01x07 - Much Ado

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Party of Five". Aired: September 12, 1994 – May 3, 2000.*
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After their parents die in a car accident, the five Salinger siblings are forced to live on their own, with oldest son Charlie appointed the guardian.
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01x07 - Much Ado

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't you dare.

Kate, I'm warning you. Don't.

Aah! That's it.

That's it.

Okay, okay. I give up.
I give up, I give up,
I give up.

You know, California is
still officially in a drought.

-You want a soda?
-I'll get it.

It's okay.

Don't you have practice
or something, Claud?

I already practiced
for two hours.

She knows where the glasses are?

How about if we make it
water instead of soda?

I think you've already got
enough sugar in your diet.

Bailey hates water.

He hates any liquid
without bubbles
or artificial flavoring.

In fact, once, he drank
a whole gallon of Mountain Dew

and puked all over--

I love water.

Water is the source
of all life.

It's nature's miracle.

That's very poetic.

Really? It was
completely spontaneous.
I didn't even think.

I love it when
you don't think.

That's one
of his best qualities.

Isn't it past your bedtime?

[man on TV]
As it should be...


The Niners won.

I'm heading home.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Why don't you spend
the night here?


Come on, you're tired,
and you don't want
to drive home.

I'll let you sleep on
the good side of the bed.

The one without
the cr*cker crumbs.

We've been over this.

Well, I don't get it.

You're worried about
our relationship interfering
with taking care of Owen,
and it hasn't.

We're just gonna go
over to your place, right?

Go to bed, get up
in the morning,
and come back over here,

so why don't we not make
life easier on ourselves?

I'll let you wear my pajamas
with the feet in them.

What about the others?

They can get their own pajamas.

You think it matters to them
whether you spend the night?

In fact, it'd probably
make Claud happy

knowing that we're
both in the house.

I don't know, Charlie.

I mean, I start spending
the night, the next thing
you know, I'm practically
living here.

Come on. I'll make you
breakfast in bed.



I want you to.


What's the tally?


How come nobody ever
tips the band?

Probably because the singer
can't remember a lyric
to save his life.

I had something
on my mind tonight.

Right. five bucks says
the same thing happens tomorrow.

Fine. You're on.

Wait. I want
a piece of that.


Are you in, Julia?

Oh, what the hell.
Easy money.

It's a lot harder than it looks.

Yeah, right. I know
more lyrics than you do,
and I'm a barmaid.

Not that there's
anything wrong with that.

Okay, Martin, pop quiz.
You ready?

Go for it, baby.

Here we go.

[strums a tune]

I know it.

♪ Going faster
Than a roller coaster ♪

♪ A love like yours
Will surely come my way ♪

♪ A-ay a-ay ♪

Second verse.

♪ Every day ♪


♪ A love like yours
Will surely come my way ♪

Go on, girl.

[Julia laughs]

♪ Every day seems
A little longer ♪

♪ Every way
Love's a little stronger ♪

♪ Come what may ♪

♪ Do you ever long for
True love from me? ♪

♪ Every day
Is getting closer ♪

♪ Going faster
Than a roller coaster ♪

♪ A love like yours
Will surely come my way ♪

Take it, Danny.

♪ A love like yours
Will surely come my way ♪

All right! See?

You almost
got the words.

That's how
you're supposed to do it.

What's the matter with you?

[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody wants to live
Like they want to live ♪

♪ And everybody wants to love
Like they want to love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be
Closer to free ♪

♪ Everybody wants to live
Like they want to live ♪

♪ Everybody wants to love
Like they want to love ♪

♪ Everybody wants to be
Closer to free ♪

[indistinct song on TV]

[Kirsten] Very hip shades.

There's a partial solar eclipse
in exactly 24 minutes.

Have you seen Bailey?

Can't say that I have.

We're going to the exploratorium

to watch through
the big telescope.

-It's a special event.

I want to see as much
of the umbra as possible.

Umbra's the shadow
of the moon over the sun.

If we get there early enough,

we'll be able to see every phase
of light and shadow.


You want me to take you?

I promised Bailey.

We could still see
the last crescent phases,

if he gets here right now.

Or in the next minute.

In ancient times,

people thought eclipses
were an omen.

A sign that something bad
was about to happen.

You know, like locusts
or something.


I hope something awful
didn't happen to him.

To Bailey? He's out
with Kate somewhere.


Can I be honest
with you?

I mean, totally,
completely, 100 percent honest?

I'm not a big one
for poetry readings.

It's not a poetry reading.
It's more like performance art.

Is there nudity in it?
Because if there isn't...

What's this?

Uh, isn't that yours?

"Nearly nude."


You sure?
I think it's yours.

Trust me on this one.

If it's not hypo-allergenic,
I puff up like a blow fish.

So, what woman was
reapplying her lipstick

in the cab of your truck,
Charlie, huh?

Would you look at the way
this clown is driving?

Not one of your
old girlfriends?

Not... Rebecca?

You know,
maybe it was Rebecca's.

I was kidding.

What was she doing
in your truck?

Oh, that time we had dinner.
I gave her a lift home.

Really? Where was her husband?

I mean, I gave
both of them a lift home.

He left his, like,
his map light on,

and his battery drained down,
so I gave them both a lift home.
Both of them.

Three people in the cab
of this truck, huh?

Should I take Grant
or Columbus?

Don't you always
carry jumper cables in the back?

Why are you making
such a big deal of this?

Don't you always carry
jumper cables, Charlie?


You slept with her.

What are you talking about?

You did, didn't you?

You find lipstick in the car,
and that automatically means
that I... You actually--


Well, I don't know
what to say to that.

I swear, I did not
sleep with her.

You know what?
It wasn't the battery.

It was some kind of
ignition thing.

So I forgot the specifics.

God, that was...
That was two weeks ago.

That doesn't mean I--

-Stop the car.

I said, stop the car!

Are you crazy?
Come back here.

Kirsten! Where are you going?

Kirsten, get back
in the car. Jeez...

-[car horns honking]
-[man] Hey, come on,
buddy, move it!

[pop music playing]

-Whatever's on tap.

-Hey, you got a phone?
-Over there.

You're crazy!

Come on.
It'd be great.

I mean, when Martin
screws up the lyrics,

you'll be right there
singing backup.

Forget it. I'm not
getting up on that stage.

Listen, are you there?
Would you pick up, please?

Come on, Kirsten.
At least talk to me.

Look, I just think...

Just call me at home, okay?

You sure?

No way!

Can you stand in front
with big, like, cue cards
or something to help him?

No. Just go away.


Charlie, what are you
doing here?

You're asking me that?

Look, I'm just here
with friends, okay? Julia, screwdriver, right?



A screwdriver?
You're drinking?

Charlie, just don't
embarrass me, okay?

Come on. We're going home.


Let go of me!

Are you okay, Julia?

-She's fine!
-Hey, what's going on here?

None of your business.

The hell it ain't, pal.

Come on, let's take a walk.

Julia, come on.
Let's go.

[Charlie] Julia! Come on!

[man on TV]
...to have a husband.

If she'll fool her husband,
I figure she'll fool me.

Now, New York
is not as big a city
as it pretends to be,

so I spent the next day...

[TV powers down]


I'm tired, okay?
I'm going to bed.

I want to talk to you.

So, um, how'd you get home?

I got a ride.

From who, someone
who was drinking?


Look, Charlie, I don't want
to fight with you, okay,
and I don't need a lecture.

That's not what I'm doing.

Look, I'm trying
not to get angry.

I'm just a little freaked.

Everyone there
knew you, Jule. Everyone.

-They knew what you drank.

You don't have to overreact.
It's not like I'm living there.

You know what I mean.
You're underaged.

What did you do?
Get a fake ID or something?

Yeah, at that passport place
on Market Street,
where you got yours.

You could get in trouble, Jule.

Going to clubs, running around
with a fake ID,

you could get us in trouble.

Yeah? Who's going
to find out?

I don't know. Mr. Graham.

Mr. Graham? Come on.

Something tells me
most estate executors
aren't too into the club scene.

He could find out.

Just like he could find out
you blew that money.

That 12,000 bucks.

He'd be upset about that too,
wouldn't he, Charlie?


It's Claudia.

I need my hairbrush.

Okay. Just make it fast.

You've been in here for hours.
What are you doing?

What does it
look like I'm doing?

Well, you're certainly not
staring at the sun
without protective glasses.


I don't know.

Maybe it's just
a cosmic phase I'm in,

but the way your head's
blocking the sun,

it kind of makes
your hair look like
the color of burned umbra.

Claud, are you in some kind
of play or something?

Bailey, you--

Oh, can you
do me a favor?

When Kate calls,
tell her we're meeting
at the Clement at 3:00.

Think you can
remember that?

The Clement.
At 3:00?


Got it.

You always eat breakfast.

Don't you want
anything at all?

I wasn't sure
you'd show up.

I have a job to do.
Busy still the same.

Listen, can we talk?

I really don't want
to hear any more
of your stories, Charlie.

Look. No more stories.

I did sleep with her,

with Rebecca, in my truck
that night, one night.

You were right, okay?


That's not what I meant.

Just go away. God!

What I meant to say
is that I am really,
really sorry, and--

What's the matter,

Would you leave him be
for a minute?


Look, I've been trying
to figure out why I did such
an incredibly stupid thing.

Maybe it's because things
were starting to, you know,

kind of get intense with us.

I got scared, maybe,
you know?

See, I do that
to myself.

I sabotage things,
good things.

So, in, in a weird way,
if I cheated on you,

it wasn't because things
were bad between us,

because they were
so great!

This is an apology?

I... I can't
take back my mistake.

It's over with Rebecca,
and actually it wasn't
really anything at all.

It was just one time,

and since then,
I've wanted to be with you.

I mean, I've only
wanted to be with you.

I mean, I even asked you
to stay the night.

That is a big step for me.

-That's got to mean something.

I think it means you haven't
found any women to screw around
with in the past two weeks.


Would you just wait a minute?

This isn't about us, Charlie,

or about Rebecca.

It's about you
and what kind of guy you are.

Right! That's what I'm saying!
My mistake.

But don't I get a chance
to change?

You really do think
like a kid.

You make a mistake,
you say I'm sorry,

and then it's a clean slate
every time, right?

What is it, then? One strike,
and I'm out with you?

I guess so.


Because that's what happens
when you cheat on me,
and when you lie to me,

while you make me
fall in love with you.

I really wish
you hadn't done that.

[violin music playing]


What did you think you were
doing sending Kate
to the wrong theater?

Gee, did I do that?

Cut the crap, Claud.
You did it on purpose.

Maybe. Or maybe
I just forgot.

You of all people should know
how easy it is to forget things.

What is that
supposed to mean?

If you thought about something

other than what's-her-name
for 30 seconds,

maybe you'd
figure it out!

Kate. Her name is Kate,

and she waited outside
the movie theater
for an hour and a half!

So? I waited.
So can she!

What are you talking about?
Waited for what?

For you, you moron!

Yesterday. The eclipse.

And if you're thinking
of making it up to me,
forget it. You can't.

This kind of eclipse
won't happen again till 2020.

I'll be 37!

I'm sorry, Claud, but you
could have reminded me.

I shouldn't have to.

You should remember about it
by yourself.

You used to remember everything
before what's-her-name.


Kate, Kate, Kate!
Kate, Kate, Kate!

You know, Kate's
a really stupid name.

Yeah, well, get used to it!

Okay, look.

This obviously isn't
about me missing the eclipse.

This is about the fact
that I have a girlfriend.

So you have a girlfriend.

Big whoop.

Yeah, and I'm going to spend
as much time with her as I can,
Claud, whether you like it
or not.

-Oh, yeah?

So why don't you stop
acting like such a little baby?

Hey, guys, we've got to talk.
Where's Julia?

I have no idea.

[Charlie] Julia!

-What's going on now?

We'll take care
of it.

If this is another lecture...

Make it fast, Charlie.

Yeah, you'd better
hurry up, Charlie,

before Bailey has to go
out on another date.


Things aren't working out
for Kirsten.

Personal stuff, and, uh...
she's going to be leaving us.

-What are you talking about?
-She can't!

What kind of
personal stuff?

It's personal.

Well, does she
want a raise?

Are her hours too long?

What did you do
this time, Charlie?

Hey, why do you automatically
assume it was something I did?

Right. Sorry.

Could it possibly have been
something that you did, Charlie?

We're just having...

relationship problems.

You cheated on her.

God, I knew you would do that!

Just go for the girl
and the hell with everyone else,
right, Charlie?

You should talk!

Oh, give me a break, Claudia.

Look, we'll fix this!

Kirsten's not leaving
immediately. We just need
to start looking.

What? You're not going to help?

I dare you to give me
one more lecture
on personal responsibility ever.

Let's just...

Talk about what
we're going to do.

You know what, Charlie?
She's right.

I found Kirsten,
and you screwed it up,

so why don't you take care
of things for a change?

I'm getting a life.

Where are you going? Give it a rest, Claud.

We're supposed to have
dinner together

as a whole family.

Yeah? Well, I'm a little sick
of the whole family right now.

I'm sorry.

I'll fix this.

I know Kirsten was great.

I'm sorry.

I think...

I think I'm going
to go call Ross.

Maybe he's free.

I can take you to dinner.

I don't know
why you do this stuff,

but I wish you'd just stop.

[Owen crying]

It's okay, it's okay.

It's okay, it's okay.

Poor sweetie.
You're burning up.

We're going to give you
a nice warm bath.

Would that make you
feel better?

That'll make you feel
so much better.

[whispers] Oh, God.

Okay. Okay.

Come on.

Yeah. Come on.




Yeah. I just took his temp,
and it's 105.

No, he hasn't been eating.

Yes, extremely irritable.
And now he's...
Uh-huh, very lethargic.

Does that sound bad?



All right. I'll meet you
at the hospital. Thank you.

[woman on PA]
Dr. Walden to Oncology.

Dr. Walden to Oncology, please.


You got my note.

Yeah, of course.
Where's Owen?

-They're examining him.
-What happened?

I don't know.
He was hot and-- They just took him
in five minutes ago.

Okay. Okay.

Are you okay?

Thanks for doing this.

What? Of course.

[nurse] Salinger.

[woman on PA]
Dr. Bergen. ICU. Stat.

Are you the father?

Yes. I mean, no.
I'm his guardian.

Okay. I need you to fill out
all these admission forms

along with a brief
medical history.

Has Owen had
all his immunizations?

Yes. He's up to date.

Any known allergies?

No drug reactions
that I know of,

but he does have
some food allergies.

Okay. Could you fill out
these forms, for me, please?

Maybe you should
call the others.

[phone rings]

Hello? Hey.

Just out driving.

I needed to get away
from everyone for a while.

No, it's not okay.

She can be a miserable
little creep sometimes.

Forget it?

We are not all
doing anything together.

She's got friends.
Let her bug them for a change.

I get to go out with you alone.
It's not a family thing.

Hang on a second.
I got another call.
I'll be right back.


Remember, you can
have anything you want.

We're comp'd.

Well, what's good?




Okay. Everything
except the manicotti.

Hey, Claudia.
Where's the rest of the g*ng?

Oh, it's just us two.
You can clear the other places.


You know,

it's really nice not having
a big, loud crowded
dinner for once.

When you think about it,
a family dinner every week?

[scoffs] It's pretty lame.

Well, you always
said you loved it.

I was just humoring
the others.

Oh. Okay.

I mean, it's
a big deal to them.

Forget about them tonight.

Tonight we'll just talk
about whatever you want.


It would be a nice change.

Everyone is so messed up
right now. -Are they?
-In a big way.

And I finally
figured out why.


Excuse me?

Think about it.

Why can't Bailey
stay away from Kate?


Why is Kirsten
mad at Charlie? Sex.

Why is Julia
acting so weird?


Well, not yet.

But give her time.

Don't ever have sex, Ross.

It really messes people up.

Thanks for the tip.

Claudia? Charlie's
on the phone.

He says he needs
to talk to you.


Tell him I'm busy.

He said it was
an emergency.

It's about Owen.

Hey. What's going on?
How is he?

Don't know yet. Doctor
came out a little while ago

and she said that
he still had a fever. They think
it might be meningitis.

-But they're not sure?
-They're running some tests,

blood, urine, something called
a gram stain.

Meningitis. What is that?
Is that dangerous?

She said it could be.
Said something about
deafness, seizures.

What are the chances
of that?

I'm not sure.

Charlie, didn't you
ask anybody anything?

Next time, be here
when the doctor's here, okay?

[nurse] Mr. Salinger.

Right here. Yeah?

How is he?

This is my brother. There's no change.

In order
to rule out meningitis,

we'd like your permission
to admit him to the hospital

and do a lumbar puncture,
a spinal tap.

Is that dangerous?

Well, generally, no.
There's a remote chance
of some bleeding or an infection

or, in the rarest cases,
neurological impairment.

Maybe we should get
a second opinion.

Our regular doctor's
out of town.

Look, if it were my child,
I'd do it.


Do it.

Do the test.

Good. And we'll know
by morning. Okay.

Where's Claudia?

Uh, Ross is bringing her.

What about Julia?

I don't have a clue
where she is.

Is she working at
that burger place tonight?

I'll find her.

Uh, she's kind of busy
right now.

He says it's important.

Look, I know what you think
and you know what I think,

so why don't you leave me
the hell alone?

[sirens wailing]

So we should probably
go to Admissions first.
They'll tell us where he is.

I'll probably stay here.


In the car.

You go in without me.

I'm not going
to leave you here.


Oh, Claudia.

Is this where they brought
your parents when they...

I can't go in there.

Let go of me!
Charlie, stop it!

-It's Owen!
-What happened?

He's in the hospital.
Come on, get in!

-Was there an accident?

What happened, Charlie?
Is he sick?

Did he swallow something?
He's always putting things
in his mouth.

Come on, Charlie, talk to me!

They think
he might have meningitis.

Oh, my God.
Is he going to be okay?

How the hell
should I know?

If I was at the hospital
instead of looking for you...

-Damn it! Now we're stuck!

What are you doing down here
in the first place?

I called you!
I said it was important!

I didn't know. I thought you
were calling me to yell at me.

You'd just better hope
there aren't any problems
at the hospital

I should be dealing with
right now.

What's going on, Claud?

How is he?

We don't know yet.
We're waiting to hear.

Come inside.

I'm just going to sit out here.

All night?

Come on.
It's getting cold.

-I don't mind.
-You don't mind?

Look, I got to get back inside,
so I can't--

Fine. So don't.

I'd rather be alone anyway.

I'm sorry about this.

Oh, don't worry
about it. Um...

It's hard for her.

Look, uh, could you
just take her home?

Do you mind?

-Of course, yeah.

Could you stay with her
till one of us gets home?

Yeah, sure. No problem.

Okay. Thanks.

Any good tips?



I wasn't really...


I was just thinking,
he was born here.

A couple years ago,
I was sharing this place
in Potrero with some guys.

Mom came to see me.

I'd just dropped out of school,
so I figured she came by
to give me a hard time.

She didn't.

She said,

"You'll never guess, Charlie,
not in a million years."

She was pregnant.

On purpose?

Are you kidding?

She was 44.

And at first I thought,

jeez, after all these years,
they're still, you know,

getting it on.

It's kind of nice to know that
about your folks, isn't it?

Then I thought,

why did they want to go
through it all again?

I mean, the diapers and teething
and sleepless nights.

But she did.

They did.

She was wearing this

green dress that day.

Standing in that crummy hallway.

She just looked so happy.


I didn't know he had a fever.

I mean, I wouldn't have left
if I'd known something
was wrong.

I know that, Jule.

Hospitals, huh?

The worst.

You think it's always
gonna be like this for us?

I don't know.

Maybe these are
the good old days.

Yeah, it just doesn't get
much better than this, does it?

It's all downhill from here.

I was thinking
maybe I should go.


I mean, uh, sure.

I guess if...
If you want to.

I'm just not sure it's right
for me to be here, you know?

It's not like I'm a member
of the family or anything, so...

It helps having you here.

I mean it.
I want you to stay.

You know...
Don't go, please.


[monitor beeping]

Scary seeing him
with that thing in his arm.

I didn't deserve
those things you said to me.

Just because I was at some club
when Owen got sick.

If I'd known, you honestly
think I'd have been there?

I don't know, Julia.

It's hard to know what
you care about these days.

Why? Because I went to a club?

Because I told you not to,
and you went anyway.

Like you never had a drop
to drink before you were 18.

Like you never disobeyed
Mom and Dad.

This is different.

How is it different?

You know.

No, I don't. Tell me.

It's different
because they're dead, Julia.

You think I want
to be in this position?

You think I don't know
I sound like a damn hypocrite
telling you what to do?

What choice do I have?
Someone's gotta.


You could make things
so much easier on me,
but you won't.

Instead, you've got to fight me
every step of the way.

I just don't get you.

I don't know
what matters to you anymore.

How can you say that?

I'm the same person
I always was.

I still care about
the same things.

-Do you?


[violin music playing]

Knock, knock.

What are you
doing here?

Owen's asleep.
Tests aren't back yet.

And I wanted to see
how you're doing.

Is this Owen or me?

I think that's you.
He had more hair.

-Do you believe in omens?

What do you mean?

Signs that bad things
are going to happen.

No. I don't.

I think people need
to look for reasons

that bad things happen,

but sometimes
there just aren't any.


I know why you're here.

You think I should
go to the hospital.

No, it's not--

But I'm not going to.

I can't.

Yeah. I know.

I know what you're remembering,
Claud. We all are.

But you think it's bad
that I'm not going, don't you?


I mean, Owen is sick,
and I--

Claudia, I think it's okay.


You don't have to go.

You mean that?

It's okay.
Don't feel bad.

Everyone understands,
and Owen knows
that you love him.

You probably have
to get back, huh?

No, I got a few minutes.

You can go.
Don't worry about me.

Come on. I do.

I worry about you.


I know that I haven't been
too great about it
the last few weeks.

It's okay.

I just bug you, right?

I mean, I'm kind of
just a big pain.

No. You're not. I just...

I'm just... I'm...
I'm trying to figure out
how to work things, Claud.

I mean, Kate's
the first girlfriend
I've ever had,

first real girlfriend.

But I'm not forgetting
about you.

I'm not. I promise.

Whenever you need me,
you come first.


You're my sister.

-It's pretty, the lights.

I heard about
what happened, Kirsten.

What Charlie did.

That's between
the two of us, Julia.

I know.

I know it's none of my business.

I just wanted to ask if, uh...

Well, if there's any way
that you could
maybe forgive him?

You see, some people,
they know the right things
to do,

and others,
they have to figure it out
by doing the wrong things first.

That's Charlie.

[melancholic music playing]

Don't hate him for it.

Last year,
he was on his own,

living his own life,

and now he's got
the four of us,

and it hasn't been easy.

He's trying.

I know he is.


But it still hurts.

I swear to God, I wish I knew
how to get past this,

but I don't.

I can't.

You're going to leave?

Excuse me.

Um, are those...

-Is that from the lab?

I'm waiting for test results
for Owen Salinger.

Can you tell me,
are they in there?

I'm sorry. I'm not permitted
to give out test results.

Only a doctor can do that.

You mean they're here,
but you just can't
give them out to me.

I'm afraid it's policy.


Look, the doctor
will be in in a few hours,

and as soon as
she gets settled--

Look, you don't understand.

A few hours isn't
good enough, okay?

I'm his brother.
I'm responsible for him,

and if he's in real trouble

or if whatever he has
could have been prevented,

I... I just...

I need to know, okay,
because it's up to me.

I mean, his being okay
is up to me.

And I know your job...
You have your job to do.

I know that's real important.

I understand that,
but I just don't think
it's more important

than me knowing
if my brother's okay.

You know how to read
a test result, right?

I mean, you know
what that means.


Yeah. Owen.

The culture
came back negative.

Which means...

Which means he'll be fine.

Doctor said we did
the right thing bringing him in.

Keep getting
the machine.

Really? That's weird.


Pick up
if you're there, Claud.


Owen's okay.

They want to keep him here
for 48 hours,

but he's going to be fine.

He is?



Gosh, that's...

That's just--

You know, Claud,
you didn't have to.

I know.

Well, you guys are
just in time for breakfast.

Did you call Kate?

You should.

She's probably worried.

Okay, we've got tuna,
we got turkey,
we've got egg salad,

we've got...
Anyone's guess.

Hey, you guys.

Anyone for coffee? Ross?

[Ross] Sure, if you're
getting some.

Well, it sure
ain't Salinger's.

It'll do. Dibs on the tuna.

What is that?

A tofu burger.
Kate's very big on tofu.

God knows why.


I won't leave you
in the lurch, Charlie.

I'll stay until
you find someone else.

I mean, for Owen.

I'm sorry.

God, I am.
I'm so sorry.

I wish I could
take it all back.


I can't.
I know I can't.

The thing is,

I really do care
about you, Kirsten.

I know you might
not believe that--

No, I do.

So we're going to have
to work out a schedule
for the next few days

until the doctor says
we can take him home.

I'll take days if it means
I get out of English.

I'll come by after school.

Well, I can come back
and give you a dinner break.

Actually, I'd kind of like
to be here in the evenings.

Well, there's no reason
we can't overlap.

Claudia, I can bring you
by first thing in the morning.

Is that okay?


[playing "Rock-a-bye Baby"]

[Owen cooing]
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