell her I'll pick it up.
Tell her I'm in Jeff City anyway.

Can you do that? Now?

Uh, yes, soon. Bye.

Marty, can I talk to you for a sec?

- Okay.
- No, no, no. No sidebars.

We have a little problem.
Somebody else f*cking took it.

Our heroin?

Took it?

Bought it.

You sold our heroin?

I didn't f*cking sell it. No.

Wait. Who bought it?

Frank Jr.


That's, uh... it's Kansas City Mob.
It's... it's okay. I'll... I'll call him.

How many f*cking heroin dealers
do you people know?

Um, just the three.

Well, I have half a mind
to go back to the Tasmanians.

Well, you'll pay four times the amount.
Don't worry about it. I got this handled.

- If it's cut, it's ruined.
- Yeah.

- You understand that?
- I do. Yep.

Fix this.

I am on it.

Okay? Promise.

- Um...
- Because without these dr*gs,

there's no money for you.

There's no Rick Bowlsby

or John Pittman or Ed Markham.

Which means your f*cking
charitable foundation is dead.

We clear?


If you bring down
my family's company,

I will drag you the f*ck down with us.

So you're gonna call Frank Jr. right now.

Hey, easy, Marty.
I don't work for you no more.

And just 'cause you let that c**t
get her fist up your ass

does not mean you can get yours up mine.

Are we clear?


And I did call Frank.

He offloaded the shit to two other guys
who already paid him.

Hang on a second.
There's two separate buyers?

- Are you kidding me, Ruth?
- I told you this was tricky!

I had concerns which I expressed,

and you... you begged me
and here we f*cking are!

Okay. You're gonna call him,
tell him I'll sweeten the deal.

Tell him I'll give him an extra $100,000

and an extra hundred grand
for both the other buyers, okay?

And a hundred grand for me.

What's that?

I said, and a hundred grand for me.

I heard what you said.

Then f*cking say it.

Hundred grand for you.

He's beautiful.

It only took me
45 minutes to get him down.

Don't worry, it gets easier.

- Everybody says that.
- Mmm.

I wish I believed it.

What brings you to Jeff City anyway?

Meeting at the capitol.

With who?

You like being a big fish in a small pond.

I like draining one swamp at a time.

- Right.
- Mmm.

So where's the FBI stand
on Navarro these days?

They're happy with the seizures.

The key to me is whether or not
he'll agree to do real time.


Over a hundred cases of wire-fraud here.

- Marty's a hero if he can crack it.
- Hmm.

And tell him if he doesn't
want to work for free or part-time,

I'll get him a badge.

I'll tell him.

- He'd be great at it, you know.
- Oh, I know.

Thank you for the file.

Hey, I'm gonna go, uh...
go grab a bite to eat.

Do you want anything?


- Enjoy!
- Thanks.




How are you?

Uh, yeah, pretty good, I guess. Uh...

Yeah, happy. Uh...

Yeah, life is, uh...

Life is funny.

You look good.

Oh. You too.

Look, I'm sorry for kind of, uh...

- ghosting you a while ago, I...
- No, it's okay.

- I had a lot going on.
- I know.

You don't have to apologize, it's...

I know that our family messed up
a lot of stuff and I'm sorry about that.

Look, I know that Darlene hates us

and I... I... I don't want
to get into all that right now.

But I have a favor to ask.

Kind of a big one.

Do you miss it, Ruth?

If you mean do I miss you asking me
to come help move a couch,

then when I show up, you want me
to move all the shit in your house?

I don't miss that. No.



How's Jonah doing?

- Good!
- Yeah?

Real good, actually.

If he's this good at 14,

by the time he's old like you,

he'll be leaving your ass
in the f*cking dirt.

Well, just... Just keep
an eye on him for me, okay?


Sure am glad you're doing this.

Already got some calls.


Tips and possible sightings.

So, we file it two-pronged,

state and federal.

State is me, federal is
the National Crime Information Center.

They pass it along to the other 49 states,

and can even go foreign, if need be.

That sounds incredibly thorough.

Thank you, thank you so much.

I wonder why you didn't do it sooner.


It was a family issue

and we didn't want to waste
the department resources, and...

But now I just...

I just miss him so much.


Well, let's find your brother.


It's Wendy.

I'm just...

I'm just calling to express my gratitude.

Jonah told us how you took the trouble

to put those posters
and those billboards all over town.

This is gonna be
such a big help to my family

and you let me know if I can chip in.

Oh, and also I just filed a missing
persons report over at the sheriff's, so...

fingers crossed.


I'm happy to oblige.

Here for a room?

Yeah, I, uh, called ahead. Name's Sattem.

Well, well.
Got a lanai room all ready for you.

Excuse me?

Oh, poolside.

Here you go.

There's no minibar,

but you got a junior fridge
and there's a Quick Pick on the corner

if you need some beer and wine, so...

Actually, I don't drink.

So maybe you wouldn't mind
removing the fridge altogether?

Um... sure thing.

Do you mind my asking
how you heard about the Lazy-O?

Was it, like, social media, word-of-mouth?

Jonah Byrde work here?

Oh, you're a friend of Jonah's?

A friend of the family.

Uh, what...

What does he do here, anyway?
Like, maintenance or something?

Oh, no, no. Jonah handles our finances.

Did you need to talk to him?

No. Uh...

Not now.

Okay. Well, enjoy your stay.

Is this our second guy?

What the f*ck's going on, John?

My guys don't like this
and I don't either, so no.

John. They're throwing in another
hundred grand for your trouble.

I f*cking buy from you,
then you want to buy it back?

I don't like it.

Look, John. They f*cked up is all.

They want it back
and they're willing to pay extra.

And then my guys pull up

and you're sitting with a cop,
a marine and a f*cking flag girl?

Be smart here, John.

I like the deal I got.

We're done.

I can't be going there.

Fine, then give me the f*cking address.

It's the least you can do for me.

You don't want to go in either.

I don't f*cking want to, I have to.

Why don't you tell Marty to f*ck himself?
Got half his dr*gs.

No, he's paying me another hundred grand,
and I mean to f*cking collect it.

You better make sure that f*cking
marine f*ck doesn't go in blazing.

He sh**t a g*n that blows back on me
with my dad, I swear to God.

Don't worry.

It'll all be good.

You know, I shouldn't have
roughed you up like that.

I'm sorry.

It chaps you they didn't k*ll me, I bet.

I probably should've
never threw you off that boat.

We're on.

How's it going?

Uh, we... we hit a glitch.
I'm gonna miss dinner, probably.

Can you talk?

Not really, no.

I gave Schafer the file,
he seemed pleased.

So he's good?

I have a meeting with him later with Jim.
And I got word on Mel.

Oh yeah? What's the story?

Former detective, Chicago PD.

He lost his badge.

A little coke problem
that ended in the evidence room.

Was he good at his job?

Apparently he was very good at it.

Workaholic, relentless.

Oh, that's not good.


Am I too late
for two jars of Apple Blossom?

Oh. Um...

You ever try the Ginger Bear?

Is it good?

Next time.

Thank you.

I have some checks for you to sign.

What did you tell your mother
about those signs?

What? Nothing.

She thought... She thought I put them up.
I just told her that I didn't.

And that I did.

I didn't know it was a secret.

Just like you told her
we're gonna build those rehabs.

But I didn't do that.

What else are you telling
your mommy and daddy about me?


Nothing. I swear.

Now, I'm gonna tell you real clear
so I never have to again.

You don't ever tell anybody anything
about what we're doing.

Do you understand me?

- Darlene, take it easy. It's just a kid...
- Don't interrupt me!

Do you understand me?

Because I could cut a lot more
than just your hair, boy.


Well "sorry" don't pay my bills.

What I need is loyalty.

- Are you loyal?
- Of course.

Then you could tell me
something about your parents,

like what they did to my sheriff.

I know you know.

And you do not want to see me

if I think you're hiding
something from me.

They got rid of his body
at the crematorium.

That's all I know. I swear.


Give me the checks.

Bet your ass it's a house
with side buildings and cameras.

ATVs out front
and a f*cking boat on a trailer.

I've breached compounds like this before.

Like what? You can't see shit.

Trust me. I'm in, three sh*ts, I'm out.

Hey, we're not k*lling people, okay?
We're making a deal.

And you wouldn't even know
where the dr*gs are anyway.

They just bought them. They'll be in view.

And we're not stealing anything,
we're paying for them.

- So I'll go in.
- No, you won't.

Are you gonna go in, Marty?

Or Mr. f*cking Tight Ass Special Ops here?

'Cause if you're not going in
and he's not going in,

- then who the f*ck's gonna go in?
- I said, no. Okay?

Are you paying me
that hundred grand or what?

I am.

So then I'm f*cking going in.


Drop the bags.

We just want to make a deal, okay,

over and above what you paid.

We're not f*cking cops,

and we got cash.

I want to see your boss.

Who you with?

The same guys from the speedway.

Where they at?

Bottom of the driveway.

Back away from the bags.

Check her out.

She's clean.


You know the product
can't be cut with any impurities.

I'm worried about time.
We might need to get aggressive.

No. No, we can't do that, buddy.
You're gonna get her k*lled.

- When you say aggressive...
- Yeah, I mean potential casualties.

Hey, can you...
can you put her on speaker, guy?

- Can you put her on the speaker, please?
- You authorize me to go in?

Hey, Clare, I want to talk to you.

Put her on speaker, please. Clare!

Put him on.

Thank you.

Hey, um, uh, you know,

these are... these are Ruth's people.

I just, I... Give her
five more minutes, please.

That's all I'm asking. Five minutes.

Five minutes. Then call me.

Okay, thank you.

Thank you.

Let's say I believe you're not a cop,
which I don't. Then what?

You tell me.

Leave the money,
I'll call you in the morning.

No f*cking way.

You'll leave the money dead or alive,
may as well be alive.

I ain't leaving here without the dr*gs.

Well, you have a problem then.

They were never supposed
to go to you anyway.

Easy, Blondie.

Look, I work for Omar Navarro,

you know who that is?

You work for Omar Navarro,
why you need dr*gs?

I need them back.

They're for the guy I'm with.

Which one? The cop or the marine.

- The marine.
- Who is he?

- His name's Connor.
- Connor who?

I don't f*cking know.

Connor with cash.

What the f*ck do you care?

I care a lot.

The... The guy...

The guy who you... who you think's the cop,

him and Navarro are partners.

That sounds like a lot of talk.

Okay, I get it, I get it,
you're... you're spooked.

But the problem with you being spooked
is about to cost you 100 grand.

Hey, bitch.

Stop telling me how to run
my f*cking business!

It's been six minutes,
you authorize me to go in?


I don't know what to do.

Your dad would say, go with your gut.

- Okay.
- "Okay" meaning, go in?

- You're not going in there.
- I'll call you back.

You're not going in there.

We agreed on five minutes
eight minutes ago.

Just relax and sit in the car, okay?
You're gonna get her k*lled.

You're gonna get yourself k*lled.

Stay back, I'm serious. Stay back. Stay...

- Damn it. Shit.
- Get in the car.

Get in the f*cking car!

Can someone f*cking help me here?


Hello, Senator!

You two really came through.

Uh, what are you drinking?

Uh, bourbon.

Good for me.

Me too.


your spirits have improved.

Well, no joy being more sweet

than finding you've been
worrying about nothing.

Thank you.

Uh, so can we, uh, assume that

you are officially on the board
of The Byrde Family Foundation?

Yes, you can.

Thank you for easing my mind.

And now...

Why do I get the feeling this is about
more than just stock trading?

Since the risk of tampering
with a federal wire-fraud investigation

is a lot more serious than a father
buying stocks in his son's company.

Eh, maybe a whistleblower
needed to be dealt with.

What kind of whistleblower?

Engineer who knows things.

What kind of things?

You're asking a lot of questions.

Just one.

My grandson, uh,
developed a computer system

more accurate and versatile
than anything to date.

And as part of this other investigation,

one of the engineers might have been
considering telling details

about the technology.

Might have been.

Mmm, he... He no longer is.

And what does this technology do?

It can't be audited
by any outside agencies,

even when it appears transparent.

But the point being,

you two did a great job for my family.

Thank you Jim, Wendy Byrde.


Those machines can suppress votes.


Jesus. They can throw elections.

Ain't gonna be throwing them your way.

Hey, I was thinking

maybe that website and all those posters
are going a little far.

It's probably upsetting Ruth.

Ruth is fine.

She knows what it is.

Yeah, I feel like we made
our point though, right?

Maybe take it all down?

Who's asking?

No one's asking.

At the market.

You forgot my custard.

I only have one rule.

Never lie to me. Understand?

Who the f*ck are you?

Yeah, The ginger told me I could sit here.

I hope that's okay. I'm Mel Sattem.

Helen Pierce's husband
hired me to find her.

So what? You're like a PI?



Look, do you mind if we talk inside,
I'm kind of freezing out here.

Yeah, I f*cking mind.

Look, I'm not here
to bust your balls, I swear,

I'm just looking for somebody
to point me in a direction.

Mind if I have a cookie?

Sorry, all out.

Just people with cookie jars

usually got cookies.

Well, I don't. Okay?


So, um... why the f*ck
would I know where Helen is?

Well, I thought your boyfriend Ben might.

Yeah, that's over.


That's a sore spot, probably. I'm sorry.

You, uh... you have any idea where he is?


He ever hit you or anything? I'm just
asking because of his, uh, drug problem.

He didn't have a drug problem.

I thought... I thought he did.

Yeah, well, he didn't. Mm-mm.

So, uh... Marty and Wendy Byrde,
you know them well?

I thought you were looking for Helen.

Look, I just need a signature.

Or her body. I don't really give a shit
if anybody did anything wrong.

You know what?

I'm... I'm real tired.

And, uh, it's past my bedtime.

If anything occurs to you...

It won't.

- Appreciate the time.
- Hmm.



Hi there.


Jesus. Are you okay?

Oh, uh... I'm fine.

What happened?

Um. We, uh... got the deal done.

After being outside the trap house
and getting the shit kicked out of me,

a shower's not a bad idea.

Uh, how'd it go with Schafer?

We got the deal done.


You know, you probably do
want to go to college.

And I'll tell you why.

It's only a matter of time
before you mess up

and she'll get so pissed, she'll fire you,

then where will you be?

Making $8.60 an hour at Walmart?

Kind of late, isn't it?

I want to talk about my sheriff.


I know you got rid of Nix's body.

It doesn't matter if I can't prove it.

What matters is that
your own boy ratted you out.

I don't know what you're talking about.

But thanks again
for putting up all those signs.

Can we pay you or something?

I mean, it was so, so thoughtful!

Don't give me that shit.

You know, if you don't mind
my saying, Darlene,

I think it's hard
for you to admit sometimes

what a... kind soul you are.


And helpful,
like letting us work with Ruth.

What are you talking about?

The dr*gs you sold Frank Jr.

he sold to us,
we sold to our people, and...

You know, so it was a big, big help.

Thanks for that too.


Long day?

You look kind of tired.

You just keep Charlotte away from Wyatt.

Do you hear me?

They're old friends,
I'll do nothing of the kind.

- You know what?
- What, Darlene? What?


What, are you gonna k*ll
every pretty girl in the Ozarks?

Call a f*cking ambulance.

911, what's your emergency?