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01x17 - Assassins

Posted: 03/02/22 11:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on "felicity"...

I met him at the art studio.

You still love hannah? I mean, is
that what you're trying to figure out?

You don't just stop
feeling things for someone

Because you start feeling
them for someone else!


You could just stay here.
We don't have to do anything.

I know. I know, but I
sh-shouldn't be here.

Do you want to stop?

Felicity: dear sally,

When I woke up,

I wasn't sure if it
had really happened

Or if it had been a dream...

An incredibly realistic dream.

There were pastel drawings

And abstract paintings.

It smelled like turpentine.

He kissed my neck.

I kissed him back.

[Knock on door]

Noel: felicity?

Felicity, are you there?

Hang on!


I'm so glad you're
here. Can I come in?

I came by last night,
but you weren't around,

Which is okay, because
you're here now.

So, uh, felicity, I am so
sorry for everything.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I mean, there aren't words
big enough to explain it.

What I did was the worst thing
that I could have done to you.

Okay? I don't know
what I was thinking,

But it's over.

The whole hannah thing... It
was... It was a huge mistake.

I... Can't talk about
this right now.

Well, just... Just hear
me out for one second,

'Cause I've been thinking
about this all night,

Wanting to tell you

That the whole time
I was with hannah,

All I could do was...
Was think of you.

And i-i needed you to know
that nothing really happened.

I mean, we didn't
sleep together.

Um... I have to
go to the library.

Well, I'll... I'll
walk with you.

No, really, you don't have to.

Look, I know...

[Door opens] I know that you're
probably hurt and really mad, okay?

And I don't blame you

B-because I know that
it's... It's all my fault,

But can't we just talk
about this, just for a minute?

I really have to go.

♪ Ooh de la ♪

♪ Ooh de oh oh ♪

♪ Ooh le lo ha ♪

♪ Oh de lo ha ♪

♪ Lo la lo ho ♪

♪ Hey ha ♪

♪ Hey-ey ♪

♪ Oh hey hi da da ♪

[Slow acoustic-guitar
music plays]

Hey. So, what happened with
noel and hannah last night?

Did you talk to him?

Um, yeah, yeah, this
morning. What did he say?


He, um, apologized.


What happened when he
went over to her apartment?

Uh, i-i guess he told her
that it was over between them.

You guess?

No, he did. I mean, he told her.

He didn't... Sleep with her.

So, it's definitely
over between them?


Well, that's great, isn't it?


What's wrong?

It's more complicated than that.

It's kind of hard to
explain right now. Um...

Hi, ladies.

Hey. Hey.

Don't even ask. I am not
selling fruit for you.

Do you see any fruit?

I'm here doing a little, uh, reading
for a, uh, project I have in the works...

Sean, do you mind? Because we're
kind of in the middle of something.

Oh. Sorry.

I'll see you later. Okay.

You know, I should go,
too. I've got chemistry.


[Siren wailing in distance]

[Slow acoustic music plays]

[Knock on door]


All right, all right,
here's your stuff.

What? Oh.

Oh, no. No, no. Not this, not now.
♪ We are all like astronauts ♪

I can't deal with this right
now. You're kidding, right?

♪ Take my empty body ♪
look, this was your idea.

♪ And discover me, infinity ♪ I agreed to get
the supplies and handle my floor, but that's it.

♪ Forgive the endless longing ♪
your floor is your problem.

♪ So it's crazy you and crazy me ♪
okay, darryl, darryl, I'm begging you.

♪ I am, I am ♪
cover for me... Please?

Never gonna happen.
♪ I am, I am, I am ♪

♪ Infinity ♪

Guys, guys, please,
the quicker we do this,

The quicker we can
all get out of here.

Uh, as probably most
of you are aware,

There have been
some security issues.

Apparently you guys don't
know each other very well,

And you've been letting
complete strangers into the dorm.

So, in order to
rectify the situation,

Some genius came up with the
idea of playing the game "assassins."

It's a nice, friendly way

That we can all get to know
each other a little better.

I've played that at boarding
school. I love that game.

Okay, you are all
now officially hit men.

Um... Hey!

How about "hit person"?

Fine... Hit person.

Each of you hit people...
Will receive a g*n.

Uh, yes, lewis?

I'm a pacifist,

And I'd like the, uh,
conscientious-objector status.

Conscientious wuss!

Man: loser!

With your g*n, you'll receive a set
of hopefully harmless suction darts

As well as an envelope containing
the name of another dorm resident,

I.e. Your target.

Uh, once you hit your target,
you collect their envelope,

Thereby getting
your next target.

If you're hit, you're out.

The game continues until
there's one person left,

The winner... Ta-da.

So, play if you
want. I don't care.

Game starts in half an
hour, and here are your g*ns.

[Indistinct conversations]

I have to win this game.

I came in second
the last time I played.

A 10th-grader took me
out in the last round.

The image of her face haunts me.

Can i, uh... Can I talk to you?



Look, i, uh...

I don't expect you to
forgive me right away,

But I wanted to say, um,

If there's anything you
need me to do, I'll do it.

And this should in no
way be seen as a bribe,

But remember that... That
mix tape I was making for you?

I, uh... I finally finished it.



My g*n's broken.


[Indistinct conversations]

Just... You just gotta
pull the plastic thing

Out of the barrel.

I can't believe he has the
nerve to even talk to you

After all that hannah stuff.

[Laughs] ooh, yeah!

You're gonna get it!
You're gonna get it!



"Tombs of egypt." "Incas,
aztecs, and mayans"?

Do you mind? I'm reading.


Sean, I'm very sorry I was
rude to you in the library,

But felicity and I were in the
middle of some very heavy girl talk.

Yeah, whatever.

So, what were you doing in the
library if you weren't selling fruit?

Oh, let me guess.

Uh, new travel business.


Come on, sean. Tell
me your new project.

All right. Well,
since you asked...

It's a... A woman.

The most breathtakingly
beautiful creature I've ever seen

Works in your library.


That's sort of the problem.

See, I've got this prospectus/approach
plan that I'm working on,

But to implement
it, I need her name.

She won't tell you her name?

I can't just ask her name.

I want my first
impression to be powerful,

Not just, "pardon
me. What's your name?"

Come on.

You want to ask for me? Me?

Yeah. [Sighs] 'cause I
don't know who that is.

Yeah, I know, but I
don't know if I can go.

Hey, you guys ever heard
of this band "love pie"?

Hello. Hello.
They're great, man.

And they're playing at cb's
gallery tonight... 1:00 A.m. Show.

1:00 A.m.? We got a
5:00 a.m. Swim practice.

Are you in, or are
you a killjoy? Killjoy.

What about you? Am I cute
enough to date? No can do.

They run that "how to perfect
your sales pitch" seminar at 1:00 a.m.

Channel 83... I never miss it.

Are you coming?

[Sighs] you don't
mind if I go, right?

What about practice?

I think I'll be all right.

Yeah, I'll come.

So, you will ask her, right?


[Slow acoustic music plays]

God, I love this song.

[Music stops]

Don't you dare let some mix
tape make you go soft on noel.

Maybe what he did
wasn't so horrible.

Are you kidding?

Hanging out with hannah,
telling you that he's confused?

That's bad stuff, felicity,

And don't you let him
get away with it so easy.

He just keeps
apologizing. I feel awful.

You feel awful?

He's the one that was hanging
out with someone else, not you.

Forget about noel for now.

Richard's your
target. Go sh**t him.

It'll be fun... Get your
mind off of everything.

[Knock on door]

Don't get it. The game
started five minutes ago.

That could be your hit person.

Man: delivery for
"facility" porter.

It's not right.

I know. That's the fakest-sounding
delivery person I've ever heard.

Why don't you just
leave whatever it is

By the door, okay?!

Whatever. Thanks.

You guys deaf?

Delivery guy just left
some hideous flowers

Outside your door.

That's it. I can't
live like this.

I gotta go talk to him.

So... Who's your target?

Some, uh... Elena tyler.

Who the hell is that?

I have no idea. Bye.

[Scales playing on
piano in distance]


Hi. Can we talk?

Oh, you have no idea how
happy I am to hear you say that.

Look, i, uh... I know
what I did was horrible,

And I'm open to all
punishment. I mean, I deserve it.

But the fact that you're here

Means that we can talk
about this and work this out,

And that's all that I want.

Okay, can you please stop? Um...

There's something
that I need to tell you.

Okay. Anything you have to
say, you know I'm here for you.

Whatever it is,
it's gonna be fine.

No, it's not, and can you
just stop saying that?

I mean, I can't take all the apologizing
and the tapes and the flowers.

That's fair. Um...

Wait. What flowers?

I just got them.

I didn't send you any flowers.

Who's eli?


Well, that's what i... Came
to talk to you about. Um...

Last night, um...

I was... With someone.

And i...

I slept with him.

Woman: and in his
famous argument of 1816,

Aniel wehe foote resolution

Proposed by samuel foote of
the distinguished foote family.

My question is,
"why?" Noel crane.

Mr. Crane?

Are you with us?

Oh. Yes. Sorry.


I was asking why daniel webster
supported the foote resolution.


I just, uh...

I need to leave. I'm sorry.

I can't... I just can't hear
anything you're saying.

I'm in... I'm sorry.

I'm in the middle of complete
emotional turmoil, so...

[Students murmur]

[Indistinct conversations]


Oh, hi.

Uh, thanks for the
flowers. I got those.

You're welcome.


I just wanted to say, uh...



That... That last night

Probably shouldn't
have happened at all.


There's a guy in my life,

And, um...


I get it.


You're going
through a rough spot

In your relationship,

And I was like a break.

No. I mean, it wa...
It wasn't like that.

You just wanted to feel better.

People do things
like that all the time.

I'm not like...

It's cool.

But if it doesn't work out between
you and him, then let me know.

Um... Okay.

[Footsteps depart]

Felicity: he said, "people
do it all the time."

I never thought I was
one of those people.

Just now I was so relieved
to get out of there,

Like I was leaving behind
everything that had happened.

But then I got to my room,

And I realized I
can't leave it behind.

I mean, I'll never be able to.

My first time was with
someone I didn't know,

And... I'll never be
able to change that.

What I did...

It's forever.

Are you sure that your librarian is
working today? It's been over an hour.

She'll be here.
Just cool your jets.



Ow! Library is out of bounds!

Shh! Shh! Shh!


What the hell was that? Nothing.

There she is. Where?


Look at her...

How gorgeous she is.


See, I can't talk to
a girl that gorgeous.



I'm just gonna
give her the letter.

You wrote her a letter? Yeah.


"Dear librarian, let
me begin this letter

"By introducing myself.

"My name is sean
blumberg. Sean blumberg.

You may remember me as the successful
and attractive young entrepreneur."

Okay, you cannot
give her this letter.

What are you talking about?

Here she comes. Start talking.

[Footsteps approach]


I don't have a chance, do i?

You totally have a chance.
I'm gonna go get her name.

No, no, wait, wait. Hold on.

I think maybe we need
to, you know, regroup.

I don't know if the plan
was thought out well enough.

The plan is fine. It's
better than the letter.

Trust me.

Excuse me.

Um, your name doesn't
happen to be olivia?

No. I'm chloe.

Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Never mind.

Her name is chloe.


Ask her out. Ask
her out. Ask her out.

No, no, no.

Now I have to implement
stage two. Stage two?

Stage two?

Yeah. Thank you so much.

Chloe. I'll see you later.

[Door creaks]


Hey. Be careful. There
are assassins everywhere.

I don't see anything.

[Door opens]

[Dart g*n fires]

You cannot ambush your
target! That is not fair!

Your ass is mine.

Who's the note for?

Um, it's... It's for noel.

Elena, this is ridiculous!

I can't miss a class because
of this stupid game, okay?

My heart is breaking, guy.

If it was me, I'd
let noel suffer.

Actually, i-i think
he is suffering.

I'll... I'll tell you
about it later.

Elena... Are you still there?


[Country music playing]

[French accent]
excuse me. Garçon?

[Laughing] hey. What's up, man?

[Normal voice]
nice outfit. Yeah.

Um, can I have a nonfat,
no-whip, no-café café latte,

Hold the "te," please?

You know what?
We're all out of those.

I'm sorry. What's up?

Well, since I'm elected
your entertainment director,

I have passes to
the knitting factory.

Tonight? You want to
go out again tonight?

I barely made it to
practice this morning, man.

Come on, man. You look
fine. How good was that band?

They were good.
They were really good.

I'm just... Man, I'm so tired,
I can barely stand up.

"Barely" is all you need, all
right? You'll get a second wind.

This... This tip
jar is pathetic.

I know, I know.

You deserve better
than this. You do.

You're coming out tonight.

All right, all right.

Okay. Now get back
to work, slacker.

What's the deal here? Right.

Jeepers. See ya.

[Indistinct conversations]

So, I have a question about
the rules of this game.

Uh, how about we
go over this later?

The name in the envelope... Is that
the person I'm supposed to sh**t?

Yeah, that's right.

So, if you had my name,
you could sh**t me.

That's right. Now
will you leave?

Ironic, isn't it, how the hunter
so quickly becomes the hunted?

That made no sense.

I'm about to sh**t you.


Please, pull the trigger
and put me out of misery.

Come on. You're taking
all the fun out of it.

What's wrong with you, man?

Nothing. I need to be
shot and left alone.

Whatever it is, you can tell me.

I'm here for you.

You're not here for me.

No, I am.

Well, I don't want
to talk about this.

Is it something
with... Felicity?

Oh, yeah. You got the look.

There's another
guy in the picture.

Oh, man.

I've been there...

With this girl I dated
at summer camp.

I just... I-i don't know
what happened, you know?

You know what happened
to me at summer camp?

I decided I needed
to look into it,

Find out all about
this other guy.

Big mistake.

Believe me, didn't
make me feel better

When I found out
he was a minnow.

He wasn't even allowed out
of the shallow end of the pool.

Do you hear what
I'm telling you, man?

I lost my girlfriend to a
guy that wore floaties.

So you went to go
find out about this guy?

Yeah, of course. Who wouldn't?

It's human nature...

And also a really bad idea.

[Door opens]


How did you meet him?

I really... I don't know
if this is gonna help.

Was it... Was it in
class? Here in the dorm?

Noel, I'm... I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry about everything.


I met him at the art studio.

So, he's... He's an artist.

Well, that's romantic.

Noel, I don't want to do this.

Were you... Were you drunk?

You know, just tell
me that you were drunk.

I just don't want to talk about it. Don't
you understand this involves me, too?

I mean, I don't even know if you
were safe. Of course we were safe.

You know, this
isn't just one-sided.

You were with hannah.

Oh, I didn't have sex
with hannah, though.

I know that.

You know, two months ago
you said you wouldn't have sex

Because you wanted it to mean something,
because... 'Cause you weren't ready.

Wait a minute. You were the one who
was confused about his ex-girlfriend.

Oh, it is not my fault that
you slept with someone else!

No, but you wanted
the facts, and the fact is

When you left to go to hannah's,

I thought you were
breaking up with me.

I mean, I could barely breathe.

So, what was it, revenge? No!

Then what the hell
was it?! [Glass shatters]


I don't know, okay? I just...

I don't know what else you
want me to say to you, noel.

I-i made a mistake. God.

It was a horrible,
horrible mistake.

If... I would do anything

To take back those last
two days. I'm so sorry.

Well, you can't.

It's done.

[Footsteps depart]

[Door opens, closes]



Oh! No, I don't think so!

I'm serious, elena.

I really gotta go
to the bathroom.

It's getting tired, guy.

Okay, fine. If my bladder bursts

And I have to go
to the hospital,

I'm sending you the bill, okay?

Fine. I'll give you, like, a 5-minute
break to go to the bathroom.


Yeah. Go.





Noel, she cheats.

So does everyone.

Heh heh!

Damn it!

I'm so sorry I didn't
tell you earlier.

I just... It was like I couldn't
even get the words out, you know?

It's okay. I-i understand.

You know I've... I've kind
of been there before.

It's just... It's a really
horrible feeling,

Sleeping with someone
and wishing that you hadn't.

It kind of makes you
feel like you were used

Or like... Like he didn't care.

But it wasn't even like that.

I mean...

He was actually...

He was actually sweet and...

And kind.



No, I mean, he wasn't
the horrible part.

The horrible part was
just that it happened at all.


I mean, last week
noel and I were like...

We were making out
instead of studying

And taking naps together,

And, I mean, I was gonna go with him
to boston for spring break, you know,

And now it's...

It's okay.

I just... I don't even
know what I was thinking.

Well, you're... You're
always thinking.

And I guess just
this time you weren't,

But, you know,
sometimes that happens.

I just wish I wouldn't
have gone to the studio.

Why didn't I just
stay in my room?


I heard about what
you did to noel.

What? Your dirty little deed.

Richard, get out of
here! What are you doing?


You hit me in the eye.


Who'd you get?

I'll give you one
guess. [Chuckles]

[Slow acoustic-guitar
music plays]

Hi. Uh, can you
tell me where eli is?

Yeah. He's, uh, in the corner.


Can I help you?

I'm just looking.


Is this all yours?


Who's this?

Just some girl.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

[Door opens, closes]

Hey! Hi.

Good old stage two.

I got stage two right here.

Look, I did the favor.
I got you her name.

Now I'm out, okay?

You bought her a
day planner. Yeah.

What do you think?

I don't understand. You
bought her a day planner?

Yeah. Well, I've got to bring
something to the table, right?

I mean, why else would
she accept my offer?

What offer? A date? Yeah.

Why would you
need a day planner?

It's called "buyer incentive."

It's like the free watch you
get from a magazine subscription.

Okay, you are insane.
Lose the day planner.

Plus you spelled "chloe" wrong.

[Indistinct conversations,
slow acoustic-guitar music plays]


I know you.

Yeah, we've met.

Yeah. You know, ben's
coming over here right away.

That's good... Ben.

Yeah. I actually
forgot about ben,

Uh, but thanks for
reminding me here.

Are you okay?

I'll take another beer.
Yeah. I've been better, though.

So, uh, you're gonna
do one of those

"I seen it in the movies, I want to
drink away my sorrows" things, huh?

Hmm. You gonna give me
a running commentary?

No, but I am gonna cut
you off after that one.

And then it'll be
time to go home,

See your girlfriend.

My girlfriend.





Don't do it!

Just going for my card, max.

Stop the v*olence!

Does one of you have
me as your target?

I'm lewis, and I am for
peace at kelvin hall.

[Siren wailing in distance]

I'm not going down
in the first round.

Which one of you clowns
has me as your target?

No, no, I asked first.

[Dart g*n fires]

I had you.


See ya.


I hate this game.

[Elevator dings]

[Slow fiddle music plays]

[Knock on door]



♪ Maybe that was rude ♪

Is that the tape I made you?

♪ I'm sorry ♪
yeah. Yeah, it is.

Well, what do you think?

It's really good so far.

♪ It's just that I see you ♪

Uh, can i... You know?

♪ And the same things ♪
oh, of course. Yeah.

♪ Happen again ♪

♪ You can say ♪
have you been drinking?

Just a little.

♪ I'm wrong ♪

♪ It wouldn't be the first time ♪
did you get any of my messages?

♪ You can say ♪
you called me?

♪ I'm wrong ♪ I didn't
know where you were, so...

I was nowhere. I
was just... Walking.

♪ I think I want you to come on up ♪ I walked
all the way up to 81st and then back and, uh...

♪ Come on up ♪ ended
up at that bar on... On 10th.

I can tell.

I'm sorry.

♪ Come on up ♪ no, i-i
didn't mean it like that.


I'm sorry about us,

About everything
that's happened.

I know... I know
this is all my fault.

No, it's not. It's
my fault, too.

♪ 'Cause it's a... ♪
I'm so sorry.

♪ And it's a ride ♪
I'm so, so sorry.

♪ And you could crash ♪

♪ You could die ♪

Do you think we
can do this? Do what?

Just forget about it, erase it.

[Music continues] don't you
think we should talk about it...

I mean, at least figure
out why this happened?

Mnh-mnh. Just forget about it.

Wait a second. Let's just talk
about it for a little bit. Mnh-mnh.

Just pretend like
it never happened.

Wait. Noel, let's just talk
about it for... What are you doing?

♪ Good for you ♪
no, I just... Maybe...

Noel, okay, stop it!

♪ You say that you accept life ♪

♪ Accept that life ♪

♪ Just keeps on being itself ♪

♪ Good for you ♪
what am I doing here?

♪ Good for you ♪

[Door closes]

[Indistinct conversations]

Excuse me. Diabetic here.

What are you doing?

Oh, hey.

That's the last jell-o.

I know. It's the only thing I
can eat in this craphouse.

Okay, but I was just
about to take that.

You snooze, you lose.

Hey, that's what you
should have told noel

When he threw a hissy fit about
you banging the art student.

As if what I tell noel
is any of your business.

You know what?

You are nothing but a
selfish, offensive freak show,

And I am sick of
everything about you.

Are you mad at me or something?


I just want my damn jell-o back.

Give her back the jell-o.

Forget it.

Give her the jell-o, nice
and slow, and I won't sh**t.

It only counts if
you have my name.

You're meghan, right?

Aa... Ow.

Fine. Take it.


I thought getting some would
have loosened you up a little,

But, damn, you're
worse than ever.


[Sighs] hey.


Are you, uh, doing
anything next wednesday?

[Inhales deeply] wednesday.

Yeah, I got plans wednesday.



No reason.

You really think I'd
forget your birthday?

Well, I don't know. I haven't
seen much of you lately.

Well, I wouldn't. I have
a whole thing planned.

A thing? Yeah.

What kind of a thing?

Well, I can't tell
you. It's a surprise.

Really? Yeah.

Hey, uh, do you want to come
to the bar with me after class?

You're going out
with lynn again?

Well, I'm not gonna... You know,
I'm not gonna stay out late.

I'm just gonna drop
by and say hello.

Oh, no. I'm just gonna go back
to the dorm after class then.

All right, all right. I'll, uh...
I'll just call you when I get back.


[Exhaling sharply]

Hi. I'm sean...

Shh! Shh.

Blumberg. Sean blumberg.


I was wondering if I could
just run something by you.

Uh, just give me a minute.

Don't you think that
east asian archaeology

Is far more advanced than, say, your
run-of-the-mill egyptian archaeology?

'Cause I just think that
the tombs are so prosaic.

[Keyboard clicking]

Would you go out
with me sometime?


Can you repeat the
title? I'll check it for you.

The w... No, no.

No, i-i just asked you out.

Like on a date?

Yeah, like on a date.

Oh! Uh... Um...
I'd love to, but...

Oh, no, of course. No, I understand. You
have a boyfriend. Oh, no, it's not that.

It's just, um, I have no
idea what my schedule is.

I lost my day planner.

[Sinéad lohan's "did I do
the right thing" plays]

♪ With dark red berries
on the branches ♪

♪ I'm further than you think ♪

♪ Next to
station-platform people ♪

♪ We're all waiting
for a train ♪

♪ Sometimes not
even I can tell you ♪

♪ I'm nearer than you know ♪


♪ Behind your eyes a
burning memory ♪ hey.

Who's your target?

♪ Let the fears of broken
pieces go ♪ I have felicity.


So, I guess you two
have to sh**t each other.

Noel, felicity,

I'm asking you as a friend.

Raise your g*ns. It'll be
therapeutic for you both.



But that means you
two are disqualified.

Should we, uh...


Look, last night...

That's not what I
wanted to happen.

I was a little drunk.

I hate this.

I hate everything about this.

I know. Me too.

[Siren wailing in distance]

I can't stop thinking...

About how I waited for you

To get over your
feelings for ben,

And it was worth it.

It was like a...

God, it was, like, the
easiest thing I've ever done.

But... I tell you
that I'm confused

About my feelings for hannah,

And you can't
even wait one night.

The way you just said that
sounds like you were testing me.

It wasn't a test.

I just never thought...

I never thought
I'd do that, either.

Okay, I know I did
something wrong, too.

I know that.

But when it came time
to make a decision...

I stopped.

And maybe...

Yeah, maybe I should
be able to forgive you.

But I can't.

[Soft guitar music plays]

You just left...

You and hannah.

I don't know if I can
forgive you, either.

Well, I guess...

I guess we are breaking up.

I guess so.

[Instrumental music plays]

[Music ends]