01x12 - And Something Makes Three

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bewitched". Aired: September 17, 1964 - March 25, 1972.*
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Samantha falls in love with and marries Darrin Stephens only for him to find out that his new wife is one of a secret society of powerful witches and warlocks and that a twitch of her nose brings magic.
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01x12 - And Something Makes Three

Post by bunniefuu »




Ooh. Ahh!












Samantha? This is Louise Tate.

I'm at the corner
filling station.

I must see you right away.

Right away?

Well, wouldn't it be better
if I met you somewhere?

Oh, well,

if it's that urgent, Louise,
yes, all right, I'll see you.

I'll be right there.

Good. Goodbye.



Hello, Loui... Hello, Samantha.

Louise, what's the matter?

Has something
happened to Darrin?

Oh, no, no. Of course not.

Is Larry all right?

Up till now, yes.

Well, for heaven's sakes,
Louise, what happened?

Samantha, Larry and I have
been married for 16 years.

Did you know that?

Yes, of course.

Well, now, after
all this time...

Has something happened
between you and Larry?

Yes, finally.

Louise, no!

I'm going to be a mother.

Louise, no!

Yes. The doctor just called
to say the tests were positive.

I'm on my way to see him now.
Will you come with me, Samantha?

Oh, yes, of course!

I'm terrified! Why?

It's the most wonderful thing

that could ever
happen to a woman.

Well, I'm not so terrified of
the thought of being a mother

as I am of Larry being a father!

Larry will make a
wonderful father.

What did he say
when you told him?

I'm afraid to tell
him, Samantha.


Well, after all these years,

I don't think Larry's
gonna care for the idea.

Besides, he hates children.


He says they're too young.

Oh, my stars. Come on, Louise.


Well, what is it? A cavity.

A cavity?

Yeah, I think you better
have it taken care of, Larry.

Yeah. I guess I better
go during my lunch hour.

That's a good idea.

Uh, Darrin? Hmm?

How'd you like to go with me?

Well, what for?

Well, I just thought if you
weren't particularly hungry,

perhaps you'd like to
spend lunch with me.

You're not scared,
are you, Larry?

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

I just thought you could
drive me back to the office

from the medical
center, that's all.

That gas makes you a
bit groggy, you know?

Gas? Oh, he won't
give you gas for that.

What do you mean, no gas?

He's going to drill
the tooth, isn't he?

Of course, but he'll
probably give you a needle.

You're not serious?

To deaden the pain of the drill.

What deadens the
pain of the needle?

Come on, Larry,
it's just a little stick.

It only lasts for a minute.

Haven't you ever been
to a dentist before?

Only once.

My father took me.

Well, how old were you?



Well, don't laugh. Everyone
has their Achilles heel.

Mine happens to be in my mouth.


I know when I tell
Larry, he'll faint.

Don't be silly.

It's times like these
men become very strong.

You really think so?

I know it.

Then he'll probably hit me.


And I just can't wait to
see the look on Darrin's face

when I tell him.

Why, that lucky son of a g*n.

Oh, hi, Larry. How'd it go?


Larry, are you all right?

What's the matter? They give
you laughing gas or something?

Darrin Stephens, you
are one lucky son of a g*n!

What are you talking about?

Who do you think I saw

when I came out of the
dentist's office, hmm?

I don't know. Who? Guess!

I don't know. Samantha.

Samantha? What was she
doing at the medical center?

I didn't talk to her.

She didn't see me. Oh?

Know where she went? No.

Guess! I don't know!

I don't suppose I
really ought to tell you.

Certainly you ought to tell me!

All right. Sit down.

I don't wanna sit down!


You lucky son of a g*n!

What are you talking about?

Oh, oh, okay, okay.

Don't sit down.

But if you fall down,
don't blame me... papa.

What did you say? You heard me.


Larry, are you serious?

Of course I'm serious.

I saw her go into
Dr. Bricey's office.

Hmm? Dr. Bricey,
the obstetrician?

That's incredible.

Louise was with her,
and I heard them talking.

Samantha said she couldn't wait

to see the look on your
face when she told you.

That's incredible.
I'll call her.

No, no, no, no,
no. Don't do that.

This is probably the
most important moment

in a woman's life.

Let her give you the
news in her own way.

You're right.

I won't say a word.

I'll let her tell me when
she wants to tell me.

I'll just call her now in case
she wants to tell me now.

Take it easy, will you, Darrin?

She hasn't had a
chance to get home yet.

Oh, yes, of course.


WOMAN: Mrs. Stephens is calling.

Remember, not one word,
you lucky son of a g*n.

Hello, sweetheart.
How are you feeling?

Oh, I'm fine. How are you?

Oh, I'm fine. I'm just fine.

[WHISPERING] She's fine.

Where are you, darling?

I, uh, I'm in town, shopping,

and I ran into Louise Tate.

Oh, that's wonderful,

Yes, isn't that nice?

And we thought it
might be a good idea

if you brought Larry home,

and the four of us could
have dinner together.

Larry's there with him.

All right, sweetheart.
Yes, we'll see you at home.

Hmm? Oh. Larry
wants to talk to you.

What'll I say to him?

Oh, for heaven's sakes, Louise,

you've been married
to him for 16 years.

Hello, Larry?

Yes, dear.

Oh, certainly, dear.

Goodbye, dear.

Darrin thought dinner
was an excellent idea,

so long as I didn't stand
on my feet too long.

I'll tell you,

that husband of mine is one
kind and considerate man.

Seems like I've got

a pretty kind and
considerate husband myself.

Oh? What'd he say?

He told me to cook the dinner.

He doesn't want you to stand
on your feet too long either.

It'll be great for you, the
best thing that ever happened.

It's gonna be wonderful.

Oh, children are marvelous
when you're young.

Of course, when you get
old and tired and impatient,

that's a different story.

That doesn't sound
like you, Larry.

It isn't me. I meant Louise.


Well, lucky, what
do you think it'll be?


I haven't the faintest idea.

Well, one thing's for sure:
It'll be either a boy or a girl.

I certainly hope so.

Well, I'll see you around 7.
We'll head for home... papa.

think it'll be? What do you think it'll be?


Yes, Miss Nelson.

Mrs. Stephens and the
children are here, Mr. Stephens.


Yes, sir. Shall I send them in?

Uh, yes, of course.
Send them in.

Hi, Daddy!

Hi, Daddy!

Hi, Daddy!

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, Daddy.

Hello, darling.

I hope we didn't catch you
when you were too busy.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Of course not, sweetheart.

I'm taking the
children to lunch.

Then we're all
going to the park.

Well, swell. I'll, uh...

Get down from there!

Okay, Daddy.


Oh, no.


Yes, Rebecca?

Samuel has to... you know.

You take him, dear.

Okay. Come on, Samuel.

Samantha, are
all our children...?

Well, of course, darling.
What did you expect?

Mother, you tell Maurice
to give me back my candy.

MAURICE: Oh, yeah?

Well, you're getting
too fat anyway.

Don't you dare say that again.

Fat, fat, the water rat

Sam... Sam...
Samantha, do something!

Now, little Endora,

you change your brother
back immediately, do you hear?

Do I have to?

Yes, of course.


Are you sure you can't come
to the park with us, darling?

No! I don't think I can.

I mean, I've got so
much to do, I'd better not.

Oh, all right, sweetheart.
We'll see you at home.

Now, now, now, children. We've
disturbed your father enough.

Last one to the
park is a rotten egg!

right, now. All together.

One, two, three.


Hey, Mom!

Come on, Julius.


Sam, what have we done?

Gladys, even if
there was a pool,

you can't find it now!

It's dark out!

I don't know what
they did with it,

but it's here somewhere, Abner,

and I've got to find it!

We'll get arrested, Gladys!

Not if you don't yell!

Why don't you stop all
the noise and help me look?

I looked already,
Gladys. Where'd you look?

I looked in the garage.

There is no swimming pool.

I examined the yard
from one end to the other.

No swimming pool.

I even looked around the
back, under the garbage cans.

There is no swimming pool!

Look once again, Abner!

What time do you
think they'll be here?

Any minute now.

Why don't you try to relax.

I can't relax. I'm
scared to death.

Why don't you have
something to munch on.

That ought to calm you down.

That's a good idea. Do
you have any Indian nuts?

No, I don't think so.

You know, lately
I'm crazy about them.

Isn't that ridiculous?


Oh, there they are. Now,
you just relax. I'll get it.

Oh, good evening,
Mr. Kravitz, Mrs. Kravitz.

Good evening. Mrs. Stephens,
do you have a swimming pool?

No. No, we don't.

Are you absolutely sure?

Yes, of course.

Thank you. Good
night, Mrs. Stephens.

Good night.

Uh, Gladys.




What in the world
would make them think

we had a swimming pool?


That's Darrin's car.

Oh, Samantha,
what am I gonna do?

Just get hold of yourself.

This is the most important
moment of your life.

Louise! Stop fussing.
You look gorgeous.


Hello, darling.

Hi there.


How are you
feeling? I'm just fine.

These are for you.

Oh, thank you.

And so are these.

Hi, Louise. Hi, Louise.

You look lovely.

You certainly do.
That's a beautiful dress.

Thank you.

You smell beautiful too.

How about that perfume, Darrin?

It's perfect.

Well, aren't you both nice.

I think I'll go and put
these in some water.

I'll help you.

Oh, uh, has anyone noticed
how lovely Louise looks?

Certainly did.

You look very pretty, Louise.

I don't smell bad, either.
Would you like to try me?

How'd everything
go today, darling?


I got a little shopping done.

Sure you didn't get too tired?

No, no, not at all.
I feel wonderful.

Are you all right?

Oh, I'm fine.

We're both fine.

That's fine.

Who's for a martini?

Great idea.

I'll have one.

Me too.

You think you
ought to, Samantha?

Sure. Why not?

Well, I mean, maybe...

Uh, maybe it'll
spoil your appetite.

Oh, nothing can
spoil my appetite.

Well, all right, but
just one. A little one.

I'll have one.

Here you are, Samantha.

Oh, thank you.

I'll take this with me,
and I'll check on dinner.

I'll carry it for
you, sweetheart.

It isn't heavy.

Well, uh, I like to
make things easier

for you whenever I can.


I'll have one.

Larry, I'd like a drink.

All you have to do is ask.

New dress?

Yes. You like it?

I might. How much did it cost?

Not very much.

I'm crazy about it.

Here you are.

A little tight, isn't it?


Oh, well... Larry,
I'd like to talk to you.


Larry, you're not an old man.

You're a very young man, really.

What are you talking about?

Well, what I mean
is... it's not too late.

Too late? For what?

Well, it's not too
late for an old man

who really isn't old
to be a young man.


Are you sick or something?

No, I'm not sick, but I
want another martini.


I've never seen you
down one that fast before.

You better take it easy.

I'm perfectly capable
of taking care of myself.

I was thinking
about your weight.

What about my weight?

Well, martinis are fattening.

Two of them?

It all adds up.

You know, I've been noticing,

lately you're getting a
little thicker in the waist.

I am?

It's nothing to
get panicky about,

but you could try a little
exercise during the day.

You know, pushups or
knee bends or something.

I can't do that, Larry.

Why not?

I'm going to have...
Dinner's on the table.

Come and get it, Louise, Larry.

Okay. Going to have what?

You're going to have what?

I'm going to have... dinner.


There you are, sweetheart.

Thank you, darling.
Aren't you sweet?

DARRIN: Comfortable?

SAMANTHA: I certainly am.

Now, you all better
eat before this gets cold.

LARRY: It smells marvelous.

Here, Louise.


Well, what's wrong?
Aren't you hungry?

Larry, I have something to
say, and I'm going to say it.

Is something wrong, Louise?

I only meant it as a joke.

Good girl, Louise!

Well, what is it?

This morning, Samantha and I

went downtown to see a doctor.



What happened?

He kicked me!

I'm sorry. M-my foot slipped.

It was an accident.

Go ahead, Louise.

We went to see Dr. Bricey.
And, Larry, you know what?

Yes, I know what. You can't
keep your mouth shut, that's what.


Well, I'm sorry.

I know you were at
Dr. Bricey's. I saw you.

You mean you know?

Of course I know.

Don't be angry, Larry.
It's made me very happy.

I was hoping you'd
feel the same way.

I do. I think it's marvelous.

But I also think

that Samantha should
be the one to tell Darrin.

It's all right with me.
Go ahead, Samantha.

You sure?

Go on. Tell him.

All right.


Yes, dear?

Louise is gonna have a baby!


Congratulations, Darrin,

you lucky son of a g*n!

No two people in the
world are dearer to me

than you and Louise.

And now there's going to be...





After all this time?

I'm sorry, Larry.

What do you mean,
sorry? I think it's wonderful.

How do you feel?

My leg is k*lling me.

I just can't understand why
it took you so long to tell me.

Well, I didn't know
how you'd feel about it.

Great! That's
how I feel about it.

Just great!

You thought it was me.

I sure did.

That isn't all I thought.

Oh? What else?

It's not important.

Samantha, when
we do have a child,

what sort of child do
you suppose it'll be?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Oh, I know it'll
be a boy or a girl...

Won't it?

Oh, I imagine.

A boy or a girl... what?

I don't know.

I just hope it'll
be a happy child,

with your eyes and your hair,

and it would be
nice if it had my...





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