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23x08 - The Trial of a Time Lord - part 8 (Mindwarp)

Posted: 11/30/04 15:23
by bunniefuu


Written by Philip Martin

Original air date: 25th October, 1986
Run time: 24:44

Trial room

The Doctor: No! No, no, no, I won't believe it.

Valeyard: You still continue to ignore the truth.

The Doctor: I am not responsible for that.

Valeyard: In your mind, perhaps not. But in reality it is somewhat different, Doctor.

The Doctor: Is Peri dead?

Valeyard: No.

Inquisitor: Then what was the point of showing that last sequence?

Valeyard: Simply as further evidence of the Doctor's interference.

Inquisitor: I thought it was somewhat gratuitous.

The Doctor: And highly prejudicial. You won't convict me by using shock tactics.

Valeyard: I require nothing so crude, my dear Doctor. All that will prove necessary is the truth.

The Doctor: Then tell it.

Inquisitor: Gentlemen, please let us continue with the evidence.

Valeyard: Indeed, Sagacity.

Outside the weapons dump

Yrcanos: Oh, my head. Feels as though it's been trampled on by the seven-legged chargers of Corogem.

Peri: My legs, arms.

Frax: You are fortunate to live.

Tuza: So the Mentors can experiment on us?

Frax: Think of it as community service, Tuza.

Yrcanos: You are a fool to let us live. I would have k*lled you.

Frax: But then you are a barbarian.

Peri: Ha. And you're some angel of mercy, huh?

Frax: Get up, all of you.

Peri: How did you know where we were?

Frax: We've always known about the w*apon dump.

Tuza: Liar! You would have done something before now if you had.

Frax: Weapons are only as good as the training of the men who use them. You're no warrior, Tuza. But him? Now he's just enough in love with death to inspire rabble like yours into action. And we were right. Now move!

Operating room

Kiv: The sea. The sea. Strong. Strong, too much. Too. String. Sting. Strike.

Sil: Why is the Lord talking of such things? He hates seawater.

The Doctor: The body you used to transplant Kiv's brain, whose was it.

Crozier: Just a body.

The Doctor: Just a body? It's a bit casual, isn't it?

Crozier: Only some fisherman. I had no other choice. It's taken me weeks to find one remotely suitable.

The Doctor: I still think it might have been better if you'd waited.

Crozier: There wasn't the time.

The Doctor: Hey, look at this. The host cells are trying to influence Kiv's brain, attempting to alter and distort his memory.

Crozier: Oh, a few must have escaped the laserisation.

Sil: You have blundered! You have reduced the greatest business brain in this part of the galaxy to catcher of sea snakes.

The Doctor: Perhaps the trauma of the donor's death lingers and is infecting Kiv's brain.

Crozier: I must try and rectify it. Increase the sevrin drip to zero four microcentiles.

Sil: There is an imminent summit meeting over which the Lord Kiv is to preside. Our business partner might think it fishy should he be missing, presumed gone insane.

Kiv: Have my briefing tapes and expansion strategy option been baited?

Sil: Er, not yet, your marsh minnow, your Magnificence.

Kiv: Do it! Or you will be the first to sample my new sting, Sil. I'm told, told, even a touch can, can k*ll.

Crozier: One microcentile more.

Sil: The Lord Kiv must not only be present at the meeting with our partner from Posikar, but also able to make sane decisions. If he is not, you will all suffer.

Crozier: He'll be there. Though whose body he'll inhabit isn't as yet certain. We must transfer Kiv's brain to someone else without delay.

Sil: Yes.

Outside the cell

Tuza: My head aches.

Frax: Be grateful you've still got it. Not you.

Frax: Silence!


Peri: Why do they want Tuza?

Yrcanos: Execution one at a time, that's how it will be.

Peri: Oh. Oh, it's strange. Ever since we came to Thoros Beta I've been homesick. Not so much for a place, but a time. I just want to be back in my own time with people I love.

Yrcanos: What is that? Love?

Peri: Well, it's when you care for someone or something more than yourself, I guess.

Dorf: More than yourself?

Peri: Well, I know it sounds crazy, but, sometimes more than life.

Yrcanos: I care nothing for mine.

Peri: How can you say that, Yrcanos?

Yrcanos: Well, on my planet of Krontep, when we die, our spirit is returned to life, to be born in a more noble warrior.

Peri: Until what? Where do you end after all your brave deaths?

Yrcanos: You become a king! Me, after my next death, I join the other kings on Verduna, the home of the gods.

Peri: To do what?

Yrcanos: Why, to fight! What else?

Peri: Well, that figures.

Operating room

Crozier: These Alphan brains are all wrong for Kiv.

Matrona: Shall I have him implanted and sent to the work centre?

Crozier: Yes, yes, take him to the induction centre. What a pity both you and the Alphan are unsuitable.

The Doctor: Hmm? Hmm? Oh, yes, yes, yes. Most disappointing. Unlike Sil, I would willingly have given up my body.

Crozier: What about your companion, Doctor?

The Doctor: Oh, Peri? Ah, quite unsuitable. Female. Silly, flibberty-jibbet. Hopeless.

Matrona: Why not examine her?

Crozier: I think I'll do that. Yet, Doctor, you seem uneasy.

The Doctor: Well, I'd prefer it if you'd use somebody else.

Crozier: Mmm hmm, you have strong feelings for the woman.

The Doctor: Well, certainly enough not to want to see her experimented upon.

Crozier: I understand. I am not without pity. Go to the induction centre. You know precisely the problem I have here, Doctor. If you can find a candidate more suitable, I shall use them. But Doctor? Hurry. You haven't much time.

Outside the cell

Yrcanos: Die well, my lady.

Induction centre

The Doctor: Where is everyone?

Mentor: There is only one subject here, in the implantation cubicle.

The Doctor: May I examine him? I have Crozier's permission.

Mentor: Oh, if you must, but try not to disturb me.

The Doctor: I shall be as quiet as the silence that is in the starry skies, only quieter still.

Tuza: Yrcanos, help me.

The Doctor: You know him?

Tuza: What? Yes. Who are you?

The Doctor: Colleague of Crozier's. (quietly) A friend.

Operating room

Matrona: Stand up.

Peri: Hey.

Crozier: Yes. Ah, yes. Most promising.

Crozier: She is a most promising candidate. I must arrange for antigen tests.

Peri: That's a blood test. Well, I'm not marrying anyone.

Crozier: Ah, spirit, strength. That is good. I must try to retain that if at all possible.

Induction centre

The Doctor: I shall return.

Frax: What are you doing?

Mentor: He has Crozier's permission.

Frax: My apologies, sir. I didn't realise you were in attendance.

Mentor: Oh, take no notice of me. Few people do.

The Doctor: I'd quite like a word with that captured king.

Frax: Yrcanos?

The Doctor: Mmm, that's him. I'm sure Crozier wouldn't mind.

Mentor: Oh, take him. But be careful, he has a very loud voice. Plays havoc with the audio system.

The Doctor: Thanks for the warning.

Mentor: I was hoping we'd seen the last of him. He's such a noisy fellow. Oh, they've gone. Huh. Didn't even say goodbye.


Yrcanos: Oh, stop that. You're a warrior, not a wolf.

Outside the cell

Yrcanos: Cronixer!

The Doctor: How do you do?

Yrcanos: Screeterder!

The Doctor: Oh, now where would a well brought up king learn a word like that, hmm? Open the door, would you?

Frax: You must be out of your mind. He'll k*ll you.

The Doctor: I don't think so.

Frax: Cover me.

Yrcanos: Gronwitcher!

The Doctor: That's quite enough of that. I'm here to help you. You, in.

The Doctor: Your majesty.

The Doctor: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name the last time we met.

Dorf: Dor, dor.

The Doctor: Never mind, you can tell me later.

Yrcanos: His name is Dorf and you are scum.

The Doctor: No, actually I am known as the Doctor, and there's no need to thank me for helping you to escape. Come along.

Commerce room

Sil: You are unwell, Magnificence. You shouldn't have left the shelter of Crozier's laboratory.

Kiv: He has given me dr*gs to stabilise my condition and keep me alert. Can you smell fish?

Sil: I have the deepest respect for Crozier's skill, but, Magnificence...

Kiv: But nothing, Sil. I must attend this meeting, otherwise we could all finish up poor. Now, what is more important, my well-being or your wealth?

Sil: A trick question, Magnificence. But if you feel fit enough to cope, who am I to contradict?

Kiv: Ah, welcome.

Kiv: Excellency, welcome. Please, please, rest yourself.


Yrcanos: I must know.

The Doctor: What?

Yrcanos: I will not take another step until I am told the truth.

The Doctor: What?

Yrcanos: Why did you release us?

The Doctor: I should have thought that was obvious. I need your help to defeat the Mentors.

Yrcanos: That I understand, but you are my sworn enemy. I have vowed to k*ll you.

The Doctor: Yes, yes, well, we can deal with all that later. At the moment, we need each other.

Dorf: He has a point. He has...

Yrcanos: Everyone has a point, nowadays. I am a man of action, not reason.

The Doctor: Don't worry, you'll see plenty of action.

Yrcanos: Then lead on. Oh, but first I must find my bride to be.

The Doctor: We haven't got time for you to go courting.

Yrcanos: I'm talking of the Earth woman, Perpugilliam of the Brown.

The Doctor: Well, we'll find Perpugilliam of the Brown on the way.

Dorf: Where are we going?

The Doctor: To release someone called Tuza.

Yrcanos: Tuza? I thought he was dead.

The Doctor: Well, he soon will be if we don't hurry.

Outside the cell

Frax: Guards! Quickly, get this door open.

Frax: Yrcanos has escaped!

Operating room

Peri: So, I'm fit and healthy, huh?

Crozier: Perfectly.

Peri: Hey! What do you want...

Crozier: In fact, you are so perfect I think I can serve Lord Kiv my finest experiment yet.

Induction centre

Yrcanos: (quietly) There's Tuza, and there's a guard.

The Doctor: Hold on. No, we'll do this my way. I'm not having you causing a bloodbath.

Yrcanos: You think like a warrior but you do not act like one. It's most perplexing.

The Doctor: You stay here and watch out for guards. Stay! Your majesty.

Mentor: Ah, Doctor. I see that you've found your renegade king. Certainly the quietest I have ever seen him.

The Doctor: It is my intention to shut him up for good.

Mentor: Oh, how splendid.

The Doctor: I thought I'd try one of those brain implant things.

Mentor: Oh. For one wish-fulfilling moment, I thought you were going to k*ll him. I presume you have Crozier's permission to carry out the experiment?

The Doctor: Oh, absolutely. I have carte blanche as far as young Crozier is concerned.

Mentor: Oh, that's what I feared. I wish Crozier would keep me abreast of events. He has no idea how much extra work his irregular activities create.

The Doctor: What are you doing?

Mentor: I shall, of course, have to get confirmation of your carte blanche from Crozier.

Yrcanos: Be still, old one, unless you wish your wizened life terminated.

Mentor: Oh, thank you.

Yrcanos: For your life? It was nothing.

Mentor: No, for not shouting.

The Doctor: Come on, now. Come on.

Yrcanos: My friend, we both live to drench the land with the blood of our enemies!

Mentor: Must you say such nauseating things?

Yrcanos: Be silent, wizened one, otherwise you'll be the first to die.

The Doctor: You'll be all right. The implant hasn't taken.

Yrcanos: What is that implant for?

Mentor: It's one of Crozier's newest developments. We've been having problems with some of the Alphan slaves. The implant helps to impede any fractious or rebellious thoughts. It's very effective, Doctor.

The Doctor: Where's the control centre?

Mentor: Oh, er, I, er, I wouldn't know that.

Yrcanos: Come now, wizened one.

Tuza: I know where it is.

The Doctor: Right, let's go.

Yrcanos: To release slaves? I'd envisioned a more noble cause for which to fight.

The Doctor: Well, think of the chaos if we remove their mind control. And you'd have a very willing army to fight the Mentors.

Mentor: He's right, you know.

Yrcanos: Be silent! I am King Yrcanos of the Krontep! I'm quite capable of making my own decisions!

The Doctor: Then please hurry.

Yrcanos: Varoonik! We'll release the slaves, and then on to death! Varoonik!

The Doctor: I'm sorry about the noise. He does so enjoy his work.

Mentor: Just go. Just go.

Operating room

Crozier: Shave her head. I've decided to attempt direct transference.


Tuza: This way!

Commerce room

Mentor: With all due respect, Excellency...

Sil: Guard!

Mentor: Posikar has never been noted for the quality of its seaweed.

Sil: Enquire what is happening. And have that noise switched off.


Yrcanos: This way!

Tuza: No, this way.

Outside the control centre

Yrcanos: Carry on, Doctor.

Control centre

Frax: I somehow knew you'd finish up here.

Tuza: You're getting very good at anticipating my moves.

The Doctor: A friend of yours?

Tuza: Not at all.

The Doctor: Have you seen Peri?

Frax: I believe she is with Crozier.

The Doctor: Just as I feared.

Frax: I think Mentor Sil would like a word with you both.

The Doctor: Have you met Sil?

Tuza: No.

The Doctor: The last person you want to have...


The Doctor: Officiating at your execution.

Tuza: Oh, he won't have us put to death. We'll join Peri as material for experimentation.

Frax: Come on, move.

Yrcanos: Dorf is dead.

The Doctor: I'm sorry.

Yrcanos: No. He died fighting. It was an honourable way.

Tuza: I'm also sorry about your friend, but we must destroy the sl*ve control.

Yrcanos: Lead me to it. I demand the privilege of initiating the demise of the Mentors...

Commerce room

Kiv: Yes, of course, I take your point, Excellency, but you must understand our...

Sil: The Doctor is on the rampage with the barbarian king, Yrcanos.

Kiv: Is that reason to interrupt an important conference?

Sil: He is very dangerous. They could cause a great deal of damage.

Kiv: That is nothing to what you are doing to my negotiations. If I'm not careful, I could lose an important fish concession.

Sil: But you hate fish, Magnificence.

Kiv: Do I? Excellency.

Operating room

Matrona: All is ready.

Crozier: We must wait for Kiv to complete his meeting.

Matrona: This time you will be successful.

Crozier: This time could be my last time for anything.

Matrona: What's happening?

Control room

Yrcanos: Ragna! Look on this and see Yrcanos, a great w*rlord, and also Yrcanos, the even greater liberator!

Tuza: He's certainly a man of little modesty.

The Doctor: Yrcanos?

Yrcanos: Eh?

The Doctor: It's time we found Peri.

Yrcanos: Of course! I need my queen to grace my moment of triumph! Varoonik!


Sil: What is all this confusion? Get out of the way. The Lord Kiv is unwell. Out of the way!

Operating room

Crozier: Prepare him at once. What do you want?

Sil: Anarchy has broken out. The servants have gone mad, and good riddance, I say. All they do is eat you out of house and home.


Trial room

The Doctor: I remember now! Whatever made you take me out of time when you did? I remember it all. I was on my way to save Peri.

Inquisitor: Things have gone too far. You had released chaos and allowed your companion to take part in an experiment that would affect all future life in the universe.

The Doctor: I did try to stop it!

Inquisitor: But you could not succeed. It was too late, and therefore necessary, by the direct order of the High Council, to prevent the consequence of Crozier's experiment. Watch, Doctor. Watch and listen carefully.

Operating room

Matrona: A perfect transfer.

Crozier: I have altered the basis of all future life.

Sil: Kiv's brain is inside the head of that repulsive Earth being?

Crozier: No. This is what I wanted to achieve from the very beginning. I have transferred only the contents of his mind into the brain of the woman.

Sil: And what of the Earth woman's mind?

Crozier: Gone. Mentally, she no longer exists.

Sil: And you can transfer any mind into any body?

Crozier: When the Earth woman's brain ages, I can transfer the mental energy and consciousness of Lord Kiv into yet another body. He need never die.

Sil: Immortality.


Yrcanos: Now where?

Tuza: Around the next corner.

Yrcanos: Good. I shall enjoy destroying Crozier.

Tuza: Don't you feel as though there's something missing? It's as though there was someone else here just a minute ago. That there was three of us.

Yrcanos: Ah. You sense the presence of Mildu, the great god of w*r. That is good. It seems that I shall make a warrior out of you yet. Come!

Outside the operating room

Yrcanos: Good. Only two guards. The gods are with us.

Tuza: What do we do?

Yrcanos: Two guards, two of us. We fight like warriors.

Tuza: And what does that mean?

Yrcanos: Frontal attack. Now!

Inquisitor (O.C.): They're caught in a time bubble. Everything must be perfect before they drive home their final attack.

Trial room

The Doctor: You're using Yrcanos as an assassin.

Inquisitor: It was judged by the High Council as the most acceptable way, and Yrcanos will never know that he was used.

The Doctor: And so they took it upon themselves to act like second-rate gods?

Operating room

Peri: Warm. Not cold. My body is warm. Wonderful. Legs. Toes. Toes wiggling. Trunk. A neck. Strong. A head free of pain. Eyesight. Colours. Warm blood inside. Oh, I like this. Now, I am she, alive within this oh so wonderful, wonderful frame, not that cold-blooded reptile thing. It must, must die.

Crozier: It already has. Welcome to your new body.

Sil: I wish you could have found a more attractive one.

Yrcanos: Ragna!

Peri: Protect me. I am your lord and master.

Yrcanos: No! No! No!

Trial room

The Doctor: You k*lled Peri?

Inquisitor: We had to act. With the discovery that Crozier had made, the whole course of natural evolution throughout the universe would be affected.

Valeyard: But Peri died, Doctor, because you abandoned her. We had to end her life because your negligence had made it impossible for her to live.

The Doctor: Lies. There's something else going on here. The High Council has no right to order Peri's or anyone else's death.

Inquisitor: Please, Doctor.

The Doctor: No, I was taken out of time for another reason, and I have every intention of finding out what it is.

The Doctor


The Valeyard

The Inquisitor

King Yrcanos




Matrona Kani


The Lukoser



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