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02x09 - New Year's ... Whoops

Posted: 03/03/22 16:03
by bunniefuu
It was New Year's Eve in
my beautiful new room,

and life was good.

Three months ago, I could barely sleep

because I was waiting
for my test results.

Now I could barely sleep
because I was so excited

for my sweet 16 party,
and the year ahead.

Hey! According to my checklist,
Taboo is in your closet.

Ha-ha! Yeah, I can't
wait to rule game night!

It is your New Year's tradition.

Yeah, I do love to start
every New Year dominating.

Put your clothes away!
Oh, that's crooked.

Just warmin' up!

She's crazy, but she's right.

Ladies and gentlemen...

live and in person,

put your hands together for...

the paycheck that gets
me over the $2,000 mark,

- and gets me to London!
- Congratulations!

- Oh, take our photo!
- Okay.


Now one of the three of us.

I'm so proud of you for
making this happen.

I'm proud of me too.

By the way, I'm going to
want another photo of me

at school making my
payment for the trip.

On its due date.

Are these the
centerpieces for your party?

Yeah, so I finally picked a theme...

Mardi Gras!

Yeah, it's fun and crazy
and a little too loud.

Like me.

And it's a celebration.

You know, with you being healthy and
everything you've been through,

you'll have a reason to party.

Hey, Lex, can I borrow
your curl-defining cream?

It's your curl-defining cream.

I know. I'm really here to
tell you that I'm going

to an epic New Year's
Eve party. Seniors only.

Yeah, well, I think you're
having a senior moment

because that's the hundredth
time you've told me.

Enjoy whatever sad things
sophomores do on New Year's Eve.

Well, you know what? In two years,

we're going to be seniors

and you're going to be a
sophomore again. Ha-ha.

Yeah, it checks out.

Whatever. In two years,

they'll still be talking about
how historic tonight was.

Oh, and don't ask me

about the awesome tradition
that happens at midnight

'cause I'm sworn to senior secrecy.

Everybody jumps in the freezing lake

with their clothes on!

I've said too much.

I can't wait to turn his
room into a yoga studio.

Who cares about being a senior?

With your birthday party
and my London trip,

this is going to be the
best year of our lives.

I'm gonna keep doing
this whole wanting stuff

and going after it thing.

From now on,

I'm being bold.

- Hmm. I like it.
- Yeah.

No excuses, no fears, just me
out there, getting what I want.

Right now, do you want to get to work?
Because you're gonna be late.

Oh! I do! And boldly!

I added a little extra
whipped cream to your mocha.

Yeah, I'm being bold.

I ordered black tea.

So you did.

Oh, nice! Extra whipped cream.

Barry seems happy. That's unsettling.

Yeah, well, it's time to take down

the Christmas decorations.

Or, as he calls it, "The most
wonderful time of the year."

Now I'm going to go de-holiday the roof.

You're back! Oh, how was your Christmas?

Great! My grandma and I got
food poisoning from old lettuce!

So we had tons of time to catch up.

Christmas in Chicago was fun too.

Well, not as fun as throwing
up with your grandma,

but you can't have it all.

Hey, I'm getting your drinks right now.

Did someone just push
Frosty off the roof?

Barry's taking the decorations down.

Still m*rder in my book.


Did I mention that Ryan
gave me the sweetest gift?

You mean the eight texts that said,
"Ryan gave me the sweetest gift"?

What did you say to him
when you opened it?

Well, I didn't see him
when he dropped it off,

so I just texted him thank you.

- Oh! What did he text back?
- Um...

"Glad you like it."

Then Katie replies, "I really do!"

Ryan: "So happy to hear that."

- "Happy you're happy to hear that."
- "Oh, good!"

- "Good, good."
- "Cool!"

- "Cool!"
- "Well, thanks again."

"You're welcome again."

And it goes on like that for another

50 or 60 texts until this morning

when Katie sent: "Going to work."

That's so romantic!

Or just endless banter between two
people who really like each other,

- but are too chicken to say how...
- I really like Ryan!

- Really?
- Finally!

- I guess I always have.
- Yeah!

I just didn't want things to be
weird and ruin our friendship.

So what's the next move? Because
these texts have to stop.

I'm going to tell Ryan how I feel.

Yeah, that's what a bold person does.

I just need to find a quiet moment

between us when we get back to school.

Are you crazy? It's New Year's Eve.

Ask him to hang out and do
it during the fireworks.

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Okay, I'll text him.

Or you can tell him now.


- Oh!
- Hey!


Uh, I just thought I'd stop by
since Katie said she was working.

Yeah, it's great to see you, Ryan.

It's good to see you.

And the text chain lives on.

Hey, what are you doing
for New Year's tonight?

Want to hang with me and
watch the fireworks?

Yes! I mean... sure.

I mean... Yeah, I could
probably make that work.

We can watch the
fireworks from the roof!

I'm in!

Me too!

So... who all's gonna be there?

Like, you and me...

Yep, yep, you...

You and me...

... and Alexa and Hannah and Reagan.

Oh, so it's a group thing!
Yeah, that's fine.

A group thing can be fine.

Is it... is it safe up there?

Good question 'cause I do not want
to fall through another roof.

Well, uh...

I'll see you later then.


That was amazing.

But how dare you invite us!

Wasn't it, so you could
tell him that you like him?

And I'm going to.

I just thought it'd be easier to
be bold with my friends around.

But this means we have
to figure out a way

to get the roof key from Barry.

You know what? I'm just gonna
tell him I need the keys.

You are bold.


- I am a hard worker.
- No.

- This is important.
- No.

Hear me out.

Fifty cents more an hour.

No, I just wanna watch the fireworks

from the roof tonight
with a few friends.

- No.
- I'll be responsible.

- Roof only. You can trust me.
- Fine.

Huh? Ha! Yay!

Lock up first, no drinks, and make sure

it looks exactly like it does right now.

Actually cleaner. This
place is disgusting.

This is so exciting!

I'm able to stay up until
next year playing games!


Jack! You just got your cast off.

Remember how you broke your
arm in the first place?

Running around Dave and Laurie's couch.


What a day!

Or getting ready for
"What a night!" Ha-ha!

Party prep started with an 8 a.m. run,

followed by the gym, a haircut,

and practiced my entrance
for the party tonight.

Ooh! And it is good.

Hey, Mom and Dad. Happy New
Year's Eve. How are you?

This party is a big deal.

- Seniors only.
- We know!

Look, I'm sorry I'm missing game night,

but staying in is an old person thing.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going
to go soak my feet and take a nap.

All right, it's time to draw for teams.

Well, listen, whoever is my partner

needs to look alive, all right?

I'm not about to lose my
five-year winning streak.

Oh, Dave. All right!
We've got our teams!

Wait. I got Laurie!

Oh, my first game night and
I'm partners with the champ!

All right, Jack. Come on,
huddle up, all right?

We've gotta talk Pictionary strategy.

We should have a team handshake.


Already seeing that team chemistry.

This is so romantic. New
Year's Eve on a rooftop.

Under the stars.

Perfect view of the
abandoned tire factory.

So, I figured out how to
tell Ryan I like him.

I'm gonna walk right
up to him and say...

"Hey, Ryan.

You know how you crack a
peanut and there's usually

two nuts and not just one?"

Oh, no.

Um... a watch?

No. Um, a robot?

A robot watch?

That's a stop light.

- Oh, yeah, I see it now.
- Yeah!

Well, you guys win. Again.

New champs!

Look at me. I'm winning.

I'm like the new Laurie.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, I'm still the Laurie.
We're not done.

You still have to play Speak Out.

Come here. All right.

This is important. So you've
gotta listen, all right?

All you have to do is figure out
the words I'm trying to say.

Wow, this is easy.

I understood almost all of that.

How many points do we get?

- We're not playing yet.
- Oh!

Okay. I'm gonna have to
put the mouthpiece in,

and it's gonna be really
hard to understand me,

so you've got to really focus on
the syllables and the emphasis.

Got it, teammate.

Let's do that after we win.

Okay, here we go.

All these years, I never realized
how beautiful your gums are.

A conference... for
fans... of mannequins.

A conference... for
fans... of mannequins!

She's saying words, but I
can't understand them!

Oh! Nothing like the sound
of your child's laughter.

This is a disaster.

Hey, guys.

- Hey!
- Hey! Welcome.

New Year's Eve. Know what I'm saying?

Be right back.

Okay. What's the plan? You guys
said you'd come up with something.

We're still working it out, but
just stall him with small talk.

- Hey.
- Hey.

It's really incredible up here.

- Oh, thanks.
- Yeah, great idea.

I didn't even know Wired had a
roof until I started working here.


I'm gonna be right back.

Okay. Uh... what have you got?

I think you're gonna like it.

Picture this:

You're cool.

You're calm.

You found something to
stand on, like a stage.

You'll get everyone's attention
and confidently announce:

"I have something important to say."

Then Hannah will play a song.

That's your cue to look
at Ryan and tell him...

I should have said this sooner,

and I can't hold it back any longer!

Then say it, Katie!

When we first met, I thought
you were really cool.

Now that I've gotten to know you,
I know you're more than cool.

You're one of a kind!


You're one of a kind too.

I guess that makes us two of a kind.

Yeah, we are.

That's why I have to
tell you how I feel.

I like you, Ryan.

I really like you with
every bit of my heart!

Pretty great, right?

It's perfect, and I'm gonna
make it happen, right now.

Excuse me.

Attention, please.

Got something to say.

Listen up, people!

Uh, I... I'm saying something now.

Wow, my tongue is super, super dry.

I'm okay. Just one sec.

I know the Heimlich,
but I just ironed this.

So, it's not a complete disaster.

While you were coughing, I
noticed Ryan was looking at you.

Yeah, yeah.

Pugs... practice... jumping... rope.

- Pugs practice jumping rope!
- Woo!

She's right!

Bees... have... little... knees.

Bees have little knees!


I feel like I've found my calling!

The scoreboard agrees.

Uh, Nobody's Puppets,
30 points. Team Laurie...

Zero! We know we have zero, Dave.

Okay, listen. We're not done, all right?

Little partner! All right.

Time to rally!

I said it's time to rally!

Did we win?

No, sweetie. We k*lled you.

Good job, Mom.

All right. Come on, you. Time for bed.

No, no! It's not even midnight!

Okay? I've got more games.

Yeah, we've got Boggle,
and we have Catch Phrase.

Thank you. Bye.

All right. Honey, play me
in Yahtzee! All or nothing.

Babe, I'm so tired.

I choose nothing.

That's because you're
scared! I win by forfeit!

Laurie, one.

What did you want to show me?

I have a new way to
tell Ryan I like him.

I'm writing "I like you, Ryan"
in the foam of a latte.

It's romantic, and playful...

and surprisingly hard to execute.

Are all of these your fails?

I... like to call them my
stepping stones to success.

Well, I'm going to help
myself to a cup of...

"I like... " errrrr.

This is a really cute idea,
but while you're down here,

Ryan is up there

listening to Hannah talk about
her My Little Pony fan fiction.

You guys, it's almost midnight!
You're gonna miss the fireworks.

Uh... Okay, okay. Forget the lattes.

I'm just going to go up there
and tell Ryan I like him,

right before the fireworks.

That's a great idea, and you'll
look so good in that lighting.

Really? Thank you! You too.

- Oh, really?
- Really.

- We should go.
- Oh, yeah.

I just... I just need a
second to get in the zone.

Okay. Good luck.

- Oh, here we go!
- All right!

You've got this.











Happy New Year!

- Hi, Ryan.
- Hey, Katie. Happy New Year.

I just thought I wanted to say...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you, too.



"Quail!" Ha-ha! 45 points.

That's what happens when you
leave a triple word open.

Oh, honey, I'm so glad you came
back down to play with me.

It's only slightly worse than
the nightmare I was having.

"Tat." Three points.

Honey, you should have
put it next to the S

and gotten a double word score!

- You're letting me win, aren't you?
- Happy New Year!

I love you!

Hoo-hoo-hoo! I'm ready
for my epic party.

So glad I took that nap.

Wait. Have you been
upstairs this whole time?

Don't wait up. I'll see
you in the new year!

Have fun at your little game night.

- Should we stop him?
- No! I wanna see how this plays out.

Why does my phone say 1 a.m.?

Why do I have 47 messages?

Why are there pictures
of people at the party?

Why are they already
crawling out of the lake?

Because you slept through everything.

Happy New Year!

I'm not in any of these pictures!
What am I going to tell people?

Tell them the truth.
You're a sleepy boy.

What do I do now?

I'm wide awake.

You could join us in Scrabble.

Now you're just being mean.

This was fun.

I'm looking forward to your birthday.

Thanks for the invite. You know,
you're really going all out.

Yeah. Well, with everything
that's happened,

it makes turning 16 that much sweeter.

What's happened?

Uh... You know, things and stuff.

Aw. I love our super
vague conversations.

- That was fun.
- I know.

Hey, latte to go? We've
got tons left over.

- No, thanks.
- Yeah, enjoy.

Bye, guys. Happy New Year!

I'm sorry you didn't get
to tell Ryan how you feel.

You know, it's...

it's not over.

I just realized that I'm not
a big public moment girl.

Ha! You are not.

I was just agreeing with you.

Look, tonight didn't turn out
the way I was imagining, but...

when the time's right, I'll
pull him aside and talk to him.

Just the two of us. You know,
start with my peanut story.

He'll get it.


I'll tell him I like him.

Yeah, if it's meant to be, it'll be.

Well, when you get the
chance, don't even think

about when you choked on your latte.

That was so last year.

Thanks. Thank you.

- Happy New Year! Love you!
- Bye!

I think that's everything.

Oh, you got the lights! Thanks.

Yeah. Need anything else?

The two of us got it from here.

You know what? I do need help.

Yeah, could you go unlock the door?

- Good night, Ryan.
- Good night!


It's kind of peaceful
when the lights are down.

Yeah, it is.

I like it.


You know...

Uh, well...

Well, you know how when
you crack open a peanut,

there's usually two nuts inside, and...

not just one?




Well, yeah. See, I knew you'd get it!

So there's something I wanted
to tell you... all night.

You can tell me.


I really like...

Oh, my gosh. The latte machine!

Oh, my!

Okay! I forgot to check the dial!

I was supposed to turn it off
if it got to 11, and it's at 15!

- What happens at 15?
- Oh! That.

Aah! Ooh! Hot! Um...

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Oh, my God!

Oh, it's a fire! Fire!

I... I... I've got it! Okay.

- The pin.
- Move!



you were going to say something?

- I'm in big trouble.
- Yeah.