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Secret Magic Control Agency (2021)

Posted: 03/02/22 21:46
by bunniefuu

Ha-ha! Ha!

Only three more days until my birthday!

Your Majesty,

the dishes for your upcoming celebration
are waiting for you to taste and approve.

Ahh! Ooh!

I'm coming!

Good morning, Rosario!

- Bonjour, Your Majesty.
- Mm-hm!

So, what kind of surprises
have you prepared for us this year?

Great pastry to whet your appetite.

And then there is chicken legs
stuffed with apples in their own juices.


And the main course,

bronzed turkey baked with potatoes.

And, of course, dessert.

Oh! Hey!


Uh! Hey!

Hey, you! Get back to your place at once!

You hear me?

Hey, you. Hey, come here. Mon Dieu!



- Yee-haw! Woo-hoo!
- Rosario, I don't like this food! Guards!

Oh, no!

- Hurry up!
- Save me!



Why are you standing still?
Go and save the king!

You! Back off!


- Send Rosario to the dungeon!
- Mon Dieu.

The king has been kidnapped!

What? How?

That's impossible.

It was black magic.
Shall I assemble the army, sir?

No, we don't need any panic.

Keep what happened as a strict secret.

To fight against black magic,
we must turn to the SMCA.

The Secret Magic Control Agency

covertly watches
all the magicians of the kingdom.

They have registered
every single magic wand.

No potion
can be brewed without their knowledge.

So if anyone can find the king...

they can.



Ah! Here it is.

Good, good.

What? Who are you?
How'd you get in here, little lady?

Special Agent Gretel,
Secret Magic Control Agency.


What would you need from me?

I'm just a law-abidin' circus worker
tryin' to earn an honest wage.

Nice try.

Word on the street is
you run a smuggling operation.

Let's go out into the fresh air.

We can discuss this out there.

Believe me, there must be some mistake.

The mistake was kidnapping the king!


You should have minded
your own business.

Boys! Show this lady her way home.

- Huh!
- Huh?


- Huh!
- Hoo!

- Huh?
- Hm-mm.


For kidnapping His Majesty,
you will be sentenced to life in...


It was a false lead?

But still!

You're keeping magical creatures in cages?

This is forbidden.

Oh, what are you talkin' about?

What cages?

These are their houses.

They're absolutely happy here.

Let's see about that.

Hold on. How dare you...



- Sir Prime Minister.
- Agent Stepmother.

Have you found the king?

We have checked into
all wizards and witches,

everyone who wields some magic,

with a license and without,
but all in vain.

There's only one last trail left.

Special Agent Gretel,
have you managed to find the kidnappers?

No, Agent Stepmother.

It was a false trail.

We're at a dead end.

We are just missing something.
Something right in plain sight.

Then we need to see it
from a different angle.

We could use the help of someone
who's done something of this kind.

Done what? Found kidnapped kings?

No, someone who's kidnapped
someone in the daylight,

someone who tricked people,

took them for a ride,

made complete idiots out of them.

I can't really understand
where this is going.

Oh, I do! I understand!

It's about Master Hansel.

Remember when he stole
the statue of the king

from the Central Square?

The whole kingdom was just going crazy.

Searching high and low.

Yeah, and remember
how smartly he returned it?

Made such big fools out of us all?

People believe he is
the greatest wizard in the kingdom.

Stop it! He's nothing but a charlatan.

You do understand,
if the king is not present

at his birthday celebration in two days,
it will lead to panic, chaos,

and more panic.

You need to explore
every possible alternative.


This could be our only chance.

Agent Gretel.

Aye, ma'am.

Arrest Hansel immediately
and bring him to me.

Aye, ma'am.

You think he's going to cooperate?

Be sure that he will.

Agent Gretel is his sister.

- But will she arrest her own brother?
- Of course, she's a ruthless professional,

and her dream is to become the Best Agent.

She puts her duties above her family.

Hurry up, we're gonna be late.
I've been waiting for this day forever!

Waiting months to see him!

Did you see his show? Spectacular!

- There's a table over there!
- We have to find a seat!

Great view!

- Ooh!
- Oh!

I am Master Hansel!

My hands have been scorched
by the flames of chaos

and haven't been harmed
by any other fire since then.

My eyes have been blinded
by the heavenly bodies,

and ever since, they can see
farther than any mortal eyes.

I know you have no power
over the coming future,

but I can prophesy it and help you.



Witness it, my children.



What is that disgusting thing?

This used to be a normal rabbit...

...innocently living
on a farm on the edge of town.

Then the farmer had an issue

with a sorceress.

One thing led to another,
next thing you know,

the farmer's property gets hit

with a jinx!

- A jinx? Oh, no! That's terrible!
- How awful! What can we do?

Yes! But only if you don't
have a protective ebony amulet,

the wood from the bewitched swamps

of the Miracle Forest.

Or a yew amulet
from the Forbidden Mountains,

or the Norwegian boxwood,

unearthed from
the Forever Fjord of the Fairies.

Wow! The Norwegian boxwood amulet!

I've been dreaming of this my whole life!

The owner of this amulet
has no fear of any kind of jinx.

Over here!


I want it! I want this amulet!

I've been hexed just recently.
Take a look!

I'll buy all of them!

I have a huge household
and I don't need any kind of trouble.

I'm so gracious.

I also accept jewelry
and precious stones over two carats.

- So jealous!
- I'm so happy!

Goodbye. Have a great day.
May the power of the amulets protect you.

I feel better already!

- Excuse me.
- Uh!

- How did you...
- I'm sorry, Master Hansel.

I just waited for everyone to leave.

Could you please
lend me one of your amulets?

I'm an orphan,
my little sister has fallen badly ill.

I can't afford a doctor,

so your amulet is the only hope.


The thing is, these amulets,
the magic doesn't work on children.

So, what should I do?

I do have some magic gold coins.

They'll help you pay for a doctor

and anything else you and your sister
need on your own.


Thank you so much, Master Hansel.

But remember,
if you tell anyone that it was me

that gave you these magic coins,

they'll turn into dust.

We won't tell anyone. Thank you.

What now? Uh...




- Sister!
- You're under arrest.


Hands in the air.

Come on, sis.
This is no way to treat family.

Let's sit down, have some tea, catch up.

I'm just gonna go put the kettle on.

- You can't fool me.
- What are you arresting me for?

If it's because of the flying carpet,
everyone saw it flying when I sold it.

Is the genie not coming out of the bottle?

Maybe you're rubbing it the wrong way.


Stop where you are.

So much for the family reunion.

Get him!

Adiós, sister.



Ow! That hurts! Come on!

I'm actually guaranteed
one carrier pigeon message.

It's the law.

- You also have the right to remain silent!
- Uhh!


Welcome! Oh, is the young man
afraid of having his hair cut?

The young man wants a hairstyle
that will open up his inner world.

- Huh?
- That's the password.



It's so cool here.

So this is really where you work?


You. Careful, that class of broom
is unpredictable.

Double up on the restraints,
use two boots on it.

Yes, Agent Gretel.

You, word to the wise,
suspects in jelly form

- need to be transported in airtight tubs.
- Oh, we'll fix that, Agent Gretel.



- Oh!
- Uh...

Good morning.

I am Agent Stepmother,
Head of the Secret Magic Control Agency.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Hansel, an honest and innocent person.

Release him.
Three days ago,

our king was kidnapped
right from his palace by magical means.

I haven't kidnapped your king!

I took that statue a while back,
I returned it.

It was just a little trick
to advertise my business.

That's exactly why you're here.

Our best agents
have failed to find the kidnapper,

and time is running out.

If the king is not present
at his birthday celebration in two days,

we'll have total anarchy.

We need someone like you,

someone who can see the situation
from the thief's point of view.

You're turning to this traitor for help?

I'm a traitor?

Yes! Our parents were
teaching us to be honest

and fight against evil,

but you betrayed our family
and became a charlatan.

As far as I'm concerned,
I don't have a brother.

Oh! And wasn't it our parents

who were also teaching us
not to forget your family?


Save the family squabble
for the holiday dinner table.

You two have to work together.


No. No way.

This is so stupid!

We can't stand each other!

You goody-goodies are way out of...

this charlatan's league.

I'm not asking you for a favor,
Master Hansel.

It's going to be easy for us to expose

every single trick you've ever pulled.

Every resident of our kingdom will know
that you're nothing but a charlatan.

You'll end up
on the street, penniless,

no easy life for you anymore.

And as for you, Agent Gretel,

you missed your chance
to find the king yourself.

So, if you fail to fulfill my order again,

there's no way for you to achieve
the title of Best Agent.

You'll serve coffee around the agency
till the end of your days.

So much negative energy coming off her.

But if you still manage to find the king,

Master Hansel,

I'll grant you a license
of an th-level sorcerer.

And you, Agent Gretel,

you will get promoted,

and the title
of Best Agent of the Kingdom.

For that kind of license,
I wouldn't just find the king,

I'd find you the Invisible Man!

Okay, sister, just like old times, huh?

How about our secret handshake?

See Agent Stepdaughter.
She'll equip you with everything you need.

Aye, ma'am.

Good luck.

The fate of the kingdom depends on you.



Oops, I missed.

You've been a terrible shot
since we were kids.

I can't believe we're working together!

You're a hustler, a cheat, a con artist,

and a charlatan.

I'm sorry, all I heard was "artist."

Remember, I work alone,
so just stay out of my way.

What is this place?

Magic R&D division.

Don't touch anything here.

They're all genuine, unlike yours.

Ugh! Oh, yeah,

like I can't tell a real amulet from fake.

Wow! They are real!

Who would've thought?

Aladdin's Lamp!

Thor's Hammer!

This is Pandora's Box.

- Let's take a look inside.
- Are you crazy?

The legendary Sword in the Stone.

Maybe I'll become king.
Whatd'ya think?

Holy Grail!

Agent Gretel!

- Agent Stepdaughter.
- Woo-hoo!

- Who's the civilian?
- Gretel, look! A flying carpet?

My brother.

Uh... no. Just a regular rug.

You don't choose your relatives.
What is he doing here?

We need to get equipment.

- He's my new partner.
- Ha-ha! Hoo! Ha! Hoo!

- We investigate the king's kidnapping.
- Whoa! Seven-league boots!

Ha-hah! Ha-ha!

Don't touch those! You don't know...

Ha-hah! Ahh! Yee-hah-haw!

What speed!

Uh, hey!
Feels like I'm getting sick. I can't stop.

Ahh! Uhh!

- Ow!
- Ooh!

- Oh, I hope you haven't broken anything.
- I'm okay. Thanks.

I wasn't talking about you.

Holy amulets!

With an arsenal like this,
you can swipe not just the king,

but the whole kingdom.

I'd say "wipe" rather than "swipe,"
as in completely wipe out.

That's why they're here
in the most secure facility ever built.

And we only use them to study.


you're Hansel, that famous charlata...

I mean, illusionist?

At your service.

- How did you seal the statue of the king?
- Trade secret.

Aw! It must be cool
to have such a famous brother.

Yeah, me and my sister
are thick as thieves.

She's so proud of me...

Ah! Ow, ow! Ow...

Let's get to work.

I'll give you your equipment.

This is where we study magical artifacts

and reverse-engineer them to create
gear and gadgets for our agents.

Like this, our brand-new invention.

These are our specially-designed glasses.

They allow you to see any signs of magic.
Try them on.

Only, you can't look through them for long
or it'll damage your eyes.

Just take a quick look
and take them off.

Hey, empty your pockets.


It wasn't me.
Somebody must have planted those.

Uh. Was it you?


And this is a magic watch.

It has absolutely everything,

a compass, scissors, a hand saw,

and lipstick!

This will help you get into anywhere.


- Huh!
- Wow!

- Hm.
- Oh boy!



The effect is temporary, a few seconds.



I knew you had no heart.

This is specifically for newbies like you.

Anti-stray pebbles.
You'll never go astray if you have 'em.


Huh-ah! Ugh!

Now the most important thing.
The results from our crime scene analysis.

I found traces of an ingredient that
I believe brought the king's food to life.

And just five minutes ago, I built this!

Incredible! You formulated a reagent.

She did what?

Think of it as a tracking device.
It can lead us to the mystery ingredient.

Yeah, I'm a genius!

Here's a list of ingredient suppliers
to the king's kitchen.


This one at the bottom,
the Sugar and Spice Shop.

It's in the sketchiest part of town.

That's where I'd run things
if I was trying to stay under the radar.

Thanks for your criminal expertise.

Hey, just trying to earn my keep.

We'll stake it out.
Great job, Agent Stepdaughter.

Thank you.

Okay, time to go.

Yes, thank you for everything.

- Good luck!
- To you as well!

Hm. Hm-hmm.


Almost ready.

Vanilla, I need more vanilla.

That's it?

Where's the rest of my vanilla?

What? They've been taken c*ptive?

I don't need your excuses!

I need vanilla.


Now, you're the general.

Don't disappoint me.


- Hm.
- Hm.

- Uh. Huh?
- Ah!

Finally, you're here.

Oh, my sweet king!

Never have a falling out
with your bread and butter, right?

I'm so happy you're finally paying a visit

to my humble house.

Let's celebrate with a feast!


Wha... What is the meaning of this?

Is this what you feed to the king?

They say the way to a man's heart
is through his stomach.

Now, try my lovely soup.


This isn't soup.

It's black magic!


Get out of my kingdom!
Never set foot in here again!

You're banished forever!


Oh! You still remember me!

What do you want from me? Money?
I'll pay as much as you want.

A license? Have a lifetime one!

Let me go.

Oh, Your Majesty, no need to go that far.

- Why would I need those trinkets?
- Then what do you need?

Soon, your whole kingdom will be mine!

No! No way! Never in my life!

Wait, wait, Your Majesty. Calm down.

I'd like you to try
my brand-new royal dessert.


- Mmm. Yummy! Delicious, isn't it?
- What are they made of?

Some nasty stuff again?

Oh, you can't have too many frogs
in your soup.

I'm sure you're gonna
love them soon enough,

and love me, too.

No! I would...

- No!
- Appetite comes with eating.

No! No, I don't...

Looks quiet, too quiet.

I don't like it.

Why are we hiding, though?

There's no one around.

It's probably booby-trapped,
so watch your step.

Let's go.

Huh! Ha!


Huh! Hm...

Looks like you fell into the slugs' trap.


Huh! Hm...


Hey, sis, when this is all over,

who do I talk to about a little, you know,

- compensation?
- Hmm.

Is there a form I need
to fill out or timecard to submit?

Hey, why didn't they give me one?

You be the lookout, I'll check here.

Huh! Hm! Huh!

Freezing cold.


Ah! So, tell me, how's your life?

Do you have tattoos? You go clubbing?

We haven't spoken in years.

Let's not break that fine tradition, okay?

What on earth?


Exactly. How did I miss this?

It's a trick, cold fire.

Okay, let's go. There's no sign
of the mystery ingredient,

just another dead end.


Hansel, where are you?

Come here. I just found something.

You're... burning!

Ah! It's not real fire. It's cold.

I use this gag on stage.
Fools 'em every time.

Follow me. There's a secret passage.

"I work alone. I don't need a partner."


Looks like we found
someone's secret stash.

Enough goodies to send the kingdom
into sugar coma.

- Hmm.
- Ah.


I can't believe my eyes.

Those cupcakes are alive.

You see that door?

That must be
where they're hiding the king.

So, what are we gonna do?
Let's go get help from the agency.

Negatory. I got this.

Watch me and try to keep up.

- Hm?
- Huh!

Uh! Ah!

- Huh?
- Huh!

Uhh! Huh! Hmm.


What's so scary about them?
They're just cupcakes.


They should be scared of us.
We're at the top of the food chain.

Hey, cupcake!

Who's your owner or... baker or whatever?

Where are you keeping the king? Answer!

Stop it right now.

What did I tell you?
You are gonna get it!

Ah-ha! Gotcha!

Distract them until I find the king.

So maybe I'm not
the top of the food chain?


Huhh! Ahh! Gretel!

Don't let them in here!

Wha... Huh! Ahhh!

No king in here,
but so many potions.

Uhh! Ahh! Ah!


"Swampy Rage Provoker"?
"Fungus Shrinkillus"?

Save me! Ahh!

"Baba Yaga recommends"?

So she's involved in this!


Huh-ah! Uh! Oof!

This isn't just a regular kidnapping.

- Something much more serious is going on.
- So serious, it's gonna eat us!

"Toad Fat-boogium"? No.

"Toadstool Hoaxium"? No.
"Acne Nano-ointment"?

Got it! The mystery ingredient
that brings them to life.


Go away! Down! Bad dog!

- Uh! Huh! Whoa!
- Huh-uh! Ahhh!

Whoa! No, no! Uhh! Get down!

Down! Uh!

Huhh! Uh!


I don't know what that means! Oh!


Look! Here, fetch! Go get it! Tah!

No, stop! What are you doing? You can't!

- Uh-gah! Yeah! Go! Take that!
- Huh? Huh-uh! Huhh!

Ya! Uh!

- Uhh...
- Uhh!

- Huh-Hahh!
- Huh-ahh!

- Huh!
- Oh!




Ha? Hah!



Uhh! Ahh!

- Gross! Ahh!
- Ugh!

What happened?

Men, this way!

Search the area.

Hello? Gretel!




Are you all right?

What happened to you?

What, I...

"I, I..." You've turned
into a child, that's what.

I told you not to touch anything.

Now, I'll have to work alone.

But I'm a special agent,
and I can do this.

And you only bring trouble anyway.


No... No!

I don't want to be a child!

Going to school again! Wahhh!

I was a straight-A student for ten years!

I won't go through that again!

Oh, I really hated being a kid.

Homework, vegetables, being grounded,

feeling powerless.

There must be a way to fix it.

I told you not to throw
magic potions around.

Oh, so it would be better
if that monster had eaten us?

And you should have listened to me
and gone to get help anyway!

But, no, you've grown up so presumptuous.

- Self-sufficient!
- Ohh!

I am the only one in history to get the
royal scholarship without parental help.

I almost become Best Agent,

all by my own efforts!

And now, because of you,
I get fooled like a newbie!

Oh, dear. I'm sooo sorry.

Look there.

Hey, you! What have you done?
What's going on here?

We should leave.

Hey, get back here!

Get 'em! Men, this way!

After them!

They'll get away!

Phew! That was a close call.

What next?

I'm thinking.

Fungus Shrinkillus!

Hey! I wasn't calling you names.

Not you, the potion that transformed us.

Fungus Shrinkillus by Baba Yaga.

I saw it back on the shelf.

Oh, so what do we do now?

We have the evidence. Agent Stepdaughter
will find out who this mark belongs to,

and then we'll nail the kidnapper.

Let's go back to the SMCA.

Will she be able to break the spell?

I hope so. We won't get the king back
as long as we're kids.

Leave it! Let's go.

Hey, it's just a puppy.
We can't just leave him completely alone.

Okay, fine.
Maybe it can be of some use in the lab

for some experiments.

Oh, don't listen to her.

- Put courtesies aside.
- Ow.

What is the meaning of all this?

I need a hairstyle
to open up my inner world.

Ahh! Oh!

Ahh! Oof!

Don't ever come back here again, rascals.

Oh, yeah?

I'm Agent Gretel.

I'll show you. You're gonna regret this.

No one has ever treated me this way!

Calm down!


We need to find another way into HQ.

You mean the most
secure facility ever built?

- Yeah, sure, won't be a problem.
- Don't forget.

I'm Agent Gretel.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Huh. Huh...


Things are bad!

The pastry shop is completely destroyed.

Hansel and Gretel are gone.

- No trace!
- Keep calm, agent!

Hansel and Gretel are the best.

I'm most certain
they've tracked the kidnapper

and are bringing them here right now.

You don't understand,

- we need to get to headquarters!
- Ow!

I'm telling you for the last time,
find some other place to play your games.




- Ahh!
- Uhh!



- Uh!
- Huh!

- Ow!
- Uhh!

I can't believe
they're doing this to us.

We are special agents.

We're just children to them.
You wouldn't believe us, either.

Now, I'll never become
the Best Agent.

Aw, come on.

No use crying over spilled milk.

You're right.

Getting any help from
the SMCA apparently isn't an option,

but we are not just some regular kids,
after all.

We can deal with this on our own.

Let's go to the Thick Forest.

To the Thick Forest? Why?

Even the wolves are afraid to go.

That's where Baba Yaga's lair is.

Yeah. She is exactly who we need to visit.

Are you out of your mind?
Baba Yaga eats children.


There's no evidence that proves it,
no witnesses either.

Yeah, because she ate them all.

Don't forget that I'm Special Agent Gretel

from the Secret Magic Control Agency,

and I can easily make
Baba Yaga take the spell off us.

- She's sure to know who makes the powder.
- Oh. So,

- how are we gonna make it to her place?
- That's how.


You again?

Oh, now you're gonna get it!

Brats! I'm gonna teach you yet!


Uh, Gretel, I think
we're getting a parking ticket.

We're not getting back that way. Let's go.

Look, over there, in the attic.

A real mortar.

Do you think it really flies?

You can ask it yourself soon.

If I had one, I'd be the coolest...


Oh, stop it. Can't you even let me dream?

Hey, you! Hut!

Turn your face to me,
and your back to the forest.

Who did the storm blow in
at this time of night?

Granny Baba Yaga,
we're children, Hansel and Gretel.

Let us in.

What's wrong?

Oh, well, you know, it's just that...

there's Baba Yaga!

Agh! Let's go.


With a barking cookie dog?

We're from
the Secret Magic Control Agency,

and the dog is evidence.

We are investigating
the abduction of the king.

But where are your parents?

We have no parents. We're orphans.

Please come in, my dear children.

- Told you. She rocks!
- Don't stay out in the cold, come in.

I'll give you some food and warm beds
and will tell you everything.

I'm selling my potions
in seven kingdoms.

No way I could remember all my customers.

Will you be able to take
the spell off of us, Granny Yaga?

I remember the name of the potion.

It was Fungus Shrinkillus.

We'll pay you back.

I'll prolong your license
for ten more years at once,

as soon as I become the regular me again.

I will, my darling. I will.

I'll boil the potion by morning
and take the hex right off.

But now you should go to sleep.

Everything gets better
after a good night's sleep.

I could use some sleep.

One more question, Granny Yaga.

This potion, where does it come from?

I thought you were the only one
who produced magic potions.

Ah! There's a mighty lake witch.

She makes this vanilla.

She lives by a huge volcano.

By the way,
your dog just reeks of vanilla.

That means it was
she who kidnapped our king?

Of course. Who else?

Okay. Now, you need to go to bed

if you want me to take
the spells off in the morning.

I still need
to cook the potion.

Listen to what grown-ups are saying.

To bed now.

- Good night, Granny Baba Yaga.
- Wha...

Night night, kids.

Sleep tight.

What an old crone!

She does want to eat us!

Uh, what do you mean?

She laced the pastries
with a sleeping potion.

"Told you, she rocks!"

- We shouldn't have come here at all.
- No, it was the right thing to do.

You heard her.

The king was kidnapped by the Lake Witch.

Well, we need to run. Run now.

Let's climb through the window!


Don't fall asleep. What do we do?


- Ow.
- Go the kitchen, look through the herbs.

The one we need is called "moon gem."

This is the antidote.
If we don't get it, we're...


What's this gem even look like?

Kids. Pretty, plump, and tasty.

- With some onions and potatoes...
- This better work.


- Ah! What? Where?
- You're our lucky winner.

- You have won...
- Oh, my! Begone, wretched being!

Oh... such a shame.

You're the first winner
in a thousand years.


But... what have I won?

A trip to a far away tropical paradise!

Sandy beaches, fruity cocktails,
soothing mud baths, facelifts.

Ooh! Will there also be men?

Huh-ho! Disco dancing every Friday.

- But first you must pay a winner's tax.
- Tax?

Yeah, just a tiny formality.

What's one moon gem
in exchange for your happiness?

Uh, hey. Well, yes, I have one right here.

- Um, here.
- Is this the moon gem?

- Well, yes.
- Are you sure?

All righty, then! This is
your trip ticket. See you in paradise!


Ha... Huh?

Thick sap extract?


- Are you crazy?
- What?

You're just supposed to sniff it!



Hey, shouldn't you be asleep?
Open the door! Do it!

Oh, what do we do? She'll devour us.

We need to run to the Lake Witch!

How? The unicycle is gone,
and we're surrounded by swamps!

Then we'll fly in the mortar!

Right! The mortar in the attic!

I guess we'll get to find out
if it can really fly.

Help me up.

Uh! Uhh!

- Uhh!
- Any luck?

- What?
- Hurry!



- Uhh!
- Ahh!

Decided to run away?


Here, quick!

Come back!

Stop, you brats!

Gretel, help!





- How does it work?
- Weird. What is it for?


A lock?

I'll take care of that.

- Baba Yaga's broomstick, it...
- Got it.




You've broken my broom.

Stolen my mortar?


And set fire to my hut! Rotten kids!

Yeah, take that!

And your license has been revoked.

What kind of children are you?

Did you eat
something special to be like this?

You're insane!


This is so cool!

- That's what I call secret agents' work.
- I know, right?

You totally got her!

You burned Baba Yaga's hut, and I thought
you grew up and became a total bore.

But that just rocked!

And I thought you had no brains left,

but you worked it out so that we could
hijack the mortar and save ourselves.

I can't believe it!

Seems like we're making quite a team.
What do you say?

Maybe. Okay, now, pass me the broom.

What broom?

Baba Yaga's broom,
you ran to get it on the roof?

Yeah, you told me to break it.
That's what I did.

What? That's not what I said.
Why did you break it?

All witches use brooms to fly.

If it wasn't for me,
she'd have already caught up with us.

We need the broom to steer the mortar!


I'm taking back
what I said about your brains.

So, what do we do now?

I don't know, freeze to death?

Though, I know how to warm us up.

Huh! Hey! Ah! Uh! Stop it!


Stop hitting me!


Where would you like to fly?

To the Lake Witch?

The route has been set.


Look! There's the Magic Lake.

So beautiful.

So, what was the point
of you complaining about the broom?

"Why did you break it?"

The Lake Witch, straight ahead.

Please use the manual control for landing.

Hey! This won't do. Come back!

I'm talking to you. Stupid piece of wood.

Hold on, we're gonna crash!

Phew! It's over.



Ow! Oof! Uhh!

Uh-ahhh! Uh!




Ahhh! Oof!



You have arrived.

Please rate your driver.

- Eat, eat! You'll grow big and strong!
- I don't want to!



Disgusting children?

Thrown-up porridge?

Blown-up storage?

They've blown up my pastry storage!

They're gonna pay for that!

Pour it down!





They've hurt your mommy so badly.

Find them.

Then what will you do to them?



Roll them flat for your mommy!

Get up.

We were flying towards the lake,
so that's the direction.

Shame the mortar is done for.

I thought I might keep it.
You know, wind in my hair,

turning heads
of all single ladies in the kingdom.

Dream on. Get ready.

What? Like you don't have
any dreams like that?

Don't write them all
in your "Dear Diary for Secrets."

Give that to me! It's mine!


"Dear Diary,

I had one of the most intense
experiences of my life today."


- This is gonna be juicy!
- Give it back.

"My heart was pounding faster
than ever before."

Stop reading that!

"When I saw the look in his eyes,
I knew I would never be the same."

It's private!

"I never felt so alive as when
I slapped on the cuffs

and made my first arrest."

Wait. What is this?

It's all about work.

Don't you have, like, any personal life?

"Dear Diary, I'm undercover."

"Dear Diary, I'm in a high-speed chase."

"Dear Diary, I'm at target practice."

"Dear Diary, I only hope...

I can be Best Agent like Mom and Dad were,
so they'd be proud of me."


Ahh! Oof!


- Gretel, I'm sorry.
- Save it.

So, what's the plan?

We'll sneak into her lair, invisible,
like shadows.

Silent, like ninjas.

Like shadows of ninjas.

What? What do you want?

Huh? Huh!


Congratulations, Agent Gretel.
The most brilliant mission in history.

So, when do we escape invisibly
and silently like ninjas?

There's no way.

Rumor has it the Lake Witch
is a real monster.



♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with it this... ♪


Wanna swim?


♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Get down, coming in hot, yeah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Look out, got what it takes, yeah ♪

♪ We got it down... ♪

♪ Gonna get down now ♪

♪ Gonna get around ♪

♪ Work it, work it again now...

♪ We're gonna get, gonna get down now ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Woo-woo! ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Woo-woo... ♪

Hm? Oh!

Your Highness, we have guests.

♪ Woo-woo ♪

Who are you, why...



Just look at this!

Now that villainess Ilvira is
even sending children.

Uh... Who's Ilvira?

- We are not spies. We're...
- No point in sneaking around.

Search them!

Here you go, Mom.

Thank you, my dear.

Hm. Uh...

Our magic vanilla!

- Thieves!
- Oh!


You're here to steal our magic vanilla.

Now I'll turn you into fish to exfoliate
my royal feet!


I'm Sam!

Get me out of here!

- Ahh!
- Prepare them for the transformation!

No! No, don't do it!

No! Huh-ah! Ooh.


- Ahh!
- What the... Huh?

Huhh! Uhh!

Mom! Mom, stop.

They're our friends!

She has my pendant.

That's how we ended up in your place.

You saved my only daughter.

I'm sorry we took you
for Ilvira's servants.

She always sends
her thieving cookies here.

Who is this Ilvira anyway?

There is no such sorceress
in our database.

She isn't even a sorceress.

She uses my vanilla
to bake herself servants.

To get real magic powers,

she needs to become queen, like me.

But what king
will marry that chef of theft?

The one she's kidnapped!

If our king marries her...

Then Ilvira will get
magic of the royal level.

- Ahh!
- Don't worry.

No one has ever loved Ilvira,

so no way anyone
would want to marry that viper.

Your Majesty, we've caught one more thief.

Living food!

Let's send him to the others.

Your Majesty, where can we find Ilvira?

If I knew,
I'd have stopped those raids long ago.

Her cookies always appear out of the blue,

steal our magic vanilla,
and vanish without any trace.

Except for those
we manage to capture.

We put Ilvira's cookies here.

Without anyone to command them,
they are like children.


So, maybe let's just get Ilvira's
location out of them?

We tried,
but they only speak gibberish.

No one understands
their language.

One more dead end.

Don't lose your spirits.

You've saved my only daughter, so you can
share our paradise life in the lake.

But we have to save the king!

I'm so sorry
I can't help you with anything.

Forget the king and stay here
to enjoy the endless celebration.


Maybe you should
just stop resisting already.


Sometimes you have to accept
what life gives ya.


Remember, we're honorable guests,
not prisoners.


- Exactly!
- What?

Let's go!

Uh, what are you up to?


- We'll set the prisoners free.
- But why?

Follow the cookies.

They will bring us straight to Ilvira.

No way! The mermaids already tried.

The mermaids haven't graduated
with honors

from the SMCA Academy.



- Huh!
- Huh?

Ahhh! Oof!

Yeagh. Oh!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

- Huh?
- Yay!


- Huh?
- Oh!

- Whoa-oh-oh!
- Ya-hoo!


♪ La-la-la! ♪

- Huh! Huh! Huh!
- Ahhh!

Bingo. Follow him!

Where did they go?

We've lost them!

Told you it was pointless.

What's the matter with him?

Do you hear that?

Watch out!


What is that?



Huh-ahh! Help!



- Huh-ahh! Oh no...
- Huh! Ooh...



What are we gonna do?

I don't know! It's too big!


Uh... Ah! Huh-Ah!

Rowerr... oomp!


Uh! Uh... Ah!

- Mm-mm! Erg!
- Uh! Ahhh!


Huh-uhh! Huh-ahh!

- Huh!
- Hold on!


I can't! I'm gonna fall!


Leave me and save yourself!


- Uh!
- Uhhh!




Ah! Hm!





- Pfft!
- Uhh...

- Doggy?
- Oh, no!

Oh, my doggy.

There's nothing left of him!

Oh, what a cruel world!


- Do you smell something?
- Yeah!

My poor doggy must have been
so scared before his death.


Special serum is used to create magic.

First thing they teach you
in the SMCA Academy is,

if you smell some serum,
be ready to encounter some magic.

There's a passage here! Let's go.


What are you doing? Hurry up.

And careful, the passage is very narrow.

Shh! Hm!

Doggy is alive.


- What is he up to?
- Good dog!

He's distracting them for us.


- Huh?
- Huh?

Follow me.

And you thought it was hopeless.

Hey, we're a great team.

Yes, it seems so.

Secret handshake?


Thanks for saving me... back by the cliff.


That's my duty... as long as we're partners.

Saving the kingdom together...

just like we dreamed when we were kids.

Yeah, just...

it was only you who made
that dream come true.

Not me.

Never too late to make things right.

You think so?

Of course!

You have everything you need
to make that happen.

I wouldn't have accomplished any of this
if I hadn't gotten the royal scholarship.

I had no money at all,
but you have plenty!

Sure, studying is not as easy
as deceiving people, but...

you can still become a special agent.


It's a whole army!

Uh! What? Huh?


Hah! Mm!



We found him!



Your Majesty, we're here to rescue you.
Hurry up, follow us!

Rescue me? From what?

What do you mean?

You've been kidnapped,
we're here to take you back!

Ilvira, my love!

There are some children here,
they want something from me.

Are these your kids?

Tell them to leave me alone.

They make me tired.

- The king has been enchanted!
- Gretel, here!

Love Cookies!

Now it's clear just
how she's planning to marry the king!

She's been feeding the king
Love Cookies all this time to bewitch him!

So as soon as she becomes queen,

anyone who eats even one of her cookies
will instantly become her sl*ve!

That's why she needed
that cookie storage in town!

She wants to bewitch
the entire kingdom!


We have to save the king.

Your Majesty, Auntie Ilvira made you
a very tasty wedding present.

Oh, really? Where is it? Hm!

We'll show you where she's hiding it
if you come quietly.

Oh! What are we waiting for then?

Let's go.

And here's the way out.


Lift with your legs, Hansel! Legs!

I'm trying, but he's heavier
than that tacky gold statue of him.

Hansel? Statue?

You're that trickster
that stole my golden statue!

Uh... I didn't steal it.

It was just a publicity stunt...

- for my business.
- Ugh!

You stole my statue
and now you want to steal me!

Guards! Guards!

Help! Help!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Well, well, well.

Lookie, lookie. Who do we have here?

Illy! They're trying to kidnap me.

That's the little scamps
I've heard so much about.

You've destroyed my cookie supply,

and you're about
to kidnap my beloved king.

Give us back the king
and we'll go easy on you.

That's exactly what I was going to do,
my sweethearts.

His Majesty and I are flying
to his palace to get married!

And you're going to serve
enchanted cookies at your wedding.


So you've worked out my plan.

But it doesn't much matter anymore.

I will make great candies out of you.

Dream on! Sleep.


Hoo! Huh!

Nice try, sweetie.

Throw them into the oven!
The one for candies.

- No! Get your hands off.
- You're gonna regret this!

Oh! What a cutie. Ahh!

Traitor! Have a cookie.

Let's go.

Take your places.

Let... Ahhh!






- Are you okay?
- Get away.

This is all your fault.

If you weren't such a liar and swindler,

the king wouldn't have recognized you,
I would have saved him.

You said it yourself. He's bewitched.

You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.

Exactly! I've always
achieved everything on my own.

I would have found the king, but no...

you had to get involved
and ruin everything,

so you could get that th-level license.

Ugh! You can never have enough!

You think I'm here because of the license?
That's just a piece of paper.

I have plenty of fans
lining up to see me anyway.

Don't lie to me.

You're selfish,
and you've been like this your whole life.

You became a swindler

while our parents
were honest fighters of evil.

You could have studied like I did and
gotten a scholarship from the king.

There was no scholarship!

- What do you mean, "no scholarship"?
- I made it up.

Without our parents, we were penniless.
We had nothing.

Do you think I didn't
want to become an agent...

or that it was my dream to cheat people?

I had to so you could fulfill your dream!

No. I have achieved everything myself.

Yes, you achieved everything yourself.

I just helped you get started.

Our parents taught us to help each other.

You're lying.


Wedding invitation?
Free cookies? Hm?


Ah! Hah.

All my life,
I dreamt of becoming Best Agent,

and in the process,

I sacrificed
the most precious thing I had...

my family.

Forgive me.

Whoa, whoa. If you start crying,
I'm gonna start crying,

and my fans can't see that.

I have never held any grudge against you.

Mm-hm. Mmm.

Let's get out of here. Come on.

Mm! Mm...




Help me up.


- Ya-uh!
- Uhh!

- Ooh!
- Huhh!


- Agh!
- Huh.




- Ahh!
- Mm!


The Love Cookie recipe.

I'll make an antidote.

Can you do that?

Of course! The money you paid
for my education didn't go in vain.

Help me find some ingredients.

- You neutralize a toadstool with a sap.
- Here's the sap!

A bellflower will counteract
the swamp mud.

Got the bellflower.


For the raven feather,
we need a firebird feather.

How 'bout a goose feather?


Ow! Where will we get a firebird feather?
There's nothing like that around here.

Wait, I have one!

- Are you kidding me?
- Long story.


It's ready!

Never show up
at a wedding without a present.

Now, time to go
to the celebration and have some fun.

Yeah, but... how do we get there?

I know how. Follow me.

And here is our wedding invitation.




I have no idea where to fly.

- What?
- I don't know how to get back home.

I took care of that. Look!

You've been leaving a trail all this time?

Yeah! You see,
I'd make a pretty fine agent myself.



- Mm-mm.
- Mm-mmm.

Hah-ha! This thing is amazing!

I'm definitely keeping it.

I don't think so.


The life powder doesn't last for long.





Huh-uh! Mm.

Let's go.

Do you agree to take as your wife,

in sickness and health,

to love, honor,

respect, and obey...

Huh? Oh! Get back here.

Let me go! I need to save the king.

Wish someone had saved me
when I was gettin' married.

- Hm.
- What are we going to do?

We need to get closer,
distract the guards.


I don't know.
You're the master of performances.

Make something up.

...let them speak now,
or forever hold their peace.

He objects!

Who objects?

Let me go! This is...

This is my mom!

Goodness! She has children?

Mommy, let's go home!

Daddy's been looking for you
for four hours already.

She is married?

Take the impostor away.


She doesn't love her children!

- Heartless woman.
- Hm-uh!

What a bad mommy!

Go on.

Um... Now seal this marriage with a kiss.



- Oh! Huh?
- What?

What's going on?

Yes! We did it!

I now pronounce you
to be husband and wife.

Huh? Oof! Uh...

Yes, I'm Ilvira, your beloved queen!

Ilvira, we love you!

Ilvira, we love you!

- Ilvira, we love you!
- Ahh!

Ilvira, we love you!

Ilvira, we love you!

Your Majesty, are you all right?

What's going on?

The witch is trying
to take hold of the kingdom.

Oh, yeah? Guards, get her!

Stop fooling around!

Huh? Huh...

Uh... Uhh?


Why is no one obeying me?

I'm the king!

I'm the king!

Uh... The queen.

Now, they all love me!

You? The cook?

I'm the Head Chef,

and this is my kitchen now.

Get them and send them to the oven.

Ya! Uh! Mm!

Since I can't put an end to you,
I will put a start to your love for me.

Feed them with my cookies!


- That's it! Cookies!
- Huh?


Uh! Mm!


- What is she up to?
- Good job, sis.

We have an antidote.

Now, we can take the spell
off everyone, and you are gonna pay.





If I were you, I wouldn't do that...

my sweetheart.

Give me my bag,
or I'll make cookies out of your brother.

Don't listen to her!

Save the kingdom. It's your duty.


Good girl.

Pfft! Hm!


Now, let him go.

With pleasure.

- See you later, alligator!
- Ahhh!

Why did you do that? Do you have a plan?

No. I can't move!

Uhh! Ahh! Ah!

So, kids, have you run out of tricks?

Exactly! Tricks!

Where did you get that?

Borrowed it from Agent Stepdaughter.

Oh, you...

...have done really well.

Uh-huh! Oh, no, you don't!

Give it back to me.

Give it... no!

Ah! Ahhh!





Uhh! Huh?

Why are you all standing around?

Get me out now!

Or I will send you all to the oven!





- We did it!
- Huh!

Thank you! Thank you both.

I don't even know
how to show my gratitude.

You saved me.

You saved the kingdom and everyone!

Secret handshake?

- Huh-huh!
- Huh!

- Yah!
- Huh!

Huh! Eee! Uh!


Bring our agents
the Brothers Grimm to me now.

Aye, ma'am.

Brothers Grimm, from the Public Affairs
Department, reporting as ordered, ma'am.

There are incredible rumors

about the witch who kidnapped
the king going through the crowd.

We must write
an official version of what happened,

something about two small children
who went astray in the forest

and defeated the Gingerbread House Witch
by some sort of miracle.

But not a single word about the king,

and especially not
about our secret agency.

No worries, ma'am! We'll do our best!

- Agent Stepdaughter.
- Everything is ready.

Are you sure it's safe?

Oh, sure. I've run all the tests.

- I used mice.
- Huh?





Agent Gretel.

For saving the kingdom
from the evil witch,

you are awarded the title of "Best Agent."

I'm happy to serve the kingdom,
Your Majesty.

Ooh! Yay! Congrats, Gretel!
I knew you could do it!

Good job! Good job! Hooray!

So, now you, Master Hansel,

are officially
a Royal Magician of the th Level.


Thank you...

but, unfortunately, I can't do real magic.

Well, that is remarkable.

I always knew that, deep down,
you were a decent man.

Congratulations, Gretel.

You have succeeded and become
the Best Agent of the Kingdom.

Thank you.

And we have a task
that would totally suit the Best Agent.

An evil sorceress has been terrorizing
the whole area by the Enchanted Forest.

The suspect wears a red riding hood.


I'd be happy to, ma'am,

but I'm afraid
I won't make it without my partner.


But you always work alone!

Used to...

but now me and my brother
are thick as thieves.

- I'm so proud of him.
- Heh!

Let's party!

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪
Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this
Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this
Woo-woo ♪

♪ Get down, coming in hot, yeah ♪

♪ get down with this ♪

♪ Look out
Got what it takes, yeah ♪

♪ We got it down ♪

♪ Come and get it
Gonna get down now ♪

♪ Gonna get around ♪

♪ Work it, work it again now ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Gonna get, gonna get down now ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this
Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this
Woo-woo ♪

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Get down, carry me back, yeah ♪

♪ Get down with this ♪

♪ Take back, taking you back, yeah ♪

♪ and back again ♪

♪ Gonna rock, gonna rock it good now ♪

♪ Gonna rock around, huh... ♪

Work it, work it again now

Get down with this

♪ Gonna get, gonna get down now ♪

Get down with this

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪

♪ Woo-woo ♪



Get down with this


Get down with this

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

Get down with this

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

Get down with this

♪ Bum-bah-di-dah-di-dah ♪

Get down with this