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01x26 - Learning to Fly, Part 2

Posted: 03/03/22 16:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dance Academy...

When Dad thought I was the best
it was barely acceptable.

Now he knows I'm the worst.

He was never
gonna come, was he?

He was absolutely going to try.

I think I like you.
That's not true. I know I like you.

You're not ditching me
because you're confused.


I have to go.
There's someone at the door.

- Come with me.
- I can't.

Why not?

You'll be understudying Clara.
You should be proud of your audition.

You argued for Tara in the audition

and I saw enough potential to give
her a chance, but she's struggling.

Abigail, take over Tara's part
for this rehearsal, please.

Good, Abigail.

At home
we have a billion stars,

so many I've always
believed in magic.

It's no secret
that Clara's rehearsals

have been a bit hit-and-miss.

I'm hoping that changes
now that we're in the theatre.

Not wizards and sorcerers.

My magic is the kind of four-leaf
clovers and star signs...

Oh, wait. Come on, T.

This is you.

And that in another life
I could fly.

This is not all for me?

You and...
That's my mirror.

It used to be so easy
to believe in magic.

These days I'm just
struggling to believe in myself.

Tara, I'm not
gonna sugar-coat it.

But the understudy's run-throughs
have been more consistent.

I will not be making a decision
till after the dress rehearsal,

but I want you to both
be prepared for the fact

that I may be switching the roles.

Someone's told my dad that our exam
results come out tomorrow

and he wants to discuss
my five-year plan.

I was thinking this
could be a good chance

to get to know other guys
in other years.


He's fit.


Too soon?

Just a little bit.


This is a big theatre, Tara.

I need you to tell the story
with your whole body.

I didn't mean smile more.
This is not an eisteddfod.


When are you getting
the costume for this?

Um, this afternoon.


I don't understand
why act one goes so well

and then you get to this solo.

Alright, that's it.

We'll have to come back to this.
Moving ahead to Snowflakes.

She takes a while to process,
but when she gets it...

If you were directing this,
would that still be your call?


Abigail is the safer option,

technically proficient,
a little cold but...

Clara is meant to be weaving
her way through the Snowflakes,

not crashing into them.

Tara may be a risk, but when
she gets it there'll be magic.


Yep, no, the parents are fine,

but then ever since
I got too old for day care

they haven't known what
to do with me over the holidays.

Is that Myles?
I'll call you back.

Looking forward
to meeting this young man.

Um, hi, Dad. Sorry, are we talking?

Sweetheart, we're always talking.

Well, me walking out of the
audition, you instant coronary...

Dad, if there's been a ceasefire,
nobody's shown me the white flag.

I'm just giving you space
to do your own thing.

It's what you've
always wanted, right?

Let me take that.

Oh, T, can you pick
a dress that you like

and take it down
to Wardrobe for alterations?


I took the newest.

Dust doesn't work
with my allergies.

Imagine if your parents
drive all this way

and you're not even
dancing anything.

Ouch. I'm just saying.

They'd have to make you
a party guest

or a flower.

Wow, that is weirdly perfect.

I... I don't think it needs
to be altered at all.

Girls, I have some notes.

- Tara...
- Yep.

Sorry. I haven't seen
that costume in a long time.

Ooh, it's an ancient.

My mum wore it and Olga Boranski
and Dame Josie Doran.

Yes, it came out with
the Ballets Russes, .

Superstition says it's never had
so much as a broken thread.

Take good care of it.

It's gorgeous.

I need you to tell the story
with your whole body.


You going home at all tonight?

I just thought I should try
the solo with my costume on,

see if it made a difference.

It did.

So how long were you standing there?
Did you see anything strange?

Strange how?

Never mind.

I can't believe
this year is almost over.


I'm hoping Sammy's
dad gets off his back

or else holidays at the Liebermans'
will be a little tense.

Well, if he doesn't,
you should so come stay at the farm.

I'm serious.

They always need the extra help

and Christmas lunch we have,
like, people over,

so you wouldn't be in the way.

How do you have people?

Cousins, second cousins...
We all go swimming in the dam.

I think you'd really love it.

Yeah, but then other stuff
would probably happen.

Is that...? I don't know.
Is that a bad thing?

Tara, you and I don't really
have the best track record.

I'm sorry. I just...

No, you're right. Bad idea.
Just forget I said anything.

Take that, Anatomy, and stuff it
in your... prostatic fascia.

You know we do Anatomy
in second year as well, yeah?


Part. Shared with...

Mum, I got it. Yeah.

And I topped everything.
Yes, hip-hop. I said 'everything'.

Check out audition week.

Excuse me. Hi. Can you tell me
where the dressing room is?

Um, back the way you came
and second door to your left.

Is it amazing being at the Academy?

You have no idea.

Thank you.



High distinction. High distinction.

You're in the top percentile
of every subject.

I know how I place academically,
but what about my dance exams?

These ARE your dance exams, Sammy.

You should be really proud
of how far you've come this year,

which is why I was so disappointed

to receive this email
from your father.


It says he's withdrawing
his financial support.

Full dress rehearsal.

Act two beginners to the stage.
Act two beginners.

All technicians
prepare for rehearsal.

He doesn't even want you here.
Why is next year any different?

Because I'm in Grade next year.

"The subjects you choose,
the school you go to,

"they all affect your
university entrance, Samuel."

Mum? Yeah.
Could you put me on to Dad?

OK, OK. Well, you tell him
that my phone is on.

If he wants to call me, he can,

but he can't make up his mind
till he sees me dance tomorrow night.

So you and Myles got any exciting
plans for the holidays?

Um, why are we talking
about this now?

'Cause I'm trying
to distract myself.

Break a leg, Tara.

If after the rehearsal
I decide to recast

I want you to be
the one to tell Tara.

I'm keeping it? Really?!

I never doubted it for a second.

It's this dress. It's like magic.

When I'm wearing it
nothing can go wrong.

Listen, I've decided
to stick around Sydney for a bit.

Dad's offered me
a job as his assistant

and there's some stuff I can learn.

Sounds smart.

You should stay with us
over the break.

We can take class, you and Kat
can hang out, you and I can hang out.

Just think about it.
I don't...

I don't have to. I'm in.

Will I be able to change
any time this century?

Alright. We'll talk details later.

I have a favour to ask.

Tickets are sold out and some
idiot put my parents together.

I'm not sure if you heard,

but they won't come if they're
sitting next to each other.

I was just wondering whether
one of yours might swap with mine.

Oh, um...

Forget it.
No, no. I can ask them.

It's fine. I'll sort something out.

It's not much,
just a couple of presents,

but it would be awesome if you could
play Santa at the right moment.

Why? Are you not
planning on being around?

No, actually.

Myles and I are flying to Darwin,

doing a road trip
around the country.

Oh, I hadn't heard.

It's not exactly
for public record yet,

but I was planning on calling
Ethan from the airport

and then he could let everyone know.

You're running away?

Going away.

Wow. You were actually the one
person I thought would understand.

Look, there's one in there for you.

So I'm stuck
in the Bermuda love triangle.

Do you still like Ethan?

I don't know. Maybe.

Kat, would it totally
ruin your holiday

if I went out with your brother?

OK, stop.

Why? Did you see a shark?

No, Sammy.

It's the end of the year.
You guys are my two best friends.

Can we just be here
for a minute together?

Contemporary - distinction.

Pas de deux - high distinction.

General comment -
"Christian lives up to his potential."

I... I just wanted to say thanks, Mum,

for making me audition.

So, anyway, there's this girl...

May I help you?

Um, I don't know.
I'm doing work experience.

I have to take costumes.

OK, those are for side-stage changes

and those are fine
to go into storage.

And that one?



Cast and crew,
minutes till curtain.

- Hey, I'll see you guys later.
- OK.

Kit Kat, you sitting
with me out front?

No, I'm gonna stay
back here with costumes.

Sure, OK.

You're seriously leaving now?

I finally worked out
what we both have in common.

This is it for us.
These guys are our family.

So quit dancing, blow off your
parents, but at least say goodbye.

I can't. They'll try to stop me.

Hey, Myles.

Yeah, I'm on my way now. Yep. 'Bye.


Oh, Abigail, I fixed up the tickets
and your mum's sitting with mine.


Miss Raine, when you danced Clara,
what costume did you wear?

I never danced Clara.


Is your dad a no-show?

Yeah, well, mine hasn't spoken to me

since he found out
I had a boyfriend, so...


Hey. Hey, let's do this.

- Is that it?
- Yep. That's it.

- Sorry, Sebastian.
- Yes?

I was just hanging
my Clara costume side stage.

Obviously, nothing's
going to happen to Tara.

Anyway, I noticed her nightgown
doesn't seem to be there.

I'm sure it's fine. I just thought
I'd better mention something.

- What's happening, Abigail?
- Thank you, Abigail.

- Ethan will check that out.
- Sure.

Whoa! That was fun.


- What did you do with it?
- Hey!

Back off, OK?
It's just been misplaced.

Alright. Wardrobe gave me these.

No. Tara's had a blue sash.

Yeah. No. Everything's under control.

Tara, you're gonna have to wear
one of these or Abigail's.

I can't.
It's just a costume.

No, it's not.
It'll be like in rehearsal.

I never got through
this act without the costume.

Abigail will have to go on.

I can't have a different
Clara halfway through.

Tara, what do you need?

Kat. I need to talk to Kat.

Can someone find my sister?

Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
T, slow down.

It's gone and I can't dance
without it. I'll make a fool of myself.

Alright. Abigail,
start getting dressed.

Listen, you're an expert
at making a fool of yourself.

- Where are you?
- That doesn't matter, OK?

What does is that
you stop making excuses.

I get that you're scared, T,
but you need to suck it up

and do what it is that you've
been working for this whole year.

Kat's right. You're going
to have to go on because I'm not.

You're better... you're
better at this than me,

with or without a costume...

and the audience will see it.

Babe, do they even
know you're going?

Listen, I don't care if we miss
this plane, if we miss the next one,

or we don't go at all.

Alright? All I care about is you.

Why are they holding the curtain?

Wardrobe issue.

But I think I'm ready now.

I know you are.

OK, wait. Wait, wait.

Can you read that for me, please?

You didn't make it into second year.


So, Christmas Day... Are your family
seafood people or turkey?


You know, I'd love to come
down to the farm with you,

if that's still cool.

You have the worst possible timing.

I think you're about
to miss your entrance.

If I have to get six jobs
I'm staying at the Academy.

Shh. I'm watching the dancing.

So I'm in this place
I've only ever glimpsed before

where gravity can't touch me,
nothing can.

If I think about it
I can feel the ache in my knee,

but rather than stopping me,
it's spurring me on, a reminder...

one of the hundreds of turning points
over the last months

that have brought me here
to this moment,

and finally I'm flying.