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01x01 - Sugarwood

Posted: 03/03/22 19:26
by bunniefuu
Scratch. Wampum.

Dough. Sugar. Clams.

Loot. Bills. Bones. Bread. Bucks.


That which separates the
haves from the have-nots.

But what is money?

It's everything if you
don't have it, right?

Half of all American adults have
more credit card debt than savings.

25% have no savings at all.

And only 15% of the population

is on track to fund even
one year of retirement.

Suggesting what?

The middle class is evaporating?

Or the American Dream is dead?

You wouldn't be sitting there listening
to me if the latter were true.

You see, I think most people just have
a fundamentally flawed view of money.

Is it simply an agreed-upon unit of
exchange for goods and services?

$3.70 for a gallon of milk?

Thirty bucks to cut your grass?

Or is it an intangible?

Security or happiness. Peace of mind.

Let me propose a third option.

Money as a measuring device.

You see, the hard reality is how
much money we accumulate in life

is not a function of who's president

or the economy or bubbles
bursting or bad breaks or bosses.

It's about the American work ethic.

The one that made us the
greatest country on Earth.

It's about bucking the media's opinion
as to what constitutes a good parent.

Deciding to miss the ball
game, the play, the concert,

because you've resolved to work and
invest in your family's future.

And taking responsibility for the
consequences of those actions.

Patience. Frugality. Sacrifice.

When you boil it down, what do
those three things have in common?

Those are choices.

Money is not peace of mind.

Money's not happiness.

Money is, at its essence...

that measure of a man's



Well, we're really just getting
started looking at, uh, interviewing,

I guess you'd say, financial advisors.

Mmm-hmm. Sure. You're
doing your due diligence.

Mr. Byrde, we don't know...

Call me Marty.

Marty, we don't know that much
about stocks and investing.

Well, I kinda do.

I do. I just don't have
time to do the research.

We wanna be comfortable

with who we trust our money to.


Um, well, tell me, um... what are
your... What are your financial plans?

Do you have a... a five-year goal?

Yeah, we would like to build
out our basement, ideally.

And we would like a pool.

We're not getting a pool.

We're getting a pool.

- He does this all the time.
- Pools are tricky.

Very difficult to, uh, recoup your
money when it comes time to sell.

As an investment... uh, they're poor.

Marty, gotta be in the city at 4:00.

- Yep.
- Leave in ten?

Yeah. Hey, come on in, meet the Hunkins.

- Oh. Hi!
- This is Liddell of Liddell & Byrde.

This is Bruce Liddell.

The Hunkins are just interviewing
financial advisors, so...

- Oh, so you didn't tell them?
- What about?

Okay. So, we handle 73% of
Northwestern's entire surgical staff.

- Wow.
- Yeah, that's our appointment.

So, due to that level of business, we're
about to stop taking on new clients.

There is an Edward Jones office on
Wacker I hear does a halfway decent job.


Marty, you tell me if
it's not too late...

then $5,000 would still
open an account here today.

And we'd be happy to take
check or credit card.


Um... check?

Great. Great.

Nice to meet you two. Marty,
I'll see you in the car.


Central location,
magnificent architecture.

I know for a fact I'm the
first person showing this.

So you guys are in for a treat.

Views of the Chicago River.
Room for expansion.

- Oh, my goodness, this is perfect, baby.
- The lease options are...

- Babe, not while I'm working.
- I love when you give me boundaries.

Oh, thank God. Marty, what do you think?

Don't you love it?

It's nice. Very nice.

- It's nice?
- Yeah.

f*cking nice? I'm in that
corner, you're in that corner.

Twenty people working for us.
Boom, boom, boom.

Two receptionists.

What kind of windows are these?

- The kind you see through.
- I don't know.

I mean, this is southern facing, right?

I mean, depending on their
performance rating,

the cooling bill will be 15,
20% higher in the summer.

Something to consider.

You wanna go call some
clients or something?

I think Marty and I need to huddle up.

- He's being a little bitch. Yeah? Okay.
- Yeah.

- Sure.
- All right.

Saw your computer screen.

Wendy catches you rubbing one out
to that amateur backdoor action,

she's gonna f*cking
crap a toaster, dude.

What are you thinking?

You and Wendy been together how long?
Twenty years?

- Twenty-two.
- Twenty-two years.

Holy Christ, those threads are stripped.

- It's a long time.
- It's a long time. Liz... Liz...

Nothing's off-menu.

This girl's got a wink like a fox trap.

This is your future wife
you're talking about.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy.
- That is enough.

Easy, settle.

Marty Byrde, you're my best friend.
I love you, I do.

But you're living a
tragically subdued life.


And how is it... How is
it we make the same bank,

and yet I can see my place
in Trump Tower from here

and you're driving a ten-year-old
Camry with cloth f*cking seats?

Nothing wrong with that Camry.

And I do just fine, sex-wise.

- Oh, oh, oh, really? Really?
- Yeah.

Says the man watching DIY porn in
his office, with clients present.


Now, be honest. When was the last
time you were really truly happy?

Oh, come on.

- Come on. I'm planning up.
- Okay, okay.

You got me. You got me.

Financial advisor's not my dream job,

but I am taking a f*cking
bite out of the apple.

- Are you?
- Yeah.

Hey, check this out. Check this out.

Liz and I went here...

...last weekend. Amazing.

Amazing. Look at this.

- Lake of the Ozarks?
- Yeah. Lake of the Ozarks.

Southern Missouri. The
Redneck Riviera, baby.

I thought I was gonna hate the place.
Got there...

...almost pissed myself.

- Yeah?
- Seriously. This bad boy...

This bad boy has more
shoreline, literally,

than the entire coast of California.

- Look at that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Come on.

Every summer, five million cash-rich
tourists show up, descend on the place.

And it's got everything. Rich,
poor, bass boats, yachts, condos.

- You keep this. You hold on to this.
- This is mine?

Yeah, you put that on
your vision board. Okay?

This place, I'm telling
you, it's got everything.

My point is, you can buy land
right down to the waterline.

We invest, okay?

Use it as an excuse to
get out of the city.

Your mood improves,
probably your marriage.

Decision, boys?

- I think we'll take it.
- Nice.

No. What? No, we're not...

We're not... We're gonna consider it.

- We're not taking it yet.
- Mm.

Sometimes, we don't think
we're gonna like something,

but then you try it,

and then suddenly you realize
that you're having fun.

Think about your trampoline.

I mean, your father and I fought
about getting that for years.

And then, all of a sudden, what
happened? Next thing you knew,

the two of us were doing
backflips out there with you.

Mom, I don't want to go to the
dance and I'm not gonna have fun.

Look, if he's just gonna stand
around, why make him go?

It's a school dance.
Everybody stands around.

- You just don't want me there.
- I'm trying to help you, ret*rd.

- Hey.
- You're the ret*rd.

- Hey. Stop it, both of you.
- We don't use that word. You know that.

You know, maybe you should go.

Then you can wear your Minecraft
T-shirt and take your spear.

Oh, screw you.

- Stop it, both of you.
- Put that back, please.

Your brother is handsome
no matter what he wears.

- Give me that.
- Gotta put yourself out there.

Give me the clicker, please.
I was watching that.

- No, you're not.
- Yes, I was.

Give it to me and eat your dinner
and leave your brother alone.

Why do you always take his side? Not
like you ever say anything to him.

Not taking his side.
You're picking on him.

Okay, okay. Just stop.

- Can we reset this conversation?
- Yeah, let's do it.

How was your day?

How was yours?

My day was very exciting.

I went to Costco. And then
I went and got groceries.

And then I... I dropped
off the recyclables.

And then I took Jonah to the dentist.
And then...

Do not throw that out. Your
father might want it later.

- You want it?
- No, thank you. No.

- Okay.
- That's very exciting.

Didn't you get, um, groceries on Monday?


- I need ten dollars.
- What for?

There's a fundraiser for Hannah Lawson.

Is she all right?

- She has psoriasis.
- Oh. Jesus Christ.

It's a disease, Dad. Like cancer, okay?

No. Is it?

It's itchy skin, honey.

There's no cure.

Right, let's save our money.

I mean, if they're close
to a cure for flaky skin

and your contribution's gonna put
a crack team of dermatologists

over the top, then I'm gonna pony up.

But until then, I'd like to
save my ten bucks. Okay?

I am not calling you one, but
why are you acting so dickish?

I mean, it is only $10.

One day, you're gonna work for a living

and you're not gonna like people
with hands in your pockets.

Charlotte, get the ten
dollars out of my purse.

- No, it's fine. Let her face fall off.
- It's...

- It's ten dollars. For God's sake.
- What?

She asked me for $20 last week
and $50 the weekend before that.

She's 15 years old. She needs
to know the value of money.

- Do you not agree?
- I agree.

Your Consumer Reports came today.

That's ironic.

- Thank you for dinner.
- I worked hard at it.

...some of the dangers, and
we wanted to look further.

And while studies have shown that
potentially deadly side effects

are extremely rare,

fewer than 11 cases per 10,000
women who use it for a year,

families affected point out

that the incidence of life-threatening
blood clots is still double...

Do you want the History Channel?

Mm-mm. Thank you. I'm
watching something else.

I'm tired.

You seem awfully quiet.

Just got something on my mind.

- Do you care if I go to bed?
- Mm-mm.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Who loves his little girl?
- You do, Daddy.

Good night.

Yeah, I got it.

You haven't done this before, have you?





Let me guess. Your wife won't
do what you want her to do.

If you were my man, working all
day so I could stay at home...

which, uh...

...let's face it...

it was a bitch when they
were little, but...

but now they're both teens
and in school all day.

Private school, too.

Even though you pay a
shit-pot full of state taxes

and live in a top-rated
public school district...

who's never missed a mortgage payment?

Marty Byrde.

Nice home on a quarter-acre
squared-off lot in the suburbs?

Marty f*cking Byrde.

Putting presents underneath
the tree since 2002.

Not only would I not cheat on you...

...but I... I'd let you do...

...anything... you... wanted.

Do me a favor.

Don't come too fast.


You can't be beatin' off in your
car, baby. It's a workplace.

Yeah. Thank you.

- Hello.
- Marty, it's Bruce.

I'm at Hanson's.

Trucking? Why?

I'm with Senior and Junior. I
need you here, Marty. Now.

Now? No, Bruce. It's the
middle of the night.

Tell me what the problem
is, and I can try...

Del. Del's here.


Hey, Mr. Hanson. Hey, Bruce.

Hey, Marty. Del just has
a few questions. He's...

Yeah? What's going on?

Hey, Del. Didn't know you
were coming in town.

- You look good, Marty.
- Yeah, thanks.

Where's my $5 million?

Your what?

Your $5 million?

- What's he talking about?
- Have a seat.

Whatever's between you is your business.
Got nothing to do with me and my dad.

Shut up, son.

- We run a clean shop.
- Clean?

Other than the $100 million in drug
money that you and your father collect

and transport to these two
gentlemen to launder?

Clean to you.

Listen, Del. Wh... Whatever
money you're missing,

I'm sure there's a perfectly
good explanation.

No. "Stolen." That's my word.

Sit down.


Mr. Del Rio... I swear, we
are not stealing from you.

We log all of our weights.

Check 'em. The numbers don't lie.

Should tell that to him.

From Chicago to Panama,
Moscow to Tel Aviv,

Marty Byrde can make $100
million in dirty money

disappear like spit on a hot skillet.

Mr. Rio? I have to pee.

Of course.

When I was nine years old,

I started working for my
parents' grocery store.

Wasn't a big store, but it fed six kids.

We had four cashiers.

Carlotta, our best...

maybe 30...

started there when she was 15.

She was loyal.

The kind of person you call "Aunt"
when you're nine years old,

because she was always there.

Always with a smile.

And then one day, my
father's closing up...

and he sees Aunt Carlotta slip
five dollars' worth of pesos...

out of the till, into her pocket.

He could not believe it.

"Why? Why, Carlotta?"

"If you needed the money, why
didn't you just come to me?"

Carlotta was a proud woman.

Not too proud to steal, but... proud.

She had four kids, no husband.

Her youngest one had asthma.

Said she needed the
money to buy medicine.

So her boy could breathe.

Cried like a baby.

Swore she would never do it again.

Begged my father not to fire her.


Mr. Hanson...

what should my father
do with Aunt Carlotta?

Five dollars?

You tell her if it happens
again, she's gone.

You put her on probation.


I love America.


One mistake against 15 years.

Training cashiers is a bitch. I'd
give her a second chance, Del.

Marty, what should my father do?

I know what this is. I
know what you're doing.

This is an intimidation audit.

Yeah? I mean, you think you can
just come in here unannounced

and rattle some cages, and
someone's gonna admit to skimming?

I mean, you're fishing.

And, I mean, people steal. I get it.

But you got a distribution
chain downstream

that's run by meth heads
and drug dealers.

That's where you're gonna find your
Aunt Carlottas. They're not in here.

We've been laundering money for Mr.
Navarro for ten years?

That's right.

The only thing you've done here is
you've involved a civilian. All right?

And, you know, to be honest, this, uh...

Dale Carnegie-Pablo Escobar ruse?

I think that that's beneath you.

- Come on, Del.
- Ruse?

- Ruse.
- That's a good word.


- What the f*ck?
- Put it down!

- Jesus Christ!
- Whoa! Just slow down, Del!

- What the f*ck?
- Shit!


- Look, my dad had nothing to do with this.
- God, Marty!

- It was Bruce's idea.
- Hey, shut the...

Shut the f*ck up!

- He came to me. It was Bruce.
- It was Bruce.

- It was his idea.
- Hey! Shut...

Del! What have you done, Del?
g*dd*mn it, what have you done?

Please, listen. Listen to me.

You don't wanna do this. Tell me...

g*dd*mn it!

He... he made a terrible mistake.
We will work for free!

Please, please, my dad had
nothing to do with this.

You know what I like about Chicago?

All the Mexicans.

Culture, the food, the language.

The women. I feel at home.

You know what I dislike about Chicago?

All the f*cking Mexicans.

Might as well put up a sign that says,

"Welcome to Chicago,
drug hub of the US."

FinCEN, DEA, A*F, FBI...

all circling like buzzards.

And where does all the drama come from?


Four sticky-fingered white men.

Del, he's my son.

Please. He made a terrible mistake.

I can make this right.

I swear to God, I can make it right.
I... I can make it right.

A father shouldn't have
to see his child die.

- Dad!
- No!

How'd you do it, Bruce?


Hanson's men picked up
the shipment of cash

along with whatever legitimate load.
Air conditioners.

Subtract the weight of the cash
from the weight of the trucks...

We rigged the gas gauges.

They'd read full when they
were five gallons light.

How much, Bruce?

Eight million over three years.



Marty had nothing to do with this.

This is all me.

I need you to understand...

I... I would've never done any of
this if I thought it would hurt you.

And I am...

Let me just say goodbye to my kids.

They're asleep. And I'll just...

I'll just leave them
a message, you know.

And they're confused...

...and worried about me.

Hang on one second. I'll
just leave a message.

Tell 'em that I'm going away somewhere
and that I'm gonna miss 'em.

They know.

- Where are they?
- Huh?

Are your kids in school? Summer break?


Your kids, summer break?

I don't want to do Wendy
in front of the kids.

Wendy doesn't know
anything about what I do.

I never told her about
anything that I do. Not once.

Not once. You don't need
to do anything to Wendy.

- Are we ready?
- No, no, no. No, hang on. Hang on.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
One second.

Just talk to me for one second.
Just hang on a second.


More shoreline...

More shoreline than the
whole coast of California.

Excuse me?

This place right here
has more shoreline...

than the whole coast of California.

And apparently, every summer...

Hang on, listen to me.

Every summer, the population
of this place explodes.

Tons of tourists. Midwesterners
from all over the place.

Blue-collar, white-collar,
loaded with cash.


That's why I got this brochure.

- I gotta go.
- Hang on, one second.

I got this brochure last
week, scouting businesses,

and I brought it back to
talk to Bruce about it.

And I was gonna talk to you,

because I wanna put the
house on the market,

and I wanna move down
there with the family,

and I wanna do what we do down there.

You're right about Chicago.

You got the FBI and the A*F and the CIA.

And they're all... They're
circling around Chicago.

And they're tapping phones, and
they're monitoring bank accounts,

and I just...

We need a new hub. I need a new hub.

Okay? This place...

It's away from every single law
enforcement agency in the US

and it's cash rich. Okay?

Think about it. I mean, what do I do?

I launder ten percent of what the
cartel does in the US? Right?

And even if you piecemeal five
percent off to some other guy,

you know, which I doubt you
do, but even if you do,

that's 85% that's getting shipped
across the border into Mexico.

All right? And how much of
that is getting seized?

A lot. It's a waste.

How much of it is getting
siphoned off to,

you know, bribe the border patrol guys

and-and the Cops,

and the politicians and the
judges and all that stuff?

It's all going out the window.
Just give it to me.

I want more than just the ten percent.
I want it all.

And I wanna take it down there. Okay?

What did these guys take from you? Was
it eight? Is that what they said?

I'll get you that. I'll put that
together. I'll make you whole.

You call it earnest money, okay?
I give that to you...

but then I take me and my family
and we go down to the Ozarks,

just like I planned.

And I just start washing money.
Tons of it.

Nothing but washed money.
That's all that matters.

Come on. Come on.

Five years,

three years, and I'll launder
twice what we're doing right now.

Five years...

$500 million. I can do that.

It's got more... more shoreline

- than the whole coast of California.
- You said that already.

- Here we go.
- Come on.

$500 million in five years?


$500 million in five years?

Yeah. No question.

You have 48 hours to get me my money.

- Okay.
- Cash.

No financial instruments, no wire
transfer, no cashier's checks.

- Cash. All of it.
- Cash. I understand.

After I have my money...

you have another 48... to be
on the road to these Ozarks.

I want you to be ready to
set up shop within a week.


And, Marty... when I
drive by your house...

there better be a "For
Sale" sign on your lawn.

Come on.

No. There is no choice here.

Marty, stop. We have to call the police.

I want you to forget it, okay? I...

Or do you want to just role-play it?

Okay, I'm Detective Whoever The f*ck,

and you're the wife of
the top money launderer

for the second largest
drug cartel in Mexico. Go.

I mean, come on. Police mean jail time,

or witness protection program, at
best, if we even get that far.

If we make it that f... The
kids and I are in danger?

Well... What do you wanna hear?

You know, people who drive
trucks full of cash

onto scales to weigh it because
there's too much to count,

they don't exactly have a code
of ethics they adhere to.

We're not going to the police.

- Send Liz to the police.
- No.

No, Bruce didn't come home.
He's missing.

- They'll find out he's dead...
- Liz is dead, Wendy.

She's dissolving in a barrel next
to the one they stuffed Bruce into.

Now here's what I'm gonna do.
Over the next two days...

I'm gonna try to pull together $8
million to pay back what Bruce stole.

- What we're not gonna do is...
- Do we even have that much?

Well, it's gonna be tight.

I mean, after early
withdrawal penalties,

I don't know, but I'm gonna try.

What we're not gonna do,
though, is panic, okay?

We're gonna prioritize and
we're gonna compartmentalize.

And there's gonna be a little
bit of time management, okay?

All right? Starting
first thing tomorrow,

after we tell the kids we're moving,

we're gonna call your
friend Linda, the Realtor,

and we're gonna list the house.

Then you're gonna call a moving company.
Then you and the kids are gonna pack.

You can help 'em or let
'em do it themselves.

I don't really care, but
come Friday, after school...

we're on the road, okay? That's it.

And with the movers,
please, get three bids.

The money's gonna be tight.

- No f*cking way am I going.
- Charlotte, you're going.

- We're all going.
- Not me. I'm gonna live with Caitlin.

The Ozarks. That's,
like, woods and stuff?

- Yeah, I think so, honey.
- Mom, what the f*ck?

Husbands and fathers, and-and-and
mothers and wives...

they take new jobs, they relocate
with their families all the time.

You know, this country was built by
Americans pursuing opportunity, okay?

The pioneers, for one,

- relocated once a day.
- You're a financial advisor.

- A self-employed financial advisor.
- That's right.

You decide where the opportunity is.

Yeah, and I've decided the
opportunity is in Missouri.

- Okay, we understand...
- It's simple.

...that this is... this is upsetting.

Believe me, I get how hard this is.

But we're a family, so we are...
We're making this move as a family.

We would prefer if you would...

see it as an adventure.

Yeah, well, thanks for the
eggs and the shit sandwich.


I got her.

You okay?

Not some, all. Everything.
Liquidated, cash.


Sir, again, we don't keep
that kind of money on-site.

You... you can't just
have it wired here,

and then come by the bank and
withdraw it. Not in cash.

Whoa, whoa! Marty, stop.

If the markets are spooking you,
let's slide it into mutual funds.

No, I'll be back in six
months with twice the money.

I'm not explaining myself correctly.

Just because it says the
money is in your account

doesn't mean it's really
there, physically.

I know how the banking system works.

That's why I'm calling you in
advance so you can get it.

Your entire portfolio. Yeah, forget it.

Ten percent penalty for early
withdrawal, plus another 32% in taxes.

Mr. Byrde, there seems
to be a disconnect

vis-à-vis large wire transfers

and your expectations about
withdrawing it in cash.

Sir, by the end of business today,

you're gonna have close to $8 million
in four separate accounts at your bank,

and I suspect that that puts you in a
woefully undercapitalized position

relative to your
obligations to the FDIC.


So, you know, unless you're the vice
president of the one institution

that is exempt from the
liquidity ratio laws

that govern every other bank in America,

I suggest you place a call
to the Federal Reserve

at 230 South LaSalle,

and you order yourself up
a shit-pot full of cash.

Hey, Brenda, um...

Yeah? Do you need help with something?

This firm has been
dissolved, unfortunately.

I'm sorry?

The firm. It no longer exists, okay?

Uh, but, um...

you know, you were great.
All the way through.

Marty's in business with
some very bad people.

We need to leave town.

Your husband, the financial advisor?
Mr. Consumer Reports?

- Holy shit.
- We leave tomorrow.

What? Uh, wait a second. Wait.

Are... are we talking about
run-for-your-life kind of leaving?

Or a witness protection situation?

Everything's on the table.

Holy shit.

Holy shit. Leaving... leaving for where?

The Lake of the Ozarks.

The Ozarks?

I mean, good Lord...
what is that even like?

I think it's where camouflage
is a primary color.

His name's Gary Silverberg.

He's a partner with McNeil-Roberts
downtown. Know him?


On the board of half a dozen nonprofits.

Academy of the Arts,
Goodman Theater, Joffrey.

He sees your wife at least twice a week.
Sometimes more.

Either his place or
somewhere closer to yours.

An Hi Express, Fairfield Inn.

The DoubleTree in Alsip's
where I tagged 'em.

This "Sugarwood" right there.
What is that?

Ah, you jumped the g*n
asking to meet today.

Normally, I transfer everything from
a working file to a folio binder.

Table of contents, intro, summary.
Suitable for presentation, arbitration.

Yeah, tell me what it means.

Sugarwood's her pet name for him.

- As in, you know...
- Ah, right. I got it.

- "Give me some of that sugar." Yeah.
- I got it. Thank you.

Well, where is Marty now?

He's paying back the money
that his partner stole.

How much, I don't know.

Well, if we're talking
about what I think we are,

the government will try to attach
as much of that money as possible,

freeze your assets to
force his cooperation.

You need to get as much as
you can as fast as you can.


f*ck! f*ck!

Hypothetically, scale of one to ten,

how difficult would it be
for someone to disappear?

You or him?


No. Just me. You know, and the family.
Family of four.

New IDs, social security numbers,
credit cards. You could do it.

For a while, anyway. Then
your money'd run out.

One of your kids will get online sloppy.
Twitter, Instagram...

Your wife has one Lemon Drop too many

with her new best
friend, wants to share.


If you have a legal problem I'm not
aware of, don't tell me if you do,

you could keep your identity,
leave the country,

go somewhere with no
extradition to the US.

Depends on who's looking for you,

how much money they have.

Hang on. Hang on.

I just got a text from my bank. My wife
emptied our checkings and savings.

You got a g*n?

- No. What?
- Good.

Silverberg lives in the Aqua Tower.

Apartment 8003, 80th floor.

What makes you think she's there?

It's Thursday.

Hi, this is Wendy.

- Leave me a message.
- f*cking bitch!

Hey, Gary?

Hey, Gary, I'm back!

Twenty-two years!

Never cheated. Not once.

And I had the chance...
more than a few times.

But I never ever took it.

Instead, I worked.

Came home, went to bed, got
up, did it all over again.

Not good enough, huh?

And now you want to try
to take our money?

You want a divorce? I will
show you the meaning of ugly.

You will lose. I will lawyer up.
I will dig in. I...


Whoa, man.

Come on.



Why does Wendy have a cashier's
check for $29,650, Marty?

You lied to me, Marty.

She knows about our business.

What kind of man isn't willing
to lie to save his wife's life?

Was that before or after you found
out she was f*cking the lawyer?



I bet you haven't even
confronted her yet, huh?

Right now, you're
calculating the smart move.

Divorce her...

things turn ugly...

...she holds what you've
done over your head.

Live with the cheating,

and whatever man you think you
are is eaten away, day by day.

Or I take care of our Wendy problem...

right here... right now.

Your call.

Marty, you there?

What should my father do?

Your father?

About Aunt Carlotta. You
never answered my question.

What should my father do about
a woman who steals from him?

A loyal woman. A mother.

With him 15 years.

What did my mother make him do?

Fire her.


It's not the first time
she stole from you.

What was it?

It's the first time you caught her.

You're welcome.

- Hi. Good morning.
- Mr. Byrde.

Hi. What's this?

- Good to see you, Sir.
- Yeah, good to see you.

- Can I get you a cup of coffee?
- No, thank you.

Am I under duress? No.
What are you doing?

No. There's been... No, stop that.

There's been no kidnapping.

I'm not wearing any wires. I just...
I have a, uh...

a business opportunity
that requires cash.

- Sir.
- Yeah?

There's no business opportunities
that require that much cash.

- Not legal ones.
- Well, I agree to disagree.

Where's my money?

As we told you, we can't cover
that amount within 24 hours.


There's two federal agents here.

Which means you wouldn't take the
chance that there was a kidnapping

and not have my money.

So if you don't produce it immediately,
I'm gonna walk into that lobby,

and I'm gonna tell these people
that I can't get my money out.

And we'll see how long
that takes to go viral,

and you get a good old-fashioned
run on this bank.

And if I want to put all
$7,945,400 into a hot tub...

get buck naked and play Scrooge McDuck,

that is 100% my business.

Now, where's my money?

The Great Depression.

That's when the Lake of the
Ozarks was built. 1929.

But you know all that.

You're Marty Byrde.

And Marty Byrde has been planning
this for a long time, right?

How long again?

Long time.

Yeah, I'm short. $6,950.
But it is not...

- It's not a problem.
- What did I tell you?

I've already sold that car,

but I also have a minivan
that I haven't sold yet.

And this... It's a Honda Odyssey.

it's top-ranked minivan in the US.

Blue Book on it is $27,000
and I get the cash...

I'll buy the Odyssey from you for 27.

So I owe you 20,000.
Take that from the cash.

And I'll lease it back to you for...
say, 1,000 a month?

Top-ranked minivan in the US.

Okay? Good.

Now I want you to take my
$7,973,000 with you to Missouri...

and clean it.

- Clean it?
- Mmm-hmm.

It's... That's clean.
It's already clean.

You want me to clean it? Again?

You'd lose 15%.

Another 25% in taxes. Minimum.

That's not the point, is it?

I have to see that you can do it.

I'm torn, Marty...

between intrigue and thinking
this whole Ozark thing

is complete and utter
straw-grasping bullshit.

But I'm willing to roll the dice.

Because you're special.

You have a gift.

But if I think that you're
trying to f*ck me...

I will have to k*ll you... and Wendy...

and Jonah...

and Charlotte.

And not in that order.


Put it all back in his trunk.

You know, Del, the other day you said...

"Where's my $5 million?" and Bruce
and the Hanson kid took eight.


You were right. I was fishing.

I didn't know they stole a damn thing.

And you k*lled Liz on a hunch.

On a tell.

I've been working with you
and Bruce for how long?

You ever known him not to
constantly run his mouth?

What's really going on, Mom?

You know, Charlotte, it has been, um...

a real hard few days, so...

if there is...

anything in here that
you can just combine...

Okay. You're just gonna have to help
Mommy over the next few days, okay?

- Okay. Okay.
- Just keep a really good attitude.

And you have to trust us, all right?

I know we'll work this out later.
I really do.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Thank you.

- Went straight to voice mail.
- Hang up.

- You want me to keep trying?
- No.

Possible he ran.

Changed his mind. Took his
chippie and left the country.

Agent Petty? I think we got 'em all.

Well, 18 bugs went in. I want 18 out.
My name's on the req.

Yes, Sir.

- You don't seem too upset.
- It is what it is.

Liddell was our in.

You heard him. He would have been
a fantastic government witness.

Mexicans, Mafia, Muslims.

We all want to believe that these
people are more than they are.

And they're not. If they weren't...

...dealing dr*gs,

extorting businesses, flying
planes into buildings,

they'd be cleaning toilets.

They're not criminal geniuses.

They're pathological liars on
the path of least resistance.

Liddell was no different.

Entertaining, though.

Uh, I'm confused.

Del Rio, Navarro, the cartel.

Why... Why would we do all this
if Bruce was just "entertaining"?

Where is Martin Byrde?

- Where you going?
- Just gonna take a leak.

♪ Then in your life ♪

♪ There comes a darkness ♪

♪ There's a spacecraft ♪

♪ Blocking out the sky ♪

I'm so sorry.

♪ And there's nowhere ♪

♪ To hide ♪

I'm so sorry.

♪ You run to the back ♪

♪ And you cover your ears ♪

♪ But it's the loudest sound ♪

♪ You've ever heard ♪

♪ And are we trapped ♪

♪ Rag doll cloth people? ♪

♪ We are helpless ♪

♪ To resist ♪

♪ In our ♪

♪ Darkest hour ♪

All right, Dad.

♪ But it was just a laugh Just a laugh ♪

♪ Just a laugh Just a laugh ♪

♪ Even at this angle ♪

♪ And so we crumble ♪

♪ A ten-ton head made of wet sand ♪

♪ This dread still covers us ♪

♪ You gotta be kidding me ♪

♪ The grass grows over me ♪

♪ Your face in the glass In the glass ♪

♪ It was just a laugh Just a laugh ♪

♪ It's whatever you say it is ♪

♪ A split infinity ♪

♪ And in your life ♪

♪ There comes a darkness ♪

♪ And a spacecraft ♪

♪ Blocking out the sky ♪

♪ And there's nowhere to hide ♪

♪ You run to the back ♪

♪ And you cover your ears ♪

♪ It's the loudest sound ♪

♪ You've ever heard ♪

♪ In your ♪

♪ Darkest hour ♪

♪ If you had another me ♪

♪ If you had another me ♪

♪ So dark ♪

♪ If you had another me ♪

♪ If you had another me ♪

♪ Sweet time ♪

♪ Sweet time ♪

♪ Sweet time ♪