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01x01 - Bad Hair Day

Posted: 03/02/22 19:21
by bunniefuu
Hi! Your entertainment is here.


Hey, you started without me.

Yeah, I have VIP privileges here.

Oh, donuts!

- I got your favorite.
- Rainbow sprinkles?

Where is it?

You didn't let me finish.

I sort of ate it.

Hey, it's a long walk
from the donut place.

The donut place in the lobby?

That's the one.

Megan! Donut?

Ooh! Any rainbow sprinkles?

Yeah, they were out.

Oh, found our
first-day-of-school outfits.


Yeah, and when we wear it,
we have to look like this...

Wait, does that mean Dr. Breitwieser
cleared you for school?

I'm starting high school this Monday
just like everyone else.

And I don't want anyone
at school to know.

I'd hate it if they
treated me all weird.

Especially Gwenny Thompson.

Can you imagine if she
knew I'd been sick?

Oh, yeah.

You guys might start
being nice to each other.

That would be horrible.

OK, but when exactly is the doctor
going to let you know you're clear?

I mean, did he never have
a first day of high school?

Doesn't he know what this means to us?

Can you sit down, please?
You're making me nervous around my IV.

Wait, seriously?

But I am... I am so care...

Maybe I will sit.


Oh, and he's calling my mom
today at three.

What? Wait, why didn't you tell me?

Because I knew you would go all Katie.

Go all Katie?

I'm just saying, why call at three?
You know, if he knows, he knows.

I mean, why not one? Why not two?

Why not...

Oh, yeah, this is going all Katie.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, what did you do?

Something fun!

Oh, she's coming!

You two? Of course!

Who put dye in the soap dispenser?

I don't know who did it,

but the bottle says
it comes off with vinegar.

Alexa, there are many reasons why I'm

glad your treatments are almost over.

This is the story of how I beat cancer.

When it all started, my nurse told me

to write down things I'm grateful for

to help me be positive.

That first day,
it was for grape popsicles,

my family, and my best friend.

I've been grateful for Katie a lot,

but this time I'm super
grateful for her.

You'll see.

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it any longer ♪

♪ You make me feel stronger ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it ♪

♪ You make it so much better ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh, we'll do this together ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

OK, it's time.

Everyone, get out your school schedules.

On the count of three,
say what lunch group you're in. Ready?

One, two, three.

Group A!

- Hannah?
- I'm afraid to look.



Thank goodness!

I do not think I could eat noodles
around strangers.

What's that around your wrist?

- Oh, I'm babysitting my brother.
- What?

- Hey, guys!
- You put Jack on a leash?

It's either this
or he sits at the table with us.

- No.
- It's not that bad.

Hey, first day of high school, let's dye

the tips of our hair the school colors.

- Yes!
- I love that.

I don't know what part of school
I'm the most excited about.

- Going out for basketball.
- Pep rallies.

- Football games.
- Dances.


- Did you eat all the samples?
- What samples?

I'm weak!
You knew that when you brought me here.

Gwenny's here.

- Hello, Alexa.
- Hello, Gwenny.

- Long time.
- Not long enough.

Sorry you didn't make
the basketball team.

What? School hasn't even started.

And now I'm in your head.

Well, I'm in your head,
and there's an echo

because there's nothing else
in here with me.

'Cause everything left
when you walked in.

Maybe I'll redecorate in here.

- Don't you dare.
- Too late. It's done.

Come on, guys.

This place isn't cool any more.

It will be when you leave.


Oh, we've got to go. It's almost three.

What's at three?

- Uh... Dog rescue.
- Piano lesson.

- Piano lesson.
- Dog rescue.

Yeah, we are volunteering
to teach piano to rescue dogs.

It calms them.

What if the doctor
doesn't clear me for school?

Hey, he will.

But, uh, just in case...

Way ahead of you.


Take your shoes off.
My mom will be home any second.

It has to look like
we've been here for hours.

Hey, Mom.

Honey, I am so sorry.
I could not get out of work.

I hate missing your chemo.
How did it go?

It was fine. I...

I came straight home, took a nap.
Here I am.

You came straight home?

Mom, we had an agreement.
How can you even ask?

Is that your mocha?

Yeah, from yesterday.

And, yet, it's still warm.

Climate change?

- Hi, Katie.
- We hung out at the coffee shop!

Hey, there was so much
tension in the air.

Alexa, you know
you're not supposed to get tired!

I'm not even a little tired, Mom.

- Did Dr. Breitwieser call?
- Not yet.

We're gonna talk about this nap thing

when Katie's not around to hear me yell.

No, we can hear you pretty good
from next door.

- Hey, Lex.
- Oh, gross! You're sweaty!

Yeah, I stink, too. Want a whiff?

Not the hair!

You know not the hair.

- Hey, Katie.
- Great, thanks.

Oh, you didn't ask.

But I am. Great, I mean.

Yeah, not to brag, just... just saying.


- Seriously?
- What?

Lucas? Gross! You've known each other
since you were five.

Now suddenly...

I don't know what you're talking about.

You know he farts.

He does not!

We're out of milk.

Oh, no! Milk is really important.

Water's also good.

It's poofy in the back.



No, it's good.

It's good.

Hey, Lex, look at this.
You got a note from the principal.

She says she's aware of your situation,

and we can count on her
for any help and support we need.

This is pretty cool.

Mom, you've clearly lost touch
with what "cool" means,

because it's not being besties
with your principal.

Yeah, Principal Trugly is horrible.

I got detention for a week
just for skipping homeroom.

No one can stand her.

They call her Ugly Trugly.

That is awful!

- Oh, mean.
- Juvenile.

We used to call her the same thing.

Well, not your father.

She loved your dad.

He was such a suck-up.

If he didn't have that Mustang,
I would have never...

driven home with him in that Mustang.

Let's get back to you
skipping class, mister.

I'd love to, Mom.

But that sounds important.

Dr. Breitwieser!

- Dad.
- Oh, tell him we need...

- Ignore.
- ...milk.

Dad, again.
Can't he just text like a normal person?

Dr. Breitwieser!
Mom, answer, answer, answer!

OK, got it. Hello.

Dr. Breitwieser.

Oh, that's wonderful! Yes!

No. No, of course not.

Oh, that's good!

No, totally understand.

Mom, you're k*lling me! Yes or no?

Oh, sorry, Doctor. Yes.

♪ That's right! Going to high school! ♪

♪ Starting Monday! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! ♪

Oh, my gosh! That's in three days!

Oh, my gosh! That's in three days!

What are we going to wear?
What are we going to say?

You work on breathing,
I'll work on outfits. Come on.


I've been calling from the driveway.
I need help!

I got you, Dad.


Always there for me, son.

I have nothing to wear!

You have my dress.



So, good news about school, right?

Yeah, I'm pumped.

- What's that?
- Just some notes from your doctor.

What notes?

Let's remember we just heard good news.

Yeah, great. What notes?

"Come right home when school ends.

No extracurricular activities"?

- It's just a few precautions.
- "No physical activities"?

Mom, that means no basketball.

Well, you could be the team manager.

You know, do the roster. Manager stuff.

You could glitter your clipboard.

Glitter's awesome.

Look, not every kid
gets clearance from their doctor

to go back to school this early.

You're lucky.


That means no sports,
dances, being in plays.

All that leaves is going to class.
Like, the worst part of school.

That is a terrible attitude, young lady.

Sorry, that was my mother talking.

Honey, I know it sucks,

but it's just for right now.

You're getting better,
and we don't want to risk that.

I know.

I just thought once school started,
things would go back to normal.

And they're on their way.

Before you know it, you're gonna be
lying to me about skipping homework

instead of skipping naps.

God, I hope so.

We're starting high school together!
Let's celebrate.

All right, yeah. Yeah. Uh...
Let's do something our moms will hate.

I was thinking
more like an ice cream cone.

With dangerous toppings.

I feel like such a bad girl.

Now I have to figure out a way
to hide this from my mom.

All right.

Cleared by the doctor, colored hair. Hm.

Now all that's left
is to buy some new clothes,

take Gwenny down, and I am
officially ready to start high school.

Are you seriously going to keep
that stupid feud going?

What choice do I have?

Am I supposed to just let her win?

It's an endless revenge cycle.

Do you really think
anyone's ever going to win?



Let's FaceTime Hannah and Reagan
and show them our new hair.

Good idea.

Does Lucas shave with this?

What? I don't want to smell it.

Katie, wait. Um...

Let's just surprise
them when we see them.


Oh. Hm.

Oh, that's my mom.
OK, I'll call you later.

Come on! Come on! Where are you?

Are you seriously
going to touch every cookie?

Why does every cookie
only have a single chocolate chip?

Because you have a single parent.


I'm going next door to Alexa's.

They've got Milanos.

Bring me back one. Oh, and get yourself

something nice for your lunch tomorrow.

So, how is Alexa feeling
about school starting?

She's ready.

High school's a really big change and

she's already going through so much.

Mom, I'd know if she were worried, OK?

Alexa and I
can practically read each other's minds.

Like right now. That's her texting.

- You're right.
- I can even tell you what it says.

"Don't watch Project Runway without me."

Close. It says, "Meet me in the

tree when you know your mom's asleep."


And I'm obviously telling her,

"Sorry, I'll be asleep myself then."

This is probably what they call
a "teachable moment"...

but I'm gonna go take a bath.

What took you so long?

Don't you mean, "Thanks for

meeting when you're
supposed to be in bed,

even though I know
you could get in trouble"?

OK. I need you to grab dark clothes and

as many rolls of toilet
paper as you can.

- Good night.
- Katie, wait! It's important.

- I need to toilet paper Gwenny's house.
- Sounds like fun!

- Good night.
- Katie, come on!

Do you want to look
back at your childhood

and know that you never teepeed a house?

I do. I really do.

What is going on with you, Alexa?
You're kind of losing your mind.

I really need this right now.

It's a good distraction
from everything else.


Oh, my gosh! OK, I'll do it.

- This is going to be fun!
- Jack!

Go to bed, and keep this to yourself.

What if I go with you
and keep it to myself?

If I don't strangle you,
you keep it to yourself?

Mom said you're not allowed
to strangle me anymore.

All right, all right. Let's just do it.

- I'll go get the toilet paper!
- Shh!

I'll go get the toilet paper!

Are we really doing this?

Oh, we're doing this.

Nice arm, Jack!


Hey, are you all right?

You know I hate that question.

As my best friend,
you have to not ask me that ever again.

As my best friend, you have to not
do things that wear you out.

OK, I'll sit here for a minute,
until I feel...

- Better?
- No.

Inspired. Go do the bushes.

This is the best night of my life!

OK. I'm ready.


Wait, is that my ski cap?

Oh, my gosh! I'll give it back.
Now, will you focus?

Alexa, this isn't Gwenny's house!


It says "Trugly."

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
This is our principal's house!

Jack! Jack, we've got to go!


- Lex, leave it!
- I'm almost done.

We have to go right now!

What do you think you're doing?

I am calling your parents.

This will not end well.


My brain feels weird.


I'm OK.

I just hope Principal Trugly
doesn't remember me.

I was always such a model student.
I'd hate to let her down.

This is about Alexa, Dave.

Yeah. Yeah, right. Of course.

I just don't understand what made you do
something like that, Alexa.

And with Jack.

This is not like you, Katie.

I am so sorry
Alexa dragged Katie into this.

No, no, Lori.
I don't feel that way at all.

Katie is in charge of her own behavior.

Look, we can deal with
the girls ourselves,

but we need to present
a united front to Trugly.

We don't want them starting school
with a bad reputation.


I know Trugly can be intimidating.

I'm not afraid of her.

- All right.
- It was all her daughter!

- Jennifer!
- Sorry. I'm afraid of her.

Please come in.

- David?
- Oh, hey!

Principal Trugly.

One of the perpetrators is yours?

In my defense, I am
not around that much.

I'm a pilot,
so really it's, uh... Captain Dave.

We should go in now.

Roger that.

Suspended for three days?
It's so unfair!

It was just one day,
but then your mother jumped in.

Long story short... you
got three days and

Mom's banned from school for a month.

It's so unfair!

You kicked her trash can.

I slipped.


This can't be happening.

We're never gonna have
a first day of high school.

Trugly is crazy.

Is this really what we're gonna be
dealing with for the next four years?

Oh, I have an idea!

Why don't Katie and I
go to Crawford High instead?

That's across town.
We don't know anyone there.

And they're our rivals.

Oh, I know!
Mom, you could homeschool Katie and me.

You mean, we wouldn't even go
to high school? That's crazy.

We can learn in our pajamas.

We've been waiting to start high school
since fourth grade.

And I have a job.

Dad, want to homeschool us?

Oh, I love you...

but I really don't.

Neither do I.

Not that anybody's asked.

Alexa, what's really going on?

Hold on.

Did you know that was Trugly's house?

How would I know?

By having her address in your pocket.

You lied about Gwenny.

You wanted to get us in trouble.

Why would you do that to me?

You're out of toilet paper!

Go away, Alexa.

I brought a cookie with two chips in it.

Oh, it's you.

You were hoping it was the person
you just told to go away?

Lori brought your ski cap back.

She said Alexa was really upset.

Hm. Good. She should be.

Why don't you go talk to her?

No way! She should be coming to me.

Whoa, three!


She lied to me, Mom.

All right.

I'm sorry, honey.

Oh, Alexa.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- Tell you what?

- My ski hat?
- I gave it back. Let it go.

No, Lex. I saw a lot of your hair in it.

A lot.


So why are you so mad?

I'm the one who's losing my hair.

I'm your best friend.

I mean, you should have told me
what was going on.

Like I would care if
you have hair or not.

All right.

I don't want my stupid hair to fall out.

And all of a sudden it is...
just as school is starting.

That's why you wanted
to get us suspended.

Actually I was hoping for expelled,
but Trugly's gone soft.

I don't want to go to school like this.

But I don't want
to not go to school without you.

That's sweet.

And awful.

It's "swawful".

I'm sorry.

And as much as I hate losing my hair,
it's more about...

Everyone knowing.

Hey, so what if they know?

Because then I'm the sick girl.

I-I want things to be how they were.

I... I want to go out for basketball,

and not keep things from my friends,
and take Gwenny down.

But now, when school starts,

instead of seeing me...

everybody's going to see cancer.

Everybody's going to know me
as the sick girl,

and I am so much more than that.

Hey, they will figure it out, OK?

You'll do something
crazy and really dumb,

and they will all get to see
exactly who you are.


It's just sometimes
it really, really sucks.

And when my hair started coming out,
I-I panicked,

and I took you down with me.

I'm sorry.

I have an idea.

You think I should just shave it off?

Then everyone will definitely notice.

What if you're not
the only one they're noticing?

OK, Katie.

Put it away.

I get it. Y-You are the best friend
that anyone could...

Oh, my gosh, Katie!

Oh, you just did that.


As long as you're my best friend...

you are never going through
anything alone.


Yeah, I'm kind of committed now.


how do I look?

Really, really bad.

How about me?

- Ridiculous.
- Yeah.

Hey, if you promise
not to keep things from me,

I promise I'll personally
take Gwenny down for you.

Oh, that's a deal.

So, what kind of tattoos are we getting?


No, not today. Just... planning ahead.

The older I get, the more I realize

there are certain times in your life
that you really need a friend.

But sometimes
you get something even better.

You get a Katie.


Three, two, one.

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪